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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  April 19, 2024 12:45am-1:46am MSK

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maybe even words that meant, well , some thing at the moment, that is, danger or a call to gather there, the name of their neighbor, and lived in fairly compact groups, not exceeding the number of more than 30-50 individuals, as now, for example, well , the same chimpanzees nest, why exactly such a number, because those individuals, they knew each other, well, roughly speaking by name, they...
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unknown ancestors, well, homoander in eurasia, in southern spain, they all, in principle, wore skins, used similar tools labor of hunting, but for some reason our ancestor managed to overcome this barrier and adapt to the increasingly complex patterns of behavior of interaction with each other, and from here it follows...
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foamy dominance on our planet, well , that’s about it in fact period from 70 to 3000 bc, our ancestors learned to speak and uttered their first words. okay, levon nikolaevich, there was a time in the history of mankind when a word, an ordinary, simple word, was stronger than a club, a baton, so, in continuation of what kirill said, igorevich is ours, i would like, of course,
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to say there are people in my head, but in order for our group to function well, to be well-coordinated, to go hunting with a club and so on, we need to maintain some kind of communication, interrelationship in our group , it must be united, it must understand each other, all these, 150 is just dunbar’s number, the so-called, yes, and more than 150 our brain does not fail to grasp, what should we do?
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hundreds of people, thousands, maybe even millions, absolutely incredible things begin revolutionary, these are tectonic shifts from one, well, not a word, from one idea, which is expressed one way or another in words, and not with a club, because with a club you will destroy everything there for some group, in a word you can change the world, that’s true, then, what does it mean stronger than a club, a club, as i understand it, it’s physical... verbal action
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is, of course, the power of words, verblessness , action, the power of slogans, like peace, peace, all that stuff, this is all the power of words, look at your metaphor the teeth are bold in them , the grin of a knife, and they buzz like golden bumblebees eyes, ascension, you see, this is great, but look how this is just a metaphor, do you feel i’m silent? yes, it’s time to go into advertising, because i can kill you with a word, but i’m just a jerk, we still have a program, advertising on ntv, vinline presents, unique betting races, where you
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vinline makes a difference. the program is on air, we are science. science and we is a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. in 10 years, science will explain the power of words. and the importance words are discussed by our expert, professor kapustin. language is the main value of anyone.
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we immediately also mean thinking, and as processes, as results, as well as a product of thinking, and this is practically the entire human culture, here it turns out that behind the word of the word stretches exactly that same power, the power to express, the power to preserve, the power to remind, yes, the power of immersing in the context, which implies the way this word is used and so on, and here, in fact , the quote that i started but did not finish immediately comes to mind.
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strictly speaking, as the creative force of the creative principle, well, in this case , the divine principle, and a particle of which is inherited by man, created in his likeness, and here it turns out that by and large the entire system of human knowledge is concerned with such a word, and the same concept: forces today to the greatest extent, probably, associated among the sciences with physics on
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the one hand and political sciences on the other hand, yes, and both of these meanings initially refer to divine power, precisely in the original texts from which they were born relevant sciences, there is a wonderful experiment that volodya and i decided to repeat for 2 weeks, so we had three cans of beans, we praised one can of beans, every day we said how much we love it and it not only sprouted, but it really started to spike, the second can, we didn’t say anything, we were silent, well, the beans really were as they were. despite the fact that it was even soaked, nothing happened to it, and we scolded the third jar, i won’t even open it, we ventilated the smell and for the sake of science we went on such an experiment that there somehow the smell of the day has disappeared, it has rotted, so in general, what is happening, i’m wondering, okay, beans, what happens in the human body when he hears certain words, and what? you
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have just shown very eloquently that a word can really... heal a word can kill, and this is not a figure of speech, it really is, but also a person, yes, and if you allow me, i can roughly imagine what mechanisms are involved in this, well initially, of course, we should talk about the brain, because, of course, the brain produces speech, and the brain perceives it, which is why the first point here we will write the brain, and here... the second point is just the temporal cortex , which means the sound signal comes in, which means the brain, where there are primary auditory fields, secondary auditory fields, where perception actually occurs, yes, that means speech, in
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general, the temporal lobe, but along with this, or even i would say in parallel with this , there is also... analysis, contextual analysis, yes, that means, if there is a semantic analysis of the temporal lobe , then contextual analysis, yes, that means, and, in fact, planning, even actions in response to what is heard, already occurs in the frontal lobe, which means that here the frontal lobe, the frontal lobe, already forms, as it were, an answer, a response, in parallel with this, there is a limbic system that evaluates the emotional coloring of what was heard, in addition, in addition to the emotional coloring, there is also , as it were, a preparing reaction to this, yes, a reaction to a possible threat, an assessment of a possible threat, this is all already part of the limbic system, its most important part, by the way, is the amygdala, this is the mendole-shaped body that at the same time, it is involved in assessing the reaction
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to a threat and also planning actions, but in addition, this is a very important part of memory, so it is also involved in remembering, naturally, words, speech, and so on, that’s all that concerns the brain, in addition, if we are talking about the body, yes, that means, in the body, there are many reactions that can be divided into two large classes, these are halerergic reactions and adrenalergic reactions, in simple terms, an adrenalergic reaction is a stress reaction, that is, that is, a reaction, which is of the fight or flight type, here the reaction is such that a person must. mobilize all his internal resources, but he experiences tachycardia, a rise in blood pressure, increased breathing, dilated pupils, that is, he is ready for any danger, and this is how he mobilizes his internal resources, on the contrary, there is a cholenergic reaction, when it is absolutely true, relaxation, relaxation, when digestion is enhanced, there is nothing that requires some kind of stress response and
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so on, but at the biochemical level we also need to know that there are two... main mediators, this is dopamine, the so-called hormone of happiness, yes, when everything is good, which, which, which is produced in response to these pleasant words and phrases, in contrast to it is chalecystoki, cholicystokinin, which just causes everything opposite, knowing all this , we can say that, in principle , a rather complex system, the neuromatrix in the brain, biochemical changes, all these changes in the body.
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nikita, i didn’t say anything bad to you, he says, well, you said it in such a tone, absolutely right, that’s the prosody, that’s called prosody, timbre, intonation. rhythm, all this is prosody, this is not more important than the words themselves, this is very important, this is all, you know, if speech itself, it is perceived by the left hemisphere, then prosadistic characteristics by the right hemisphere, well, there are. having governed the majority, like this, but in principle, in principle, of course, both hemispheres interact together at the same time, synchronously, it just dominates to one degree or another
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like this, so intonation certainly plays a very important role, and this is just part , as i said, also including the limbic system, along with the emotional one, the formula of the word that we are studying today will also include intonation, of course, and gestures, this also all matters, we will find out now, thank you very much. taras aleksandrovich, i just mentioned emily davidovich about gestures, but really there is some difference between a written word, a spoken word, a written word, i have one here too, you know, sometimes you can fall in love with a written word only by what is written, it seems to me, yes enough some letters to read, to fall in love with a word spoken or, i don’t know, a word shown, well, the differences mainly, of course, lie in the context, yes, in which contact is made with one form or another of the word. yes, while i was listening to emil davidovich, i remembered an old joke, that what they wrote, they would have written it in a human way, there is no beer, yes, otherwise there is no beer, yes, in this sense, it seems that
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the intonation was not on the paper, but nevertheless, they heard her, and even agreed that they heard her in the same way, yes, in this sense the context of perception, well, in general, is probably significantly more important than the alexema as such, once again true, that is, if the context is more important than the lexeme itself, a date is a well-known trick, if you come on a date, yes, yours - so to speak, your vis-a-vis begins to declare his love on a piece of paper, he
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takes it out - he begins to read out the prepared speech, how do you tell him that he was very worried, it’s understandable, well, he’s prepared for it, with healthy skepticism, obviously, yes, it will be accepted, it’s another matter, that’s if, it’s another matter if it’s a piece of paper worth 5.00 rubles. yes, yes, dad. please send me 50 rubles, but this is how i should have told my parent to give such a telegram, and not like dad, send me 50 rubles, but wait, well, maybe it will be different if my counterpart is not there, let’s say the chosen one is just a date he says to me: well, yes, you know, i love you, that’s one thing, but if he writes me such a wonderful love letter, consider it as a declaration of love, and in your face, these are completely different things, so...
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he also noted that in addition everything else, the basic cultural attitude is very important here the way of using text and words, yes, for example, for cultures with hieroglyphic
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writing, and the form of the word, yes, the visual form, has a significantly higher load than for languages ​​with a phonetic alphabet, and, accordingly, the technique of calligraphy carries meaning , and not just, as it seems to us, some moment of aesthetic beauty. well, the pictogram, yes, okay, kiril igorevich, well, many people know the story about archimedes, about the screams of euricus when he ran naked around the city, yes, having discovered his famous law, it is possible that - this even prompted some to engage in science, because it is so beautiful, interesting, and generally possible without words - the development of science and scientific and technological progress, if he had not screamed and run eureka, maybe, well, yes, maybe some of archimedes’ contemporaries of course, it prompted me to do science a little more than before, but i adhere to something, well, a little bit different.
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theory is relative, which consists in the accumulation of human knowledge over its own history of development, in my opinion, a critical accumulation has occurred if so to speak, knowledge in books, calligraphies, some tablets, anywhere, a methodology appeared, that is, the word gave some definition of how to make a discovery, that is, for any, for any hypothesis, for any discovery , a kind of experiment is required , confirming this, well , in fact, we got an explosive industrial revolution to modern times to the advent of transistors in computer technology and to revolution 4.0, where now any refrigerator or microwave oven is capable of accessing the internet and, as it were, leaving your data there let scientists and industrialists
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analyze this data and make processes. better, the world is better, that’s it, but this comes with it, this comes with a certain responsibility, because they will agree, we don’t know, and technology and people, that is, digitalization, it gives rise to transparency of processes and openness, that is, now any person, well not only a person, he is generally transparent, that is, we may not fully realize this, but we are open to, well... let's say certain services and, as if there may not be some special units there, who, in general, see, analyze this data both for security and for the economy, and here you need to understand that the word is becoming more and more capacious, heavier and more important, the words are becoming heavier, so you go to the refrigerator, take it out it’s delicious, you close it, he’s like pushkin, and he’s
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like that to talk to? questions that no one dared to ask him, you are now leading me to a man named maxim galkin, for the first time, philip kirkorov about the betrayal of foreign agent galkin, you have sent a message to our air defense, this this is no longer humor, this is just some kind of settling of scores, about pugacheva’s escape, normal people are not going to return there, she understands that galtin. ruined her life about zelensky’s personal place, it was my friend, very close, brilliant, the best, the first person who was sanctioned by ukraine - it was me, he did it, the king’s attack on the kiev clown, people who offend me, them so after this the israeli jester arrives, the director of this whole story is maxim sensation, on sunday at 6 pm, only on ntv. mask: new season, in
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new - afoba retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afabazole anxiety can and should be treated. how to find your calling? where to get the necessary skills? how to earn more? find the answers by getting a profession at skillbox. like the 20 thousand graduates who found a new job after studying. find yourself in skillbox. you won’t be able to withdraw money, with a card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend them anywhere, as well as withdraw cash and receive cashback. money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get it on your ozone card and pay anywhere. it’s just space when you taste the taste of ham with pork ham from
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cash. the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. they made the dream of millions of girls come true, they married football players. everyone to whom already. i didn’t understand at all how i should live further, for the first time i had a small child in my arms, for the first time my father died, for the first time my husband left me, who earns more, roman pavlyuchenko or his wife? she gets up in the morning , it’s already like she’s at work, well, if my children
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ask who mom works for, they will say, i don’t know, the secrets of footballers’ wives, a million-dollar secret on saturday at 13:00 on ntv. the program is on air, science and we are a program about how science. social network plus impunity, because of this there is a degradation of speech, and then a degradation of thought. and besides, today many foreign words penetrate into the russian language. if earlier these were mainly scientific
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terms, now they are political and economic, words from show business and so on, so on. the language is not uniform. to communicate in on the internet, he is alone, for text messages. a little different, among scientists - the third, it is important to know, the russian language is the language of freedom, of all languages, only 5% have a free order, and the russian language takes first place, for example, you can say, i’m going home, or i’m going home, or i'm going home, well, in english there is only one option, i go home, but the russian language is degrading and...
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there is no happiness between you or between you, well, no matter how you rearrange the words, there is no happiness, everything, everything is the same , i would like there to be happiness after all, yes, levon nikolaevich, many believe that today there has been, well, the so -called inflation of the word, that is, people are throwing words left and right, although it would seem that not so long ago they could have been challenged to a duel for this, for a banal word, why did this happen, well, now they’re calling, well, not to a duel, maybe, but they’re calling to the carpet, at a minimum, but let’s remember gumilyov, we set his word as a limit, the meager limits of nature. and like bees in
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an empty hive, dead words smell bad, if we do not spiritualize our speech with thought and truth, then all words will be false or dead, these will be dead bees in this very hive, and no matter what you do, no matter how you call this process degradation or desolation. it not only has a communicative function, this
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is far from the most important function at the present time, it also has a function of empathy, that is, if you tell the truth without empathy, it’s a lie, if you say, here, here, literally like that, yes , and this kills, of course, if you don’t have, well, for example, the category of number in your language. there is such a small language the people who live in the amazon, the pirahans, they don’t have a number higher than three, that is, one, two, and that’s it, yes, that’s what to do, how to develop science in such a language, it’s unlikely, they need the accumulation of scientific knowledge in general , yes, cumulation, no, but they live well, they are happy.
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wedges here with a short remark about the devaluation and economics of language, yes, firstly, devaluation, the economics of language is a metaphor, and the metaphor is complex, modern, which suggests that language is very much alive, because language lives and it is the construction of the accumulation of metaphors that moves as a consequence, and i would also like to say that here we are confusing cause with effect, and inflation, the problem of loss of depreciation, is a thing related to practices, and not to language somehow
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in the literal sense of the word, the meaning is lost,
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so the last remark, and i personally am very sorry, for example, strictly speaking, and the maternal vocabulary of the russian language, yes, it seems that it is believed that people need to be protected from rude speech, especially the younger generation, in fact the best way to get rid of these very words that are important for a culture is to give everyone the opportunity to endlessly speak them everywhere; after a while they will lose all meaning. i’m still against it, i’m against it being used in a public place without any, so to speak, visible need or need.
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some kind of desire for some kind of miracle, yes, this is simply due to the speed of information transfer, yes, today there are technologies, well, in particular, a computer bridge, an interface, the so -called one, which allows people who have lost the power of speech due to some disease to transmit , that means your speech, your thoughts, without words, with the help of a computer, yes.
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it seems that, for example, russian is the strongest, you understand how, but you are now showing me the word, so, if very briefly, aphoristically, yes, they guessed my mass or my acceleration, my mass, your acceleration, it’s just also some kind of linguistic expression, yes, in this sense, if we remove this linguistic expression, yes, it’s not very clear what will remain with us, at least yes, that is, it turns out that well, in some... thought and this very permeated with the power associated with the word the way of human existence as such, and any reflection, that is, any attempt to somehow understand, analyze, etc., it puts us in a situation where we apply this same ability, yes, well, in a sense, to ourselves, by the way, this one of the most
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paradoxical properties of natural language from a logical point of view, the ability to be a metalanguage, that is, to describe, analyze, and so on, is strange. an amazing thing, but at the same time, by and large, well, it always seems to us, that we are accumulating knowledge, yes, that we know significantly more than igorevich said before, yes, yes, yes, that is, partly this is true, yes, at least in some areas this, well, there it can be somehow visibly reinforced , well, for example, in the field of engineering, yes, on the other hand, well, i’ll give two very simple examples, yes, and example number one, here... all educated people seem to know how evgeny anegin begins, but practically no one of them doesn’t know what these first lines mean, yes, that’s what this guy honest rules, yes, that means rules are a past tense verb, not a noun, and so on, yes, and
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relatively recently, i don’t remember, someone conducted this wonderful experiment, asked schoolchildren, these are fluffy furrows heaving, a daring wagon flies, sits and a wolf and seven kids, and the kids are a verb, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, laughter is laughter, yes, but the overwhelming majority of people are these relatively recent important cultural texts of our own culture, does not really understand, and often this absolutely not realizing, with eugene this is a classic example, is it good or bad that his uncle had rules there and so on, maybe they understand something else or is it that we have lost the meaning, that... we are not talking about accumulation, yes, but about some kind of processual transformation, which is always associated with losses, well, it is always associated with some kind of acquisitions, in this regard, the second example, and also quite.
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ideas that god somehow collects the world all the time, and this is important, how he collects it with his power, obviously, then this power finds some empirical expression, 200 years later everyone forgets that divine power was meant, perhaps someone will call it progress, at least that’s what it seemed there, for example to laplace. yes, at the beginning of the 19th century it seemed like god, but at the same time einstein, on the one hand, claims that god does not play dice, on the other hand, he deduces the theory
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of relativity, that’s actually a small nuance in this regard, but maybe such an emasculation can be interpreted as getting rid of unnecessary prejudices, but the price of this getting rid is such that today not a single physicist will answer the question of what gravitational forces are, how to calculate it, depending on the context , it is known, right?
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optimists and skeptics, i have a question for everyone, how likely is it?
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ivan nikolaevich’s assessment, i’ll get ahead of myself, it will also be 80%, so i give 20% to the fact that a living language as a word, as a component of a language, will constantly move and develop it, we will simply constantly catch up with this process and study it, but nevertheless, science is developing so quickly, and parallels with digitalization, which is now progressing by leaps and bounds, we
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will increasingly learn more and more from... introducing new metrics that will measure this word in various contexts, sciences and fields of knowledge, so this score is 80 %, 80%, thank you very much. science will explain the power of words in 10 years, you know, even if science didn’t explain the power of words, the most important thing is that we all understand that the language, especially russian, that i don’t say anything about russian at all, words, they are so powerful , that experiment that you and i conducted with beans, even if there is no formula for what formula it blossomed, let everyone know that all living organisms bloom only from...
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the mediterranean sea was covered by the hated procurator of the city and you you you really can you imagine these peals of thunder? these kutuchi have written so that the russian language is the most beautiful wonderful language in the whole world and read each other words about love please and bloom then everything will be fine see you in a week bye.
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1:45 am
the duty officer sharfuddin is worried, yes, well, we took the ostakha, yes, the one that is russian, yes, no, no, he, a hundred he, no, no, no, no need, don’t bother yourself now. i’ll stop by and then straight away to the station, do you mind?


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