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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 20, 2024 10:00am-10:20am MSK

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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboysky. sad news came from the special operation zone; the war correspondent from vesti, semyon eremin, was killed. the tragedy occurred in... he worked on the front line from the very beginning of the northern military district, understood the danger, but was endlessly devoted to his profession, went to the most difficult areas, mariupol, azovstal, marya, together with the assault brigade, entered the liberated wave, and was the first to film the story.
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he was also a very good friend, a good comrade, we worked very closely together for many months in syria, i’m a little older than him, he turned to me all the time, he’s a talented man, he’s talented in everything, besides the fact that he was really a real warrior, he also wrote music, played many musical instruments, wrote poetry, a very bright person, a very great friend, whom we will all miss very much here. semyon, i knew him from syria, we worked together in the arab republic and i always admired his irrepressible energy, you can imagine, we every evening returned from filming, tired, the heat was +40, some took a shower, some rested, some went about their business, changed clothes and went for a run, in this regard he could lead, after some time his cameraman began to run with him, then other guys also joined in.
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everyone took an example from him, he was a man who inspired us to good deeds, a man with an iron will with an iron character, for him the concept of an impossible task did not exist, he did not sit in the rear, did not hide, he always worked at the cutting edge and his materials always were dynamic, alive and felt that a person really works fearlessly, his death is an irreparable loss. for all of russian military journalism and for all of us who knew semyon, this is of course terrible news, for me he is such a real samurai, a man who always had his own way, he had a great sense of humor, a very good person, kind and most importantly, he is incredibly decent, as anyone who has ever encountered him will tell you. semyon was awarded
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the medal of the order for services to the fatherland second degree, his last report came out the day before. semyon eremin was 42 years old. enemy fpv drones have recently become a serious threat to everyone who is in the special operation zone; learning how to effectively counter them is one of the main tasks. defense minister sergei shaigo has now checked how the testing of special small arms is going. he visited the training ground of the moscow military district. all samples were developed with the direct participation of snipers who performed tasks on the front line. until june 1 at all military training grounds there will be special training grounds where you can practice your skills in using new types of weapons. the kits will be equipped with assault brigades. that is, as narrow as possible.
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so that the fight against the pividor is effective, yes, we make barrels, this is it, if there is air surveillance, then short barrels, shorter ones were even ordered, such barrels, a second one, like a second barrel, so that... big water came to tyumen region, its level in the south-eastern regions exceeded the criterion of a dangerous phenomenon of 8.5 m. governor region compared the local river ishim to the sea. according to him, disasters of this scale have not been seen in the region for more than 70 years. the number
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of flooded villages reached nine. evacuation is underway, more than 2.0 residents have been evacuated. the most tense situation is in the village of kazanskoye. water surrounded him on all sides. near a village on the border of a large city. and shim washed away a temporary earthen rampart, but the main dam is in good condition, the authorities assure, in the city itself the central embankment is under water, the situation would have been worse if it had not been possible to build up protective embankments in advance. in the villages downstream of the river, this work continues. affected residents were promised financial assistance. it will be possible to receive money for priority needs without collecting documents based on just one application, the head of the region clarified. the capital of the kurgan region is experiencing the peak of the flood, he said. governor, according to hydrological posts, the water level in the tobol river is at a record high level, more than 10 m. the left bank part of the city is flooded, the right bank is protected by the dam, it rises by 11 m, but yesterday in some areas there appeared leaks have been fixed, but experts do not
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rule out new accidents. in total , more than 5,000 houses are under water in the kurgan region, the head of the ministry of emergency situations is now in the region, he is on the spot, coordinating the actions of rescuers. in orenburg this morning, residents were finally... able to use the water supply safely and economically, the central power supply of the city water utility was restored, power engineers had to build up broken wires from boats, the lines also run through flooded areas. as the mayor stated, the water had left 75% of previously flooded houses, however part of the capital of the orenburg region still remains flooded and some residents have only now decided to leave their homes. mikhail chernov talked with the evacuees. the airfield is now flat, the private airfield kushkul is completely flooded with water, the take-off and taxiing areas are at the bottom. you can only get here by boat, then to the edge of the airfield, then there are great depths and metal structures stick out of the water, you can easily damage the boat. they were warned
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in advance that they could be flooded, so most of the planes we managed to transfer to an alternate airfield. they say here: those an-2s that remained in the field are without engines. at the moment, the plane is not in danger, the water is fresh, that is , there will be... an airfield with a dirt surface, the grass that they sowed last year most likely died, we will see how the grass will survive, no, we will sow it again, like a penny , but you will have to do it, downstream
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sokmara, evacuation from morning to evening, these swamp vehicles were brought from st. petersburg, now they load both people and pets. village eighteenth crossing completely flooded. ozerina street now fully lives up to its name, the water is almost waist-deep, almost all the residents have evacuated. she and her grandfather will soon have a golden wedding, it’s impossible to celebrate it in a cold house without water, the polyansky couple lived here until the last moment, until the water came to the doorstep. we froze for 2 whole weeks, we froze in the full sense, the gas was turned off, the water was turned off. half an hour by all-terrain vehicle to the mainland along the road, where there is depth.
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stepanovsky, we need to pick up my mother and two children, the youngest roma is great at 6 years old knows why it drowns so much, but because... it was snow, and what happened to it, it all melted, logical, very logical, for him this trip is a whole adventure, until... he takes it out, roma tells how he saw a lot of water, like about two liters, two liters, you just saw how these 2 liters were cut through, how it was, well, well, well, behind the house, in short, it formed, listen, then we were still fine , we could walk with glory, but now it’s water at the doorstep, they took him and his mother to the car to wait out the flood family...
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history of russian medicine, successful blood transfusion. since then, this procedure has saved the lives of millions of people. svetlana gordeeva, and the values ​​of the donors' decision are to help others. when many years ago my mother needed an urgent blood transfusion, tatyana was unable to help because she was not the right age. mom was saved then, but the girl remembered this feeling of helplessness for the rest of her life. therefore, today she is sharing her blood for the sixteenth time, what if this saves someone’s mother? donation. came because my the family needed support and help, it was in this department, my friends almost 8 years
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ago donated blood for my mother, if you go through the contacts in the book, almost every third person needed help at some point, the most important treasures are not in the kremlin museums , and here in the storage of the moscow blood center there are enough plasma reserves, for example, for 100,000 people at a time, this is where applications are received in case of emergencies, as was the case during the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus. the first applications arrived around 9:00 pm, and the first applications were for a universal blood group, the first minus, because people needed to be helped, and then these same patients received directly according to their blood group and rhesus factor. people lined up to help, but doctors remind us that blood is always needed, yes, supplies are large, but the costs are also high, every day thousands of patients need transfusions, cancer patients, patients are waiting.
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not worth it, first check if you have any contraindications, and these are hiv, hepatitis, b and c, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases. you need to prepare for donation, give up fried, fatty, spicy, mayonnaise, eggs the day before, don’t drink alcohol for two days, exclude chocolate and desserts with fatty creams, and heavy physical exercise the day before is not recommended, and fasting is harmful, which is ideal donor diet one day before donation on the day of donation, it is still boiled porridge with water, vegetables, fruits with the exception of avocado, nuts, tea, fruit juice,
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compote, bread, low-fat cookies, jam. those who donated plasma for the first time need to remember that it goes into quarantine for 4 months, after 120 days, the new donor must be re- tested for viruses, only then will his plasma be sent to those in need. if a donor comes in 130, in iu, in 5 months, there are six, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he...
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blood centers now work even on weekends and holidays, in short, there are all the conditions to comfortably give someone - that's life. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorarischeva, svetlana kostyunina, anton molokoedov, sergey isachov, ntv. that's all for now, thank you for were with us, all the best and see you. you know what i love most, when your gaze lights up with this special light, come, fall in love, be surprised, be inspired, your moscow. pairs of grand and grand pikant at an attractive price. only in a tasty way. there will be no money to enter. sazon cards, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose, spend anywhere, and also withdraw cash
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cold gave it strength, tomorrow the cyclone will move towards the eastern transbaikal region, the amur region, during the day the precipitation will increase within an hour. will fall up to 15 mm, this is a lot, snow and rain, in the khabarovsk territory in the primorye there is much less precipitation, in khabarovsk without precipitation, and the temperature is preparing to increase, and siberia, especially the eastern one, is penetrated by cold air currents, the temperature will continue to drop in stripes from yamal to the irkutsk region, precipitation up to snow in the rain, tomorrow will be in the tomsk, novosibirsk and kemerovo regions, but there will be no temperature spikes there yet , and this is omsk, here there will be a warm surge tomorrow, and then too... descent, in the urals, in the south of the tyumen region, tomorrow the weather will drop a little, very high indicators, heavy precipitation is not expected yet, to the european territory of russia with a new portion will flow from kazakhstan.


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