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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 19, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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changed, it was decided to sell the buildings and put karl’s dad out on the street. based on the court's decision, the bailiffs opened enforcement proceedings. this is like a knife in his back for him. the purpose of the objects provided for use does not allow their use as residential premises. in addition, the main condition in the concluded contracts is the use of objects exclusively for their intended purpose. on this basis, they terminated the contract unilaterally, without noticing that this was the man’s only home. main trials in court irkutsk papa carlo. he has already lost, he is being kicked out into nowhere, together with his disabled wife, now all hope is for a cassation appeal, its consideration will take place in a month. dyana kavando, daniela baklanova, radu gurdish and sergey baganov, that’s all for now, thank you for your attention.
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today in our program: for all sins, russia demands that germany recognize the nazi crime against the soviet population as genocide, as they reacted in berlin. limited strike. israel responded softly to iran for the massive shelling of its territories, where did the tel aviv attack take place? and... role-playing games. europe is making gender reassignment easier for teenagers. why is it increasingly difficult for western children to decide on their gender? it won't get any worse than it is now. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. me, andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. today we will start with reports from... moropol, where
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a long-range supersonic bomber tu-22m3 crashed there this morning. now you will see footage that was distributed on social networks, this is the moment of the fall of the arketon bearer. in a statement, the russian ministry of defense said that the bomber crashed into a field in the krasnogvardeysky district after completing a combat mission, that is, it was returning to the airfield without ammunition. governor of the stavropol territory vladimir.
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at the same time, from the front line to the crash site , the command of the armed forces of ukraine responded in a positive manner, attributing to themselves the destruction of the bomber, in the old polish region, here you see 375, almost 400 km, while the most advanced air defense system in the arsenal of ukraine is the patriot air defense system, it can hit at 160 km, that is, the distance is twice as great from the front line as the patriot can hit, only our s-400 can hit at 400 km, but it is clear that ukraine is armed with... there are no such air defense systems, that’s what ’s for sure the conscience of the ukrainian armed forces is an attack on peaceful belgorod in the best terrorist traditions; according to the ministry of defense, on that night 25 shells from czech vampire systems and three drones shot down the region over the region. local residents confirmed that they heard at least twenty explosions, and windows were broken as a result of the attack. the facades of three private houses and several warehouses were damaged, a fire started in one room, it was quickly extinguished, according to the head of the region, by luck. there were
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no casualties. another target of the ukrainian armed forces’ attack that night was crimea. the ministry of defense reported very dryly that the air defense forces destroyed three atak ms operational-tactical missiles over the black sea. well, let’s also give you news from crimea. the head of the republic, sergei akseonov , said that for security reasons there would be no holding of events on the peninsula this year. the military parade in honor of may 9, the procession of the immortal regiment is also cancelled. according to aksyon. all this will take on memorable events, festive events, and will be translated into some other formats. the authorities of the saratov region made a similar decision. according to the head of the region, roman busargin, this year local authorities will focus on patriotic events for children and youth. in kursk and the region , mass events will also not be held on may 9; residents of the region were invited to take part in online actions and hang portraits of their warring relatives in the windows of houses on
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earlier, the authorities of the belgorod, bryansk, pskov and ryazan regions, in the stavropol territory, and also in the omsk and voronezh regions announced the cancellation of parades and mass events on victory day. the fireworks were canceled, well, just like that, approaching may 9, we can go back to the great patriotic war, everything that is moved around it will still not darken the holiday for us in any way, and factors, primarily safety factors, of course must be taken into account, no one don't argue with that it will be, so today we wanted to start a conversation with how past events, events historically influence what is happening today, today we have april 19, we again looked at this date.
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in general, we have been talking for a long time about seeking recognition from our western non-partners of the fact of genocide of the soviet people, because some time ago this discussion began, at first just at the level of discussion, then court decisions began to appear, well, in general, one way or another, this is all somehow already into the legislative the plane is being crossed, on the other hand, the soviet union never made such demands, but why? it’s not very clear whether we are now in some kind of flow, because now everyone is trying to accuse each other of genocide, and some are clearly hoping to make extra money from this, or we somehow looked more carefully at the events of the past and decided that right now we
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need to seek international justice, let’s look at the first story, let’s start: on thursday, a representative of the russian foreign ministry... maria zakharova reported that germany considered russia’s presence at commemorative events marking the seventy-ninth anniversary of the liberation of concentration camp prisoners undesirable. zakharova called this the destruction of historical truth and recalled that berlin never responded to moscow’s official note demanding recognition of nazi crimes against the soviet population as an act of genocide. having recognized its crimes during the era of colonialism as an act of genocide, the german side has still not done so. regarding the blockade of leningrad and other crimes against the peoples of the ussr during the second world war, the russian side insists on the official recognition by the german side of these atrocities of the third reich as acts of genocide. let us recall that russia
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made a demand from germany to officially recognize the siege of leningrad and other wehrmacht crimes on soviet territory during the great patriotic war as genocide last march, but the german authorities have so far recognized it.
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events on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from fascist rule a month before, during the memorial blockade, vladimir putin also touched upon a sensitive topic. the president said that russia will seek a fair international legal assessment of those historical events. their actions against the multinational soviet people fully correspond to the internationally recognized definition of genocide.
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at the popular level, recognize the mass extermination of soviet people without military necessity as genocide, genocide of the civilian population, while the soviet union itself... the union did not demand such recognitions from germany, actively discuss the question has become precisely in recent years. in 2020 , for the first time, a russian court recognized the murder of residents of the novgorod region by fascists during world war ii as genocide. this was followed by two dozen more similar court decisions throughout russia. let us remember the decisions of several courts in our country, but at the same time take into account that we do not yet have a federal law on liability, but specifically on the facts of genocide against the soviet people, well
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, it seems to me that this is important so that we understand what and how you can comment, maxim anatolyevich, you are always very sensitive to terms, so when we discuss the topic of genocide in one way or another, you always pay attention to this, that you need to be very precise in your wording, please tell me what you think, and the absence of such demands on the part of the soviet union.
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let's look at the statistics, out of the 25.5 million people that the soviet union lost, 13.680 thousand, more than 13.680 thousand people, are civilians, 11.5 are military personnel, that is, these people, and 16, here this figure of 13.8 million is about one, every sixth, every seventh, who lived in the occupied territories.
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well, that they are criminals, all sorts of creatures deserve it, you can from an ideological point of view, then for some reason this issue was not raised in order to preserve -
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the phenomenon, this is the nuremberg tribunal, this is a series of historical commissions, most importantly, this is a new international order, this the un, within the framework of which a new world was already being created. and the third question, this is not entirely in relation to collaborators, it is rather in relation to those countries that were participants in the nazi bloc, yes, but which later became socialist states, firstly, this is part of germany, this is romania, this is bulgaria, and so on. the hungarian army , almost completely 3000 people, was destroyed near voronezh, they were not taken prisoner, why? because they were celebrating. with wild, indescribable atrocities, here, but no one in our country remembered this until now, that is, well, i say, there was some kind of ideological obstacle, but not only, you know, this the value of the winner, the moral value, i don’t know, the intangible value of the winner in the second world war in 1945, it was gigantic, no one could dispute it, what’s happening now, no one imagined in 1945 that they would now crawl across ukraine tanks from balkin cross,
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no one wanted the winner to look like a victim, i understand you correctly, out of happiness, well that’s it. the novel carmen was directed by the famous legendary pionat, in america it was called the unknown war, bart lancaster was presenter, if i remember correctly, at the very end, in my opinion, there were about 20 episodes or something, at the very end there was such an episode, it indicated the number of victims that
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this or that country suffered, well, there are so many - this, this much, this much, this much, but when this figure was 20 million, which was counted. canonical in soviet times, here it is, when 20 million appeared there at the end, it certainly made such an impression, well, because it was impossible to compare, that is , why am i saying this, that it’s like the winner is not i wanted to look like a victim and emphasize how many of our people died, i think, no, this is not that factor, then another question about the current time, geog valeevich, just now it was said about the hungarians, yes, who were killed, and why then don’t we present similar claims to hungarians and bulgarians. in the genocide of the soviet people, now i have, now is the time to do this, i don’t understand why our diplomacy in this regard behaves extremely passively, here we need to take an example from the belarusians, of course, because the belarusians are promoting this narrative about genocide the belarusian people and promotes the belarusians have always done this, because if you again remember the time when i was in school, every fourth person, that’s all, and
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films and songs, it was always emphasized that belarus.
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well, he will instantly vote for sanctions instead of softening them, that is, you are hinting that recognition and non-recognition of genocide, no matter what people, no matter
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what country, is some kind of political instrument, it’s just that with the hungarians they are not combing this topic wisely right now , and bolgar, by the way speaking, i would generally take them out from under fire, because the bulgarians did not fight on the soviet front, they fought on the yugoslav front, but they specifically stipulated that they would not fight against the russians, so it was not bulgaria. so we will look at the material, because russia, in general, is not in the vanguard regarding the need to recognize something as genocide, other states in the last, probably, 10 years, and some earlier, consistently say that in in relation to their people was carried out by one state or another, regardless of statute of limitations, genocide, and this must now be recognized, and even raised to the flag. 2 years ago, poland demanded reparations from berlin for losses during the second world war, the damage was estimated at almost... euros, the amount was supposed to compensate for the consequences of german aggression, lost territory and the death of more than 5 million poles, but the story was not crowned with success,
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germany said , that the country has already paid in full after the post-dame conference, and recently in warsaw they admitted that the issue was closed, unfortunately, poland’s legal position is such that reparations have already been made produced in subdivisions, unfortunately, they were appropriated by the soviet union; unfortunately, reparations are impossible to obtain. murder of poles, cleansing this land of the polish minority. in volyn alone , up to 60,000 people were killed, killed by our neighbors. armenians have been fighting
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for international recognition of the genocide of their people by the ottoman empire for over 100 years, and although most of the world has recognized this fact, the united states only did so 3 years ago. many experts saw this as nothing more than a dig at turkish president erdogan. critics responded by suggesting that biden should now recognize the genocide.
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the maximum number of countries that will consider this armenian genocide, they have recognized the genocide, what does this give to armenia, what does it give to the armenian people, except for the feeling of preserving historical truth, perhaps?
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80 years have passed since the second world war, almost 80 years since the end of the second world war, now 80 years later, why suddenly this topic with the monstrous crimes that you know about, that the germans committed monstrous crimes on the territory of the ussr by their allies, in general in no one among the adequate historians doubted this, but why is the topic of genocide coming up now, because relations between russia and germany are terrible, they are very bad and are getting worse and...
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it seems to me that in general not a single country receives anything for any fact of genocide , exception, exception - this is the holocaust, which cannot be denied, it means you can go to prison for this, and the victims of this only genocide receive money, everything else is these unfortunate tanzanians there is a holocaust, wait there genocide of the gypsies, no one admits it, no one pays, and those who, wait, those who
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also... admitted something there , there is no money and there are no real political changes either, and i don’t understand then why now you are here you just started saying why, but you explained only about us and germany, and in general why there is suddenly such a trend in the world now, the problem, so to speak, is that compensation or some kind of financing is not received because of someone. .. putin talks about international legal justice, this not money, as far as i understand, it is something higher, international legal justice came after the second world war, when the nuremberg tribunal and other tribunals were held, when poland received the same territories from germany, when the soviet union received reparations, there were agreements about this with germany, all this was paid a long time ago, a very long time ago, all this has already
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been decided, paid. you see, and therefore poland too, here is the new government in poland, it understands perfectly well that they would not achieve anything from it, everything has already been decided that as for namibia, there was the case of namibia, why really, why does namibia receive something from germany from time to time, not because they are so, so effective at developing this case with sacrifice, but because quite a large number of people live in namibia german community.
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yes, it’s not necessary, it means that there is a decision of the russian courts, there is the point of view of the president, so, compliance with this, probably, this imposes on every citizen of the russian federation, the obligation to recognize this, well, the court’s decision is certainly ours should be respected, yes great, now about the origins of this, this situation, well, firstly, i would say that there are purely financial origins here, because it was said:
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well, that’s what they actually are. the third point is socio-psychological. unlike the era of the soviet union in general in the world. now, it’s fashionable, good, comfortable to be and feel
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like a victim. well, this is the period. i do not undertake to analyze why this happened, this is a question for social psychologists, but nevertheless, it is a fact. and hence this global trend, that is everyone who comes out with a demand to admit that i was severely offended, that is, i am a victim, saying, in the second half of the fifties, both in the soviet union and in all other countries, it was a shame to be a victim, now it’s normal , at a minimum, you want to say that we also feel like victims.
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who are you talking to, gentlemen? we are talking to those who believe that we are changeable people, so the list of these, this is the so-called global yu, this is global, because of my historical and social limitations, but the global south doesn’t dictate anything today, you only need to deal with those who dictate something, leave the global south alone, you had a good idea, don’t say anything about tutu, so don’t say anything about the global south, we have time anyway, you don’t want money from the global south. russia claims to lead the movement of the global south, and the global south is a universal victim, not so, i do not agree,
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suspicious objects, presumably a small drone. the agency added that the possible target of the drones could have been a military radar, however, it was damaged not him, but a couple of windows in the buildings nearby. official tehran has not yet commented on the situation, but iranian air defenses were indeed working on friday morning, this is confirmed by the islamic revolutionary guard corps. at the same time, the iranian publication, called tasnim, claims that destruction. no, there is data from the jerusalem post newspaper, it refers to all sorts of its sources, without naming them, and writes that israel will not take responsibility for attacks on iranian territory for strategic reasons, but its american partners surrendered tel aviv with patrakh, as they say, as soon as reports began to arrive about explosions in iran in
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isvakhan, the abc agency, citing a certain american official, stated that israel had indeed attacked iranian territory in... response to the shelling of its own territory. sources of the fox channel clarify that the strike was allegedly limited in nature, while israel allegedly notified the united states of what it was going to do two days in advance. well, a knowledgeable military source told fox news that the strike was limited. sources familiar said that the united states was not involved and that the israelis received advance notice from the united states. well, continuing the neighbor. that night the united states prevented palestine from being admitted to the united nations. during the security council meeting , 12 security council members voted for the resolution, including russia, china, and china; great britain and switzerland abstained, but the united states used its veto.
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the explanation was given as follows: the palestinian authority has not brought forward, has not yet carried out the relevant reforms that it must implement so that the united states. changed their minds. our permanent representative vasily nebenzya said that washington is thus showing its true attitude towards the palestinians in defiance of the entire world community. this policy only has the opposite effect. today, the absolute majority of the world community supports palestine’s application for admission to full membership of the world organization. that is, in order to be accepted into the united nations, you need to carry out appropriate reforms that...
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we are putting forward in such a situation when we are being accused from all sides of god knows what, of war crimes, of crimes against humanity and of genocide, here at all no one seems to be shy about the terms, maybe we are really trying to respond in this way in these conditions , the plot, please give us, immediately after the start of the svo , accusations of mass extermination of ukrainians rained down on russia, the terrorist zelensky demanded that ghent not only condemn the action.
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the crimes that are now being committed must be qualified as genocide, with such qualification they must be brought to court, and only then the court must decide whether these are crimes against humanity or genocide. at the same time, the west decided to recognize the actions of the soviet authorities towards ukrainians in the thirties of the last century as genocide. we are talking about the so-called holodomor. after the start of the svo, it was officially recognized in france and italy. germany, britain, ireland, czech republic, bulgaria. american senators also considered the holodomor an act of genocide, followed by members of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. 90 years ago, the ussr tried to destroy the will of the ukrainian people in order to force them to support the soviet regime. it
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was a bloody action called the holodomor. the baltic states have their own claims to the soviet union. latvia, lithuania and estonia officially call the june 1941 events a communist genocide. then the soviet authorities resettled criminals and other criminal elements to remote areas of the country. in total they moved the order. wave, don’t wave your hand at them, why? but because these accusations are
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the product of hitler’s propaganda, hitler’s policy, back in the forty-third year the first conference of the enslaved peoples of eastern europe and asia took place, organized by the ukrainian rebel army in the rivne region, occupied at that time, then in the forty-sixth year in munich it was held .
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he won’t hear someone who is too talkative either, because let bogdan anatovich say a few words, from my point of view, you
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seemed to be nodding and wanted to add something, well, in general, from my point of view, all these measures aimed at counteracting the rehabilitation of nazism, so that post-soviet world of 1945, it actually collapsed in 1991, now it is being intensively destroyed even more, only with military conflicts, this is counteraction to the revival of nazism, the same one that was then in the forties, but this is not a complex of victims.
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this is a cliche, well, it really shocked everyone, even i can say that a huge number of people joined the search for criminals, so it’s just that no one even asked for them right away, but vanya has all the details now, yes, we start this story with reports of the capture of the main participant in the high-profile murder in moscow, azerbaijani shahin abbasov, they searched for him for almost a day, the whole of russia followed the search for almost a day , after last thursday he stabbed to death a twenty-four-year-old muscovite in the capital's lyubleno district. due to a parking dispute. abasov faces up to 20 years in prison. criminal article: murder committed by a group of people for hooligan reasons. on the footage that published by the investigative committee, let's
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look at them now, the moment of the murder is visible. abasov rushes with a knife at kirill kovalev. the wound turned out to be fatal, the doctors were unable to save the guy, and the conflict itself flared up because of the remark. kovalev, who came to his bride on a motorcycle, asked abasov. parking a car that was parked right on the sidewalk in front of the entrance and obstructing the passage. the request, apparently, offended the azerbaijani very much, he called his brother and friends for help, well, the verbal skirmish escalated into stabbing, after which the attacker fled the crime scene in his brother’s car. now, as far as we know, abbasov is being taken for interrogation, but about the identity of the suspect, some facts are known, there is something to pay attention to, it is known that shahin is only 20. 1 year old, he is a citizen of azerbaijan, the agency reports that he was in russia illegally because its registration expired in february. as the neighbors said, in fact, in this house where the fight took place, abbasov always behaved
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impudently, he introduced himself as a thief in law and threatened to cause problems. another such conflict over illegal parking on the sidewalk was filmed by one of the residents of the house shortly before the murder. man, this is your car. and why did he come here, and what’s simple, people walk here, children, after the attack on kovalev , abasov did not try to call an ambulance or help the victim in any way, he did everything to evade justice, he ran away, tried to cover his tracks, me cars, which he drove, the black bmw in which abasov directly left the scene of the incident, police officer.
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this car was also found abandoned, the killer himself and his accomplices, as reported in the capital’s headquarters of the investigative committee, were eventually caught in the rostov region, that is, in an attempt to escape, he managed to drive almost 100 km to the apartment. what kind of money was taken, as part of the criminal case , the father, uncle and friend of the suspect were also detained, they are now being interrogated, it is reported that an interpreter had to be brought in for the conversation, while abasov’s father has russian citizenship, but investigators now want to check how legally it was acquired , here's the agency ria novosti previously reported that the elder abasov received citizenship through a fictitious marriage, well, obviously this is not the last time we will come to this story. we’ll contact
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you, i think, next week, yes, most likely, we can only say thank you to the employees of the authorized structures who found this comrade so quickly, well, to everyone who helped do this, so now let’s get to our topic today, i said, that she is a little peculiar, well, for me in general, to be honest, she is kind of mysterious, and if you remember in in an office romance, anatoly fremich novoseltsev several times utters the phrase that i have...
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it will replace the law on transsexuals, which has been in force in the country since 1981, according to which, in order to change gender, the conclusions of two psychologists and a court order were required. now changing your gender legally is as easy as shelling pears: all you need to do is submit an application to the legislative office, and you can do it yourself from the age of 14; if the child is younger, the parents submit the application for him, you can change gender no more than once a year. chancellor scholz said, that the adopted law, quote, modernizes.
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in spain, teenagers admit that they have been waiting for a simplification of procedures for a long time. i'm a girl, i've known this since i was four or 5 years old. the problem is that my body looks like it should look like a boy's. however, many have long been talking about the new fashion change. the girl was taking hormonal medications, but apparently she has changed her mind. even thought about gender reassignment surgery.
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ben aflik's fifteen-year-old daughter serafina changed from a pretty blonde to a dark-haired guy. she now wears brutal ones camouflage pants or a black suit and asks to call her by the name fin affleck. however, sexual transformations are not limited to young people. in gender reassignment in the west, all ages are submissive. this week , news spread across the network about an elderly man from the united states who, for the sake of his young husband, underwent surgery to remove his genitals, which was joyful. on social networks, i just completed gender reassignment surgery and now i have a vagina, i have jars with my eggs in my hands, and my husband is next to me. so we showed it now, or rather like this, look, something happened at some point, just like, well, you know, i like to translate all sorts of quotes from moskult, there was such a movie a long time ago, i don’t know, when schwarzenegger played there,
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he was still relatively young, the film was called kindergarten cop, that is, in our country his kindergarten policeman, absolutely right, he infiltrates the kindergarten there, it doesn’t matter at all. reason, he ends up in a younger group of younger age, something like 4 years or something, and almost on the first day he has a dialogue with children, the question arises, how are boys different from girls, you don’t do you remember this episode, there is only one child, i don’t remember either, a boy or a girl raises his hand and says: boys, and girls have a pussy like a pie, and boys have a ragal, that is, in principle, it was all clear then, this is a chic, yes here are the very correct words of sarah wagenknecht, which we showed you that ideology has won a triumphant victory over common sense. michael, let’s start with you now, what kind of ideology is this, what is it called, what is it based on, what does it pursue, if it it makes an elderly man rejoice that he saw his eggs not in the mirror, but in
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a jar. explain to me, please, how to do this. i will immediately say that this is a very controversial issue in america, many are for the rights of transgender people, many. level michael, at what point is this story with shifts, jars and so on, the feeling that it has become fashionable, because celebrities, children of celebrities, are not shy to demonstrate, everyone watches it, imitates them, tens of thousands of these people appear there young people who i
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not stuck in some state between a boy and a girl, it’s fashionable, yeah, why did it become fashionable, well, in the united states as well, and europe already seems to me, yes. to vanya’s words to yours about oppression, these examples that we just gave, this is really a family that , to put it mildly, is wealthy, they all have a lot of money, yes, i don’t really understand, that’s what they were oppressed there , well, it’s nonsense, maybe his wife was oppressing him in some way, but that’s why the children decided to change their gender, they were also somehow tortured, that’s why explain why they want it, if this is really fashion, i agree with you.
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you see, there is a neo-jacobin ideology, which is neo-jacobin, based on which everyone is essentially equal, including no biological difference should affect a person’s position in principle in society or in relation to each other or in any other way,
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of course it is so morphic , an ephemeral ideology, one might say, note that not a single difference is recognized there, racial, gender , or anything other than... the given relationship, they should get everything there are more freedoms and equality, once these categories included african americans, if we are talking about america, there were also various minorities in europe.
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got the opportunity to restore all their rights, and what does this have to do with children, now we are specifically talking about the fact that in these countries, in different children, including minor children, they are given the opportunity to determine their gender, their sex, independently, child , so he was also oppressed, i don’t understand why, well , okay, there’s a person there who’s 30 years old, maybe i guess i must have made a mistake here.
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after all, there was a prejudiced attitude at any age, right, so here it is in this way, in the case of transgender people it is interpreted in exactly the same way, another thing is that, as has already been correctly said here, i know you don’t like the saying about the pendulum, i don't like the one that sways. well, you said a long time ago that you didn’t like it - this is not a story, but it really rocks, you understand why children got such an opportunity to interpret, because that if discrimination is not understood, of course for us this fact sounds outrageous, absolutely outrageous, but well, absolutely true, but in the ideology that is now popular there, it is so, that is, not only 50 people are subjected to astracism and discrimination
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. the fact is, that for many years, the last, almost the entire last century, the previous one now, neoconservatives have been saying
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that there are too many of us, we have overpopulation, something needs to be done about this, the neoconservatives developed a whole large system for regulating the population and there are quite a lot of points related specifically to the change of stake, that i didn’t bother you, be kind, please, yes, so this is one of the directions... but how to make it fashionable in its time herbert mercuse, i think his last name was said that we will not make the normal normal, but the normal abnormal, this is what is happening now. this is exactly when it’s abnormal, normal, but at the same time
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, migrants continue to penetrate through numerous holes in the fence on the mexican and other borders, and they breed like crazy, this is another another direction, pay attention, if you look at the map of the united states, how many there were, something doesn’t add up, clinics that were previously dared paul 10 years ago now, the picture is fantastic, before there were single ones, but now the whole map is covered with a huge number.
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no, i love her, but the truth seems to be more valuable, yes, i don’t see any reptilians, no neoconservatives here, everyone knows that in america there is an insanely strong lobby, both medical and pharmacological, so it suits all this, but you see, but there is, that is, they are they are promoting all these operations, hormonal drugs and so on, this is a pure business, nothing, a conspiracy from the other end
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is simple, this is not a conspiracy, this is the same business of pharmaceutical companies as giving to babies. sedative tranquilizers, here ’s a baby screaming, there’s no need to figure out his problem, and it’s little by little coming at us, unfortunately, we’re also starting to extinguish children in this way, well, wait, the fact is that there is, let’s say, a medical crime when children without examination they allow and in general minors to resolve these issues, but there is another side, because teenagers are the most suicidal characters because they are still.
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physiology is not instilled, by the way, in germany, in germany, testing was created before, it worked before, before sex reassignment surgery, they give you different types of, excuse me, human sweat to smell, depending on what you react to, it is decided the question is about what kind of endocrinology you have, only then the question is raised, is this a sex change? because he's not the one or this search for identity, and if this search for identity means last year a boy, today a girl, next year a boy, then again a girl, then a dog, then an indefinite one, call me, it, what kind of sweat he smelled and what happened to him after that, well, at the age of 14 a person still cannot fully determine his gender
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identity, so even before i was 14 i saw that yes. a person is born either a boy or a girl, but if at all there are exceptions, of course, because when doctors they look in the maternity hospital, they see that it is a boy or a girl written on the chart, and then it turns out that according to the set of chromosomes there, according to endocrinological characteristics, this is not so, this is a rare case, but in general this transgenderism, this is also a very rare
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phenomenon, this 0.3 or 6%. and another girl with the boys is playing the nightingale the robber or someone else, she seems to be a girl going to the toilet, going to the women's toilet, everything is of the female type, yes, but she climbs
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trees, she shoots with us, three girls played hockey, football always stopped being girls is the same as boys, we measure everything on a scale from white to black, we want it to be either white or black, but inside there are so many shades, there are boys. those who grow beards are boys, yes, but there are boys whose beards do not grow, but they are also boys, what is the reason for the child, excuse me, let's get to such intensive questions, my beard does not grow, i tried to place to make up, i have two, i’m sorry, they say, they say that it was a shock for the management of the body, i’m starting to get nervous, i i’m saying that all people are different, thank you, some are more in their own gender, and this awareness of differences should come right from the moment of birth, often yes, because try telling a three-year-old child
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that he is a boy, that he is a girl, but why they themselves , that’s why it’s in the game or something else , or sometimes mothers say you’re crying like a girl, the boy stamps his foot, he says i’m a boy, this seems insulting to him, that’s when, that’s when the child is doing well feels in his. let's take a break let's do it as usual, yes, we 'll expand the topic of discussion a little, this is a show of stars, we continue the second stage of the duel, alexey chumakov, raspberry berry, oops, oops, turns his head, stops flying,
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eh, ostana, ostana! stars! alexey chumakov and the napoleons team will fight to reach the finals, i am for the matogoleevs, there is no other like them, and astana. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. hot spot, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new - afobazol retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per court. afobazole anxiety can and should be treated, he is like a demon, he knows everything, he sees everything, the shadow is constantly flickering, the shadow is ticking, the series premiere is only in the
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discounts up to 18%. closing a loan - how to it’s a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkof gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan with tinkov before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. we approve your plans. tinkov. there is more cashback in the app. let's find a place to stay. there will be no money. sazon cards, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. spend anywhere, and also withdraw cash and receive cashback. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose, get it on your azon card and pay where whatever. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. we will do this for you now, we will show you several examples of social phenomena from
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today. they seem absolutely wild, although at some point in the societies of western countries this was partially the norm, that is, there was a certain fashion for something, but then this fashion passed. many people know the word lobotomy from hollywood horror stories, but in the forties this operation was considered an effective treatment for mental illness. doctors declared the healing properties of the procedure, which really sometimes helped to calm down violent patients, without focusing on the fact that many of them became disabled, no, and if initially the labotomy was carried out through the patients’ cranium, then later the procedure began to be done through the orbit, which made it easier operation, the method was promoted by dr. walter jay freeman, who was nicknamed the surgeon with the ice pick, at first he operated only in his native washington, but later went on a tour of america, in
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for 6 years he rode his own. there were drugs left. at the end of the 19th century, opium and cocaine gained popularity in england and european countries. drug trafficking was not controlled in any way and was not limited by law. the substances were cheap and accessible even to the poor. they didn’t know then that drugs cause addiction and simply kill a person. and medicines containing narcotic substances were considered a universal remedy for all diseases. they were prescribed even to children, well, adults actively visited opium parlors, where they could relax
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complete. in the 15th century , smoking tobacco was also considered a medicine, all thanks to the spanish doctor nicholas mandaros, who spoke about its healing properties. the bad habit also took over russia; smoking began under ivan the terrible, and already during the time of peter the great, tobacco was completely legalized. the fashion for smoking was strong in our country in the 20th century. during the first world war, tobacco was an integral part of soldiers' supplies, and after the great patriotic war, movie heroes... mikhail borisovich, 70 years ago, fashion for lobotomy, now fashion for, as from the first parts, eggs in a jar, well, this is a fashion that comes and goes, or we are thinking incorrectly, we
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are thinking incorrectly, i think that this can be called on the one hand fashion, on the other hand the development of certain ideas that are actually quite ancient, here i am it seems that this can be traced back to ancient times. french encyclopedists, who also said that this is normative christian behavior, it needs to be changed, people should be more free in some of their manifestations, they began to change humanity in political terms, it is necessary to change the monarchy to a republic, you can abandon the christian church to worship some kind of higher mind there and further and further, this all gradually began to transform to the side, and then, that means, they began to talk about the disintegration in society - it’s wrong that everyone should be equal, including in material terms, socialists, anarchists appeared, in different ways, trying to remake society, and then people came who say, the division into women and
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men is also wrong, it is also necessary overcome in order to achieve some kind of happiness, but after all, everyone talks about happiness, everyone talks about some kind of freedom, so the pendulum doesn’t swing. unfortunately , there is no pendulum, i think that everything is moving towards the fact that the last books of the bible, and towards the apocalypse and some kind of completion of the dehumanization of humanity in all respects, that is, man is not in the form in which we we know, he shouldn’t exist in all respects, he shouldn’t have a gender, he shouldn’t have a strong worldview, he shouldn’t have only emotional...
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i don’t like the form, any reaction of society to what is happening is always good, but when society doesn’t react to anything, that’s death, and if society supports all of this, then in fact we are talking about what kind of reactions - about this kind of manifestation, they sometimes say, well, there are some extremists who don’t want some kind of manifestation of freedom, so they want to spread rot on homosexuals or lesbians or someone else, nothing like that, this is a manifestation of well some...
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seriously though, all these examples that you showed are still a little bit wrong, i ’ll explain why, because all these examples are primarily about the fact that people didn’t know
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that this was harmful, that this was wrong, everything- however, if we are talking about sex reassignment surgery as such, it has been carried out for decades, everyone and doctors know that there are no extreme consequences from a physical point of view, a whole story will be shown after the advertisement, i know what you are ready to say, you want to tell about the fact that people then suffer there and walk back, this is different, this is the psyche, this is a little about something else from the point of view of the medical consequences, after all, the operation has been carried out all over the world for decades and how can a person divide this after all, this is not a lobotomy, no, i’m just saying that this is not a completely correct example it’s not a lobotomy, it’s not drugs, drugs, what do you know, after a lobotomy, some people also felt better, but most people didn’t, and drugs too , yes, they relieve pain, but forgive me, it’s an addiction. they didn’t know about this back then, so they used it, i’m just talking about non-correction of the examples themselves, and not about whether it is good or bad, which means that regarding hollywood and pharmaceutical companies and what other interests and electyloids, well, there are different versions. groups that pursue certain interests, let’s say, formulated like this, yes,
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including globalist ones, this all really exists, but this is not the root cause, it’s just that all these groups have already joined this process, which both michael and victor spoke about , quite rightly, the very left-liberal agenda in which the rights of those or friends are expanding and expanding, why is this necessary, and they need it so that everything should develop, when everything is already normal for everyone. in terms of rights, something needs to be expanded there, because otherwise, otherwise, the voter will pay attention and ask questions why real problems are not being solved, and this is always a distraction, please note that in germany, please note that in germany, before this bill , a bill was passed to legalize marijuana, yes why, they seem to be different things, on the other hand they are not different things, they distract the voter’s attention and show that they are contradictory.
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there won’t be, which means there will be a war until the last ukrainian, whether kiev will be able
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why they were suffering, eliminated the cause, as it were, and it became even worse. last year , the washington post. people who have changed their gender, researchers have found that at least half of the patients subsequently suffer from serious complications, this infections, severe pain, problems with urination, many struggle with new psychological difficulties or regret having the surgery. perhaps at that time i was simply not in a psychological state to assess the consequences of my decision. i was very unstable, but as soon as i came to my senses more or less, everything became clearer. one of the first to openly talk about the horrors of transgender transition was the american walt hyer. in 1983, he voluntarily gave up his role as father to their two children in order to become a woman. the man underwent hormonal therapy,
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got breast implants, and then decided to undergo surgery to remove his genitals. after 8 years, hair realized that it was all a mistake and replaced it.
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about the medical indications there, i didn’t understand, so you started telling us that everything seemed to have been done again, some kind of medical indications, to redo it back or something? this is what i wanted to say at the very beginning, that a child is born, he must relate to someone, either boys or girls, and this is obvious, but it happens that in time of puberty, as was the case with the daughter of brad pete and jolie, who called herself john, now she... is a girl, yes, that ’s how she felt, but during a sharp hormonal rise, she returned to the state she was with she was born, she is a girl, she didn’t need anything, but if it had been different and she would have been limited, because there are children who do not perceive themselves in the gender in
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which they were born, that gender, then these children, we we don’t know them, because then this child goes away, as it were, he... doesn’t live actively, then something happens to him, he comes out, okay, but these examples, they went to change their essence, in fact, and then it turned out that no, it’s wrong, then it’s brotherly.
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choice, because if we leave him without attention, he can choose for himself not only a boy and a girl, but all 33 pleasures that are now
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prescribed there in the west, did i understand you correctly, as a rule, on the contrary, if a boy was born a boy, but suddenly he starts for some reason, there are a lot of reasons, ranging from systemic interweavings, from upbringing and so on, he lives with his mother, grandmother, aunt and so on, he sees nothing else, there is no man in the field, he begins to imitate in adolescence, he... comes and says: i felt like a woman , i would send this person to a psychiatrist in the first place, even if some isolated cases are now turning on me, we need to stop what was shown in the story. the bailiffs came to collect the items only then the man found out that he had
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been single for 3 years and had not lived with his ex-wife for 3 years. years, we had an agreement, if she files for divorce for alimony, she tells me that the debt for alimony has accumulated an impressive amount of almost a million rubles, but he didn’t know that alimony was filed for him, he didn’t receive any summons or notices. the man is amazed at the impudence of his ex, because he never recognized the girl born in the marriage. alexey said from darina’s birth that she was not mine, well, excuse me, i’m a woman, not a xerox, but who is four-year-old darina’s dad? she even said, if we say, a child he will be red, this man is a roller, but his hair is such a reddish color. i ’m tired of proving, i said, she’s not yours, this was said in anger with anger, i open the envelope. dna today at 16:50 on ntv. hot spot. new season. today at 20:00
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it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women. hurry up to experience prostatetricum golld. alexey chumakov vs. azomat musagaliev. stars, tomorrow at 2120 on ntv. so, ntv is the meeting place, time is short, the question is about relationships. if it’s not a pendulum, yes, and it will get to us sooner or later. how do we feel about this? so, elena lenievna, definitely, a federal law came into force in july last year. a force that prohibits gender change, so this, thank you, god, has nothing to do with us, i hope, and will not have, so, someone fell, in your words , there is something behind the scenes, quietly, not distract yourself, let the program finish, well, i want to calm everyone down from this hysteria that will just come and crawl, i will remind you that the largest population today is recorded in india, this country allowed the third gender a long time ago and reproduces well,
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increases the economy and makes friends with us. why the third sex is increasing quantitatively, no, no, i think that these waves will definitely roll over for us, the whole question is how vibrant a society we will have and how it will react to this, if it wants to continue itself into the future, through her children, through some kind of normative behavior, then she will react quite expansively to this kind of appearance, and if we can stop this expansion, including psychological...
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i warned on wednesday, don’t go, listen, mikhail borisovich, so i listened and agreed with him, everything is fine, they are sitting in a bar, that is, three englishmen, drinking, they see a table nearby, sitting there is such a healthy irishman, very phlegmatic, he is sucking beer, but these guys are already drunk, they say , one says, now i’ll go and tease him, comes up to him and says: do you hear, do you know that your saint patrick is actually transgender, he looks at him like that, because he says: he’s saying something, he’s like -he doesn’t even react, but what did he say? well i said so he’s a transgender guy, saint patrick, he says, yes he says, he doesn’t even know such a word, now i’ll go and tell him, so he comes up and says: do you hear, do you know that your saint patrick is actually gay? this irishman is silent again, doesn’t say anything, listen, really some strange, impenetrable dude, he says, what did you say? i said this, the third one comes up and says: do you know that in fact your saint patrick is an englishman, that irishman
4:00 pm
growls, puts his beer aside, stands up, rolling up his sleeves, so that’s what your friends are up to they hinted, this was the meeting place, which cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv broadcast, goodbye. there's no place for you here. the united states blocked a resolution on palestine's admission to full un membership. here is an investigation into the murder of a muscovite suspected of being detained in the rostov region. tragic historical events in rostoven danu recalls the mass executions of civilians carried out by the nazis in zmeevskaya balka. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. a powerful cyclone that came from the mediterranean sea hit central russia. the snow was falling saint petersburg.


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