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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:45pm MSK

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record water levels are complicated by the flood situation in the kurgan region. they follow the call of their hearts, what tasks does the terek volunteer cossack brigade perform in their zone? give money, weapons, impose sanctions. at the summit in
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brussels he discusses his favorite topics. an involuntary admission that insurance companies do not pay for damage to the nord stream, claiming that the explosion was caused by a certain government. about the main thing, ilya fedorovtsev is in the studio this minute. hello. in kurgan, the level of the tobol river has increased by more than a meter, the water continues arrive. the city center is partially flooded. high-rise buildings of government institutions went under water. flooded it. and the right bank part of the regional center, where predominantly the private sector is located. in total, there are 30 settlements in the disaster zone in the region , almost 14,000 people were evacuated, olga zenkova reports from kurgan. this is the very center of kurgan. father and son ryabtsev go on reconnaissance to the flooded house, they bought an old boat especially for the floods, and patched up the holes. nowadays there is nowhere in kurgan without watercraft. look how much rubbish, which is oil, will now float along the tabol, filters, canisters, all this in... tobol,
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my soul hurts not only for my honestly acquired, but for the tobol, for the houses of neighbors, many were flooded under the roof, fences, greenhouses, fruit bushes are under water , beds, this year, apparently without a garden, the water keeps rising, vladimir nikolaevich monitors the level of the bricks in the bathhouse, here it is, well, here’s the cover, an hour passes, i go out, the brick is flooded, i go out, the brick is flooded, the women and children have been sent away long ago at a safe distance, rented an apartment away from the river, and lived on on the second floor, the first one disappeared under water a couple of days ago, now it has begun to arrive. in the attic, they waited for the flood with all their might, so that the house would not float downstream, they fortified it, now even if it rises, it will not float away, it will rub them all there on each side, upholstered furniture and the kitchen were taken to the highest plateau, roofs garage cooperative, they wrapped the canopy with film, they tied it up so that the wind wouldn’t at least blow it all away, like looters, well, they’re present, wait there, they were already chasing two people with the roof when it was dry, the street of freedom, by coincidence , turned out to be... in captivity in the water here
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, you can’t go everywhere on a boat, there’s a traffic jam of floating furniture, firewood and other garbage. the water in the mound began to approach the high-rise buildings; in the poplar area it was no longer possible to leave the entrances without rubber boots. this is the smolino microdistrict floating. the water level can be assessed by a road sign, and this is footage from a flooded house on glinka street. well, it’s the laminate that floats, that’s not a big deal at all. honey, tell me to water the seedlings or wait, otherwise they will suddenly dry out. water in tobol is already almost reached the level of a destructive flood. 1994, the left bank of the river still holds back water, the right bank is flooded, water is creeping up to the water supply building, a concrete crossing to the porch was built for employees here. the head of the flood is coming to the belozersky municipal district, according to the authorities, this is a colossal volume of water, residents are asked to evacuate. the road to borovoe is blocked, that’s it, we’re waiting. the tyumen region is preparing to withstand the elements. volunteers, adults and schoolchildren came out to build the dam; pensioners took up the shovels. they pour it in. is being placed in bags along the banks
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of the ishim river, the most difficult situation is in the kazan region, a section of the ishim-kazakhstan road is blocked due to flood waters, here is the kazakh water, the siren started blaring again, the sirens remind residents that the water is close, it is important to collect things and documents in time and to evacuate; households in eight settlements have already been flooded. olga zenkova, artemy epefanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. what a large-scale flood can turn out to be is now clear from the example of the orenburg region: in in villages and cities, the water slowly recedes, but after it the problems for local residents only increase. mikhail chernov visited one of the villages in the region and found out what difficulties await people after the water recedes. on the way from soraktash to the flooded villages , there is a clay embankment everywhere and spilled water threatens to cut off the road, the only connection with neighboring villages. biktemirova poured everything from cigarette to cigarette. there is only one
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exit left. it’s a paradox: in the urals the level is decreasing, while in its tributary sakmara it is increasing. rural residents say this is water from neighboring bashkiria, more precisely from tributaries that flow into... the kmara upstream, but if bashkir water flows, then this whole spill is more due to bashkir water, our own water cannot flood us so much . the rural school hummock no longer comes to work, he floats away. you have to take a boat out from the yard. the school itself is closed, there is water around, but the classrooms are dry, the basement and toilets are flooded. now it has become a little smaller, otherwise the level was exactly the same as with the tiles. the kindergarten is also closed, furniture and equipment are also closed. just in case, they raised it higher, we ’re used to it, we live in the village, we carry everything on ourselves. sokhmara flooded sakmarskaya street, in one row: a kindergarten, a school and a cultural center, all in the water. almost all the children were taken out of the village, mother of many children alfiya
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arslanbaeva did not leave, the freezer was full of supplies, the floors were dry, which meant she could live. i got ready, as they say, i bought diapers for the baby and bought all the groceries.
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uav operators will now send this bird in order to understand what is happening at the positions. near solidar, where the main positions of the terek cossack brigade, as if you find yourself in a film about warriors of the future.
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at night, when it’s a little safer than during the day, real drone battles take place; pilots control the birds, trying to calculate the enemy’s movements in the dark. during the day, from the air it looks like one of the bushes, now it is completely dark, illuminating themselves only with low-power flashlights, the soldiers of the volunteer unit are preparing to open fire, online the gunner is a spotter with the call sign poet attentive. is watching what is happening, an armenian from pyatigorsk, he volunteered to go to the zone special military operation, in rare moments of rest he writes poetry, hence the call sign. i look at this world in my own way, i look at this life differently, those who betrayed me, i have forgiven them, i wish that your dreams come out,
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a shot, they will all die, a reconnaissance drone impartially records the exact hit of the cossack mortar men. we received information from subcontractors that this is appropriate. along the front line, directly from our positions, about five ukrainian armed forces fighters were destroyed, followed by an evacuation group, the poet did not choose a volunteer unit by chance, here is not just a military brotherhood, here are his brothers of faith, and what kind of cossack unit would be without its own temple, here are the fighters. with the call sign, the frenchman determines which of the enemy's most advanced birds that have been shot down should be sent to specialists, and which can be returned back with loaded ammunition,
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this one will go for study, we'll reflash something, let's say this, we'll reflash it, it's intact, we'll do this one again, we’ll repair that one, well... we sent it to the technicians, they’ll now look at the markings, who’s supplying them, in the detachment the frenchman is all men over 50, before the start of a special military operation they were avid hunters, but no, just like - in the forest you never think that you got it, but you didn’t get it, what you got, you brought it, we sort it out, somehow, there’s no count i don’t know much, but the frenchman believes that in a week his team kills sometimes a dozen, sometimes a dozen and a half birds. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, ekaterina
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kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, solidar, southern group of russian troops. the insurers explained why they do not want to pay compensation to the swiss age, this is the company is the operator of the blasted northern streams. according to documents that the insurance company sent to the high court of london, it is there that the case of blowing up a gas pipeline is being considered. a consequence of the conflict between russia and ukraine, that is, military actions. and war is not included in the list of insured circumstances. in addition, insurers note that the damage from the explosion could have been caused by or on the orders of any government, and also do not agree with the volume of the insurance limit of more than $400 million, which it insists on. nordstream. the destruction of three of the four strings of the nord stream gas pipeline was discovered in september 2022. russia was not allowed into the investigation. german law enforcement officers took over the case. denmark and sweden. they called what happened a deliberate sabotage. after a year and a half, the swedish prosecutor's office closed
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the investigation. denmark soon did the same. germany remains the only country that continues the investigation. at an informal summit in brussels , eu leaders called on the eu council to urgently provide ukraine with the necessary air defense systems and other military assistance. this is stated in the final statement. in addition, brussels plans to expand sanctions against iran. in connection with the attack on israel. the two-day forum was marred by a loud scandal. the city police actually disrupted the conference, which was organized on the sidelines of major right-wing politics. the summit meeting was followed by sergei khaloshevsky. the two-day eu summit in brussels follows the traditional motto: give more money for air defense systems for ukraine. ursula fondeyan boasted that military budgets in the eu have increased by 20% and there is an urgent need to unite the military industry in the face of a common enemy. and olaf scholz called for scraping the bottom of the barrel in search of extra patriot systems. the germans have already handed over two
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batteries to kiev, and are preparing to send another one, but their partners are somehow in no hurry to follow their example. we want to encourage others to do the same, to once again check what opportunities exist to improve ukraine's defensive capabilities. at the same time, eu leaders were thinking about a new aggravation in the middle east.
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orban clearly stated: the eu leadership must be driven to hell. if the leadership turns out to be bad, it needs to be changed, it’s so simple, but the current leadership of the european union is simply disgusting. orban recalled to fonden how she blocked the allocation of money to hungary for allegedly incorrect migration and gender policies, and how they are running around with what is left of ukraine? ukraine is no longer a sovereign state, it is now just a protectorate of the west, without arms money from the eu and the usa, ukraine as a state could hardly survive. by the way, the conference of conservatives in brussels itself was in jeopardy when local authorities banned its holding 2 hours before the start. the authorities decided to stop the conference, that's why i'm here. the brussels bastion of democracy nevertheless
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fell, conservatives were allowed into the hall at the last moment, but a sediment remained. when we talk about the european union, about attempts to build a new superpower on its basis, brussels does not allow any alternative opinion, they categorically do not tolerate other views. in general, the summit in brussels once again confirmed a long-known truth. and there was not even an innocent proposal from belgium and the czech republic to impose sanctions against russia for harmful activities of allegedly interfering in the work of european institutions. the epic of russian tourists stuck in dubai and zalivni is coming to an end; almost all delayed flights have arrived. next on the air, business news with us denis tolaev, denis, who, or more precisely , how many more people are left in the emirates? the association of tour operators says that
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not so few russians are expecting flights, this is about 3. russian airlines have practically completed all flights from dubai, which previously had to be delayed due to rain in the united arab emirates. this was announced by the press secretary of the federal air transport agency artyom korenyaka. according to him, today at about 10 a.m. moscow time a flight from dubai of s7 airlines landed in novosibirsk, which was delayed by 16.5 hours. an aeroflot flight also took off from dubai almakum airport this morning. he's almost a day late. and so, judging by these today’s shots from almakum airport. the weather in dubai is quite yourself so cloudless. earlier, the federal air transport agency clarified that all of its delayed flights from dubai were operated by ural airlines. the association of tour operators of russia reports that at the moment tour operators have been able to send about 15% of their tourists stuck in dubai to russia. in total, according to motor data,
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about 5,000 russians were unable to fly from dubai on april 16 and 17. and by the end of today, this number is expected to decrease to 3,000. vator clarified that to evacuate stranded tourists, airlines now provide 25-30 seats per flight, but it is not yet possible to isolate the aircraft completely. the situation with flights to dubai in dubai is also normalizing; according to the online scoreboard of sheremetyevo airport, today’s flights to dubai departed albeit with delays, but these delays were gradually reduced from 6 hours to one and a half. the tour operator and the tourist believe that this whole story with the flooding of dubai will not be reflected. ask, because the emirates are among the top three year-round destinations for russian tourists, competing with egypt and turkey. russian division the pharmaceutical company astrazenesa complained to the investigative committee about the domestic company okrikhin. she is going to release the drug fordyglyph into circulation. this is an analogue of astrozeneca's diabetes drug forsiga. rbc writes about the conflict. forxiga
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is prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes and according to the analytical company. last year, about 5.5 million packages were sold in russia; sales of this drug have increased sharply over the past two years. astrazeneca says its original drug is protected in russia has a patent until 2028, as arbaka notes, the patent initially expired in the twenty-third year, but astrozenics was able to extend it. and in the company akrikhin believes that nothing was violated, citing the decision of the russian court of intellectual rights, which decided that the patent... was extended illegally, this decision, as rbc clarifies, astrazenesa is now trying to challenge in the supreme court. akrikhin emphasizes that the domestic generic is 26% cheaper than the original drug, which means this savings for the state budget. oil prices are going up and down today, and the russian stock market doesn’t have a clear plan either. but
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exporter shares are now being put under pressure by the fact that the ruble is strengthening. the dollar went below 94. euros in these minutes 100 rubles 18 kopecks. today, the federal antimonopoly service decided to remind producers and stores that they cannot just raise prices for eggs, especially on the eve of easter, which is may 5th. the fas reminds us that it is necessary to contain prices for socially important products and proposes the following plan: if egg producers notice a decrease in their cost, then they should also reduce their prices, when retail chains notice that they have reduced prices by... tonty monopolists recommend immediately rewriting the price tags and making eggs cheaper for end consumers too. over the past year , egg prices in russia have increased by 60%. since the beginning of this year, according to rosstat, they have fallen in price by 5%. ilya is all about economics. thanks to denis talalaev with his economic review. ntv viewers in
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the capital. next up is the release of the program today in moscow. and we will continue our broadcast for others regions center. the city has a face, building renovations are already being completed, facades are being renovated, there are fewer and fewer buildings that seem to be... the builders have not yet started, the roads are being built, that is, a lot has been done, but even more needs to be done, and it needs to be done in all directions, we want to basically
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finish housing by the end of the year with multi-apartment buildings, the restoration of enterprises is now the number one issue, the enterprise must be restored so that jobs, we are preparing for winter, we are restoring housing and communal services, now in mariaupol comprehensive modernization of the heating supply system, almost 16 in total will be repaired
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at different sites. they are trying to identify the soldier using archival data; if the photographs were accompanied by a description of the military officers, who is depicted in the frame, when and where the photograph was taken, then the chances are greater. there is a medal for bravery. if there is an award, which means it is already in the archives of the ministry of defense, there will be data about when and for what the soldier was awarded, and at the same time, where he comes from and where he was drafted. this was the case with ivan dimkov. in the fall of '43, he received a medal for military merit and a medal for defense leningrad. in this photo, a group of snipers dimkov is on the right, he is 29 years old here, he is the eldest, he repeatedly went hunting for
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the germans, and trained several people in sniper business, several young komsomol members, who also showed great success. a little later, it will become clear to schoolchildren that dimkov died; information about his death is on the memorial website. the last stage comes, sometimes the most difficult, to find relatives. and ivan borisovich didn’t have children, he didn’t have time, we decided to make sure that we could find his relatives using other sites, for example, the immortal regiment, the same vkontakte, classmates, ivan dimkov’s relatives were found relatively quickly with the help of the local administration, tatyana lukashova and her family live in the same area, a photograph of ivan dimkov was handed over to his relatives in a solemn ceremony in the school museum in the homeland of the fighter.
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this is what we will talk about further in our issue. from behind a desk on a farm, a schoolboy in mordovia founded his own livestock farm. alpha friday - supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday, april 19th we give 50.
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at night. afalaza! at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. get an additional 15% discount for fashionable transformations. choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone. and use the promotional code spring. it will be added to the existing discounts. everything for your looks at even more attractive prices with a promo code spring. customers' love is a reward for any entrepreneur; you don't just prepare cakes, give unforgettable emotions, don't give fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, don't create fashionable things, but give the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a
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favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. the day went wrong everything is annoying, i have no strength to start the day. i am a prospect, and i am a fairy of a wonderful day, i give you a wonderful day. my strength is returning. it's a wonderful day again. a new drug for your activity. prospect, have the strength to live and enjoy every day. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt. the most anticipated premiere of the year is today at 23:00, this is the program today, we continue our release. russian deputies decided to resume the tradition of mentoring for troubled teenagers. in the soviet years , young people were engaged in the komsomol, now a public organization. there are plans to bring work at the federal level. the bill has already been assessed by the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. and the specialists who are now working with
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difficult teenagers are ready to share. experience, details from nikita korabenkov. the city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. these guys are still far from real crime, although they have already taken the first step on the slippery slope and got caught. registered with the pdn, but how did you get registered with the pdn? - for theft. nikolai is one of those 420 thousand teenagers in russia who are called difficult. every year the number of repeated crimes in this environment are growing, but nikolai is lucky; he is unlikely to face a relapse. mentors from the st. petersburg contact center took on him. kolya broke up with bad companies, and now he has other goals in his life - football studies. did you want to go here? initially , not at all, that’s right, huh? and why? i didn't know what it was? i didn’t want the center at all, that is, i think i ’ll sit quietly there for a year at home, that is, that’s it, and i’ll be taken off the register, that is, but they told me, like, you’ll be until you’re 18 , that is, if you don’t go to this contact center, that is, that’s why i had to come here and not in vain,
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psychologists and social workers work with such children in the st. petersburg center every day, they return teenagers to society, help with their studies, reveal talents, find new hobbies and even arrange for work, as a rule? they are cleaning the premises, collecting flowers, or sorting out some kind of archive, but the work of the contact is not only office work, the employees of the contact center go to the fields every day, these are the machines social patrols drive around the streets of the northern capital in search of at-risk teenagers; in the summer they can be found in parks near ponds; now they usually live in shopping centers and abandoned buildings, especially after sunset. what time do you usually get home? well, it’s about 9 o’clock, yes , well, now i look at your honest face and understand that sometimes you are late. the institute of mentoring for troubled teenagers in the state duma is proposed to be scaled up throughout the country, so that
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they don’t work with kids in other regions only pdn inspectors, but also those who can captivate and direct. and on behalf of the president, a mentoring platform dobro.rrf will be created on the internet, it is just for what you want. citizens or organizations who want to become mentors, who want to apply, they will be able to submit an application, undergo testing, undergo verification, they will check you to see whether you have a criminal record or not, whether you are a foreign agent, what competencies you have, in the center contact are ready to respond to share their experience, we understand that such practice it is not available in all regions, so for other regions it will be an impetus for development, but for us it is an additional resource and tool for working with children. petersburg work experience is in moscow. here such centers are designed as teenage clubs. on the basis of our centers there are teenage clubs, they have different directions, that is, we follow the children’s requests. these are some fascinating moments, modern ones, what
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children are doing now, this is blogging, there is theatrical art, various creative classes. another plus is that throughout the city of moscow, we have such a community of teenage clubs, we organize some interesting ones among ourselves. tournaments, we go racing, we visit museums, exhibitions, that is, this is a diverse range of services, this is precisely the socialization of children and adolescents. here they work not only with children, but with members of their families, parents also visit a psychologist, for example, svetlana sontseva, thanks to such sessions, again found contact with her eldest son. we attended consultations as there were individual meetings with the psychologist, as well as family meetings. organized by a psychologist, my son attended the teenage light revival club, an indicator of this is naturally an improvement in his studies, we began to hear each other, we talk more, we spend more time together,
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juvenile delinquency decreases every year in our country, but this does not mean that it no, but there is an understanding that in order to defeat teenage crime, what is needed is not a system of punishments, but attention to the teenagers themselves. a schoolboy from mordovia turned a hobby agriculture into a profitable business, his mini-farm began during the pandemic quarantine with one single rabbit, now it consists of pens with sheep, quails, ducks and a greenhouse with microgreens, all together providing a good income. the young farmer shares his successes on a blog that constantly attracts new subscribers. andrey sham found out how he manages to combine all this with his studies. so hello everyone, he always tries to be short with his subscribers, hello everyone, dimka the farmer is with you again, and today i want you show these wonderful little rabbits, eleventh grader dima has rabbits, chickens,
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musky ducks, sheep, guinea fowl, and of course, quail, good morning everyone, and today i ’m working on quails, from the rural blogger perepelov, i always wanted to breed quails, here’s the quail the egg is generally considered, well, one of the most useful; quails live in their own house. but in the city limits of saransk, before dima became interested in agriculture, his grandparents kept only chickens, but dima, while still in eighth grade, convinced the whole family that will handle it. tell me how you came to this, at what point, at what point, yes, there was quarantine, there was nothing to do at home, at that moment i somehow woke up early, that is, around 5:00 in the morning, so i decided, the neighbor had rabbits, and grandpa had chickens, grandpa fed the chickens there, i somehow started
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going with him to feed, and then i bought it, i somehow had pocket money, i bought myself my first rabbit, so i got to work he approached the barnyard as a business project, his block is now his own community, subscribers know and they trust, and some consult on highly specialized issues, say, how to prevent the death of rabbits, now is generally the time of digital technology, everyone is somehow trying to do something on the phone. make money, and i ’m trying to make money on livestock, with my amount of 30 thousand, i can definitely make money only by selling eggs or selling a live rabbit, or you can literally say, chop cabbage, grow ordinary greens, it’s been so long since i showed you my microgreens, broccoli, these are two mustards, that's all, this is a series of radishes of different types, i once bought 5,000 worth of seeds, i paid for it in half a month,
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and i still have these seeds to this day, this one is actually the most restaurant version, they also take a lot of it, broccoli, broccoli i i don’t know why, but they take it, in general, this is probably the most profitable crop, his daily routine looks like this: before school, feed the cattle, after school, feed them again, then current affairs, then the rabbits are breeding, then the quails need to build new enclosures, tell me are you on time? i have time to study, well, there are also tutors, somewhere i’m not catching up with the program, i’m learning what i need, what i need, what’s interesting to me. the young farmer is convinced that it’s easy to make money, you just need to figure out how, so dima came up with the idea, even making an aquarium part of his business model. i have fish swimming here, they pay for themselves, here i have moss and... i sell a bunch of navitos there, i lay out 50
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rubles for a bunch, they immediately take two by three bunches there , and that is, in a month they pay for the food, he doesn’t take pocket money from his parents and doesn’t ask, he buys everything for himself, accounting for expenses and keeps income in excel spreadsheets and at the same time writes down all investments in the business in a notebook, bought all the clothes and watches for myself, so what, it’s just for some pocket expenses that now comes to me with... some kind of budget. after dimka's eleventh grade, the farmer decided to become a veterinarian, and also dreams of moving to the village and really expanding his life. he is the only one among his classmates so far. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, sofia lesovets and evgeniyamov, ntv, saransk, mordovia. now the weather is approaching central russia storm, strong winds and rain expected. irina polyakova has all the details. weather studios are in touch with us. irina, how serious will it be? decently, before the storm
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warning, it’s already starting to rain here, this rain is not easy, not only will it only get stronger overnight, almost half of the norm for the whole april will fall, the fact is that this rain is one of the manifestations of the very dangerous southern balkan cyclone , the one that has already catastrophically flooded moldova and romania, and for us, in addition to heavy rainfall and winds, a powerful restructuring of the seasons, the cyclone will pull up its circulation of icy air almost from the kara sea, so it turns out to be a paradox.
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rain and thunderstorm conditions, thank you, this was the weather forecast from otrina polikova, that’s all for now, go to, see you. alpha friday, supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday , april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment.
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