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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  April 20, 2024 7:00pm-8:20pm MSK

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millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, so, live on central television, today we will start with ukraine, because this week they again talked a lot about the fact that the ukrainian conflict could become a nuclear conflict at any moment, we are dangerously close we are approaching the nuclear power... the head of mgt rafael grossi made such a statement immediately after the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was attacked by military drones. shells have landed dangerously close to nuclear power plants before, but this time, for the first time since november '22, the station suffered a direct hit. one of the drones crashed into the protective dome of the station’s sixth reactor, and two more hit an object near the building where the reactors are located. the head of magathe did not elaborate. who is behind the attacks on
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the plant, well, perhaps, because this is already obvious, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is, after all, under the control of russia, and one can assume that the attacks on the plant are nothing more than an attempt by kiev to go to abank and play on the west’s fears of nuclear escalation of the conflict. them moreover, according to reports in the same western press, kiev has nothing more to lose, and if the ukrainian army does not receive the package of military assistance that is hanging up in the american congress, then it will simply have nothing to fight with. this is exactly what vadim writes about in an american political publication, where an article was published under the heading “ukraine” is headed for defeat. it claims that the ukrainian armed forces’ defense line may collapse this summer. i will quote: the picture that emerged after dozens of interviews with political leaders, military men and ordinary people citizens, represented the country's descent into disaster, as american journalists believe. and several unnamed high-ranking officers. have painted
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a grim forecast as the morale of the ukrainian army is undermined by a desperate shortage of ammunition. end of quote. however, perhaps all these panicky articles in the western media have a very specific target audience, namely congressmen and republicans, who have been blocking the military aid package to kiev for several months now. but, if this is so, then this target was not hit at all. articles about ukrainian-minded journalists, iranian missiles. we can say that this week the so -called butterfly effect intervened in the ukrainian crisis. some scientists believe that in chaatic systems, even minor changes in one place can cause unpredictable consequences where they were not expected at all. well, in other words, the flapping of a butterfly's wing somewhere over japan could ultimately cause a hurricane in, say, kansas. some hotheads are even trying to use this effect to create climate.
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what could dangerous provocations from the zaporozhye nuclear power plant lead to? tuesday, american congress, speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson comes out to reporters to announce his decision to go to obank. this is a critical time on the world stage, so i believe that providing arms assistance to ukraine is now critically important. critically important for johnson himself is that fellow republicans can now accuse him of treason and... initiate
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the resignation of the virginal speaker, but also delay he could no longer vote either, because this bill was linked to an aid package for another strategic ally of washington, israel. after the iranian attack, as a result of which almost nothing fell on the inhabited earth, israel spent one and a half billion dollars worth of anti-missile defenses, and the united states, in the end, seemed to have no choice but to urgently look for ways to replenish these reserves. another question is that they will now vote separately for aid to ukraine and israel, this is what biden said about this in his opinion piece in the wall street journal. if congress will decide on military aid to ukraine and israel, we will not write blank checks, we will send military equipment from our own stocks, and then use the money authorized by congress to replenish those stocks by purchasing from american suppliers. in general, in washington everyone is advertising that they will only give zelensky pitiful things. 7 billion,
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not much to go around, it is proposed that this economic assistance will be in the form of a loan, not a grant, to try to gain some support republicans, however, most of these comments
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clearly make it clear that the only light at the end of the tunnel for ukraine is help from the west. in almost every interview he constantly repeats: there will be no guns and money, ukraine will lose, and it sounds something like this. but it turns out that he connects the outcome of the war with something that he himself cannot influence; in this regard, a reasonable question arises: what does the owner of the bank collect? otherwise, wouldn't it turn out that this light at the end of the tunnel is actually surrender? and that's it for now zelensky decided to go through the back door and sent the prime minister to washington to persuade not the most senior
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us officials to give ukraine at least something, the western world literally looked at these footage with the participation of the russian minister of defense under a magnifying glass against the backdrop of the latest models of military equipment, russian for the first time since the beginning of the conflict... can use tank columns without the risk of major losses, the russian army has been consistently pushing back the front line step by step. needless to say, journalists and experts found another reason for panic even in this russian t-72 tank, covered on all sides with sheets of armor, storming krasnogorovka. in ukrainian publics, at first they made fun of this invention of the russian military, ridiculing the fact that the tank, as if covered with a barbecue, was unlikely to be able to rotate the turret and that, due to its size, most likely it would not.
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we do not know who is responsible for the current situation, i would like to say that i seriously doubt that ukraine would deliberately try to cause any nuclear disaster on its own territory, it would be completely irrational. but during the northern military district, other geographical realities developed around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, when it would be completely irrational for russia to fire at itself, and, moreover, realizing that ukraine will never receive any millions of reservists, kiev can use these attacks as... ukraine’s goal is is to force the west to intervene and send peacekeepers to the region. ukraine will then claim that this is the start of a larger deployment of peacekeepers to stop russia's advancement is
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ukraine's only chance to save its current unstable situation. there is truth and another scenario why this could be beneficial for zelensky, because under the threat of nuclear ash falling, the west could... be heading towards a nuclear confrontation in another point in the middle east. on the evening of april 13, iran attacked israel with dozens of drones and missiles. tehran called this action a response to israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. tehran considered the attack successful, and israel said the pes system succeeded intercept almost all the missiles, but those that did reach the promised land caused very little damage. and this is one of those rare cases when after the next...
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dollars, approximately the same amount that the missiles that the air defense system fired to repel an iranian strike cost israel, but if tehran wanted the world to tremble, then this effect... it definitely achieved. the damage from 170 drones and 150 missiles, which is how many missiles iran fired at israel, could indeed be catastrophic, but almost all missiles and the drones were intercepted. an important role in this was played by israel's allies, the usa and great britain, whose warplanes shot down iranian missiles on approach. and moreover, jordan also took part in repelling the iranian attack, which by no stretch of the imagination can be considered an ally of israel... it’s impossible, but nevertheless jordanian air defenses also helped israel fight off iranian missiles.
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yes, the world really shuddered and froze in anxious anticipation, watching as the traces of israeli air defense missiles cut through the night sky. very it is significant that it was on these same days that the ceremony of lighting the olympic flame took place in greece on the ruins of ancient olympia. reviving the olympic games. baron de coubertin dreamed that a world sports holiday would at least... be able to extinguish or even stop wars and conflicts, but good intentions remained intentions. in real life, this doesn't work. no olympic flame will stop iranian missiles and drones, so israel is relying on its iron dome to help its allies. likewise, no one and nothing will not stop the israeli response to iran. in the east, this is fraught with loss of face. and although american media sources have reported more than once this week. that biden was sending signals to netanyahu that washington did not support israel's retaliatory strike on iran, and even
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if biden could personally swaddle the israeli prime minister hand and foot, this would still not deter israel from attempting to retaliate. let me emphasize once again: in the middle east there is no tradition of turning the other cheek; they have long stubbornly professed the principle of an eye for eye. well, on netanyahu’s part there are not only principles, but sober calculations. he understands that if it comes to a big fight with iran, then washington will not abandon its ally in confrontation with the sucker of evil. alexey semakhin, who now works in israel, will continue this topic. israel defense forces base. on the fifth day after the iranian strike, tsahal will show what did not penetrate the iron dome. here it is an iranian long-range ballistic missile, look how huge it is, 11 meters long.
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a retaliation strike for the alleged israeli attack on the iranian consulate in damascus and the death of seven officers and general zahidi of the islamic revolutionary guard corps - this is more than 300 drones, cruise and ballistic missiles with a total capacity of 60 tons of explosives. yes, we saw iranian missiles as they flew over the mosque. the day after the attack , israeli authorities report. iran encroached on
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the sacred by attacking the world's third most important muslim shrine. you see, when the iranians fire rockets at israel, they think they are fighting the jews, but they are not. in fact, they are the same as shooting directly into the heart of the lord, god himself. the temple mount is not only that.
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our car is moving along the central streets of beiruto. for the last few months , the israelis have been jamming the gps signal, so people sometimes find themselves, for example, on the north side, where we are now, either in cairo or beirut. there was no surprise effect from the iranian attack. both israel and its main ally the united states were expecting a blow. this is retired idf brigadier general josaf kuperwaser. he believes that the celebrate the victory. it's too early for israel. firstly, we intercepted most of the incoming weapons, and secondly, we showed that we can very successfully cooperate and help each other. this is a very great achievement, but it is not a victory yet. to win, we will have to do something against the iranians to make them feel like they are paying a price for it. but iran itself, which managed to prepare such a massive attack
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, also considers itself a winner. iran, which goes like this: look, this is not a power game worth raising stakes and escalate, otherwise everyone will be in danger, so stop trying to make iran b... this attack was the first ever attack by a non-arab country on israel and the first iranian attack on the jewish state from its territory. iran does not share a border with israel, but it does have middle eastern allies such as yemen, lebanon, iraq and syria. well, why did iran decide to attack from its territory from a distance of 1,500
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km, and not, for example, from the territory of lebanon, because modern air defense systems from such rocket distances click like nuts. could it be that iran was deliberately trying to minimize losses on the part of the jewish state, so as not to again invite fire on itself? iran did not do this for two reasons: first, if iran had acted by proxy, other countries would have harmed israel and its people. iran did not want to harm the israelis. during all this time, the islamic republic has realized that the best defense is attack and that peace will only come when the country is strong, there is no doubt about it. so iran let everyone know that it doesn't need allies to to defend himself, there is no need for them to kill for him and cause damage on his behalf, i can do it myself, it’s simple. the transition to a major war will force the united states to intervene in conflicts, and the biden administration is unlikely to want such a prospect six months before the presidential election. the russians and chinese have more
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leverage over iran than anyone else, so if there is a chance of avoiding a wider war... china and especially russia will play a role in making this possible. but there has already been an example in history when the israeli leadership had to show restraint. in 1991, iraq fired about 40 missiles towards the promised land. during the american operation desert storm to expel iraqi troops from occupied kuwait, baghdad wanted to drag the jewish state into the war in order to antagonize the united states with its arab allies. israel, under pressure from washington, decided not to respond to netanyaho’s provocation. apparently he remembers this, when he was the minister of foreign affairs of israel, he gave an interview wearing a gas mask. if i were in israel's place, i would stop because if israel advances and continues to up the ante, then iran will have no choice but to build a nuclear bomb. and so on friday night, on the birthday
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of ayatalyh miniya, iran was attacked, and all world agencies announced explosions in the country. there are reports that israel has already begun its long-awaited retaliatory strikes on iran. iranian state television reported large explosions near the airport military base in the central city of isfahan. journalists have no doubt that the night explosions in iran were the work of the idf, but at the same time they say that israel, for strategic reasons, is unlikely to take responsibility for an attack on iran. now in israel, amid the exchange of blows, they are asking the question: what will happen next with the war in gaza? where is biden? biden? he is trying his best to contain israel, he is not allowing us to end the war, to fight the war to a victorious end, this is all because of the elections in the usa, if not for the elections, we would have long ago crushed all the terrorists. the best way to convey that iran's actions they are not afraid - this is to complete the work in the gas sector. there are even rumors that the americans now understand this and are telling israel: “okay, you
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can go, finish the job, take rafah, make sure you control gaza.” and this is exactly the opposite of what the iranians were trying to achieve. this is what needs to happen: we need to complete the work in the gaza strip, defeat hamas, release the hostages, create a new situation in the gaza strip in which it cannot be used. navadem in the investigative committee stated that all those involved in the death of izvestia war correspondent semyon eremin will be identified and brought to justice. a russian
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journalist died the day before in a special operation zone near the village of priyutnaya on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye region, where he was preparing another report. at that moment, the film crew was attacked by a drone from which ammunition was dropped. semyon eremin was 42 years old, he worked at the forefront from the very beginning of the northern military district. participation of snipers performing the task on the front line. the minister instructed to provide such sets of all assault troops. in addition, the minister was shown promising
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attack drones. they will be put into mass production in the near future. we will continue the story about the events of saturday of this week immediately after a very short pause. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch. first us president to be tried as a criminal. who else besides biden is behind the cause, the people against donald trump? and why the fight for the presidency between biden and trump is actually a fight for freedom for the winner goes to prison for the loser? american scientists conducted a secret experiment on climate change, what happened at the alameda military base? are climate weapons already a reality? who can influence the weather and how, and are modern natural disasters already controlled by people in uniform? here's your grandmother and... on the day in germany they passed a law according to which all citizens, including children, have the right to change gender no more than once a year. is it really possible that a new
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serfdom awaits all those who are alternatively oriented, when the producer of the world a movie hit poisons his more successful competitor with the poison of an exotic fish, when a famous politician commits murder under the gunpoint of dozens of television cameras, when the main suspect is the face from the cover, even an ordinary everyday life turns out to be the crime of the century, which pushes stars but... politics or show business onto the criminal path , as well as the new season of superstar, how it differs from all previous ones, who will compete for the title of the best, special guests of the program talk about this. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. and get it. rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, there are many routes,
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want. and yes, this already looks like some kind of dashing series. the next part of this unimagined docudrama is presented by a new york court. more than a hundred journalists gathered outside the courthouse on monday. their attention, of course, was focused on donald trump, who arrived for the first court hearing accompanied by a retinue of lawyers. the former president made a short statement to the press, once again repeating that his trial was nothing more than a witch hunt. this is an attack on america, so i'm very proud to say that i am here, said the ex-president. well, this is a good time to remind you that trump will be the first us president in history to be tried in a criminal case. true, there have already been so many trials against trump that one can even get confused about the charges against him. i hope yulia will tell you what time they want to give the ex-president of the united states for what this time. yes, vadim, i’ll tell you. trump
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is accused of trying. hide payment to porn star in storm daniels. according to the prosecution, in 1916, that is, just before the election, trump paid mrs. daniels, with whom he had a sexual relationship, $130,000 for silence. and here it should be noted that the american fimida sees nothing reprehensible either in the relationship with the porn star, or in paying for her silence. but trump’s problems arose because of the money that was sent to this actress. his accounting department included legal expenses under the heading, but the prosecutor’s office wants to classify this as falsification of documents, for which the ex-president could face up to 4 years in prison? well, here, yul, of course, it must be said that even the process a criminal case will not prevent trump from taking part in the presidential election, but judging by the intensity of passions, for him it will be not only a fight for the presidency, but also a fight for his own freedom, because
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if trump loses the election, he will... almost certainly they will finish him off with criminal cases; given his advanced age, he could spend the rest of his days behind bars. however , for biden, it’s not just the white house that’s at stake. in case of defeat , his son will almost certainly go to prison, followed by him, perhaps the current president himself. our reporter klim sanatkin, who now works in the united states, personally measured the degree of intensity of american political and judicial passions. friday evening, a cnn journalist goes live outside a new york courthouse to talk about how the criminal case is progressing. case against donald trump, but exactly at this very moment the correspondent’s story is interrupted by the screams of the crowd. this is a man, he set himself on fire, he was standing in front of the courthouse. our operator is now turning around to show you that
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a man is on fire, this is all in front of the courthouse in manhattan. the cameraman will have time to capture these terrible shots of the flame, the self-immolation that the man who came to the courthouse will arrange. when the rescuers get there, he will be... already dead. the perpetrator of the self-immolation turned out to be a thirty-seven-year-old florida resident, who , on the eve of his death, said that he had set himself on fire outside trump’s trial. this fire, broadcast live on cnn, was the culmination of violent events that began on monday. all this week american tv channels will broadcast live broadcast almost every step of the former us president on earth from the air. donald trump showed with all his appearance that he is ready for the defense trial. i'm honored to be here. trump is accused of trying to hide a hush-money payment to porn star storm daniels.
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there were many beautiful women in the life of billionaire and ex-president donald trump; if you dig deep, you can easily find a russian trace among them. american, russian at heart. usa, she is an artist from russia who has lived in america for a long time and paints trump, only trump. yes, trump received this painting from me 2 years ago, almost 2 years ago as a birthday present, he likes it more than all the others. there are dozens in her collection. paintings with the forty-fifth president of the united states, several of them will become the ex-president’s favorite paintings. the gold standard, and for trump, is a picture of his green in the green office in badminster, and he also loves it very much
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and often uses it as a background for his interviews. an artist with russian roots thought art was outside of politics, but if you draw trump, be prepared to be bullied for months. and right away. and a fan of her work, millionaire and republican, jose box, who, together with her, is ready to repel all democrats. for the first time, he shows russian journalists his headquarters to support the forty-fifth, and,
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he hopes, forty-seventh president of the united states. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to home america. you should know what's going on here. both joe and lena are confident that trump will not be put behind bars. we are the people who must decide for ourselves what this country will be like. that's what's important, we happy in america. we should have another chance, this is donald trump. according to. let
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's do it. for now, let's return to new york. all week, the jury pool for the criminal case was being formed in the new york court. case against trump, many were dismissed due to obvious bias against the former president. trump is a problem for the world, yes, a problem, i can predict that he will not win, but even if he... wins, he will cause a lot of problems, it's all from his actions, he just creates problems. trump himself remains calm and calm this week, as if already as president , he hosted the president of poland, andrze duda, in his trump tower on fifth avenue. criminal prosecutions continue to bankrupt trump. trump spent $100 million on lawyers and various services related to crime prevention, according to a review of federal records. trump spent the money received from the donations of his
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voters, but the cup is running out, he needs money for the election campaign, for the presidential candidate now every penny counts while he met with duda in the tower trump tower sold souvenirs named after him.
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it is worth adding that any of the criminal cases against trump, even with a stretch, cannot be called a real detective story, and even trump does not qualify as a political thriller, partly true, calling what is happening to him a witch hunt, because indeed one gets the feeling that the court did not is trying to solve trump's crime, the court is trying to make trump a criminal, and above all in the eyes of voters. in general, this plot would probably not have appealed to either agatha christie, conan duel, or other masters detective genre. but it just so happened that this week was rich in unimagined real
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stories that will definitely be used to make or even already make a real detective story. in china , any day now the death sentence is due to be carried out on the producer of a global hit movie, who poisoned his more successful competitor with the poison of an exotic fish. in the states, they buried a famous actor in the past, who dealt with his wife and her lover, and at the same time managed to convince the jury that he was innocent. well, about 3 hours' flight from moscow, the now former minister is being tried for committing murder under the gun of several television cameras, so what pushes movie, political or show business stars onto the criminal path, and how such crimes change the fate of millions of people, even the course of history, about this mikhail bogdanov. here in beijing, where ekaterina lives, probably everyone has at least heard about the series.
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the founder of the gaming empire will be taken to a shanghai hospital, 40 blood transfusions will be on duty around the patient, but the billionaire will still die in 9 days only then will the police begin to clarify all the circumstances. this story begins when a young billionaire, who made a fortune on computer games, comes up with the idea to film his favorite book, but the rights to it belong to another company and they are lazy, not considering expenses, so that their...
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japanese dish prepared from this fish, sit down to the table on which the fugu would be served was like spinning the drum of a revolver before pulling the trigger at your temple, knowing that there was definitely one cartridge inside, because the ancient japanese noticed, you can eat a puffer fish to die, or you can eat a puffer fish and survive, with such a dinner the samurai showed contempt for death, on which the outcome of this meal depended on the skill of the cook, on the amount of poison in each specific fish, on the individual tolerance of poison by each well, the japanese didn’t know, and the chance to win, as well as the chance to lose in this samurai roulette, was about 50 to 50, shuyau, having mixed fugu poison with four others, decided
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not to trust fate, the sloths were doomed, but why such a terrible revenge, and the answer in the credits of the series there are tasks. producer in them though the billionaire is listed posthumously as a deceased billionaire, but he deleted his future killer from the credits in advance, it seems that this is a story about wounded pride, who will still make their own film, just as they made it about another high-profile story that happened in the usa. the country of defense turned the case into a real circus. this is a television adaptation of the trial the people v. oj simpson. a case is being heard about the murder of the accused's ex-wife and her acquaintance, and on the path leading to the murder site. there was simpson's blood, a bloody right glove was found in his garden, the left one was found on murder scene, the verdict is not guilty, but why, when it seems that all the evidence pointed to the guilt of the popular american athlete and actor. this event became a real holiday for the entire black population of america. he will die in
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his home of natural causes at 76, never having been punished for the crime that , in the opinion of the majority of the us population, he committed. well, apparently she fell, but not apparently she fell, she fell, until recently their life could have seemed like a fairy tale to many: here are happy lovers on vacation, here is soltanat, that was the name of the girl with a bouquet from a loving husband, but behind this glossy picture there was actually a completely different life, which even close relatives did not know for a long time, the more terrible
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these shots look, beshimbayev beats his wife, first on the street, then in a restaurant that belongs to his brother, this continues until... when the girl gets up, he hits her again, after the last blow, when she fell, he will simply go to the hall and order pilaf, then when he returns, realizing that his wife is not breathing, he will call instead of an ambulance fortune teller and ask his brother delete these videos. in this case, there is a video, there is testimony, the accused claims that soltanat simply fell unsuccessfully, because he allegedly hit him in such a way as not to cause serious harm. and unlike the story about jay simpson, there is no ending yet, which happens in life. more unpredictable than any series. mikhail bogdanov, anton yanchenko, ksenia politaeva and vlad kulachikhin. central television. yes. now, according to tradition, we must pause briefly in order to immediately after the pause tell, without hiding anything, about the events, which everyone is discussing. there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so be sure to stay with us. don't switch.
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american scientists conducted a secret experiment on climate change. what happened at the alameda military base? is it really a climate weapon? has already become a reality, who can influence the weather and how, and is it really true that modern natural disasters are already controlled by people in uniform? here's grandma and yuri on the day, germany passed a law according to which all citizens, including children, have the right to change gender no more than once a year, is it really possible that a new serfdom awaits all those who are alternatively oriented, as well as a new season of superstar, how it differs from all previous ones who will compete for the title of the best, i’ll talk about this specifically. guests of the program, well , before we take a short break, a few more important news: there are 10 days left before the end of the all-russian voting for... the choice of improvement objects, it began on march 15 and will last until april 30. more than 14 million russians have already made their
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choice to improve public spaces. voting is carried out according to national project housing and urban environment, which was created by decision of the president of russia. every resident of the country over 14 years of age can take part in the vote. to do this, you need to go to the website and vote for this or that improvement project. as a result , the object for which the majority of votes is cast is guaranteed to appear in your city or in your yard next year. in total, almost 5,500 improvement projects were put up for discussion. russians themselves decide what should be comfortable in first of all, a park, embankment or playground, casting their vote for one or another improvement project that was put to vote. at this moment, the most active are the residents of the chechen republic. republic of tva, stavropol territory, tomsk and sverdlovsk regions. it would be
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impossible to achieve such high figures without the help of volunteers who inform residents, answer their questions and help them vote. to date , more than 210 thousand volunteers are involved in the voting process. and this is where it’s important it should be noted that, by decision of the president of russia , projects to improve the urban environment will be extended until 2030. well: now we ’ll stop for a couple of minutes, go back on air, wait, this is a show of stars, we’re continuing the second stage of the duel, alexey chumakov, raspberry berry, oops, he’s shaking his head, disgusting suit, he’s not even angry somehow . against azamat musagaliev. today we need to find out who jokes funnier: azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? are you
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serious? how long ago has this question arisen? in order to defeat this azmat, you need think like an azamat and earn like an azamar. do i know how to beat them? i’ll just take it that when the jury announces the scores, i won’t announce them all. guys, i'm not bothering you, no, i'm here. alexey chumakov and the napoleons team will fight to reach the finals, i am for the matmusaleevs, there is no other like them, and astana. today. eight-year-old vadim has a severe congenital heart defect. the boy has already undergone two abdominal surgeries to correct the defect. and not so long ago vadim suffered a stroke. after the tragedy, vadim practically stopped walking and lost his hearing. currently there are problems with
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nothing, tell me more about this. why did anita tsoi's estate near moscow go under water? my trees stand waist-deep. you won't believe it, today at 20:20 on ntv. this is central television, and we continue to broadcast live. another news of the week that fits perfectly into the section on their morals. deputies of the german bundestag adopted a law on gender self-determination. previously, if a german wanted to change his sex, he had to undergo a serious medical examination, including a psychiatrist, and then also obtain permission court the new law removes all these requirements, and now anyone over 18 years old can change their gender by simply notifying the authorities by choosing, here again attention, any of the three genders officially
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existing in german law. well , one more important one. once the choice is made, it will not be possible to roll back or change something again, for at least a year, here, what is called laughter and sin, because on the one hand, having voted for some unthinkable, or, probably, even say that's right, meaningless freedom, the bundestag deputies essentially introduced some kind of new serfdom, well, that is, a modern german transgender can change gender in the same way as the medieval peasant of the owner, only once a year, and even... it’s strange that the deputies of the bundestag with their german pedantry did not go further and did not fix this very day, that is, a special day of the year when any german can throw off the shackles of sexual slavery, then self-determining citizens of germany, like serfs, would have its own - yuri's day, for example, how do you like the idea, well, vadim, and for history to repeat itself like a farce, it is necessary for
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the next composition of the bundestag to take this law and... repeal it, well, i’ll add a little, the new rules received an official name "law on self-determination". the current ruling coalition of olaf scholz was the one who was most responsible for its adoption. and here i would like to especially emphasize one interesting detail, which, well, suggests itself. it was about her that the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria, wrote in her telegram channel zakharova. i will quote: as they say, not even two weeks have passed since the legalization of drugs. in germany, yes, indeed, shortly before the adoption of the law on self-determination, the same bundestag supported the law on the legalization of marijuana. in general, our reporter anton chichulinsky, and not only him, had a completely reasonable question: what are they smoking there and what’s wrong with their heads? if you want to laugh at the new german law, first make sure that you don’t live in scotland,
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because they adopted their own about crimes based on crimes. 8 thousand people complained to the police in just the first week after this law came into force. one of those who filed a complaint is a british tv presenter. according to the new law, he could have demanded our arrest, because we are talking about him in the masculine gender, but someone was ahead of us. i reported to the police in johnrowling. whether she will be tried in edinburgh, where she came up with harry potter, is not yet known; if so, india will only need to prove the likelihood that rowling’s words were thoroughly saturated. india didn't become a woman, india cosplays a misogynistic male fantasy about what women are. it’s good that rowling is not german; in the bundestag, after such words , they would probably call her a fascist, for example,
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this transgender deputy. it is time to finally respect the dignity of trans and non-binary people today. so in germany they passed this scandalous law, stating that now every german will be able to live for 14 years. why they went crazy is very difficult to answer, maybe they want the population to decrease to make room for migrants, i can’t find any other explanation. why in so many countries are changing laws and even language to eradicate our society. this is a famous american journalist, jennifer billick, she conducted an investigation and claims that she found a document, a kind of trans-constitution, on the basis of which laws are now written in america. europe. there is such a transsexual, martin rodblad. he worked as a lawyer in the medical sector. together with other lawyers, also transgender, he created what is called the first gender
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bill. here is his maximo. people will be able to choose any gender they want. they erasing women from the entire legal and social system. let's take a look at a women's volleyball match in toronto. the match involved not one, not two, not three, not four, five men who pretended to be women, biological women simply sat on the bench, and these are the states, where it suddenly turned out that the student athletic association now prefers to give scholarships to non-women from birth, transgender people. and how, for example, did the association try to help you and other athletes who felt uncomfortable in one locker room with former men, no way. over the past century and a half, women have managed to do a lot, first of all, to win back personal space and protect themselves from male absolute power, an impenetrable wall of legal rights.
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until recently, the most arrogant could only rely on rare gaps, through which it was not only impossible to expand, but sometimes it was even difficult to see what was happening in the world. however, look what happens today. transgender ideology already in many countries gives men the opportunity to break down the front door. they are no longer looking for a way around, they break down this door completely, smash it to pieces, because even protesting against this is prohibited. it's no wonder that more and more women feel like they're in some kind of horror movie. i remember
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our interview with cherry dinova, a pastor from canada, who is known for being a drug courier in her youth, transporting drugs, by the way, in the bible, and also for this revelation. jesus supported transgender people and said that some were born this way 2.0 years before... lady gaga said it. is it true? he said to love your neighbor his. and 3 years had not passed before the vatican finally reacted. the document approved by the pope states: gender reassignment operations are an insult to human dignity. in this context, the idea of ​​same-sex marriage or eliminating differences in itself does not seem acceptable. but what can the apostolic palace do if the american white house appoints a celebration of transgender day? on easter sunday. our values ​​are strong, the whole world is looking at us and we must hold this banner high. at this rate
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, the states will celebrate the day of catholic christmas palikul. i would call myself a decent prostitute. this is a polycule, not to be confused with a phallicule or polyp. polycule is a new type of cell, most often in american or british society. there are many genders living under one roof, everyone claims to be everyone. i'm meeting with erin, leo and alex. i'm dating erin and zoe. someone might think that... this is just another cringe of youth, but here you have an adult palikula of four genders, two couples who previously divorced in order to move in together. let's say rachel and i have a baby. kayla, be he we are now her husband, it will be difficult to obtain rights to him, but non-biological parents can act as legal guardians. psychologists are shocked. growing up in a family that practices polyamory is confusing for children. they see their mom
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and dad having sex with others, and it gives them a very twisted view of the world. but who promotes this lifestyle? it is hardly an accident that the authors of the first gender bill are related to medicine. selfish motive, absolutely, surgical equipment, operations, hormone blockers puberty, antibiotics, anti-rejection drugs, this is a medical attack on gender. well, the one who, having changed his gender radically, then wants children, will also pay for the service of surrogacy, for what he had by default by nature for free, how to force people to buy air, to cut off their oxygen. anton chichulinsky, oleg baranochnikov, yuri rebokon, central television. well, let's finally take a break from these european gender problems and see what news is coming to the news feeds now. form agencies, behind them, like
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usually, yulia bekhtereva and yul are watching. yes, vadim, big water has come to the tyumen region, its level in the ishim river has surpassed a critical level and exceeded 10 m. the authorities say that disasters of this scale have not been seen in the tyumen region for more than 70 years. evacuation is in full swing, more than 2,000 residents have been taken out of dangerous areas, and the capital of the kurgan region is also experiencing the peak of the flood. the water level in the tabul river has already exceeded 10 m. authorities. he coordinates the actions of rescuers on site. well, this morning in orenburg the residents finally we were able to safely and economically use running water. the central power supply to the city's water supply system has been restored, and power engineers had to build up those that had been cut off.
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water directly from the boats, the lines also pass through flooded areas, as the mayor said, the water has left 75% of previously flooded houses, and, by the way, as forecasters say , abnormal floods will very soon be replaced by floods, and the same abnormal heat will come to russia , well, that is, what is happening with the climate looks like some kind of fever, the weather is being thrown into hot, then cold, scientists claim that man himself has a strong hand in climate change, however, the unexpected news of this week makes one wonder whether very specific people in uniform, that is, the military, are behind these climate changes ? it’s no secret that some hotheads have long dreamed of creating a so -called climate weapon, it’s understandable, because if you point a tornado at an enemy, for example, the destructive effect will be greater than from a modern bomber, but if you keep it all secretly write off: everything is due to the vagaries of the weather, then
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you don’t have to wait for answers, however, it’s a big deal, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. this week it became known that american scientists conducted a secret experiment on climate change. according to the politician's publication, they released tiny aerosol particles into the atmosphere that reflect sunlight. according to the official version, with the help of this technology, researchers plan to fight global warming, but despite this one can say. good intentions experiment for some reason they wanted to keep it secret and held it somewhere else, at a military base in alameda. tatyana proskurikova tried to find out what really happened at the american military base, and is it really true that modern natural disasters are already being led by people in uniform? california, alameda, one of the outposts of the us navy. and this is the aircraft carrier hornet, pride.
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american fleet during the second world war. for 25 years the ship has served as a military museum, but who knew that these days a cannon would fire from its deck again, this time a climate control one. the steam plant sends trillions of nanoparticles per second into the sky. this is an aerosol based on sea salt with chemical impurities, the task of which is to make clouds whiter. if the particles are too small, they will not create a brightening effect; if they are too large, then we will get up to... scientists at the university of washington conducted preparations for this experiment in the most guarded secret; for several years in the laboratory they calculated how much of this aerosol is needed to turn a cloud in... particles act like tiny mirrors, reflecting some of the sunlight back into space. we hope that cloud brightening will be an effective way to cool the planet. stop global warming. well, what goal could be more important today? however, the residents of alameda are horrified that they have become
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unwitting participants in a secret experiment. it became known about him only from an investigation by the new york times. intervention in nature is so controversial that scientists have hidden it. not only to the residents of california, because scientists plan to envelop the entire planet in a mirror cloud, and thus repeat the effect of the pinotuba volcano eruption. ninety-one, the fiery mountain in the philippines suddenly awakened and threw 20 million tons of ash into the sky. blocked the temperature dropped a full degree, the effect lasted a year, but if reflection of ultraviolet light is indeed the key to cooling so much sunlight that the global earth, then why did 400 of the world's leading climate scientists issue a statement demanding a ban on all
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weather control experiments. horror, this is what awaits us, solar geoengineering could disrupt precipitation structure will increase drought and the number of natural disasters. this is raymond. ehrenbert, a professor of physics at oxford, is one of the main fighters against geoengineering, that is , technologies for influencing the weather. the scientist agrees that the mirror cloud can cool the atmosphere, but if the artificial shield falls, the planet will be hit by thermal shock. we are parasitized by catastrophic warming, implementing this project is like living under a hundred-ton boulder above your head, ready to fall at any moment, but of course the project will not be closed because of this. that for many years he funded by bill gates because joe biden approved legislation with a climate research program. our best-known climate control technology is, of course, the acceleration of thunderstorm blocks. to do this
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, planes, drones and even rockets are sent into the sky, which disperse a special reagent into the atmosphere. in the arab emirates, iodide is sprayed into the sky , seeding the clouds; most of it is spent on silver, a few grams are enough for 1000 tons of water to pour out of the cloud. this is a program in which dozens of researchers and pilots are working every day to call more. but maybe the dream team overdid it this week instead of cloud seeding it wreaked havoc, the streets of dubai are scenes of the apocalypse, oh my god, we are in the center
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of a storm, a year's worth of rain fell in a few hours, plus hail the size of oranges, highways turned into rivers where sports cars drown. dubai airport has become a sea harbour, the largest shopping center is flooded, the roofs of shops are falling on the heads of shoppers, and flooding in the desert has taken both people and animals by surprise. many we actually regretted leaving the house. i won't come to work today, there's too much water. these shots also spread all over the world. the tourists who swam among the skyscrapers turned out to be a russian athlete. so he got to the restaurant for dinner, i understand that i was already all wet, there was nothing to lose, well, i just took it, observing safety precautions, observing the traffic on the pedestrian crossing on green, i swam , the world champion in winter swimming came to the emirates on
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vacation , i also planned to train at sea, but it turned out to be an extreme master class, we do breaststroke on the back; swimming is not very safe, so the most optimal swimming style is freestyle, as if calmly swimming in the crawl so as not to hit the edges. while dubai is trying to recover from the disaster, we are looking into its causes with professor of geological sciences samii suisi. while we don't have enough data to say that cloud seeding could have caused a flood, on the other hand, this is an out-of-the-ordinary event. i asked people who live been here for 30 years, they've never seen anything like this. i wonder how another scientist , the inventor of cloud seeding, would comment on the anomaly in the desert. depending on the vagaries of the weather, it will be easier
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to control it than to predict it. schaefer called his invention rain bombing, and it is not surprising that the us army . the time will soon come when we will not soon take it into service; during the vietnam war, roads were flooded so as to cut off supply routes to the enemy. today , beijing has the most powerful climate troops, rockets with reagent cause arid rain. areas, and this is half the country, it would seem that this is an internal matter of china, but no, accusations of cloud theft, which is undermining agriculture in india, vietnam and myanmar, are becoming louder. countries will not be able to agree, and weather manipulation technologies will increase the level of international tension. climate manipulation is turning into a weapon even when used for peaceful purposes and it is unclear who will destroy humanity first, global warming. and
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one more piece of news, exclusively for ntv viewers. this week, we can say, we launched a pre-launch report before the first broadcast of the new music show via superstar. yes, on the one hand, this is the same competition beloved by the audience, in which stars of the eighties, nineties and zeros can compete for the title of superstar. but in the new season there are new rules, these three letters change everything, and now this is no longer a battle of solo artists, a battle of groups. i want to warn you right away that we won’t reveal all the secrets and details today, but you will see some of the participants, or rather participants in the show right now kat, margot and hera, the golden cast of arrows, special guests of central television, i’m following a curved trajectory, because i’m going to grab this bunch of flowers. so that your evening is beautiful, kind, pleasant, i know that
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i immediately want to ask you, here is the group, the group, whatever you call it, now the gold arrows, the golden composition of the arrows, it’s not a shame that no one knows your real names, yes, for us this is normal, because, for example, in life my name is masha, but who is mash a million, here margot.
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for us it was a shock, wonderful, we were surprised, we were very happy, then the process of working with such a team was our first time, to be honest, the most important thing is that here in this project they reveal us, that is , everyone has stereotypical thinking and stereotypical understanding, in general, who the shooters are, yes, but here we really like that they take out of us something that maybe we didn’t even know about, we are also in our egregor, so to speak, yes, that is... we are like that , and here we are revealed vocally and visually
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we are revealed, and stylistically, yes, that is , we sing songs here that we have never sung , in completely different genres, this is our way out of our comfort zone, but it’s so cool, because we succeed thanks to the team, we think so , yes, this is the best team, all the directors, stage managers, costume designers, make-up artists, costume designers, but now you are not just in a sieve, because here you have... no, no, well, i must also say that of course, we have too , we know what we sing on the project, we have our favorite songs, and we think that’s it, this is the maximum score, when they don’t give you this maximum score, here you write down the address of the one who won’t give you, and by the way, i completely forgot, and can you imagine that now some young viewers could be sitting at the screens and don’t even know who you are, but they will definitely recognize the song, remind me of your main hits. and you left me, no, no, remind me why, you left me, you left me, when you left, i was left
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alone, you left me, you! here you were at the peak of fame, your songs sounded from every iron, suddenly there is no one where you are were? well, firstly, not suddenly, in general, we, firstly, after the so-called first shooters ended, hero and i sang in a duet, we had a bridge duet. and then, thanks to this duet , hero and i created a music channel of the same name, which is now very popular, here you go, the founders of this channel, and i did my own project, i also had two beautiful sons, this is wonderful, this is the question i want to ask, one the participant stands
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on stage, he is taken apart piece by piece, and he blames only yourself, when they stage it for you, i just want to say for the audience that... filming is continuing right now at the present moment, tomorrow there will be filming, and the day after tomorrow there will be filming, you quarrel with each other, well, it’s like margot says, you’re not she turned around like that, or she sang, that’s why they gave us a low rating, no, we don’t shift responsibility, we each know for ourselves where everyone is, what they messed up, but the neighbors are also great, no, well, we’ve been together for almost 30 years ,
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watch something that no one has seen before, a small video that reveals some secrets, for example, whether the jury or someone else will change, superstar then your names your names names for all times for all timesstar. the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, if you are among us, that means you, that means you, that means you are superstar, i have been superstar since i was 12.


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