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tv   Ti ne poverish  NTV  April 20, 2024 8:20pm-9:21pm MSK

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and what you are doing on the project is amazing, unique, and viewers will soon find out about it, right now i suggest watching something that no one has seen yet, a small video that reveals some secrets, for example, whether the jury will change or somebody else, superstar, will press your names press your names names names. for all times, for all times, superstar, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, if you are among us, that means you, that means you, that means you are a superstar, i am a superstar from may 12th at 20:20 on ntv. kat, margot and hera, the golden lineup of shooters were with us. studio, and don’t forget
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to turn on the tv on the evening of may 12 to see the premiere of the music show via superstar, however, even if you don’t forget about it, we will remind you about it more than once, at 20:20, well done, i learned it, yes , girls, bye, see you, well, this ends our time on air, but in a few seconds the program you won’t believe will tell you why taistia povaley got into multimillion-dollar debts and how much it costs... the suit is from dmitry debrov, and we see you with you exactly one week later on saturday at 19:00. stay with us, stay with your central television. see you later, bye! how did yuri kuklachev have a massive heart attack right during the celebration of his anniversary? how do you support? my health,
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yes, i’ve been working on my health, guys, for a long time, are the trainer’s beloved cats really in trouble, he’s caught, he’s caught, the famous trainer celebrates his seventy-fifth birthday on stage, yuri kuklachev is supported by his heirs, sons dmitry and vladimir, daughter katya, but the lord of cats, as they call him in the press, he gives his children a forum, he runs like a boy, dances, shows tricks. i am energized by the audience, the applause, the smile, as it turns out later, already in the first part the people's artist felt pain in his heart, but did not show it, he was already not feeling very well, but he said, i want to sit, nothing foreshadowed trouble at all , everyone congratulated us, during the intermission yuri kuklachev manages to accept congratulations from the singer shaman, it is already clear that the trainer is holding on with all his strength, but continues. smile,
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i just looked through the entire first section with tears in my eyes. yaroslav dronov takes this opportunity to ask kuklachev for advice. i have, of course, one female cat, so maybe, if anything, i’ll contact you separately on how to train her correctly, i have a cat of the elf breed, she’s completely naked, the color is this gray, like an elephant calf, her ears are curled back like that, the tips of the ears, such an exotic breed, such a nickname, and... a parsi is like a parsi, only without the ka, so exquisite name. larisa dollina, with a fancy bun on her head, admires the talents of the trainer. her two cats, unlike kuklachev’s pets, know only one command. they only understand to eat. eat and rush after me in the kitchen. they love me, fall asleep on my chest, wake up on my chest. cats really prolong life with some kind of extraordinary energy. suddenly the cat was giving a bath.
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diagnosed with a massive heart attack, he sat down and said: “di, i have something, i have something in my chest, something, i’m not feeling very well, but please call the doctors, he is conscious, he is conscious, yes, he is talking, he is communicating, the ambulance team arrives in a matter of minutes, all this time before the start of the second department, i was with my dad the whole time, and i held his hand , even when the doctors gave him an injection, the whole family was nearby, now we have to change clothes, take off the makeup and go to him, no one went with him to the ambulance,
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fortunately, the fiery one and klachev’s motorboat were started again. dmitry reports that his father had five cardiac stents installed. in this case, the operation was carried out live under local anesthesia. he was conscious at the time. yes, dad was conscious, because they performed an operation through a vein, and everything was very
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complicated there. the first stand was placed in his main vessel, which had just become clogged and his heart stopped, and the other four were placed afterwards in the remaining vessels in which. these plaques were also found, he had undergone a medical examination literally 2 weeks before, he was completely healthy, they didn’t find anything, and this could have been due to stress or such a heavy load, how did he do that? i had the same question for myself and the doctor, but the doctor replied that it was just a coincidence. yuri kuklachev has already been transferred from intensive care to a regular ward. first of all, he asked for kefir and prunes, yesterday he asked me for special tangerines, which...
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are like a small baby. taisti povali celebrates a housewarming in a new home. how many are a couple of squares? oh, we need to supply documents. i haven't learned it yet. fifty-nine-year-old taisti pavali is so happy that she doesn’t even remember the size of her country mansion. it depends on what you compare it to. about purchasing treasured squares meters taisti pavali began to think about it 10 years ago, after leaving ukraine, where she was recognized as a nongrat person. in kiev i have... an apartment and a country house in the greek style, i want a cozy one or an apartment or i don’t know yet, i just want to buy something, i’ll take out a loan, a mortgage, and well, like everyone else, yes, artists also take mortgages. in
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principle, people need to think so, real estate prices in moscow are high, so the mystery was over, my husband igor and my elderly mother nina danilovna were hanging around in rented apartments. here's an anecdote: i collected money for an apartment in moscow, it wasn’t enough, i had to buy a dacha in spain, for a rented three ruble in a panel high-rise building, povaley shelled out 150 thousand rubles a month, it’s very pressing, to give money, how old is someone, but not only the toad was strangling taisiya povali, the artist began to quarrel with her husband more and more often; in a small rented apartment there is nowhere to go, except perhaps to another room, does this happen to you?
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rumors: pavali is divorcing igor likhuta after 30 years of marriage. i lost one ring, it was like a sign, right on the street, somewhere in flew away for a moment. ring, but i later separated, it was from my first husband, i got married the second time and i no longer bought an engagement ring, we bought an ordinary ring with a stone so that it would be beautiful, i don’t even have an engagement ring, i decided it’s better not to risk it, not wear an engagement ring and don’t buy it, fans will be attracted to you, they will see that the woman is not married , they don’t know, oh, let them be attracted to, let them be attracted to, tawali’s husband loves her,
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so that i don’t go to fittings once a week, not only that , i am to these outfits that were sewn, i i also went to the store and bought it like this , despite the prices, now i look how much it costs, and how much this costs, i’m a responsible person, just if i have some kind of goal, i, of course, think i save, but when i don’t have there are no debts and i’m earning something, that’s it, just hold me, she’s glad that she got the house together. with furniture, albeit second-hand, there is little of it, of course, not as much as i
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would like, but it is there, i have a place to sleep, i have a place to eat, why are you asking ubas for furniture, oh, no, i’m not asking, because his furniture is very expensive, no, i can’t handle it, i’m ready to work, of course, i’m already going on tour, i have an anniversary concert this year in the kremlin palace, the only thing that depresses taisiya pavali is the absence of her beloved piano , i really like to play music, but i haven’t had an instrument for 2 years, so i dream of buying myself an instrument, oh, my mother tells me every day to buy seedlings, but i’m not ready for seedlings yet, until the landscaping of taisi and pava’s hands haven't gotten there yet, besides, it comes to the rescue anita tsoi, who supplies the entire show business with her pickles and preserves. anita gave us such products that we simply ate everything in 2 days. there was
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a lot of snow this year ; the equipment couldn’t handle it, where on the right there are 2 and a half snowy hills on the left, that is, we didn’t have to build fences between the houses, because all the fences were covered with snow, and we cleared it, of course, as best we could ourselves, this whole huge mass of snow started. we put on rubber boots before everyone else, like this on the boat in a life jacket anita tsoi i drove around my property: my trees stand waist-deep in water, the drainage on the sidewalks is not properly installed, so i personally was flooded, we had to clean out the sewer , we looked at the entire drainage again, and i’m also the chairman of the board of our village, everyone who is in the lowlands had almost everything flooded the very first floors, it was a dangerous situation, but in my opinion we dealt with it well. the whole world. anita tsoi is not discouraged. the earth is filled with water. this means a wonderful
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harvest awaits us. this is not a disadvantage for us. at the premiere all-russian ethnographic musical necklace of russia, legends, anita tsoi assures that she will have enough for everything, because she was able to combine mentoring of this large-scale project, stage work and her passion for agriculture. for the most part, i planted it so much that i also had to share it with everyone who needed it, i went too far. evgeni plushenko and yana rudkovskaya are waiting for their long-awaited daughter to be born, they are waiting for you to go get your daughter, we are coming, forty-one-year-old evgeni plushenko assures us, a happy event in their family.
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he assures that his younger brother arseniy, who is nicknamed the director in the family, is more than enough for him, but he is very smart here, we have smart children, three-year-old arseniy is already stepping on his skates, to his older brother, evgeni plushenko , according to the good tradition, brought his youngest son onto the ice, please, well done, you skated today , well, you train every day, whether you like it or not, whether you like it helps with figure skating. ask sasha, sometimes i help, but i also have training, no way, evgeni plushenko declares that he will put his daughter on skates, maybe we’ll give the girls hockey, or maybe they’ll play golf, or maybe they’ll take classes, we’ll have to look at the child, but the fact that they will be able to skate is a must, meaning that he wants a daughter and more than one , the olympic champion
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said immediately after the birth of the youngest heir, that is, after all, we will be waiting for a girl. we really want, i really want, and maybe more than one. 2 years ago in the program secret for a million, yana rudkovskaya admitted that the surrogate mother who carried arseny could give birth to twins. we hooked up two embryos, a girl and a boy. i tell the doctors why is this? he says because your girls are weak and your boys are strong. celebrity parents don't give up hope. rudkovskaya’s mother and svetlana nikolaevna are also expecting a granddaughter. almost from saturday to sunday we are always together, it’s like a family dinner. with us yana is the main person, with us senya, we call him the director, but he always turns off the lights, checks who is there, who has left, who has arrived, helped pick apples, participated, checked whether the jam is ready or not, this is senya ours, rudkovskaya’s mother lives on the ruble in her daughter’s two-story mansion, and in the summer the whole
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family gathers in sochi in svetlana nikolaevna’s house. sochi is a unique way of life, the sea. we have a swimming pool in our yard, krasnaya polyana, they travel there, senechka, though he hasn’t been yet, but everything is ahead of him, his older grandchildren are coming, rudkovskaya’s eldest sons graduated from a prestigious moscow university last year, andrey has the faculty of international economic relations under his belt, and nicholas has international business. kolya, who graduated with honors, is now he’s a master of all hands, now he’s studying for a master’s degree, he helps me a lot in... he’s so fortified, he’s also leading everything now at almost all starts, because well, he’s chinese for our projects, and this is a show and the opening of our schools in china, he speaks perfect english and spanish, rudkovskaya’s eldest sons have already introduced their mother to their lovers, they are surprisingly very modest, very beautiful, they all study
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fantastically well, i don’t know, maybe they are so good now, but then they won’t suit him, and the girls from their circle, yes, one girl too graduated from mgemo, with andrey, and kolya’s girl is studying at the economics department of the university, evgeni plushenko is glad that his family is getting bigger, the skater is only worried about his health, the olympic champion recently underwent his seventh spinal surgery, everything is fine, i’m recovering, you see, i’m already lifting, now i’m already on skates, training, getting ready. quickly, yes, this is a unique surgeon for us, doctor dmitry nikolaevich dzukai, he has already performed a second operation on me, thank god everything is fine, only in our program, how many there’s a suit from dmitry debrov, well, i’ve been sitting here sewing for years, will the tv presenter really soon sew the entire show business, you don’t sew role-playing costumes for the game yet, tell me
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more about this, who was challenged by mikhail porechenkov to fight, i could be your punching bag , no? why is ex-factory anton zatsepen afraid of his wife like hell? get away from him, i know karate! we'll see in just a couple of minutes. everything you are interested in is now in the vk video application. what kind of performance? what number? she is so different, so unpredictable. mask: fifth anniversary season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. hot spot, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. it happens that you dream of something beautiful, but what you get is something
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the first person to be sanctioned by ukraine was me. he did it. the king's attack on the kiev clown. people who offend me feel so bad after this. and the israeli jester. the director of this whole story is maxim. sensation, tomorrow at 6 evenings, only on ntv. why did dmitry debrov start sewing clothes? i've been sewing for years now. and it's not a joke. sixty-four-year-old debrov proudly shows off the trousers that he sewed with his own hands, i sewed these the day before yesterday, it’s cool, thank you, and you choose the fabrics yourself, if you want, yes, that is,
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it took debrov 4 days to do everything, the tv presenter does not hide it, to sew trousers are a piece of cake for him, these are the trousers, as we called them cola-cola in rostov, in general, in theory in the history of fashion they are called marlene dietrich trousers, can you imagine how good an old tradition this is? how much will a suit cost from dmitry debrov, if someone offered me to work with this business, i would be happy, of course, but i wouldn’t sew it, i would come up with them sooner, but this is very difficult work, the boards are amazed , well, why did debrov, whose closets are full of expensive branded clothes, take up thread and needle, the tv presenter admits, he also cross-stitches, you know why, because i had a stroke 4 years ago, and i realized well, that’s how it is for me... the doctors said i need fine motor skills, but what kind of fine motor skills are these, that’s when you thread a needle through a thread, i don’t take orders, because to be honest, her tailor is a bad one, there are such geniuses, i...
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i was talking about the planes, like i was with you, well, what have i got to do with them, i’m struggling with sclerosis, i don’t mind taking measurements from my beloved wife polina debrov, you don’t sew role-playing costumes yet, what is this for a game, tell me more about this, but debrov’s wife is temporarily unavailable, polina has left for india, where she cleanses the body in an elite clinic located at an altitude of 762 m above sea level, these are interesting massages, these are meditations, i absolutely love experiments. i take care of my health, i make a cut there, i donate blood, i see what’s happening, i want to be as beautiful as possible in my years, dima generally doesn’t really like cosmetologists or doctors, so i never force him to do anything, under any circumstances he does what he wants, dmitry debrov also wanted to open the chakras to cleanse the body, because the tv presenter has gained noticeable weight, but they left him at home, well, i’m losing weight, but very i want to eat, but what have you excluded from
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your diet? rolls, you know, how, how delicious, some chicken in the morning, or you can even chew it in the evening, or you can even chew it at night. debrav is not offended by his wife; with a light heart he paid 200,000 rubles for his polina’s weekly detox. i don't count money. the day before, debrov's wife confirmed her husband's words: thirty-four-year-old polina boasted of another diamond ring. my husband gave me a ring for my 15th wedding anniversary. dima is a master at guessing, that's why.
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they said that in the area of ​​buttock lift, it is necessary at the entrance, insert all the guests so that everyone comes in and passes through the chair, we won’t worry about their future, debra assures, he doesn’t have a massage chair. always ready for sexual exploits, somehow there may be a small child, but this is not a competition, who can do how many, we need to raise them, where there are three and four, where there are four, well, maybe 16, but how will we be from to make them worthy citizens of their country? mikhail porechenkov enters the boxing ring with his eldest son, i could be your pear, no, what will win, experience or youth, which of you is stronger,
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period? porechenko is a trustee of the fund. sport begins with children. the people's artist took his son vladimir to a charity training session. both are two meters tall, broad-shouldered, bearded, they wouldn’t let me take the russian heroes. we know you love boxing. come to the gym often. if there is no work, a lot of work, in the theater or cinema, then i try to attend at least twice a week. porechenkov received the title of candidate master of sports in boxing in his youth.
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sports, i'm a freaking athlete, i have good performance, endurance, strength, anton zatsepin's wife elena and daughter evelina are rooting for him, i really love boxing, i'm aggressive, yes, when i'm standing up, my wife doesn't hide it, she'll tear anyone up, who looks askance at her husband, once in st. petersburg after a performance we go out into the street and two stubborn hooligans get to the bottom of her, they saw her and they don’t see me at point-blank range. sensing danger, she blocks me like this, takes out her leg, which hangs in front of my face man, standing like this, get away from him, i know karate, the guys were so taken aback, at first there was confusion, then a second later they realized, they recognized me, they said, oh, antokha, is it you, in general, who saved the situation, maybe , we were arguing with porechenkov, or it’s not your weight category, well, yes, there’s a very different weight here, mikhail
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so far we’re... offended when they hint at being overweight, we’ve gained pancakes, probably more than my mother-in-law, yes, no, on the contrary, i i lost 14 kg, so i haven’t gained any weight, it could be that the camera is getting bigger, but getting into porechenkov doesn’t want a training fight with his son, now actors take part in fights, no matter how you look at it, it’s negative, because the actors have their own profession, they work as faces, and they should already forget the big fights there or some performances, they are another job, we must take care of them. the light is a little less, to make it more, i can be an assistant cameraman. mikhail porechenko remembers that as a child he was a calm child, he didn’t get into fights, we always need
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to come to an agreement, always, for some reason we need a head, a brain, yes, not just to get there there is, yes, but also talking, communicating with people, and generally not leading to conflict situations - this is the most correct thing. people's artists teach their youngest children, misha, masha and peter, to resolve disputes with words, not fists. when children do not listen to you, it may be that you took your gloves and pushed them up. no, no, we don’t have corporal punishment, push-ups, squats, very good pull-ups, that’s it, but this is not punishment, it’s more like incentives, incentives. vladimir lyubimtsev echoes his father, he is also an actor. i'm with i will never just get up as a father, do some exercises, move around. play, but just sparring, no, that is , i missed it a little, i no longer want to play with my partner, but i already want to put him in prison, but urechenkov’s son does not let his beloved wife yulia, when there are family quarrels, the cat’s claws can fly to me , yes, it happens,
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she is in my sport, but she started with dancing, ballet, and she was also into wrestling at one time or not, but with me, but it seems that porechenkov’s son himself did not notice how to grow up on his own. another worthy one rival, daughter miroslava, i would like her to go somewhere dancing, but she says, i won’t go there, she expressed a desire to go to sambo, eight-year-old miroslava is about to put her dad and grandfather on her shoulder blades, mikhail porechenko laughs, he’s just waiting for this, he’s studying at school, she has a lot of classes, chinese, maybe he’ll become a grandfather again, no, no, not yet, he probably wants a boy, but no, let them all be boys. girls, i'm for everyone. why have the heirs of actress irina tsivina been unable to establish a grave on her grave? monument. she left behind apartments and a house. as a tv series star, alexey shevchenkov lives in two families. i accept a family with
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many children, several wives, yes, that’s normal. what another scandal dana borisova has created. and i won't leave until you give me the money. i, well, you see, i’m shaking all over. we'll see for ourselves in a couple of minutes. superstar, will light up your names, will light up your names names names for all times for all times, superstar, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, if you are among us, then you know.
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at this point, my heart problems only got worse. saturation is at a critically low level. vadim’s body is simply not enough; he has stopped walking and lost his hearing. for this resource. he urgently needs a third operation to correct the defect, which will save the boy’s life. but for the operation to take place, it is necessary to raise 5 million rubles. and my metered meta, so that i have it. we ask everyone to help vadim by sending an sms to 7545 with any donation amount. the city of angarsk
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tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. where does bari alibasov get a new relative who is old enough to be his son? you were little, i, as they say, grew up in his arms. they will still compare. why did tv series star maria berseneva hide her sister for 20 years? tamed by mother-in-law by a simple russian woman tatiana morozova. i kept telling her:
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tanya, how do they recognize you? it seems to me that you are completely different. the stars have aligned. tomorrow, immediately after musk's show on ntv. 5 years have passed since the tragic death of the widow of evgeniy evstegneev, but the relatives never got around to erecting a monument on the grave of irina tsivina. where is the monument she deserved by leaving behind? so much real estate for their children, how will the actress’s heirs justify themselves, my life situation is difficult, my sister put the horseradish in, i myself am in exchange, actress olga spirkina i visited the grave of my close friend in mid-march and was horrified by what i saw: a shabby wooden cross, artificial flowers faded with time, not even a fence. this is not a poor woman who died, somewhere in the province she left behind apartments and a house.
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complained about our last two conversations at night, where she cried and scolded him, and said that she could no longer live with him, that he wanted me dead, and a day later i found out that she died and... eugene discovered the body of the famous mother , but he constantly changed indications. at first he said that irina tsibina was lying in the kitchen, a little later he said that she died in her own bed, allegedly after an unsuccessful fall she lay down to rest and did not wake up. perhaps stress affected evgenia this way, but the actress’s friends did not believe
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a single word he said. the same bed he spoke to was covered in blood, i saw when i walked in that there was not a drop of blood on the mattress, although it had been removed. that is, the apartment was all clean, i say, how could you leave a dying mother, how could you leave and come many hours later, this is terrible, this probably means that maybe he was not against her dying, the official cause of irina tsivina’s death is cardiomyopathy, a cardiac pathology that occurs against the background of severe infections or due to prolonged use of alcohol, she drank, but you will forgive me, who would not drink in such a situation, it was very... very difficult for her, but the question remains open why tsivina’s heirs, son evgeniy and daughter kazinovia, never perpetuated the memory famous mother, but the actress left the children, whom she doted on, three apartments in moscow and a house in the moscow region, worth a total of 90 million rubles. i’m actually surprised that my son could have
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financial problems when, frankly speaking, he had something to sell and a monument to erect. of course, i wouldn’t remain indifferent; for example, i don’t have any contact with him, and no one contacted me. volunteers from one of the charitable foundations are looking for her son and tsivina. he lives in the same country house that was left to him by mom's inheritance twenty-nine-year-old evgeniy is not in a good mood. by the appearance of evgeniy alexandrovich, you cannot say that he is the heir to a multimillion-dollar fortune. in a black sweatshirt and stretched sweatpants.
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i consoled him at the funeral, evgenia doesn’t want to hear, she came to the funeral, brought me a pack of cookies, i thought he poisoned him to the toilet, i can, 100 dollars don’t give me anything, only the courts, these lawyers, tsivina’s heirs, through the court, equally divided the luxury real estate, so only evgeniy assures that all utilities and other expenses fell on his shoulders, the monument is one mother, she called her, she doesn’t care, she lived all her life in another country and... on the website of the bailiffs, evgeniy blagonravov has a debt of a quarter of a million rubles, these are utility bills, taxes, and also a fine of 60 thousand rubles for administrative violations. tsovina’s son refused to undergo a medical
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examination 2 years ago. the local store reports that he often buys alcohol here. and he generally happens, sometimes when there is no money, yes, he leaves often and... takes often, the neighbors are indignant, the heir of tsivina does not hand over money for general needs of the village, for five to six months, they catch him, he does what he does, a car comes after him, we have already stopped this car, he is tinted at the back, he lies down on the seat, he is not visible, we have a grandfather here, you know, who always shakes money from him, this grandfather comes out, zhenya give the money, i’ll tell you for now, well, once every six months he brings in 10,000, the neighbors don’t understand why...
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tsivina’s heir assures , who works like karl’s dad, earning bread for the monument in addition to the famous mother, i want to make a floor. i want from a photograph with my mother, a microphone, how she sings, something so light, bright, well , that’s a lot of money, at least half a million i’m working on the restoration of royal bricks, well , that’s okay, it’s normal, 4-700 a day they come, we’re very heavy work, i don’t recommend it, and so as not to talk about irina tsivina’s son, on the anniversary of the actress’s death, evgeniy comes to the troyukur cemetery, he puts things in order, cleans the cross, and tints it. its white paint, well done maybe you don’t know, you contacted the funds. you come and clean here, thank you, thank you, evgeniy shares, he has already saved up 100,000 rubles for the monument to his famous mother. well , some, i don’t know, if the funds were interested, they would contact me themselves, they contacted you, here are colleagues, maybe friends, konstantinovna, a few, a few,
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no one cares, it turns out there will be a stop in the summer memory, we're planning money, i'm saving up, we're planning, we're planning, yes, that's it, we're saving up money, all the best, that's it, up to goodbye, thank you very much, as the star of the kamenskoye series, alexey shevchenkov lives in two families, torn between his wife and his mistress, i don’t mind there. let's say, a traditional family, but i accept a family with many children, several wives, yes, normal, a forty-nine-year-old actor is a father of many children, his wife olga gave him daughters, varvara and vasilisa, shevchenkov hid children from his mistress until recently, but now with pride reports that his daughter ulyana and son german are growing up on his side, for me this is an honorary title, father, i’m really proud of it, that i have such wonderful daughters. and son, the official heirs of shevchenkov do not communicate with his illegitimate children, and they have not introduced them yet, not yet, they
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know everything about each other, but this is the moment, this is the process that i am trying to bring to this, because the matter itself the matter is so subtle, some steps have already been taken towards this, shevchenkov’s wife and mistress have also heard a lot about each other, now you live with your first wife, i try to be both here and there, your companions, aren’t they jealous? we do not hide this topic, we do not touch upon it, i hope, when they will become older, i mean women, when all this has calmed down a little, and of course, i really want everyone to be at the same table, this is my dream, my colleagues’ eyes widen at such revelations from tv series stars, although in the acting world, shevchenkov is no exception; valery zolotukhin once lived in two families; national artist alexander sbruev has had two wives and two daughters for more than 30 years.
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since then, thank god, i’ve never had it , i remember, it still haunts me so much that i’m faced with something like this really, you know how unhappy people are, suddenly returning from a business trip, god has had mercy on such things, i can deceive myself, i can generally think about something else, because it will be better for everyone. it seems to me that olga shevchenkova is also an actress, with her husband she went through thick and thin and his numerous drunken sprees, he is now
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the star of the series teetotaler, but there was a time when he didn’t knit the bast almost every day, when there, let’s say, he’s strong, i always had to drag myself to the theater in the evening and be sure to pick him up, i was afraid that he simply wouldn’t make it home at all, that something would happen to him, he knew there how much i was in love with him, shevchenkov’s wife tried several times to end the illness. for her, a relationship, we broke up with lyosha at some point, i didn’t eat, i didn’t sleep, i understood that i would live in this agony for the rest of my life, i would have no children, no husbands, or if they will be, it will be even worse, because it’s like, well, you can’t marry that person if you love that person, only after 7 years of relationship shevchenko took olga to the tax office, the actor is surprised at himself that he decided to have a stamp in his passport, freedom is important to me personally, this is a cliché, i’m married, i’m married, i... i can’t stand to forgive for god’s sake when i signed, for it was a psychologically incomprehensible thing for me, that i should belong to someone. alyosha
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really wanted children, this, again, was also one of the moments that kind of pushed him to the point that he still needed to sign his name. star kamenskaya assures that he continues to live only for the sake of his four children for two families. to those people who now, if they were judging me, i would answer like this: for me there are no these and those, for me these are only children, older ones.
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i live, i mean women, how wonderful it would be, yes, great, children are important to me, i have the opportunity to support them, i will do everything for this, if this happens, keep it, keep your story, go, go to yours fortunately, don’t forget anyone, why is dana borisova knocking on the thresholds of pawnshops, the brute
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doesn’t answer the phone, forty-seven-year-old borisova is complaining. a unique ring that my boyfriend gave me man, he ordered it from a factory in switzerland, a ring in the shape of a heart and an expensive exclusive diamond of two carats, i’m not lying, a couple of years ago on the beach this diamond fell into the pebbles, i began to rummage through these pebbles with my claws, thank god i found it,
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hid it in a box of gum and this... let's say, who doesn't have them, i think it's lying idle in the pawn shop that borisova found because there were huge financial problems, but honestly , the advertisement on the internet, the tv presenter was received with open arms, the star screen from at first glance i realized that this was not a movie office, but a rather respectable place. there are always girls in expensive fur coats, makeup and hair extensions sitting in the hallway, apparently also bringing what their lovers gave them. but the lombard employees have been feeding dana borisova breakfast for six months now, and she desperately needs money. some kind of dialogue begins only when you arrive at their office and start shouting loudly, becoming hysterical and threatening violence. what
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a scandal dana borisova will throw at the pawnshop, you see i’m shaking. that's it, is it really tv presenter another attack of bipolar disorder, official diagnosis with a certificate with a stamp, why friends turned away from borisova, she threw me off like that, we’ll find out in just a couple of minutes, this is a show of stars, we continue the second stage of the duel, alexey chumakov, raspberry berry, oops, twists head, flies up, that... the disgusting suit in it even gets angry somehow not against azamat musagaliev, today we need to find out who jokes funnier: azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? are you serious? and for a long time such a question arose? in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat and earn like an azamat. i know how to beat them, i’ll just take it when the jury announces the points,
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i won’t announce them all.
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