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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 18, 2024 8:00am-8:25am MSK

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kurgan tyumenia, orenburg region, the latest news about spring floods in russian regions, when disagreements outweigh decisions, what mood prevails at the informal summit. in the re-education of difficult teenagers. it was russia that decided to take the program seriously today in the studio of dmitry zavoisky. hello. the water level in the tobol river in the kurgan region today reached 970 cm ; it rose by more than a meter in a day, local authorities report. dangerous values ​​are greatly exceeded and the water continues to exist. tabola oscillation for residents. now the most important information, the river took. the coastal part of the city, where
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more than a hundred gardening associations are located, all of them are either flooded or completely flooded. rescuers are on duty around the clock, almost 14,000 people have been evacuated, people are being taken out day and night. in the region, 30 settlements were flooded , that's about 5,500 houses, bridges and roads were damaged. volunteers continue to work in the emergency zone, trying to persuade kurgan residents to give up time. leave dangerous territories, not everyone agrees, but in case of direct danger the police come into action, their task is to explain when the water comes directly to the houses, it may be too late to escape from it, there are the most recent examples, when the water came, they all wanted it, we we can’t rescue everyone from the water at the same time, guys, well, you go for 2-3 days and you call, to the tyumen region.
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they are just preparing for the peaks of floods, but forecasts for the situation are also alarming; the flood could become one of the most powerful in history, especially moreover, the region is connected with kurgan by the same tabol, but the first tyumen residents have already begun to disturb ishim; along the banks of this river , almost three dozen villages in the obatsky and uporovsky districts are subject to evacuation. sappers began blowing up ice jams on rivers to allow water to pass through the riverbed faster. what a large-scale flood can turn out to be is now increasingly clear from the example of the orenburg region: in villages and cities, the waters go slowly, but recede, but after it the problems for local residents only increase, to help with liquidation of the consequences of the flood, the military from local missile units had to be called to help civilians. powerful special equipment is now used to deliver drinking water and humanitarian aid to hard-to-reach areas. 24 hours later, 370 residential
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buildings were freed from water; rescuers were pumping water out of basements using fire engines, while almost 2,500 buildings and household plots remained flooded. our correspondent mikhail chernov visited one of the villages in the orenburg region and found out what difficulties residents will have to overcome after the water will go away. on the way from soraktash to flooded villages everywhere on... clay, spilled water threatens to cut off the road, the only connection with neighboring villages. bikhtemirov was flooded, from the outskirts to the outskirts, there was only one exit left. it’s a paradox, in the urals the level is decreasing, in its tributary the sakmara the villagers arrive and say: this is water from neighboring bashkiria, more precisely from the tributaries entering the sakmara upstream . now, if bashkir water flows, then this entire spill is more due to bashkir water. your own water is not so strong maybe. the village school guard now
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doesn’t come to work, he floats out, he has to go out by boat from the yard, the school itself is closed, there is water all around, but the classrooms are dry, the basement and toilets are flooded, now it’s a little less, otherwise the level is exactly the same as with the tiles it happened, the kindergarten was also closed, the furniture and equipment were raised higher just in case, the women’s staff was strong, they would enter a flooded hut and lift the washing machine up themselves, we’re used to it, we’re in the village. we carry everything on ourselves. the most terrible element for school principal - optimization. the biktemirovskaya four-year school is small. nine children in four classes, and so under the threat of closure, no money has been allocated for repairs for years, and after the flooding, the old building clearly did not become newer . my staff is mainly people of pre-retirement age, where will they go in the village, there is no farm, no school, there is no preschool group, the factory is also already at the stage of closure, where will they go, how will they people live? but
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young people will leave, sokmarskaya street was flooded by sakmara, in one row: kindergarten, a school and a cultural center, all in the water. alfiya, the mother of many children, took almost all the children out of the village. i prepared, as they say, for the baby, i bought diapers, and i bought all the groceries, that’s why we, if we want, we can still sit at home for 4-5 days, the children are remote, ten-year-old ramis misses more not school, but football training, the rural team reached the semi-finals of the regional championship, but because of high water the training stopped, what kind of football is there if you go outside with scotchkin?
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they just picked it up, the freezer is just now they lifted it up, there was still a refrigerator there, they don’t say prayers here yet, and it’s not even that the water came close to the mosque, it’s just that the imam lives on the outskirts, and there ’s no way out deep there, the village store is closed for the same reason, the saleswoman is not can get there by water, we mow it down like this, we mow it down, it’s normal, the villagers are used to getting out, there are no swampers, they wrap their boots with tape to make it higher or put them on. started to rise and go to the neighbors; soon it might be time for them to evacuate. this is how the water flows in stormy streams into side of neighboring villages, spreading across the fields. residents say the level is gradually
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decreasing. the water is gradually leaving the school stadium, a little more and ramis will be able to ride a bike, play his favorite football, he can’t wait. mikhail chernov players. the story around the nord stream is taking a rather interesting turn. swiss nor, a company operator of damaged gas pipelines, received an unexpected response from english insurers. the case is being heard by a high court in the uk because the defendants british insurance conglomerates, loyds and arch. in response to the claim, they replied that they would not pay, since in their opinion the explosion was real. it is by the government or by order of the government, which excludes an insured event. the substantiation of the position states, i quote: the damage from the explosion was directly or indirectly caused or became a consequence of the conflict between russia and ukraine. end of quote. and military actions
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are not included in the list of obligations in the insurance contract. if it is not possible to prove the involvement of a certain government in court, then insurers will have to fork out nearly half a billion dollars. if they manage to prove that they are right, then they probably will not pay, but then a court decision will appear recognizing that the northern streams were blown up by a certain government, the court will only have to find out what kind of mysterious government this is. another case about compensation of an equally high level has not yet acquired judicial status, but the same applies to the situation around ukraine. the countries of the so-called group of seven are going to seek compensation from russia damage. ukraine, this follows from the statement published by the heads of central banks and ministries of finance of the seven countries following a meeting in washington. the us, canada, uk, france, germany, italy and japan intend to hold frozen russian sovereign assets in their jurisdictions until
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moscow forks up. in the meantime, the seven welcomed the recent initiative of the european union to use the income from these same assets in the interests of ukraine and do so. this is collected as stated in the statement in accordance with international law and its own legal systems, however, it is still unclear on the basis of which international legal norms russian assets are generally held by western governments. the russian ministry of foreign affairs directly called the freezing of our money in europe theft. after the start of the special operation , the seven countries blocked assets amounting to about $300 billion. most of them are stuck in accounts. european settlement and clearing system euroclear. help for ukraine, new sanctions against russia, support for its economy. here topics that are currently being discussed in brussels, where an informal summit of eu leaders has opened. it was overshadowed by a loud
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scandal. the city police actually disrupted the conference, which was organized on the sidelines of the summit by major right-wing politicians. among them is hungarian prime minister viktor orban. for meetings at the highest level. by 20% and there is an urgent need to unite the military industry in the face of a common enemy, and olaf scholz called for scraping the bottom of the barrel in search of extra patriot systems. the germans have already handed over two batteries to kiev, they are preparing for sending another one, but partners are somehow in no hurry to follow their example. we want to encourage others to do the same, to check again what opportunities exist to improve ukraine's defensive capabilities? parallel.
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for teenagers, the document, developed on behalf of the president, prescribes the creation of a list of those who will be admitted to such educational work. the government , meanwhile, supported another initiative to send difficult children to a temporary detention center for a month and a half. all these steps caused by a difficult situation: there are over 400,000 teenagers in the country on preventive registration. nikita korabenko found out how they plan to re-educate them all. falls asleep, the mafia wakes up, these guys are still far from real crime, although
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they have already taken the first step on the slippery slope, got registered with the pdn, but how did you get registered with the pdn? i'll steal it, nikolai is one of those 420 thousand teenagers in russia who are called difficult. every year the number of repeated crimes in this environment is growing, but nikolai he was lucky, he is unlikely to face a relapse; mentors from the st. petersburg contact center took care of him. kolya broke up with bad companies, and now there are others in his life. goals, football studies, did you want to come here, initially not at all, that’s it, why? i didn’t know what kind of center this was at all, i didn’t want to, that is , i think i’ll sit quietly there for a year at home, that is, that’s it, and they’ll deregister me, that is, but they told me, like, you’ll be there until you’re 18, then there is, if you don’t go to this contact center, that is, that’s why i had to it’s not in vain to come here; psychologists work with such guys in the st. petersburg center on a daily basis. social workers, they bring teenagers back into society, help with their studies, discover talents, find new
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hobbies, and even get them a job. as a rule, they are engaged in cleaning rooms, growing wildflowers, or going through some kind of archive, but the contact’s work is not only office work. employees of the contact center go to the fields every day; these are the social patrol cars that drive around the streets of the northern capital in search of teenagers from at-risk groups. in the summer they can be found in parks near... but now they usually live in shopping centers and abandoned buildings, especially after sunset. what time do you usually go home? well, 9 o'clock? yes, well, now i look at your honest face and understand that sometimes you are late. the state duma proposes to scale up the institute of mentoring for troubled teenagers throughout the country, so that not only pdn inspectors, but also those who can inspire and guide them, work with children in other regions. a platform for mentoring dobro.rf on the internet, it
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is just for willing citizens or organizations who want to become mentors who... register, they will be able to submit an application, pass testing, undergo verification, check you to see if you have a criminal record or no, are you a foreign agent, what competencies do you have, the contact center is ready to respond to share their experience, we understand that this practice does not exist in all regions, so for other regions this will be an impetus for development, but for us an additional resource and tool for working with children, work experience similar to that in st. petersburg exists in moscow, here such centers are designed as...
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services, this is precisely the socialization of children and adolescents. here they work not only with contacts, that is, it is a diverse range of children, but with members of their families, parents also visit a psychologist, for example, svetlana sontseva, thanks to such sessions, again found contact and mutual understanding with her eldest son. we attended consultations as individual meetings with a psychologist, also just as family meetings were organized with a psychologist, my son attended the club. but this does not mean that it does not exist, but there is an understanding; in order to defeat teenage crime, what is needed is not a system of punishments, but attention to the teenagers themselves. the history of the 20th century
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has not yet been written for objective reasons, too much is classified, says writer and publicist andrei rubanov. in an exclusive interview with ntv, he spoke about his personal experience of touching originals while working on a book about anastasia mikayan. his grandson, stas namin, who encouraged me and he suggested that i write all this, he went to the presidential archive, using his great influence he achieved. signature there in blue pencil, it’s top secret, a special folder, everything is as it should be, i ’ll tell you, it’s very useful to hold in your hands a document that has been classified there for 50 years,
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this is the first time you’ve got it in your hands, well, i remember that feeling , a story from it. according to rubanov, another book of his in the genre of subjective journalism, an ice notebook, comments on avakum, about the times of church schism and not, should be published in the near future. just watch the entire interview in the late night program immediately after the nightly news broadcast on ntv. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own,
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-8. it's getting warmer in yakutia. everything is different in the south, where the cyclone passes. on his way he sheds rains, followed by coolness. during the day it is mostly around 10°. in chita it’s only +6, but already without precipitation. on the other side of baikal, it will be sunny in irkhutsk, it will become warmer, +13 in the daytime. rest. siberia is under the influence of a cyclone, so there will definitely be rain, but the temperature will also rise, in novosibirsk +14, in omsk up to +20, then even more. it is very warm near the urals and in the urals, but rains in the tyumen and kurgan regions complicate the already extreme flood situation and interfere with the evacuation of people from flooded areas. on the european territory of russia there are rare huge temperature contrasts, in the north there are frosts, in places below ten degrees with snow, in the south the heat reaches +30 and above, precipitation. a little, but at the border of different air masses the bad weather will intensify. under the increasing pressure of rain there will be thunderstorms in the central region, in the black soil, tomorrow they will be in the center, in the northwest
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and in the north against the backdrop of low temperatures, precipitation, snow is not uncommon, with a maximum of +11 in the day, in naryanmar up to -12. in st. petersburg +3 without precipitation, but tomorrow there will be heavy wet snow, in moscow it will be rainy around +10, on friday until 17. hello, handsome, do you want to have fun? no, dude, will you like it? listen, get out of here.


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