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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 19, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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the united states left the number of countries included in the un unchanged. results of the vote in the security council on the admission of palestine to the organization. anti-records of spring flood. water levels in rivers. historical highs, reporting from flooded regions, without a statute of limitations, today we remember the victims of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis during the war, as well as a bouquet of opportunities when domestic flowers displace imports and conquer the russian market. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboysky. hello. israel struck this morning in iran, the media reported this. tsahal officially refuses for now. comment,
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but in recent days he has stated that a response to the recent massive attack from tehran will follow. it is reported that explosions occurred near the airport in the iranian city of isfahan and a military airbase; eyewitnesses posted footage of the fire online. an air defense system was operating in several provinces of the islamic republic, and alarm sounds were heard. at least eight aircraft in iranian airspace changed their flight path. iran at the end last week. attacked the jewish state, firing hundreds of drones and dozens of missiles, the iron dome intercepted many air targets. tehran called it a response to israel's attack on the iranian consulate in the syrian capital of damascus. a fruitless attempt to stop the inexorable course of history. this is how our permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya called the failure of the vote in the security council on the palestinian issue. a resolution prepared by algeria recommended that the general assembly accept palestine as its own.
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thereby ensuring its official international recognition, but the united states exercised its veto. israel did not vote because it is not a member of the security council, but its representative said that recognition of palestine as a state would be an endorsement of hamas terror. at the same time , half of the delegations ignored the israeli’s speech and pointedly left the meeting room. the hamas movement has already stated that it will continue its fight. behind. the progress of the security council meeting, which was one step away from historic status, was closely followed by our us staff correspondent alexey veselovsky. this resolution had no chance. the united states, which in words advocates the creation of a full-fledged palestinian state, in fact, is in every possible way hindering the recognition of palestine. for several weeks before the security council vote , the biden administration tried to convince the palestinian authority authorities not to force the issue of accepting palestine. we do not
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think that what is happening in new york, even though it is done with good intentions, is the best option, we believe that direct negotiations are the best way forward between israel and the palestinian authority, with support from the united states and other regional partners. however, what kind of direct negotiations are they talking about in washington? it’s not clear, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has openly stated more than once that he is categorically against recognizing palestinian autonomy as a state, how to talk to someone like that, and after the terrorist attacks of october 7 and the conflict in the gaza strip, israel generally refuses to consider palestine capable of state building. of all the world's problems, this safety tip decided to focus on rewarding the terrorists and giving the perpetrators and supporters of the events of october 7 the status of full rights. however, israel found itself in a clear
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minority of the 15 member countries of the security council ; the resolution recognizing palestine as a full member of the un was supported by 12, two abstained, and only the united states, supporting its middle eastern ally, predictably voted against it, that is, if not for washington. then the resolution would have been adopted, this day could have gone down in history as the day when, after 3/4 of a century, the international community finally did is the right step towards correcting many years of historical injustice towards palestine with the legitimate aspirations of its heroic people, but our american colleagues think differently:
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the state of palestine is already recognized by 140 countries , received back in november 2012, and although as a world, for membership in the un, it needs the approval of the security council. accept us, this is an investment. world. our membership does not take away the place of any other state. it does not threaten anyone and does not cancel anyone. we don't want to replace anyone. we want to enter your club as equals. we have been waiting since 1947, now it is already 2024. palestine has promised that it
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will continue to apply for full membership in the un, especially since it clearly has more allies. the day before, spain and slovenia announced their readiness to recognize autonomy as a state. and at the security council, france hinted that the time for a palestinian state had long come. alexey vasilovsky, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev, ntv, usa. now there are urgent messages from the ministry of defense in the stavropol territory , a tu-22 m3 military aircraft crashed. as stated in the defense department, the bomber was returning to its home airfield after completing a combat mission when it developed technical malfunctions. pilots and members.
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the maximum water has already risen above 10 m, exceeding the record flood of thirty years ago, and the water continues to remain on average 5-7 cm per hour. while it is relatively safe, in the center of kurgan, a dam was built there with a large reserve, the right-bank part of the city has already been flooded. authorities are evacuating three neighborhoods at once: eastern, malaya chausovo and voronovka, tens of thousands of people live in them. as he reported in his telegram channel. governor of the kurgan region, due to the record volume of water, the dams in the regional center are experiencing enormous hydraulic load. in some areas, peeling and leakage appeared in the protective embankments. repair crews are already on site. the flood came to the village upstream of the tabola from kurgan. in
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many, authorities have already removed residents during preventive evacuations. in the neighboring surgan and tyumen regions, the water level i’ll literally jump up the ishim river in 24 hours. the sakmara river grows by more than 2 m in the orenburg region. flood in western siberia, buryat, altai. this spring, high water is testing the strength of residents of many regions. the head of the ministry of emergency situations called the water rise a record for many decades. in the reports of our correspondents from the orenburg region , mikhail chernov reports how they are now coping with floods in the regions that received the first blow of the disaster; olga zenkova works in the kurgan region. in front of the entrance to the temple , a pump makes noise, streams of water are pumped out from the sokor. temple the monk elijah of morom is now being drained. when it began to sink, the icons were prudently raised up, but the iconostasis was badly damaged, and now it needs to be restored. the shrines were saved by the whole world.
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the parishioners came, the residents came, because the icons were heavy, so they were lifted up there to the upper church, here we have a shrine, the tomb was of st. elijah of murom. oh, dad, listen, here. the water has practically gone away, the water is leaving, people are returning to their homes, the morozov family just finished renovations and bought new furniture, now the doors are askew, the tiles fell off, the beds and sofas fell into disrepair, things are still in the closet, wet, it’s all laminate, the walls, doors, equipment were raised higher, it didn’t help, the tvs, the furniture, the armchair, whatever you want, and the refrigerator died, the stove, the kitchen itself, it was the water that led to it, this house and the parents’ house... next door they built it with their father as a couple, according to the documents everything is in his name, the housing is not the only one, which means there is every chance of being left without compensation. we invested money here, we put labor here, we built this house for 3 years, well, almost a lot of it with our own with our hands, because we don’t come from a lot of wealth, we only had 2 hours
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of time. they left the house, as if on a military alert, sergei is a retired major, upon his retirement he received an apartment, his daughter now lives there, according to the documents he lived in two square meters, and he will probably have to fix everything on his own. now just take it all and throw it away, this is not a catch zone at all, a spring village on a hill, when the first streams ran down the street, he thought, this is the maximum, the next morning, a cruiser standing in front of the garage with... i thought that by the morning i i'll take it out, it turned out that in the morning it was full of ice, the garage doors were squeezed out by the water flow, the water is gradually leaving the village, but on the outlying streets it is still knee-deep, their luck is their merit, the residents of the neighboring pirovsky built their chinese wall, how many kamaz trucks of clay can’t be counted, they still have to 4.5 million rubles. here they decided it was better to chip in than to clean up the consequences, although the local head advised... further away he recommended that we all evacuate, but we decided as a whole village that all the residents that we
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would still fight the elements, well here we are the result, you see, we won, it is now a local landmark and a walking area, thanks to a one and a half kilometer dam , the village of perovsky was defended, here you can clearly see how much the water has gone, whether the peak of the flood in the kurgan region has passed, my colleague olga zenkova knows. previously , it was mainly the private sector that was flooded in kurgan. now large waters have begun to creep up to neighborhoods with apartment buildings. to assess the water level, here you can look at the playground, sandboxes are flooded, carousels, swings, all children's play areas. the central square of the poplar district is deserted, the fountain season will probably not begin soon, and there are no people willing to relax in the park, which is more reminiscent of a water park; children were taken out as soon as the first reports of an impending flood appeared; adults are in no hurry to leave their home. how much water does it take to get up here? i still have neighbors upstairs, i’ll go to the second floor, a new trend, instead of parked
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cars, there are now boats tied up in the yards. the current along the streets changes depth, therefore, the only way to get to the center is by crossing me, either by boat or by ford. all the shops are closed, we have to get there somehow, by boat, then we’ll go by car to the store, back in the same way, the dog lives on the mountain, the dog needs to be fed, in flooded areas the electricity is cut off, there were dumplings, dumplings, steel.
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the investigative committee is actively engaged in this, collecting more and more new facts and terrible details of abuse: people were shot, poisoned in gas chambers, burned and starved. based. investigators of the investigative committee evidence, including the results of search activities, archival materials, testimony, court decisions have already been made in 19 regions of russia; in st. petersburg, lugansk people's republic, kursk, smolensk regions and other entities, these criminal actions were recognized by the court as genocide. these decisions are an expression of our country's position on condemning nazism. and his legal prosecution beyond the statute of limitations.
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investigators continue to study archives, to establish places of mass graves, the searchers are actively working. 35 years, which is how long it will take for domestic flower producers to occupy at least half of the russian market. this is the disappointing forecast of industry experts. the construction of greenhouses in our country cannot yet be done without expensive imported ones. a serious problem is access to high-quality planting materials, they also come from abroad, but all these difficulties do not stop russian flower growers, the result of their work is appreciated. fredya, ranunculus, lisianthus - this is not a spell against vollanda morta, the name of the most popular flowers in the store of egor and his mother, where is the product from? about 80% of the flowers in our store are foreign, so we buy from large flower centers - or from gardeners. why are there few russian flowers and
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is it possible to make them appear plentiful, for example, like in holland, where it is also not hot? we have already filmed a story about this. a year ago, where is the flower cart now? 20% domestic, 80 imported, and as i understand it, for the last year, the situation has not changed much, the rise in prices, plus uncertainty in the market, plus a ban on planting material, this somehow stopped investors a little, so very few hectares of greenhouse complexes have been built recently, a year ago we already talked with flower grower alexander letvinenko about import substitution, we looked into whether it was possible to build a greenhouse out of everything russian? short answer: no, there is no film of the required format, it is mainly from greece, the quality of the lamps is still poor, but there are domestic insects to combat pests, substrates for pink roots , drip tubes, such that the roses are absorbed through them, these will be sent to greenhouses from production in voronezh, localization for some products is one hundred percent,
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our range of production is quite different, this is both a drip tube and just a blind tube, a flexible liner tube, and an elbow, well... various products, an engineering system - this is important, but the problem with planting material is much more acute; the russian frenchwoman florence has been supplying elite roses from kaluga, at a price of 400 rubles apiece, how do they smell, it has an unusual fruity smell, our viewers cannot smell it, but i confirm that it smells strong, and in general i was surprised that all the roses here smell like - in different ways, it seemed to me, well, roses and roses, the smell of roses.
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rare, planting material is european, domestic, she tried to look, in the crimea, in the nikitin bodsad, she found what seemed to be a promising major gagarin, the variety is called that, but in greenhouse conditions it immediately wilted, there was no honey, it grew in the ussr through selection it didn’t work out, so florence still has to carry the europeans around by hook or by crook. everyone lives, including the golan people, so everyone has to live somehow, i would say, and we find opportunities, but here i would definitely like, i would just like to develop russian varieties. alexander letvinenko is also not against developing russian varieties, but while he is propagating the dutch on kaluga land, here is
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a foreign yellow rose, the oll variety, cut from this greenhouse. it's not a tricky thing, that is. cut the stem of a rose and then put it in a cube there with root it with mineral wool, but firstly, completely different conditions are needed and a certain infrastructure is needed, from the point of view of the area there, in europe the production of planting material is a separate business, but in russia the planting business is only developing to occupy not 20, but 60% of the flower market, domestic greenhouse growers... will need 35 years, if the increase in area occurs at the same pace as now, there is no sign of ecuadorian roses leaving the market yet. alina repina, irina savateeva and maria popova, ntv. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. alpha friday.
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there will always be money up to 3000 rubles for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay anywhere. about the weather for today in european territory of russia an atmospheric process that has not happened for a long time. southern balkan. along the classical trajectory rises from the black sea to the north, today its center will shift from bryansk to cherepovets, high speed, this indicates a high rate of change of atmospheric phenomena, and their drama too: in the central region the main rains fell at night and the thunderstorms have already died down, but atmospheric pressure, having fallen to 730 mm hg, intends to increase by 20 units by saturday, this means that the wind will be very strong to the point of dangerous, and changes will also make it angry temperature, during the day it will soar to... by night it will drop almost to zero, in the northwest the cyclone, despite its southern origin , will not add a single degree, but it will create real snowstorms, the snow cover in some places can grow
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by 10 cm, in the south there will be a decrease the temperature is gentle, it’s just no longer +30, rain with thunderstorms are still possible, but now the southern heat is rushing to the aid of the flooded urals, today it’s already up to +27 in some places, and tomorrow almost everywhere and even in tyumen, and no rain is expected, in the south of siberia they are possibly quite strong in the krasnoyarsk region the temperature is within 10-15°, in the south of the far east it is about 10, not a lot, but it is above normal and from sakhalin to the southern regions of yakutia, precipitation and capital are possible. in st. petersburg today it’s +1, heavy wet snow, in moscow it’s +16, light rain, but very windy.


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