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tv   Prospekt oboroni  NTV  April 17, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

2:10 am
well, if they give you some food there, then at least go to beijing to feed yourself, excuse me, please, yes, mom, yes, i was just about to call you, but listen, i won’t come today, they asked me to change, yes, i ate, mom, yes, i 'll call you. yeah, while i'm kissing you, is something wrong? no, it’s all very true, well, you see, not only men know how to enjoy life. let's go, let's go. here you go, sorry it took so long, akhmet just arrived, traffic jams. there is a little more here than you asked for, but you never know, maybe you need something. neath
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allah your brother, thank you, you helped us out a lot, i will give everything, stop it, just pray for my family, i don’t know how, i ’ve never prayed, it’s okay, come to us tomorrow, we’ll pray together, for your brother too, you’ll come, certainly. yes, well, who's there?
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i took it to my car, look, but you can , as much as you need, well, give me a tag, i ’ll take at least five heels of bubbles, oh, great, send igor’s guard, wait, take it, oh well, i’m a bandera sultak, well, thank you, if you need something, then... nikila, take care of it, thank you.
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hello, rusik, yes, hi, listen, if dad next to you, don’t say it’s me, okay, listen, tell me, i don’t know how many cartridges are in the pistol, but tt, probably, yes, eight, okay, yeah, let’s get in touch, thank you.
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a unique country with a unique destiny, unique culture and unique people. and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on
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the unknown russia tv channel. who are the boys, hello, svetlana mikhailovna, i won’t kill anyone, i understand, i even respect in some sense, this is our boy from our yard, son, what did i do wrong, why do i need all this, hello, come on in, the drive, someone else’s bans, the boy’s word, there’s blood on...
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and now you know the hall, there was no family, only an uncle in glinzhik, but we can come to an agreement with him, bor, go, throw it away, wait, this could be some kind of topic, bor, go, wait, rebuild the first floor, go, i said yes, and
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call chris, tell him that we i agree, just let me have the money today. i told you right away, right away, natasha, where were you, i went to my parents, i wanted to take the day, i didn’t find anyone, petty i don’t know who i stayed with, i’m not his mother , ask his father, by the way, where he is, yes, i’m in the hospital. i found money, money, where, it doesn’t matter anymore, dinya died, what is it, what, what,
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calm down, he will teach me, i’m at home. uh people, where are you all, where did you hide, and i brought money, i brought money, my son, dad came, do you hear, what a mean thing he is to drink with me, huh? come on, son, son, get up, dad earned some money, son, son, where are you, son, come on, come out, hear,
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we'll go on the carousel tomorrow, damn, what do i need, birth. where am i even tomorrow? grandfather, aunt natasha, uncle rusik, where are you?
2:21 am
i’m listening to the duty officer, good evening, on the defense, next to the auto repair shop, there’s a child on the street, alone, alone, about five years old, barefoot in pajamas, i don’t know where the parents are looking, do something, sort it out. from the situation, please introduce yourself, who you are, what difference does it make who i am, you are a child, help me, but i have enough worries of my own, well, bend your hand, hold it for a minute, this has happened before, we didn’t report death before son, i understand, i can apologize again, but it won’t help you, the receptionist
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we will definitely fire her, it didn’t even occur to her to clarify which of the two patients in our intensive care unit died, i can see him, of course, also, doctor, could you buy the medicine yourself, forget everything i told you, what do you say? thank you, where did you get the money? friends helped. friends, what other friends, you don’t know, i
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didn’t notice before that you had such friends, and you haven’t really noticed me lately, until you had to go rob. ruslan, let's define everything right away. police. and soon, what are they doing here? if they’ll ask about natalya, don’t say she’s in the hospital, why? then, just don’t talk and that’s it, understand? got it, let's go, hello, good evening, captain luzhin.
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that they take him anywhere from home, we have no right, but this is necessary to create material and transfer it to the guardianship service, that if a decision is made that the child is in danger, he will be transferred to the social care service, as i understood from the words of the child, the mother he’s not here... no, she ran away 2 years ago, abandoned her son, it’s clear,
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go, you can, oh, handsome, hello, hello, well, the beginning has been made, come in, come in , come in, come in, now i’ll show you everything, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, my dears, i’m hiring a director... you can’t film it better, all the family situation is obvious, oh, look, look, she is screaming at the unfortunate child, here, look, the child is crying and a bonus beauty. what bonus? i think the police filed a report on my father today, i decided to sit for a while, something happened in the house, and the child jumped out onto the porch, in pajamas, barefoot, but i rushed to the local department, and what's next? what's next? how do i know what's next? i didn’t wait, how could they not wait?
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and if the police didn’t come, because something happened to him, well, i don’t know, was he some kind of maniac, or was he frozen? you don’t have any sense at all, hush, beauty, hush, you don’t pay me enough to shout at me, a week has passed, how is the calculation, this is all, not enough, not enough. i know, well, as for the rest, as we agreed, there’s something to drink, of course, but why are you lucky women, you always have something to pay for, that’s how we should go, i went to the store, i didn’t have enough money, i cheated saleswomen, print out the photograph, as much as you like, you also
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pay with the lawyer, you... by chance the beauty won’t reward me with anything, but don’t worry, my lawyer is a woman, but he was freaking out, what are you doing, i’m kicking you out of foolishness, that’s what you’re doing , do you even remember what happened yesterday, and what happened you drank, drank, you fell asleep on the floor in a puddle of your own vomit, you scared the child, he left the house in a deep voice, he is afraid of you, now, and the police came, what do you want, so that the stove is given to an orphanage, what are you carrying, what orphanage, your mother doesn’t see you, what
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’s happening to you, what are you doing anyway, you disappear all day, you don’t know where you’re drinking? bastard, yes, what's happening to you, you also disappear, you don't say anything, you just collect it in the corners, you whisper, everything has become unsheathed, and you don't have to carry a bag during the day, you don't have to turn the steering wheel from the hall to the house, that's it, but i ’m also your son, maybe you’ll send me to a boarding school, like when genya was born, come on, come on, give me what you say, my mother was sick when i was getting ready, she wouldn’t have been the only one. at all what are you talking about, dad, i can fight too, you saw it, dad, i can replace you in a day, you will train me, give me a chance, let me try, let me prove myself, i ask you, and i’ll find the money, now now that tengiz was killed and our hall and
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in general. what did you say about tangizas? i thought, you know, they broadcast it on the news yesterday, i was working on the tv in the bar, i called you, you’re not a subscriber at all, i thought, you know, i know it, they called me, i just didn’t know what they had already said on tv. dad, try me, and please try the girls, preparing boxers, come to your senses first, boxer?
2:30 am
good morning, good, only very early, what happened? allow me, turn it a little, i want now all the information on the kostiva case to be reported first of all to me and no one else, but this is impossible, i cannot break the agreements, i understand, you can’t, but we will change the agreements, well, that’s all, check, yes, good that. this is a dangerous game, girl, yes or no, who
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is colonel kostin, the policeman, not local, who scared me yesterday in the office, a special brigade from moscow, came on business, there is such a crime boss, yes, i know, and i know that kostya works for him, like... goodbye!
2:32 am
good morning, good morning, while you were sleeping, i decided to go to africa without a visa as a hare, this is australia. i’ve always been bad at geography, i forgot to ask you, since yesterday we very quickly got down to business, where
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did you get these figurines, records, books, i always dreamed of traveling, but at first there was no money, then time, and now opportunity, well, yes, they won’t let you out, they are afraid that you will reveal the secret to the west. domestic gopstop, yes, something like that, so you have to travel like this, well, what did you dream about, mm, and i wanted to be beautiful and like men, well , it looks like everything has come true for us, listen, you have a deadline today according to banderos, come on, ask me. already about me arresting bondarchuk, this is important for you, that well , this is the only way you can close sergeich, for
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you it’s a matter of honor, and why are you looking at me like that, that’s why you slept with me, a trick as old as time feathers, put it under follow yourself. i wanted to sleep with you, i always liked you, then, if men can drag me to bed in order to solve their affairs, then why can’t i use these
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affairs to sleep with you? i'm sorry, everything was very cool, but bondarchuk will be released today, simply because there is very little evidence. and i’ll close the door myself, can’t you see where you’re going, you fool! “boris sealdovich, andreiva is worried, you can come to the uvs today at three, we’ll let your client out.”
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tomorrow he calls for interrogation and at the same time i will find out what’s there and why, we’ll get a lawyer, that’s understandable, listen, but who do you think he is, they’re behind this character, anyone could be, i haven’t heard anything about the details, it seems like they’ve already broadcast it on tv, howl said, oh well, there will be a day, there will be food, what else called,
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details need to be discussed, really topics, san, are you deaf or something, you got money, the situation has changed, still no, you don’t understand, i gave my word, they don’t do that with people like that they don’t do that, i can’t say yes or no five times a day, so say no, the last time. let's forget about that’s it, there’s no topic, dad, there natasha asks who the police are, why the police, some military man,
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are kind. in short, i need to talk to her immediately, this is serious, i said, she’s not there, and i don’t know where she is, listen, if i don’t talk to her immediately, then i can go to the police, they ’ll put her in prison, this is not toys, gun theft is a serious matter, what you said, what you heard, my chest pistol, she stole it, let's go into the house. please
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come in, i'm sorry what happened, it's okay, he's feeling better, you can see him, let's go. i love you, you are a winner. clip of cartridges,
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she probably had a duplicate key, the neighbor saw her coming, said she would visit us, she lied, as always, in short, she gives back the gun, i don’t make a fuss, unfortunately, this is impossible, why? because natasha did not take your gun and i know this for sure, the fact is that yesterday i came with... he is now in the hospital, we need money for treatment. natasha wanted to talk to her mother about money. i was sitting in the car, she got up and came down immediately, without finding anyone. and the wife she didn’t say that someone called her. oh, natasha, i didn’t call. she said that her mother was avoiding
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meeting her. somehow all this is strange, yes, but no more strange than your visit here, you don’t communicate with your stepdaughter for quite a long time, the relationship is difficult, but as soon as a gun disappears from the house, for some reason you immediately blame her, as far as i’m concerned i know, you have a first-grader son, the age of the most unpredictable, by the way, you have a pistol, it is kept in a safe, well, it’s also there, as far as i know. "i would really hate for you to unfoundedly accused our family of something, i think that i can convince the authorities that your suspicions are groundless, yes, i’m absolutely sure, if you finished your coffee, i’m in a hurry,
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who is it, you mean nothing to me..." he he loves her very much, he needs it now, yes, i’m a wife, a handyman driver.
2:43 am
why did we come here ? yes, we’re friends, uncle rusik. who is this? . i need to feed him. will you help? of course. i just don’t know what to call him now. with a bump? please. come on, let it be a big deal. petya, can you help me? otherwise, now, byushka, we will feed you.
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hi hi. as there? denis came here. great, i’ll change clothes and cook something for him, close the door. this is what yours came for, the neighbor saw you, i said that we stopped by together, don’t say anything, i saw you
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at the utgiz center, i have to tell you everything, don’t, i understand everything, he listened to the book. it’s a pity that it’s not me, don’t be afraid, i’ll do anything for you, my girl, i’ll kill you, everywhere, everything, we’ll protect you, i’ll protect you i’ll protect you, i understand you, thank you for your good work, we’ll pay you off tomorrow, the banderas are being released, so i’ll throw you out at the club now, make sure everything is prepared properly by the evening, and i still have to pay someone for this miracle, okay, listen, and why did you
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chase me away then about banderas, that he stuck, about the times that are changing, you were afraid to smooth it out, and then you talk a lot when you’re drunk, you decided that if you blurt out to anyone, let them think that it’s ours with banderas... and they part ways, manteirk pond, i just want to punch him in the face. got a good pace sanya, i turned on the return line, so let’s finish the job, it’s not a pity, it’s my own blood, after all, and he often remembered this, let’s decide. i know, i thought that he was the result,
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he would understand that his fucking dreams, the son of a champion, were over, he thought, no, his head is built differently, it doesn’t teach him anything in life, so come on, okay, bring it , okay, hello, i ’m here, glad to see you, let’s go, where to see friends? we don’t pray with enemies, sit down,
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sit down, what’s here, my head is plasticine, i ’ll have a beer, then you’ll shake it, follow me coming. today banderos is coming out, what did you say, you never know what i said, what to do, it’s time to pay for your loved ones, no, no, i don’t play these games anymore, it’s late, what do you think, banderos will kiss you for the fact that against him? i gave my testimony, i almost forgot,
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bonus for you.
2:50 am
so why do you need him today? i wouldn’t want to see him today, because he also knows that banderas is coming out today, and he still hasn’t given up his gun after yesterday. so what do you think, he can, you said, he is
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adequate, adequate, he was still a killer his mother was in prison, now i don’t know, i still don’t understand whether banderas was messing with the boxer’s family or not, and now the whistle is so important, i just asked, it’s important that this kid thinks so, so you’ll see him , hiss at me right away, you plague irok, get close to the department with the gun.
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now you just need to make one call so that you don’t worry, of course, of course, thank you, thank you, the tracker is still letting bandarchuk out, what are you saying, i’m not lying, no, she told me off. “it’s strange, but it seemed to me that she had a crush on you, listen, but maybe then one of your bandits is her, i think that’s not the point, that’s not the point, in such a situation all principle is either in the pocket or between the legs, the mountain should be in prison
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, on principle, put him there, everything else is betrayal, okay, let bandarchuk get drunk for a day, and we ’ll grab him tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, conduct a search, we can find drugs, weapons on him, we can, but it’s harmful, he didn’t seem to indulge in drugs, and you won’t have anything store, now is not the time, are you a fool and pretending, i ask again... can we find something from him? if there is, we will definitely find it, it looks like i was mistaken about you, you don’t want mironov to return to the main headquarters, you want to go to the national economy, the bastard is a ticket, just think about it, and by the way, if someone
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finds out about our conversation, then your file from the archives is very easily. get it, it’s cold in nizhny tagil, yes, where, why, dad, i’m not a child anymore, i need to help the people who helped me, that’s it, i can’t talk. ruslan, hassan is more than a brother to me, please do everything so that he gets to the place, of course not, you swear health of your family, that’s how it is with us, okay, i’m sorry.
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vd gave me help for a bottle of vodka, i remember, thanks to whom she then lived for another 6 years, take care of yourself,
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well, we’ve been waiting for an hour already, the cops there are completely relaxed, and you go and ask them. what do you have there, i don’t understand, where is bandera, why didn’t they let him go, or what? yes. i don’t understand anything myself, they said that he had already been released, well, where is he then,
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i have no idea, so what will i do, i have to go to the club, maybe you can finally explain to me what ’s happening, why we’re leaving with max, where guys? there are five bullets left, i think this is the
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same gun that killed my mother, that wounded my brother, i didn’t kill your mother, i told you so, i gave false testimony because i believed you, if you did it, lisa, wait, i didn’t shoot your loved ones, i told you the truth. lisa, if you don’t believe me, shoot, i’ll show you how it’s done, lisa, i would never kill the loved ones of the girl from whom i want children, understand, shoot, come on,
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this is not the kind of person who would bring a wet table after a murder home, sorry, i'm on my way i don't speak well with a hairdryer, i have little experience. this gun was planted by someone who wanted to set you up. he didn't know that max would hide the bag. is this one of your friends? yes, someone handed me over to your father, i would like to know who. sorry. the boys have arrived, now you’ll hide it, i
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don’t say a word to anyone, do you hear, but you can ask, ask, what war were you in? i have been to many soldiers where all muslims were killed for their faith. why? the world belongs to the infidels. they always used us. now they are afraid that allah will open our eyes. and never me didn't use it? but you never really believed. or maybe with... maga said something in an incomprehensible language, and you immediately hugged me, and before that you looked like a wolf, what did he say to you?


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