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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the perpetrators will be punished, military correspondent semyon eremin died in an attack by a ukrainian drone. this hasn’t happened for 70 years; the river level in the tyumen region has approached 10 m. they save lives. today in russia they celebrate donor day. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. all those involved in the death of the war correspondent semyon eremin will be identified and brought to justice. the investigative committee announced this today. a russian journalist
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died the day before in a special operation zone in the region village of priyutny on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye region, he was preparing another report. at that moment, the film crew was captured by a drone from which ammunition was dropped; the injuries were too severe. semyon erevin worked on the front line from the very beginning of hostilities, traveled to the most difficult areas of mariupol, azovstal, marenka, together with the assault brigade he was part of the liberated volnovakha, he was the first to film a story about the work of artillery shells in krasnopol, and made materials.
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good friend, he also wrote music, played day and night, he was also a very good friend, played many musical instruments, wrote poetry, a very bright person. a very great friend who will be greatly missed by all of us here. semyon, i knew him from syria, we worked together in the arab republic and i always admired his irrepressible energy, you can imagine, every evening we returned from filming, tired, the heat was +40, some to shower, some to rest, some to do their own business, and semyon changed clothes and went for a run, in this regard he could lead the way. later
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for some time his cameraman started running with him, then other guys joined in, everyone took an example from him, he was a man who inspired us to do good things, this is of course terrible news, for me he is such a real samurai, a man , who always had his own way, he had a wonderful sense of humor, a very good person, kind and most importantly, incredibly decent, anyone who has ever encountered him will confirm this to you, eternal memory to you, semyon was 42 years old , he awarded a medal of the order, services to the fatherland, second degree, his last report was published the day before, condolences to semyon’s family come from everywhere, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called it a great tragedy, emphasized the danger of the military mission... they demanded that
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international organizations strongly condemn the brutal murder of the correspondent, the office of the un secretary general announced the need for a thorough investigation. there is news in the holding building; colleagues have been bringing flowers this morning. from effective destruction enemy drones directly affect the safety of everyone working in the special operation zone. our military will be taught to shoot down drones in special classes; for this purpose, a profile will be set up at all training grounds in the country. training site, sergei shaig was informed about this during a visit to one of the military units of the moscow military district. the head of the ministry of defense was shown how testing of new small arms is going on; samples were developed with the participation of snipers performing tasks on the front line. the minister instructed to provide such kits to all assault squads. that is, we have already come as close as possible to ensuring that the fight against pyridor is effective. we do this with trunks, if at aerial surveillance posts, then short ones.
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in short, they even ordered such barrels, the second one is like the second barrel that the groups are behind, within a month they will train all our instructors will already be working in the troops, and we will include his assault detachment crew. demonstrated to the minister our promising attack drones; mass production will begin in the near future. the drones are assembled from domestic components, equipped with devices for discharging various types of ammunition. in addition, they operate stably in conditions of active electronic interference. the water level in the ishim river has exceeded a critical level and reached a level of 9 m 87 cm, authorities say. that disasters of this scale have not been seen in the tyumen region for more than 70 years. water flooded 13 villages, three of them are completely isolated from the mainland. rescuers using heavy equipment organized the delivery of food to those who refused to leave their homes. total in zone about a hundred settlements are at risk. and their flood says, weather forecasters are still ahead. well, in
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the kurgan region today they announced an urgent evacuation of residents of twenty settlements. first of all, those whose houses are located near the dam. according to the governor, the structure developed leaks and water in several places. abides rapidly. the level in tobol is already almost 2 m above the critical level. in total , more than 5,000 houses are under water in the kurgan region. the head of the ministry of emergency situations is now in the region. he coordinates actions on the spot rescuers. in orenburg this morning, residents were finally able to safely and economically use running water. the central power supply to the city water utility has been restored. according to the mayor, water has left 75% of previously flooded areas, but part of the capital of orenburg still remains flooded. and some residents have only now decided to leave their homes. mikhail chernov is monitoring the situation. the airfield is now flat, the private airfield kushkul is completely flooded with water, the take-off and taxiing areas are at the bottom. you can only get here onto the boats, then to the edge of the airfield. further on
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, there are great depths and metal structures stick out from the water; you can easily damage the boat. they were warned in advance that they could be flooded, so most of the planes managed to be transported to an alternate airfield. they say here that those an-2s that remained in the field are without engines. at the moment, the plane is not in danger, the water is fresh, that is, it will be carried out, it is necessary to carry out the necessary, that is, maintenance and the plane will be ready for operation. now they are closely monitoring the sokmar level, as the water will go away, the plane will need to be dried, diagnostics carried out, oil and filters replaced, and then the runway restored. downstream of the sakmara, evacuation from morning to evening. these swamp vehicles were brought from st. petersburg, now on them. loads both people and pets, the village, the eighteenth crossing, was completely flooded. ozerina street now fully lives up to its name, the water is almost waist-deep, almost all the residents have evacuated. she and her grandfather are about to have a golden wedding, why don’t they celebrate it in a cold house without water, the polyansky couple they lived here until the last moment, until the water came
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to the threshold. they froze completely for 2 weeks, they froze in the full sense, the gas was turned off, the water was turned off, it’s good that there was this tank, they were beating from it. half an hour on an all-terrain vehicle to the big one. why does it drown so much? but because it was snow, and what happened to it? he completely melted. they took him and his mother to the car, the family will wait out the flood with relatives, because of this large water, roma personally was very upset. mikhail chernov, igor yakimov, nikolay datsun, ntv. orenburg. in
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russia today congratulates those who help save people's lives. april 20 is national donor day in the country. it was established 17 years ago, and the date was not chosen by chance, exactly. on this day in 1832 , the first successful blood transfusion in the history of russian medicine took place in st. petersburg. since then, the procedure has saved the lives of millions of people. svetlana gordeeva will talk about how she becomes a donor. when many years ago my mother needed an urgent blood transfusion , tatyana could not help. was not age appropriate. mom was saved then, but this feeling helplessness, the girl remembered for the rest of her life. therefore, today she shares her blood for the sixteenth time. suddenly this.
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cannot be produced, even drugs that are produced from the components of blood,
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for example, from blood plasma today cannot be replaced with anything, no synthetic analogues, blood can only be donated by a person. there is no point in running to the blood service right now, first check if you have any contraindications, and these are hiv, hepatitis, b and c, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases. for donation you need to prepare a day in advance. give up fried, fatty, spicy, mayonnaise, eggs, do not drink alcohol for two days, exclude chocolate and desserts with fatty creams, and heavy physical exercise the day before is not recommended, and fasting is also harmful. the ideal donor diet the day before donation on the day of donation is still boiled porridge in water, vegetables, fruits with the exception of avocados, nuts, tea, fruit juice, compote, bread, low-fat cookies and jam. those who donated plasma for the first time need to remember that they are going into quarantine. for 4 months and after 120 days, a new donor must be re-tested for the virus,
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only then will his plasma be sent to those in need. if the donor comes after 130, or after 5 months, six months, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he comes, plasma can be stored with us for up to 3 years. doctors with chairs can be ordered to your work, as the cska team did; the treatment room was deployed right on the field. kinfeev in front of me, so i feel very good, calm, they give me time off as an incentive, but many donate blood at the call of their souls,
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what motivates, well, just helping people, i kind of have nowhere to go, well, in the sense that i don’t take them, there are other benefits, both literally and figuratively: donation is stressful for the body, we help the body, that is, we say we thank him for coming, we feed him livers, give him tea, and after the donations we need to feed him.
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and cardboard covers were kept under lock and key in my father's desk, the left cabinet, the bottom drawer, let's listen, more than 200 sites where you can write a dictation have opened today in moscow, on monday they will let you down in the capital results, the first action: total dictation took place in 2004 in novosibirsk. that's all for now, go to see you. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on this is the ecology of the city. contribution to the health of our children is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about
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the country, if you apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. mask: new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. about the weather for tomorrow, hello, in this issue the european territory of russia, very warm news for the volga region and the black earth region. and this opens up a rather persistent air flow from kazakhstan. the temperature tomorrow will rise by 5 and even by 10°. this process is a little slower and calmer in the volgovyat region; significant precipitation is not yet expected. well, a new source of rain, thunderstorms and gusty winds is another southern cyclone, it has already reached the crimea, tomorrow it will get colder there by five to 7 degrees, and the rain and thunderstorms will move to the ozovo region, in the bottom, then they will be in the west, south of the black earth region, in bryansk, smolensk regions, in the center there will be short-term rains, but the north-west will get ready again, most of sunday it will be windy there, but practically
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no precipitation, and in the evening, starting from the pskov and novgorod regions, with the approach of the cyclone there will be precipitation again, but the north will turn out... barricaded by an area of ​​​​high atmospheric pressure, so the weather is calm for now, and we will move to the south again, talk about local details , here there will be no precipitation in the lower reaches of the volga, in the rostov region there will be short-term rain, with thunderstorms in places in the krasnodar region in the sochi region, in the stavropol region in kabardino-balkaria in ingushetia in the chechen republic, local heavy rains, hail is not excluded in the capital. in in st. petersburg tomorrow there should be no precipitation and the temperature will rise slightly during the day with a maximum of +4-6, in moscow from... until 15:17 with intermittent rain and strong wind, that’s all i have for now, check the weather on ntv.


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