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tv   Smotr  NTV  April 20, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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haven’t seen each other for a long time, he’ll find out, he won’t find out, i hope everything will be fine, this is your city, yeah, this is mom. so big, she recognized me, what did he buy for you, yeah, just like that, okay, okay, yeah, get on with it. works, yes, where, here i am,
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here, yes, yes, that he was so replenished, big, tall, waiting, yes, yeah, missed, yes, uh-huh, home, want, want, let's go, home, the meeting was very touching, even the employees who stood nearby were all crying, lyosha found his mother, after all, mother is the main person in life, so we very happy, love, home, i want to take, i don’t know, after one day. alexey spent almost
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40 years of his life here, it will probably be difficult for him to immediately move or live with them, so i think now the best option is to communicate by phone or video, but if his relatives want to take him away completely, this is necessary lyosha will be with them to arrange guardianship.
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hello, the military program of the ntv channel smotr is on air, sergei kuznetsov is with you, watch this episode! efficiency plus comfort, automobile checkpoint dzhankoy, coast guard - catch up and stop the intruder. employees of the border department of the fsb of russia for the republic of crimea are doing everything to ensure comfortable border crossing and stop any attempts at crime. how does the checkpoint work today? zhanka, how
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the coast of crimea is protected and how the coast guard performs its service. watch our story. we go to the well-known automobile checkpoint dzhankoy. today you can get to the republic of crimea in several ways. these are the bridge, ferry and land section. in the north of crimea, border control is carried out at five checkpoints. three checkpoints are automobile, two are railway. in 2022-23, the dzhankoy automobile checkpoint was equipped with an additional nine lanes. 2 years ago we met with you, there were 10 lanes at the checkpoint, in the twenty- second year we expanded the checkpoint to nineteen lanes, fifteen of which we can... enter the republic of crimea.
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the remaining four lanes are intended to control vehicles leaving republic of crimea. work has also been carried out to expand the lanes at the exit and entry points, all this and much more is being done to ensure that people and goods move to and from crimea with the least delays, to reduce travel time through new territories, so as not to waste time on a ferry to bypass the territory through the crimean bridge. currently , the checkpoints’ capacity is up to 14,000 persons per day; within 24 hours, they can pass up to 6,000 vehicles, including 2,500 cargo vehicles, in both directions.
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at the moment the initial task border guards to create all the necessary conditions for comfort.
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maybe there won’t be, let’s say, there’s a lot of checking of cars or not, well, basically only rostov hours, 16 o’clock, not 17, how the checkpoint here has changed, you know, in principle , it’s the same thing, it’s become a little faster, before there were very delays long, the queues were as long as kangars, there were chickens standing on the side of the car,
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now things have changed, now they guys are working pretty well, normally, seriously, so they took up this and the professional work became much better, so they went. a maximum of 7-8 days, and how long does your journey take here, through the point, well , a little more than a day, a little more than a day, but from loading to this time exactly a day has already passed, yeah, in krasnodar to what kind of point do you like? the pass, if you’ve been driving for a long time, it’s changing gradually, well, it’s getting better and
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better, i think, i almost pass quickly, yes, yes, well, because i don’t go in the evening, in the evening it seems to be crowded, at this time before lunch it's just always practically fast. well, how much time have you wasted walking here? today, and we haven’t lost anything yet, so you came here right away? yes, yes, yes, there ’s practically no queue at all, yes, there are some cars there again, they’re not very new , the x-ray machine doesn’t scare x-rays, for example, i wanted to ask a question, because at the ferry crossing they take x-rays without drivers, but here you pass with a driver, and he would like to know what she has to do with it, speed up.
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throughput. yes, at the checkpoint there is a portal-type inspection complex that scans vehicles in... a trained border patrol officer can quickly determine whether there may be any suspicious cargo in the vehicle? if there is no doubt, the passage follows a simplified route; otherwise, it is carried out.
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for example, such as inspection mirrors, service dogs are also actively used, a dog’s sense of smell is several hundred times better than that of a person, and its ability to detect prohibited substances. difficult to overestimate. service dogs have always worked at the border
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and will work, since the inspection of transport means without service dogs is unthinkable. it allows you to identify prohibited substances, drugs, ammunition hidden from border guards, our service dogs are trained for all of this. the use of a service dog is repeated. facilitates the inspection of both cars and trucks, when various prohibited substances are detected, nothing can replace a well-trained four-legged assistant. today there is a german shepherd working at the checkpoint. she calmly walks around cars, and is not even distracted by a dog in the cab of a truck.
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the german shepherd is considered a universal service dog with excellent qualities, while border guards and dog handlers also highly value the belgian shepherd breed. the belgian is more energetic and has more interest to search for. the dog has worked, the documents have been checked, the car receives permission to proceed further.
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there’s enough here, we go out to the coast with the border patrol, a dog handler with a dog is ahead, the dog walks along the coast, looking for the scent... trail of possible violators. anyone taking a trail or following a trail a service dog is distracted by various smells, animals, plants, various substances and equipment. here is the sea, which emits a whole bouquet of strong odors. in general
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, not near the sea, because high humidity makes it better. went to z-concerts, i definitely condemn him, only he doesn’t know anything else besides russian swearing, how, in the wake of anti-russian hysteria , a us citizen hit the jackpot, with whose help he is now conquering the stage, why in 2 years he never made it to ukraine with concerts , he will never be on anyone's side, who helps the foreign agent singer demonstrate a well-fed life overseas, beg money from
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bar visitors, and take great care of himself. and what will his classmates say to the star traitor? i shake hands with the cvo guys, and how can i greet maxim pokrovsky with the same hand? no. my head was hurting. today at 16:20 on ntv. hot spot. new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. pain in pentalgin extragel contains maximum pain in the knee, back pain, neck pain. dose of a substance for pain and inflammation.
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a bush begins a few meters from the shore; most likely, the intruder will try to hide in it, plus de. high vegetation, as you can see, it allows you to create a fairly large corridor of a scent trail, because of which, well, from which, so to speak, it is more difficult to escape, plus there is a fairly flat place here, so there are no large differences in altitude, it is hotter in the summer, colder in the winter, it was raging the day before storm, a lot of algae washed ashore, they begin to rot. these are new strong smells, can the dog handle it? as you can see, after the storm i brought out a lump of algae, it
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spoils the smell a little, of course, with its natural sea ​​smells, but for two or three days in a dry environment, the horse will dry up, the smell returns to the natural background, but the offenders will not wait until the algae has dried, they will certainly try.
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they covered several meters of the shore and you can see any traces on them, and accordingly we can, the dog senses it, stops, i recognize by its behavior that it has discovered something, i examine it, if this is a natural problem, well, normal there, let’s say, i took someone’s sneaker out of the sea, then that’s one thing, you can see from it that it’s dirty, but if already traces, traces.
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monitors the smell around, you see, he moves, he doesn’t stand, he looks, he looks at the situation as a whole and due to this...
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he can, for example, deviate a little from the main movement of the trail, well, the trail strip, but that’s all, but he goes in in the corridor, if he loses it, he returns, looks for the brightest place, walks along it, this is the result achieved by constant training, and also by the interaction of the dog handler and the dog.
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now, for now, fortunately, the adversary does not come to our site, so let the adversary not come to further, and if an intruder, saboteur, terrorist tries to enter the territory of crimea, the border guards will find him and neutralize him. the maritime section of the russian state border in crimea is guarded by the coast guard of the border service. the ship composition of the border department of the fsb of russia in the republic of crimea is quite young. new ships arrive here constantly. on ships and boats guarding the crimean maritime borders, our film crew went to sea more than once. we are on a high-speed patrol boat of project 12-150 mongoose. maximum
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speed - more than 50 knots. the boat is equipped with a pedestal mount with a 14.5 mm kpvt machine gun. the heavy-caliber vladimirov tank machine gun hits surface, coastal and air targets at a range of up to 2,000 m. it includes additional weapons, grenade launchers and a portable anti-aircraft missile. complex. the mongoose goes out to sea to practice a training task. actions of the crew to detain the offender. the boat picks up speed, it almost flies over the water. the pitching goes away immediately. economic speed of boats of this project - 36 knots. but now the task of intercepting the intruder vessel is being carried out. to the area. where
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the intruder has been detected by technical means, you must arrive as quickly as possible. instruments show 45 knots, over 83 km/h. boats of this type are not intended for long patrols. their task is to intercept the intruder as quickly as possible and stop him. the boat arrives in the area and finds a ship. using communications and alarm systems, the mongoose gives the order to stop immediately.
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the vessel does not respond to any signals, start sounding light signals to attracting attention to transmit a group communication signal to the upper deck, acting in full accordance with russian and international legislation, the commander decides to use weapons. attracting attention , the court violator does not respond to requests,
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made a decision. on the left side it is complete. this two-flag signal indicates that the intruder needs to stop its progress, turn off the machines and take no action, otherwise the patrol boat will open fire. prepare the boat to fire warning shots at the violator. the kpvt machine gun is preparing to fire warning shots. load the machine gun, put it on safety, there is a machine gun, load it, put it on safety, there is one, the machine gun is loaded, put it on safety, there is, machine gun mount, 90 rank, angle 45, three short bursts, fire,
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there is machine gun mount, starboard 90, angle 45, three short bursts, fire, there is a machine gun mount, starboard 90, angle instead of 45, three short bursts, fire. after warning firing, the intruder stopped its progress and went into ancient times. the boat is small, the crew does not include an inspection group, but the high-speed mongoose completed its task. the detained vessel is under surveillance, and the inspection team can be delivered to other boats.
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also, all the actions of the crew are timed, this is for the purpose of assessing the actions by the management of the border service, which will be able to determine how quickly and accurately the crew performed their duties. continuation of the story about the service of employees of the border department of the fsb of russia in the republic of crimea in our next issue. do not miss central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week. when a hollywood star brutally deals with his wife and her lover, when the producer of a world hit movie poisons
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his more successful competitor with exotic fish. when a famous politician commits murder in front of dozens of television cameras, he continues to beat her until the morning, when the main suspect is the face from the cover. even an ordinary everyday life turns out to be the crime of the century, which pushes movie, political or show business stars onto the criminal path, and how such crimes change the fate of millions of people and even history, this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. knee pain, back pain.
7:55 am
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8:00 am
hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, in the dmitry zavoisky studio, sad news has come from the special operation zone, a war correspondent has died. missing semyon eremin, the tragedy occurred near the village of priyutnoye on the dpr border from the zaporozhye region. the film crew was making new material. at this moment, ukrainian terrorists dropped ammunition from an fpv drone. semyon received very serious injuries. he worked on the front line from the very beginning in a special operation, understood the danger, but was endlessly devoted to his profession. during the course of its implementation , it has already been modernized several times, including the guidance unit, cameras, and sensor. and so on, the warhead, the control system,
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in general, now it is already a much more effective machine than...


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