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tv   Yedim doma  NTV  April 20, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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flows, oh, well, how are you going to try it, like this, with your hands and also, with your fingers, look, we still have a tomato, yes a tomato, there is , there is, come on, that’s it, i’m in ecstasy, mom to me, so much juiciness, i don’t i know what it is, but when you take eggplants, put them on...
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the palestinian dish is really tasty, i like it, but essentially a simplified version of shawarma is dressed up in cabbage roll costumes, but you can’t say it any other way, well, yes, also apparently due to this spice, as sumac once again calls it, seems to me exactly zat. from him this fresh citrus note is present everywhere, you know, the only thing i would add here is not pomegranate sauce, thank you very much, thank you federik, poledi, poledi, one arab sheik had one grandiose cherished dream, to create in the desert, a real mirage, scale, beauty, where was emptiness, city of the future. there is a dream come true
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, the eyes cannot believe the magnificent luxury, at least once you need to see this paradise, this arabian fairy tale called dubai. i love biscuits, in general it seems to me that summer baking, but if it’s just summer baking, two recipes come to mind: probably choux pastry for eclairs, and also sponge cake, because sponge cake is airy, it is tender, summer, spring, in general, what we need, today we will make a classic sponge cake, four eggs at maximum speed. beat, look,
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literally after a couple of minutes, i haven’t even added sugar yet, what a fluffy, airy, luxurious, delicate mixture, i carefully start adding 15 g of vanilla sugar here, that is, this is natural sugar with natural vanilla. ideal for baking, simply wonderful, and another 110 g of regular sugar, the secret is, well, of course, in addition to a good mood and a good friend in the kitchen, with whom the mood only improves, you should not rush, i would say, meditatively beat these four eggs with sugar, the whisk should leave this thread, you see, yes, this means that you and i beat the eggs with sugar correctly,
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beauty, now i’ll take a large bowl, sift 60 g of corn starch into the bowl, and the same amount of flour, and now the most important thing that guarantees us success with you? biscuit, this is biscuit dough leavening doctor bakers, in general, a unique product, developed, by the way, especially for people like us, for those who love biscuits, a baking powder that simplifies cooking as much as possible, in my opinion, even if you have never baked a single biscuit in your life before, you will succeed if you do this with the razvokletie dr. bakers, the sponge cake will turn out smooth, and tender , airy, weightless, i need a teaspoon of this leavening... i combined starch, flour and
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baking powder and now i carefully add it here. egg-sugar mixture, combine everything, next, i have two prepared molds, here they are lined with baking paper, i greased them with a little butter, we divide our biscuit mixture in half, this is 20 cm, yes, this is the volume, yes, the diameter of the mold is 20 cm, look how full it is, what it turns out beautiful, we have a sponge cake, we haven’t put it in the oven yet, temperature 180°, hot air mode, in general, i use the hot air mode in my oven when i need splendor in my baked goods, well,
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everyone has their own, you know , relationship with the oven, so you need to build on characteristics of your oven. so, we wait until we have the cake layer ready, that is, two layers of sponge cake. in the meantime, we’re making cutlets, a small onion, i have a big one, so i take half, cut into cubes, you can grate it, you can chop it in a blender, but you know, a well -diced onion, chopped like this, finely, of course, also works, because the cube gives such additional juiciness, and it keeps it just like that. this form, that is, well, this is also for those who love onions, i just love onions very much, a little garlic, a little bit, one i also cut the clove into the same cube, it’s a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardin colambi medellin from selected
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arabica beans, which revealed the aroma in the author’s roasting, filled with colombian passion, the pleasure to feel is genuine. consistent quality for your delicious baked goods, doctor beakers, prepare love, makheev makes life brighter and more delicious, this is a star show, we continue the second stage of the duel, alexey chumakov, raspberry, turns his head, stops flying, disgusting costume, he’s even angry how- it’s awkward, against azamat musagaliev. today we need to find out who jokes funnier: azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? are you serious? how long ago has this question arisen?
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in order to defeat this azamar, you need to think about how to earn money like an azamar. do i know how to beat them? i’ll just take it when the jury announces the scores and... i won’t announce everything, guys, i’m not interfering with you, no, stars, alexey chumakov and the napoleon team will fight for reaching the finals, i’m for the matogoreevs there is no other like it and astana, today at 21:20 on ntv. general partner of the show. vtb. everything will work out. mask - new season. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. you confirm the transfer. we will warn you about spam and block scammers. service my safety. connect for free to the beline app. it's good that you have the safest
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operator. beline is the safest operator. oh, the bathhouse in the old courtyard is nice. not only the bathhouse, our sausage is also good. starodvorskaya, my favorite, is made according to the starodvorskaya recipe, so it’s delicious. i love our old yard. old dvorie, truly delicious. our life is a series of meetings. over a cup aromatic monarch coffee, every meeting can become destiny. and the most familiar day with coffee-monarch soroma can become special.
9:30 am
and vk video in a situation where summer is coming, in a situation without the internet, and even in a situation of not sleeping at night. download the vkvideo application and watch it on any device. vk video is everything. and for everyone, panic, let’s do without panic, there is beeline internet, we’ll find better motels, beeline’s huge network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such beeline internet on your side, for breakfast in the starodvorye there are juices, i boil them, cut them into pieces, stuff them with an omelette and it’s done, these are all our juices, the starodvorye is really tasty, the national lottery, the whole of april wins every second person who hasn’t won before... in the drawing there’s a second chance, only for register your ticket on the website, super prize from 100 million, selected beans are baked in a thick
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tomato sauce so that you enjoy the taste of uncle vanya’s homemade baked beans, clean, healthy vegetables, be brave with your spending, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles for... remaining minutes and gigs. every month, maybe. iota. nuggets, plums, fagots. they have cream for juiciness and their crust is crispy. nuggets, plums knitting. try something new with cheese. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. it can be found in every moment and easily shared. the holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. source.
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i'm adding here. onions, garlic, put in a bowl like this, a little soy sauce, one tablespoon, a little paprika, a quarter of a teaspoon,
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this tamarin sauce, two teaspoons, mix everything, and of course we need minced meat, so today i will make cutlets from pava-pava minced meat, this is minced turkey breast, tender, airy, ready , in general , turkey meat is wonderful, it is hypoallergenic, suitable for all family members, even the smallest, especially for me, for those who take care of themselves. in general, you understand, turkey is a lean meat, for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, like you , it contains a lot of protein and very little fat, and minced meat pava-pava is made from 100% breast fillet, does not contain any harmful additives, no flavor enhancers, and of course, it is very important that pava-pava turkey is produced in an ecologically clean region of russia according to all very strict modern standards. so, we take this minced meat. add spices here to the onion, quickly stir in and don’t
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forget that we have a sponge cake in the oven , in my opinion, it’s already screaming, yulia, come here, yulia, i’m ready, or rather we are ready, take it out, look what it's just beauty lovely, look how... look how airy, we are with you now, look, even this is not necessary, because i already see that everything is perfectly baked and ready, but if suddenly there is any doubt , toothpick, right here in the very middle, oops, you understand what i’m talking about, that’s it, just leave it alone, don’t touch our biscuit, give it the opportunity to come to its senses, rebuild. from the hot air and oven mode, so, and you and i return to
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cooking our cutlets, well, actually speaking, our minced meat is almost ready, i would add a little more greenery here, it seems to me that cilantro would be ideal, tarragon would be nice, in general, some kind of bright interesting herb. chop finely too, in general, i understand that tamarint sounds a little exotic, if you don’t know what it is, in general, in principle, it is such a compound of sweet sour taste, you can replace it. well, an equal replacement, but nevertheless it will be close, i would also add a little lemon zest grated on fine grater, this is just for this
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aromatic, not taste, just aromatic effect, because the lemon zest is very bright, don’t forget to wash the lemons when we bring them from the store, we won’t add an egg to these cutlets, i also wanted to add a little green onion, because green onions also have such, you know, juiciness, that is, not only a bright, juicy spring color, but also a juiciness that helps our cutlets. so, add green onions, heat the frying pan, add vegetable oil to the frying pan, combined with cream so that there is the correct burning temperature, and now it needs to be rolled, or you can roll it in
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flour, you can roll it in breadcrumbs, i have this mixture, a little flour and panko breadcrumbs, i... these are the cutlets , small, you want round ones, you want oval ones, whichever you like best, i roll the jar on both sides in breadcrumbs, of course it’s advisable to try to make them the same size so that they are ready at the same time, the main thing is that you can freeze them and you don’t need to buy any semi-finished products, firstly, they can be made directly in... secondly, you can divide this minced meat into several parts, for example, part of this minced meat, then add it to pasta, to mashed potatoes, and you know, if you put it on the bottom, for example , any shape, just this minced meat, put ready-made mashed potatoes on top, cover with cheese and put
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in the oven for about 20 minutes, this is a fantastic casserole, and really it’s all very natural, healthy, home-cooked and... it just takes a few minutes , just today we were fiddling around a little with minced meat and that's it, everything is ready, we roll it on all sides, and then the oil is already heated, we send the cutlets, fry for a couple of minutes on each side, so that the crust. while our cutlets are frying, we take the biscuit out of the mold so that it cools even faster, it is already almost cold, it has already almost cooled down, because naturally, you can decorate the biscuit only when it is completely cooled down, that’s how...
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just turn it over, reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and keep for 7:10 minutes until done on very low heat, and you and i while we're doing the salad, zbercard credit cards are beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever, which is why the zber card credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. the salad is very simple, but there are tricks, for example, for dressing we use chives. there is such a thing called vinaigrette. vinaigrette is not in the sense in which we understand it, yes, but this is exactly shallots,
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finely, finely, finely chopped like this. soaked in vinegar, you get a vinaigrette sauce, it can be served, for example, to shrubs, it can be served with some kind of seafood, and sometimes it’s also seasoned with vegetables, so you and i took, look, half a shallot, i chop it finely, finely, finely, like this so that you get such tiny cubes, just so small, small, as if you and i were making risotto, for example, in a bowl like this, have this... pour a small amount of vinegar on the onions, i have apple cider vinegar, about two tablespoons spoons and definitely here lemon juice, we just added lemon zest. into the cutlet, and here the juice of half a lemon, just what you need, a little salt and a little sugar, literally
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half a teaspoon, set aside, of course, when serving shallots soaked in vinegar with seafood, then salt and sugar are not added, i add... because i need it as a dressing for our salad, i also baked these beautiful ones, look how beautiful, elegant, yellow peppers are, well, or rather they are almost orange, very pretty, you can of course take the peppers in jar, you just need to carefully read the ingredients, or if you prepared it at home and sleto, because here i am, i remember my mother had a period when she adored peppers in different types, we made lecho, we made them like this ... we fried them, marinated them, we combined them with various other zucchini or tomatoes or onions, in general, the whole thing, then we ate these
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peppers all winter, by the way, this is a thing, because the peppers absolutely retain their richness , bright taste, so, i have, look, peppers, i chopped them into fairly large strips, it’s very important that when i use peppers, i always try to peel them, that’s why... i bake them, because then they are easier to digest and don’t cause any discomfort, but the main thing in this salad - this is my white dacha mix for salad fans, look how great it is, here i have tender spinach, in general it’s good when you have such reliable helpers in the kitchen, though you can always rely on them, because these leaves are always fresh, always ringing, crispy, washed, dried one to one, you open the package, and here is freshness, here are vitamins, benefits, i’ll take a couple of these mixes today especially, look, this is my baby spinach, it can be used in cooking in salads, it’s beautiful, or here i have such
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a mixango, these are like this, look at the small, small leaves, here is the arugula named gold, look how elegant it looks, also in color, now let’s add some more tomatoes here, they will also give the color juiciness, i have such small cherry tomatoes , they are sweet, so i don't even get rid of them peel, although there are some fans who also peel cherry tomatoes, but these ones are really lucky for me, they are juicy, pretty, if you have larger tomatoes, the main thing is that they suit your taste, just cut them into the pieces that you like , but even if the tomatoes are larger, i would rid them, of course, of these seeds and excess water, and in order for us to have all this... complete the colors, add oil, you know, by the way, i’m adding oil here now walnuts, walnut oil on in my opinion, it is a little reminiscent of sunflower oil, but of course it
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differs in its nutritional properties, but in taste, there is still such a subtle difference, but it seems to me that if you are using it for the first time, you can confuse it with sunflower oil, but in general the oil should be used , which you like and which you have on hand right now, because it seems to me that in general, lettuce in a salad is not such a... capricious thing, like, for example, i don’t know, pasta sauce or risotto, that oil is suitable for a salad with whom you are now friendship, that’s how i would say, a little walnuts, support the walnut oil , and walnuts are also very friendly with spinach, with the ruckla that i have here, and of course with the feta that i’ll add, you see, i have this brined feta, it’s more interesting with it. work, because i cut it like this, look, thinly, you see, i practically cut it into flakes like this, not into cubes, flakes, so that it doesn’t
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give us too much of this salt, which is, of course, present in feta, but at this was it this wonderful cheesy, bright taste, they added feta, you see, they crumbled it like that, it’s already wonderful, really, yes, well... now don’t forget that you and i made a vinaigrette sauce, and we add this sauce here as much as you need, the rest can be put on the table, well, almost everything, a little freshly ground pepper, our salad is ready, by the way, such a salad, especially when there is spinach and arugula, and peppers and tomatoes, it can be made in advance an hour, half an hour, and he won’t be in... that’s it, the salad is ready, we send it aside, wait until they are ready the cutlets are ready, we are finishing our cake,
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you and i have two like this. they turned out wonderful, they absolutely must be cooled, absolutely, because otherwise the cream we have is very simple, very tasty, but simple, we need whipped cream, so first we whip the cream, i whip the cream without sugar, because all our sweet component will come from another secret ingredient. we whipped the cream into cream, look how beautiful it is, don’t beat it, this is important, now about the secret ingredient, it’s certainly not very secret, it’s for you and me we are well known and loved, this is makheyev’s raspberry jam, for what we love it, for the intensity of the taste, for the fact that there are only natural ingredients, for the fact that there are so many berries, but it seems to me that even my grandmother
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had fewer berries in the jam, than in... then it behaves perfectly, if we are going to use it inside some kind of filling , we bake it with it, it is beautiful on pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes and so on, on a piece of bread in the morning, but here with this the sponge cake is fantastic, we'll make it first impregnation based on this jam, but if this dessert is eaten only by adults, then i add two tablespoons of rum, take cognac, well, in general, some kind of alcohol that you like, and add a couple of tablespoons of jam, let’s warm it up all this so that the alcohol evaporates, so that everything here turns into such a raspberry syrup, so... but even a little, a little,
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you see, set it on fire, so the alcohol evaporates even faster, you can see, we have such a beautiful light here, thus the aroma from rum remains, alcohol almost all of us are like this, you see, oh, disappearing, greenfield club, where good taste is always rewarded, the more tea, the more gifts, greenfield club, you are invited, uralsip is a bank for business, we work on the principle everything or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib. nothing extra. the toughest battle is just beginning. the mask show has special guests.
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previously, the temperature in the workshop was like outside; in winter we were freezing, so we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, but now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved.
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secret in a million, today at 13:00. every year in may we remember and honor the memory of those who, at the cost of their lives, led the country to a great victory. on all fronts and in the rear, the soviet people worked every day for a common future. one of the most significant awards was the order of the patriotic war. this order is the brightest symbol of military history, courage, fortitude and love for the homeland. one of the few that remain as a legacy for future generations. the imperial mint minted the order of the patriotic war on a commemorative medal. free for every russian. you pay only 349. rub. for delivery. the medal is plated with pure silver. the highest award is minted on the medal, memorable dates are stamped with the inscription great victory. preserve the history of the great patriotic war for future generations. call and order
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beauty, yes, so, i return it all to a cool bowl so that it cools down faster. now, a toothpick, take our cakes, i will serve them on this stand, but in order for everything to be better soaked, so carefully remove the very, very thin, thin layer, you see the top of the biscuit, and you see how airy it is, look. what a delight, i immediately put together such a bowl, where we can turn it into crumbs, from the second cake we also remove such a thin lid,
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so now we free the cake from... the paper, one second, like that, with a toothpick, carefully, it’s like that, i see that it’s loose, that it’s airy and tender, just in case, just like that , so we soak it in syrup, one cake layer, the second cake layer, like this. but i want to add not only raspberry syrup here, not only syrup , i need the jam itself, because it excellent as a filling, distribute
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evenly, and cover both cake layers with jam. now we spread the cream on the bottom cake layer. distribute them, there is, the top cake will look like this, oops, great, a masterpiece, and not yet, it will be soon, beat this crumb, sprinkle a little on top. powdered sugar, crumbs, crumbs only around the edges, i
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like, you know, to do this kind of creativity, a circle of skillful hands, crazy hands - on exactly the - plate on which you will serve it, because it’s also works as a decoration for... look how beautiful it is, and here i still have a little bit of this kind of raspberry, which is called dehydrated, that is, it is a very intense taste of raspberry, that is, like candied raspberry, well, just like that, if if by simple, so we lay them out here, and naturally, listen, fresh raspberries can be decorated, and in general any berries will do, well, it’s just that, of course. to be honest, it’s not the season for berries, so it seems to me that in april it’s ideal to use jam,
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use some of these bright flavors berry, because i really want it to be summer soon, but at the same time we still use seasonal products, look how beautiful and elegant it is, and that’s not all, you know what came to my mind, it will be very cool , we’ll also add here such joyful green colors, as if we had these leaves, but not mint, you know how i feel about mint, it seems to me that mint is quite banal for a dessert, very often add mint dessert, here's rosemary, look how great it looks, however, by the way, rosemary is very... very friendly with raspberries in terms of aroma, well, look
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, i think it’s very nice, so, salad, dessert, how are our cutlets, beauties, look how fluffy they are, how fried they are, carefully remove from the pan. well, look, cutlets with salad, tea and coffee, let's dance, along with a biscuit, bon appetit.
10:00 am
hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboysty studio. sad news came from the venue area special operations, a war correspondent was killed. from the news of semyon eremin, the tragedy occurred in the area of ​​​​the village of priyutnoye on the border of the dpr and the zaporozhye region. the film crew was making new material. at this moment, ukrainian terrorists dropped ammunition from an fpv drone. semyon was very seriously injured. he worked on the front line from the very beginning of the northern military district, understood the danger, but was endlessly devoted to his profession. i rode the most difficult sections. mariupol, azovstal, maryenka. together with the assault brigade, he entered the liberated area.


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