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tv   Prospekt oboroni  NTV  April 17, 2024 1:20am-2:11am MSK

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i hung up the phone myself, whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up without talking, maybe i should go somewhere for now, it’s dangerous here, help, grab, he’s either crazy, or someone is covering for him, i’ll try this figure it out, soldier, stop it, i'll tell you everything, i ask again, who sent you this? hot
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spot, maybe the grip lured you away? you first figure out which one of yours he is for you lured me away, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, what happened, everything is fine, what are you doing, creature, he killed his mother, and you are covering for him?
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hey, we have everything at home. lisa, what's going on? i'm sleeping.
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khazov is given a day's rent for a week, that's all, call chris, say that we agree, just
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let them bring the money tomorrow, well, that's right, otherwise i see that you're completely out of your mind, or maybe natasha has gone crazy to send tangiz to the bathhouse, this is what... what did you say, open it, i know where you were, open it, i saw you near the bathhouse, did you? "i think i can persuade him to give money, he put me in the car, drove them, there were four of them, i didn’t expect it,
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well, are you convinced that i’m telling the truth? chris, don't call, everything is cancelled. where can we find money for you? we'll rob tengi. hello, dear, good to see you, hello, i brought the car, everything is fine, thank you, i feel like at home, thank you,
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okay, that's it, you're fine, you're kind of upset, you just didn't get enough sleep. excellent, like new, it’s not for nothing that they say that you are the best master, keep it, this is for you, no, this is a lot, like this, hold it, hold it, good work from the good ones it costs money, that’s how it’s done here, come to us, let’s have some tea, we have churek, fresh cheese, do you like churek, i don’t know, in the caucasus everyone loves churek. ruslan, they say that they found your mother’s killer, if you need help, tell me, akhmat, where are you going, he’s a man, if necessary, he’ll say it himself, let’s go, thank you, we’ll take ruslan with us, we can’t
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do without a third, you you’ll be in the car, we ’ll go upstairs, as you tell him, i’ll say it for my brother, for the honor of the family. san, maybe you’ll think again, why do we fit into this whoredom? come on better we’ll accept chris’s offer, it’s a familiar matter, and so are the risks. secondly, i repeat again, the last one,
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things are moving forward with chris, this is not a day or two, this is serious, astringism is the first last time, especially after what he did, it’s an honor to punish him, sanya, brother, well what's wrong with you, well, you 've been barking there because of money before, well, let me go and talk to him, no, i said, don't you dare, what are you doing? yesterday, you saw natasha near the bathhouse, she came to ask tangiz for money herself, and this nit in return offered her his legs for it spread my son's wife. when he is there between life and death, he must answer,
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san, well, maybe he was drunk or a stupid joke, in short, you decide for yourself, i just need to know whether you are with me or not, yes with you, with whom else - only me that’s all, take our weapon, there’s no time to look for another one,
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mentam gave it up, he killed his mother, crippled his brother, and now he’s going to jump off altogether, because the fox has a leak, his head is completely crazy, and he’s crazy, tell his sister, she’s the one who’s crazy, this is a bastard excuse from the cops, saying that when their mother and brother were shot, she was with him in the bed, come on, come on, you can absolutely kill me. as soon as she testified on the record, they are now calling me to the cops, asking if i slandered the honest guy kostya bondarchuk, where i don’t know, go ahead and ask rusik, he’s running after her with his tongue hanging out.
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well, not god, whatever will do, yulia viktorovna, good morning, good, and you’re off to work, yes, and you? vd, i saw you at a meeting, what a wonderful memory you have, you won’t let me keep you company, the weather today is st. petersburg, well, as always, about the weather you we talked about what you want, the same thing as you , justice, you have incorrect information, i just want an apartment, a new one, and a holiday at the seaside once a year, excuse me, this is justice, every honest , conscientious employee... that’s all it should have, but apparently i’m not so conscientious, so let’s get to the point right away,
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bondarchuk, i heard him say now, yes, there is such a thing, we’re checking, so allow me, what are the results of your checks, the point is that he interests us in plans for serious development, i’m currently working on it, so i would like it would be interesting to understand the prospects of the case, but it is not so rosy, he has an alibi, although not one hundred percent, but so far we have not been able to refute it. the only evidence of his guilt is based on the testimony of valentin ostakhov, but as you know, he is in conflict with bandarchak. that is, as far as i understand, you trust this girl of his more, right? i trust the facts, her testimony is partially confirmed, but his is not. do you know viktorovna? you would be
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a wonderful lawyer. have you thought about this? no. i really like my job, so if you like it, why don't you do it? i don’t understand, the state pays you money to imprison criminals, and you take the side of the defense, help the murderer, escape punishment, like you viktor viktorovich, well, viktor viktorovich, firstly, bondarchuk’s guilt can only be recognized by the court, and secondly, they plant potatoes in the garden. and the state pays me money for an investigation so that i defend the law, which, by the way, the state also cannot violate, you feel the difference, it seems, yours machine, you know, yulia viktorovna, it was because of people like you that our state once became gangster, and because of people like you, it
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risks remaining that way. all the best. thank you, until i was 10 years old i didn’t even know that my parents were adopted, i had no relatives, it’s immediately obvious that you never did. i haven’t been to the caucasus, this simply cannot happen here, that there are no relatives, if you want, we’ll find out everything about yours, it’s very good that your adoptive parents told you who you are, may allah protect them, but still know your core no, excuse me, it’s father, of course, yes,
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dad, ruslan, where is lisa, i’m calling her, she doesn’t answer the phone, she’s with friends, i took her to... yes, which friends, bring her home immediately, she’s an adult, she’ll figure it out on her own, what kind of an adult she is, she’s a fool, you understand, she’s a fool, dad, immediately, bring her back, but i don’t know where she is exactly, i almost killed val yesterday, you’d better ask him, and don’t yell at me, please, i’ll be there soon, there’s no problem, i just have to go, of course. remember brother, any help is good, any, max, why are you drinking, it’s as closed as it is, it’s fine,
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that’s it, it’s coming out soon, but today we’re opening, so... stop there, and okay, whatever you are, it’s okay, actually you have to knock , now i don’t understand at all, what’s incomprehensible here, i live here now, why is this, you’re no one here at all, maybe a gang?
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bad, very bad, and you decide to transfer the case, when they wanted to put me in jail, they transferred the case in no time, we have it now. as luck would have it, our office and the investigative committee are not in the dark, the boss says, don’t get into the bottle,
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let the local one be arrested, and then we’ll take the case away, okay, let’s go the long way, your city is strange, i’ve been traveling around the country for a long time, nowhere does it get screwed up like you do in st. petersburg, and why, why? this is the genetic code. what genetic code? this is from an excess of brains, a genetic code. this is what causes all the problems in the country. the order has been given. we must carry it out. and everyone starts thinking. oh look, i almost forgot. this ostakhov panicle will appear. let him wait. don't start without me.
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who are there guys, hello, svetlana mikhalavna, i won’t call anyone, i understand, i even respect in some sense, this is... our boy from our yard, sanok, what did i do wrong, why do i need all this, hello, come in, traveling, strangers, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, premiere, tomorrow at 23:00 on ntv. hot spot, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. vision can change as you age. familiar things. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course
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match with an eye on a draw? no more than once a year, is it really possible that a new serfdom awaits all those who are alternatively oriented? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. dad, are you here? yes, come in. dad, i'm sorry, but lick it off, then sit down. something happened? just don't
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be surprised by that. i’ll ask you, the point is your brother, denis, he is dying, we are obliged to save him at any cost, you must rob tengiz, i would not ask you if there was another way out, but there must be one, do you really think i asked would you? on such a if i hadn’t tried, there must be another way out, there must be, it’s not that much money, yes, maybe you have it, but now you don’t, but i can try to get it, i told you they’ve already tried it, but not me, why you he didn’t tell me at all about what was happening, why am i the last to know about everything, well, i wanted to somehow protect myself from problems, now you’re
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offering to rob? so that’s the thing, that’s what got you going, but that’s not the point, dinya, i’ll find money for dinya and we won’t have to rob anyone, you know, it’s good that mom doesn’t see you like that, yes i you, lord, what am i doing, what am i doing.
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why did you give the redheads for debts without numbers? don’t shoot him there, but he looks like rusik, let’s go together, you wait in the car, i ’ll do everything. he recognizes you, even in a mask he recognizes you, we’ve been together for so many years, he finds out, well, let him prove it later, you’re not going to him, we ’re only going for the money, right, just for the money, yes, for the money. brought it,
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some unhealthy topic emerged, why do we need this khachik safe... well , we have a club that works, brings in money, cafes also on the highways, they wanted to open a gas station, no, some kind of gas station is starting, listen, well, if it works, how much will we weld, a lam or two of wood, and if we burn, they will solder it in, mom, i don’t worry, this is robbery. are you listening to me, no, yes, i’m fine, let the elders decide, but the elder is in our prison, which means who gave in to banderras, because
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only you and i and irok knew where he was extinguished, who knows, i think that he was identified through his mobile phone, he called his girlfriend in front of me, and i warned him to no avail. yes, he burned himself on the piece of paper, he went crazy specifically, he’s a god, the car is ready, but i’ve been waiting for a while, mark, kid, don’t worry, you’re fine, you got the hardware, yes. i didn’t smoke something, val will go with us, he gave a tip, his topic is great, great, listen, never mind,
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life will go on nerves, you’ll go with lyokha, but i need to chat with phil on the way.
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natashenka, natoshenka, are these the zhaty?
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hello, lady hello, how are you surviving? yes, everything is fine with god’s help, i was walking out of the store, tired, sat down, and why haven’t i seen you for so long? yes, i got married, i live in another place, i came here. but i still remember you so little, when your daddy was still taking you in strollers, oh, what a good man, but this one, don’t ask him, i ask him how natasha is, and he tells me that you’re on the highway you stand as a prostitute, you earn money, don’t pay attention, that’s how he is. makes witty jokes, goodbye, all the best, be healthy,
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are you getting used to it, but i don’t like misunderstandings, you know, hmm, we don’t have any misunderstandings, but that we have exactly everything according to you, what kind of situation is this? so what do you care about? what do i care? yes, i don’t care about anything, maybe the fact that banderas is sitting in the cell during his testimony, and we take him to the case. i don’t care about anything else, what is it, i want to talk calmly, let’s be honest, phil, banderos and i have been together for 100 years, but what he started now is complete chaos, and i don’t want to lose everything because of him, what have we achieved? “putting a guy down because of a broken face
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is complete chaos, and then he and his mother are in the same place, this is completely outside the scope, he set us all up, he should have at least been with us consult, wait, do you think that it’s really he who stirred things up, i don’t think so, phil, i know for sure that it’s him, he told you, at least he told you, the situation would have been different, the barrel is from our arsenal, i’m his i brought it to bandera himself the day before, and then the cops i knew, they showed me the protocol from the scene, in short, there are markings on the cartridges, no one has one like that, a korean bastard, vanya khabarovsky once had one. i brought a batch of everything, i took it all,
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you get it, why is he keeping us in the dark, and in general some kind of nonsense, but because bandera he completely went crazy with this woman, he was carried away, and now we are completely in shit, my little one still screams at night after these boxers came. and if this affected your family, would he think about it? and ostakhov is this normal kid, we talked to him, i explained to him that this was not our fornicator, he heard, asked for help on one topic, i agreed, we don’t need war at all now, these ostakhov family is also not easy, near chris winds around them all the time, chris is a frol, you get where the thread is maybe he can bring it, sergeyech. now there’s no time for us, he has his own affairs, if we
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’re left alone at all, we need to think about the future, these are the things, brother, time has changed everything, it’s not for me to tell you, banderos is to blame himself, we will of course help him, but i’m for his mistakes ... i love sweets, but unfortunately i have to restrain myself, no, thank you, i don’t
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want anything, you don’t want anything, yes, well, i understand, such a beautiful girl should watch her figure, you love him, yes, kostya, of course we we're going to get married, yes, yes, yes, yes, but i told the truth, he didn't shoot anyone, i'm course, i read everything very carefully , and i believe you, i believe, now all that remains is to find out what kind of truth you are telling us, do you understand what’s the matter? when they say that everyone has their own truth, this is really so, very often people deceiving also tell the truth, i don’t understand, well, you see, most people do not share the truth that they believe in and the truth of events, so you believe that kostya did not commit what he is accused of is understandable, you love him. your faith, faith in your truth, pushes you to
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a little lie, one that in turn produces a big lie, couldn’t it be simpler, could it be simpler, you believe that bandarchuk didn’t shoot, that’s why you gave false testimony, saying that he was with you, i don’t dare to say now that he is really guilty, but your lies prevent us from understanding this, and this in legal language means obstruction of justice, which of course already entails liability. criminal liability, liza, i said everything as it was, kostya, i was with you, it’s true, true, well, okay, true, so truth. well, how long did he stay with you, i didn’t look at the clock, maybe how many times you came, how many times he came, where, in what positions, did you use condoms, where, where, where did you have hickeys, and i will force you to tell all this on record, and then there will be an examination, where five
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men will turn you around, looking at you in different ways, and after that you will have to tell all this in paint in front of the entire public, which will sit in court, and almost... was, during the examination they will take photographs of you, but you have no idea what the amount of investigative material gets to journalists, you can’t imagine, your brains are all gone under your skirt, he shot his mother and brother, three bullets, so that you’re sure you ’ll talk or not, but i’ll tell you everything, just let me go, it hurts me, well done, that's good, smart girl, what's wrong? so it would be right away, lisa, i’m listening to you, you started at your table, i was like that, he really loves it when i lift my legs up on his shoulders, then we moved on to me, she fucked me, or something, yes, yes, i’m
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for you, well, you said it in detail, i thought it's better we can finish right away. if we need you, we will call you, goodbye, well, maybe some tea and cake, they say sweets relieve stress, have something to drink, we historically defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages, had different weapons, were always the same, destroy the country, take away our freedom, but we always bravely resisted in battles, history remembers everything, the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become
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hero. near victory, serve under contract, kitty, well, you beat us, my dears, you know that my door is always open for the tax office, we are here...
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shut up quickly, faster from not one, strange, does not take in the center that is there a woman walking around, this lady has... a car, i know her, she’s from the tax office, they usually come in pairs, so ingis is upstairs now, with the other one, how will she get out? “we can come in, i’ll go on the spot, figure it out, give short dumps, drive up to the back entrance, there’s a long one,
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get out, sleigh, everything will be fine, really.” today with us, that’s it, no more, the folder too, come on, these are documents, why do you need them, come on, i said? that’s it, now it’s empty, quiet, calm, lie down, you say, i’ll be there soon, well, that’s all now, not quite. small , oh, you puppy, i wish i could strangle you like your whole family,
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now he’s seen you, now either, or valya, are you just money, valya, don’t be stupid, valya, lala, don’t go, you’re just a fool ! don't shine, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, where are you
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but, unfortunately, there is no money yet, sorry, hello, let me help, thank you very much. i’m glad to see you, by the way, they gave you a visa, i invite you to london, well, if they give you some food there
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, then at least to beijing, they’ll give you some food, excuse me, please, yes, mom, yes, i was just about to call you, but... listen , i ’m not coming today, they asked me to change, yes, i ate, mom, yes, i ’ll call you, yeah, bye, kiss, something’s wrong, yes, no, it’s all very true, well, you see, not only men can enjoy life, let's go, let's go, here you go, sorry it's so... long, ahmed just arrived , traffic jams, there's a little more here than you asked for, but you never know if you suddenly need something, may allah bury your brother, thank you, you
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helped us out a lot, i will give everything, stop it.


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