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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 18, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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and the beast inside me swam to calm down and besiege the violent king. and i knew that you would come, but come in, it’s great, it’s great that you got up, fell down.
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how do you know? well, i know, and i know. tell me something else. she shot down raya. so, the deal is this: i ’ll talk to her first, and then you do whatever you want with her. okay, but i have one more thing to do. you’ll help, so why
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did you have to wander around, and why are you, what’s ruslan, tell me what to do?
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eh, andrech, fuck you, people, help!
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turned on the point to full, let's go faster, run, dance with vodka, no, no need, it’s on. there are children writing, calling for help, we need to get out, so let's go, come in, don't be shy, well, everything is assembled, first of all, today we are working seven days a week, on vernikov's orders, you should have told your uncle... what here real people
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work and not robots mazaev didn’t whine and he also actually plows why stop stop stop secondly. i have been appointed head of the investigative team; we share the cases that panicheva handled with kolya vashchenko. finally, regarding the chernykh case. unfortunately, panchiva did not leave her work, she kept everything in head, so we start in the second circle. we are working on car thieves. yes, i’m listening, kolovanov. where did you get that from? okay, let's go, well, here you go, drowned man, sack, continue, gelman, noviku, with me.
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what's there? nice in the city, suglobov
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drowned while fishing, although the body was not found. what do you think is a soldier's job? something is too fast, okay, let's see what the cops say when they find the body, hi dad, i'm going to the city, why, i want to buy something before leaving as a souvenir, what will take you there, no thanks, i called a taxi , i quickly. listen, someone can do something to her, now she’ll shut up on her own, that’s it, don’t breathe on her,
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someone will touch her with a finger, blame yourself, but how to inspect her, a tow truck won’t get through here, inspect the external damage, you’re signs of a struggle you see, no, that’s right, because... they are not there, the man became ill, fell, drowned, period, accident, they could have shot at him, novikov, novikov, what have you got here, well, the citizen says that sugloboi has there were health problems, that ’s right, he was wounded in both legs, his heart was naughty, we knew him, but of course, andrech was always here.
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stupid, where are you going, give me your hand, what for! are you stupid, if you follow me, i’ll tell my father that he wanted to rape me, i understand, wait a minute. didn't you get it? yes, i understood everything, he will ask what to say, that the fool went shopping, go for a walk, you have an hour, what happened, we agreed on the evening. he's at home, at home, sleeping, it's rita, open it,
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what's wrong, we need to talk, close the door, what happened? don't act up, i don't care what your relationship is with your father, but if he finds out, that i come here, he will literally kill me , so i didn’t tell him anything until i told him, i know people like you, i don’t have money, but soon they will, as much as you want, and so, firstly, to me your money is not needed, and secondly, your affairs with oleg are of little interest to me, so you don’t have to worry.
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excuse me, i need to talk, yes, i’m picking it up in the garage, there’s a conversation, but what is it, not on the phone, i’m picking it up, you know. think about the money, i told you everything, have a nice day.
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the downed guard, the second one you're looking for, and now also suglobov, formally he didn’t work at the cemetery, tolya, he runs a funeral services office, panichev would have already tied up these cases 100%, just don’t, vadik told me about panicheva, they will find a gunshot on the body, i ’ll tell you what’s going on connected, but for now there is no need, these are our guesses, for now, sorry. uncle pash, this is nonsense, what an accident? you and i agreed that you
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will keep an eye on him and not meddle in his affairs, that’s understandable, understandable, yes, well done, okay, next about your transfer, i i talked to someone at the prosecutor’s office, in general there are no objections, dima shibalin heard about this guy, he’s leading a panicky case, yes, i know, he’s ready to take you into his department, he’s a very good seldak. they will teach you, okay, thank you, uncle pash, that's it, let's work, day off at duty, yes, yes, what a vacation, emergency, alexey kirillovich, yes i know that there is an emergency, that's why he ran away from home, there is a version, i was just talking about it about the main version, well, an accident? the main thing is that there is no crime, yes, yes, yes, well, on
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this occasion, it’s not a sin to drink, come on, come on, sleep a little, and sniff, alexey kirimovich, as they say, there are no former investigators. who did you make love with? i don’t understand you, you sleep during the day, okay, we’ll make jokes later, come in, suglobov is your work, no, not mine, i was just asking about him the other day, but i thought, excuse me,
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it’s okay, it happens, the campaign has a grip on everyone. i’ve hit the front lines at once, i want to hit the mark with him, it’s time, why do you need this, the men are promoting me to the chairman of the veterans’ council, they could have chosen suglobov, he was a smart guy, even if he was a bore, but now there are no other candidates, when i'm chosen, i'm a target. “i want to come to an agreement with khvat on the shore, otherwise i’ll have to fight, shooter will go with me, why such an idea, khvat thinks that he took you with all the fucks, then you will come with me, like my assistant, you have the right, you’re a combat veteran, if we agree, he
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will try to find out everything about me through you, if you don’t agree, then he will order me for you, okay, i came back with you, i just came for her, where i was, went shopping, with my hand, in the morning. it didn’t seem like it was, so it got caught, the screw was in
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trunk, what did you put in the trunk, oil? i topped it up a little, when i topped up the oil, ritka where it was in the store in which particular one, in souvenirs, okay, free, don’t get too drunk, you’ll need it in the morning, yeah. it is a real pleasure to taste the coffee. jardin colombia medelin. from selected arabica beans, which have revealed their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. jardin columbia medalin. this is the show "stars". we
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continue the second stage of the duel. kaza, i know how to beat them, i just i’ll take it when the jury announces the scores, i won’t announce them all, guys, i’m not bothering you, no, uh, ostana, astana, stars, alexey chumakov and the napoleon team will fight to reach the finals, i’m for matmusaleev, there’s no other like him, and astana on saturday at 21:20 on ntv.
8:20 pm
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8:22 pm
hello, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you are it works out, i forget... so how it happens, maybe you can also buy it, what is it called, prostatrikun, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what are you saying, i i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how take it, call, they will explain everything to you in detail when you order, just a second, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i’m off , keep it, try it, then
8:23 pm
you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what to think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold. this is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, huh. women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv.
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hi, why don't you call me? and what you call? you never have time. i wonder, do you call my mom every day? i’m talking to the little bastard, do you miss me? but don’t you miss me? why are you silent? we'll talk when... i arrive, yes ul, you told him what
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you told, who? ruslan, he didn’t talk to me, what did you tell him? ol, i didn’t tell him anything, he knows something, listen, i don’t feel comfortable talking now, i’ll call you back, okay, bye. great, great, i brought you something to eat, right?
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jack, are you kidding me? this is not for you, this is for you. thank you, great, are you in the city at night? well what, is he already looking for you? did you call the lasers? fast, yeah, but it takes a long time to search. they will, well , zhen, what’s next? well, that was your plan? no, if you don’t know what to do next, of course, then you should go to the police? i don’t understand, are you going to the cops? wow? well, even if you go to the police, the grip will simply say that for the first time everyone sees me. sitting like this is also not an option. give me the phone. where are you going to call? vernikova, for the chiefs of the gvd.
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yes, citizen, boss, the horses are dying from work, don’t disdain, with simple operas on raise your glasses, and so to speak, promotion up the career ladder, well, what can i do with you,
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close the door. novikov won’t show up, i sent him so that he wouldn’t get in the way, it’s stuffy with him, that’s for sure, oh, and you won’t send him, but the schoolgirl, no, you can’t send him, no way, who knows where his uncle is no longer visible, in- wow, what about this for you? it’s already affected, well, with the promotion.
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“hello, tell me, is novikov there now? he’s not here, come on monday, thank you. kolovanov, mazaev, are you there? give him the phone. slava, this one came here, whom you knitted, murin, very noikova was looking for. what did you want? he didn't say so. yes. i understand you, give me some kefir. murin,
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i was looking for the novikovs. why did it happen? well, let's figure it out. murin is not one of those who comes to us because he has nothing to do. question: what happened today that on saturday evening he came running to look for his curator, and i ’ll answer you, suglobov drowned, you’re thinking correctly, the top itself or they helped - that’s a different question, but murin clearly... knows, that’s why he came running look for vadik. ivanovich, are you the head, for you? we won't stop drinking for your promotion. you know, what? look like a cosamuri? carefully.
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oh, the bosses are watching, well, the meme passed by, timog is in place, he and his friend are checking the territory, and what is he doing here, it’s not his shift, he’s stuck, he says, i can’t sleep , i’ll gain experience, but for me he’s better. .. i ran around the girls than in the cemetery, but where are they, i want to talk to them, let’s go,
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uh, what are you doing there? and there’s this one, just to look, they say there’s a count lying there, cool, zhen, we didn’t touch anything, your task is to inspect the perimeter, not the graves wander around, but we just look, look. let's go, drop you off, and you go look around.
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so, yeah, well, of course i will, yes, i understand,
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that’s it, bye, tomorrow we’re going to istra, why, a picnic, no way. look, great, tired of being in the city, will everyone be with their wives? no, wives are not invited, cool, that means with girls, and you take me, ha, not with girls, with friends, uh-huh, and i take you, uh-huh. who is this stylist, hello, i’ve thought about your proposal, tomorrow at two, i’ll have it, but tomorrow it won’t work out,
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my husband and i are leaving for the country, it’s good about my husband, if you want to annoy him, look, don’t overdo it, you vindictive old man, i know. but i can do it on monday at any time, at two, in my office, it’s useless to punch the number, don’t let him try, great, agreed, give me the phone, borya, you’re already fed up with your jealousy, he’s not interested in women. give me the phone, i said, hmm, lalya,
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what a lalya, i heard a man called you, it’s not a man, it’s a stylist, borya, leave me alone. listen, you treat me like an escort, and you’re jealous as if i were your wife, maybe it’s time to choose one, you’ve already chosen one. the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly strive further to get more. plus 53% yield on dividend strategies from bcs star experts. bcs - the world of investments. the gang came to maim the man. well, we got it out of the turbo, and we’ll be grateful later.
8:37 pm
i don’t believe you, you have lost respect for us, i stand here for this street, we are the street, what are you waiting for, until they start changing you out of the apartment, it’s scary when your son, you know, i tried really hard to help, it’s impossible help people, rob others, the power of all of you is behind us now passing on, the boy’s word, blood is on...
8:38 pm
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who’s behind, well... “if something happens, don’t touch your daughter will be, and you will become extreme, so my advice to you is, it’s better not to get involved with her, it’s impossible to figure me out, unless no one, no one tells me, for me you don’t have to worry, i understand you, thank you, zhen. yes, let's get to our place, the arrow is through now, come on, i understand you, i'm waiting, bye.
8:43 pm
great mikhailovich, great, what is this, beautiful, yes, meet me, this is zhenya for his simple soldiers, this is gleb, he’s a jack of all trades, great, that means, i’ll talk to the grip one on one. his boys are looking at you, you are not some kind of cheap bandast, so all their rants are of no use to you, in other words, don’t react to the enemy’s provocations, clearly, there are questions, questions no, we can move, are you seriously
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planning to ride on this, or what? put aside conversations, troop compartment, step march.
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shchukin, this is kolovanov, great, but no , fine, tired, just resting a little, that’s all, at work already tell me what kind of fire you have there, otherwise, right away, i’m not giving you evidence.
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it’s a noticeable place, they didn’t take the boys, what kind of arrow is this, what difference does it make to us, enough of the bullshit, no damn thing! that the servicemen got lost, grab your paws here here, raise your paws. look, everything is like adults, well, you should
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have grabbed a gun, clowns, don’t get fed up, boys, it will be necessary, otherwise we’ll drag it in, let’s go, wait here. you love the effects, i love it when it’s clear who is for whom, well, let’s talk about it then, i know who you are, you know who i am. you asked for a meeting, which means you want to offer me something, i’m listening to you, give me a little sleep,
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listen, the cops don’t cling too much. that the tongue was swallowed or the mouth was ordered not to open? i see you are too talkative? and what about the one who talks? do you have a forest tongue? so what did you do? good, good, good, good, calm down, why are you twitching? they'll figure it out themselves well, that’s it, we’ve become humane, but what kind of guy is this? also from... will also be my assistant on general issues, so maybe you won’t be chosen yet? consider that you have already chosen, that’s why i
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’m talking to you here, so, shall we go our separate ways or what? hi, in general, information has just arrived, divers found a bushel and a phone from the deep, there is no body yet, please come in! sit down, vadim, you saw murin a long time ago, we saw him together when you returned from lipetsk, but what is it? yes, i went to lipetsk about citizen belyaev, i drove belyazh, he’s in the missing person’s house polikarpov left his fingers, he says, they sat and drank, when he left, polikarp remained at home, alive and healthy. further, belisha is detained for 48 hours, purely for prevention, last night he asks for
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interrogation and states that during a drinking session two people broke into the house, the director of the security company terrier and a certain zheka, they broke in and started a fight, during which this same zheka killed polikarpov, in your opinion, zheko is murin. well, he didn’t give his last name, so let’s figure out who it could be, zheka, but why would murin kill him? vladik, honestly, you’re like a child in a drunken fight, which doesn’t happen, okay, but where’s the body? belyazh didn’t say when polycarp was killed, he didn’t wait for his turn and ran away, you want to detain murin, formally i can’t yet, i don’t have belyaev’s testimony on hand. tell me, vadim, maureen, who is your informant?
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okay, can you not talk? i, you know, i just want to somehow understand, are you going to harness him again or what? i'm not a lawyer. vadim, i heard you, that’s enough for me.
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what did you decide about the grip? he will ask you, what will i do next? well, like this i don’t know what are you going to do? well , good, you won’t have to yell. yes, this is vadim novikov, write down my number, we’ll meet in an hour at the turn to yamnoye, if you don’t come, it will be worse, come on, i’ll come, i’m waiting, okay? no, for work, but just for work. well, come on, then stay in touch, come on, mask, new season, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, you get a super cash in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atms, it’s not
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darvos. i’m on my way to you, olya is twisting something, i need to figure it out, i put the keys in the same place where i got them, so rus, wait, there’s no need to go anywhere, let me get to you, we’ll figure it out together, what’s there to expect, and if you’re... i knew and didn’t say in short, i’ll come and we’ll sort it out.
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“let us talk, but it’s not a question, tell me, they could have made me the chairman of the veterans’
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council, i had a fight with the men there, and not with the previous chairman, they did something like this, it’s good if they were intentionally stupid, but what could have happened, probably”? we are talking about serious money there, so i doubt that they would elect me as chairman, they don’t allow strangers into such a feeding trough, and i’m a stranger to them. yes, where are you? i'm 10 minutes from you, don't leave.
9:00 pm
okay, i'm waiting, i'm there. i wish you good health, we will prepare the documents, please, what happened? let's check now. we violate, where did you come from here? let's go, the quest is calling.


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