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tv   DNK  NTV  April 17, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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at the moment, what will allow you to correct the situation conservatively, you said that the operation is contraindicated, it cannot be done, but what are the risks, why can’t the operation be performed now? the operation takes place under general anesthesia, under anesthesia, this is a load on the body and there is a possibility of death during anesthesia, the heart and body may not be able to withstand it, absolutely right, how can we help alexandra? at the moment the goal for alexandra is to reset. about 30 kg, this will improve the indicator test results, then a repeat examination will show us whether this intervention will be safe, whether we can help in this way, that is, perhaps after this, after these measures alexandra will have a chance for surgery, of course, oleg, you can help alexandra lose these 30 kg , i will create a diet based on her favorite... products from
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preferences, from my recommendations, if the patient follows, then of course the weight will gradually decrease, and in how long will she be able to lose this weight, some figure, say that you'll lose it in a month so much, we don’t give guarantees, we’ll see how the body responds. alexandra, it seems to me that in order to move forward, yes, and to follow the diet plan that they set for you, you will need the help of a psychologist, therefore. you will be able to follow all the recommendations of all specialists, yes, i promise, yes, and most importantly, promise that by the time your grandson graduates, you will have already lost weight, i promise, well , of course, not much, but at least you should take the first steps by this time, promise?
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i promise, i believe that everything will work out for you, and you you will definitely come to your grandson’s graduation, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. residents of a high-rise building in the krasnodar territory are afraid of being burned alive, because in 3 years there has already been a fire on their neighbor’s property eight times, he carries garbage from the landfill day and night, and we wake up from the explosion, because there are uh paints, cans, bottles with flammable materials, the man declares that this is not garbage, recycled raw materials for processing, earning for what i collect, paper, waste paper, now i collect plastic, i hand over metal to you. and
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the arson, he assures, is carried out by the neighbors themselves, they are trying to burn me down along with the house, well , as much as possible, we are already so tired of your stinking pile, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, grew up in a foster family, a resident of the nizhny novgorod region, getting ready for vacation, could not think that she would find her supposed biological... relatives there . irina arsentieva contacted us for a dna test, hello, irina, you they always knew that they grew up in a foster family, but until a certain point i didn’t know, until about 12-13 years old, well, of course there were rumors among the neighbors, someone suggested something, they tried to say so directly, maybe you’re a foster family. so you heard rumors from
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your neighbors, how did your mother explain them to you? and she explained, i naturally asked her questions, she was a woman in body, quite, quite plump, she explained that the neighbors couldn’t see that i was pregnant, because my belly was big, my belly hid everything, they just didn’t you knew that i was in a position, and you believed that everything was in order, everything grew together for me, well, it was still my childhood and adolescence, so did you think about the external resemblance? parents and we were very similar in appearance to our adoptive mother, she too , i grew up from birth with a round shape in the body too, she is accordingly the same, even looking at the old photographs she is not very built in, there is still fullness, so there was not even a doubt, that we are family, but at some point you found out the truth, yes, yes, we had a row with our father, we had a big quarrel, because, well, we always communicated with him like that.
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we have such a character together with him, in the heat of anger he blurted out that i would give him the money, the house address, let him go, look for him, that’s all. i agreed that after all, the neighbor's gossip was, in the process , not gossip, and i had to find out all the information, what did you find out? i went up to my mother, tried to extort information from her, at first she didn’t want to talk, she tried to say that she was just saying who knows what, but i insisted and she started, she burst into tears and started telling, accordingly, about what it really is, that is... this conversation was even more difficult than for you, much more difficult, because yes, it was very, very painful for her that it was so suddenly, at some point it suddenly came to light, but what did she tell you? she said that yes, indeed, in
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the ninety-first year i was brought from the krasnodar region, from the city of obinsk, i was only 3 days old when, when i was brought to the chuvash republic, she also said that... and my biological mother’s name is lena , may 8 it was her birthday, and on may 12 , accordingly, i was already born, that elena’s mother’s name was tatyana, that although i was born in obinsk, they lived in the village of kholmskaya, that is, not far at all, it was also mentioned that tatyana, grandma, she worked as a nurse at kholm hospital, that ’s all. this is all the information is exhausted, this is about your biological family, and your mother told you why she decided to become your mother in the first place, yes, of course, i knew from birth that in eighty-eighty-nine, and my own son igor, he crashed in a car
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together with his wife, his wife was pregnant at that time and after that they grieved very much, but they were already aged, the mother at that time was already over 50, the father, the father was 9 years older than her, the father. i was already over 60, so they were no longer supposed to have their own children, they decided to take the step of adopting, you said that they took you in the krasnodar region, absolutely, but why didn’t you want to take the child to chuvashia, but because uh mother has a friend, she is from the krasnodar region, she found out that there was a child who was a conscientious objector, an absolutely healthy girl, and sent her away telegram, she said, since... you wanted it, here, here’s a gift from fate, they took an urgent flight to krasnodar, from there to binsk, the waiver was on you, but according to my information, yes, there was a waiver, and what was written there , you know, unfortunately, i don’t know the details, i know for sure that there is a waiver in
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favor of the morozovs, that is, my already adoptive parents, that is, she already knew exactly who he was giving his child to, yes, yes, they we met, my adoptive mother met mine... and probably all because of this, out of fear simply, well, such a young woman could make a similar decision yourself, what do you think? no, this is naturally a difficult decision, to make it, you need someone’s support, well, did your mother even tell you why she met with her biological
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mother? no, i didn’t tell you, but i guess that i wanted to find out who exactly the biological mother was, even though at my birth i had the maximum number of points on the burn scale, but... nevertheless, i still want to find out who has what kind of blood. did they change your data that was given at birth? i have more data there wasn’t, there was only the date of birth, the data was already given to me by my adoptive parents, the date of birth remained the same, yes, the date of birth remained the same. after your parents' confession, did your attitude towards them change? well, at first, maybe i rebelled, i was basically such a rather difficult teenager, the fact that i had a very fun life, i could not accept this. the situation to the end, that how could this happen to me, that there are biological parents somewhere out there, there are adoptive parents, just what to do, no i understood, then it passed, yes it passed, in your family you really were a happy child, yes, absolutely everything was done for my happiness, these were music schools,
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art schools, gymnastics, and at the first request, everything i needed was bought, it was somehow magnificent dress, there were no questions, i had to buy it. i wanted 10 cars, we are buying 10 cars, but we fought hard, nothing was refused to you, yes, well, you yourself are also a mother, right, right? i already have four children, well done, mom, well done, this is only for now four, because at the moment my husband and i are going through the school of host parents, and we, as soon as i found out that i was an adopted child, i naturally immediately decided for myself that i would definitely accept an adopted child into the family, this is unconditional, your parents now? delaying your search for your biological family? they, unfortunately, have already passed away, my mother a long time ago, and
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she buried my father not so long ago, 3 years ago. have you tried to look for your biological relatives yourself? yes, yes, last year there was such a moment that we were invited to vacation in the topsinsky district with the whole family, and i immediately told my husband that it was not far from my place of birth, and i would definitely need a couple of days. i’m leaving, i want to try, at least try to find it with the information that i have, and i first went to kholmskaya, the first grandmothers i came across were there, i stopped and asked them, i say, grannies, please tell me, this is the situation that in ninety, ninety-one , tatyana worked here as a nurse in the hospital, she had daughter, lena, i’m looking for my relatives, could you tell me who i’m in the hospital with...
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here’s anna, what’s there to lose, i think i’ll contact her, i left her all the information, left my phone number, i thought it was possible to find out, maybe the zaksa will give some information, but i went to abinsk, to the zaksa, it was there that i registered the birth certificate, not having time to get to the zaksa, anna calls me and says: “irina, i found everything, i found out everything , fly to me". i was flying back to kholmsk, i couldn’t feel my legs or arms, i was on the road... i saw it, flew in, she started telling me that yes, indeed, in
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1990, tatyana worked for us, she had a daughter, elena, who gave birth to a child in 1991, and she said that i have a relative who lives there in kholmskaya, ah, she gave the address, she said that a relative will receive you, she will listen to you, she is a very sociable, very kind person, go. i went accordingly, i didn’t dare to knock on the house for a long time, i sat in the car for a long time, got out, got back in, finally came up to me opened, and i didn’t know how to introduce myself, well , that’s what i said, i say, excuse me, please, i don’t know how to explain to you who i am, you had a daughter-in-law tatyana, she had a daughter lena, and i’m her eldest daughter , she invited me into the house and, accordingly, they began to talk about...
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knows the meeting with irina. attention to the screen. maria drost remembers well how the family tried to keep the unplanned pregnancy of her niece elena secret, because she was only 15. the girl returned from the maternity hospital without a child. pregnancy was coming calmly, and there was no such thing as a big belly in her. at the same time they said that the birth began prematurely, when they returned from the maternity hospital, her mother cried, lena cried. they said that the child, they told me that the child had died, well, we grieved a little,
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sort of cried, but that was all, no one remembered the tragedy until the arrival of irina arsentyeva, who introduced herself as elena’s very deceased daughter, when this girl appeared to us , she appeared on my doorstep, i was so surprised that i was 2 the day was somehow restless when i saw lenin’s features in her. and tymbrin, all this somehow reminded me, she first asked me if i knew this elena letvyakhova and...
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most likely there was pressure from her mother tatyana, because it’s really difficult to make such a decision, to make such a decision, and so as not to feel shame for leaving the child, they said that this child died, yes, yes, you are absolutely right, so as not to feel shame, so that they would look into the eyes when the relatives were told that we decided give it to the child. foster family, this would have brought even more condemnation, so it was easier this way. well, in this case, do you have a grudge against your biological mother? in no case, no, in no way am i offended by her, i can still understand her, i can accept her, her decision, her choice, i still had a wonderful childhood, wonderful, no one knows what happened if i had stayed with my biological
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relatives, i don’t know who i would have been, irina, but you managed to find someone else from the supposed relatives, right? yes, right away while communicating with maria grigorievna, she called the biological mother’s sister, natasha, and also said that natasha, do you remember the story that lena had a premature birth, and that the child did not survive. natasha, of course, natasha was very surprised that marya grigorievna called her with such a question, and marya explained that she was sitting in front of me, quite alive, healthy, an adult. a person who, as they were informed, did not survive, and that everything was fine, in fact, the child was alive, she found us, she was also naturally discouraged, but in the process of conversation, in the process of explaining the story of the information that i had, the information all came together, and i doubt that
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in a small page there would be any other similar story with completely the same data, with the same names. this is a one in a million chance, it seems to me. sister elena herself admitted to her that she went to have an abortion. in the studio natalya surovtseva. hello, natalia. hello. tell us, what was your reaction to irina’s appearance? well, for me it was of course a shock, let's say, because aunt masha called me, my aunt, well, like our relative, and said.
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and for some reason i was thinking about vika, she has a little daughter, vika, who was taken from victoria, for some reason i thought that she was talking about her, that is, there is another one left for her, she is not abandoned, she was simply deprived of her motherhood, she was adopted , that is, your sister has a wrong lifestyle, it turns out, and you think that in these table conversations your sister remembered this girl, well, for some reason i thought about vika, about the little one, i say, yes, of course, i i know that you have a daughter, but why don’t you want to pick her up there, but they didn’t... he didn’t look for her, in my opinion, they couldn’t find her, they didn’t know her, you know who the pregnant sister was from the first time, but now it’s not that i can just guess, because i was probably up to 11 years old, and they actually even when i was little, here he is... she was friends with the boy, they had their own company , there were only four of them there, well , in general they had their own company, let’s say, but they were all the same age, no, he was it was they who were older, so it turns out lenia was
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at that time, i don’t know the age, well, when they were still friends together, he was just about 13-14 years old, she was probably 13-14 years old, and he was already over 30, wow, he loved her madly , he constantly went after her, that’s why, again, i think that they said just like that, that she had a child there, as if because the parents were against it. in order for them to communicate, well, he at least knew that she was pregnant, i don’t know, they then quarreled, it turns out, with misha, she went to novorossiysk, she’s finishing school, she she’s leaving for novorossiysk, that’s it, she’s coming from novorossiysk, she could come for the weekend, well, now this man where he died, i know that he died a long time ago, why, well, he led such a slightly ugly lifestyle, i’ll say this, you said , you were 11 years old, yes, then, when , yes, when... she left for novorossiysk, yes, but what’s the difference between her and her sister? 5 years, how were you raised? actually strictly, because our father was such a person, strict, and perhaps for this reason she
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did not live with us, because here he is, and they they had the same character, it was on this basis that they didn’t get along, that she was stubborn, that he was stubborn, offended her, but it happened, he offended her, yes, it happened, he offended her, i will say that once he even put her on a chain instead of a dog , unhooked. well, how could such a strong, characterful girl not be able to raise a child? i suspect that perhaps she herself was deceived, because lena herself personally, she loved children so much, here she is, if... she would never have refused, perhaps it was someone’s initiative, maybe, well, how i would, i i’m sure that she was pushed to do this, the girl could not have made such a decision on her own, so i also adhere to the version, yes, that she was simply
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pushed, perhaps i can suggest a version that even she was told that the child was born dead, she is in this state effect, perhaps, even if the refusal was signed by her even in her own hand, i didn’t wonder, she’s in a state of effect, not realizing that she was signing, so they gave her to sign, huh? larisa, what do you think could have happened? i believe that due to this young mother’s young age, they decided for her all adults, and they agreed in advance to somehow resolve this situation, so a version arose that is not a version, but a theory that the child is dead, that he is, that he is not there, then... you are talking about what -pregnancy, but you know, there could be several pregnancies, especially for a young woman of childbearing age. natalya, you really
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haven’t thought about what your sister told you about another pregnancy, i don’t deny, i don’t dispute, maybe that’s how it is, well, maybe after some he had a failed abortion, maybe there was already a follow-up after the birth, do you think that irina is your sister’s daughter, spears, alena, lips, cheeks, so... one can assume in some way that yes, yes, it seems there is such a thing the type is common, but i
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can’t completely, you know, say that there is such an absolute similarity, irina, do you find similarities with this woman, yes, yes, we are very similar, if i do the same hairstyle, it seems to me that we we will be one person, believe that it was this woman who gave you life, yes, i want to hope in this, like... i am what, well they are similar, however, when i saw her on the phone, we talked, i immediately came here on the cop, well, like maria told irina that a child in your family died, you don’t remember mourning in the family, no, i don’t remember, because it’s as if we lived a happy life without this mourning, here every day my dad and mom were in mourning, because our dad and mom separated, so i stayed with my dad, and they were our eldest brother, seryozha, and they , well... he also joined our army, as if he were already an adult, we are 10 years apart, he was already more independent, so here she is, now with her mother, now with her father, natalya, and we talked to the locals.
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neighbor nikolai shmelkov had never heard of elena’s early pregnancy. elena was pregnant at the age of 15, i found out just a few days ago, if she had arrived with a belly, her father would have seen her, i don’t know what happened, but of course he would have scolded her, this is what any normal father would have done, i think. but voloshin’s love was aware of elena’s interesting situation and was sure that her
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first-born was alive, healthy and... after all, this is already a full-fledged sub, which was born, respectively, at the weight at which children are actually born, fully pregnant, i think that after all, well, she was born, should have been born on time, well, that is, not one would the doctor would not deliberately do this to induce labor, especially for such a young girl, an absolutely healthy child, most likely these are some kind of speculations that are not confirmed by any facts, soon in our
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studio there will appear... a woman who was ordered to remain silent 32 years ago, which she admits, there are exciting details ahead and, of course, the result of the dna test, we will continue in a couple of minutes, buy everything you wanted in installments for 24 months with a holwa card. i’m very glad to meet you online, it’s very funny, it’s impossible funny. taking artists like you creates projects like a mask. mask - anniversary fifth season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hot spot.
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the secret of the emperor, free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love , central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program , irina is waiting for the test result, who on vacation accidentally met her supposed biological family. she was strictly forbidden to say that her relative gave birth to a living child. in the studio of valentin chernobrovkin. hello hello. who are you related to? i’m natasha ’s cousin’s aunt, because her father is my cousin, and lena, who died, was also my niece, you mean elena,
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well, yes, they were always in your sight, they were there when they were little , were in plain sight, natasha was born later, and lena and another older brother, there was an accident, he died, and it was my mother who nursed them, always they brought them to us when the parents were busy, the children were like, you know, no problems, very calm, they were just, well, it was like messing with them without any problems, and mother gladly took them to her place, which means you should have known that happens in their family, natasha’s mother, she always shared all the secrets she had with my mother, she told my mother everything, and i was always there, and i always knew everything, and irina, you ’ve already heard , and iri told me this, i knew that the girl was taken and no, in general, it was far away, the nurse took it,
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left the payment, the nurse, this is so, initially, initially it was said so, then everything was played out differently, they did an artificial birth, but the child turned out to be alive, it was so secondary. alive, i started the child, i want it, well, i wanted to take this one there, beg, give it to me, i want it, i have only one child, i’ll get married, i won’t get married, but the girl, she says, no, she ’ll be here in front of our eyes, how can it be, well, no, i say, well , how can it be, well, let her do it, there are a lot of us, we have all this here, but they all banned it, they didn’t want it, so you were the only one who knew? i knew, yes , maybe someone else knew, maybe someone from, but i, but not likely, everyone, that’s who i know, everyone knew that the child died, and you were silent and kept this secret , i couldn’t, i was forbidden to talk about it, i
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was afraid, when i often came to tatyana at work, i went to the hospital to see her, she worked as a nurse, i went to see her, i said, well, there’s some news, she’s not- no, no, that’s it, nothing, she starts crying, what have we done, what have we done, i’m saying, i told you, let’s just take her and we will all raise it together, let her grow up among us, no, they said, no, how... did she refuse on her own or was she forced? no, lena herself, no, she was such a kind girl, well, how could it be, no, it seems to me, especially since she loved this guy so much, they had such love there, well, it’s the neighbors who say that he went there to see her , well, the elders , for lena herself it turned out to be a tragedy, and for lena herself too, she apparently didn’t want to disclose it, that’s how long we’ve been living, i think about it all the time. what do you understand, here you go you sit down to eat and think, somewhere out there,
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how is it, how does it live there, is it fed or not fed, well, you think about it all the time, that is , you were the least surprised when irina finally appeared, yes, i knew that she was alive, but i didn’t know that she would find us, well , how would she find us, we weren’t her, although we had to look for her, but why would we, where would...
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i quickly came home, without undressing, she rather called directly, i’m your grandmother, i told her that too, we have a lot of relatives , everyone would accept you, irina, it turns out, the family knew that the child survived, it hurts to hear this, it hurts, of course, but i can’t hold a grudge, i wouldn’t even think of holding a grudge, yes, it hurts, yes, i spent my entire conscious life when i found out. i really wanted to know my blood, who my
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biological parents really were. valentina, tell irina about the life of her supposed mother, elena. she left, we didn’t even know that she died. she left with chomsky, she lived somewhere in the rostov region. natalya, tell us about your sister’s life, how she is doing, in general, she was smart, such a fighter, she loved to work, well, company-oriented, cheerful. there was a radiance coming from her, something like this kindness, i don’t know either, but lately she’s been getting weak, so she started drinking a little bit, then her health, she had blood clots on her legs, she had to have an operation, so she was able to work, maybe one thing to one thing , it kind of knocked her down, let’s say you tried to help your sister somehow, yes i tried, i took her to my place more than once, i bought a house in the lower pikhovka, so she’ll stay with me for weeks there will be two. then i went home, because that’s where my house is, well, it’s there
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, she’s gone, she’s gone, i come there or call, uh, and again they’re walking, that’s it, i again at the last moment, it turns out, well, i consider myself guilty, it’s like this even in her death, well , in the sense that we had a fight with her for the last time, that’s the last time she left me, i said, she says, if you go, think well, now i can get you back again not to accept, well, because i understood what awaited me there, let’s say so, we had a little fight with her, a week before this she calls me, like this, i hear in her voice that she’s drunk, she calls me and says: natasha, help me, i say, you know where the bus is, right in front of the house, sit down, come, and after that we seem to call, but he doesn’t answer, either their phone is broken or lost, so i’ll come, they’re not at home, they lived there, generally with friends, and what happened there, this is how it turns out, that is, do you think if you took it?
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she would be happy, too bad it's late a lot would have changed even in her life, irina, it’s also a shame for you, if you found your biological family, that your biological mother is no longer there. i partly even blame myself for this, why didn’t i start earlier, why was i a little late? maybe our life would have turned out differently, maybe her life would have turned out differently, maybe i could have helped her with something, yes i could, i could, i would have done everything, she probably would have quit would be, this is all, let’s say, like this, i don’t know, i’m probably really done with everything began a completely different life, well, somewhere
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, some kind of weakness came from lena, i don’t know, in general, everything somehow went against her, now she’s already... who was left, they thought about how her life had turned out, well, yes, but it’s interesting to know more about irina, how her life turned out, of course, it’s interesting, irina is a happy, mother of many children, she has four children, and the children have many pets, let’s see, irina arsentieva’s house is filled with sonorous children’s laughter. our oldest is daniil, here he is in this photo, this is our konstantin, he was born in 2020, the third is we had a girl, vasilisa, here she is, very small, our little monkey, our youngest is eva, she was born last year, this is ours, here she is,
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our little one, in a two-room apartment there is barely enough space for everyone, the family shares square meters with two chinchillas, a cat, a spider and snakes; very unusual pets, not everyone will take them, these are our corn snakes, we have a boy and a girl, the boy is about 160 cm in length, the girl is a little smaller, 150 cm , we feed the mice, they immediately they immediately pounce and eat, thanks to irina’s efforts, the husband and children also eat hearty, tasty food, now we are closer to dinner, so we will prepare their favorite dish, these are the so-called octopuses, these are ordinary sausages, sliced ​​​​and with spaghetti stuck in them. now we will cook about six to seven pieces of each sausage. looking at how her sons and daughters grow, irina often remembers herself as a child. all memorable moments of that time
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are carefully preserved in this family album. i love very much, after the death of my parents, i love foster children very much.
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looked at the whole situation from a completely different perspective, as well as the incredible story of nina stepanovna, who has been looking for her own son for 30 years. the guardianship suggested a boarding school in kabardino balkaria, but there was no boarding school closer to home, they offered me, well, they didn’t go anymore, the tickets became expensive. of course, it is difficult to understand how
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it was she who advised her friend, who had lost her son, to take the child from the executioner. in the studio galina mamutskina. good evening, hello galina, please come in have a seat. tell us about your friend and how she became a mother for irina? here is december 8, 1991, it was a black date, here i am.
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hysterical, she literally turned to stone, withdrew into herself, so for a long time i could not reach her, she was always silent, and somehow after a while we started talking about an adopted child, so that he would become the meaning of her life, because she she told me that life had lost all meaning for me, after some time... she sends me a telegram: meet me, i ’m going to the airport late at night, she gives me
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a small bundle with a child, i... was of course not ready for this, we were going in a taxi, i was gathering my thoughts, but then she told me how it all happened, and so she became a mother, a real mother for her daughter , it turns out that you saw irina first from birth, yes, yes, absolutely right, and your friend told how she managed to become a mother, of course, in general terms , i knew that she was probably looking for a way. this is how to make your dream come true, but besides, relatives also cherished the dream so that it she lived again and became a mother again, but they brought the child from afar, and from afar, because there were people they knew who were also interested in olga’s fate, and what her friend said about the girl’s biological family, about the biological mother she
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said that the girl was about...
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a beautiful girl, she was very kind, because we naturally communicated with her relatives, with her parents, as they talked about her, she is a completely bright person, and i would be pleased to be named after such a person, galina, for yours. friends, irina has become real happiness, the joy of life? irina was, she, as people say, was born in a shirt, she ended up in such a self-sufficient family, where... her loved ones were surrounded by her mother, grandmother, and father, of course, they pricked her, they jumped around her, we was the center of attention, my grandmother, as it turned out, even kept a diary, where she described her spiritual growth, how she was developing, and olga, she
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doted on her, she sent her to a music school at the age of 6. mandatory for all concerts, attended, certificates, diplomas, she she always showed them, hung them on the wall, and olga was very worried when irina found out that she was not part of the family, well, i will say that she was confused, because she jealously guarded this news and did not allow the thought that someone will say and...
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a very balanced, wise woman, she would probably support, because she understands, since irina needs to find her roots, since this is interesting, she would probably step on her heart, probably would agree with her, and i think she would be sitting here somewhere nearby. irina, introduce galina to the person you met today in our studio. on the right, this turns out to be an aunt, this is lena’s biological mother, my sister natasha, here this is my second cousin, she looks very, very similar to irina, i immediately noticed her , the similarity in everything, in facial features, this oval face , eyes, well, there are a lot of
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similarities, you’ll immediately catch a glance and you can say that this is... a relative, with natalya? well, there are less similarities, well, probably there are, if you look closely, but natalya has already decided that will be waiting for irina to visit, even if there is a dna test. will not confirm their relationship, we have a plot, let's see: in this private house, in the village of glubokiy, rostov region, natalya surovtseva happily receives all her relatives, and here she also wants to invite her supposed niece irina. irus, i have this teapot, you and i will make tea, a teapot full of it, we’ll bake pies with you, we’ll bake pompoms like this, let’s say, pies like this, and we’ll drink. let's eat together. natalya is a real hostess, stand she has to work at the stove every day to please her son and daughter, who are accustomed to variety in food. we either have soup or
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boshem, every day we need something different, every time, well, here’s something different. i love it, i also bake for it all the time, even potato pancakes, basic pancakes, it turns into bread, eggs, milk, i bake it with it, sort of fry it. here they are eating, natalya also promises to set a sumptuous table for irina’s sons and daughters, she can’t wait to meet her great-nephews, i love children very much, and it doesn’t matter whose they are mine, not mine, children, i really i will be glad to see irina with my children, and i know that my children will be very happy to see and also to meet you, irina, you are generally pleased that your aunt, who is still supposed, but still possibly a dear one, is waiting, of course, this is very pleasant, we have some plans, to prepare something, we will... we will carry out these plans in any case, because no matter what, no matter what the examination shows, no matter what the analysis shows, we have already become so close that i
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think her with her family. natalya, do you think a dna test will confirm that irina has something to do with your family, directly, i really hope that it will be positive, even i am more than... i am sure that it will be positive, somehow from the first minute of our communication i started having something like this there ’s a feeling, there’s a feeling, it’s something that pulls, attracts, she has a voice, she also speaks with an intonation, that’s like lena’s, even if something wrong suddenly happens, she’s still ours. anna, what can you say, did you meet family members in our studio today, of course i want to believe that they are relatives, i really... strongly wish that this was so, but the story is so confusing, there are so many characters here, yes, there are so many secrets, so many rumors, yes, with which it is filled, that of course, anything can happen ,
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irina, are you ready to find out if you are part of this family, yes, with impatience, i invite daria popova, our dna specialist, to the studio. a surviving niece or a stranger by blood, immediately after a short advertisement we will find out the result of the dna test and the answers to all questions. watch at 19:00 on ntv. the situation with the floods, which have affected dozens of russian regions since the beginning of april, remains tense. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. the topic of flooding
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with age, we all feel a deterioration in memory and intelligence, why does the body fail, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? it’s possible, our body has a main computer, the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates how... with age
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, changes occur in the brain, brain cells age and are damaged by environmental conditions and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components,
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8800 100 exactly 1985 find out more about the japanese brain therapy product, results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv maybe bye to you it’s dangerous to go anywhere here, please help.
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lives, i’ll try to figure this out, soldier, i’m done, i’ll tell you everything, i’ll ask again, who sent you the hot spot, or maybe the grip lured you over, you first figure out which of yours he lured over, new season , today at 20:00 on ntv, in the studio of the dna program, the alleged biological aunt and niece, who... have undergone a genetic examination and are now eagerly awaiting the result. daria, you have the floor. a positive dna test result would mean that having grown up in a foster family, irina arsentyeva from the nizhny novgorod region has found her biological family. she underwent a genetic examination with natalya surovtseva, the supposed aunt, sister of her biological mother, who
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, unfortunately, is no longer alive. according to natalya , she knew that her sister had terminated the pregnancy, but was that so? the answer is in this envelope. natalya, are you ready to find out if you have a niece irina? ready. irina, are you ready to find out the result of the dna test? ready. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged aunt natalya. on the other hand alleged niece - irina arsentyeva. there is a possibility of a blood relationship between you. 99.5%, how lovely, that’s it, don’t cry, everything is fine, we thought so, we were ready for everything to be
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fine, generally great, i’m happy, irina, we congratulate you, you found yours. irina, what does a person feel who has just become part of a family, a part, i would say, of a huge family that i have yet to get to know, because there are also, and how it turns out, cousins, sisters, uncles, there are a lot of them, i want to know everyone i i want to hear about everyone, i want to know everything, i still have everything to do. find out, it seems to me, it will be such an adventure, if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow there will be a new dna test on ntv.
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previously, the temperature in the workshop was like outside, in the winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove to warm up, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick, and productivity has improved, but now these are where they are, as souvenirs for gifts.
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big meeting about big water. vladimir putin discussed the flood situation and relief measures with key ministers. what now is happening in the affected regions, our correspondents will tell you in their reports. laws must be executed; the seat of the supreme court is in st. petersburg. the first statement by irina podnosova after her confirmation as chairman of the highest court of russia. about the details of the biography and interesting discussions in soffed. before the appointment of nikita korzun, to cover with his body and evacuate the k-52 pilots from the line of combat contact, this is the task of the fighters of the search and rescue group, their work with fords.


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