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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 19, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the united states kept the number of states included in the un unchanged. results of the vote in the security council on the admission of palestine to the organization. tactical sawing, why are our military allowed into the northern military district zone. smoke in the eyes of the enemy, anti-record spring floods, water levels in rivers hitting historical highs, reports from flooded regions, and also a bouquet of opportunities when domestic flowers displace imports and decorate the russian market. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. this morning israel struck iran. the media reported this, while tsahal refuses to officially comment on the situation. but in recent days he has stated that
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a response to the recent massive attack from tehran will follow, while cnn states that washington did not approve the escalation, but israel notified the states that it would take active action within 48 hours. it is reported that explosions this morning occurred near the airport in the iranian city of isfahan and a military air base. all these eyewitnesses are posting footage of the fire. the system worked in several provinces of the islamic republic. sirens were heard iran, again, according to sources, said that it shot down only a few drones. civil aircraft that were in iranian airspace changed their trajectory. iran attacked the jewish state late last week, firing hundreds of drones and dozens of missiles. tehran called it a response to israel's attack on the iranian consulate in the syrian capital of damascus. a fruitless attempt to stop the inexorable progress. history, this is how our permanent representative to
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the un vasily nebende called the failure of the vote in the security council on the palestinian issue. an algerian resolution recommended that the general assembly accept palestine into its ranks, thereby ensuring its official international recognition, but the united states used its veto. israel did not vote because it is not a security council member, but its spokesman said recognition of palestine as a state would be an endorsement. terror from hamas, while half of the delegations ignored the israeli’s speech and pointedly left the meeting room. the hamas movement has already stated that it will continue your fight. the progress of the security council meeting, which was one step away from historic status, was closely followed by our us special corps alexey veselovsky. this resolution had no chance. the united states, which verbally advocates the creation of a full-fledged palestinian state based on...
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historical injustice against palestine and the legitimate aspirations of its heroic people. however, our american colleagues think differently. applying the fifth. since the beginning of the exacerbation in gas, the right of veto, they again demonstrated their true attitude towards the palestinians, for washington they do not deserve to have their own state, they are only obstacles to the realization of israel’s interests. this was palestine's second attempt to achieve full membership in the united nations. now the autonomy has observer status in the organization, which it received back in november 2012.
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promised that she would continue to apply for full membership in the un, especially since she clearly had more allies. the day before, spain and slovenia announced readiness to recognize autonomy as a state, at the security council france hinted that the time for a palestinian state had long come. alexey vasilovsky, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev, ntv. usa. a tu-22 m military plane crashed today in the stavropol territory. as stated by the ministry of defense, the bomber was returning to its home airfield after completing a combat mission when it developed technical malfunctions. the pilots and crew members managed to eject, as the governor of the stavropol territory reported, one crew member died, two were hospitalized. the search for
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the fourth pilot continues. the ministry of defense emphasized that there was no ammunition on board, there was no destruction on the ground, the plane crashed in a deserted area in a field. tu-22 is.
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tanks for additional protection, armor protection, protection against unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for protecting sighting systems, these tasks have also been completed, now we need to significantly increase the additional kits that we need to install on those vehicles that are in combat. in the special operation zone itself, our fighters continue to work, in some areas assault troops are actively advancing and... there thermal smoke machines are absolutely indispensable for them, they create a dense curtain, the cloud envelops everything around within a radius of hundreds of meters and you can quietly approach enemy positions. alexey ivliev watched through the smoke how the camouflage equipment worked.
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these tall, and therefore noticeable from afar, vehicles go around the dragon's teeth in order to get as close as possible to the front line. the wind is very strong today. the main thing is blowing in direction of the position of ukrainian nationalists. lucky. the primary task is to camouflage the thermal smoke machines so that from the air they look like some kind of mounds overgrown with spring grass. the crew of the thermal smoke machine has a very strict time standard: arrive on site, disguise themselves and get ready for work in just... minutes 20 seconds. while the crew of these vehicles, adopted for service in the soviet union , are camouflaged at high speed, fighters with anti-drone guns create several airborne posts around observations. they are watching carefully to ensure that there is no kamikaze drone attack from the sky. it is
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these first minutes of work that are the most dangerous time for the rcbz unit. if you look into the history of this handheld drone detection scanner, there is a huge amount. the birds are mostly fpv drones, they are the ones that hunt thermal smoke machines. these units have long been a tasty target for the enemy. their appearance on the line of combat contact. means one thing: this is where the attack of our undercover assault units will follow dense smoke screen, therefore, in order to interfere with the work of the crews, ukrainian nationalists are hitting the crews with all types of guns, multiple rocket launchers, tanks, trying to attack with drones, more and more requests are coming from the infantry to cover them with smoke, because they see how much this increases survivability their units, the enemy , thereby we mislead, he does not see you... the second stage of camouflage: the vehicles themselves
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, before they start releasing smoke, a lot of smoke, should be hidden behind the smoke, this takes a few minutes. this is a small smoke saber, its main task is to hide the machine itself in the smoke before starting work. depending on the situation, you have to work day and night, but as a rule, you work at your starting position. the vehicles move out at dusk, the main thing is to do this secretly, and often the start of the crews’ work depends on weather forecasters’ forecasts. the operational efficiency and calculation of this combat vehicle largely depends on taking into account weather conditions and wind direction; if these factors are taken into account correctly, this vehicle will be of great help to our attacking units. commander unit admits that i would like
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to always work behind the position of our assault units, but often we have to move a little forward, vehicles are camouflaged in the courtyards of ruined houses in forest plantations, less often in an open field, it takes real courage to work in this unit. we all understand that the lives of our guys, whom we are hiding from the enemy, will come to an end. and this is what work looks like. of this group of thermal smoke machines from the air, these crews can maintain a smoke screen for up to 4 hours, although more often only one hour is enough to covertly carry out a rotation, transfer our reinforcements to the desired section of the line of combat contact, or help the attack aircraft get close to the enemy’s fortified area. alexey ivlev, valery kozhina, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, southern group of troops. seversky direction. today we remember one of the most tragic pages in our history:
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the brutal crimes of the nazis against soviet civilians during the great patriotic war. work to investigate the facts of the extermination of civilians is underway more than 80 years. there is no statute of limitations for such crimes; each one must be solved and punished. the investigative committee is actively engaged in this, collecting more and more new facts and terrible details of bullying. people are shot. they were poisoned in gas chambers, burned and starved. based on the evidence collected by investigators of the investigative committee, including the results of search activities, archival materials, and testimony, court decisions have already been made in 19 regions of russia. in st. petersburg, lugansk people's republic, kursk, smolensk regions and other subjects, these criminal actions were recognized by the court. genocide. these decisions are an expression of our country’s position on condemning nazism and its legal
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prosecution beyond the statute of limitations. investigators continue to study archives, identify places of mass graves, and search engines are actively working. next, a short advertisement. after it: anti-records of spring floods in russian regions, the reaction of world exchanges to the morning explosions in iran, and also. when domestic flowers will they supplant imports and decorate the russian market? alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire
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the water level in the tobol river in the kurgan area has reached its historical maximum. the water has already risen above the level of 10 m ago and the water continues to remain, on average per hour the level is growing by 5-7 cm. while it is relatively safe in the center of kurgan, the dam there was built with a large reserve, the right bank part of the city has already been flooded. on the left side of tabola, authorities are evacuating three microdistricts with tens of thousands of residents. as the governor of the kurgan region reported in his telegram channel, due to the record volume of water, the dams in the regional center are tested. huge hydraulic load; in some areas , peelings and leaks have appeared in the protective embankments; repair crews are already working on site. the flood came to the village downstream of tabola from kurgan; in many, the authorities had already evacuated residents during a preventive evacuation. in the neighboring tyumen region of kurgan, the water level of the ishim river literally jumped
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by more than 2 m in a day. in the orenburg region , the sakmara river is growing, polovodye in western siberia, buryat, and altai. big water this spring testing the strength of residents of many regions, how they cope with floods in settlements that took the brunt of the disaster in the reports of our correspondents, from the orenburg region, reports mikhail chernov, olga zenkova works in the kurgan region. in front of the entrance to the temple, a pump makes noise, streams of water are pumped out from the sokor. the church of st. elijah of morom is now being drained; when it began to drown, the icons were prudently raised up. but the iconostasis was badly damaged, now it needs to be restored, the shrines were saved the whole world, the parishioners came, the residents came, because the icons were heavy, so they lifted them up there to the top... their houses, the moroz family just finished renovations and
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bought new furniture, now the doors are knocked down, the tiles have fallen off, the beds and sofas have become unusable, things are still in the closet, wet, here it is all laminate, the walls, doors, equipment were raised higher, it didn’t help, tvs, furniture, an armchair were destroyed, even if you wring it out, it ’s cold...
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the water is gradually leaving, but on the outlying streets still knee-deep. their luck is theirs merit. residents of neighboring perovsky built their own chinese wall. it’s impossible to count how many kamaz trucks of clay there are. they still owe 4.5 million rubles. here they decided it was better to chip in than to clean up the consequences, although the local head advised them to move further away. he recommended that we all evacuate, but we decided with all the residents of the village that we would still fight the elements, well, here is the result ... we won, it is now a local landmark and a walking area, thanks to a one and a half kilometer dam the village of perovsky was defended, here good visibility,
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my colleague olga zenkova knows how far the water has gone and whether the peak of the flood in the kurgan region has passed. if earlier in kurgan it was mainly the private sector that was flooded, now large waters have begun to creep up to microdistricts with apartment buildings. to assess the water level here, you can look at the children's playground; sandboxes, carousels, swings, and all children's play areas are flooded. the central square of the poplar district is deserted, the fountain season will probably not start soon, and those who want to relax in the park, which is more reminiscent of a water park, no, the children were taken out as soon as the first reports of an impending flood appeared, adults are in no hurry to leave their home, how much water is needed to get up here, i still have neighbors upstairs, i’ll go to the second floor, a new trend instead of parked cars in the courtyards now boats are tied, the current along the streets changes depth, so you can get to the center... you just have to cross me, either by boat, or into a ford, all the shops are closed, you have to get there somehow, by boat, then we'll go by car to the store , back in exactly the same way, the dog is on the mountain
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lives, the dog needs to be fed, electricity is cut off in flooded areas, there were dumplings, dumplings, steel, everything had already thawed in the freezer, everything was cooked, brought in by a rescuer, they are now folk heroes and day and night they help people get out of water captivity. the rector of the city church, father vladimir, remained in the flooded monastery until the last, in order to save the icons and church utensils, the clergy of the region asked the ministry of emergency situations to evacuate the priest. in the tyumen region, rescuers completed work on the construction of a dam in the village of kazanskoye and this it’s just the beginning, there are kilometers of river banks to be strengthened, there are no extra circles in this matter. i arrived yesterday from labutnag and took time off from work to save my family. we were already working tonight, right or what? of course, they have been working since yesterday evening from 6:00, someone is filling sandbags, someone is helping to collect and remove things from residents of areas
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prone to flooding; almost 2.0 people have already left their homes to escape the water. we are now actively monitoring our temporary accommodation centers. need to say, that they are all ready, we have agreed on one single menu for everyone. the water in the ishim river rose by centimeters in some places, and in others. the level is already exceeding the historical maximum; according to forecasts, in the next 24 hours, flood flows will cut off the village of koshkaragay from the mainland. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, mikhail chernov, igor akimov and valeria proskurikova. ntv television company. world stock exchanges did not ignore events in the middle east, because all this week they were waiting for how israel would react to attacks from iran. business news marina piminova. marin, how scared are the exchanges by this development of events? gold and the dollar too, but so far the market still believes that the worst has not happened. the world oil market ends the week with almost
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the same news as at... the beginning with the only difference being that while on monday prices were rising in response to iran’s attack on israel, now they have been driven into motion by explosions in the iranian province of isfahan, where iranian air force base and nuclear facilities. but if after the first reports oil prices soared by 3.5 dollar, then now the situation is calmer, plus a dollar and a half. there is no official confirmation of this, but investors believe that the strike against iran is israel's response to last weekend's iranian attack. and judging by the fact that prices are no longer rising so sharply, investors consider this answer to be very limited. what also gives peace to world markets is the fact that on iranian state television they are showing in every possible way the insignificance of the incident, they say that the cause of loud sounds near the city of isfahan was the operation of the air defense system, which reportedly attacked a small suspicious object. iranian television also clarifies that it has no information about any damage to iranian facilities. however, a knee-jerk reaction to
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the middle east. observed in other markets, for example, gold and the dollar, which investors traditionally buy during periods of instability, are rising in price, but they are rising in price moderately. at this moment, an american adds 21 kopecks to the ruble. and costs 93.99. the russian stock market, fueled by rising oil prices, also starts friday in the black. cinemas stopped showing pirated films after an ultimatum from distributors, rbc writes about this. so from the posters of large chains. in april , pre-show service almost disappeared; with its help, for the last 2 years , hollywood films from film studios that left russia were shown. for example, if previously the cinemastar and kinomax networks actively showed the film duno, now you can no longer find pre-show service with such a film on their websites. earlier, the association of cinema owners called on cinemas to support domestic films and completely refuse from showing western films from april 18 to
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may 12. later trade publication. cinemap reported that some distributors, for example atmosphere cinema, joined this action. distributors said that they would not renew the screening of legally distributed films, including western ones, if the cinema chains did not agree to their terms. the yandex company, which already has a taxi service and food delivery from restaurants, seems to have decided to move on to a logical continuation of creating a brand of goods for adults. as told in the vedomosti newspaper, creative director of the title store vadim dunaev, yandex. an application for registration of the hinta brand to rospatent. under it, as indicated, they are going to produce many products. these include sex toys, erotic dolls, vibrating massagers, blindfolds and other things that, if shown on tv, are definitely not at 10 am. according to experts in the newspaper and vedomosti polls, the demand for adult products is now growing. over the past year, the market has gained about 40%. the ceo of a specialized company with a promising name - supplier of happiness.
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this market consists of people from 30 to 45 years old, he says that the bulk of buyers have the need and money to buy non-essential goods. in yandexlav, the rionovosti agency reported that the company had indeed registered the khinta trademark, but did not specify what specific products it would produce. dima, that’s all i have about this. well, if we don’t show it, we’ll at least tell you about it. thank you, marina peminova with business news. 35 years, that’s how long it will take for domestic flower producers to occupy at least half of the russian market, this is the disappointing forecast of industry experts, the construction of greenhouses in our country cannot yet be done without expensive imported components, access to high-quality planting materials is also a serious problem, they also come from abroad, but all these difficulties do not stop russian flower growers , appreciated the results of their work.
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fredia, ranunculus, lizaant - this is not a spell against voldemort, the name of the most popular flowers in the store of yegor and his mother. where is the product from? about 80% of flowers in in our store - these are foreign ones, we buy from large flower bases, or from gardeners. why are there few russian flowers and is it possible to make them appear plentiful, for example, like in holland, where it is also not hot. we already filmed a story about this a year ago. where is the flower cart now 20% domestic 80 imported and as i understand it, over the last year the situation has not changed much, the rise in price plus uncertainty in the market plus a ban on planting material, this somehow stopped investors a little, so for the last time, very few hectares of greenhouse complexes have been built, a year ago we already talked with florist alexander litvinenko about import substitution, we looked into whether it was possible to build a greenhouse from everything russian, the short
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answer: no, there is no film of the required format, it is mainly from greece, the quality of the lamps is still lame, but there are domestic insects for pest control, substrates for rose roots and... drip tubes, like these so that the roses feed through them, these will go to greenhouses from production to voronezh, localization for some products is 100%, our range of production is quite different, this is a drip tube, and just a blind tube, a flexible line tube, and an elbow, well, different products. the engineering system is important, but the problem with planting material is much more acute; the russian frenchwoman florence has been supplying elite roses from kaluga to the moscow city area for 14 years. at a price of 400 rubles apiece, what do they smell like? she has an unusual fruity smell that our viewers cannot smell, but i confirm that she it smells strong and in general i was surprised that all the roses here smell differently, it seemed to me, well, roses and roses, the smell of a rose,
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probably everyone can imagine, but they have all their own shades, like a french woman, i can say that these are roses they smell, there are no roses that don’t smell, and in general flowers should smell, that’s it. this doesn’t always happen, sometimes you smell it at the market, the roses don’t smell, no, the roses don’t smell, this is logical, because in order to grow such roses, you have to be very close to the consumers, they can’t stand transport, they can’t stand transport without water, they, they don’t last long, they are very fragile, florence’s varieties are rare, the planting material is european, she tried to look for domestic material in the crimea, in nikitinsko. in the bodgarden i found a seemingly promising major-gagarin, the variety is called that, but in greenhouse conditions it immediately wilted, no notice was found, breeding did not work out in the ussr, so florence still has to bring europeans
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by hook or by crook, everyone lives, dutch including, therefore, everyone needs to live somehow, i would say, and we find opportunities, but here i would definitely like to... in russia, the planting business is just developing, in order to occupy not 20, but 60% of the flower market, domestic greenhouse growers
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will need 35 years if the increase in area occurs at the same pace as now, with ecuadorian roses leaving the market for now doesn't smell. alina repina, irina savateeva and maria popova. tv. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. about the weather for tomorrow, far east. and here it is necessary to warn at once about two atmospheric processes that will seriously worsen the weather situation. the first is east of smoking, the second is near lake baikal. because of the first , the wind in the kuril islands is up to 28 m/s. not a hurricane, but still the south of sakhalin will feel it. at the same time, there is a lot of traffic in the south of buryatia.
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va, first of all, flooded orenburg and the kurgan region, and there should be a lot of sun. the european territory of russia is ending in snow in the north-west, although even there in the north the temperature lags behind the calendar of the week. in the center it is closer to normal, but after the rains it will also get colder and the volga region will lose degrees received today. moderately warm weather without precipitation in the south, but a new southern cyclone is preparing to jump, there will be heavy rains and the wind in the region will flood crimea. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be around zero and there will be a little snow, there is still some in the forecast; in moscow there may be a little rain and +12 and there will be wind, but weaker than today.


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