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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  April 20, 2024 2:10am-3:11am MSK

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oh, well, here’s the pepper, wow, oh, cool, there are accents, that’s for sure, and here we have the emphasis on the window sill and the radiator, great, they closed the hood, great, it’s not even visible anymore, that’s what it is , open, lie down, like this, that’s it, it’s a hood, i understand, it’s a refrigerator, apparently, i really liked the arch, it’s beautiful, how it’s made, oh, built-in, yes, we had one right here, only it was unfolded differently, maybe in the concept, you can already read something, what it could be, there is this color that we saw, this pepper, it’s there, it’s here, it’s here can be traced, this is what we recognize, well, this color is apparently a shade to the sea, we are traveling around, and this is something from brazil, i’ll tell you a little secret, this project is dedicated to your wedding travel in brazil, so everything here is permeated with some kind of fiesta, somehow a little festive.
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mood, well, this is great, the ceiling, look at the ceiling in the form of the sun, you love yellow, the radiator, look at how, oh, beautiful, there are rich colors, and such calmer colors, and a lot of these colors, not good, but this at naslovka, microwave, probably even, beauty, beauty, so, it works powerfully , great, wow, how many... a lot of them we’ll put our chii where - we’ll be here and decorate everything already occupy some shelves wow wow you’re cool yes here it’s interesting of course they’re height they seem here you can in height yes the tea and coffee altar is excellent, you can also look at it in more detail so it moves great so that it is convenient if there is anything there and you can get it all done perfectly and this is a chopper yes there was a chopper and not only is it a chopper thank you you have a filter , water is now available
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drink straight from the tap, now happiness has struck, i liked everything, the kitchen is very wonderful, there is a lot of storage, which is very important for me, because there is always plenty of everything, there is a lot of equipment, the chopper is already wonderful, the refrigerator is beautifully hidden, the arch is very important to me i like it, i didn’t expect that the cabinets would be on the left, because in our traditional view... there would even be coffee along the sink, that is, on that side. ksyusha, she is a rather pedantic person, so if she says that she likes it, it means that everything was done to the level. the colors are bright, saturated, it is clear that if we were renovating ourselves, we probably would not have thought of such colors, because they are not so easy to combine, but here in the kitchen these colors are all combined, such an interesting concept, we would i wish we could actually take part, but we can, yes, we can in... we have a bedroom there, we
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’re very happy, tatyana, what are you doing? what will boris say if he finds out? where do you see boris here? he's not here and no one will know anything. ask, a hidden camera agency, deals professional detective. activities
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using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb. he was transferred to the reserve after being wounded. olga yurievna sirova is an operational officer of the ask, the daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases that were uncovered during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, freelance agency employee. ask, hidden camera agency. well, in general, the situation is vulgar and banal, to me. blackmails. and what was the reason? i'll start from the beginning to make everything clear. i have a fairly successful business. and recently a new business partner appeared, large and truly formidable. a new partner had to be brought into the contract, which i simply could not have fulfilled alone. and how does your partner relate to your problem? what's the matter. in his wife. one day boris asked me to come to his house.
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some documents, he himself was abroad at that time, but his wife was at home, yes, tatyana, in a short robe, was friendly, treated me to coffee, and kept twirling my butts. in front of me, and somehow, purely by chance, i slept with her, quite by accident, well, let ’s just say, she showed the initiative, and was very persistent, but i showed weakness, which now can cost you dearly, has already cost you, literally in a week i receive an interesting film in the mail, where tatyana and i are in the lead role, and an offer for...
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well, if you contacted us, it means the blackmail continues. i honestly wanted to end this relationship, i talked to tatyana, but she doesn’t want to hear me, she continued to bombard me with love text messages, and at the end she wrote: “if you leave me, i will tell my husband everything.” well, of course, you couldn’t allow this. of course, of course i couldn't. in general, i took her out of town to a hotel, kept it secret as best i could, and really chose a quiet, inconspicuous place. but the result is the same, a new film, but only the amount is now three times larger, of course, the usual tactics of a blackmailer, once you pay, once you pay again, i understand that they won’t leave me alone, that’s why i want to find this blackmailer, you to me
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help, we will need all possible information, letters, videos saved, yes, everyone. the information is here on a flash drive, the letters, however, are on my home laptop from the mail server, i deleted them just in case, then we’ll go to your home, yeah. we need to connect to your laptop, where is it? and this is even higher, come up,
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here you can, please sit down, yeah, thank you, yes. sorry, is there anything i can do to help? no, our person does everything remotely, i myself am here to press the right button, just in case case, pash, how are you? order, i have already copied the letter, the recipient of this transaction is on the internet wallet, i still have to install a spy for complete happiness, i need to warn the client about this, excuse me, what to warn about, tell him, don’t let him get scared. okay, we'll install a tracking program for you, and if the blackmailer calls you again, it will automatically forward all contacts to us and try to figure him out, yeah, right, install the program, of course, yes,
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well, that's it, i'm done. yeah, it's tatyana, answer, the person is waiting, on speakerphone just put it, but okay, yes, tanyush, lyozhenka, i have a couple of free hours here, maybe we’ll meet in a park near you, for example, well, i don’t even know, now i’ll see what i have planned for this time, just a second, olya, let him agree if it’s for the meeting. if someone is watching, we will track him, yes, tanyush, yes, yes, free, yes, we can do it in an hour, yes, on the same bench on the right along the alley, uh-huh,
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olya, the client is in the frame. hold him, got it, remember, if you see a blackmailer, no action, just watch him, pavlik activates the camera. pavlik, are you with us? i ’m always with you, i’m a matrix, i’m everywhere, that means it’s a matrix, connect to the cameras near the meeting place, it’s not a question if they’re there, olya says there are cameras, the whole park is covered, darling, i’m so bored. how i missed you, i didn’t bother talking on the phone, i really wanted to see you, so i came up with this
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trip to the nail salon straight to you, lyosha, tanya, tanya, well, you should still be more careful, be careful, but i’m not at night i’m sleeping, you understand, lesh, i think about you all the time, i only think about you, i can’t i can’t help myself, you understand, lesh, leshenka, don’t worry, i came up with everything, i came up with everything, what did you come up with? borya, he's going hunting for the weekend, you and i have a lot of time, tanya, tanya, wait, you know that they're blackmailing me, i've already paid a lot of money, well, find a place so that we're both safe, are you a man or where, lesh, boss, i intercept the image of four cameras, no one at all. is there anything suspicious at all? nothing. ok, keep
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observing. i want you so much that i’m ready to drag the bushes right here. are you teenagers? what's in the bushes? well then, decide something about a place for the weekend, you fool. and if bori finds out about us, do you understand what will happen then? i don't care? ok, ok, i'll think of something.
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i suspected that you are not a person, you are a robot, well , not a robot yet, but i’m working on it, well done, so what are we doing with the recordings, the second date was written on an ordinary hidden camera that was installed in a hotel room, so there are no tails, china is full of such cameras, anyone can order and receive by mail, but what about the first one? recording that was made in house, oh, this is a completely different matter, it was made with security cameras, one or two people have access to the system, most often this is the owner of the house and the administrator of the system, if the husband had seen the recording, we would no longer have a client, well it means administrator, especially since i discovered a back door in the system, what does this mean, well, it means that someone else has access to the systems, which is not clear. and if this is an outside administrator, how do we identify him? and the easiest way to calculate is to drop
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security system. all the computers in the house are definitely serviced by this company, volkuv will call there and the administrator will come to fix the breakdown. i think it’s a good idea, i agree, go for it, super brain. looks like our administrator is already here, is this his scooter? well, yes, i rang him up using the scooter number, this is the person we need, maxim zoblin, an employee of the safe house company, great, attention, is he coming out?
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chief, i discovered that this guy has a very wonderful habit of not turning off wireless modules, in particular his wi-fi laptop, and what does this give us, but the fact that i have already connected and woke up his laptop, only? no traces of surveillance or incriminating evidence, maybe he’s just skillfully encrypted, as far as i understand, he’s a competent person in this matter. maybe we need to put pressure on him, scare him somehow? olya, no, i understand, beauty is, of course, a terrible force, but you are sure that you can scare her with this, a strong compliment, but i know how to get information out of this young man.
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hello, olga ponfilova, department employee. own safety, own security, what? don't fool around, the company you and i both have the honor of working for, i'll pass,
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what happened? i decided to earn extra money from the video, but what kind of videos, everything was wrong, but as soon as it was detailed and honest, the lies are pointless, this wolf was sick of forgetting the password, well, you yourself know that the procedure for restoring access is tedious and long, well, the client himself must
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come to office, write an application with a passport, well, every time wolves asked for this. video from cameras, well, i swear, it means i was just fooling around, what should i do now? olya, it seems he’s not lying, move on to the main question, just be gentler, don’t over-press it, okay, let’s say everything you said is true, i checked your dossier and you seem to be a good
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guy, and there weren’t any particular sins with you, so on the first time we will assume that... well, i wanted the best, well, it’s clear that i wanted, maxim, but you can’t help but understand that if this matter is given an official move, then not only will you not work for us anymore , you'll be put on trial, so what to do now, i don't know, oh well, let's do this, next time you you will find yourself in volkov’s house, you must configure all computers for remote access, and after that... transfer all the information to my man, and he, in turn, will clear the system of traces of yours, okay, i’ll do that, agreed, yes, agreed, well look, don’t be naughty anymore, pavlik, you can make sure that this idiot has
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a reason to visit kolkova again tomorrow, but no question, i’ll launch a funny glitch on my laptop this morning. so that the sound disappears and the jellyfish swim on the screen, it’s business, it’s nice when everything is easy and just, go ahead, commit evil, with pleasure, but i’m wondering if this idiot has nothing to do with it, then who, and just think, we assumed that to access the security system you need an experienced hacker, but this is not at all necessary, she can know the password herself tatyana, for example, why does she need it? remove incriminating evidence so that blackmailers and her lover can be blackmailed, and you noticed that she always seems to be born into meddling and is not afraid of any incriminating evidence, if honestly it never occurred to her, well, i’ll give you... you’re the boss, and oh,
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what a superbrain you are nimble young lady, we barely kept up with her, she’s not at all as soft and fluffy as she seemed when we first met, right? what if she noticed you in the park then? do you think? knows, well, you know, god protects those who are careful, but the convoy guards those who are not careful, give me half a minute, well, well, it’s a completely different matter, go ahead, let’s go. olya, give me sound. how are you doing there, is no one
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offended? no, everything is fine, there’s just a lot of fuss, there’s something to fuss about, you know it yourself, i know it. dan, i was thinking, maybe he has more. ask him for money like a fool fandik, he won’t become poor, wow, wow, tanya, take it easy, it’s better not to overdo it, you’ll ask for a lot, they might make a mistake, olya, give me his face clearly, i’ll send it to our superbrain, let him break through, that’ll do, if you want, great. sorry for the delay, i was at a meeting regarding a contract, you've been waiting for a long time, about two hours, but during
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this time we managed to collect important information for you, i'm all ears, today your tatyana met with a young man, from the conversation, we concluded that she also involved in blackmail. tanya, yes you... yes, and the letters to you were most likely sent by her an accomplice, we even know his name, danilo rogov, works as an administrator in three places at once, and judging by the photographs on social networks, leads a very wild lifestyle, i don’t understand anything, that is, he is tanya’s accomplice, so what do you intend to do next? as far as i remember, you and tatyana have a romantic meeting. do you think they will record us again? i’m sure, and i think it’s best for you to make a date at the same hotel as last time, well, why force people
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to do extra work, they’ve already got everything set up there, yeah, so call, hello, of course, hello, it's me, can you talk, great? “listen, i decided about saturday, yes, let’s go to the same place, why is there a shell doesn’t hit the same place twice, yes, it’s 11 o’clock, i miss you too, see you, well done, you behaved so naturally, to be honest, it was n’t easy . good afternoon 405, please, olya, olya, where are you, where is danilo? we are on
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the other side of the city, it looks like i will need some business expenses, and the restaurant is clearly not cheap. can i order some for myself? cake, well, i don’t even know. okay, then you can write it in the report. look carefully here, take care of your figure, thank you for your concern, connections, what a touching meeting, she is a good actress, it should be noted, there is something for us, alas, there are no signals or signs of video recording from the room, maybe because our movie characters have not yet started horizontal games, very strange. in theory, the camera should already be charged, i don’t know, boss, i have everything under control, if the signal goes out, i’ll intercept it, boss, this danila has already
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been brought his fourth cocktail and he... is clearly not going anywhere, repeat again, i got it you, although this is also very strange, did you really decide not to record today, pavlik, you see this man running, he is clearly late for somewhere, so now we are seeing him... at the hotel, hello, 406, please, now, and we we’ve already seen him somewhere, i wonder where he’s running, so pay attention, he entered room 406 next to them, so i open the list of guests, i’ll tell you his
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name, i think i recognized him, this is volkov’s security guard, nikolai pervushin , now we’re waiting for the signal, one, two, and there’s a signal, go to the back number, it’s him, it’s definitely him, boss welcome, it’s a long time for me to cool off here, this danilo doesn’t moo, doesn’t calve, and by the way, i’m already... eating my third cake, olya, we’re filming in full swing here, let’s throw danilo a cake and move towards us, quickly, we’ll finish it now i’ll go, the figure has disappeared, mikhail ilyevich, our further actions, we are waiting for the end of the filming process, we sit on the tail of our cameraman, who is also a security guard, let’s see where he will lead us, and what to watch, now it is clear
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that the security guard is the blackmailer. how come we didn’t think about him before, can he really lie? acts alone, most likely he is an accomplice of tatiana and danilo, but yes, the cream is interesting. well, pavlik, our security guard has arrived at his place of work, isn’t it a bit late, but tatyana is still walking around, and for some reason her menacing husband isn’t calling her, you’ve entered the security system, i need picture and sound from home, calm down, boss, now everything will be, ugh, like a fire?
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look at how it works, at least write out a bonus, as i understand it, you don’t need it anymore, maybe it’s something or other, some bloodthirsty nikolai, but no, i meant to let you go, i’ll let you go, maybe more you’ll tell me to send it to my mother, and who will i poke in the head with a gun, when i take alyosha by the gills, who will i convict of infidelity, or do you
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think that alyosha is completely? so this means my partner came up with all this, so what happens? that he himself put his wife under me? the fact is that tatyana is not his wife and never has been. i mean, who is she? an escort agency employee, and danilo rogov, her pimp, both worked for a fee. by the way, i made the first entry.
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i don’t understand anything, hired wife, blackmail, does boris have money? either it's not enough, or it's forever were you going to milk me? i think everything is very simple, when you sign a contract, a contract, tomorrow morning, everything has already been agreed upon, most likely no later than tomorrow at lunch, a scene of jealousy would play out in your office with the participation of the unfaithful wife of an insulted husband, saving tatyana, her beloved, you would give boris both the contract and the company... but you would have given it, but you’re lucky, there are no more records, we destroyed them, so i think you need to look for another partner, listen, you
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just, yes you, thank you, he knows, boss, thank you, goodbye, there will be more of us like this clients, dear passengers, is the subscriber's device turned off or outside? the subscriber's device is turned off,
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generally inexpensive, thank you, they greet me. the subscriber’s device is turned off, please forgive me, but i’ll take doverulev, yes, yes, of course, the hidden camera agency is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency , retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilgich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb, dismissed reserve after injury, sirov olga yuryevna, operational officer of the ask, daughter
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major serov, troshin's deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. savitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, freelance agency employee. ask, hidden camera agency. when i arrived, he didn’t meet me, he disappeared somewhere , wait, arina, and you and alexander live in moscow, yes, but we met in sochi, yes, we were vacationing in the same sanatorium, and before you met in sochi, you’ve never seen him in moscow, no, well, everything is very serious here, his trip just expired 2 days earlier, and he left for moscow, and then he promised to meet me at the station, in fact, that’s all i was waiting for, but i arrived, and he disappeared somewhere, and i called him , i called, his phone number is not from...
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it seems to me that sasha simply took advantage of your gullibility? no, the police told me the same thing, but i couldn’t do that to sasha. arin, please calm down, remember at least something. describe what it looks like. well, let me show you a photo, right? here i have it with me phone. we have a photo and a phone number, try it, a photo in black glasses, the phone is turned off, please, my intuition
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tells me that something really happened there, just some kind of female solidarity at the level of intuition. mikhailch, okay, let’s try to find yours, thank you, otherwise... they laughed at me and i didn’t even hope, i’m so glad, it’s too early to rejoice, we’ll keep in touch with you, okay, i ’ll go, yes, yes, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, ol, no need to talk about intuition in front of clients, sorry, boss, we can do this between ourselves, the client needs evidence and facts, mikhailavich, i’m already sorry. well, let's connect pasha and look for
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information by phone? stop, your intuition, you connect, you will conduct an investigation, is this a promotion? this is a punishment for initiative and action. pasha, this is olga, i need information on the phone number. hello, intuitive, we have a new boss, pasha, did you overhear again? of course, this is my job. what's there? straminka? yes, pasha found out that the phone was registered to alexander trofimov, and the last call was from it was recorded 2 weeks ago in the stamka area. olga yuryevna, bowing down without a pity. page, are you making fun of me or have you done something? i shared it. on a very important matter, an investigation into holiday romances. so, speak to the point. so this means that i have established 600 trafimov on
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property rights, i own the nineteenth apartment in the fifth building, in the fifth, thank you, what else? and also, yuryevna, i advise you to quickly write down this address before i disappear, like our sasha among the palm trees, end of connection, well, it’s here, apartment nineteen, let’s go, come on! listen, pasha, if you're like me, can you somehow tell me from the intercom, i see the intercom, try 2.89, wow, okay, goodbye, i'm a genius, i saw the worn buttons.
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nobody opens the door, the apartment is quiet, what are we going to do? decide for yourself, i think, install a camera with motion sensors. write, if anyone comes in or out, put in only a memory card, the biggest one, why, neighbors will be walking around there, the sensor will constantly be triggered, accepted, pasha, someone is registered in the apartment, look, give 5 minutes, 4: 2, i put the camera, i’ll go to grandma i'll try, go ahead. grandmothers, this is our everything, especially when there is nothing else,
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hello, excuse me, but do you happen to know the owner of apartment nineteen, oh, honey, i don’t know, i know, he died 2 weeks ago, as young as he died, yes , my heart, i probably still remember seryozha like this, i’ve been living here for a long time, seryozha, seryozha, vishnyakova, here... fifteen, tell him at all, and sasha trofimov, you know, just turned fifty, hasn’t lived yet , no, i haven’t seen this, but i recently spent almost 20 days with boris, maybe he came, olya, twist, twist it about oveshnyakov. boss, the apartment is clean,
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sergei vishnyakov was actually registered before. look for all the information on this vishnyakov. did something happen? tell me, seryozha had some relatives, i really need to find one person. seryozha had no relatives. in recent years, he lived as a child, his wife divorced, and he had no children. and sophia was a good woman. “it was she who buried him, sophie, yes, just like i forgot about her, tell me, but her last name remains the same, vishnyakova, i don’t know, dear, the same vishnyakova." she was, and now maybe she got married, thank you very much, sorry, no, it's time, thank you, efdokia, well, granny,
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i already thought sasha died, she was so young at 50 years old, of course young.
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so what does it mean to take information out of thin air? come up with something, i would like to see their faces, but it’s as simple as shelling pears, that ’s it, i sent it from the fam, so, congratulations, you have the opportunity to win a million, for this, send a reply sms, go for a short one. number, burning, bone, can you imagine, they want to scam money again, they’ve already gotten it from these text messages?
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genius, then look at this kostya, maybe you’ll find something from the photo, mihal, personally, this time is needed, well, at least tell me, they are married, no, sofia is not officially married, to whoever else, thank you. hello, are you sophia? yes, what's the matter? by chance, alexander trafimov is not with you, he just left your address for me to contact. why did he leave you my address? she knows sasha. olya, turn it further. you see, sasha simply owes me money, he won’t give it back, and his phone has been turned off for 2 weeks. he
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didn't say he lived at this address. well done! not only does he borrow money from girls, but he also gives me my address. is it normal at all? that is, he’s not here, and you won’t tell me how to find him, you know, girl, i don’t know anything about him, i don’t want to know , and i don’t want to, you solve your own problems, i don’t care at all, no, well, you heard , she also showed up to me, but don’t tell me, how come i don’t even understand everything anymore. he also transferred the apartment to sanka, not his son either, we didn’t know each other from birth, but he grew up somewhere there, why did it hit him in the head, and sanya, where did we come from, yes god knows, my son found him somewhere a year ago, on the sidelines, in the tursky region or something, and he had an apartment there,
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some kind of stone in a communal apartment, she’s in her moscow apartment here... we have a smart one , sanya turned out to be smart, well, it’s okay, sanya will not be happy in this life, believe me, yes, he’s overeaten, come on, so much that you can’t even drink tea, well, then it’s clear, it means it turns out that sasha is sergei’s son, probably unwedlocked , since it’s not... mikhailovech, it’s difficult with such a post, he’s not on social networks, it turns out that everything works for your version,
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they gave up on the sailors, i didn’t say that, well , they thought, it doesn’t matter what i thought, since we got down to business, it means we need to finish it, continue the investigation, under the palm trees, i’m still waiting for instructions, please establish by calling sasha all those coming from. .. where are the other subscriptions? what exactly everyone? well, if there are literally hundreds of them there, then the most common ones. hurry up. so now, just a little bit, it’s ready. most often, sasha phoned with a certain yulia chersyana. let's check the billing. yeah, here it is on the map. so, look, it's moving in voykovskaya area. get directions, we 're off. this together thank you. and find a photo of cherstina, judging by the map, we’ll see her now,
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catch the photo, i also looked through their correspondence, about three weeks ago, this was before sergei’s death, look, here she is, pasha, what was in the text messages, yes, since there’s some housework, take the money from... the guy, buy milk, and so on, it looks like it’s her, yeah, well, i’m off, wait, let her go a little, come on, kolya, well, you know, yes, carefully, it looks like it will take a long time, masha, have you come?
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and vishnyakov’s nurse and their correspondence with sasha? well, everything about vishnyakov, what to buy him, where to get the money? and if you consider that the last
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time they talked was 3 weeks ago, when sasha was still in the south, then she doesn’t know exactly where to look for the guy. okay, i'm coming back. okay, colleagues, i suggest we call it quits for today, thank you all. tomorrow we'll start the day by checking the camera at sasha's apartment. so where is she? yes, here she is running. hello. hello. oh, you called me so quickly. has sasha been found yet? not yet, but this morning an interesting one appeared video recordings. oh, this is sasha. it’s still unclear, his face is not visible, take a closer look at the next fragment, now it will be released, then it will probably be easier to understand, yes, yes,
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his cap and t-shirt, he wore them in the south, he looks similar in figure, everything is fine with him , yes, where is he? and we don’t know where sasha is at the moment; this recording was made early this morning near the apartment of his deceased father. sasha’s dad died, but two weeks ago, it turns out, almost immediately after he arrived, he could at least, he probably needs to come to his senses for a while, yes, with are you all right, yes, yes, yes, well, sasha has found us, thank you very much, it was not in vain that you were advised, i... probably yes, goodbye, maybe i should see you off, no, no, no, thank you very much, poor thing girl,
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i was upset, you were right. sasha turned out to be an ordinary rogue, otherwise he would have found the time to call her, yes, my intuition let me down, i would not rush to conclusions, my intuition tells me that the matter is more serious than i thought, pasha, you are here, i am here, what are we, let's continue, look at the recording cameras in the area of ​​stramynka dom5, i would really like to see the face of this sasha, now. i don’t understand what made your intuition so wary? i explain, the guy left the girl, turned off the phone, right? it happens, but today you have to admit, without a phone it’s like without hands, well, i threw away my sim card. our computer genius found out that no new sim cards were registered for sasha, asked someone, that is, the guy
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hides so carefully from the girl that he encrypts... the purchase of a new sim card, well, yes, it’s strange, why was your intuition silent before, she heard you, boss, found him, camera near the metro, show me, this is not sasha, this is kostya, sasha’s clothes. what was kostya doing in sasha’s apartment? in sasha’s clothes, and what did he take out of it? and where is sasha himself then? egor, here? look at the man on the bases. pasha, send egora a still frame from sophia konstantin’s recordings. i'll do it. understood. go.
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yes. here it is, let's take it, i'm nearby, let's go! olya, don’t come close, i won’t be able to walk at all soon, this lassy has been loading around the city for an hour, you just
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went to the store for bread and kefir, be patient... he’s checking to see if he felt too much, it doesn’t look like it, just be careful, yes, mikhailach, sorry, i couldn’t do it sooner, i’m sending a copy of the case of konstantin grigoriev, so, in a nutshell , you can, the crux of the matter, the nickname of the cat, was involved in the case of black realtors, but was convicted.
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olya, very carefully, i spotted the garage where he went, he’s inside, olya, wait for me, i’m already here, mikhail, you need help, egor isn’t coming, lead him to us so he doesn’t get lost, i’ll do it. where are you going? olya, quickly come to me! well, why are you
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arguing? i quietly looked with my mouse, he has a gap at the bottom there in his garage, maybe we’ll try with a light guide, sit down already, egor we're waiting, she's a mouse, that's his nickname. here he was in prison for apartment scams, sasha is probably his client, lonely in moscow recently, his father died, there are no relatives, well, yes, the apartment is good, you think sophie brought it up, it’s unlikely, most likely he just knew about sasha through her, so egor, pasha, that’s it, i, yes, i already found them, yes, yes, you’ll tell your mom, in short, he’s in that garage behind the grill, see? yeah, we need to carefully examine his hole, there’s a camera with a light guide in the box. i will help. mikhail ilyich, do you mind? stay with yegor.
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a little forward. also, yeah, turn, no, the other way side, to the left, more to the left, stop, that's it, let's go back, it looks like he has a hostage there, perhaps sasha. mikhail, where are you going? hold it, can you do it? weird question. chief, get on
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the bus. go help him. make some noise somehow. fine. shake, gorink, help, run, help,
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help, help, mikhail, he’s here, he ’s in bad condition and he’s knocked down badly, everything will be fine, sasha, everything will be. okay, pasha, call an ambulance, all of us are safe, safe, safe, in general, sasha is feeling much better now, he is being transferred to the general department, and they promised to discharge him in a week, so he conveyed great greetings and many thanks to you, well, now i hope you know his last name, well, of course, now i know everything about him and... how he helped my father when he was sick, and how lived in apartments, so as not to disturb sergei, and how konstantin lured him into the garage, well , to show some of his father’s things, hello, hello, hello, hello,
3:11 am
what do you say, for the courage shown and...


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