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tv   Lyubov pod grifom Sovershenno sekretno  NTV  April 20, 2024 3:10am-4:51am MSK

3:10 am
help, help, help, mikhail, he ’s here, he’s in a bad state, he’s very knocked down, everything will be fine, sasha, everything will be fine, pasha, call an ambulance, our police are all safe , safe, in general, sasha feels well. now it’s much better, he’s being transferred to the general ward, and they promised to discharge him in a week, so he conveyed great greetings and many thanks to you, well, now i hope you know his last name, well, of course, now i know everything about him, and how he helped his father when he got sick, and how he lived in rented apartments, so as not to disturb sergei, and how he lured konstantinovo into the garage, well , to show some of his father’s things, hello,
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hello, hello, hello, what do you say, for the courage and heroism shown in detaining a dangerous repeat offender, olga, this is for you, this is for you, thank you, well, what news , news, cat, aka konstantin grigoriev, while it’s getting dark, i think he wanted sophia to pull off something like a marriage scam, but then a more familiar option turned up, lonely sergei, yes, but sergei died. at the funeral it turned out that the apartment belonged to sasha, grigoriev lured sasha went to the garage and waited for two weeks to sign the power of attorney, and sasha signed, well, whoever signed, and why am i blabbering here, you probably already know everything yourself, no, well, who is our real hero, who detained the criminal, please continue, allow me, i think that grigoriev wanted to quickly complete the deal to sell the apartment, and sasha, most likely we did not survive this story, but you saved him, for which many, many thanks to you? thank you, no
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problem, it’s olga’s intuition, thank you, but no, my intuition has nothing to do with it, the main thing is thank you arina, it was you who saved sasha, but only now i understand that i behaved like a fool, well, like a fool in love, and this saved him. help, i see the object, ready to shoot, i will kill this drug addict, i will not hand over the child, remove the squad, the situation is as follows, bykov escaped from prison, captured his wife.
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to the prosecutor, and you are registered, the matter is urgent and urgent, you have to wait, i can’t wait , don’t shoot, let’s start, help,
3:14 am
daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, go away, daddy, don’t sleep, go away, look, go away, go away, go away.
3:15 am
daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, there can be no mistake, no, andrei fedorovich, puppeteer izorin. for the rest , only zorin or journalist mitin can answer this question, i ’m meeting with him today, uh-huh, hello, you’re there, yes,
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i’ll be there in 5 minutes. i’m listening to you, a journalist has just been killed, what about the papers, there are no documents, come to me in the morning, i
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understand you. so, all that remains is the financial director, yes, details, officially the financial director of the missing person, in fact in prison under a different name, falsification of documents, deception, investigation and trial, so what are you going to do, get the financial director’s testimony in exchange for freedom and a guarantee of safety, he must be urgently delivered to st. petersburg, but so that no one would think that we... have identified him, find a reliable person , that i vouch for him with my head, and you’re not afraid to lose your head, listen, andrei fedorovich, we secretly need to take a man across half the country, and no one can do it better than him, i have
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information that he submitted his resignation, yes, he killed innocent. man, but him the actions were found to be justified, but can you give more details? prisoner bykov, having learned that his wife, a drug addict, was going to send her daughter to an orphanage, ran away and tried to stop him, thank you, sili. silin, can you hear me?
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i'm leaving you, i feel bad with you, sit down!
3:20 am
hello, is celine at home? my last name is parshchikov, i am a senior investigator for particularly important cases at the federal prosecutor's office. urgently deliver an important witness. in the folder, documents for the car,
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a passport in a different name, id, money, only the prosecutor will know about your trip, you and i. i submitted my report and am retiring. the order for your dismissal has not yet been signed, and no one has taken the oath.
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why did you stop again? any problems? every minute counts. fuck you.
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dad, daddy!
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we are 4 hours 43 minutes ahead of schedule. if your version is correct, then zorin’s man is looking after our financial director. celine will do everything to deliver witnesses safe and sound. it doesn’t matter to me whether he does everything or not everything. it is important for me that the witness be brought to st. petersburg and testify. i can go. go.
3:25 am
prisoner vasilyeva, go ahead, investigator of the state traffic safety inspectorate, police captain yegorov, it was ordered to take you to st. petersburg to conduct an investigative experiment, look, i don’t understand anything, there was a trial, the injured party achieved a repeat examination, it was proven that the speed of your
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car was not exceeded by 20, at 45 km/h. and this is another article, what nonsense, i want green tea with jasmine, it’s time. let's go now? yes, i’m not going anywhere, maybe i should change her clothes? no, i'm not going anywhere.
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the interrogator took her, one, they just left. vasily, you are no longer with us, yes, fire, say goodbye, who? you are captain egorov.
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faster, yeah, who are you?
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hurry up, get over it.
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3:31 am
by the way, we are going for the doubles, double tail, dark mercedes, kirill, 569, maria kirill, blue subishi, nikolai 2 1 0, valera, tatyana, yours, no. that i’ll try the numbers now, don’t you hear, as soon as there is information, what ’s happening, don’t stray from the route, yes,
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yes, i understand that you’ve been traveling for two days, but don’t get behind the schedule if something goes wrong plan, report immediately, that's it, idiot, fool, i haven't slept for three days because of you, there is no surveillance of you, no, everything is clear, someone leaked the information, yes, look for their person in
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the zone, and tell the dubbers to let the tail go, who you are, i'm where you're taking me, don't worry. i don't understand anything, i don't understand anything, process it. “thank you, the tail is behind you, take them as far as possible, i understand, weapons for battle
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will begin soon, it’s early, our task is to take them further. the city is on the other side, right? well, okay. let’s turn around further, you’re not an interrogator, right , what do you want, why, kill me,
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what’s stopping me from killing you right now, you asshole?
3:36 am
it’s time, no, if they understand that vasilyev is not here either, that’s it, they’ll intercept them at the fork, we’ll take them further, i understand, i’ll fall asleep now. don't sleep, i'm afraid, don't sleep, i'm afraid.
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3:38 am
it's me, what's going on? calmly. you know, i have many enemies, i'm trying to save you, i believe you, where are you?
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it’s not her, yes, i understand, she’s at the 65th kilometer, come on,
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3:42 am
listen, he’s covered in blood, can you pick him up? yes, it’s in the other direction, and even more so it will stain the whole car with blood, guys, well , you can’t do that, okay, wait, let’s take it.
3:43 am
they just reported from the traffic police post that the backups were killed, and selin does not answer calls,
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the satellite shows that his car has been motionless for 2 hours, i ordered a check, there was a phone signal a couple of kilometers away. from his car, about 10 minutes later, the jasmine tea disappeared. well, it's all over now.
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the police received a statement from tourists, an armed man, threatening with a pistol, took away their car, according to this description... he was alone, he looked like selina, he was alone, i ask, yes, it was you, it was you who missed vasilyeva, if i don’t change memory it seems that you vouched for your superman with your own head, i vouched and vouched, andrei
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fedorovich, he will deliver it, this is your last chance, you understand me, the last, i understand, understudies. damn, where is vasilyeva, checked all the nearby motels, nothing, the signal from your handset, the last time was 3 km from the car, directions were given to all posts, you should. to find her, this is an order, and if zorino’s people get ahead of you, then who is it, look for vasilyeva, don’t ask unnecessary questions,
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wait, wait, wait, you said the password, it’s zorina’s password, it’s a mistake, you freshen up with it, he will tell you everything, please, please, don’t, don’t, no, no! please, no, no, stop, stop. oh you goat!
3:48 am
get up! get up! i don’t understand anything, who are you, who are they, they should have, calm down, calm down, let’s go, let’s go, slowly, we have to go, we can’t stay here, we can’t. shuka, this is some kind of joke.
3:49 am
so that’s it, you need to rest, what do you mean rest, continue your search. good afternoon,
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how much? one and a half, check, please, business trips, all swifts, this. the search for the stolen minibus should be carried out in square 31b. hold on, no thanks. eat, we don’t know
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how long it will take us to get there, what’s going on, what’s going on in the end, hello, please, two borscht, two portions of chops, a bottle of vodka, two juices. what's with the jasmine, okay, thank you. to the toilet,
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excuse me, for god's sake, can i talk to you on your mobile phone? thank you. didn't call? no, yeah, i'm wondering
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who you called for? my task is to take you to st. petersburg. but if you don’t help me, i’m unlikely to succeed, which article should i help you with? you knew these people, who sent them? zorin? i don’t know, well then eat. let's not waste time, i think they weren't the last, why? but because i’ve been living for a long time, and i still want to live, things.
3:54 am
good night, i’m leaving in 2 hours, lord, why do i need all this, for all the good things,
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thank you, i calmed you down, please go to sleep. good night, calm down, let's go to sleep, we'll be leaving in 2 hours.
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3:58 am
louder, zorin, no, no, hand, great, he couldn’t, he couldn’t, calmly, okay, you’ll cry at the police station, understand?
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he couldn’t, he couldn’t, wait, listen, commander, what, the girl is feeling bad, girl, help, yes, let's! buddy, i'll ride a little and return, just don't tell anyone, okay, see you later.
4:00 am
did you hear what he said, did you hear? what do you all want from me, what? ask uzorina
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what he needs from you. bastards, bastards, all of you, bastards, all of you are lying, all of you! well, how is he doing, yes, okay. this area is yours, we are looking across the river.
4:02 am
well, okay, there’s no need to argue about the fact that everyone is a bastard, why do you know who is a bastard and who is not a bastard, and no one is lying to you, it’s all true, what’s true, well, that they want to kill you, that’s it, you understand that you are with i feel like i’m an idiot, but it’s necessary, but
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zorin ordered you? don't you dare, please, what?
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you like to mock me, where are you taking me, you were better off in prison, at least they don’t shoot in prison and hell doesn’t last forever, car.
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it was his idea to hide me from everything. and then, when everything calms down, an accident, what? yes, there was no accident, he came up with everything, it’s clear, now he just decided to get rid of you, that’s enough, i’m asking you, i’m asking you.
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okay, sorry, i need to bandage my radna. "you forgave me, but no, then what's more let's pass, your kebab is ready, please come,
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hey, give it to the pub, go, we don't need you, i can't, they'll fire me from work, then excuse me, we
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also have work, come on,
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come on in, yeah, there's a pilot, but here he is,
4:10 am
lidin, have you washed your face? thank you very much, but you’re welcome, where are you coming from, but my wife and i are passing through, now we’ll take a breath and continue, and you’re tired, tell me, it’s far from the station, it’ll be about four hours straight through the forest, you’ll get lost, yeah. can i spend the night with you? it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s possible, mommy, then i’ll fly to the store, or something, yes, wait a minute with your store,
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we washed ourselves, but we have a bathhouse , it’s there outside the window, well, that’s what you call a bathhouse, a bathhouse, we call it a sauna, even a sauna. sauna, dry firewood, that's it, everything is for you, huh? but he definitely needs to protect me,
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be patient, and i should enjoy your snorting here, that’s right, we need to be stricter with our wives, otherwise there are all kinds of them, but are you going to wash yourself? after you in this bath, so what? why are we rich and we don’t live in the capital, there is no subpipe, or maybe you can give me a back will you rub it?
4:13 am
maybe you can tell me who you really are, not a traffic cop, a traffic cop, not a traffic cop, sergei serin, colonel, special forces. and what is your name? i mean real name. tanya. here we met. tanya, yes. get some sleep.
4:14 am
do you have a rope? for what? if i run away at night, you 'll get fired. stop talking. turn off the light. danya. you love him? who zorino, are you really interested, or just asked out of curiosity, my wife left me, come to me.
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4:16 am
4:17 am
“seryozha, seryozha, forgive me, i won’t blow, finish her, hands, bitch, seryozha, seryozha! thus, we can assume that selin is now located in the area of ​​​​the village of ruchi. it’s you who navigates the broken cafes and motels.
4:18 am
what are you carrying? one might assume, kindergarten, nonsense. damn, you promised me that vasilyeva would be delivered, and now you see , you can assume how i felt, i believed you, aylaskay! what did you do, what did you do, hold it, give it here, add it here, it’s leaking, hold it, hold it tighter, i don’t have the strength, oh, yes, oh, oh, oh, my god,
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vaska, what did you do, do, oh, colonel, you can’t, come on, change that you’re standing rooted to the spot, well, go get the felcher, and why don’t i not have time, he’ll obviously die quickly after the doctor, well, vasya, you didn’t drink today , well, fly on that one of yours, vasya, what’s the felcher, i have well, the fuel is almost at zero, it’s dead, something has become so bad, well, go, go,
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just drop everything and fly, everything will die, the goat, he’s still screaming, let’s go, where to fly, the fuel is at zero! well, let's fly, my dear,
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quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, here are the tools, here are the tools, i only have a pinjet. tweezers, yeah, now, where is it, how - hold it, come on, my dear, drink, drink, it will be better, come on, drink, oh, drink, drink, like this, like this, oh, good, that's good, oh, good, my darling! ok, everything will be better now, well, hold
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it, come on, get it, and get up. come on, patience, be patient!
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come on, you almost killed me last time, you can’t walk after that, you’ve completely lost your mind, i won’t fly with you, you give me this, here a man is dying, i have to fly, i understand, that’s it, i won’t fly with you, that’s it , climb, i say, climb, first. or something, come on, advinta!
4:24 am
according to our data, celine is now moving towards railway station, well, yes, judging by the destruction that he leaves behind, he is going with vatiliva, otherwise why would he, this whole war, andrei fedorovich, is fighting, which means he’s alive, that’s enough, that’s enough. well done, quite professional, sorry,
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we’ll have to be patient, they don’t give us painkillers, there’s a new law, but you’re a paramedic, i’m a veterinarian, the paramedic ran away from us last year, more water, yeah, now, oh, everyone ’s running away from us, alone just a crazy guy bought a plane, he comes to fly, and vasily guards him, oh. this is a knife, this is a pin, this is makarov, these two bullets kalashnikov, they shot almost point-blank. and this terrible scar, i can’t even imagine what it’s for, for a veterinarian you are very
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well versed in scars, i’m a former military surgeon, i need blood, what group do you have, the first positive, yeah, it’ll do, by any means necessary, beat this smart guy out the location of the couple, remove it immediately. like this, carefully, carefully, everything will be fine, ugh, that’s what i say. everything is fine,
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we will be at the station soon, go to the station yourself, they will meet you there and take you to the city. need to meet urgently and keep my people safe. the station you should be at. you won’t make it, you won’t make it, you
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definitely need to rest for 2-3 days, you’re a military surgeon. “give me some pill, i can only offer aspirin, that’s what you need, you’re desperate, man!”
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yes, here it is! get out of work, shoot already, now i'll take you away, put the gun away, you can't live with her anyway, vasya, hand him and the felcher over to the police, yeah, okay, uh-huh, uh, hey, wait a minute, take this for sterilization , take it, take it with you, thank you, thank you, keep it for yourself, it will come in handy, well, well, look, aha, aha, lord, well, go with god, go, aha, well, come on, oh, go, go, he will protect you,
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4:31 am
marina, find out where this number was made from? last call, oh look, it's come to life, it's delicious, can you cook? i can do it, i’m already good, at least you can do something, let’s go, let’s go, i
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can do a lot of things, let’s see. “we were supposed to be met, sergeant,
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they called about me, no way. put us on the first pass to st. petersburg, we’ll do it. we’ll get along later, the city prosecutor himself will explain it to you, but he’ll also sign it.
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the situation got out of control. zorin is trying to remove the last prosecution witness. parshchikov disappeared, well, in short, we won’t put zorin away, everyone resigns, you
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won’t leave me there in the city, really, you won’t leave me, i won’t leave. i promise to notify the police on northern trains heading to the city, to find the parshchikov, that’s all.
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what kind of station? we'll arrive soon, i'll bring more water.
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4:38 am
bolonka, what? i was 5 years old when i went to pick apples in a neighboring orchard, and there was this monster. let me go, tanya, do you know how many people died so we could get there? what will happen to you
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if i run away? by and large, nothing. i'm resigning. let me go. “i can’t do this, and i can’t do anything, and well, i added the oath, i understand. you
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can’t hide from yourself all your life.
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this is a guarantee that from now on you are covered by the witness protection program, you can you confirm your words with facts? yes, yes, here are the documents and account numbers.
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parshchikov was not mistaken. and what kind of life sentence, without the right to pardon, i have a personal request to you? no, well at least i am. i was looking for her there,
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better come on vacation. rest. it is not far.
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i'm marina igorevna, and you look great, why are you here? i happen to be on vacation, and you? how are you okay, i live, here i am, and i was looking. for what? because i love you. you loved tanya, but
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she is no more. goodbye, seryozha. well, why do it like this? you're under oath. my train has stagnated, but now i’m leaving again, it’s time, the wind has been waiting for me on the threshold,
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autumn is on the doorstep for my sister. after the red-yellow days, winter will begin and end, my grief is from the mind, do not be sad, look more cheerful, look tomorrow, go get in the car, while i tell the minister, there is one office, the company is called sunny garden, here is their president, baba, all the threads lead to her. do you still love her? you only have 3 days to figure it out. here. such a thing, the overlay has come out, all the cracks should be cleared up, the guest needs to be taken
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today, i’m going to kill, what are you doing? let's go in,
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what do you think they are waiting for? i don’t know, i don’t know, maybe it’s night, why, but in order to do everything quietly, if it’s night, guard, i’ll consume a little, and then i’ll change it, come on, i’ll score,


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