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tv   Zhdi menya  NTV  April 20, 2024 6:20am-7:21am MSK

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look, what are you doing, tv company vit presents. hello, good evening, the program wait for me is on the air, a program in which they know, not to shame, that sometimes it’s enough to lose.
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sometimes it takes a whole lifetime to find one wrong step. so here we go. there is nothing worse than losing touch with your own child, not knowing how he lives, what worries him, what makes him happy. nina stepanovna loshkina came to us today with one very difficult story. nina stepanovna, come to us, please. nina stepanovna, hello, sit down here, nina stepanovna, how good they were when they were driving, and i’m good, good, everything is fine, excellent, then nina stepanovna, tell me who you are looking for, i’m looking for my son alyosha, and i...
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him no, i haven’t arrived, wait, don’t rush, let me help you, so you lived with your husband and two children, right? lyosha and kolya, yes, kolya is the elder, no, this is the younger alyosha is older, lyosha is the elder, so, yeah, and you all went somewhere together, you all went together, no, husband and alyosha left, but the husband and alyosha stayed at home, they stayed at home, and you and kolya went to the village of mozha, and he and his friend began to feast, on the occasion that the friend came to see the husband.
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friend, they began to feast, they began to feast, so, and after that he thought, this policeman tortured him, his son alyosha, saw this puddle of blood, he said, oh-oh, after that he didn’t talk anymore, that is, some kind of party there was, yes, a feast, yes, there was a fight, yes, yes, right, right, with a knife, yes, yes, and there was blood? shelter and the boy was scared of this whole situation, yes, yes, and stopped talking, stopped talking, uh-huh, and what happened next, then they took away his bullpen, his husband, they took him away, and they left the child, and the child, they left the story, he told the story, after that he didn’t talk anymore, he told everything to his grandmother, he fell silent. yes, he tortured him, but
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approximately how old he was, 5, 7, six, he was still small, very small, yes, yes, he was just walking, that is, about 3-5 years old, yes, that was approximately it, yeah, yeah, and what happened next, and then we sent it to the canopy village, do you agree or not, this covardinovie send this, and we said in agreement, that is, to you, as i understand it, the guardianship suggested a certain boarding school in kabardino-bulkaria and you agreed, agreed, there was no boarding school closer, closer to home, they didn’t offer, no, there, there they flew and taught, studied there, he began to talk, uh-huh, we wanted to bring him, if you bring him, he says, to talk, but we
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didn’t really leave him, so you left lyosha in the boarding school of kabbordin balkaria, yes. and how often did you visit him? and here we go out and drive around. well, here's a vacation, once a year, twice per year, once a year. when was the last time you saw alyosha? oh, i don’t know what year we didn’t go again. tickets became expensive, they didn’t travel anymore, then he grew up, became an adult, probably him. it was possible to take him away completely, i wanted to take him away, they said if you take him away, he will stop talking again, well, this was when he was little at first, but he’s grown up, he’s become an adult, and you believed so, unconditionally, you believed that he wasn’t
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will say that he will be better there, and they told me this, if you take him away, he will stop this... and for a long time now, you still don’t know where he is, then where he went, what happened next, i don’t know, you sent several photos, let’s see them, this is my son, so you recognize, yes, i recognize, that too, how many years have you not seen him, 30, 30 years, approximately, yes, yeah, when did you start looking for him? now recently, why did you start looking for him? i wanted to tell you, what do you think happened to him next, any guesses, where he could have ended up, oh, i don’t know, i don’t
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know anything, and you didn’t call the boarding school there, they asked, i don’t know the phone number, well, you have another son, but he wasn’t interested in finding out. where is his brother? it then hurts me. well, of course, it’s difficult to understand how such a situation could even happen, that you lost contact with your son for 30 years. after all, today we can use a mobile phone and a landline phone , and we have the internet, probably on that internet. where he was in kabardido -balkaria, they probably know where he ended up next. in general, it was possible to find out, i think, but i am very glad that at least now you have started look for it, and that you contacted us. we have news for you. the news is good, let's see. don't miss central
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television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. the first us president to be tried as a criminal, who else?
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even say, listen son, is the mother of the factory girl sasha soveleva happy with her son-in-law? we talked, talked, he came, by the way, with his daughter from his first brother, wow, and how my mother-in-law, a simple russian woman, tatyana morozova, tamed me, i kept telling her, tanya, how they recognize you, it seems to me, completely different , the stars have aligned, tomorrow immediately after musk’s show on ntv. alexey came to us in 1983 with a group
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of seven guys, since then no one has visited alexey, he is a little withdrawn, well, in general, he communicates, they have their favorite employees, as if they are attached to them, they somehow trust, so he said, he says, i say, i know that my mother will come to me, we, of course, were very surprised, when he remembered his mother, because how many years he had been here, he did not say, we asked where you got this from, that his mother would come, he said: i know, and they called with the transfer, literally two weeks later they said that his mom is looking, of course, when you hear something like that, and your heart aches, after all, without maternal affection, somehow...
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and where i sleep, here’s my bedside table, here’s my bed, here i’m getting dressed, this... i’m all clean , i’m going to take a shower, i’m going to get scared, i’m washing my face, i’m brushing my teeth, lyosha really loves it when people praise him, when they say good things to him, we try, every time everything is good, good-natured, affectionate, lyoshka, why did you decide to expose yourself today, you didn’t want to, i have
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a mother, mother, you will see your mother soon. how cool, okay, tell me what your name is? alyosha, alexey, alexey, surname lovsky. alexey, how old are you? 47. is anyone visiting you, lyosha? no, visit me i'm alone. do you remember your mom and dad? no, i do not remember. when i was little. i was brought here, you don’t remember, recently you said that mom would come soon, why did you decide that, why did you remember her, i feel when she appears, you miss mom a lot, yes, let her come, mom, i see. well,
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nina stepanovna, first of all, first of all, i ’ll tell you, he is very similar to you, very simply one face, similar to you, then listen, can you imagine what an amazing situation in general, that he dreamed, dreamed that to his mother will come, and a few days later they called from our program, it’s just some kind of miracle,
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you need to go with you, he will go, then we won’t detain you, we’ll let you go, take kolya and get ready for the trip, you’ll see your son tomorrow , yeah, but i was making a joke. tomorrow we'll go, this alyosha, naltik or something, naltik or something, they, they say, we'll show you through and tickets, they say, we'll buy them, but i say i'm waiting, that's it,
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we haven't seen him for 30 years. the toughest battle is just beginning in the show mask special guests, and i like him, i like him, maybe to confuse her energy with that of another, and her favorite participants, what performance, what was the number?
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receive 20% cashback in yandex food when ordering with any alphabank card, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card, the stars have aligned, tomorrow immediately after the show. from musk on ntv. some people make a lot of efforts to find their loved ones on their own. and sometimes it seems to them that they are just one step away from success. but they can’t take this step. so tatyana razumova did a great job of searching, but realized that she couldn’t do it without our help. tatyana, please come to us. hello, tatyana, hello,
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tatyana, where did you come to us from, tell us, hello, i came from the city of kostroma, to you, i’m looking for my father, who left in 2004 even, his name is pashayev, bakhshish, magomed agli, he is azerbaijani by nationality, in eighty-six . year, they met my mother in the city of tyumen at a dance, he then worked as a plasterer-painter, well, somewhere on a construction site, and my mother came only from a business trip, from moscow, and her girls were forced to the dance, so my father comes up the first time to her, invites her to dance, she says: i won’t go to fast dances, a slow song started playing, and he comes up again and... she says: i couldn’t get out of it, i went to dance, we met, and then he walked her home, then they started dating, he told her gave a bouquet of gladiolos, and then... then, when
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they were talking, discussing this whole story, he said that he was getting ready that very day, he was dressing up, and his neighbor in the hostel said, where are you going, he says, i got married, and just went to the dance, and that’s how fate brought them together, at eighty i showed up in the ninth year, they got married, a year and a half later we moved from tyumen to my mother’s place. well, this is the city of privolzhsk, ivanovo region, well, here everything is, in general, it continues to happen, at that time my mother was alive there, her mother, that is, my grandmother, and there was a three-room apartment, they lived there - one and a half , it turns out that in the ninety-first year she and her father left for azerbaijan, he took her to introduce her to relatives, only his stepmother was alive there, his father
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was no longer alive at that time, and his brothers... sisters, all of them were, their there were seven, in my opinion, people in the family, as my mother says, when she arrived there, there was no negativity, but also this language barrier, that is, she does not understand what they are talking about, maybe there was something they said bad things, that is , there was nothing suspicious, they ended up there for a month, left, and then after some time, when we had already arrived in privolzhsk, he received a letter sent by his older brother, fakh, and... offered him to somehow divide this land, and since it was important for them, he leaves for azerbaijan, he had a good position, he worked in a factory, he had different jobs, i don’t know exactly what, but...
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you know, he had a good salary and a good position, and he took a vacation for 2 weeks , that is, he left just to resolve the issue with the inheritance for a while, but he went alone, of course, without us, he told his mother that in 2 weeks, well, he took a vacation, in principle, for only 2 weeks, 2 weeks pass, he’s gone , then three, four, five, there was no communication, that is, no letters, nothing, he arrived after 2 months, mom he says, i’m leaving work, i have this feeling that it’s like...
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if i think that fakha wrote this letter, that is, he was also involved in this or at least knew what they were planning, then it’s his lured , just lured, that's how it all started, so he wanted to go on vacation for 2 weeks, in the end he tried for two months, he comes to work, he is fired under article thirty-three, as a malicious truant, you said they took all the documents, but how did he came back, i don’t know, he arrived without clothes in some old someone else's clothes.
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well, this is where it all started, some kind of failure, he immediately started drinking, a little at first, then he realized that the town was small, there was nowhere to go to work, he began to go to work, then went to moscow , then to kemerovo, then to - in my opinion, he even went to murmansk, his mother collects everything that she has, and my mother works for me and worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, that is, the salary there was very, very small, only it was a commune. pay a little for groceries, she gave everything to him there, collected, he always returned without anything, no money, that is, it was just some kind of bad luck, and besides, the other men with whom he was leaving, they actually earned money, they brought something there, he didn’t, and he began to drink everything more, more, more, and one day my mother came home from work, it was ninety -three, and my grandmother was sitting, and she was shaking all over, she said, struggling with me, i was drunk...
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i was drowning in the bath, and my grandmother wrote a statement to the police, he was taken to a pre-trial detention center in ivanovo for six months, he was imprisoned in the city, for these six months my mother... after this i won’t live with this man, she divorced him, they went to court when they arrived, my grandmother forgave him, she said when she heard, apparently he’s facing some kind of prison term, she said, i i forgive him, well, he naturally asked her about this, so that she would ask, then he came up to her, to my grandmother, to mine again, after some time, with some piece of paper, he said: please sign that you are me you know, otherwise... they won’t hire me, she already didn’t see well, she signs, and it was some kind of document that he is also now the owner of the apartment, oh my god, and being already divorced, that is, his mother cannot kick him out, yes, well, the town, everyone
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knows each other, so she goes, let’s say, where passports are issued, there to the administration, she says, well what should i do, he and i are not married, what is he doing, he... lost his passport, he goes, he has lost his passport many times, he goes to the passport officer with a paper stating that he and his mother are married, well, a certificate of imprisonment marriage, she puts a stamp in his passport that he is married, my mother goes there too to the same passport officer, she says: what are you doing, i have a certificate of divorce, the passport officer looks at her and says: you wanted it that way, but he didn’t, he brought me the document and said that he is his wife. a very large communal apartment comes to my mother, he doesn’t work, he drinks, he took everything he could out of the house at that time, that is, it was some kind of rock bottom, but please tell me, that is, it turns out that before, how he left for azerbaijan, everything was fine,
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when he returned, everything just went his whole life head over heels, but suddenly, after all, it would seem that he ran back to the woman he loved, to his family there, and broke all the laws. you can tell your family, of course, there are a lot of questions that i would like to ask him, and as a child, naturally it was incomprehensible to me, it’s just that in my memory nothing good is connected with him, in mine specifically, that is, everything is good, i look at photographs, i am amazed at what the man was like, he was simply handsome, he had such kind eyes, well, i couldn’t take my eyes off him, and how i already remember him, that’s when i was 15. yes, this is just when they divorced, i was 4 years old, i remember it perfectly until i was 15, it was hell, then we get up, he cuts himself, the whole apartment is covered in blood, it’s all at night, then he he shocks himself, tries to kill him, then
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he cuts his wrists, then he gets frostbite on his fingers, he falls asleep drunk, his limbs are cut off, it’s all his mother who followed him, well, you just need to understand, my mother is also a very patient person, it feels like what... yes, and we already divided our rooms, we had two rooms, he had one, because he i took everything out of the house, we lived so poorly, they’ll give me some balls and thread, i knit myself at least some kind of sweater to at least look a little better than i am there, he ’ll drink that too, that is, i’m gone , i’m at school, he just took it away, he lowered the pots there on a string with his drinking buddy so that they could do it all. they drank it all away or sold it, i don’t know, it’s a terrible picture, tanya, then why are you looking for him? well, i started looking for it for the first time, i submitted an application to you in 2015, yeah, and i probably started looking
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precisely out of resentment, i generally hated him all my life, because when he left in 2004, i was 15 years old, i’m a teenager, i just live calmly for a month, i live calmly for two, three, he said that by the new year he will return. didn’t return, he was put on the federal or all-russian wanted list, in 2006 he was already declared missing, yeah, but we all crossed ourselves, it seems to me that our whole city crossed himself, he was so violent, i saw him chasing after him with an ax us, in the twenty- second year - i worked with a psychologist, so it turned out that i met a psychologist, and we worked a lot with her, and i looked at the whole situation from a completely different perspective... and i felt sincerely sorry for him, just sorry, i realized that i am grateful to him for my life, yes, thanks, probably, to him, i became strong, i achieved a lot, i have a good life,
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again thanks to him, i think that he drank like that not because he doesn’t love me, because it haunted me all the time, what’s wrong , he is not interested in me, that he has many children there, this is me, probably this is me moved. second year, and after that i just wanted to help him, i understand that this is a stranger to me, i don’t have much love for him, but i can help him, some, maybe a rehabilitation center. can straighten out his documents, can help him get a pension, we have a country house, if he is ready for a normal social life, not on the street, that is, we will accept him, i know that you yourself have done a lot of work, you have done a lot of things, tell us about this, i was looking for some people in azerbaijan, just in i’m typing the internet, again i’m taking this letter, which is the only one i have with the address from fakh, i’m typing this address, and as i understand it, the internet in azerbaijan has just begun to develop better and i’m... random people pop up, i start them
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write a brief history and two photographs, these are in his youth, they were taken in naftalan, when my mother went with him to azerbaijan and with me, and people begin to respond, they begin to look for each other some messages, reposts, that’s all for me they write, ask, i just get a flurry of messages some, and at the same time i went to the police, to our department, i wrote a statement, the guys there told me everything, they say 20 years, but that’s a lot, why do they all ask, why? they didn’t look for him before, that is, i say, well , if you knew the whole story, you would n’t be looking for him either, i say: we need to find him, they say: otherwise no one will look for him, so we go there with a portrait, but we wanted, we 'll hang everything up, but it won't be like that anyway, i know that you literally walked the streets with a portrait, looking for him, but i came to moscow already, i thought he had lost his memory, to be honest, after the azerbaijanis told me that he never appeared with them, yeah, and even then at that time i... a lot of letters were sent to volunteer organizations services, i received a letter from
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the glinka center, and they wrote that he was seen twice at the universitetskaya metro station, and he twice refused help, it turns out that he is in moscow, yes, among the homeless, yes, i’m going with a portrait, i’m coming to stations, i immediately approach the policeman, he immediately recognizes him, although in the portrait on mine he was, well, 40 somewhere, now he means 60,
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all the food points, and they sent out photographs to all these places, if he appears, they will immediately inform us, they will call us immediately, yes, let's see now photographs, this is the last one, this is one of the last ones, yes, yes, yes, i went with her, uh-huh, yes, with this one with this one, but now they say that she has long gray hair, yes, white, dear tv viewers, please look at... this photo, this is bagshish, magomed agli pashayev,
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born in 1962, now he looks, of course, older, if you know anything about this person, please let our editors know, you can see the contacts on the screen. you know, i want to tell you that you act like a real daughter, regardless of what your father was like, because a child can overcome that feeling. that you had towards him, resentment, this hatred, work with yourself, thank you for everything in your life, this is a very rare quality, real, human, and i am sure that everything will work out for you, i am sure that you meet your father, and we will find him, in our it is not customary for the country, as they say, to wash dirty laundry out of the house, this is in a sense... correct, but after years it is no longer so easy
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to figure out what is in a family’s quarrels, and what is its history, and most importantly, what if you keep everything is a secret, you can never put back together what has been destroyed, you can never restore lost connections, which is why sisters nadezhda valentinovna denisova and violetta valentinovna dmitrieva came to us. let's meet them. "hello, hello, please have a seat, let's get acquainted, nadezhda valentinovna, it's me, denisova from novosibirsk. we talk on the phone every day, but we saw each other after 18 years, wow, 18 years, today you met for the first time in 18 years, today, yes, today, exactly today, you were united by a search, we were united by
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a search, yes, well, tell me, our father ... polevoy valentin petrovich, originally from kiev, his mother, also a native of kiev, zinaida petrovna, her name is mother, probably after the death of her grandmother, she died in seventy-five , i was 16 years old at that time, i saw photograph, there the grandmother is holding in her arms a girl, well, i asked who it was, well , they told me that this was daddy’s first daughter, and her name was...
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wait for me on the site, unfortunately, we didn’t even have any documents from that family, and no divorce documents, nothing, we didn’t know what tatiana’s mother’s name was, we didn’t know, maybe she got married, they sent us a few photos, let’s look at them, come on, come on, this is our family, here i am, the eldest. on the left, this is the seventy-fifth year, when our grandmother and father died, dad is above, on the left, here, well, these are violeta and svetlana and our mother muza alexandrovna, and this is me , a fifth-year student, this is my son in the middle, but dad and mom, and viola on the right and
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left, svetlana and my husband, alexander, this. eighty-first year, and what do you think, or maybe you know, did dad ever see his eldest daughter? parents talking that she had arrived, threw herself on her father’s neck, with the words dad, well, naturally, there was a very heartbreaking scene, and dad. tanya cried and i think she came again the next year, who talked about it, but my grandmother kept in touch with her, yeah, i think she even corresponded with her, but unfortunately, in 1975, when she died , all the letters, all
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the photographs, but for some reason some friend took her, we were, well, shocked by this act, why. she loved her father so much, she directly protected her family, and for her it was very painful, tell me, do you have any assumptions why the first family did not work out, as if with words of adults?
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they made the dream of millions of girls come true, they married football players. everyone who is already over 25 there, as a rule, is all married, but is their life so cloudless? i was treated in a clinic, i had neuroses and psychoses. how daria karpina became the wife of the head coach of the russian national football team, valery karpin. mom was shocked and negative. has evgeniy aldonin’s wife accepted his daughter from his first marriage to yulia nachalova? there is no need to introduce each girl to your daughter. i had no doubt that everything would be ok, why does milana tulpanova remember her marriage with alexander kirzhakov with horror? i didn’t understand at all how i should
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rubles from the bank, you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if you don’t get it, then you don’t need to compensate for losses, a tinkov investment is just a tinkov, there is a headache askafenp, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askfen, when he has a headache, questions that no one dared to ask him. you are now leading me to a person named. for the first time, philip kirkorov talks about the betrayal of foreign agent galkin, you’re a mess of our air defense, this is no longer humor, this is just some kind of settling scores. about pugacheva’s escape, normal people are not going to return there, she confidently understands that galkin ruined her life, about zelensky’s personal revenge. it was my friend, very close,
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brilliant, the best, the first person to be sanctioned by ukraine - it was me. he did this, the king’s attack on the kiev clown, people who offend me, they get so much after this and the israeli buffoon. the director of this whole story is maxim. sensation, tomorrow at 6 pm, only on ntv. i was born on the road in the rostov region, my mother’s name was kudina lyudmila petrovna, my father’s name was valentin petrovich polevoy, they were born in the same year, 1930. they lived in pekolevo in a construction barracks in the same room, together with my grandmother, and my mother and father, yes, grandmother ,
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mom didn't like me. because of her simple origin, grandmother zina, a noble origin, respectively, her father was also of noble origin, and her mother was an ordinary peasant woman, from an ordinary peasant family, and her grandmother believed that they were not a couple, her mother was very constantly offended by this, constantly pointed out to her.. . the place that you have to wash your feet and drink water, well, in the end, my mother could no longer withstand such constant pressure from my grandmother, it seems that my dad did not stand up for her, and my mother took me and went to the mineral waters to join her family. parents, grandparents, dad, for
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some mercantile... probably reasons, didn’t give mom a divorce, didn’t get a divorce, so that, well, as my mom also explained to me, in order not to pay alimony, how not to pay, he paid, so when i turned 18, he gave her a divorce, he didn’t send me congratulatory cards, he didn’t come, he even gave me gifts, my grandmother supported me. she supported the relationship very well, she loved me, i was generally her princess, so she constantly emphasized this, that i not of ordinary blood, so she brought me gifts, wished me a happy birthday every year, and then it all stopped, i
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felt that something was wrong, and one day i received... a letter from aunt fenya, who lived with us in baraka once, that grandmother had already died, and dad, well, it wasn’t, and no, yeah, we had a single meeting in 1972, he came for half an hour, sat, talked, something, i don’t remember he had already left, i never saw him again, i knew that he had... a family, that he had daughters, just recently, my brother-in-law came across a website, wait for me on a wanted notice, some sisters are looking for me, of course, i was very surprised and even delighted, well, what
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did i want to say? here’s a girl, of course, not girls for me, what am i, i’m intrigued, i really, really want to meet you, i... i don’t know how your life turned out, but i’d really like everything to be fine with you, and i just want to know how you are now and what prompted you to start the search, so you nodded when... because that our mother withstood this pressure from our grandmother, everything was the same, but our mother withstood everything, absolutely the same,
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noble origin, grandmother at some point accepted her? no, no, no, yeah, that’s how everything remains, the most important thing is that your sister is here, yes, we’re meeting. come to us, please, a noble gait, you know, hello, zanechka, well, that’s all, we’ve met, finally, we’ve never seen each other, i always knew, but i’ve never seen. well, girls, everything is fine, like that beautiful, i am very, here you are, in my opinion, you
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look like me, yes, yes, thank you, we are happy, dear, we congratulate you, this was bound to happen sooner or later, your meeting, it, well, could not help but happen , well that means on time. thank you, dear noblewomen, we are letting you go, thank you, thank you very much, do not get lost, take care of each other, goodbye, look for each other, no matter what, and wait, no matter what. lyosha is waiting, worried, and we are also worried,
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we haven’t seen each other for a long time, he’ll find out, he won’t find out, i hope everything will be fine. this is your city, yeah, this is mom, so, maybe, what do you want? ok, ok, yeah, pack it up.


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