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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 17, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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open an account with tinkop investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank, you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if you don’t get it, you don’t need to compensate for losses. tinkov investments, it’s just tinkov, the city of angarsk, gives birth to a kubica maniac, teach the dogs they were afraid, now they are afraid of people. the shadow ticked, the series premiered only in the okko online cinema. beyond. for the sake of her beloved grandson, she is ready to do anything to lose her hated pounds, because he invited her to his graduation. in the studio of alexander popov. hello, alexandra, please come in, take your time. i see that it’s very difficult for you
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to go, you feel good, okay, let’s start with the pleasant things first, you are the grandmother of a graduate, yes, i have a grandson’s graduation this year, and i would like to go, i really want to go to... look, how old is he? 18, he is finishing the eleventh grade, the eleventh grade, his grandson’s graduation, this is such an event that you cannot miss as a grandmother, you know your weight, i know, 250, a quarter of a ton, a quarter of a ton, and what is your height, 67 meters, how much how old are you? 59 full, zip, such indicators are critical for alexandra’s health, of course, i think there is already a third here. degree of obesity,
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morbital obesity, as we call it, that is , the third is the last, third, yes, last, morbital obesity, that is , obesity that already affects human health, that is, it is not just some kind of external defect, but this is a really big very medical problem. alexandra, have you ever tried to lose weight, but you haven’t tried anything, that is, your weight didn’t cause you any inconvenience, no, you can to say, and you are a big eater, of course, you have loved to eat all your life. all your life, you can’t tell yourself, stop, that’s enough, stop, there’s no strength in the pain, and what are your favorite dishes, oh, yes, i eat everything that we eat in the village, the piglet was killed, i got up, i got my own cow, a piece of lard , washed it down with milk, ate half a loaf of bread and go around with this all day, well, mostly fatty carbohydrates, fatty vegetables, except lard and bread, what else do you like, yes, everything, i love sausages, cottage cheese and molo, and everything in a row, fried, stewed potatoes , cutlets,
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then i got pregnant and katya was born, how long have you and your husband been together? 39 years old, on march 3, in 23, we were sentenced to metastases, liver, tumor, stigmatic intestine, oncology, oncology, everything on this earth and white light froze for me, it was something, everything, there is chemistry, chemistry, i him in chemistry, chemistry, chemistry, that is, he tried to fight diseases, we fought, we fought with all our might, i told him, because i won’t leave you, well, on november 7, on my birthday, november 8, he died.
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grandson's daughter, because, well, looking at you, i i understand that your life is also under threat, because the third degree of sting is a very, very big load on your body, you have no right to leave your daughter orphan, you see, that’s why i asked for help. alexander, how long have you been doing this? it all started almost from the age of ten, i suddenly began to gain weight, until the tenth year i was about 165 kg. i didn’t consider this weight as weight at all, i myself drove a car, drove around the village, drained milk, raked, four vegetable gardens. they kept 50 acres, in the summer in general in the village you get up at five, you still have to milk the cow, by the time you drive the cow away, take out the calves, give them piglets, she came, ate a piece of lard,
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drank milk, went to bed, slept at lunchtime, went to manage, the kilograms are growing, growing with such an active lifestyle, well , for some reason i have something like this, but for me it’s somehow after... childbirth it all started , so it all started, your husband, he was also a big man, how did you eat the same way? you are the same, at the same time, he ate more than me, but he was in stele, he was like a pumped up muscleman, and your husband never asked you to lose weight, no, there was no such thing that he didn’t call you names, he once said, you’re so ugly or something, you never had problems in any way, no, you weren’t ashamed of yourself , not in front of him, i’ll tell you more, because go to me...
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he discharged me, but maybe a week passes, i had hellish pain in my stomach, such contractions as if i was still giving birth, what is a high temperature, the swarm was 125, as i remember now, everything was bad for me, and i still got there, i remember, the elderly woman was a doctor, she touched my stomach like that, and well, i can’t touch my stomach, she says that the fetus is high up on my gall bladder, the gall bladder didn’t come out when i was born, the bile gushed out, but for some reason it gushed... into the intestines and there was inflammation of the mucous membrane, like she said, well , a month passed, then i started to gain weight, i started eating, i drank compote, not a cup, straight from the jar, half a jar at a time, i ate, ate, ate, that’s when i started to gain weight, i approached the steward , i
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was already there, yes, i couldn’t button my coat anymore, nothing, so far i ’ve been running around the hospitals and getting dressed, but i can’t buttoned up, i was in tears and screaming, i just did n’t eat... vera, is it possible to gain weight in such a short time due to problems with the gallbladder ? of course, and i think so, that at first it was endocrinology, which launched some of its own mechanisms of metabolic disorders, of course there were gastroenterological problems in the background, there were probably some psychological factors, let’s say, definitely, so all of this together played a role in this metabolism, which... has gone, this rate of weight gain is the rate of impairment metabolism was definitely. it seems to me that this situation is aggravated by pregnancy, because pregnancy itself is also insulin resistance, this is also a condition when metabolic function is disrupted, there was insulin resistance, it
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increased, and after giving birth, just about two months later, three we get various endocrine complications, this may happen after. hypothyroidism, when the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, which contributes to weight gain, this could happen here too, here is the symptom described, it is of course very similar to acute chalcystitis and... while there was pain, i didn’t want to eat, when the pain went away, i immediately wanted to eat, insulin resistance did its job, and this kind of compulsive overeating led in the long term to this that now there is morbid obesity, which has the highest, extremely high risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and high-quality neoplasms. alexandra, it was then after giving birth that you realized that your weight you’re... overweight, well, i realized, of course, the weight didn’t stop you from working, just moving, what
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could you do? i could do everything, without exception, i worked at a factory, some zhergi, how high i rose, moved to the canteen, traveled to 30 canteens, served 30 canteens by car, to meat processing plants, to bases, i was mobile, i didn’t notice this weight, i was 27 years old behind the wheel, wow, and still behind the wheel, still behind the wheel, you choose cars that are probably more spacious, no, my first was a five, then a four, the last four, it’s for the village, for working, that’s it fits, how do you fit into the chair? the water is not pushed back all the way, i fit, and i ’m comfortable in it, i love my car, and you tell me that before you were mobile, so that everything would be fine, but when you realized that everything , it’s bad, i need to pull myself together, when this moment came, i was failing... my left leg, from trial to trial, that’s how the stocking was taken off, it was red, the temperature was 40, this lump formed,
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this lump began to grow, and i didn’t get behind the wheel, that’s where it started for me, i didn’t get in, even then you didn’t run to the doctors, i ran, in the eleventh year i went to the doctors, took tests, everything possible, impossible and what could have happened and what could not have happened, i ended up in cardiology, in the regional hospital, and why in cardiology, heart problems? this is the area of ​​the brain where the pituitary gland is located, the organ that regulates our endocrine system. irina, can this really affect appetite?
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it turns out this way because no measures were taken, she generally tells us honestly about this, perhaps if this had happened earlier, many things could have been avoided conditions that are present now, and of course, here one therapist or endocrinologist cannot cope in this situation, or a cardiologist, there should be a team of doctors who will help in this situation, identify the complications that exist, here there is really heart failure, while the heroines ... she was getting up and already calculated that her breathing rate was at least 40, this is
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a serious condition. alexandra, what difficulties from behind the veil are you facing today? i can't walk far my back hurts a lot. i probably can’t even find shoes, clothes, clothes are made to order for me, but i can’t find shoes. in the summer, like these or flip-flops from autumn to spring, of course, there’s nothing. even if it’s freezing, the concrete near my house is dry, but the path is cemented, then... i can walk in socks, get in the car, drive, just not sit at home, how do you sleep? well, i used to sleep sitting a lot, but this year i practically don’t sleep sitting, i sleep on the right, on the left, but more like on my stomach, i’m used to sleeping with my head on my arm under your head, well, on your stomach, on your stomach , your stomach doesn’t bother you, no, nothing bothers me, i roll around, i have this sofa laid out in the corner, and i roll around on it as i want, and... you slept, you generally got enough sleep, well, yes, i sat on the sofa, the sofa was unfolded, i
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sat down, my legs were like splits, i had a pillow under my head and i sat, i slept, your daughter, she didn’t try to make you lose weight, she tried, but she always, mom, don’t eat, mom, don’t eat, she put a lot of pressure on me, how can i say, on my brains, well, i’ll listen for a day or two, and then i’ll start again, on mom, i’m alone, i don’t care anymore there will be, there’s nowhere to sit down, well, how are you , i start listening to him, i stop, and then, oh well, today is the last time i’ll eat, she ’s afraid of losing you, she’s afraid, your daughter... she’s surprised how you’re still alive at such weight lifestyle. in the studio ekaterina chernykh. ekaterina, hello. hello. well, i would never say that you are related, you look more like a professional athlete, and as mother and daughter, i have a hard time
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perceiving you. thank you very much, indeed, i work in a small fitness club, next to home. yes, how can a fitness instructor and mom have such weight problems? well, unfortunately, the fitness instructor is not a king or god and, as a rule, they are also ordinary people who have relatives with health problems, but you tried to help your mother? repeatedly, of course, i tried to help her, we talked about this regularly with her, tried to force her to move around the house, at least start with walking, suggested that she start some. exercises for the arms, and then move on to more complex ones, did she do any of these? no, no, unfortunately, she didn’t do that, why? she feels more sorry for herself, is lazy, i think, but maybe because of her illness, mom really can’t study? i think that this particular disease is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, if she at least started to move around the house somehow,
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at least by walking, she would relieve a little of these problems, perhaps the problems would go away. irina, ekaterina is right? yes, she is completely right, because overweight, initially, yes, is a discrepancy between the number of calories a person eats and the amount calories that he spends, well, that is, when we spend less than we receive, of course, alexander, what health problems have you already developed, ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, atheroslatic cardiosclerosis, some kind of stannitsa, lymphostasis of the legs, diabetes mellitus, everything that probably exists is all mine, zip. is it even possible to lose weight with such problems? it’s not possible, it’s even necessary, because the further you go, the worse it will be, that is, gradually motor activity may decrease even more. well, some kind of correction when playing sports for these diseases, need to do it? yes, for example, you can’t do exercises that actively involve the knee joints, for example, that
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is, you can’t squat, you can’t jump, yes, all exercises must be performed initially. without lying down, you can exercise on your arms, well , it’s clear about the exercises, i think that ekaterina told her mother about them, and about proper nutrition, they told my mother, we discussed this regularly with her, yes, i told her how to eat right, three main meals, three snacks, this should be less junk food, fresh fruits, vegetables, again, breakfast is oatmeal. does your mom really eat a lot? i wouldn't say she eats a lot. that some of these are large portions, most likely it is very simply unhealthy fatty food, cutlets, lard, pancakes, fried potatoes, again, if these are fried potatoes, then they must swim in oil, when you come to visit, you have to the same thing exists, unfortunately yes, well, sometimes there are even stomach problems
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because of this, your mother has been into what kind of food since childhood accustomed, just as fat, incorrect... from genetics, partly, yes, it depends on genetics, here we have general obesity, abdominal obesity, and moreover, in this situation, fat is deposited not only in the subcutaneous adipose tissue inside the body, it it is also deposited in the internal organs, that is, in the liver, forming fatty liver disease; fat is also deposited in the intermuscular layers, but of course
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, nutrition still plays the most important role, naturally, and i don’t think that my daughter eats... just as constantly like mom, because if we all would eat lard, potatoes that float in oil, i think we would all be obese regardless of genetics, who do alexandra’s relatives blame for her enormous weight, the answer after a very short advertisement, it ’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, okay, okay , i understand, that’s how persil washing gel is available at the megamarket for only 799 rubles. for as long as we can remember, we have always been together, a magnet, 30 years next to... with you, this is a show of stars, we continue the second stage of the duel, alexey chumakov, berry, raspberry, oops, oh! disgusting costume even makes you angry somehow it’s not a wolf against azamat musagaliev.
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to figure it out. soldier, stop it, i'll tell you everything, i'm asking again, who sent you, hot spot, or maybe the grip lured you away, you first figure out which of yours he lured away, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, a woman who is a little over 200 turned to us for help, this year, five-nine-year-old alexandra popova from... the lipetsk region dreams of going to her grandson’s graduation, but her own weight, which has exceeded 2 , is preventing her from with half a hundredweight. the weight bothers me very much, before, maybe i was young, i didn’t notice it, now it’s hard for me with this weight, it’s hard to sleep and go out, shortness of breath, my legs hurt, everything affects me. alexandra’s daughter, thirty-seven-year-old ekaterina chernykh, is a fitness trainer. she assures that more than once tried to help her mother, showed her. i
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always suggested it to her, talked about her excess weight, but she was reluctant, i think she was more looking for excuses, being lazy. ekaterina, but did you try to influence your mother, did your dad try to influence her or did he influence her? dad always accepted her as she was, he always really flowed with her somewhere, he pitied her, protected her, brought her everything on a tray. i scolded him for this more than once, told him not to do this to her, so that she could have at least at least there was some movement, dad didn’t listen to you either, no, he was very soft, he felt sorry for her, how did mom cope, well, with the female responsibilities that exist in the family, cleaning, going to the store, washing the dishes, always to her dad helped with this, she went to the store, she sometimes drove herself, the seller
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just came out to her. wow, margarita, well, can you imagine how scary it is when a person can’t even get out of the car, all the problems that alexander talks about are simply not to the same extent, i went through it personally, i ate the least of everyone, i’m now i eat a little and... naturally in other ways, but besides love, because she can’t do it for herself, well , she can’t, she might give her life for others even at this weight, she gave up on herself, but
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the heroine found herself in a situation where... everyone around is serving a symptom of obesity, and they take it out, and they give it, and the husband presents everything on a tray, in principle, this is good, and the heroine did not complain about anything, that is , she, she, besides what is possible, as the doctors say, yes , there are some of these manifestations, specifically physiological, yes, but from the psychological side, that is , the habit of eating this way, such an environment, when a person had already begun to gain weight, i began to move little, it became a geometric progression.
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he doesn’t want to get out of this, so to speak, this state. ekaterina, aren’t you afraid that the weight will simply kill your mother? of course, i am very much afraid for my mother, and i think that it is still a miracle that she still lived to her age in this condition. does your mother live alone now? yes, mom lives alone, sometimes. her sister comes to spend the night with her, she she also lives there - in the village, we come on weekends, and how she copes, she can serve herself, but still she is lazy somewhere, calls, complains, asks for help, you say that she can serve herself, and alexandra about this she said, but i watched her appear in our studio, i can hardly imagine what she can do at home, it seems to me that life within four walls is a burden for her, my colleagues visited... visiting
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alexandra. we have a plot. as soon as spring comes, fifty-nine-year-old alexandra popova from the village of telezhenka is right in walks out into the street in socks. a woman's shoes. no, she can’t pick one up due to her excessively curvaceous figure, which is also why she prefers to travel exclusively in her favorite car. yes, wherever i want, i’ll go there. they specially welded the seat for me, moved it all the way back, they gave me a sports steering wheel, you see that it doesn’t touch my belly button. however, in winter you can't walk in the snow in socks. therefore, starting in the fall, the big house turns into a prison for her,” says alexander.
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the cabin is done, i come here, just like that, i sit down, turn on the hot water and wash myself however i want, wherever i want, and as much as i want. in the kitchen , a lover of sweets and fatty foods shows the refrigerator, an assortment of cutlets, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruit salad, herring to the noise, what’s in it for me, apples, cottage cheese, sour cream. there’s already half a loaf of bread left, this is the third week, i’ve almost stopped eating bread at all. irina, what do you think of the plot? it’s sad, of course, but it’s sad, firstly, that yes, you are alone, and it’s clear that it’s harder, but at the same time there is still
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optimism. alexandra is cheerful and wants to show that everything seems to be normal, but it’s clear which is hard, you see, it’s hard, of course, of course, it’s hard, but there is a plus for the nutritionist, the patient cooks for herself, herring under a fur coat is good. it’s all about the portion, of course, is it possible to eat herring under a fur coat, yes you can, no one will forbid it, the question is in the portion, is it possible to eat lard, it’s also possible, the words spoken by the doctor are a red rag for the patient, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, in dietetics we still try to speak with a reservation, to avoid the word cannot be, but in our case, changing lifestyle, of course, is a common effort, it’s not only the work of the doctor, the work of the patient, but also the work of the entire environment, there is...
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why do you make cutlets for yourself, herring under a fur coat, why? my cutlets are made from chicken breasts without salt, my grandchildren will come, my daughter will come to take them, well, i have to treat you to something, you will also eat all this, well, of course, you will have one little thing, but you understand, alexander, that you need to give up this, this kind of food, are you really as weak-willed as you yourself think, it’s been a year since i gave up a lot of things, bread...
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how long has it been since you saw your aunt? after the death of her husband, we haven’t seen each other, we just keep calling each other. when you last saw each other, was your aunt the same? well, for the past 50 years, she has been at this weight, but every year the situation is getting worse, visually, you notice it, visually, yes, yes, it is getting worse, she is gaining weight, and on the phone, your aunt complains about weight problems ? she's most likely not complaining about weight problems, but...
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i'm just trying to understand throughout the program how a person can be lazy while living in village, here is this person in front of you, she is an organizer, this is a person who controls the work, she herself does nothing, so the result is a sedentary lifestyle and the result of this, after all, this is laziness, this is laziness, yes, absolutely true, this is laziness, you know the way to cope with this laziness, the most basic thing is to at least increase physical activity. it’s not going to the gym, it’s
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at least leaving your house, sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, yes, it’s a little physical activity, but for her it’s today it will be enough to get up to take the first steps and even lose weight, but she needs to change her diet, yes, of course, remove fatty foods and give preference to lower calories. painlessly give up your favorite high-calorie foods, i can say i’ll reduce the portion, let’s try to figure out how to reduce it, again, if you like to cook yourself, you can cook it yourself, let’s try and figure it out, let ’s do it immediately clearly, maybe you can you advise alexandra on how to reduce the portion, yes, tell us how to make this less harmful, at least let’s try, is it possible to reduce the harm? for the body when consuming lard, here we
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have, look, there is salted lard, boiled lard, smoked lard, lard, lard, all this is delicious, all this is high in calories, it is less harmful where there is more meat, although in any case, boiled, whatever smoked, here we can talk about trans fats, of course, that in smoked there is a greater risk of the formation of trans fats, but still, it’s always a matter of portions, well , if you, for example, say what portion you are eat, and i can say: what portion of lard is optimal to eat, let’s check, alexandra, what piece of lard should i bring you, you will show the portion, simple, i’ll give you a knife and you can directly indicate what portion you usually eat for yourself, cut it a piece, just honestly, of course, this is what you eat, yes, calmly, here i have outlined, this is the portion, yes, of lard that alexandra eats, this is the piece of lard you eat at a time, yes, i’ll show you a piece. what is needed you will now show, oh,
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this is a safe dose, the dose of saturated fat in day, 20 g, this is the safest dose, but saturated fats are also butter, this is pork, lamb, beef, these are egg yolks, all this is a combination as if you ate this small piece of lard, there are more saturated fats in this day you can’t eat enough for lunch, then i would suggest eating chicken breast, not pork, we also have other types of lard, if you take them, well, look where there is a layer of meat, well, there is a layer of meat, but after all, this does not mean that if there is a layer of meat, then i can eat this such a piece, no, of course, why are alexandra being scolded by her husband’s relatives, we’ll continue in a couple of minutes, who are the boys there? “hello, svetlana mikhalovna, i won’t rat anyone out,
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i don’t need a daughter, but i didn’t even doubt that everything would be fine, why milana tulpanova remembers her marriage with horror with horror. continues to eat for five, oleg, what about the sausage, you can make it healthy somehow, let's try to make it - a healthy sausage, well, again, sausage is better - it's meat, so of course it needs to be made from meat, and we have meat here huge, and that is , you are talking about making sausage yourself at home, of course, well, let’s first understand
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the meat, we still try to use meat that contains less saturated fat, so we have different meat options, such as pork. and pork tenderloin, but look, the meat has less fat, nevertheless, pork still contains hidden fats, so in dietetics we still recommend focusing on other meat, that is, on beef, we can see, look, you see, layers less, practically none, and if there is poultry, then of course the favorite food from nutritionists is chicken breast, buckwheat, broccoli, chicken breast, 2-3 g of fat per... 100 g, so we we can take half a chicken breast and we 'll take - lean pork, it's a tenderloin, yes, probably, yes, it's a tenderloin, lean pork, we'll take it right away then minced pork. let's go,
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it's almost like sausage, well, that's it, then we mixed chicken, pork, then we'll take vegetables, well, everything we have, a quarter of an onion, zucchini, meat grinder, what else, carrots, zucchini, carrots, zucchini, we punch all this too, and why add vegetables? so that there is less fat, we create pulp, so that we create it not at the expense of lard, it is possible, because we can create pulp at the expense of lard, we can add a loaf, but it’s still better to have vegetables, fewer calories and at least some fiber, because you definitely need to add fiber to every meal, no tomatoes, tomatoes will of course give juice, that’s it, that’s it, that’s enough, that’s enough, yes, and spices, spices, and we have turmeric, we have paprika, salt, but... the pressure rises, so it’s clear that it’s best to give up salt, so we can take different herbs, just
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a pinch, great, and let's take paprika, for example, paprika, this is this, this is paprika, yes, yeah, okay, okay, okay, that's enough, the smell is wonderful, the smell is very tasty, yes, what should you do with it later, after all, we are making sausage, we’ll add a little more butter, it’s just insanity. that is , not lard, but sunflower oil, a little bit of sunflower oil is enough, yes, we need, we need that same intestine, just what we will fill the sausage with, yes, we have such an interesting thing, now let's try , yes, yes, so, accordingly, this case will need to be held now, and i will put the minced meat, you will need to hold it carefully, i’m holding it, listen, what a good minced meat really cooked? let's go, yes, let's launch, well, basically, i think
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that's enough, so, well, accordingly, we have formed a sausage, here of course, we will now need to tie it up, that's how everything will tie up, here we tie it up, here we tie everything up and put it in the oven. how many degrees ? there is a lot of protein and less, much less saturated fat, this will be much healthier, yes, and liver sausage? what is liverwurst made from soup products is it made from liver, you can of course say that yes it is healthier, because there are more microelements, there is iron, but
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there are also fats, but in any case there is less of them than in lard, liverwurst sausage is healthier, it contains less fat relative to lard, again everything is relative, well , accordingly, offal is healthier than just meat, we can say that it healthier than just lard, but soup products are of course less healthy than chicken breast, if... we need protein, we take meat that contains less fat, and the same goes for offal, and the same goes for liver sausage, in liver sausage may contain 20 g of fat, 100 g of product contains 20 g of fat, chicken breast contains 3 g of fat, that’s the difference, by-products may be contraindicated for people who have some kind of disease, of course, cardiovascular disease, as well as less need to use lard, less degree, you need to use any fats of animal origin for obesity with... diseases, there should be less saturated fat in the diet, even liver sausage, even lard, in our diet we always focus
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on unsaturated fats: fish, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, sunflower butter to a lesser extent, lard to a lesser extent, pork, beef, but let's also say that according to recommendations, red meat should be eaten no more than twice. per week, let it be either beef or pork, but this is twice a week in any form, even if it’s in soup, yes twice a week, but not every day, thank you, oleg, thank you very much, have a seat, ekaterina, what do you think, alexandra’s problems with excess weight are only due to overeating or there is another reason for obesity, i think that there is no motivation, or rather there was no motivation, yes, because the husband helped and served.
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eats away his stress with food. ekaterina, how to find motivation in case of a nervous disorder to lose weight if a person eats stress. you know, what if we look at it from this angle? because of the death of my husband, yes, then, probably, i could even ask a question or think, i have a hypothesis, yes, why kill yourself after your husband, when you know you have so many health problems, but you continue to be in this, and to somehow increase, you continue. where is the desire to live, so i would ask the question, yes, what does it hold on then, and where to find this desire to live after the loss of a loved one, that’s exactly what it is, and what values ​​remain in life, and what are your loved ones, relatives, grandchildren yes, there is a daughter, but in general, also think about those around you, that with such weight, if god forbid, something happens, some kind of recumbent condition, and how the relatives
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will look after, yes, well, it’s impossible not to turn it around , that is, if you have habits. but the fact that alexandra found the strength in herself and decided to ask for help is already a great step, in my opinion, this is certainly the first step, i think that there will be small steps towards change, the main thing is not to set big global goals, start with small, but alexandra said that now she is very wants to go to her grandson's graduation, can this be hers? of course, why not, if this is an important factor for her, we always set some goals, and we achieve them, we set goals, and we achieve them, and this achievable goal, to come to our grandson, is quite viable if we set in front of me now to reach the threshold, then to reach somewhere else there, step by step, step by step, alexander’s grandson today also came to our studio nikita kuznetsov,
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nikita, hello, hello. are you and your grandmother great friends? yes we are good friends we talk every day, talk about everything, but what to talk about, how you spent your day, we tell him, well, well, you can say everything, did you spend a lot of time with your grandmother as a child? yes, i came when there was free time, we lived together, i helped with the housework, yes, of course, i helped, i washed the floors somewhere, moved a cupboard, what did your grandmother feed you in... she always fed you fried potatoes, pancakes, that very in a lot of butter, yes, yes, what else, pies, grandma always supported you, yes, she always supported me supported, protected from offenders, from what offenders? well, for example, when i was little, i once went to the football field to play football, suddenly my grandmother left the house, well, i saw how they were offending me, she immediately
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drove up and protected me from the offenders, and my grandmother was already there big? yes, she got out of the car or just honked and dispersed, well , she honked and dispersed everyone, she swore, but it turns out, now it’s your turn to protect and support your grandmother, yes, well, when i come to her, she always complains, says: here why do you need me like that, there are only problems with me, i always support her, she says, we always need you, we are nowhere without you, and do you know that your grandmother came to us today to lose weight for your sake? graduation to get to it, yes, i know, i want it to lose weight, everything will work out well, do you think everything will work out for grandma, of course it will work out, alexandra has already undergone a medical examination, that’s how it was, early in the morning, fifty-nine-year-old alexandra popova goes to see specialists in the capital, first the therapist fills out medical history, then conducts an examination
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and listens to the patient’s breathing. next, alexandra is sent for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity and lower extremities. now i apply the gel so that the machine can see your veins. visualization may be a little difficult because... it’s less visible through the fatty tissue, your veins are a little more dilated, the veins on the left leg are more dilated. after an ultrasound, a chest x-ray and a blood test. does it hurt you? no, it doesn’t even hurt at all, just press down on it. the final stage of the ecg examination. we need you at least place the pen on your tummy so that the pens don’t hang from you. okay, yeah. you are ready? yes, what will the doctor’s verdict be? does alexandra have a chance to fulfill her grandson’s dream? let's find out together in a matter of minutes. a
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seaside vacation suddenly turned into a search for biological relatives. we were invited to vacation in the topsinsky district, not far from my birthplace. the only thing she knew about her family were the names of her mother and grandmother from the village of kholmskaya in krasnodar. region, biological mother's name is lena, grandmother, worked as a nurse in khomskaya hospital. residents of the village remembered that 32 years ago, one of the families was mourning the loss of a child, and that i have a relative who lives in kholmskaya, that is, masha was very surprised, they were told that the child was born dead. is thirty-two-year-old irina really the girl who allegedly did not survive? aunt masha called me, you know that your sister - she says she was pregnant, i say, she had an abortion, what an abortion, this abortion is 32 years old, they did an artificial birth, but the child turned out to be alive, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, the boy’s word, blood
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maximum sexual energy. get the atali premium tank right now for free, find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. today at 23:00. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. grandmother weighing over 200 kg begs for help lose weight, because her grandson invited her to his graduation. i invite bariatric surgeon anastasia zhukova to the studio. hello, anastasia. hello. and what is your state of health, alexander? we have reviewed the analyzes provided to us; in fact , their results leave much to be desired. that is, the indicators in biochemical analyzes are overestimated, your heart is working at the limit, that is, the kg indicators are not good. there are problems with sleep, with breathing during night sleep. i'm
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right, what happens to breathing during sleep, is it interrupted? and i believe that our heroine has obstructive sleep syndrome, that is, the so-called interruptions during sleep, interruptions in breathing, interruptions in cardiac activity, this is a rather unpleasant situation, dangerous, which in turn can also lead to death. anastasia: does alexandra have a chance to lose weight thanks to operations? at the moment, i would not recommend performing bariatric... surgery and alexandra’s briatric surgery, since the test results are currently not allow us to perform the operation as planned , it will be unsafe, first of all we should not harm you. currently, i think that alexandra is recommended for conservative treatment of obesity, this means working with nutritionists, nutritionists, endocrinologists, selecting a diet, and some kind of physical activity that will be safe for your joints. at the moment, which will allow
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the situation to be corrected conservatively. you said that the operation is contraindicated, it cannot be done, but what are the risks, why not? should i have surgery now? the operation takes place under general anesthesia, under anesthesia, this is a load on the body and there is a possibility of death during anesthesia. the heart and body may not be able to withstand it. how can i help alexandra? at the moment, the goal for alexandra is to reset. about 30 kg, this will improve the test results, then a repeat examination will show us whether this intervention will be safe, whether we can help in this way, that is, perhaps after this, after these measures will give alexandra a chance for surgery, of course, oleg, you can help alexandra lose these 30 kg, i will create a diet based on her favorites...


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