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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 17, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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an element that knows no barriers, the tabola level in kurgan has reached the mark, a dangerous phenomenon, an entire microdistrict has been evacuated, and how is the situation in one of the villages of the orenburg region. the water in the village of kuibyshevo is gradually receding, it has already dropped by 60 cm and has dropped a little more, so it will be possible to walk in rubber boots. telegram creator pavel durov gave an interview to tucker carlson about his relationship with the fbi, apple and google and why he didn’t settle in the usa. well , it’s also not a child’s question: a scandal is breaking out in britain around hormone therapy for teenagers. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. hello!
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evacuation, critical levels, more and more flooded houses. big water in kurgan. this morning the tobol river in the city area has risen to dangerous levels of more than 8.5 m and continues to rise. in some places by tens of centimeters every hour. in the dead of night, authorities announced an urgent evacuation of the damba microdistrict, which was built by the residents themselves to protect themselves from flooding; it turned out to be insufficiently high. kurgan residents receive messages on their phones. about the need to collect documents and valuables to urgently leave dangerous areas, entire streets under water, and outside the city, streams flood highways. anton talpa, more about the current situation in the area of ​​large-scale flooding. the more water appears in the vicinity of kurgan, the more often eyewitnesses publish such records. reports of flooding are coming at these moments from different areas, but...
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they are united by a very similar content, a little creepy of course, our house is still far away, our neighbors already have water in their garden, there is already water, it’s still raining, the situation is aggravating weather, it's raining, weather forecasters continue to expect precipitation, people who found themselves at the epicenter are taking out the remaining things from their houses, saving animals, you see, the pillars are already in the water, the tobolus was much lower than these trees with... everything was looked for there, but now it seems that this never happened, here are the people's soroyushki, already completely in water up to the roof. against this background, the evacuation continues, there are settlements where the situation is especially difficult, for example, it is expected that in the holiday village of tulip, in the coming hours the water will rise to a level of 11 m, the embankment, which erected there to stop the flood will not help, but in those places where there is still a chance to gain time, they continue to build fortifications. so this is the dam, the dam
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is being strengthened. in kurgan they announced that a regional emergency situation had been introduced . more than 13 thousand people were evacuated. rescuers deployed 16 temporary accommodation points. meanwhile, the ministry of emergency situations publishes forecasts according to which more than 60 settlements may be affected by the flood, and 1,800 people are at risk of ending up in the disaster zone. much has been done in terms of prevention. they use amphibious all-terrain vehicles, reinforce the coastline with sandbags, the current is already good, just like that, well... yes, you can’t
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get through here anymore. meanwhile, evacuation has been announced in tyumen, people are being taken out of dangerous areas. it is necessary to take documents and essential items. anton talpa and dmitry ananyev, ntv. the respite that the elements gave to the residents of orenburg did not last long. over the past few days, the ural and sakmara rivers seemed to be receding; more and more messages were coming from orsk about houses freed from water, but nature shows again. its strength, hydrologists note an increase in water levels. in the region, entire villages turned into islands; they were cut off both from transport links and from basic communications, electricity and drinking water. our correspondent, mikhail chernov, was able to get to one of the flooded villages and learned how the residents there resist the flood. now you can’t get to the flooded village of kabankino. while the ural is declining, the sokmara river , on the contrary, suddenly began to grow, flooding.
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village downstream, like a mountain river, the stream sweeps you off your feet. we have to take a detour, a 120 km detour along broken dirt roads, a two-hour walk and kabankino is on the horizon. everything is flooded with water, the streams cross the only remaining road, threatening to completely cut off the village from the mainland . at the school stadium and the neighboring field , it was as if the sea had overflowed, flood waters filled everything around, right up to the school building itself, to the neighboring mosque, the tall one over there, the main postman of sila, gulnur ibragimova , now does not take off his fishing suit, the water came in at night, the postal car barely had time to pass, literally in the morning there was somewhere... a puddle on the front, while we drank tea, the water was already at our gates in the yard. ifaminov, the first guy in the village, the ministry of emergency situations has not yet arrived in their village, because for now he, the main village rescuer, is taking out the things of everyone in the bucket of a tractor. this is how they overcome water barriers here,
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the water has occupied the entire village, you can’t get through, you can’t get through, everything was flooded in a matter of hours, the sheds with the cat and the houses, they barely had time to lift the furniture, now the silk residents are blocking it. gas and electricity, so that something doesn’t happen, this didn’t happen, the first time that water came into the house, the first time like this, there are also stormy streams here now, the water is rapidly arriving in the lower part of the village, the increase is every hour, some houses are in water up to the very windows, even the rural area is flooded cemetery, a local cow farm is also surrounded by water, if growth continues, some of the animals will have to be transferred to higher premises, but the main danger is losing feed, mountain power. flattened corn is stored nearby until fodder is available there is, but if the water rises higher, it will no longer be possible to get close to the food. due to the flood, the local dairy plant went on forced vacation, large enterprises supplying milk to schools in the region and neighboring regions are not working today. there is a high probability of catching
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a bacterial bacillus, because we are completely left without water, the water supply in kabanka is without current, we have the wells that the population has, and the water is slowly becoming cloudy. in addition to water shortages, electricity shortages, in a flooded village it is yes, then no, now the last batch of cheeses is being completed here, this line for the production of butter is cheese, every day 30 tons of milk are processed here, or rather they were processed, now the equipment is washed and prepared for preservation. while sokmara is heating up, the urals are slowly calming down; in orenburg itself, water is leaving residential buildings, exposing flooded furniture, an instrument of its wealth. self-taught musician daniil vazhdaev is an internet star, this is how he played chardash in a flooded house a week ago. now the water is in the house has subsided, the piano has become soaked from moisture, but is still functioning. not the old classic mocking, the water in the house has almost subsided, and this is already
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a reason for joy. by profession he is a civil engineer, music, hobby, danil equally perfectly selects soviet classics, popular melodies, for example, from modern bayart fort. from my favorite belish, anywhere in the shopping center it happens there, well , if there are instruments, the game is suitable, the consequences of the flood are carefully photographed, here everyone is waiting for the arrival of the commission, which should record the damage, the piano is not the only loss, well , an electric boiler, a gas boiler, a water heating boiler sank there, if you can soon walk in slippers in the house, then outside you are still on a rubber boat, the water is subsiding, but the depth in some places is still... 2 m , the water in the village of koibyshego is gradually receding, it has already dropped by 60 cm, and it has dropped a little more, and it will be possible to wear your boots on, they don’t plan for the future here just in case, nature is capable of surprises, besides the unexpectedly overflowing sokmara, there are still many rivers in the area, because forecasting is a thankless task. mikhail chernov,
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igor akimov, nikolay datsun, ntv, orenburg region. and in the flood zone, rescuers provide residents with all possible assistance. they rescue pets from water captivity. in which people did not have time to capture during an urgent evacuation, and sometimes they carry residents out of their homes practically in their arms. regional authorities are helping with money in the orenburg region, more than 30,000 people have already applied for compensation, more than half a billion rubles have been paid, in orsk the consequences of a record flood are being eliminated military personnel of local units, residents call their support invaluable. when i came here and i realized that it was time to seek help here.
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due to large-scale flooding in neighboring kazakhstan, the next 10 days there are predicted to be critical. the number of evacuated residents exceeded 113. president kasym zhamart. dakaev called the floods the largest climate disaster in the republic over the past 80 years and ordered that large events be abandoned. the head of kazakhstan arrived in one of the affected areas, in the city of tabol, kastanay region, at the operational headquarters, he talked with local residents. in addition to discussing current affairs, we touched upon the topic of the russian language. takaev emphasized the tolerance of his position on this issue: i studied many languages ​​due to the strength of my profession. worked abroad, but now it’s not about me, the fact is that according to our constitution, the state language is
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the kazakh language, the russian language is used, according to the constitution, on an equal basis with the state language, it performs the functions of the official language, so there is no contradiction here, as it’s convenient, so it should be said, now modern youth speaks the state language, russian, english, other languages, and it’s good to intensify this. hysteria around the language, to fight, especially against it, as happened in some countries, and what they now have as a result of all this, we see, is stupidity. he spoke about censorship of surveillance in the fbi, relationships with elon musk and mark zuckerberg, as well as how telegram messenger, which has 900 million users around the world, was created and how it now works founder pavel durov. tucker interviewed him. carlson, the same american journalist who interviewed vladimir putin in february of this year. the conversation lasted
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an hour, the entrepreneur said that his messenger experiences the greatest pressure from apple and google, which, according to him, are capable of censoring everything that is accessible via mobile phones. both american companies have made it very clear that telegram will be removed from the app stores if it does not adhere to their specific guidelines. rules durov also said. that he abandoned the idea of ​​opening an office in the states and doing business there after the attack on him in san francisco. the second reason was too close attention from the intelligence services. fbi employees came to his home, accompanied him at the airport literally to the plane, and tried to bribe one of the telegram engineers. wanted to control the messenger policy? after the events of january 6 at the capitol, we received a letter from, as far as i understand, a democratic congressman who... demanded to give up all the information that they called an uprising. lawyers advised
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to ignore this, but the letter looked very serious, it stated that failure to comply with the request would be a violation of the american constitution. it's funny that 2 weeks later we received another letter from the republicans, which stated: if we give out any information to that side, we will violate the american constitution. thus, we received two letters from which it followed that whatever we did, it would end up on... an american journalist. great britain durov, and the full version is on the website a scandal related to the issue of gender disorders in children is gaining momentum. a group of doctors has criticized the trend towards hormone therapy for teenagers who are experiencing feelings related to their gender. doctors say that...
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we cannot prescribe strong drugs to children without evidence that they are clinically effective. we don't do this in other areas of medicine. the report states that since there are no real consequences for the body, freezing puberty and hormonal therapy in young of course, the doctors don’t know their age, and the children don’t understand what they’re getting into. adolescents and young adults noted a lack of reliable , accurate information about health interventions. they noted.
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the current carries away children in gender-specific schools, intermediate toilets, uniforms, locker rooms, gender literacy lessons, in biology lessons they say that people’s genders are almost like in a field of flowers, in the new edition of cinderella the prince finds another prince. it is not surprising that in adolescents, especially those with mental illness or autism
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doubts arise on this topic, which is inculcated everywhere. at the dawn of child gender therapy in the west, most doctors tried... to try on a teenager with his physiology with the help of psychotherapy and pharmacology, then such deviations were rare, now there are calls to the aal, fourteen-year-old frankie, one of 500 children on the waiting list for an appointment, his diagnosis - gender dysphoria and dysmorphic personality disorder. we wrote requests to the clinic, and in response they asked us to wait six months, and so on several times, so we have been waiting for an appointment with a doctor for 5 years. it would be possible be glad for the franks that... he didn’t end up in a gender clinic, the thunder of hormonal therapy has not yet thundered for him, however, his diagnosis requires the supervision of a psychiatrist and supportive therapy, but things are bad with free psychiatric help for teenagers in britain, the queues are crowded and have been going on for many years, more than 270 thousand children and young people referred to child psychiatric services in the twenty-second and twenty-third
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years are still waiting for an appointment. at the end of march , england's only government development service. returned, as far as possible, to her biological sex. she went to court, demanding a legislative ban on drug treatment of gender dysphoria for children under 16 years of age. many complaints were made against this clinic, both from former patients and from some former employees, and claims with the voiced conclusion of the report were that hormones were prescribed to children without a real understanding of the consequences. now this clinic has closed, but two regional branches will open, in addition, there are many private clinics where they deal with the same thing, so really nothing
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will change in the approach to children with psychological problems until it changes. foreign influence, in other words, foreign agents, is increasingly heating up the situation in the georgian bill on transparency in society. the controversy surrounding its adoption resulted in new unrest in the center of tbilisi. there were clashes with the police near the walls of the parliament building. the day before, the people's representatives discussed the document all day, but did not start voting itself, they postponed it until today, deputies from the ruling georgian dream party, just as the head of government claims that the law does not violate any freedoms, it was created only so that citizens have
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reliable information about whose money this or that ngo or media structure is working with and requires... annual public disclosure of the source of funding. opposition parties really don’t like this approach; they compare it with the russian law on foreign agents and scare their supporters with this. at the same time, they don’t like to remember that the founders of such a legal norm are the united states, and it has been in effect there for almost 90 years old. on the side of the opposition, president salome zarubishvili, as a french citizen, and she has dual citizenship, she has already turned to macron for support, and at the same time the head. the european council, the latter immediately stated that the adoption of the controversial law, i quote, will distance georgia from joining the european union. this concludes the program for viewers of the central part of russia, thank you for being with us. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with
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the weather for today in the far east there are bright pockets of heat, we note in the north of yakutia, verkhoyansk +4 sunny to +20 on the amur and sakhalin. but the coolness that goes to baikal in chita is already targeting there +8. sunny, but dangerously strong wind. in siberia, the chill will still linger in the irkutsk region, but what further west, the more warm air there is, it is carried by the cyclone and the picture is very clear. in krasnoyarsk it is +10 and clear, in novosibirsk it is 13 and cloudy, in omsk it is already up to 15 with rain, tomorrow it will intensify. it will also be rainy in the urals, but today there will be no precipitation, in yekaterinburg it will be +14, in orenburg - 23. there is a congress of seasons on european territory. in the north, the smell of winter is becoming more and more distinct, and the frosts are getting stronger there. in arkhangelsk in the daytime it’s down to -5, closer to the urals, below ten snow, in the south it’s hot summer, in some places it’s already above thirty, so far no precipitation, only very windy, between this all the variants of spring, from may twenty on
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the volga in chernozem to march no higher than 10 in the north-west, center up to 15 - this is april , slightly ahead of schedule , precipitation is possible everywhere, in st. petersburg there is not even wet snow let's exclude +4. there is an apothecary garden in the moscow botanical garden; these days the first sakura blossomed - this is the sakhalin cherry blossom. the japanese sakura will bloom, and then it won’t be long before the general flowering of the trees. if you're going today, bring your umbrellas and beware of strong winds, although in the daytime it’s +14, it’s better to postpone your walk until the weekend, they will be cool but calm. you were supposed to go home, why do you have a gas mask?


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