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tv   Prospekt oboroni  NTV  April 18, 2024 3:00am-3:51am MSK

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hello, hello, can i come here, yes, please, americana, please, yes, of course.
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yes, everything is fine, wait for the money. hello.
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yes, katyun, i’m there, hello, where did you find the traffic jam, i have the money, girl, can i do it now, yes, of course. there is a glass
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veranda and the doors are so wide, everything will fit in, yes, they are good, the windows are large, yes, it is a good restaurant. good, good, i’m not kidding, you’ll come back, i’ll do better in full.
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the one who brought the money gave a sign to the guard at the entrance, in any case the customer is standing, okay, begum car until the cops arrived. dian, diana.
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hey, you didn't have any groceries at home. there were spare keys on the nightstand, i took nothing, nothing, but to be honest, i thought that you had left completely, because of what, well, because of the fact that at night, and that at night, nothing, a sneaky man came home, he wanted his own woman, she started to get involved, and he got a little bit for it. fool, don't you understand that this is exactly what i like about you, you are a normal man, i love you very much, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, i see, there was i was doing, in general, i decided that now
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it will always be like this, i know, you forgive me, please, that i tried to change you, i promise... no more experiments, no more psychological tests, i just really want to be with you , yes, i’m dying of hunger, let’s go eat, and you need some food after training, give me a bag, i had a little too much yesterday, the last time i did this was in tenth grade, i was probably humming, what did you drink, cognac? cool, for that kind of money i’m ready to go to the switch every day, it’s not shot, why should you leave, listen,
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i have nothing against you personally, no matter how cheesy it may sound, just business, in general, i am aware of all your problems, i don’t know, you did what you wanted ? that it’s not you, it’s none of my business, but i know one thing, if you get caught and brought to us, it’s bad, fighting, no matter how he pouts, he’s new to our business, he didn’t go through the same school as me, so nothing i don’t understand, just leave, you were somehow extinguished for a long time before, even without money, you need documents, i’ll help, maybe even tell you where give up, just leave. you don’t run for the rest of your life, you know, it’s somehow weird when they tell you about the death of your mother, the whole family wants to kill you, i came back to figure it out and i’ll figure it out, i know you’re a murderer, well, this knowledge won’t help you,
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why , yes, because the cops need banderas. this is so, so bring witnesses, no one needs this, okay, go, what’s next, nothing, don’t get you wet for safety reasons, just don’t shine, and there’s a solution, come on. yes, hello, we need to meet, there is one thing on your part, ruslan, why are you here, you
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i am waiting? what's happened? i met with people from the fsb, they didn’t say that they can help you, only they have one condition: no, no, you can calmly listen, you understand that this is the only normal way out, you understand, start a new life with your family, erase the past, the past cannot be erased, i would like to, but it is impossible. “i can’t do what you’re asking me to do, you know, i can’t, they sent you to fight for their ideals, goddammit, to another country, and they also sent hundreds of boys to the slaughter, there’s nothing wrong with what i’m proposing, no, you remember, i was asked to go with you to grab
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tengiz, i was mistaken, me too, but i didn’t run then to hand you over to the police, and i won’t go turn these people over now. and the fsb, when i left for the east, i was not deaf, i was not blind, this is my decision, i made it myself, if i have to go to prison for this, i will go to jail, i will answer for my actions, but i will do it myself, you understand, right? allah is the judge, you sit down, and what will happen to the left, with timur, you thought about this, you will take care of them, you are my father, i don’t have anyone closer to you, ruslan, dad, no, let’s go home, i’m hungry for something, go, i’ll lock the car now, here, okay, andrey, he agreed, but he just needs a little
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time, like cheesecakes, super, this is grandma’s recipe, she was the best cook for us, i’m certainly not a magician, but i can also do something. how much did you pay for your apartment? 2 more months, but i paid in advance as soon as i received the insurance, i need to talk to your owner, maybe he will return some money if you move in with me early, your phone, now, now. yes, so i’ve only been since six, okay, yeah, yeah, i
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understand, yeah, okay, okay, i ’ll be there in half an hour, yeah, she works for me, the thin guy who works every day asked to change, got into an accident, but i'll have a free evening. what are you doing today? i'm great, will you meet me? well, will you meet me? yes, you will, you will.
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hi, finally she left, i think this will never happen, goodbye denis, wait. "i want to tell you something, then speak up, i texted you about the board that you just said, i thought it would be better this way, i'm sorry, you have a son, i just want you to know about it, bye."
3:14 am
well, how everything went, fine. chris, what? and what, chris, talked to you , what, he was talking about, about the matter. he explained, well, that i have to get everything out of you, and i told you, bor, but for me
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, well, he said that you were drinking, that he could still talk, maybe he knows what it is. your nephew, well, yes, well, yes, where are you going, it’s dangerous to take a walk, stay here, yes, it would be better not to pass at all, yes, listen, i’ve made some inquiries here, can i have your problem, and it’s purely about money? needed. well, well, i don’t have that kind of money, i won’t be able to get them out of business for money, but i can’t do it alone, we have an agreement,
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i don’t know what the options are, you decide. you need it, okay, i’ll go, but haven’t you lost your chair?
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how how u heard heard, heard, uh-huh, king, king, father, father, king, father, that he reported, reported, reported, reported, reported, as the king's father heard, that the messenger reported to him, and reported, told him, to him , yes, ruslan, everything is fine for him, i have agreed on the documents,
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i just need to take a photo of the woman for a passport, and the boy will need to get a certificate about birth. together to my restaurant, thank you, paper, how much will it cost, not at all, come, brother, everything is fine, soon they will be here, i still need to show you, i also think, hello, can you tell petrov which room is in, hello , 20, seventh, go straight to the second requirement, thank you, go, please, talk, maybe they’ll let me go home, everything is fine, i want to go to the dance, the doctor said that i need to be observed for a couple more days, why, what is
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there to observe, everything is fine , i just want to go home. "sorry, sorry, i'm about to i find out something, good afternoon, criminal investigation department, lieutenant colonel mironov, victoria, can you give me a few minutes?" "so, have we already told everything to the investigator, or is there something wrong? no, that’s all true, but the case has been put under control as a particularly resonant one, so unfortunately i ’ll have to talk to victoria again, and you, actually, the husband, then you can be present, well, how do you feel, okay, yeah, okay, then let's start
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from the very beginning of the events of that evening. i already said everything, i don’t want to repeat it. i i understand you, vika, but, unfortunately, these are the rules. when will it end? when will this all end? vic, i understand your feelings very well, but you must be prepared that this interrogation will not be the last. there will be more experts, perhaps there will be a confrontation with this freak and his lawyer, then a trial. sorry, this is about... be it, yes, yes, i’m listening carefully, well, you have to be patient, little one, ah, hello, victoria, who are you? a, lyudmila galavleva, sex-info magazine. oh, victoria, you became a victim of rape by someone else
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famous boxer oleg volk. ah, i wonder if a woman can get pleasure even from rape. tell me, just honestly, did you have an orgasm? well, honestly, maybe several times, you spent the whole night together. what are you doing here? man, wait a minute, did you still have an orgasm? get out of here. sorry!
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i'll be right back, excuse me, excuse me, do you really think this will continue to happen to journalists? i don’t undertake to predict anything, but you do it yourself. you know our journalists, they are vultures, their bread is not feed me, let me profit from human tragedy, here’s the thing, a professional boxing star is behind bars, and even for rape, no, she won’t stand it, she’ll just go crazy, sympathize, but we still have a little daughter, my grandparents are about to come, they don’t know yet, i don’t know, maybe we should take the statement, well, it’s not to me, to the investigator, well then this boxer will remain without a sign. damn it, if he pays off, he will still release him, well, if you do this, i would meet with a lawyer
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volka, it’s better to make amends to you than to pay someone, you think, i don’t think anything, i don’t advise you, decide for yourself, it’s your business, goodbye.
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well, stanislavsky, it worked , give me a cigarette, i haven’t smoked for a year, i remind you that you have an exclusive on the topic for which you started all this, and so that before any press releases, fresh news from the fields, otherwise will not forgive. i remember, i remember, everything was as promised, what bastards you and i are after all, mironov, yes, not without this, how else to work, that’s also true, i'm waiting for a call.
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yes, well, why don’t you call, will lisa come to me today or not? actually, because of her, i don’t go home after the night, she should have called you, i just jumped here in the morning on business, well, let’s wait on your question , i’ve started some movements here, so maybe everything will be resolved , i hope on your word, anton, everything will be, i promised, the main thing is that you help there, but i’ll pick up the foxes now, that’s all, don’t worry. let's go for now! showed
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the owner directly, i brought you a pension, come out, yes, great, what are you rubbing there, whistle, whistle, again for my own, well, how much can i tell you, well... and i wanted to kill, but i would have done it a long time ago and didn’t spend so much money on your life here, i need you alive, whistle, you know, i have a shake, well, now i’ll cook, well done, cook, moron, i said it myself,
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hurry up. hurry up with work and not sit in a cell, by the way, your sister leaked everything to us, it’s strange, it’s not like her, she ’d rather stab me with a fork than hand me over, relax, it’s not her initiative, but banderras, he wants to hedge his bets, play in red, but when he kills you, he turns his eyes wide, i have nothing to do with it, so this is your goal, yes, he will kill me, he will be imprisoned, and... empty, right? yes, a sense of humor is not your strong point, and your logic is lame. if he kills you just like that, it won’t help anyone, and he’ll also become a hero. he avenged the death of his wife's mother. man, we need him to open up, and this is possible if you live. here you go, download it to your phone. what 's here? conversation with sergey with his loved ones.
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where he discusses what your brother needs remove from box. banderos is also present there, silent, however, but from the conversation it is clear that he is here. do you have a recording of such a conversation and are we bothering? girls don't like boxers, but like chess players. listen to what you think, if i had such a conversation, i would be here playing spies with you. we recorded this with my operas yesterday, so i will only let my sister listen to it. she doesn’t know the voices, maybe she’ll fall for it. yes, even if you could force her to listen, no one can cancel women’s curiosity, and take care of your head, you already have it it’s slipping, listen, friend, i’m interested in 100,000 green cash, once again, there is a topic of raising money, dark ones, payment for stolen cars, i’m in, if they kill or imprison, at least something will remain for the family. “listen
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here, if you call me friend again, i ’ll kill you, clear, clear, now tell me in detail with details, it’s good here , calm, i’ll soon be out of this calm.” well, excuse me, many would dream of such a life, you live, you don’t bother, nature, they bring you money, what are you doing, you need it for now, what’s next, whistle, you're doing your thing again, but don't you know or something, i know a lot, you won't leave me alive, and if i wanted to
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kill you, i would kill you... what do you know, whistle, the fact that iraq disappeared when you pulled him out to meet him, well, you’re chatting, why are you going to go on your own, or what i told you in the mentoring, valentina slakhova load, well, it’s the same bullshit, so don’t make it up, you’re not dangerous to me once when why, why are you keeping me here? then the izleostakhov family will want to twist your eggs for an object truth, well, it looks like they all fell for it, all except one, who, the one who knows for sure that valentin ostakhov did not kill his mother, the very shaft that returned, take away the whistle, are you going home?
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we need to cover our tracks, we need to, take it! i'll soon be fragrant, yes, now i'll see why you're preening him, he won't need to be photographed. there are no photographs of the birth, nothing, let him look decent, tell me, but they will allow me to be photographed in a headscarf, i don’t know, this is a problem, well, that’s good, there’s still time,
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let’s have some tea, by the way, i can help you take me, no thanks, we're taking a taxi.
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where are you? yes, i’m just leaving the cops, but i should have called max if it was urgent. first to the gym, and then to the salon. let's call each other. lisa. what a pleasant meeting in an unpleasant place, yes, but what about you, too , from the interrogation, did you kill someone or are they just shaking your money? no, i just have a lot of acquaintances, you yourself understand the times are such that now you can’t live without them, yeah, i can turn to you with
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a request, well, please, talk to kostya, it seems to me that you better understood the prospect of my proposal, boxing, clubs are beautiful and a lot of show-offs, what does he want? and what? don’t make a sound to vanderus, otherwise i’ll tell you that you touched my ass, and he ’ll kill you.
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what do you want? that is, you think it’s normal to come like this, dump everything and leave, but what’s wrong? nothing, well, at least show me the child, show me the museum, or what? i’m sorry, i don’t have time , take your hands off, tell me why you told me all this, and what i shouldn’t have, excuse me, please, what are you doing again, and i ’m doing it, it seems to me that you’re doing it, denis, i’m whole i've been following you like a dog on my knees for a year, didn't you even spit? only at me, now why?
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sorry, we’re closed today, a pipe in the kitchen burst, come back tomorrow, that means it’s not fate, let’s go somewhere else, let’s go. hasan, i beg you, just not here, take my car, we need to get rid of yours as soon as possible, you drove the whole country in it after all, don’t worry, we won’t bring you problems, i believe, but i’m worried. sorry,
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akhmed, ruslan has arrived, hassan, you promised, go open it for him. ruslan, don’t come here, hassan is here, he will kill you.
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no need, i’ll get in the car myself, quickly, timun, go come to me, son. go inside, take someone out. “hello, andrei, this is astakhov,
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what are you doing, no need to call anyone, a man was killed there, didn’t you see, did you see, he knew what the hell, these are my problems, i ’ll figure it out myself, it seems to me that now these are also my problems , you don’t find it, i don’t find it, i didn’t force you to look after me”? and what next is clear. here at the store, please stop, this was the hit parade of lyrical melodies on radio
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oktyabr, now it’s news time, as reported by the website, a worker was already arrested a few days ago. may be released moreover, all charges against him will be dropped. a waitress from the baltic brisk company, who accused volk of rape after an event at the yacht club on petrovskaya spit, withdrew her statement. this means that volkov can once again compete as a title contender. stop at the intersection. okay, okay, let's work, work, work, guys, great, okay, let's work for our neighbors, let's work for our neighbors. wow, okay, alexey mikhailovich, okay, we’re working, we’re working, alexey mikhailovich, oh, ninya, so , let’s relax, hello, great, what are you doing, i came to train, but no, but i’m busy, i understand, i understand, i’m coming to you with a proposal, this is your best fighter, yes, let’s do it, i ’ll beat him, and you’ll take me in his place, well
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, this is a kindergarten, why a grandfather’s garden, well, if i’m so bad, i’m after being wounded, after taking pills, yes, what’s in danger for them? oh, how do you like it, you know how to talk, fight, fight there, he knows how to fight, well, let ’s try, but you asked for it, let’s go, free yourself, oops, didn’t fall apart, no, why don’t i understand, i already explained everything , i'm sorry, dad, that means you're nothing anymore you’ll understand, they have a boy, is his
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life really less important to you than your stupid principles, khasanovo’s father, nothing will happen to him, and i’ll bring him back. so that's it, i went, where are you going, for a new phone, you threw mine away, i ask you, swear on the memory of your mother that you will not go to the fsb, so i don’t want to swear what you will do, i don’t know, i ask you , please swear. i swear, i swear, just don’t do anything yet,
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so jump, i said, calm down, calm down, so let’s hold on, hold on, hold on, that’s it, mikhaloch, i’m a slavak, yap. i will return timur, i promise, you will return him where he is with his father, everything is fine with him, i am
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the one who is disgraced, i lived with another man while my husband was alive. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you told me that hassan died, you collected for me, i swear, i myself saw how a grenade hit his car, i myself saw , i have seen. “everything is fine, ildu called, the body was already
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buried, father ruslan was in the car, he probably told him everything, you know where he lives, i know.” lyunya, did you go to the complaint for profit? yes, and what is there has not been confirmed. the drunks apparently got into a fight, the citizens got nervous, the applicant who called was warm, so hang up. well, thank god.
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hi, don't be afraid of me, please, let's talk, 10 minutes and i'll leave, 10 minutes is all. put it said the gates are closed, you could put it in the safe for me, let’s go out into the air, it’s stuffy here, it’s not okay for me. listen, i remembered again about krasin’s proposal, there’s no need to remember, there’s no need, we’ve driven through everything, i say,
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let’s go and breathe, it’s cold there, you better think about it, in my opinion the offer is excellent, the money, lisa, i’m telling you for the last time, no topic, we forgot about the beauty, let’s get some air, let’s go, it’s somehow stuffy here, throw something on, mom, mom, hello, son, katya, i know you’re home, stop squirming, who is it? i owe him for a month, how much? 20, go to the kitchen, go to the kitchen. and who are you? i’m a husband, that’s it, i don’t have any husband, katya, you
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should be slow, why, oh, 10:40, considering it’s long, okay, okay, okay, once again you call my son a degenerate, i’ll kill you, i got it , thank you, let's talk, come on, the house should be clean, without wiretapping, but god protects those who are careful, fox, are you serious about the shaft yesterday? seriously, then you need to help me lure him out, how after?


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