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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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brains, i go on the road in fear, believing that i’m ready, that i’m ready, no luck, just give me strength, to understand not tomorrow, not yesterday, i’m a beast inside, i swam to calm down and besiege the violent king.
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basement, take it off! you surprised me, i won’t say that it’s pleasant, but you surprised me, let’s try again, the question is the same, where is my money, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, you fool, you’ll still tell me if you have a bag of bones they will do it, but you will say, why be stubborn. i didn’t take
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your money, lie down, think about it, we’ll continue later,
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come, yes, yes, exactly, listen, let’s do it later in an hour, or better yet in an hour and a half, call me first, okay,
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hey guys, a pipe burst here, what did she find out? the apartment was rented by frolovsky oleg andreevich, 21 years old, studying to be a programmer, has already learned a little, how is he connected with murin, and murin rented a room in the same apartment, we are looking for both, so far nothing, but i’ll figure it out with murin myself, i have him, so , but you get me this student out of the ground, but he won’t go anywhere, listen, i’m not an expert in these matters, but how could he screw you over? do you think i'm an expert? i'm one for you
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i’ll say, it’s all connected somehow, at first they tried to get me off the grenade, it didn’t work, now they’ve hit me in the wallet, it’s all one. the chapter was invented by vorobyov mikhailovich, he himself, otherwise why would murin refuse to be around all the time, by the way, you don’t want to be present at the conversation with him, i want to, but i can’t, i don’t need him to see me here, but why so, he has only one way to go from here .
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i tell him, if you want to live normally, return the money, but what? it’s clear that she’s freezing. what are you doing here? your father brought me here. in short, you can stay here until the evening stay, no one comes here. there are a lot of people in the area now, so be ignorant. i need to talk to your father. i think. i stole money from him, you’re sick, where is his office, like he’s sick.
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and get your people there, if he hasn’t left the city, we’ll find him, no, pasha, you ’ll find him for me anyway, otherwise you’re the only one who knows how to stuff money into your pockets.
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i expected nothing like this from you, my people after all. quickly, what kind of money did you ask me about, and you seem to be out of business, i could have left a long time ago, okay, my account in cyprus was stolen 2 million dollars, the knitting needles found out that this is a smart student who
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lives under the same roof with you, you will sell me on that you are not in business, not in business. “boss, this one ran away, well, look for him, morons, even, you’re either crazy, or you’re really not in the aisles, my gun is yours. vadim, there’s news you’ll like, they called from lipetsk, early in the morning, a certain citizen came to them and
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testified against belyash, they say, it was he who ate the log, and they even promised to show where they buried the body, how beautiful do you know vashchenko, of course, is jumping from? joy already, in fact, the case has been solved, but this is just between you and me, friend. i guess he left, there’s nowhere, damn, why, the boss is calling you, while it’s free, they called, called, come in, come here, you understand who
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you have to work with, shush was also neinstein, but this one, i understand, but you need something with it’s up to you to decide, security shouldn’t work like that, so get on with it. i thought, will you take him home, give me your phone number?
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hello, hello, rus, it's great that how are you doing, okay, how are you, yes, nothing too, rus, it's me, oh, olya came, so, rus, you're just calm down, don't freak out, everything's fine, old man, don't worry, i'll call you back, come on, bye, guess who you're with, just don't talk about us yet, hmm, what's this secret? danilov, you ’re crazy, what are you doing, yes, great,
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where are you now, we need to talk, i can’t right now, i’m going to a conversation on your topic, let’s get in touch later, but where are you going, what’s the difference, that’s it, come on, wait, wait, it makes a difference who you’re talking to, vernikov, we talked about it yesterday. and take me with you, i’ll tell him myself how it all happened, i i wanted to offer you, but i thought you wouldn’t agree, where are you now, i’m at home, well , let me come in 10 minutes, come on, okay. well, what do you think about him? the guy is capable,
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but how did you get out, that you became a vindictive lion for a long time, and i didn’t watch you before, you tried to pretend to be a moron all day long, you know, it’s addictive, but you were the most talented in my department, that’s why i appreciate it, pouring .
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linka, oops, oops, turns his head, flies into the top, disgusting suit, he doesn’t even get angry somehow awkwardly, against azamat musagaliev. today we need to find out who jokes funnier, azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? are you serious? how long ago has this question arisen?
8:16 pm
in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat and earn like an azamat. i know how to beat them. i’ll just take it, when the jury announces the scores, i won’t announce them all, guys, i’m not bothering you, no, stars, alexey chumakov and the napoleon team will fight for reaching the finals, i’m for the matogoleevs, there’s no other like it, and astana, tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. all it will work out. secrets of football players' wives. million dollar secret. tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down. do not worry. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new.
8:17 pm
afabazole retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day. and to the abazon. anxiety can and should be treated, the city of angarsk, a maniac is giving birth to cubing, they were afraid of dogs on the street, now people, appreciate chikatil, the premiere of the series is only in the online cinema okko, there will be no money, sazon cards, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash and receive cashback, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose. because the megaphone gives everyone unlimited access to social networks, and regular subscribers also have unlimited access to video, connect the megapowers there will be jaga, only in the megaphone, season of love in falcons, discounts up to 55% on everything, enjoy
8:18 pm
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8:19 pm
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no one should be disappointed, ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed. protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women order it for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. alexey chumakov vs. azomat musagaliev. stars, tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. where does bari alibasov get a new relative who is suitable? to be his son? you're small! was, i, as they say, grew up in his arms, they will still compare, why did the star of the series maria berseneva hide her sister for 20 years, with age, they still began to communicate better, what with... with masha, what with dad? i know that dad definitely loved her, how did leonid agutin help his relatives solve the housing problem? i have an option, you can, i can, each for
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himself, each for himself, if i were her, i would generally say, do you hear, son, is the mother of the factory girl sasha soveleva happy with her son-in-law? we talked, talked, he came, by the way, with his daughter from his first marriage, wow, and how the simple russian woman tatyana tamed her mother-in-law. “i kept telling her, tanya, how they recognize you, it seems to me that you are completely different, the stars aligned, on sunday immediately after the mask show on ntv. great, great, come in, zhen, we actually need to go, you what, we need to talk, zhen, we have time, we need to go, really, close the door.” what, what's wrong with the face? your guy is working hard, what? he was there today him, and the grip communicated with him as a six, i am
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personally visible, wait, when was this? 3 hours ago, they suddenly debited all the money from my account, they are looking for my neighbor, and i got caught. so what does this prove? there was an assassination attempt, his money was stolen and vernikov could therefore go to him. are you serious? well, go tell him, then tell him everything, about how you ordered the deep one, about everything else. what's your neighbor's last name? faralovsky oleg. we'll pick it up too. mikhalych, congratulations, well deserved. thank you.
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good luck. well, all my hope is in you, don’t let me down. i won’t let you down, lyosh, hello to my wife. thank you. come on brother. happily, let’s celebrate, after, now we’ll do one more thing, give me a business card, you ’ll be gentle with him, you need to shy away from your shadow, hello, who is this? pavel ignatievich, hello, vorobyov, my last name. vasily mikhailovich, yes, i already understand, you can be congratulated, but they report to you promptly, that’s what we stand for, vasily mikhailovich, the chairman of the council of veterans, is a significant figure, we have something to discuss, how
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do you look at it, i look at it positively, and the sooner, so much the better, only you have it there it’s noisy, but i like silence, how about meeting at the monument to the fallen in an hour, okay, let’s go there, “you and i agreed that you won’t turn to me with the requests of your comrades, well, that’s my request, and so am i.” i worked with them, okay, okay, i
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only know what was said at the meeting, and mozaev was killed from one barrel, he was not found at the crime scene, and the third corpse was also from that barrel." the shot was fired from mazaev’s service weapon, the bullet got stuck in the spine, the body has not yet been identified, but your comrades don’t need to know this, i understand, thank you. mozaev shot at suglobovo, they recognized him, but not suglobovo yet. for a long time, after he
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was wounded, his legs were assembled piece by piece; when he gets to rengen, he immediately knows. the worst thing is that just yesterday i would have told him whose corpse it was, but today i can’t, i didn’t have to tell you. don’t tell me, okay, where are you going, home, no, to the cemetery, i’m serious, i’m also serious, at work, but no, let’s better go home, i’ll pick up the car, katya? katya,
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sit down, i'm ready to tell you something, you suddenly started to trust me? i only trust myself. maybe you can actually come up with something? recently, vitya izoto called me for a conversation and told me about a man named khvat. didn't you hear the protocol? no, the surname is rare, i would remember it. hvat bought half of voronezh. i got to the action of the construction
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plant. because i got nervous, he thinks that khvat is a figurehead, i’m standing behind him, because of this there’s all the fuss, that’s all, not everything, i want vitya and khvat to tear each other apart, if you figure out how to do this, consider it, what's yours old age is assured. i look so bad, okay, i'm off to think.
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by the way. i forgot to say, i don’t know how you did it, and i don’t want to know, but in liptsk with the bald guy , everything worked out for you, well, i’ll go back to ruslan, i won’t bother with the grip anymore, he can find out the simpleton at any moment, well, that's how it will work out, thank you, go ahead.
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well, it’s high time we got to know each other, well, let’s get acquainted, since it’s high time, vasily, pavel, they told me, there will be a conversation about the grip, well , yes, about him, do you know him? why do i need this? and he talks a lot about you, i if i were you, i’d think about it, there’s something i don’t understand, you’re like, you’re trying to warn me about what you want, your guys weren’t able to remove the grip from the run, but you didn’t calm down on that, that’s right, i can help. here’s the thing, pavel,
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i haven’t removed anyone from the run and don’t intend to, and if you have any problems with your grip, solve them yourself. well, i’ll solve them, but you may not have time, you hit him in the wallet, and for him this is the most painful place, explain where i hit him there, are you really not in the subject, that he has two a lot of greenery was taken away, here how interesting, your sea is not as simple as it seems, what, vasil, let's take a walk, i'll tell you a story, come on, it's very interesting to listen, oh, great, great,
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are you dozing off or something? no, olya just left, we’re having something like a second honeymoon, think about it, it’s not... her bracelet was, she ’s wearing her own, but i’m a dumbass, i thought of something like that, it’s tough, but what, you have news, yes, in short, everything worked out with the bald man in lipetsk, so you can go out tomorrow, well, it’s beautiful, and what’s not today, well, just in case, here i want to eat something, i want to eat, i can’t, find it.
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it’s simple, it’s simple, it’s easy to pit them against each other, i’m listening to you, izotov thinks it’s a grab. your man, so, so, and you didn’t answer him either yes or no, so, i ask you, let’s be brief, you only need to do one thing, i have to convince from this that the person is your man, and
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what this will give, you you really don’t understand, let him fight with the grip, for shares, for whatever else, but if the grip is a serious person, he will answer, and you? out of business, too simple, everything is ingenious, simple, but not stupid proposal, but i’ll think about it, think about it, but you won’t come up with anything better.
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great mihallic, but where are you going? i'm moving, what did the grip get to you? yes , he has money from his account. i bet he'll pull you soon. mihalich, how did you know that he had questions for me? tell you everything. okay, go ahead. in
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8:40 pm
as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. hey, hey, butter isn't the first thing. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online. it's faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. who else taught who? vtb. together everything will work out. for breakfast in starodvor there are sochenki. i cook it, cut it, fill it with omelette and it’s done. this is all our work. it's really tasty in the old village. grandfather, would you rather fish or make crafts? of course, there
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8:42 pm
borya, get up! what's happened? i'm resting. he called and asked me to come urgently. are you not going? i haven't decided anything yet. this is stupid, borya, what will i tell him? lie like you usually do. tell me i suspect something. why are you afraid to anger me? call him. and you understand that there may not be another chance. he will decide that you understood what i took documents, will not contact me again. okay, it's up to you. wait, wait, don't call yet. okay, do as you plan, it won’t get any worse.
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we can do this. come, do you remember the road? i can't work for me now. you work for me, live here.
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olenka, you, me, you were supposed to arrive the day after tomorrow, i already did everything, found the fittings, delivery the day after tomorrow, everything else too,
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why didn’t i call, i wanted to make a surprise. something is wrong, everything is wrong, where are you going, sit here, ulya, i’m busy right now, i’ll call you back, zhenya, he’s back, but he’s not picking up the phone, help, he will kill him, i don’t understand who returned, yaroslav is back, the designer, but i can’t get through to russa, now he’s going home, let’s hurry, they’re waiting for you, olya, i’ll call you back, ruslan, come on, come on, what is this like that,
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go. what's happened? everything is fine. do you like this? try it on, i prepared something for you too.
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like, i’ll explain everything to you, he took the phone from me, yes, let’s go get some fresh air. what are you doing, huh? kolya, you are completely sick ! get away from here! you're fired! return the keys! the keys are in the mailbox! olya, you you'll regret it! ruslan, listen to me carefully,
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quickly leave the apartment, the police are coming to you, it doesn’t matter, be sure to throw the keys in the mailbox, i got it, that’s it, come on. hello, is viktor anatolyevich there? do you have an appointment? no, but it's very important. one second, please sit down. yes. podolskaya came up. yeah.
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i don’t go to the city anymore, they’ve surrounded me from all sides, i’m expecting them to kill me at any moment, there are a lot of people willing, you know some of them, i want you to help me, just like you tore apart my security with a cactus hot water bottle. "i thought that i it’s safe here, it turned out, you know, it’s very unpleasant, well, they ’re arranged in a stupid way, anyone would have gotten through, i wasn’t joking when you asked my guards to take care of me, organize everything in such a way that even you couldn’t get through, but what’s the point? trust, who told you that i trust you, no, my friend, trust is such a thing, you have to work, so you’ll live here for now, i won’t move without my permission, and if i refuse, you’re not
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a fool to refuse such money, what kind money, now this is a business conversation, let's go let's discuss. forgive me, please, if victor is really busy, i’ll probably go, of course, have a good evening, thank you.
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hello, viktor anatolyevich, we agreed that i would call you, and not vice versa, tell me, you were satisfied with the documents that i photographed, i already paid you for them, yes, yes, yes, everything is fine with that. what's wrong? i just thought that you might be curious to know that boris kimych himself gave me all these documents to photograph, i told him everything, you’re a fool or crazy, neither one nor the other, but but now he will think that he can slip you absolutely any information through me, yes, for example, well, for example, that hvat works for him, although this is not the case.
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we have something to discuss, come in. the toilet, the bathroom is here, dinner will be brought in an hour, your car has been driven to the garage, settle down, man, this is my phone, return it, you’ll be fine.
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so what do you say? honestly, i already regret that i advised keeping him nearby. aren't you afraid that he will put a knife in your back? no, leva. the knife, the back - it's not about him. he
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also has... with him, amur is the most dangerous of them, we we’ll neutralize it, but maybe we’ll manage somehow with the rest, listen, some ruslan is calling for the fourth time, and you knock him out, completely, like this, that’s not necessary, it’s necessary like this, like that, like that, i understand. this is how backpacks are discounted up to 50% at the megamarket. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. first us president to be tried as a criminal. who else besides biden is behind the cause of the people against donald trump. this is an attack on a political opponent. that's all. why the fight for the presidency between biden and trump is really a battle for
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9:00 pm
hello, hello, thank you. how did you know that the police were coming for me? what difference does it make, the main thing is that you left on time. i left, and now murin doesn’t pick up the phone, now he’s turned it off completely. zan, man, okay, let's go eat. wait, are we getting a divorce or what? what do you think? “i don’t want to, i was just a fool,
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but you’ll eat, i don’t want to, i’m all on my nerves, yes, well, you overestimate me, i’m not some kind of spy, can i have a drink? no, i’m telling him, i told him how you i was talking to someone on the phone, scolding his slow work, calling him by his nickname, he jumped when he heard me correct that that’s enough, it’s a surname, well, then like clockwork, well, god willing, but now i hope. i can have a drink, of course, thank you, you can
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come in, i’m sorry, i’ll just eat, very much. hungry, nice, thank you, you know why you ’re here, yes, i know, but... he’s afraid that i’ll be killed or kidnapped, so you’ll take me to the airport tomorrow, okay, i don’t understand who you are, i don’t count you are dangerous. listen, you better not show it
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here, this could start a question. thank you for not telling my father that he saw me at oleg’s place, if oleg is caught, he won’t be able to remain silent for a long time, about what? you think i didn’t understand that you squeezed money from your father, i took what was owed to me and my mother, i understand, i may not explain it yet.
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they caught oleg, something needs to be done, so where is he? here, i saw how they brought it, so, i need a phone, yes, i have it.
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ruslan, the phone is ringing. who i don’t know, unfamiliar number, let’s all start in the yard, hello, rus, i need your help, now wait, he’s sleeping, ruslan, who is it?


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