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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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big meeting about big water. vladimir putin discussed the flood situation and relief measures with key ministers, what is currently happening in the affected regions, our correspondents will tell in their reports. laws must be executed; the seat of the supreme court is in st. petersburg. the first statement by irina podnosova after her confirmation as chairman of the highest court of russia. about the details of the biography and interesting discussions in soffed before the appointment, nikita korzov. cover with your body and evacuate the k-52 pilots from the line of combat contact, this is the task of the fighters of the search and rescue group, about their work with the ports.
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russian tourists from their holiday in dubai are left with precipitation in the emirates, the heaviest rainfall in 75 years, denis tolalayev talks about its aviation consequences. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. vladimir putin today held a large meeting on the flood situation in russia. key ministers, governors, and heads of municipalities took part . what is the worst case scenario
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the situation is now predicted in the tyumen region, but in orsk and orenburg the peak of the flood has already passed, hundreds of houses have already been inspected for damages. when the water finally recedes, restoration work will be discussed separately, also at a meeting with the president. today there was talk about the evacuation of people from flooded areas, and here vladimir putin pointed out to the tyumen governor that certain formulations were inadmissible. more details about everything. roman sobol, i hope. the flood situation in the southern urals in western siberia has worsened so much so that now any meeting of the president with the government begins with operational reports on the situation in flooded cities and villages. the first report was reported yesterday, well, we communicate with you almost every day, please let us report on what the situation looks like today, according to the latest data only in the orenburg region remain flooded. and
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the leaders of neighboring regions who are sending food, water, and medicine to the affected cities; help is needed while the situation remains extremely difficult. special attention the situation in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions requires. in the orenburg region , we can say with a certain degree of confidence that the flood wave passed through the cities of orsk and orenburg. discharges from the areklin reservoir have become several times less than the values ​​​​that were at the end of march, beginning of april. the water level in the cities i mentioned, although it is above dangerous levels, we note its steady decline. where the water has receded, government commissions are already working to assess damage caused by floods. utilities have a lot of work to do. electricity connections are already underway at 13,000 facilities and households. the gas has been supplied, the established
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procedure requires organizing the assessment work on time, on time, just so that without pauses, the water goes away, the commissions should work immediately with the participation of your specialists, thank you, let's go through the regions, let's start with orenburg, the regional governor reports, compensation is being calculated, so that people can restore at least the most necessary things, 30,000 people. have already received payments, no only priority ones, but due to the loss of property, a decision was made to pay almost another 34,000 residents. it is possible that in some places it will be necessary to rebuild entire neighborhoods; entrepreneurs promised to keep prices for building materials at antediluvian levels. the authorities have reached an agreement with retail chains, and so that business can also recover as soon as possible, it will be temporarily exempt from taxes. the spring waters are now in charge. kurgan
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region. the water has continued to flow over the past 24 hours. the height was more than 1 m 60 cm. in the villages of the kitovsky municipal counties located upstream have already exceeded the mark of one. 11 cm old dam, restored in 2013, was designed to raise water no higher than 10 m. its crest was urgently filled up and built up additionally, but temporary barriers were not able to hold back the water everywhere, and it, flowing through the local fields, is already breaking into the tyumen region . roshydromed has issued fresh calculations, the flood will be 2 m higher than expected just recently. alexandrevich, i told you. yes, that it can be higher than usual, remember? yes, and on your instructions, we were just preparing plus 2 m, so for us, on the one hand, this did not come as a surprise, because we assumed these levels of example for ourselves, so the municipalities that are a little downstream,
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where we have the city of ishim, especially we we are already raising the dams plus 2 m. there is less and less time left for evacuation, but people are in no hurry, some are hoping to wait out on the upper floors, others... the ministry of emergency situations, the police and local authorities, we are evacuating all the people from there. you said that people we take them out, the most stubborn ones remain. don't talk about people like that, don't. sorry, sorry, listen to me, it's not funny. i understand that you are trying, everyone is tired, you are working. you don’t get enough sleep there, you sincerely try to help people, but why don’t people come? they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but they need to believe that everything will be reliably provided, the governors asked putin, if possible, to involve roscosmos
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so that a group of satellites monitor river levels in the future, forecasts will become more accurate and in advance, then maybe the consequences will not be so devastating. when the water recedes, we will gather in an even larger format together with the heads of municipalities and discuss issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing. at today's meeting, concluding the topic of floods, the president asked the head of the ministry of health to report on the sanitary situation in the affected areas; 21 hospitals were evacuated there and although emergency medical care was provided, planned operations had to be postponed. now doctors have another priority task: to prevent epidemics occur, fortunately there are enough vaccines and personnel. roman sobol, andrey prikhodko, television company. our film crews are working in those areas where the most dramatic
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flood situation is currently developing. in kurgan, water has reached multi-storey buildings today. authorities call the volume of water moving towards the city colossal. olga zenkova reports from the flood zone. the scale of the kurgan flood is clearly visible from a bird's eye view, millions of cubic meters of water that came into the region spread across fields and roads, the current so powerful that they demolish all-terrain vehicles that rush to disaster zones to help people. pushkina 2b, everything floats. large waters are engulfing urban neighborhoods, and the entire right bank of kurgan is flooded. this collective garden resisted the elements to the last. people themselves chipped in for sand and clay, ordered equipment, filled the dam, but water won. they worked day and night.
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rabbits, in preparation for the flood, new enclosures for animals from flooded areas have been built in the city, four-legged refugees are being taken there hourly, volunteers they collect abandoned dogs and cats in their yards, because when the water comes, not all owners manage to find frightened pets to take them with them, so the authorities never tire of repeating, evacuate from the risk zone in advance, collect things, documents and your pets, of course, this is generally it’s very bad that you leave the animals, because our smaller brothers, they also want love, affection, care, for some reason we forget that we are theirs...
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you don’t evacuate, we’re all leaving, and i see your boat is inflated, definitely evacuate, yes, yes, yes, yes, if volunteers don’t have enough arguments, the police get involved when the water is already on the site, evacuation is not a right, but an obligation, law enforcement officers explain when really big water comes, you can’t wait for help, when the water came, they all wanted it, we we can’t rescue everyone from the water at the same time, guys, well, you understand, it will take you 2-3 days and you will call the preparation. the flood began in the tyumen region; a map of flooding can be compiled using videos from social networks. you can already get to big yarki
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only by heavy truck, and this is what the route from ilyinki in afonkino. in the ishim region, floods are the first to be expected. military engineers are crushing the ice on the rivers; in some places it has not yet melted. depths can create congestion in the riverbed. the first explosions took place in the area of ​​the village of butyrka. it is a few kilometers from the border with kazakhstan. residents have already been taken to temporary accommodation centers. from kazakhstan , flooded, relatives called and said: leave urgently, don’t sit, don’t wait like an unbelieving thomas, go, go somewhere, this temporary accommodation center was set up in a rural hotel, those who i had to leave the house, they are cared for by doctors and local residents, they live in one or two bed rooms, they are provided with three hot meals a day, hot meals are delivered to them from a cafe in the outskirts in disposable packages, level. rose by half a meter in a day, the water continues to remain in some areas and has already exceeded the critical
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level. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. another region in which there is an acute flood situation is the orenburg region. at a meeting with the president it was noted that the level of the ural river there continues to decline. however, in another river , sokmar, water began to rapidly flow from the scene of the event. report by mikhail chernov. now you can’t reach the drowned village of kabankino, while the urals are receding, the sokmara river, on the contrary, suddenly began to grow, flooding the villages, downstream, like a mountain river, the stream sweeps you off your feet. we have to take a detour, a detour of 120 km, along broken dirt roads, two hourly traffic and kabankino on the horizon, everything is flooded with water, streams cross the only remaining road, threatening to completely cut off village from the mainland. in the school stadium and the neighboring field, it was as if the sea had overflowed, flood waters. filled everything around, right up to the school building itself and the neighboring mosque. tall, up here, the main
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sila postman gulnur ibragimova, now doesn’t take off his fishing suit, the water came in at night, the postal car barely had time to slip through, literally in the morning there was a puddle somewhere in the front, while we were drinking tea, the water was already at our gates in the yard. ilfat daminov, the first guy from the ministry of emergency situations to the village, has... arrived, because for now he, the main village rescuer, takes out everyone's belongings in a tractor bucket. this is how they overcome water barriers here, the water has occupied the entire village, you can’t get through, you can’t get through. everything was flooded in a matter of hours, barns with livestock and houses, they barely had time to lift the furniture, now the residents of sila are cutting off gas and electricity so that something doesn’t work out, this didn’t happen, this is the first time that water has come into the house, the first time like this, there are also stormy streams here now , the water is rapidly arriving in the lower part of the village. increase every hour, some houses are in water up to the very windows, even flooded rural cemetery. the local
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cow farm is also surrounded by water; if growth continues, some of the animals will have to be moved to higher premises, but the main danger is losing feed. a mountain of silos, flattened corn is stored nearby as long as there is access to forage, but if the water rises higher, it will no longer be possible to get close to the feed. due to the flood, the local dairy plant went on forced vacation. large enterprises supplying milk, schools in the region and neighboring regions are closed from today. high probability of being caught bacterial bacillus, because we are completely left without water, the water supply in kabankina is de-energized, we have the wells that the population has, the water is slowly becoming cloudy, except for an outage of water, an outage of electricity, in the flooded village it is either there or not, now they are finishing the last batch of cheeses here, this line. that butter is cheese, 30 tons of milk are processed here every day, or rather
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they were processed, now the equipment is washed and prepared for conservation. while sokmara is heating up, the urals are slowly calming down, in the very in orenburg, water is leaving residential buildings, exposing flooded furniture. the instrument of his wealth, self-taught musician daniil vazhdaev is an internet star, this is how he played chardash in a flooded house a week ago. now the water in the house has subsided, the piano has become soaked from moisture, but is still functioning, the ageless classic is fashionable talking, the water in the house has almost subsided, and this is already a reason for joy, by profession he is a civil engineer, music, hobby. daniil equally perfectly selects soviet classics, popular melodies, for example, from fort bayart, modern from his beloved belly alish. it happens anywhere in the shopping center , if there are instruments, i go up and play. the consequences of the flood are carefully photographed; everyone here is waiting for the arrival of the commission, which must record the damage; the piano is not the only loss. well, it drowned there,
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an electric boiler, a gas boiler, a water heating boiler, if it will be possible in the house soon. today the federation council approved irina podnosova as chairman of the supreme court of russia on the proposal of the president. the senators voted for it unanimously. job title became vacant after the death of vyacheslav lebedev, who headed the highest judicial body for more than 30 years. since 2020, podnosova has been his deputy. about the new chairman of the supreme court nikita korzun. a native of
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pskov, irina podnosova graduated from the legendary law faculty of leningrad state university in 1975. then she worked for
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speaker soffeda, who also spent many decades in the northern capital in the structures of the komsomol as governor, even felt sorry for zemlyachka. we've been mooing for you for two days now. now or later? well, when will there be a decision? of course, the chances of changing his mind were close to zero, especially taking into account the fact that
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the president is introducing the candidacy for the post of chairman of sofed, but why, if 167 senators voted in favor. adopted unanimously, irina leonidovna podnosova was appointed to the position of chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation, let's congratulate irina leonidovna on her appointment and wish her success in her work. valentina matvienko presented the head of the country's highest court with a bouquet of flowers and a copy of this resolution. soffeda podnosova irina leonidovna was appointed to position of chairman. supreme court of the russian federation. i thank you for your trust, i assure you that i will direct all my strength, knowledge, and all my professional experience towards something more successful. just for the successful work of the supreme court to improve the judicial system, like this now for 6 years, however, again, according to the law, the same person can hold the post
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of chairman more than once, the chairman of the supreme court is not subject to age restrictions. nikita korzun, mikhail zamoshnikov, vyacheslav zubarev, ntv. more than thirty promising weapons were presented to the minister of defense, sergei shaigun, and at an exhibition in the patriot center, all of them were made. at russian enterprises, among them a portable artillery fire control system, which makes it possible to repeatedly increase the speed of transmitting coordinates of a modern robotic platform for the delivery of equipment and ammunition. shaigu personally tested a new combat vehicle designed to transport soldiers to carry out missions by special forces units. the minister especially noted the medical robotic complex for evacuation of the wounded. according to shaigu, such equipment is extremely in demand in the special operation zone. the wait is absolutely incredible, how this machine itself should go to the group in the next few days and start working, uh-huh, there is nothing more expensive than
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human life, which means, based on this, we need such a machine as quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible, uh-huh , and as cheaply as possible, today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line, and do this as safely as possible. tasks must cover special groups ready to help at any time. alexey ivliev, about the work of a night hunter on the front line. the situation on the line
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of combat contact is such that our assault units are attacking the positions of ukrainian nationalists everywhere, and all types of aircraft are involved, for example, this handsome mi-28, also known as a night hunter. charging heat traps, which, when triggered, should carry away missiles launched at helicopters, which means that on the last flight the crew of this alligator used them, but more than for protection traps, pilots rely on aviation rescuers, as the fighters of search and rescue teams are also called, this adds a kind of confidence, or something, that if god forbid that our boys always pick us up, there are no problems with this, all of them are highly qualified specialists. and the pilots on the mi-8 helicopter are also very trained crews, so there is no doubt about them, it’s always easier with them. members
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of this elite unit are often called aerial bodyguards. every day they practice rapid disembarkation from a helicopter, and if suddenly ukrainian nationalists manage to shoot down a night hunter or an alligator, they are ready to carry out their combat mission, the evacuation of pilots, at the cost of their lives. we are conducting training on defense around a helicopter to evacuate a wounded person both on board and in case the helicopter has flown away. they are like a shadow, combat helicopters are only accompanied by mi8s, today we are working in a troika. at a low altitude, on a sweeping flight, we fly in close conjunction with two. there is
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a medic, there is a machine gunner, but in general all generalists are ready to replace each other, now, when our infantry assault detachments are attacking in different directions, they work around the clock, maybe two or three sorties, one at a time. this group has already saved pilots, but fortunately it is necessary to carry out evacuation operations extremely rarely, the most intense minutes of the flight, this trip did not happen, i hope it will not happen. now the combat mission of attack helicopters is to strike enemy personnel in the krasnogorovka area, where fierce fighting is taking place. when approaching the contact line, combat vehicles go forward. in these shots you see an alligator approaching. at the closest distance to the position, the pilot lifts the nose of the car as high as possible. this technique is called pitching.
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allows you to send missiles over a longer distance. a sharp move downwards, a reversal and a quick rebound from the advanced positions. objective control footage shows that the targets were accurately hit, and already during the retreat all three helicopters met together again, shooting off heat traps. the most important moment of this k52 flight was successfully completed by positions of ukrainian nationalists, the work of these strong guys was not needed, and we all return to the base together. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, helicopter assembly, search rescue group, yuzhnodonetsk direction. today further in
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our issue: mission accomplished, russia has begun the withdrawal of peacekeeping forces from nagorno- karabakh. russian tourists are left with bad feelings from their holiday in dubai. the emirates experiences the heaviest rainfall in 75 years. about its aviation consequences denis tolalayev. for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. there will be no money to be made. sazon cards, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300 thousand rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash. the first payment is only in a month.
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on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. it became known that russia has begun the withdrawal of peacekeeping units from nagorny karabakh. the process will take place in stages. the peacekeepers were in the region in accordance with a trilateral agreement between moscow, yerevan and baku, signed in november 2020. the contingent consisted of 1,960 military personnel. they had 90 armored personnel carriers and 380 units of various equipment. the detachments were stationed along the former line of contact along the lachin corridor, which connects the region with arminia. autumn. last year, azerbaijan conducted a military operation in nagorno-karabakh. the authorities of the unrecognized republic announced its cessation of existence on january 1 of this year. moscow notes that, in general , the activities of the russian peacekeeping contingent have brought peace and stability to
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the once-conflict region. now , objective conditions have arisen for curtailing the mission in the karabakh region of the azerbaijani republic. the first russian-african international conference opened today in the capital of uganda, kampala. on the fight against infectious diseases, the participants included representatives of eighteen countries, not only africa, but also south america and asia. at this forum, organized by rospotrebnadzor, together with the ministry of health of uganda, russia shares its experience in eliminating outbreaks of dangerous infections and conducting laboratory tests. in recent years, we have transferred seven mobile laboratories to the countries of the continent and trained 1,500 african specialists in epidemiology, diagnostics, and infection.
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a unique russian development, they are equipped with the latest research equipment and can work autonomously in the hotbed of the most dangerous infections. during the conference, rospotrebnadzor specialists will show african partners how to use this technique in practice. a new laboratory building at the federal center for forensic examinations of the ministry of justice was opened in moscow today. hundreds of different studies in the field of forensics will be done there, from ballistic examinations to handwriting examinations. this video spectral complex allows you to distinguish genuine excise stamps or banknotes from counterfeit ones. it is simply impossible to spot a fake. moreover, during the development of such equipment, functions were added, which not in similar ones.
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western counterparts are coming down, so i think that the armament of our experts will be, well , at least at the level, and maybe even higher, of our western colleagues. the new laboratory will also conduct genetic examinations, with the help of which it is possible to solve many crimes. russian tourists who were stuck in the emirates due to abnormal rainfalls that hit the region have begun to be taken out of dubai; it was previously reported that several thousand are expected to return to their homeland. russia joins us denis taloleev, denis, what is the situation at this time? well , it was very difficult to stop vacationing in dubai in the last 24 hours, but now more and more tourists are able to do this, and we are with
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gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, in vtb retirement the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18 % years together everything will work out. this evening the question began to become clearer, which is not... unexpectedly began to torment tourists in the last 24 hours, not how to get to dubai, but how to get out of there, in a city that, according to some reference books, is almost the sunniest city ​​of asia happened. it rained for several days in the united arab emirates, while local residents and tourists posted videos of flooded streets, luxury shopping centers and airport platforms, local meteorologists talked about a record amount of rainfall in 75 years. this morning one of the eyewitnesses sent our program a video of what a dubai vacation looked like. ago, the head of the russian tour operators association, mayla midze, estimated
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that approximately 2,500 russian tourists could not fly from the emirates, which is almost half from the average daily volume of flights to the emirates from russian cities. according to the flight away website, more than 360 flights have been canceled at dubai international airport over the past 24 hours, but now the situation is gradually improving. at least on the website of this airport it is indicated that there is a delay of many hours, but the planes are taking off. and arrive, the association of tour operators expects that air traffic in dubai will begin to be fully restored this evening, the russian union of travel industry suggests that airlines can return to their usual schedule return on thursday morning, aeroflot had a flight from dubai arrive in moscow today around noon, which was supposed to land yesterday at 6 pm, another flight is expected in moscow at these minutes with a delay of almost a day, s7 in domodedovo with a delay of one and a half a flight from dubai arrived today, albeit from... another dubai airport , almak. but as for flights to dubai,
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sheremetyev’s website now states that all flights scheduled there today, even with great delays, which reached 10 o'clock, but took off. and by that moment two flights had already landed. in munfin today they talked about how preferential mortgages in russia could change, that the ministry is working on a smooth change in approaches to preferential mortgage programs, said deputy minister ivan chebeskov. according to him. they want to increase the rate for far eastern mortgages, now it is 2%. ivan chebeskov did not specify how much they could increase. as for a family mortgage, for families with children under 6 years old, the conditions will probably remain the same. ivan chebeskov recalled what exactly was the instruction given by the president, what to do with mortgages for those who have children over 6 years old, discussions continue. the fate of the most widespread preferential mortgage on a new building at 8% seems to have already been decided, according to ivanovich. there is a consensus that this program
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will not be extended after june 24, and the ministry of finance also plans to complete the it-mortgage program this year. explaining the position of the ministry, ivan chebeskov said today: now it is almost impossible to buy housing without a preferential mortgage, that is, this is no longer help, but a necessity. and the affordability of housing , according to him, has decreased during the implementation of preferential programs. by the way, the head of the central bank, ilvera nalina, recently spoke about this; according to her, the apartment is in new buildings. 4 years of massive preferential mortgages have doubled in price. the russian one went into negative territory again today. in the morning, however, there were attempts to grow, but they were probably ended by cheaper oil, which is now losing almost $2.5. the dollar and euro rose to noticeable heights yesterday. today the ruble tried to stabilize. happened something like this. at the end of the day, the dollar was 94.27, the euro was 100 rubles. 39 kopecks promtor did not rule out that russian wines
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will become more expensive due to rising excise taxes. this forecast, as reported by the agroexpert portal, was given by deputy head of the ministry viktor eftukhov, but immediately clarified that the price increase will probably be - quote, insignificant, although the increase in excise tax, which is expected from may 1, can hardly be called insignificant. rates for wine will immediately increase three times, for champagne by 2 and a half times. over the weekend, the russian wine company browderso wrote rbc, notified distributors, is raising prices from 7 to 35%, and one of the reasons was cited by the producer as a change in excise tax rates; nine more russian winemakers reported similar plans. president obraud, pavel titov, in a conversation with interfax, however, added that wine prices will rise also because components, logistics, and equipment are becoming more expensive. and deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade viktor eftukhov supported the idea of ​​the association of winegrowers and winemakers of russia, which recently proposed establishing a duty. 200% for wines from nato countries, however, this
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a value of 200%, as victor eftukhov added, it is necessary to discuss, everything about the economy, yes, denis, thank you, denis talolaev presented an economic overview of the day, work continues in russia on the launch of small aircraft, this requires a legislative framework, the process is slowed down by multiple restrictions related with flight safety, new aircraft models are also needed. according to representatives of the flight industry in the event of cancellation. excessive certification requirements, the cost of air transportation will fall by five to six times, while now they remain subsidized. our correspondent alexey kvashenkin tried to understand what is hindering the revival in russia. small aviation, which successfully fulfilled its tasks back in soviet times. most small aircraft, in other words, small private planes , are more of an expensive hobby than just transport, although few aircraft have other purposes. for most of the regions beyond the urals, this is the most important type of transport, because villages there
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are cut off in the spring and autumn. there are many unreached people in russia regional directions. for example, you can fly from omsk and tomsk to moscow, but you cannot fly directly from omsk to tomsk. there are also examples on the more popular routes of sochi and arkhys, there are less than 100 km between them, a 10 -hour drive by car, while it can be reached in half an hour. our flight takes place at an altitude of 450 m, at a speed of 200 km/h. we fly to the city of serbukhov. in fact, this is completely different from flying on a large passenger plane, but from the point of view of the regulatory authorities, if...
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on may 7, we begin transportation again and there is a ticket it costs 3,700, otherwise it would cost about 12 thousand in the tomsk region, where the subsidies are a little more than about 2,500 a century, well , that is, that’s also a good subsidy, because if it were for people, it would be very expensive, and here we come to the essence of the problem: relevant deputies, the association of small airline enterprises propose to create conditions in which business itself will be able to resolve financial issues, according to our calculations, if excessive siracation requirements are canceled... the cost of air transportation will fall by about five to six times if air transportation is carried out in a small scale format will be beneficial for business, then this, in theory, can lead to serious economic growth. the segment itself is very interesting, there are people ready to invest in this area, and if the law is adopted, then the bill for such
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market participants will amount to thousands in the next 5 years. for example, the most popular light russian aircraft sp-30 has been produced over. 250 copies, cheap, reliable, with a large margin of safety. initially, the aircraft was intended for aviation-chemical equipment, and these are the most harsh operating conditions, frequent takeoffs and landings with a heavy load, constant maneuvering in the air, including hard landings, plus landing on an unprepared airfield, but for local transportation it is not enough, the plane is a two-seater, for commercial flights at least six-seaters are needed cars, and there are such, but only in projects, a rather exotic option appears:
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it’s simply impossible to go, because it all comes down to flight safety, that’s the most important thing, so to speak, the main thing, so to speak, the argument applies specifically to all transportation, freight and passenger transportation, especially passenger transportation, so it is not possible to make any relaxations, because this has already turned into disasters at one time. federal aviation regulations and certification requirements are a direct result of a hundred-year tail of aviation accidents. are rosviatsiya ready to sensibly assess which restrictions will affect safety and which will not? even the parties interested in the changes are skeptical. no flights no problems, that is, it is easier to ban something
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than to think about how to manage it, but on the other hand, if we take the experience of our country, the soviet union, then we have about 2000. this is the program today, watch after a short advertisement. russians can now assess their reproductive health through compulsory medical insurance, details.
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this is the program today, we continue our release. starting this year, new types of free medical services are included in the compulsory medical insurance policy; high-tech medical care will become available to an increasing number of patients. thanks to the eco mms program, we have achieved the desired result, and now we have son, wonderful child. according to statistics,
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many women, and even men, find out about their infertility only when doctors are planning a child. if the gynecologist, after an ultrasound and tests for cancer and sexually transmitted diseases, notices any abnormalities, the patient will be sent for additional examinations. much attention will be paid to cancer prevention; artificial intelligence will help evaluate mammography. since january 23, the first compulsory medical insurance tariff for reading mammography using an artificial intelligence service has appeared. and since january twenty-four, from the beginning of this
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year, this practice is already becoming. federal and applies throughout the country. artificial intelligence helps the doctor analyze the received image and gives color marks that the doctor needs to pay attention to. doctors call the established opinion that only the woman is responsible for family planning erroneous and archaic; according to them, infertile men are about the same as women. today , physical education is very popular, sports.
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more in demand, as before, in order to make it easier for the patient to go through it in the second round, this happens, you can freeze the eggs. cryo-preservation itself is a compulsory medical insurance program, but storage is the desire of the family or the individual woman. by the way, we freeze not only eggs, we freeze sperm. many russian clinics are ahead of the compulsory medical insurance system by introducing their own
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programs, for example, a program for the rehabilitation of infants and
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the rains will really fall tomorrow on friday on the border of southern heat and northern cold, that is, right in the center. so, near the arctic circle there are frosts, sometimes severe, even for april, in vorkuta -16 snow, in the south up to +30. the balkan cyclone, which will pass tangent here, will go to the center with serious intentions. thunderstorms will thunder in the black soil, the wind will increase, and during the day it will be above twenty. in the center tomorrow it will be fresh, about
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10°, also with rain. which is relatively calm, precipitation is only in places, but the day after tomorrow, when the balkan arrives, a real snow storm will break out, and in the capitals after a pause. for many, spring is the time changes, but not for uralsip bank. 25 years of reliability, an individual approach remain unchanged, regardless of the season. for uralsip bank, spring is a time of gifts; when opening an account for a business, 3 months of service are free. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +3 without precipitation. heavy wet snow on friday. sharp wind is only +1, in moscow tomorrow it will be +10, cloudy, rains, on friday night they will intensify, a thunderstorm is expected, the almost gale-force wind will not subside during the day , during the day the temperature will rise to +17, on saturday night
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the day will reach +3 , and in the region to zero, not only the temperature, background and atmospheric pressure will be feverish, the weekend against this background can be said calmly and as we see, it will become warmer again, well, thank you, thank you, it was the weather forecast, this is evgeniy neronsk, right? and the main news for this hour right now, watch the series hot spot at 23:00 on ntv, the premiere showing of the series the word of the boy, blood on the asphalt, well , we are igor plitaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you. thank you, if in more, i will wake up healthy, if i fell again, touching my head to the heights,
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with all the strength of spirit that, carrying my brains forward, i walk the road, i believe that i am preparing. no luck, just give me the strength to understand, not tomorrow or yesterday, i swam to calm the beast inside, i’m putting down the bully king. be careful, don’t twitch, one came, one, they’re clean.
8:00 pm
well, hello, mulin, you know him, like, what are you doing here, you came according to an advertisement, good, fill in, you know who i ’m looking for and what they did, you kind of came here by accident, i’m serious, i came according to an advertisement , to rent an apartment. well done, well done, vadim, let's go out.


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