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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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it is necessary to take documents and essential items. evacuation of more than 13 thousand people in kurgan. the flood situation in the region is getting worse. the water has not reached its peak in the orenburg region either; it continues to remain. russian peacekeepers are withdrawing about 2,000 troops from karabakh. the close attention of western intelligence services and censorship from american corporations, which was also discussed by the creator of telegram, pavel durov, in an interview with tucker. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the water level in the tabol river in kurgan has already exceeded the dangerous mark by almost 70 cm,
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rising above 9 m, while, according to experts, the flood in the region has not yet reached its peak. the water continues to remain tens of centimeters in places every hour and has already approached multi-storey buildings. kurgan residents receive a message on their phones about the need to collect documents and valuables to urgently leave the dangerous area. motorists are urged not to drive along the irtysh federal highway from the flood zone due to flooding olga zenkova. scale. gansky the flood is clearly visible from a bird's eye view; millions of cubic meters of water that came into the region spread across fields and roads. the current is so powerful that it sweeps away all-terrain vehicles that rush to disaster zones to help people. pushkina 2b, everything floats. large waters are engulfing urban neighborhoods, and the entire right bank of kurgan is flooded. this collective garden resisted the elements to the last. people themselves chipped in for sand and clay, ordered equipment, filled the dam, but water won. they worked day and night, sprinkling. and women in
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in general, everyone took part with their own money. the water came at night, they evacuated in the dark, abandoning everything they had acquired, and in the morning, when they saw their homes, people could not hold back their tears. the only housing you can get with a mortgage is from me. we started in the car yesterday, and today we’ll go to see a relative. we have dogs there on the second floor, so we need to feed them somehow. the shelters are all full, there is no place for dogs to smoke. videos in preparation for the flood in the city, new enclosures have been built for animals from flooded areas, four-legged refugees are being taken there every hour, volunteers are collecting abandoned dogs and cats in their yards, because when the water comes, not all owners manage to find frightened pets to take them with them, so the authorities never tire of repeating, evacuate from the risk zone in advance, collect things, documents and your pets, of course, in general this is very bad, that you leave animals because ours take less, they also want love, affection, care, for some reason we forget that we...
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not everyone is ready to act. in this snt, water entered through the gate; according to forecasts, the level here will only increase, most residents have already left the territory, volunteers are persuading those remaining to leave. aren't you evacuating? we're leaving. and i see your boat is inflated, definitely evacuate. yes, yes, yes. if volunteers do not have enough arguments, the police take over the case, when water is already on the site, evacuation is not a right, but a duty. law enforcement officers explain when really big water comes, help will come.
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preparations for the flood began in the tyumen region; a flood map can be compiled using videos from social networks. you can already get to large towns only by heavy truck, and so looks like the path from ilyinka to afonkino. in the ishim region, floods are the first to be expected. currently, in the city of ishim , work continues to increase the height of the dam; to date, 80 personnel of the ishim fire and rescue garrison are involved in this work; local residents and volunteers have also been involved in all necessary services. military engineers are crushing ice on rivers with explosions; in some places it has not yet melted; the blocks can create congestion in the riverbed. the first ice blasts took place in the area of ​​the village of butyrki, whose residents had already been evacuated temporary accommodation points. u...
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the respite that the elements gave to the residents of the orenburg region turned out to be long. while the level of the main water artery of the ural river is steadily declining. the water suddenly went up in the sakmari river. this is the largest tributary of the urals. during the day, the rise was about 60 cm. entire villages were cut off from the mainland, roads were flooded, there was no electricity, and there was not enough drinking water. mikhail chernov reached one of the flooded villages and saw how the residents were resisting the flood. to the flooded village now you can’t get to kabankino. while the urals are receding, the sokmara river, opposite, unexpectedly began to grow, flooding villages, downstream, like a mountain river, the stream sweeps them off their feet. we have to take a detour, a detour of 120 km, along broken dirt roads, a two-hour walk and kabankino is on the horizon, everything is flooded with water,
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streams cross the only remaining road, threatening to completely cut off the body from the mainland. at the school stadium and the neighboring field, it was as if the sea had overflowed, flood waters filled everything around, right across...
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holidays, large enterprises supplying milk, schools in the region and neighboring regions are closed from today. there is a high probability of catching a bacterial bacillus, because we are completely left without water, the water supply in kabankino is de-energized, we have the wells that the population has, the water is slowly becoming cloudy, in addition to the water outage, the electricity outage, in the flooded village it is there , then no, now they are finishing the last batch of cheeses here. this. for the production of butter - this is cheese, every day 30 tons of milk are processed here, or rather they were processed, now the equipment washed and prepared for preservation. while sokmara is heating up, the urals are slowly calming down; in orenburg itself, water is leaving residential buildings, exposing flooded furniture.
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the instrument of his wealth, self-taught musician daniil vazhdaev, internet star, this is how he played czardash in a flooded house a week ago. now the water in the house has gone, the piano is soaked from moisture, but is still functioning, everyone here is waiting for the arrival of the commission, which should document the damage, the piano is not the only loss, well, the electric boiler there has sunk, the gas boiler, the water heating boiler, if it will soon be possible to walk in slippers in the house, then on the street you are still on a rubber boat, the water in the village is gradually receding, it has already dropped a little more by 60 cm, it will be possible... to walk in boots, for the future here for everyone they don’t think of chance, nature is capable of surprises, besides the unexpectedly overflowing sakmara in the area, there are still many rivers, so forecasting is a thankless task. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, nikolay datsun, ntv, orenburg region. now to the news from the northern military district zone: russian troops
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of the west, south, center-east groups are active offensive in the kupinsky, donetsk, avdeevsky and yuzhnodonetsk directions. the enemy is trying to recapture the lost positions, but our soldiers have been unsuccessful for 24 hours. repelled 15 counterattacks, aviation, artillery and missile forces destroyed the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 132 areas. in addition, ammunition depots were destroyed, including those of the enemy operational-tactical group of donetsk and the terrorist formations of the rdk. air defense forces shot down more than 190 drones, six haimarc missiles and a french guided bomb. the withdrawal of russian troops from karabakh has begun peacekeeping forces. this information was confirmed today in the kremlin. there were about 2,000 military personnel in karabakh. these are mainly units of the fifteenth separate motorized rifle brigade of the central military district. last october in bishkka, vladimir putin said that russian peacekeepers should formally remain in karabakh until november 2025. however, he then stated that due to changes in the situation during negotiations with partners, it was necessary to determine what to do in the near future.
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meanwhile, baku noted that the decision on early withdrawal of russian peacekeepers from the territory of karabakh, was accepted by the top leadership of russia and azerbaijan. about 2,500 russian tourists were stuck in the united arab emirates for a not entirely trivial reason: the country was covered in rain. next on the air is business news, denis tovalev is with us. denis, are there any forecasts for when everything will calm down? flights from dubai to moscow and from moscow to dubai are gradually starting to fly. there was a flood in dubai, which, according to some reference books, is almost the sunniest city in asia. in it has been raining overnight in the united arab emirates, from sunday to monday, while local tourist residents post videos of flooded streets, luxury shopping centers and airport platforms. local meteorologists are talking about a record amount of precipitation in 75 years, today our
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program has a video of what a holiday in dubai looks like now, today is april 16, the head of the russian tour operators association, maya lamidze, says that now approximately 2,500 russian tourists cannot fly out of the emirates , this is almost half of all... russian tourists who fly to the emirates on average every day. also, maya lamisa, as she is quoted as saying, clarifies that tourists, quote, are not suffering, they were offered accommodation and food, although some on social networks say that the terminals are overcrowded and they are not allowed out of the airport, because there is water all around. emirates airlines has announced that it will not check in passengers departing from dubai until at least midnight, while transit passengers are said to have no problems. on the website of dubai international airport.
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admits that air traffic in dubai will begin to be fully restored this evening. the russian stock market, after yesterday’s drawdown, tried to rely on something this morning, periodically went into positive territory, but now it has abandoned these attempts, and because oil is becoming cheaper again, the dollar and euro rose to noticeable heights yesterday and i’m not planning on going down from them yet. the dollar at these minutes is 94.29, the euro is 100 rubles. 30 kopecks
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the ministry of industry and trade has not ruled out that russian wines will become more expensive due to rising excise taxes. this forecast, as reported by the agroexpert portal, was given by deputy head of the ministry viktor eftukhov, but immediately clarified that the price increase will probably be, quote, insignificant, although the increase in excise tax, which is expected from may 1, can hardly be called insignificant; wine rates will immediately increase three times by... supported the idea of ​​the association of winegrowers and winemakers of russia, which recently proposed establishing a duty of 200% for wines from
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nato countries, although the value of 200%, as viktor eftukhov added, needs to be discussed. ilya is all about the economy. thank you, denis tovalayev with his economic review. on mfbr surveillance censorship relationships with elon musk and mark zuckerberg, as well as how telegram was created and how it works now. messenger, which has 900 million users worldwide, its founder pavel durov said. he was interviewed by tucker carlson, the same american journalist who interviewed vladimir putin in february of this year. the conversation lasted an hour, the entrepreneur said that the greatest pressure on his messenger comes from apple and google, who, according to him, are capable of censoring everything that is available using mobile phones. both american companies have made it very clear that telegram will be removed from the app stores if it does not adhere.
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demanded to give out all the information about what they called an uprising. the lawyers advised me to ignore it, but the letter looked very serious. it read: failure to comply with the request would be a violation of the american constitution. it's funny that 2 weeks later we received another letter from the republicans, which stated that if we give out any information to that side, we will violate american constitution. thus, we received two letters from which it followed that if we did not do it, it would be a violation of the us constitution. tucker carlson admitted that he also opened a telegram account. the channel
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posted a ten-minute fragment of an interview with pavel durov, and the full version is on the website of the american journalist. a scandal is erupting in the uk caused by a report by one of the most popular pediatricians, hillary cass. she criticized the current way of treating adolescents with gender deviations. hormonal therapy is now widely used in this case, but doctors know nothing about the consequences of this treatment method. elizabeth gerson studied the problem. the conclusion of dr. kass's report is clear. british society, and more broadly western society, has failed the weakest and most vulnerable. children suffering from complex mental disorders, these disorders were and are being treated using the method of carpet hormonal bombardment, prescribing transtherapy to adolescents with consequences unknown to medical science. we can not prescribe strong drugs to children without evidence that they are clinically effective. we don't do this in other areas of medicine. the report
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states that since the real consequences for the body, freezing of puberty and hormonal... affected the provision of medical care, while medical care should be based on normal principles of pediatrics, we have witnessed that the ideology of the physical mental health of the child, the ideology is such that in maternity hospitals doctors are afraid to call young mothers women,
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people with breasts are invited to a momologist for examination, this trend also takes away children in schools that are gender intermittent. the floors are almost like a field of flowers, in the new biology lessons they say that among the people of the editors of cinderella, the prince finds another prince. it is not surprising that teenagers, especially those with mental illness or autism, have doubts about this widely instilled topic. at the dawn of child gender therapy in the west, most doctors tried to reconcile the teenager with his physiology with the help of psychotherapy. and pharmacology, then such deviations were rare, now there are a lot of requests. fourteen-year-old frankie, one of 500 children on the waiting list, is diagnosed with gender dysphoria and dysmorphic personality disorder. we wrote to the clinic with a request, in response they asked us to wait six months, and so on several times, so we have been waiting for an appointment with a doctor for
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5 years. one could be happy for frankie that since he didn’t end up in a gender clinic, hormonal therapy is a blast for him so far. has not yet thundered, but with its diagnosis it is necessary psychiatrist supervision and supportive therapy, but free mental health care for teenagers in britain is doing poorly, queues are crowded and long-term. more than 270 thousand children and young people referred to children's psychiatric services in the twenty -second and twenty-third years are still waiting for an appointment. at the end of march, england's only public gender identity development service, based at the tavistock clinic, closed. this followed a trial involving keira bell, a former patient who, at age 16, at the puberty blocking clinic , she underwent removal of her mammary glands at the age of 20. keira soon regretted what happened and returned, as far as possible, to her biological sex. she went to court, demanding a legislative ban on drug treatment for gender dysphoria
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for children under 16 years of age. many complaints were made against this clinic, both from former ones. patients, as well as from some former employees and claims with the report's voiced conclusion, hormones were prescribed to children without a real understanding of the consequences. now this the clinic has closed, but two regional branches will open. in addition, there are many private clinics that do the same thing. so, in reality, nothing will change in the approach to children with psychological problems until the ideology of the state changes. in the central part of the country, georgian president salami zurbishvili said that he would impose legislation on
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the law on agents if it is adopted in three readings, thereby putting the opposition on the side. previously, as a french citizen, but she has dual citizenship, zarubishvili turned for support to emmanuel macron and the head of the european council, charles michel, who immediately stated that the adoption of the controversial law, i quote, would distance georgia from joining the european union. today, the georgian parliament adopted the document in the first reading, although even before the start of the meeting, clashes broke out between police opponents of the bill near the building. activists tried to block the entrance to the parliament building; the most violent ones threw stones and bottles at the police. one officer was injured and had to be taken to the hospital. in response, the law enforcement officers were forced apply pepper spray. 11 people were detained. a deputy from the georgian dream party, like the head of government, claims that the law was created only so that citizens have reliable information about whose
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money this or that ngo or media structure is working with. opposition parties really don’t like this approach, they compare it with the russian law on enogens and scare their supporters with this, while they don’t like to remember that the parent of such a legal norm is the united states, and it has already been in effect there for almost 90 years years. and that’s what we’ll talk about further in our issue. on small wings, what plans do russia have for the development of light aviation. our flight takes place at an altitude of 450 m, at a speed of 200 km/h. we fly over the city of serbukhov. nitsarin. he’s nearby all the time, i won’t be able to live if i don’t catch him, the shadow was chattering, the series premiered only in the okko online cinema. try investing with tinkov and continue if
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develop digital platforms, master management models based on big data. today they have turned into a strategic resource. arrays of reliable information objectively and fully reflect the situation in various sectors of the economy. and these systems, by the way, help provide feedback from citizens and businesses. such data sets are used to create services that are useful for both people and businesses, well, unification. data from various sources contributes to their high-quality and effective analysis, and this opens up very great prospects, including engineering software , according to the prime minister, these companies can count on a preferential tax rate on profits, reduced insurance premium rates and separate preferences for employees. in russia, since the beginning of the year , reproductive health screening has become free; the procedure is carried out under the compulsory medical insurance policy. the number of quotas for eco has also increased, and now in the year of the family declared
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by the president. many clinics have developed and implemented their own programs to support maternity and support demographics. svetlana gordeeva found out what these projects are and whether they can be included in the compulsory health insurance program. more than anything in the world, julia wanted to become a mother, but it turned out that it was almost impossible. we couldn't have children for 14 years. and thanks to the eco program, we achieved the desired result and now we have a son. statistically, many women.
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doctors call the established opinion that only the woman is responsible for family planning erroneous and archaic; according to them, there are approximately as many infertile men as women. today , physical education and sports are very popular, fitness, bodybuilding, culture are popular, yes, and men massively use including without a doctor’s prescription, various biologically active additives that
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contain elements. or active testosterone, so it is also very important to determine the level of a man’s hormonal background, from the same year they increased the number of quotas for in vitro fertilization and it is becoming more and more in demand so that it is easier for the patient to undergo it in the second round, this happens, it is possible freeze eggs. cryo itself, conservation is a compulsory medical insurance program, but storage is the desire of the family or individually women. by the way, we freeze not only eggs, we freeze sperm. many russian clinics are ahead of the compulsory medical insurance system by introducing their own programs, for example, a rehabilitation program for infants or women after childbirth. all.
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rehabilitation into the compulsory medical insurance system. svetlana gordeeva, irina lemkina, svetlana kostyunina and oleg gorkov, ntv. neglect of regular vaccination among a large number of people threatens the emergence of new global biological threats. about this at the first joint african-russian international conference to combat infectious diseases.
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local scientific centers for the prevention and research of infectious diseases in the republic of guinea, in the republic of burundi, the centers are fighting outbreaks of dangerous infections, organizing expeditions to monitor existing searches for unknown microorganisms, developing new tests, and training specialists. we export biological sovereignty. russia does nothing other than help our colleagues and citizens of friendly countries. also noted that in in recent years, russia has transferred seven mobile laboratories to african countries and trained one hundred and fifty african specialists in the field of epidemiology. in total , the russian government has allocated more than a billion
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rubles for the implementation of cooperation programs. the state duma plans to consider bills on air taxis in the spring session. small aviation is indispensable, for example, in the trans-urals or in the north, where small planes are sometimes the only transport that can be used to get from city to city. however, the development of this industry is hampered by strict security requirements and, as a consequence , high ticket prices. alexey kovashenkin found out what can be done to make planes reliable and flights affordable. most small aircraft, in other words, small private planes, are more of an expensive hobby than just transport, although few aircraft have other purposes. for most of the regions beyond the urals, this is the most important mode of transport, because villages there are cut off in the spring and autumn. there are many unreached regional destinations in russia, for example, from omsk and tomsk to you can fly from moscow, but you can’t fly directly from omsk to tomsk. there are also examples in more popular directions. sochi and arkhys, there are less than 100 km between them, it takes 10 hours to travel by car, while it can be reached in
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half an hour. our flight takes place at an altitude of 450 m, at a speed of 200 km/h. we fly to the city of serbukhov. in fact, it's perfect. money, these are government subsidies, well, companies provide transportation for reasonable prices , look, we also worked in buryat, but now from may 7 we will start transportation again, yes, there a ticket costs 3,700, otherwise it would cost about 11 thousand, in the tomsk region there are slightly more subsidies, about 2,500
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the cost of a ticket, well, that is, that’s also a good subsidy, because if people did, well, it would be expensive, here we are and we come to the essence of the problem, relevant deputies, the association of small airlines propose to create conditions. in which the business itself will be able to resolve financial issues. according to our calculations, in the event of the abolition of excessive sirectional requirements, the cost of air transportation will fall by approximately 5-6 times. if you practice air transportation in a small format will become for business. the plane was intended for aerochemical work, and these are the most
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severe operating conditions, frequent takeoffs and landings with a heavy load, constant maneuvering in the air and even hard landings, plus it’s landing on an unprepared airfield, but it’s not enough for local transportation, the plane - it’s a two-seater, for commercial flights you need at least six-seater aircraft, and there are such, but only in projects, so rather exotic options for replenishing the aircraft fleet appear, before we get new modern technology, there is an intermediate solution: for example, the restoration of thousands created in the soviet union, secondly, well, they are old, they are old, but from them we only need the airframe, this is all restored, everything is made airworthy, and we are starting - local transportation today, but these are already difficulties of the second order, the first question is how realistic the relaxations in aviation rules are, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to agree to these relaxations, because it all revolves around safety flights. this is the main
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argument, so to speak, in all freight and passenger transportation, especially passenger transportation, so it is not possible to make any relaxations, because this has already turned into a disaster at one time. federal aviation regulations and certification requirements are a direct consequence of the century-long aviation plume.
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the exhibition kant and russian culture opens, it is dedicated to the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of the greatest thinker. now about the weather in the capital region today mostly cloudy and rainy. evgeniy neronsky will tell us what will happen next. weather studio is in touch with us. zhenya, what is the forecast? on the european territory of russia, the situation is developing in such a way that the forecasts are becoming more and more interesting. unfortunately, it's more alarming. the region maintains incredible temperature contrasts between north and south. near the arctic circle there are frosts and in some places severe for april, in barkut -16, and
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if there is precipitation, then of course it will be snow, in the kuban and don up to +30°, in the stavropol region this the mark can be overcome, up to +27, it will become warmer in sochi, less, but also warmer in crimea. the balkan cyclone, which will pass tangentially here, has prepared the main rains for the central regions, where it will be irritated by colder air, and the brighter the contrasts, the more severe the bad weather will become. to the black soil. tomorrow the rain and wind will increase, thunderstorms will thunder in places, the temperature will begin to drop, in voronezh it will be +26, but in arles -18. it will be fresh in the center tomorrow, about 10°. rain in places. by the evening we are waiting for the passage of a thunderstorm front. volga region, a little away from a restless cyclone, there is little precipitation there, the warm weather will still remain, in kazan +18, in penzi - 25. it’s still cold for another day, but relatively calm in the northwest, but the day after tomorrow, when our southern cyclone arrives, a real snow
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storm can break out here. in st. petersburg +3 without precipitation. on friday , sticky wet snow, wind and only +1 during the day. in moscow +10, rain, on friday night, rain with thunderstorms. the wind will get stronger, the temperature will rise to +17 during the day, drop to zero at night, not only the temperature will be feverish, but also pressure, be prepared, thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya, that’s all for now, go to, see you, alpha friday, superkick every week on the cards. alfa bank on friday , april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment, only in the alfa afisha service in the alfa bank app. not just profitable, alpha profitable. closing a loan is like a holiday; it is customary to give gifts on holidays. and tinkof gives you a great gift, money. apply
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