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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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come here before you, don’t leave, okay, i’m waiting, i’m there, i wish you good health, we’ll have the documents ready, please. what happened? now we’ll check, we’re violating, but where did you come from here? let's go, the boast is calling. i’ll arrive myself in an hour,
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then you’ll decide your affairs, let’s go, i said, give me the right one. first, first, you are the connection, reception, first connection, reception, in five minutes from you, reception, accepted, ready.
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hvat jumped out of the car, it’s not a grip, it’s someone else, you saw him, you didn’t have time, to hell with him, let’s leave. the subscriber's device is turned off or is outside zones.
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well, what do you have there? vadik ran away, but murin never arrived, so what do you care? what do i have to do with it? that's it, come on. no. he wasn’t in the car, some young man
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was sitting in the back, but why did they pray if they saw that it wasn’t him? i later saw him jump out, they cleared him out, he left, well, that’s it. “it was you who gave the tip that the grip is in the car, we did our job, what kind of young man, who knows, he’s smart, we dug up the iron, we can’t leave the city, we’ve surrounded it, we need to climb in for a couple of days, you can help, timokha, fix it up guys." for a few, i need to rest, tomorrow i’ll be drunk to meet the dawn, to start everything from scratch,
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how many times... did i return to her, leaving so many times, you won’t close the door behind me, you know that i returned every time. something changes all the time, hello, can’t
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give me a lift to the city, come on in, thank you. look, he’s catching someone again, you have documents , yes you do, otherwise... we don’t need problems, who are we catching, commander?
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suspicious along the way, did you see anything? yes, it seems not, but why is it suspicious, an abandoned car, for example, or someone asked for a ride? you also show your documents, follow along, i i ask, follow along, commander, you understand what the matter is, he asked for a ride, guy, i’m sorry, but i don’t need problems, get out of the car, get out of the car, put your hands on the car, spread your legs.
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fireworks, hello to colleagues, we are behind the detainee, did he have documents? were, oh, no
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damn turn, look who they accepted, wow, i had to tell ivanov, but wait a minute, where did you get him in the department, picked him up at the thirty-seventh kilometer, came out of the forest, it turns out 5 km from detonation sites, if it’s in a straight line, but i’m already sick of it call, mobile phone, let me, ruslan, ruslan, who are we? danilov, you think correctly, but who is danilov by military specialty? demoman, are you brave? wait, well, he seems to be away. who checked this? so, organize a outfit for the detainee and take him to our department. write, the name of the investigator is kal ivanov, and we sent him to the address, yes, pavlavich,
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i understood everything, i’ll report right away, yeah, after morin’s arrest, the authorities already know why you’re telling me this, well, just in case, so as not to duplicate. tol, i never i didn’t report over your head, well, that’s right, vadim, kinship is kinship, order is order, in general i want to tell you, you’re very lucky, mazik, very, or, please, don’t poke me in the nose, whose relative am i, i by itself, that you were not in my thoughts, i’m not talking about that at all, but what about? sorry, oh, these are the guys, yes, what have you got,
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but he’s at home, the engine is still warm, no more than an hour since he arrived, very good, take it, take it to me, that’s what you wanted, hello, listen, ivanich, here this one, another thing, there are five on murin’s mobile missed calls from novikov, well, who would doubt it, work, yeah, locomotive, ready? we are ready to become armored trains, ready to rush forward, ready to continue the story, play-off onebet of the khl championship, only the best, friends, are left in the game , the bright holiday of easter awaits us ahead, in russian lotto the second charity easter draw, each lottery ticket is an opportunity not only become a winner, but make a contribution to charitable causes, 10 rubles from each ticket will go to charity, wins.
9:14 pm
9:15 pm
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9:18 pm
the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere. today at 23:00, i'm coming! i’m coming, oh, danilov, are you drunk or what, get ready, you’re coming with us, i’m not going anywhere, send me a summons, you
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finish this for me, 2 minutes to get ready, otherwise i’ll issue a summons, come on, because it’s fermented, or not, because it’s fermented, come on, let’s get out of here, danilov, don’t be stupid, we’re on duty. i said, come out, be quiet, be quiet, be quiet, put away the gun, be quiet.
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let's pass, we're free, why i was detained, attempted robbery, murin, i heard, i heard, let's simplify, i'm interested in who had the grenade, who put pressure on the goshette, you or danilov? i don’t understand what you’re talking about, there’s no one in the city at all, maureen, don’t make it complicated, danilov offered armed resistance during the arrest, now he’s... here, who begged, let's talk in the presence of a lawyer,
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how about that? do you have a lawyer? well, call me , lawyer, to the cell, take me, boss, call me, please, well, two were detained, one near the scene of the assassination attempt, the other at home, he was drunk, he almost shot at our people, who? danilov, the new owner of the interior, the second, who? murin, they served together, is he alive, who? murin, yes, where is he? our bullpen is failing.
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what are you doing here, but you went out to get some air, and if anyone sees you, let’s go into the house and breathe, and if you give orders, let’s go into the house, i said, but whether you’re going to shoot or not, you’re still listed as a dead man, but this is the third time they’ve written me down as a dead man, you better tell me, where is your wife? he promised, so he will come, night is already outside, don’t be afraid, he keeps his word, come on, come on, come on, come on, murin, get up, your lawyer has arrived,
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what’s the call? when you get up to leave, remember, you need to tell the investigator that your car broke down and you went on foot, i think he’s unlikely to believe it, my car is still in the city, don’t worry about that, the tracers won’t have any questions.
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i only have instructions about you, excuse me, i won’t leave here without him, where is he from here, who is he? well, you did, the coolest lawyer in the city.
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his face lit up, well, let him say thank you that he didn’t shoot him on the spot, thank you, you introduced yourself to him, why are you dragging him to the police station at night, did you explain? if you start to boil and close your mouth, then in 20 minutes your explanatory notes are on my table regarding the illegal detention of citizen danilov, that’s clear, run, run! great, great! where are you so? yes, i caught it by accident, what about you? with the cops the conversation didn't go well, you're in a car, right? but you don’t,
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damn it, i still don’t understand where this lawyer came from, then i’ll explain to you, but what does this one need? listen, it’s time to go home, i’ll be there soon, everything’s fine, yes, yes, i don’t understand, but olya, where am i... i don’t know, i’ll probably be home soon, i’m sorry, i was funny. we shouldn’t
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be seen together, but that doesn’t matter now, stop here, you’ll lie, i’ll bury you alive, did you see who did this? no, i left immediately, they would have cleared me out, it means they still saw, no, i just understood, one is tracking the object, the other is shooting on command, you can’t do this alone, you stayed alive, you jumped out on the move, well, yes, you’re experienced with these clowns. what are you doing?
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mikhailovich offered to become an assistant, well, if his chairman is elected, an assistant, but do you know that you work for me? no, he doesn’t know, i want to tell you one thing, the cemetery was blown up by the one who is clearing the chairman’s place, here’s another thing to think about, why do you need an assistant who is alone. i was able to fill up the shalambek, and now i’m free, the question for backfilling is, why was there a tire iron with traces of polyethylene in the trunk, on
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someone's fingerprints on the mount. they wrapped it in plastic, they either wanted to throw it at us, or they were blackmailing someone, i agree, i think so too, you’ll have some tea, no, thank you, but the blacks were beaten with a heavy blunt object, the crowbar fits, it really fits, listen, and you can take the prints, unrealistic, the temperature was very high, where the polyethylene did not burn, it stuck there. i can, of course, try, but try, now, excuse me, yes, hello, sorry, i can’t talk, i know, it’s not every day that the air force comes to visit us with vechenovsky, and so, come on, in an hour on the same place, i can’t, i have a meeting, let me call you myself, let me wait, so, i ran, if you find out anything, let me know,
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well, you and khvat have been friends for a long time, i’m not friends with him, yeah, it’s him come for me now, yes , he stopped by, russian, it so happened that what’s going on here with you, but it’s better for you not to delve into all this now, you found this field, you found it at work, you didn’t spend the night at home. i mean, what made you
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decide? my car was parked under my window, and when she saw me, her eyes widened, and let’s make a row. fumes, a beaten face, she is always the first to attack when she is guilty, you know something about her, yes, where have you gone ? lenya, whatever he wants, i ’ll tell you everything later, come on, you hear, put yourself in order, come on, you know, don’t tell me, these are your affairs, and i need to decide mine, rus, i told you, everything will come later,
9:32 pm
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9:37 pm
hello, good afternoon, how can i help, viktor anatolyevich is waiting for me, remind me of your last name, podolskaya, podolskaya came to see viktor anatolyevich, yeah, they’ll come to you now, thank you. hello, hello, i'm glad you got me right understood, i hope ravili didn’t drag her along, no, i found a way to solve this problem, i have no doubt, the question. what do you
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want more? throw a storm or make money? it seems to me that one does not interfere with the other. then i have two news for you: one is good, the other is not so good. i prefer to start with the one that is not very good. you’re not going to voronezh, because i’m not going there. a serious showdown began there, as far as i know, borya, he will wait until everything settles down on its own. it's a pity, i was so hoping to see my aunt.
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corner of the new sadov, tomorrow he will bring it home documents whose content interests me very much. mikhailovich is calling you, i’ll come later. now i’m getting out, okay, then on your own, you don’t
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know the road, follow me. yes, but i didn’t understand that you ran into us, close the door, sit down! you should have heard how vernikov ran into me, i thought they’d actually kick the wolf out of
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the ticket, but i’m not sticking something in, what the hell is going on, we honestly thought that these bastards had undermined their grip, but he sends his lawyer , well, nonsense, i ’ll tell you more, vernikov stood up for danilov and murin like a zarad, maybe he’ll grab them himself wants to figure it out, well, find out who ordered all this for them, that’s why he pulled him out, and what does vernikov have to do with it? well, i don’t know, everything is captured everywhere, you keep these thoughts to yourself, okay, i didn’t hear anything, yes. and you’re busy, no, no, we’ve already finished, there are some thoughts on the black case, let’s go after the meeting, your head will swell, okay, huh?
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i have questions for you, well, ask, you jumped from the grab machine, well, i saw the shooters, i saw two, it looked like special forces, the grab met you from the mint gun, he told me about them he said, he said that he didn’t see anyone, he left until they cleared it out. why should i believe you? you may not believe me, but i have nothing more to tell you, don’t meddle with the grip anymore, he’s still kind, he drives the car, he’ll start
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asking questions like an adult, he’ll loosen your tongue, listen, well, he already knows who it came from, by the way, he reminds me... of salambek, did you find the rat? watch the market, i vouch for my people, who told you that there would be a grab in that car, he’s a rat, everyone makes mistakes, it happens, well, look, in a showdown with solambek there was you, me and him, he saw how i came to see you at the hospital, immediately the grip found out about the slamby, are you a bitch and drive me to hell? stop, mosquito, okay, soldier, go, think, think, well,
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show me. but it’s true, after all, everything was as the soldier said, mihalovich, what are you doing? mosquito, how can you answer, what are you guys saying, i’m one of my own, i’m mine! here, find murin, sit on his tail, i will arrange everything, today there will be killings, i understand, vadik, you come to me in 10 minutes, tell me what you have about the black case, okay.
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chukin, the kolvans from voronezh are worried, healthy, healthy, are you eating or something, um, i’m on the topic of how belyash is doing, you prepared the documents, otherwise i ’ll have to let him go in an hour, just wait, kohl, wait. those two on whom he testified, we have very serious connections here, and i’m afraid that if belisha is stuck here, he may turn on the return line, you can still keep him with you, and i’ll sort it out for now, well, we can do it, how much time do you need, well
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, wait as long as you can, and then we’ll see, we’ll do it, but you understand yourself, the clearing. all, let's get in touch, okay, tell us what you have about the black ones, yes, they found a tire iron in the trunk of the blown up grab car, sorry, they called from lipetsk, remember, i told you, the belyazh, yes, well, who is trying to hang makrukha on a moray eel, there he did something, i didn’t even really understand what happened, in general, they’re leaving him for now... fuck you, what are you doing, well, that’s okay, how many times can i come to you about blacks, huh?
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if i hit you in the forehead, get in line, great, and how do we understand that, are we kidding here? "yesterday they blew up the grab machine, and i they detained you, it was you who got away with it at the cops,
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no, the coverage is alive, he wasn’t in that car, i don’t understand something, but why are you here, it wasn’t you who blew up the car or you, just don’t interfere, but i have..." all this was a meeting with a person who could help us, i immediately said, we need to call vernekov, everything would have been decided long ago, but how would we prove that he ordered it for you, suddenly i came up with everything, i i’m sorry that i’m interrupting your smart conversations, but the cops are coming to us,
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you’re lucky, i’ll put the kettle on for now, and maybe i’ll record something on the tape recorder. there will be proof, but no, i think it’s unlikely that he will discuss this with me, but there are other options. i’m waiting for a call, if it doesn’t work out, you call vernikov, we agreed, the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open it, strive further to get more, 0% for the purchase of gold and yuan, to get more. bks, the world of investments. alexey chumakov vs. azomat musagaliev. stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components
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9:54 pm
we are the street, we are the street, what are you waiting for, until they start making furniture for you? it’s scary when your son, you know, i tried really hard to help, you can’t help people by robbing others, the power is now behind us, i pass on to you all, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, premiere, today at 23:00 on ntv.
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with the new thing you'll at least have armored armor. you don’t need to know this, you don’t believe me anymore, first of all, i’m kidding, pash, i was almost blown up, but i’m kidding, we went through the whole city, they were like through the ground, they were bad, although he’s no stranger to it, well, since you so smart, let’s find it yourself, i’ve already found it, it’s a former soldier who ordered me.
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what kind of nonsense did you write? i'll kill you, who did this? oleg, are you home?
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the device is turned off. i thought you wouldn’t call, but where are you? i'm at home, there's a post office next to you, i'll be there in 10 minutes i’ll pick you up, leave the car, you can be seen from a kilometer away, come on, okay, he’s at home, so
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what now, we’ll wait, or what? let's wait, maybe i came in for half an hour, it'll probably come out soon! great, great, tell me, you were in kolya karkov’s house, you and danilov, yes, they were, they demanded a ransom for the task, his wife can confirm, and she can confirm that you... didn’t kill polikarpov, but she didn’t, one of his friends killed him by accident, but there was a bald guy there, but he saw everything, and you
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understand that i have to detain you, yes, well, i didn’t have to tell you, but i don’t care, the white guy testified against you that it was you who killed him, i told you the truth, then you can do what you want, but first i need help in one matter, listen, you... he's gone crazy, suglobov is alive, he's not hiding with me, why, i ordered his grip, okay, let's get out of here, i'm about to fall asleep, and why are we calling ivanovich, why, to tell him that he's on his way again, so what then, let's go to ... to the hut where murin stopped by, why the hell, ivanovich will send us there anyway, but just so that without, i understand, okay, let's go,
10:00 pm
pavel ignachny, you are a real hero today, yes, yeah, i liked that you have this, well , my lipstick, well, let me wipe it off, wait, yes, good, good, good, you have it with yours you see your ex, like him, gleb, it seems, gleb, yes, this number, are you jealous, nonsense, don’t say whether you see each other or not, on... this psychotic asshole gave in to me, wait, well, he’s there with fights with the apgans, yes,


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