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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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it is necessary to take documents, basic necessities, evacuate more than 13 thousand people in kurgan, the flood situation in the region is getting worse. the water in the orenburg region has not reached its peak, it continues to remain, the close attention of western intelligence services and censorship from american corporations, as the creator of telegram pavel durov told takir carlson in an interview. by increasing the temperature, russian wines may become more expensive, we will tell you the reason in business news. about the main thing for this minute in
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the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. level water in the tabol river in kurgan this morning reached the level of a dangerous phenomenon, rising above 9 m. at the same time, according to experts, sexual activity in the korgan region has not yet reached its peak. the water continues to remain tens of centimeters in places every hour. this is what the flood looks like from a bird's eye view. in the dead of night, authorities announced an urgent evacuation in one of the neighborhoods. there is so much water that it began to overflow the dam that was before. entire streets are under water, and outside the city, streams flood highways, the current demolishes a greenhouse, a barn and even a powerful all-terrain vehicle cannot cope with water. anton talpa, more about the current situation in the area of ​​large-scale flooding. the more water appears in the vicinity of the mounds, the more often.
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eyewitnesses publish similar records; reports of flooding come at these moments from different areas, but they are united by very similar content. it’s a little scary, of course, it’s still a long way from our house, our neighbors already have water in their garden, there’s already water, it’s still raining, the situation is aggravated by the weather, it’s raining, weather forecasters are still expecting precipitation, people those who find themselves at the epicenter take out the remaining things from their houses and save animals. you see. the pillars are already in the water, the tobol was much lower than these trees, everything went down there, but now it seems that this never happened, people’s russula are already completely in the water on the roof, against this background the evacuation continues, there are settlements where the situation is especially difficult , for example, it is expected that in the holiday village of tulip in the next few hours the water will rise to a level of 11 m, the embankment that was erected there to stop... there is no flooding
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will help, but in those places where there is still a chance to gain time, they continue to build fortifications. so, this is the dam, the dam is being strengthened. in kurgan, they announced that a regional emergency situation had been introduced and more than 13 thousand people had been evacuated. rescuers deployed 16 temporary accommodation points. meanwhile, the ministry of emergency situations publishes forecasts according to which more than sixty settlements may be affected by the flood, and 18,000 people are at risk. much has been done in terms of prevention and preparation for floods, a huge amount of work has been done, we really hope that we are calculating correctly, we will talk about this today, about the threats that lie ahead of us, and we are working correctly. now more than 400 people are working in areas affected by floods, these are rescuers, local volunteer services, they use amphibious all-terrain vehicles, and strengthen them. coastline with sand, the current
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is already good, just like that, well, that’s it, you can’t get through here, in the meantime, the evacuation announced in tyumen, people are being taken out of dangerous areas, it is necessary to take documents, items first necessary. anton talpa and dmitry ananyev, ntv. the respite that poetry gave to the residents of the orenburg region did not last long, while the level of the main water artery of the ural river was steadily declining. the water suddenly went up in the sakmari river, this is the largest tributary of the urals. during the day, the rise was about 60 cm. entire villages were cut off from the mainland, roads were flooded, there was no electricity, and there was not enough drinking water. mikhail chernov reached one of the heated villages and saw how the residents were resisting the flood. the flooded village of kabankino is now nowhere to be found when you get there, while the urals are receding, the sokmara river , on the contrary, suddenly begins to grow, flooding the village downstream, like a mountain river.
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we drank, the water was already at our gate in the yard. everything was flooded in a matter of hours, the barn with the cat and the houses, they barely had time to lift the furniture, now the residents of silk are turning off the gas and electricity so that something doesn’t work out, this didn’t happen, the first time that water came into the house, the first time like this. the local
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cow farm is also surrounded by water; if growth continues, some of the animals will have to be moved to higher premises, but the main danger is losing food. mountain. there is, but if the water rises higher, it will no longer be possible to get close to the food. due to the flattened corn, while access to fodder from the flood, the local dairy plant went on forced vacation, large enterprises supplying milk to schools in the region and neighboring regions are not working today. there is a high probability of catching a bacterial bacillus, because we are completely left without water, the water supply in kabanka is de-energized, we have the wells that the population has, and water is coming slowly.
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the urals are slowly calming down, in orenburg itself the water is leaving residential buildings, exposing flooded furniture, and its tools are rich. don’t make any plans for the future here just in case, nature is capable of surprises, besides the unexpectedly overflowing sakmara there are still
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many rivers in the area, so making forecasts is a thankless task. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, nikolay datsun, ntv orenburg region. in moscow today. the international data fusion conference has started. for the fourth time, the platform brings together leading representatives of the it sphere, industry, science and state. the main topic of the conference was strengthening the technological sovereignty of our country in a multipolar world. this year it is being held jointly with the first russian data forum. as mikhail mishustin noted in his address, this will make it possible to comprehensively consider issues that relate, among other things, to the secure transmission and processing of information, as well as the introduction of artificial intelligence. and in business, in the system of government. we need to actively develop digital platforms, master management models based on large data. today they have turned into a strategic resource. arrays of reliable information objectively and completely reflect the situation in a variety of sectors of the economy. and these
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systems, by the way, help provide feedback from citizens and businesses. such data sets are used to create services that are useful for both people and businesses. well, combining data from different sources contributes to their high-quality and effective analysis, and this opens up very great prospects, according to the prime minister, it companies can count on a preferential rate for income tax, reduced rates of insurance premiums and separate preferences for employees. about the censorship of the ifbr surveillance, relationships with elon musk and mark zuckerberg, as well as how the telegram messenger, which has 900 million users around the world, was created and how it now works. its founder, pavel durov, was interviewed by tucker carlson, the same american journalist who interviewed vladimir putin in february of this year. the conversation lasted an hour, the entrepreneur said that his messenger is under the greatest pressure from apple and google, who, according to him, are capable of censoring everything that is accessible via
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mobile phones. both american companies have made it very clear that telegram will be removed from the app stores if it does not adhere to the rules they have defined. durov also said that he abandoned the idea of ​​opening an office in... the states and doing business there after the attack on him in san francisco, the second reason was too close attention from the intelligence services. mfbr employees came to his home and accompanied him from the airport literally to the plane. they tried to bribe one of the telegram engineers, they wanted to control the political messenger. after the events of january 6 at the capitol, we received a letter from, as i understand it, a democratic congressman who demanded that we release all information about what they call an insurrection. lawyers advised to ignore it, but the letter looked very serious, it said: failure to comply with the request would be a violation of the american constitution. it's funny that 2 weeks later we received another letter from a republican.
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from sunday night to monday it rains, while local residents and tourists post videos of flooded streets, luxury
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shopping centers and airport platforms, local meteorologists talk about a record amount of rainfall in 75 years. today our program has at its disposal a video of what a holiday in dubai looks like now, today is april 16th. the head of the association of tour operators of russia maila midze says that now approximately 2,500 people cannot fly from the emirates russian tourists, this is almost half of all russian tourists who fly to the emirates on average every day. mailomidze also clarifies that tourists are not suffering, they were offered accommodation and food, although some on social networks still complain that the terminals are overcrowded, some had to sleep on the floor, and they are not allowed out of the airport because there is water all around. on the site. at dubai international airport, some flights to moscow now have a canceled status, some were delayed for 7 hours,
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there is little evidence that the situation will soon return to normal says, for example, the emirates airline has already announced that it will not check in passengers departing from dubai until at least midnight, transit passengers reportedly will not have any problems, and it is naturally not easy for russian tourists to get to dubai now either. one of yesterday's airline flights to dubai was actually redirected to abu dhabi. today's flights are greatly delayed, for example, on the sheremetyev website it is now indicated that the flight that was supposed to take off today at about 3 a.m. scheduled for 13:30, that is, it is already delayed by more than 10 hours. after yesterday's drawdown, the russian stock market this morning tried to find something to rely on, periodically went into positive territory, but at that moment gave up trying. the dollar and euro rose to noticeable heights yesterday. they are not going to go down from them yet, the dollar is 94.34, the euro is
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100 rubles. 33 kopecks today in st. petersburg , on the territory of the arsenal industrial zone, a plant for the production of flying and electric welded fittings was opened. they are needed for the construction of gas and water pipelines. it was announced that the enterprise plans to produce up to 650 thousand fittings per year, and that the raw materials will be russian? first of all. this is, of course, consumers, the russian gasification and post-gasification program, a program that is now in full swing, we need to gasify 4,700 new settlements, this is our contribution, our common contribution, the contribution of russian industry, the technological sovereignty of the russian federation, exactly as we set the task president of the russian federation, we must be independent. min bromthor did not rule out that russian wine due to the growth excise taxes will rise in price. this forecast, as
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reported by the agroexpert portal, was given by deputy head of the ministry viktor eftukhov, but immediately clarified that this price increase will probably be, quote, insignificant, although the increase in excise tax, which will be insignificant from may 1 , can hardly be called insignificant, rates on wine and champagne will increase three times at once. over the weekend , the russian wine company, as rbc wrote, notified distributors that it was increasing prices from... with interfax he added that wine prices will also increase because components, logistics, equipment are becoming more expensive, and also deputy head of the ministry of industry and tourism viktor eftukhov supported the idea of ​​the association of winegrowers and winemakers of russia, which recently proposed establishing a duty of 200% for wines from nato countries, although this value is 200%, as viktor evtukhov added, it is necessary to discuss,
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ilya, everything about the economy, thank you, denis talalaev with an economic review. in russia, since the beginning of the year , reproductive health screening has become free; the procedure is carried out under the compulsory medical insurance policy. the number of eco-friendly quotas has also increased, and now, in the year of the family, declared by the president, many clinics have developed have introduced their own programs to support maternity and support demographics. svetlana gordeeva found out what these projects are and whether they can be included in the compulsory health insurance program.
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you need 27-28 years, this is already considered a transition to another age, this is how the physiology of the reproductive system works, previously you had to do this at your own expense, from this year the assessment of reproductive health is included in the compulsory medical insurance. if the gynecologist, after an ultrasound and tests for oncovenereal diseases, notices any abnormalities, the patient will be sent for additional examinations. since january twenty-third, the first compulsory medical insurance tariff appeared. to read mammography using artificial intelligence service, from january twenty-four, from the beginning of this year, this practice has already become federal and is spreading throughout the country. doctors call the established opinion that only the woman is responsible for family planning erroneous and archaic; according to them, there are about as many infertile men
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as there are women. today , physical education is very popular, sports, popular. fitness, bodybuilding culture, and men massively consume, including without a doctor’s prescription, various biologically active supplements that contain elements or active testosterone, so it is also very important to determine the level of a man’s hormonal levels; from the same year , they increased the number of quotas for in vitro fertilization and as it becomes more and more in demand, this still happens to make it easier for the patient to go through it in the second round. you can freeze your eggs yourself cryo-preservation is a compulsory medical insurance program, but storage is the desire of the family or the individual woman. by the way, we freeze not only eggs, we freeze sperm. many russian clinics are ahead of the compulsory medical insurance system by introducing their own programs, for example, a program for the rehabilitation of infants
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or women after childbirth; all this is already working in the narofaminsky perinatal center. alexandra and denis thanks to such help. they successfully cope with raising triplets; of course, there are more worries, but the center’s specialists are always in touch. mom with one child it’s hard, what can we say, when there are twins, in our case it’s triplets. whatever difficulties you have encountered, in fact , we have a positive attitude towards all this, because we have an older child, we have some experience, so no special difficulties arose, but it is possible to establish some kind of new rhythm of life in terms of a daily routine. the center’s doctors plan to submit a proposal to the ministry of health; they ask to include a postpartum rehabilitation program in the compulsory medical insurance system. svetlana gordeeva, irina lemkina, svetlana kostyunina and oleg gorkov, ntv. now according to my colleague, valeria gavrilovskaya, the host of the emergency program. lera, what's going on today? ilya, today a fearless teacher from ufa, the director of the gymnasium,
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svetlana mikheeva, turned out to be a teacher not only by education, but by vocation. by her actions she showed that children. she doesn’t divide into friends and strangers, and for their sake she is ready to do a lot, even risk herself. as a result , she saved a schoolgirl from terrible trouble, helped another woman detain a dangerous criminal, how it happened, all the details in our episode, ilya, thank you for this not only in the program, an emergency after a short pause. that's all for now, go to, see you. there will be no money to spend, there will be money on the card, now you can easily get up to 3,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, as well. withdraw cash and receive cashback. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay anywhere. choose your favorite brands on
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there, a concerned local resident may have saved a life. a three-year-old girl and a one-and-a-half-year-old boy, the children were wandering along a country road, alone. at first sight it became clear that for quite some time. the woman took them home and then handed them over to the guardianship authorities. there they found the children's mother. details in... frightened and shivering from the cold, the kids were almost completely undressed, they clearly did not understand where they were and where to look for their mother, don’t cry, don’t cry, bunny, why are you trembling, where is mom? irina, it seems, was the only one who paid attention to the children wandering right along the roadway, a three-year-old girl and a one-and-a-half-year-old boy, filming everything on video, trying to find out who their parents were and where they lived, but the baby and her the younger brother just cried in response, look at the car driving along the road, the children are... completely naked, one is small, the other, where are you going, wait, come here, none of the permanent residents of this area recognized the kids, apparently they left like that already very far from home.


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