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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 18, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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indeed, the management of the clinic was incorrect, incorrect, the deceived patients tried to achieve justice for 5 whole years, the efforts were not wasted, the court sentenced 4 years in a general regime colony, handcuffs on the business track right in the meeting room. diana kovando, oksana goncharenko and alexander tutarinov, ntv. more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today, in our program, a border guard with an ak-74 works like this: rescue of drowning people, ukrainian conscripts are fleeing en masse from mobilization through border, how long will it last?
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zelensky regime. we are fighting a great army. spy passions. berlin allegedly caught russian saboteurs who were trying to derail trains to kiev. how they were able to find the hand of moscow. germany has always been an excellent place for russian espionage. and a new addiction. teenagers are thrown out of the window because they are deprived of a mobile phone or computer. how to overcome gadget mania? unfortunately, this is how they are socialized now.
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one of the shells hit a private residential building, this happened in the village of razumnoye, here you are you see, the building was damaged quite badly, the owner of the house was hospitalized, she had shrapnel wounds to her leg, three ukrainian ...
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soldiers were destroyed in the rostov region, governor vasily golubev clarified that they were shot down at about 2 a.m. near the city of kamensk-shakhtinsky. as a result of falling debris, glass in an industrial building was broken, an employee of the enterprise received minor cuts, and he was provided with medical assistance on the spot. now we will show you footage from the voronezh region, and according to the ministry of defense, over the past night they were destroyed there three balloons, these are mined. another drone was intercepted; when this drone fell, as explained by the head of the region, alexander gusev, four private houses and a small sawmill were damaged. well, now let 's look at the footage from ivano-frankivsk: local residents publish videos where explosions are heard within the city limits, well, in the comments there it is stated that the reason for this was russian drones. wow, i'm mosa!
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the administration of ivano-frankivsk stated that objects were hit by drones critical infrastructure. they did not specify which ones exactly, but they reported that fires had broken out in the area where the targets were located. according to russian telegram channels specializing in military reports, the local airfield, military warehouses and the location of ukrainian armed forces soldiers came under attack. eyewitnesses report that the area where the attack took place has been cordoned off. new data is coming today from chernigov. even the day before, information appeared that a deployment point for foreign mercenaries of the armed forces of ukraine was covered there; it was located in the former trade union hotel, moscow is was not officially confirmed, but judging by information from the ukrainian side, and coming from various sources, the blow was significant and significant, as kiev claims: as a result of the missile attack , 18 people were killed, over seventy were injured, immediately after this attack on the page of a single volunteer ... center in chernigov
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, a message appeared about the death of over 40 ukrainian military personnel, the fact that foreign mercenaries of the armed forces of ukraine were located in the hotel building was confirmed by a former deputy of the verkhovna rada and before the european council, he tried to squeeze military assistance out of parliamentarians using nuclear blackmail. how he does it? he says that russia, after attacks on its own zaporozhye nuclear power plant, that is,
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russia is shelling itself. and after she fires at the ukrainian energy infrastructure in response, she is now going to hit ukrainian nuclear power plants, that is, in essence... threatening sabotage at other nuclear power plants, with the exception of zaporozhye. maria spoke just today about the fact that zelensky’s nuclear blackmail will not lead to any good. zakharova. this time, western countries seem to have completely played too far, they literally betrayed themselves and the zelensky regime. without noticing it themselves, they spoke out in the form of an ultimatum. direct goal: transfer control over the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, then they will stop shelling it. end of quote, but i think it speaks volumes about what's going on. they not only publicly admitted that ukraine is the source of threats to the security of the station, but also actually confirmed their complicity in dangerous attacks on this facility. and the most important thing, they confirmed that they are engaged in blackmail,
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with only one nuance - this is nuclear blackmail. well, as we have said more than once in our studio, terrorism and blackmail are, perhaps, the only things kiev has left. and can be used well, well, yes, you said that kiev will not bring anything good, that’s all, good, it seems to me that kiev now will not bring anything at all, except perhaps capitulation, yesterday vanya quoted a political publication, and there we are they took a piece, it was written that for victory, military victory, ukraine needs mobilization the entire population of the country, but remember, as i understand it, well, or rather, i admit that you are respected.
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zelensky’s decree of this law on mobilization, which will come into force in a month, exactly one month later on the eighteenth, led to the fact that the people ran, we will now show you the story, we have collected several observations from western journalists, there will be video footage, there will be quotes from different regions of ukraine, but they are all border ones, because as soon as this law was signed, people fled, and of course there will be no complete mobilization. and this is partly in question. the law on total mobilization in ukraine signed by zelensky to terrorists actually prohibits men between the ages of 25 and 60 from leaving the country. it is now impossible to travel abroad without a military id, even for those unfit for service. those who
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left without permission will be deprived of consular services abroad. despite this, the western press predicts a new mass outflow of ukrainians. the publication politico considered that in 2 years from the mobilization on...
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it is now called the river of death, every day it ukrainians fleeing from mobilization are trying to swim across, but the rare evader swims to the middle of the tisza, even if someone manages to cope with the strong current, he is overtaken by a border guard’s bullet. dodgers pay a thousand dollars to swim across the tisa river, and ik-74 border guards work like that. however, such a fate scares cloners less than being sent to the front, as western publications write. those who have already fallen into the trenches often prefer to surrender. the day before , two brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were lost at once. twenty-
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fifth airmobile with almost full complement - this is 200 people, surrendered to our military in the avdeevsky direction. and the sixty-seventh brigade, consisting of former militants of the right sector banned in russia, left positions and equipment south of chasovo yar. vasily dminovich, well, if the western media paid attention to the fact that it’s like a new wave right away. fugitives have risen, i am interested, of course, in the public reaction in ukraine itself, this is what you can tell from your communication, look, first about women in the army, the total number of the armed forces of ukraine as of march 1 is 850 thousand people, of which 62,200 are women, of these 6,200, about 403 thousand are right at the front line, women in the ssu, mostly... mostly work with drones, that is, they maintain the drone system, snipers and
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ambulances, that is, this concerns women, but politicians in ukraine say that the number of women should be at least increased to 10%, because supposedly these are nato standards, so women will be recruited anyway, and there are even deputies of the verkhovna rada who say publicly that women should do everything to fight, that is, well, they refer to the israeli example. they said that the new mechanism of mobilization adopted after this law, it means that it completely eliminates the factor of coercion, it is something more like this, i understood all this for me, i understand what people think, you showed it.
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these statistics as of april 1, this year alone , more than 600 people died, more than 600, literally in 4 months, you know, such a number of deaths did not happen last year, the second is due to the fact that people, the number of people has increased, i i mean draft dodgers, yes, as they say, roma or simply gypsies began to engage in this business in transcarpathia, because they know the trails, they are local, they know a common language with the romanian gypsies. but they increased the tax, if earlier it was 6.5 700 dollars, now
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it’s already 12 to 15 thousand dollars, because demand has increased, so 200 million, you understand that - this is the last such moment, listen, but excuse me, not is this what this backlash is for? well, today the law was signed, well, it turns out to be a month, yes, to give an opportunity for someone to earn extra money for someone else. yes, the closer the law comes into force, of course, the more the tax will increase. yesterday, on the border between, there is a border in transcarpathia with hungary, with romania, and there is with hungary, and there was such an episode, a guy in sportswear came, a draft dodger, and said to the ukrainian border guards: “i want to leave.” they don’t let him in, a fight broke out, but he’s so quick, he jumped over this barrier and disappeared. and the ukrainian media write: “invade the territory of the ugric region, that is.”
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the worst thing that is still happening in ukraine today, that this is the number of people who do not want to fight, who are the so-called draft dodgers, their...
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just my personal impression, we discussed some previous wave of mobilization in ukraine, there were the same videos, they fled across the river , the same border guards were shaking their machine guns there, but in the end they are recruiting people, they are not recruiting, but, unfortunately, they are recruiting, and here we are talking not so much about the fact that they are burying a certain number of tens of thousands of people, i think , there will most likely be tens of thousands, tens, not hundreds of thousands, because the figure
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350, at least 500 thousand, flashes there all the time, this is so that ukraine will no longer believe all these official figures. vasily said that the official number of armed forces is 850,000 people, but not all 850 are at the front. there are only security forces in ukraine, that’s 1,600,000 people, no one is mobilizing them, that border guard over there was shooting at the river, damn him knows, maybe he ’s not a border guard, we don’t know , shoot him anyway, although it looks like zelensky is just trying to gain time, he he will heat this stove, which will give him a little, it needs to be heated, so he will heat it with these tens of thousands in order to gain time until trump comes to power. before this whole zone of uncertainty with the elections ends, well, maybe he’ll sell it, maybe he’ll say that let’s decide so harshly there and so on, but in any case, this zone of uncertainty, which is determined by including the american elections, it is the most uncomfortable thing for zelensky now, he is running out of legitimacy, he has the need to accept strict laws of mobilization, which are required of him and
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which he does not want to accept, he has a need to actually replenish the armed forces of ukraine, and he needs to win. time, here he is, with these tens of thousands of people, he will replenish this stove of time in order to hold out until the end of august, if the verkhovna rada extends his powers, or until the twenty-fifth year. in this case, in this case in ukraine, what will happen? the number of draft dodgers will increase, so the price of the issue will increase for those who is trying to go abroad, and those people who will end up in the army, unmotivated, ineffective, untrained, will surrender to...
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ukrainians, so that later it will be much more difficult for us to integrate those territories that we liberate, because if the families, than the more families have dead fathers, brothers, sons, and so on, the more difficult it will be for us to integrate these territories, to think about how difficult or easy it will be for us to integrate the former ukrainian territories into russia, when obviously this will not happen under his authorities, why should he think about the period after him, because after him. if we perceive zelensky as a person who manages the ukrainian conflict and sets goals for ukraine, then there is no need, but if we assume that it is the west americans who are doing this, the goal of the americans is no longer... that ukraine should survive there, not survived, the goal of the americans is to weaken russia as much as possible, and the weakening of russia is possible precisely in the event that it will be very difficult for us, let’s say, to integrate those
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territories that we will liberate, this process itself will be much more complex, already now, even more difficult than the physical liberation of these territories, we understand perfectly well, through the education system, medicine, information and so on, but here this task will be so difficult, that in the best case scenario for us, we will ensure a new offensive, just give us weapons. the french newspaper figoro said last week that kiev is preparing for an offensive in 2025, but in order to
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somehow reach it, paris’s help is needed directly now, and the sampti anti-aircraft systems and missiles for them should help. terrorist zelensky, in an interview with an american political magazine, also admitted that the last counter-offensive was quote: not very successful and, without going into details, he hinted that he was sabotaged and... promised inside that the next attempt would be better, the plan was very simple, the plan is very simple, it is clear and it exists, there are specific weapons to go forward, and there are weapons to protect the sky, and there are means to unblock the sky so that people will go forward, and not only that, all the partners have it in their hands, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky talks about how to win, although he does this on the pages of the british financial times, he believes that the only... way to achieve technical superiority over russia, here the day before , ukrainian prime minister shmygal flew to washington and also promised a quick victory for ukraine as soon as the necessary arsenal was delivered. we need artillery and
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ammunition to reach parity with the russians. we need f-16s to shoot down russian planes near the front line, we also need air defense systems to protect russian cities, excuse me, ukrainian cities. all this will help us. achieve victory and also pave the way for restoration of growth and prosperity. the head of ukrainian military intelligence, terrorist and extremist kirill budanov is also active in his own way. on the pages of the washington post, he promised to organize new drone attacks on russia and new operations of terrorists and saboteurs controlled by kiev. a few days ago, in the pages of the british press, an unnamed ukrainian source threatened to destroy crimean bridge already this summer, all we need are 40 british unmanned stormshadow missiles.
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you see, this is where it becomes more difficult, because you yourself told us that the ultimate goal is that there is no putin, that there is no such russian foreign policy course, we must return, they can’t, but they hope for it, well, that’s what i mean, hope, that's why i laugh, that so to speak, the management of the corporation does not imagine either the final
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goal or the algorithms.
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e pressure at the front is very high, maps do not show territorial changes, but the pressure at the front is very strong, from which i conclude that there is probably a russian offensive in everything, and after that , the very last thing, you are in the next part, so i said that we need to bomb kharkov and chernigov? so, well, not quite like that, thank god, no, not according to your scheme, alexander nikolavich, you proposed something completely different, it was
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said, spiredon. it was said that this could be an endless horror, ukraine is ready to support this horror endlessly, because there is a feeling that somewhere this should be in its endless horror, every horror doesn’t care some kind of end will come, this is a war, a war of attrition, whoever has more resources, who has more mobilization resource, who has a stronger economy, will naturally win the war of attrition, it seems to me that there is nothing to discuss here, but as for this connection for... the law of mobilization, voting, allocation of weapons, counter-offensive, you know, it seems to me that they are trying to mislead us by saying that the ukrainian counter-offensive will begin in 2025, i think biden needs this counter-offensive first of all , for his domestic agenda, and this offensive must occur in the counter-offensive of ukraine must occur this year, regardless of what the consequences will be, this is a political decision, we
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agree with you.
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iran and israel are at war within 5 minutes, but why did iran strike israel during which almost all the missiles were shot down? for a fixed match with an eye on a draw, are both tel aviv and tehran celebrating their victory, because this was what was planned from the very beginning in washington. american scientists conducted a secret experiment on climate change that... happened at the alameda military base, have climate weapons already become a reality, who can influence the weather and how, and are modern natural disasters already controlled by people in uniform, here is your grandmother and yuri on the day, in germany they passed a law according to which all citizens in ...including children, have the right to change gender no more than once a year, is there really a new serfdom awaiting all those who are alternatively directed, this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. alexey chumakov vs. azomat
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okay, we're moving on, and this part, let's start with messages from the netherlands, dutch prime minister mark rutte decided not to wait for the american congress to finally approve aid to ukraine and suggested how ukraine could be provided with petrit systems, a very interesting idea, rutte tells us, let’s just buy it out. those who do not want to supply them to ukraine have these air defense systems, and we will send them ourselves, they say there is money. it is clear here that kind words and good intentions alone are not enough for ukraine, as well as financial support, more air defense assets are needed, they are needed quickly. denmark apparently has the money, because it promised ukraine $300 million, including investments in the ukrainian defense industry, drones, and procurement. weapons, and will also produce missile components
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together with the already mentioned netherlands and the czech republic. the head of the danish ministry of defense says quite self-confidently that these 300 million should definitely influence events on the battlefield. in the united states congress, after several meetings, the viper's toad resurfaced, the same bill to support ukraine. the evening before house of representatives, finally published the same draft law on assistance to kiev, as reported.
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that’s right, but the former prime minister of great britain, boris johnson, also perked up about helping ukraine, he recorded a pretentious video message, where in plain text... he says: if ukraine is not supported, then the hegemony of the west will collapse very soon. i'm afraid i have to ask again why the hell we're taking so long to give these heroic ukrainians the weapons they so desperately need. if ukraine falls, it will be a disaster for the west, it will put an end to the hegemony of the west, we will have no one to blame for this but ourselves. well, at least it doesn’t prohibit the israelis from bombing haifa. not bad, generally interesting, that’s what he was thinking about, i
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don’t know, that’s what he confused haifa with, okay, let’s get back to the questions, probably, because it might be somehow consonant there, the rafah point in the gas sector, which i don’t know , and maybe, yes, in the south of the gas sector, because the israelis really suspended further operations there, well, maybe let's get back to that, it means they will give it, they won't give it, we interrupted peredon palovich, i probably all agree that they will give the money, the issue will be resolved this coming saturday, let's do it. we will tell you the details now. speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson apparently decided to please both his fellow republicans, who were against new injections into kiev, and democrats, who called for generous spending. in the bill that johnson presented, aid to ukraine is not free of charge. of the $61 billion, some of it comes in the form of loans it is proposed to leave 23 billion in the united states to replenish the pentagon’s arsenals. at the same time, help. ukraine is
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also subject to the indo-pacific region. we will not vote on the senate supplementary budget in its current form in a separate document, without reference to israel, but we will vote on each of these measures separately in four different parts. we will vote on aid to israel, ukraine and the indo-pacific countries, and then another measure. the draft law promises relief to kiev, allowing loans to be repaid not immediately, some will not be returned at all if the president. the united states, as stated in the document, will forgive 50% of the ukrainian debt. as for weapons, the bill allows for the transfer to kiev of long-range atacoms missiles, which the ukrainian armed forces have long been begging for. with the caveat that if this harms the national security of the united states, then the missiles may not be provided. a separate paragraph highlights the requirement that kiev must reimburse all washington’s expenses for ukraine and its army. republican congressmen are dissatisfied with the document and believe that the speaker is their betrayed some are calling for
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johnson to resign. the speaker just announced that the border will not be part of the bills, so we're not going to let border security be a part of it.
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23 goes directly, right here, directly goes to the american one, doesn’t go anywhere, stays, goes to europe, you know how they are updating
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their weapons, old weapons, 7 billion or so, kiev receives, in fact, there are 7 billion, well, almost 8 billion, but. in terms of mobilization, you said here, in fact, you know, to make a commitment mobilizing 500,000 people is a very difficult task for ukraine, if you look in each region, well, depending on the size of the region, draft dodgers are against whom criminal cases have already been initiated and they
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are wanted, from 20 to 40,000 people in almost every region of ukraine , in each, here you are...
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that was absolutely correctly said, this is essentially a package deal, divided into several parts, it was necessary to agree on migrants, on israel, on all other
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issues, conspiracy theories are possible, conspiracy theories always good, your big fan, sergei aleksandrovich markov, whom you also appreciate, yes, he writes that in telega, but he wrote at home, he just told me, he writes that speaker johnson was bribed, to him on some of his lands , which he owns there,
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i’ll ask you a simple question: who could influence the position of the deputies, who almost all of only 31 amendments to this law, almost all the deputies abandoned their amendments, it could have been done simply by the administration, of course, of course, without this not it worked out, they were just bent over and said, today you have to vote for everything, for everything, in the same way, it’s just the subtleties of, well , let’s say, ukrainian legislation.
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maybe put it this way, a very important point, look, if the ukrainians zelensky says: fuck this american, how we shabby oil refineries in russia and will continue to shabby, the americans says, what are you talking about, dude, this is property, there are parts of the share, if americans, excuse me, the boy’s word is appropriate now; another episode today at 23:00 forget, and now they will give him the idea that zelensky would destroy american property and their weapons, well, what are you talking about, well , what am i talking about? that it will be kidalovo, but besides the americans, which is very important here, look, vice-chancellor khabek came to ukraine today and said, i brought you
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a patriot, well, they installed one, and his accompanying member from the ministry of defense said, and we’ll arrest you yet we’ll put one up, you see, they’re already saying that habek wants to become chancellor, but this is generally ridiculous, well, i, well, look, dear presenters, that is the americans are buffing, the ukrainians are buffing, and europe clearly, here we have installed one petro, here... arst was also installed by the dutch prime minister, who is already leaving, he says: we have money, as you say, as you said , there is money, yes, there is money, we are ready to buy patriots, come on, who, who, we are ready to buy, you know, what the hell are you going to buy, if tomorrow you are no longer the prime minister, he is in nato , it seems like this one is one did they bring the installation or one battery, i just didn’t read it, you know, vanya, there’s so much here, i’m like when i deserve it, i can’t do it myself. so that's it, let's stop, the gang came
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to... a person from the number, well, we were taken out of the turbo and then they took us out of gratitude, i don't believe you, you've lost respect for us, i'm here, i'm standing up for this street, we're the street, we are a street, what are you waiting for, until they start dragging you out of your apartment, it’s scary when your son, you know, i tried really hard to help, you can’t help people, they rob others, the power is now behind us, i pass on all of you, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, premiere today at 23:00 on ntv. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23:00, there will be no money, there will be money, now you can easily get
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becomes clear, we continue, but i, frankly, doubted it, but my colleagues said that the public is waiting, i honestly say, this is not for one minute, they say, go and do it. you remember the story about how norkin went to see the barber of seville. yesterday i ended the program with this, so the first thing i saw when the first bell rang, we entered the hall, was a man without pants, standing stage, he had these not very neat shorts of some kind, such a pale dirty, green and gray color, and at the same time he was already wearing such a shaggy wig in makeup, and he means some kind of retousers, or knee socks , i dressed myself up for a very long time, while turning to the audience like this, like this, the performance has not yet started, you are just approaching the chair, and the first bell rang, the hall opened, the audience began to enter, which means after i saw
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this a man, then i realized that along the entire stage, well, almost on the proscenium such pieces of furniture were installed, small stools, small tables with light bulbs, then i basically realized that this apparently depicted the barber shop in which... figara worked, so it reminded me, well, not the same, you know, but a well-kept rural house of culture , i go to different places, here ’s this dressing room, here in this barber’s dressing room people began to crawl around it - in a variety of clothes, some in suits, some i don’t know, in some kind of overalls, construction workers, the cleaner is wearing almost the same overalls as here we have girls putting things in order in the remnant. at the same time there was a mimance again , the same one, this dirty white color, they generally had a memance like this, i’m getting ahead of myself, excuse me, i immediately had some kind of association that these were sick or prosperous, they all fell into violent insanity
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at the same time , in terms of color scheme, in terms of their behavior , they were like that, all the time during the whole performance they were running, jumping, crawling constantly, this one, which when he put on the retuz, he was crawling before the start of the performance, which means stage, in general, i realized at some point that apparently i was being prepared for what i would see, but it is obvious that this is no longer an authentic production, but some kind of new reading, although this was the sixty-ninth showing of the play, i i bought a booklet, started leafing through it, i found an interview, evgeny pisarev, it turns out, is a famous director, he is the director of this play, a great specialist in rossi, and i start reading, i’m trying to understand, this is what it is, that’s why they’re reinterpreting it like this for me again the classical opera
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began to sound an overture, which really everyone knows, a homeless-looking dietie appeared on the scene, in some kind of dirty winter jacket with a hood, which means jeans like that, on my head, which means, god forgive me, he has a hat that was taken from the hero of the film by the boy’s word, and this not an advertisement, because this knitted hat with a visor, i had one like that as a child, he sat down at one of the tables with his back to the audience, and so he leaned his elbows on this table and... seemed to fall asleep, he slept for most of the first act, only when almaviva and figgor started drinking, well , they come up with this plan that almaviva he has to pass himself off as a soldier there, and if he is drunk, well, who knows
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, he knows, this means the grandfather woke up, came up to them, they gave him the bottle, he took the bottle and left, i never saw him again , but because at some point i realized that i had to leave, but i couldn’t leave, i’m a well-mannered person, so during the action... i sat and watched, for example, jokes, that is, all the characters periodically switched to russian language, apparently in order, again, to cheer up the audience. well, for example, there’s the same almaviva could, instead of singing razin’s name, could have stopped in russian like this, he said cheerfully, rosinochka, the audience, by the way, really liked it, the episode that killed me was when the conductor entered into this dialogue, the conductor was generally a little strange, but this i don’t want to discuss his appearance, this doesn’t relate to the performance itself, but at some point, when almaviva and figara got very carried away with each other’s dialogue.
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because well, when they all quarreled there , remember, the soldiers came there to restore order, so they are singing, what is this? some kind of madhouse, as i understand it, it was necessary to emphasize that this is a madhouse, so everyone ended up without pants, including dr. bartola, including rosina, although she was left without a skirt, but she had such underpants, according to -i think, even with some additional fastenings, she turned to the audience in the same way so that we could consider all this about the music. remember, mikhail borievich smolin
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said: the main thing is that there is rossini’s music, it is rossini’s music, so, well, maybe i didn’t have very good places, maybe maybe this is all this, but i don’t know, modernity, yes, has bewitched me so much that i, in general, i again told vanya, when i listened to cavatina performed by khovarostovsky or magamaev, i don’t know the italian language, i heard every word, here i didn’t hear anything at all, it was some kind of mess, in short, yes, you see, he sings beautifully. after the first act ended, i asked my wife what the proposals were, she said, it’s time to take action, i said, i support, we went out, this is the most important thing, evening moscow incredibly beautiful, here i propose to give a break, then we will start our program again, you can tie out the main thing, andrei vladimirovich, the fact that all this happened, who just didn’t watch it yesterday, in the big theater, well, of course, i said that i my only question is gone now.
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why is this the ninth performance, have n’t you seen the review, haven’t you seen the photo of my ass, i watched it before i took the tickets, that means what it all looks like, because if i want to listen to an opera, i can listen to it, just listen on record, but i want to see this action, yes, so that there are decorations, so that there are beautiful costumes, so that there is no woman running around the stage with a mobile phone, which she imitates.
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ski military bases in the country, at these bases ukrainian military personnel are trained, as the german magazine der spiegel writes, those arrested aimed to undermine berlin’s support for ukraine, police special forces detained these suspects on wednesday morning, april 17 in the city of bayreuth, this is in bavaria , it is reported that one of the detainees, a certain ditor s came to the attention of the authorities a long time ago, because back in 1914 he went to fight as part of the militia in donbass, and fought there against the ukrainian army for 2 years. and
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now investigators claim that since october 23, this same ditor es has been discussing plans to organize sabotage in germany with representatives of the russian special services. in south wales, where an explosion occurred at the largest defense plant in europe , systems have not yet found a russian trace. but it seems to me that if the british are now correct all this will be scraped by the largest military contractor in europe, examined under a microscope, of course, there will be a russian trace there. it is reported that in. claims that one of the shells detonated, there are no official comments... about the reasons at all, the authorities only announce the start of a large-scale investigation, until criminal intent has been found. another emergency occurred at an american military plant, which also, well , it turns out, produces shells for ukraine, the company is located in the city of scranton, pennsylvania, so you see,
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what happened to this enterprise, a fire engulfed it, in fact, let us look at the footage from the scene of the incident, you can see that there is thick black smoke coming from the pipe plant.
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another tragedy happened in january in obnensk, kaluga region, where an eleven-year-old boy took his own life because his mother forbade him to sit on his tablet for a long time before going to bed. psychologists explain that in some cases, taking away a gadget means depriving a teenager of his world.
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unfortunately, this is how they are socialized now, and if this gadget is taken away from a child, he falls out of this society, he turns out to be an outsider overboard, this is an integral part of life, it is like an organ, one might say, in some way for... children, this is really their whole world. some cases, fortunately, do not end so tragically. last december , parents in the moscow region spent the whole day searching for their missing eighth-grader daughter. she left home and spent the night in a cold entrance after her father took her phone and forbade her to sit in it at night. teenagers themselves admit that gadgets are practically that's it, they record not very funny videos on this topic. why are you constantly on your phone, can’t you live without it? oh, oh, sorry, i understand, i understand, everything, everything, everything, addiction to phones causes serious mental problems. in st. petersburg last year, a fourteen-year-old teenager threatened his mother with a knife when she cut off his internet. the woman escaped on the street, after which she had to call the police. in yekaterinburg, a fifteen-year-old teenager
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almost stabbed his mother to death for taking away her phone. the investigation then established that the child was not aware of his actions and sent him to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. parents are everything.
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defeat this teenage gadget addiction, well, you see the answer options, there are some obvious ones, but there is a ban on everything, there is a reduction in time, you can leave some of your options in the comments, at the end of the program, as always, we will see, pavelich, who is to blame , parents, school, the time is like this, well, we’re just late as always, so our side will tell about the positive aspects of the gadget, and i i’ll tell you, and we’ll also tell you about it, and i’ll say that it’s just a weapon. mass destruction, but you have a smartphone, yes, i have it here under this one, you are using a weapon of mass destruction, i turned it off, no, that’s not the point, but if you hit a weapon of mass destruction with it, well, right away, just right away.
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like nuclear energy, maybe a power plant that kind of heats, yes, or maybe a nuclear explosion, the same thing with a smartphone, respectively, why aren’t we talking about adults, we’re talking about children, i wanted to show this book, this the basis of survival on the internet, i think is unique, a very serious publication by andrei afanasyev, yes, which every parent who has children should have, because a child is a godsend for manipulators, the manipulations are explained there, there are different ones, the safest thing is advertising, marketing , when they sell some toys or something else, there are manipulations associated with destructive ideologies, the child has a heightened sense of justice, the child seems to have no life experience, he lacks critical thinking, so he, of course, first of all, he becomes a victim of these manipulations, that as a result of these manipulations, all possible options are described there, including, so to speak, remember:
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in each of these cases, including accidents, i think the problem is not so much in gadgets, the gadget was a reason for children to make certain decisions in their lives, there are problems in relations with parents, i think it was important to say this, and i am, for example, a member of the public monitoring commission of the city of moscow and regularly visit investigative detention centers, temporary detention centers, police stations, where , unfortunately, from time to time, minors who have committed a crime are found there absolutely without gadgets, everything is fine with them, they have a million.
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it’s unlikely that we should somehow turn the tables on the child now, what did the parents do wrong, can you explain to me? well, of course, i think, here everyone can even apply their life experience in practice, when parents give a mobile phone, tablet, and so on, in order to keep the child occupied so that he doesn’t distracted, yes of course, and the problem here is not so much in school, we start with school, yes, that there is an alleged ban on the use of phones is also important here. to explain for tv viewers, there is a ban on the use of phones in the educational process,
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because the screen is too small, but the teacher can use displays, tablets and so on, we will talk about this separately now, can we talk about relationships, you are 17, you are not just a public figure, you have 17 children, please tell me, modern parent, just to keep track of all 17, probably one or two or... offline, these children simply do not have an offline life, my children do not have smartphones at all until they are 14, that is, until the child
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understands who he is in this world, what he can do, how much he can do, what a wonderful world this is. he touched him, felt him, played sports, he really learned to love books, watch, listen to music, understand it, theater and so on, he does n’t need it, he doesn’t get it, well, depending on what kind, he doesn’t get it, this is very important, because here you are right, how did you manage to do this, we we grew up with you the same way our parents managed to do it, we just have a lot of things in the house that we don’t give to children, beer, electricity, vinegar, candy, in the end , well, none of you are hysterical.
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a new level of freedom, when the child gains self-control, that is, you prepare the child for freedom, which is given to the child in response to his gadget, he receives on the basis of the level of self-control that he has, excuse the taftology, let alone prove it, you give it to him, here you have you're right, you understand what it is right, right - this is asking, your kids, they weren’t indignant, they didn’t say, mom, there’s something at school.
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there is such a popular topic now called nomophobia, yes nomophobia, this is such a new
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phobia, the fear of being left without a mobile phone , and serious research is being conducted there, which is true. you can eat, we limit it, which means there is some time, but it’s not like you ’re sitting on your mobile phone from 4 to 4:45, no, like that’s it, go play there, put it down, put your phone down, everyone understands everything perfectly if they found something interesting, some information on the phone, watched some video, they will come, tell us what is happening, father,
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tell me, if not the father, i understand correctly that in a child’s phone you can create a mode that the child will use it. we will continue in a few minutes, this is a show of stars, we continue the second stage of the duel, alexey chumakov, raspberry berry, oops, oops, twists his head, sweeps into the top,
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disgusting suit, he’s even angry somehow not like it, against azamat musagaliev on ... today we need to find out who is funnier jokes: azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? are you serious? how long ago has this question arisen? in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat. alexey chumakov and the napoleon team will fight for reaching the finals, i am zamatmusaleev, there is no other like him and astana, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. everything will work out. hot spot. new
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season. today at 20:00 on ntv. there will be no money to enter. sazon cards, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. spend them anywhere as well withdraw cash and receive cashback.
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue to vote in our telegram channel on how to overcome that same gadget-mania among teenagers, there are now interesting comments, our editors have read them, and there are yours. options, one of the options is to flog upload in sections, in answer to the question of who is to blame, there are approximately 50 percent of those who write who is to blame, write that the parents, and the other half write: that the school is to blame, why the school is to blame, because now school education without every possible involvement in electronics is impossible, there are also electronic diaries, there are all kinds of tasks that need to be completed, in general, the complaints of those who vote with us are related to the fact that the child is so electronic life is involved, which is not far from gadget mania, all russian schools have already switched to electronic diaries, in which students and parents can see grades.
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to access the electronic diary, each student needs an account, accordingly, you need your own device. no one will give us grades in this paper diary, we have an electronic diary, we fill it out, regardless of whether the parents want or don’t want to get to know each other. not the quality of education. at school, children come to study, grades will be in the electronic journal. gadgets now use all possible programs and applications to enhance their productivity; they prepare large projects with pictures and animation, also using a computer. according to a survey, the majority of russian teenagers use internet to improve your studies. they learn languages, draw, watch educational videos on history, geography, art, natural sciences, and this is especially important for residents of the outback. for example,
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in the village of sardayal, on the border of maria el and tatarstan, there is a small old school; the teachers have three old laptops and two projectors, but each student has a phone, which the teachers offer to use. the guys study not only text materials, they work with multimedia objects, video files, sound files, they really like working with simulators because they immediately get results and an assessment of their knowledge. the vast majority of parents surveyed by mailru are convinced that children need a telephone for... as a parent, it’s hard for me to hear the news that parents are losing their children. this feature can help you gain peace of mind when children are out of your sight. location tracking can also help track whether
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yours is escaping. nikolai nikolaevich, i remember that, if i remember correctly, that to electronic diaries and electronic magazines you have your own special account, if i remember correctly, explain why you didn’t like it, since 2010, contemporary with the introduction in russia of the forceide childhood project 20-30, a western project that implied the total digitalization of education, we started we fought for 3 years.
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no one would interfere with the implementation of digital school, we have canceled everything, even psychologists and pedagogical examination of this digital content under the guise of regulatory gelgatin, we have removed all restrictions associated with the use of gadgets, that is this is a digital school, they even banned longitudinal studies, that is, i can ask, in a simple way i will ask, when, when
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i went to school, we still have everything like this. there wasn’t a lot of digitalization, and in the old fashioned way i might have drawn something, cut it out, and so on, i wasn’t good at it, i’m not very good in this regard, if now the whole world uses computers, but it’s probably strange to tell a child, you know, computers - this is not yours, you mean, origami, gami bears , that’s all, a jigsaw, take this same plane, aren’t we sending it, aren’t whether we send it somewhere in the middle of the 20th century, the world, you know, the whole world bans the use of gadgets. in schools, look at the american ones, yes, in education, look at the european ones, look at all our silicon valley, the children there have no leaders at all.
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gadgets in education, that’s exactly gadgets in education, it’s really somehow in your opinion - it interferes, it helps, not at all, i think that yes, control is needed, a personal example is needed, some healthy restrictions are needed, a normal example is needed , but when our president says that we need good it specialists, in particular, we have an atlas of new professions, which is expanded every year, again supplemented with new specializations, we will suddenly remove these same ones from schools, especially in high schools gadgets.
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i’ll take away the gadget for my now six-year-old child and give him something else and tell him to do whatever he wants, then most likely i ’ll give up on my child’s future in a big sense, i have limitations, we don’t use gadgets when we we eat there exactly at 90 we have that same parental control the gadgets are turned off my daughter yes her name is she knows that we are going to brush our teeth change clothes wash and go to bed these rules work i’m already used to this nothing. not what kind of gadget it is, ever, for anything, that’s why she trusts me and doesn’t
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run away from me into the entrance, although i ran away from mine, years old, yes, doesn’t it work out like that, maybe it doesn’t work out, that the phone has some kind of amazing, shining with all the colors, playing life for these hours, around everything is a little dull, her life does not consist of 70 or 100% of gadgets or what is beautifully painted there, her life is beautiful and...
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they are trying to limit the child’s stay in these wilds, last year the management cyberspace. tai decided to fight childhood addiction to gadgets. experts have proposed radical measures to regulate screen time depending on age. for example, children under 8 years old can use a smartphone no more than 40 minutes a day, children under 16 years old no more than an hour. teenagers under 18 years of age will be given 2 hours of time on the phone, and the restrictions will not apply to educational applications, other useful resources, or calling emergency services, but to everyone. they want to ban children from using phones at night. the phone will add this system, it will ask parents to open or run it. thus, it is the parents who make the decision. this is a solution for the chinese of their parents. they could control, observe, protect their children. in
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the us state of florida in march, children those under 14 years of age were prohibited from using social networks. it's gov. ron desantis' idea. keep track of age. users must contact the company to log into accounts if their owners have not passed the age limit. children aged 14-15 will also need parental consent to register on any platforms, although some consider the restrictions too strict. we need to find a balance and this is just a complete veto on access, i don't think that 's appropriate, especially in the free state of florida. however, great britain intends act even more harshly and...
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this is some kind of parental control , that’s all, the question is removed, no, once again, here we are talking about what, yes, it’s possible to block, yes, let’s say that he doesn’t watch at night, but during the day he can quite easily go anywhere via vpn, i won’t hide it to you, but yes, children, unfortunately, yes, the hormone starts playing, they sit on these other karotic sites, and parents don’t see it, this is a problem big, i won’t say what it is expressed in, it is expressed in their infertility ultimately many, so, once again, this value judgment is mine, we are here. it is important today to conduct these studies to understand the scale of this problem, for example, a second, a second, you will say now, for example, we restrict drug addicts, because drugs are a problem, they don’t tell us, you will agree with your parents not to use them, or because he has problems with his parents, he became a drug addict, or vice versa, when he became a drug addict, problems with his parents, the same
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alcohol, that is, if this problem is compared to a drug, alcohol, which causes mass destruction conduct research understand. and van, this is a threat with drugs and alcohol for the rest of your life, if the main threat is a smartphone, for example, until the child grows up, that’s why i see that you parents use these phones, how the child looks at them, that it’s harmful, good , i stand on your side, i agree that parents set an example to a large extent, and if we are sitting on this phone and the children are watching a cartoon, it influences, i agree that we are responsible for our children,
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the use of gadgets, what are they talking about colleagues, please let ’s differentiate these things clearly, we can’t, because cars crash, we can’t stop driving cars, technological progress, education, gadgets are great, cool, necessary, we won’t get anywhere from this.
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tv viewers are thinking about this, but a short pause and let’s sum it up: instead of natural beauty, there are smoldering rubbish heaps, this garbage, it’s higher than the fence, instead of fresh air, the smells of decomposition and harry, not only does it smell, there are rats, mice, snakes , snakes where from, residents of a high-rise building in in the krasnodar region, they were tired of being afraid that they would burn in another fire, the ninth in a row, so they burned me out of there. eight times already, eight in the last 3 years, eight times, he doesn’t even call the fire department when something is burning on his property, no, he sits and hides in this
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house, can they come to an agreement with the neighbor who sorts the garbage, at night there is a processing factory there, he knocks and sorts everything out and during the day it is impossible to rest, and you work as a waste sorter, how do i earn money, yes, why do you do this at home, you need to work, well, as much as possible, we are already so tired of this... stinking heap of yours, rotting, dead meat, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. today at 23:00. tufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration , and preservation of youthful eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health. alfa friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and others entertainment, only in the alfa poster service in
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3:56 pm
i don’t remember how i got to the hall. i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all. look, i don't understand how you get it. i’ve already started to forget, as it happens, maybe i should also buy what’s there, as they call it, prostatricun, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know , you are dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife. yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, probably i’ll buy it too, what should i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on,
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3:58 pm
with an opinion, that's what you think, how can you overcome this teenage gadget mania, in general, i have to tell you that again it's a little unexpected, because everyone is generally accepted that our audience is like that, you know, like this, yes, this is downright totalitarian, only 10% think that it is possible, necessary, or rather, to ban smartphones , replace them with push-button ones, but look, limit the time of use smartphone 38%, i understand that
3:59 pm
in general the story was the same explanation: parents need to keep the child occupied with something, make his life interesting so that he doesn’t go down that same path, excuse the cliche of the crooked path, we’re just changing the circumstances we get the same answer. i went to do this amateur art activity three times a week, i remember very well, it was monday, wednesday and saturday, which means tuesday, thursday, friday, sunday, it turns out i wasn’t busy, but somehow we walked and played constantly there. football, hockey of course and all sorts of other games, there are 12 sticks, stand-up, something else, old people are robbery, i didn’t like playing with them, well, what i mean is that it’s just for my parents. that’s about the electronic diary in the sense of control, it’s electronic these things, i think that
4:00 pm
of course it’s more effective, because parents have access to it, and such a diary can be lost there or simply not shown to parents for a long time, one guy to another at work , he says, yesterday, quite by chance, i looked into my daughter’s school diary, a little i’m not crazy that there are a lot of twos, but that’s not the point, she turns out to be already in the fifth grade. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. record water levels. the flood situation in the kurgan region is becoming more complicated. they follow the call of the heart, what tasks does the terek volunteer cossack brigade perform in the sfo zone.


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