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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 19, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. repeat offender nikolai novikov, who has hurt people throughout his life, will not harm anyone again. the seventy-two-year-old pensioner will go to a colony, given his age, forever. he killed his peer in a particularly cruel way, locked her in the trunk and took her to the forest. before her death, the woman managed to call her daughter and looked for salvation, but the killer was faster. either because of the presence of a camera at the meeting, or because of the feeling of inevitability harsh sentence, nikolai novikov, at the end of the trial, nevertheless decided to testify, previously he referred to the right not to incriminate himself, and now the seventy-two-year-old repeat offender suddenly decided to tell in detail how and why he killed his peer, a seventy-year-old pensioner, the short meaning is that his monalga is to blame, i didn't mean to cause her death, i didn't think she would.
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it’s just that the only thing is that she doesn’t insult me ​​and doesn’t yell at me, doesn’t call me all sorts of names. strange attempt justifying oneself looks insignificant in front of the evidence collected by the investigation. olga guricheskeva was getting to her dacha, walking along the road, when an elderly motorist hit her with his car. the incident was not serious in its consequences, the woman was more frightened than hurt, but instead of helping and apologizing, novikov started screaming, got into an altercation, and... then hit olga twice on the head, she lost consciousness, novikov decided, that she died, since he lived nearby, he decided to transfer the body to a neighboring area and get rid of it there, i loaded the pensioner into the trunk, and olga came to her senses on the way and called her daughter, who learned that her mother was in trouble, turned on the recorder, wanted to give the recording to the police, but it turned out that she witnessed a murder, let me go. she screams, let me go,
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he beats her, she is alive, alive, let me go, please, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later, as investigators and criminologists will prove, novikov finished off the pensioner with a hammer, then hid the body in a ditch, got rid of clothes and, as he it seemed covered his tracks well, but the detectives were able to carry out... examinations, including 12 molecular genetic tests on items seized during inspections, including those found in garbage containers. the expert evidence collected in the criminal case formed the basis for the charges and sentence. novikov was immediately detained. during the first interrogation , he stated that he had given the car to an acquaintance; he knew that she was a pensioner. have not been found yet, there is no body, there is no
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case, this is what guided the seasoned criminal, the entire life path of the defendant is the path of violating the criminal law, constantly throughout his life, a person committed a crime and was subject to the criminal law, and was responsible for it, in the twenty-second year a person served a sentence for a crime under articles 105 and 131 of the criminal code of the russian federation, for this crime, your honor, and ... the legal consequences are have not expired, the criminal record continues to exist. murder, depraved acts with a minor , the last time he spent a year and a half at large, before that he served 17 years for trying to burn an eighteen-year-old girl, somehow thus, he managed to have a wife and children while he was serving his sentence, he had grandchildren, it seemed like there was no family in his life, and now especially, his relatives want to erase his name from their biography, i don’t want to talk about this man, i don’t know anything, my dear, i... am such a fool myself, that’s probably
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why i decided to speak at the last meeting, no one else will listen to him anywhere else, in his last word he even asked for forgiveness from the murdered daughter, but given his criminal experience, this is hardly repentance, rather the sensitivity of an older person. from 14 years old requested by the state office, novikov was assigned 12 years in a special regime colony, given the age of the recidivist, and he is 72 years old, such a sentence is similar to a one-way ticket. our program has a complete recording of the pensioner’s last call, when she turned to her daughter for help. we have posted these files, they can be viewed in our telegram channel chpntv. to subscribe, type the channel name in the general search, or point your gadget at the qr code that you see on the screen. suffering
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from bouts of russophobia and betraying his country fugitive musician maxim pokrovsky decided to finally break all ties with russia. recently, an artist who left for the usa sold his four-room apartment in moscow, having previously re-registered the property to his wife. such measures had to be taken because potential buyers refused to purchase housing when they found out the name of the owner. this is not surprising; pokrovsky decided to get rid of the property, receiving the shameful status of an alien agent. according to some reports, overseas, where he so dreamed of a career, the singer does not use popular and cannot attract a full house even in small markets. the recordings that he posts on the internet are far from creative and are just different variations of insults to former compatriots, colleagues and even classmates. i really regret that he chose such a social position for himself, it is inexplicable to me,
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to drive him away, and there is no other way to call it his country, his homeland, this is the bottom for me, we received our education here, we grew up here . we built our careers here, we have roots here. with which of the sworn enemies, pokrovsky sang while in exile, with whose help, in the wake of his anti-russian position, he is trying to conquer the stage, why in the land of dreams he begs for money from bar visitors. watch the new episode of the emergency investigation program this saturday at 16:20 on ntv. dmitry moiseev received 23 years in prison for the rape and murder of his daughter’s friend, this is a terrible story, it thundered throughout the chelyabinsk region for a long time, it all started with the difficult news about the disappearance of a schoolgirl, the whole village was looking for her, the main search engine was moiseev, and then on
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during interrogations, he shocked with his testimony. details of the crime were repeatedly voiced during the trial that even the parents of the accused could not wait for the end of the trial. report by dean. the husband convulsively squeezed his wife's hand before the verdict; the tall, strong woman almost fell unconscious right in the courtroom when she realized that she would probably never see her son in person again. they look more like victims, but it is their loved one who is now in the dock. dmitry moiseev is accused of murdering a teenage girl. investigation into this shocking the case showed that not only someone else’s soul is in the dark, it happens that your own one too. “i never thought that there would be some kind of grief, you understand, i never thought, we lived with just a bunch of our family, i never thought, you see how it happened, there is a lot of evil in the world, i’ll be honest, and this the most evil in a person can lie dormant for years, when last
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summer a schoolgirl disappeared in the small town of sim, no one could have imagined that the local wealthy farmer dmitry moiseev was involved in this, he was one of the most active volunteers looking for more..." volunteers found a schoolgirl’s briefcase in the river, but the theory that the girl drowned seemed too obvious to investigators. they decided to interrogate in more detail the person who last saw the missing woman alive, namely dmitry moiseev. it was he who was driving his daughter and her friend from school on the day of his disappearance.
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i brought my child home, but my classmate didn’t. he said that she asked to drop her off. dmitry did not immediately reveal the terrible truth, but under pressure ulik surrendered and revealed it. everything is in place, here, and what is there, there is a dead body, the girl, it turned out, that dmitry, on the way to his daughter’s girlfriend’s house , unexpectedly turned towards his farm, violated her there, and then put her back in the car to take her to the forest, where he committed the murder, what actions were taken against the girl, i took her neck too, it turns out several times, and from the car? how did she get out, how did she end up here, i brought her by the hand. according to moiseev’s testimony, the girl almost did not resist; she was probably in complete shock and could not understand what kind of animal had moved into her friend’s dad, into the house she had been visiting for several years went to visit. she probably no longer hoped
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that help would come; what the child had to endure before her death sounds terrible even in a dry procedural presentation. committed the murder of a young girl, in charge of the culprit, who had not reached the age of fourteen. inflicting numerous blows to the victim with hands, feet, unidentified blunt hard objects, as well as a knife, in various parts of her body, from which the death of the victim occurred at the scene after a short period. experts moiseev was declared sane, although they confirmed his pathological attraction to persons under the age of majority. at one time, due to the fact that he resorted to the services of prostitutes who looked like teenage girls, his wife divorced him. acquaintances also noticed an unhealthy desire for partners who were too young, but no one thought that the farmer’s strange preferences would result in such a crime. the ex-wife never came to the trial, the court decision according to which is as follows.
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normal people are not going to escape pugacheva people return there, she confidently understands
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that galtin ruined her life, about zelensky’s personal place, it was my friend, very close, brilliant, the best, the first person who was sanctioned in ukraine - it was me, he did it, attack the king on the kiev clown, people who offend me, they get so much after this and the israeli jester, the directors... this whole story is maxim sensation on sunday at 6:00 pm only on ntv. city of angarsk, a killer bug is giving birth. they were afraid of dogs, now of people. the shadow ticked, the series premiered only in the okka online cinema. what do you think? cool, but save up for a subscription. replenish regularly and you will accumulate 16% faster, every
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ntv. live again emergency incident, we continue production. investigators are establishing new details about the life of the migrant killer of the capital’s motorcyclist, his family and friends in our country. during a search , 42 million rubles and $300 thousand in cash were found in shahin abasov’s apartment. where so much money is now being clarified, perhaps the origin of the untold wealth will be explained during interrogation by the suspect’s father; he was detained himself, according to some sources, easily. violated russian law, abasov is still wanted, what else is known from pavel kuznetsov will tell you the results of the second day of the investigation of the high-profile crime. where did the officially unemployed biker killer shahin abbasov come from with such savings in his bedside table? now, perhaps, the second most important question after the main one: where the person involved in the criminal case is hiding from the detectives. investigators doubt that these bundles
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of cash bills, rubles and dollars belong to the illegal migrant. most likely, millions are of criminal origin. the family of azerbaijani citizens was responsible for storage cash of the so-called commoner. during a search in the suspect's apartment , a large amount of cash was found , over 44 million rubles. 300,000 us dollars. the investigation will establish their affiliation, as well as assess the legality of the receipt of turnover. the further the investigation goes, the clearer it becomes that these visitors did not care about russian laws and were accustomed to living in violation of norms and rules. four people have now been put on the federal wanted list. suicide shahin abbasov and the migrant did not like that he made a remark and demanded that the car parked close to the entrance be moved to a more suitable place, several blows with a knife, the motorcyclist falls unconscious, bleeds in the arms of the bride, and the criminal’s support group continues
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to communicate in a raised voice with shocked eyewitnesses, as if they were ready to kill several more people onto the asphalt, then they... here is one of the cars in which shahin abbasov tried to escape from the investigation, this is a lada with chair license plates, stoned windows, but even here they are not so much tinted in front, they are dirty here, but you can’t see what’s inside, it is known that after the murder, shahin abbasov got into a black bmw, drove to some yards, changed to this car and came here, and after all not to say that there was any significant reason for the conflict; kirill kovalev just asked shahin abbasov to move the foreign car and remove it from the sidewalk. to park like this on the sidewalk, all that was left was to drive your car into the entrance, this is a clear challenge from shahin abbasov, the courtyards here are wide, you can always find a place, but the migrant, apparently, did not have the status to walk a few meters, and was deeply indifferent to the inconvenience of those around him, residents, disabled people, women with baby strollers. an hour before this, another resident of the house turned to abbasov with the same request, he recorded on
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his phone what came out of this conversation. abbasov either didn’t understand what was being said to him, or didn’t want to understand. stop by there, explain that you are here behind me, i ’m filming you, i’ll post you on youtube, here’s the entrance to a residential building, here’s the car, here the handsome guy stands while shahin abbasov and his accomplices are cowardly hiding, his father , uncle and comrade were interrogated, and then they were brought to the very apartment where millions were kept, nizami abbasov apparently did not have the keys, they had to call the experts to cut the door off the hinges, the suspect’s father was inside he was not there for long; by the way, he was escorted by an operative. abbasov did not understand through the translator, and this despite the fact that the question, because the detectives communicate with him , abbasov sr. has. business in one of the capital's markets and russian citizenship, according to according to some information, he received it illegally, through a fictitious marriage, he did not replace his pseudo-wife, now they are also looking for him, motorcyclists
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in the capital have also joined the search for criminals, they have been patrolling the streets for the second day, passing on information to like-minded people in other cities. our motorcycle brotherhood is very strong and we always stand up for each other everywhere and always help each other. kirill kovalev says that his loved ones made big plans and was going to go with his girlfriend. crimea and solemnly propose marriage to her there. they they studied at the same sports school, they practiced volleyball, sports cycling , and they have known each other for more than six years. kirill kovalev’s life was generally closely connected with sports. it was during classes with vitaly fralov that the biker met his beloved nastya. the coach says that kiril was always in touch with him and advised him on purchases.
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a girl taken from an orphanage repaid the loving care of her adoptive mother. 17 years later, already a college student, the girl killed her guardian with some special cruelty, this was preceded by an acquaintance with the biological parent, who came out of prison and decided to restore the family. how this led to the murder was investigated by daria vezovoy. the worst thing that was expected from a seventeen-year-old medical college student, usually quiet, as her acquaintances describe her, was offenses such as smoking in a student toilet, but now the girl is being taken for questioning by
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an investigator under escort, many still cannot believe that she is capable of such a thing heinous crime, mother's murder, yes foster, but the one who raised her from the age of 3, taught her, supported her and loved her very much, tell me, why did they kill their foster mother, why did they bury her. in a closed coffin, such terrible injuries were inflicted on a woman by her pupil, the tragedy shook the entire village, the teenage girl used a dumbbell as a weapon, waited until the snet ointment struck her several times. did none of the neighbors hear any screams or anything? and what is the cry if she didn’t give in to her? she probably had everything planned, you have to understand it that way, since she didn’t let her go to mother, the suspect, due to personal unpleasant relationships, inflicted multiple blows of a dumbbell on the head of the woman, who was her pekun, from the resulting injuries, the victim died at the scene . residents of elkhovka, a small village, knew well the former rural teacher elena antonova, her adopted daughter. the teacher
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took the child under her care when she was still just a baby with a difficult fate. the biological mother, deprived of parental rights, was serving a sentence in a colony for murder, nothing is known about the father, there was no one to take care of the girl. and she was a very good mother, she loved her like her own daughter, i for example. other times i didn’t even know that she wasn’t my own. neighbors say they lived amicably, or at least that’s what it seemed to everyone around, which makes the student’s cold-blooded act seem even more unthinkable. during the interrogation, she herself spoke about some friend from kemerovo, whom she met on the internet, she wanted to go visit her, but the picun wouldn’t let her in, so she planned murder. however, this is only one version for now, let the detectives check the neighbors will have to testify, they are sure that it’s all about the biological mother, she was recently released from prison and had a relationship with her daughter. she was released and came from prison and was in prison in the winter when she came - and this began to encourage her, that let’s break up with your mother and come to
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me, i’m your own mother, yana even apparently said herself that her mother called and said: give me your daughter. in addition, according to local residents, the girl knew very well that her guardian was saving money for her, benefits and what was due to her by law after reaching adulthood, everything was on a separate account, the pupil asked elena. to give them away without waiting for her eighteenth birthday, it is possible that the funds were needed, as many neighbors believe, just to go live with the biological mother, then surprisingly it was not difficult to find the daughter’s contacts, because when registering apexonship there is no secret of adoption, here it’s more likely the only option is that, well, there simply was no secret, you can get access very easily, a box of chocolates could do this information is absolutely accessible.
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there is another emergency on eferi ntv live. we are continuing production. papa carlo, that’s what his subscribers nicknamed the sixty-year-old millionaire blogger from the irkutsk region. he may remain on the street, he is kicked out of the house. workshop, where he lives with his disabled wife and earns money for her treatment, the woodworker makes a video of his work, buys medicine with donations, but the work of everyone his life came to a standstill due to disputes with local officials and constant meetings with bailiffs, who was prevented by a pensioner who could help him, diana kovando found out, in this workshop in his fan club, which has grown around the world with more than 2.5 million subscribers , and it’s so easy for irkutsk dad carlo to be so popular.
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they are evicting me to nowhere, since i have no housing, they do not offer me any options, and the fact that i invested so much money here is irrevocable, purely on the street, still with debts. for electricity, friends, these premises, part of an abandoned school, igor perevalov received a donation from the local administration 2 years ago under a court agreement, which provides for indefinite and free use, the wording from the document, he set up a carpentry workshop here, improved the living rooms, built a kitchen, a bathroom with his own hands, installed water, such housing instead, he was given an apartment in a dilapidated barracks, where he and his family had previously lived; they did not resettle the dilapidated house according to the regulations and offered this option, they concluded until...
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in addition, the main condition of the prisoners contracts is the use of objects exclusively for their intended purpose. on this basis, they terminated the contract unilaterally, without noticing that this was the man’s only home. papa carlo has already lost the main trials in the irkutsk court. he is kicked out into nowhere, together with his disabled wife. now all hope is for a cassation appeal; its consideration will take place in a month. diana covandoniela baklanova, radu gurdish and sergey baganov. and that’s all for now, thank you for your attention.


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