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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  April 21, 2024 12:00am-12:41am MSK

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national bolshevism had, so to speak, lenenism, tratzkyism, they have now come up with such a term, this professor i mentioned wrote that stalin is one thing, lenin is something completely different, i won’t say what we have here another opinion, opinion has nothing to do with it, you never know what opinion anyone has, i will say that this position, it simply does not correspond to reality, let’s try to understand where this position came from, i think, for people who are not too fond of the soviet project, but then... those who hate him still want somehow be involved in the victory of 1945, but at the same time believe that the soviet project did not play any role in this victory, so the following trick was invented: the soviet project, they tell us, was anti-state, but then stalin came and sharply turned the steering wheel to the right , well, that is, he tilted towards national interests, and at the same time killed all the bolsheviks, so they tell us that 1945 has nothing to do with 1917.
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alas, this is not true. this is a completely speculative concept. this concept is not from life and not from history, it's out of my head. and now we will briefly explain why. vinline presents. unique betting races where you compete with other players. choose tournaments that you like. place more bets. get around your opponents. take the maximum from the prize fund. betting races only on winline. winline makes a difference. winline gives freebet. 3,000 without conditions. to all new players. questions that no one dared to ask him. you are now leading me to a man named maxim galkin. first. philip kirkorov about the betrayal of foreign agent galkin. peat our air defense. this is no longer humor. this is just some kind of settling of scores. about the flight of the pugachevs. normal
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almost everyone i make sure to dress up my day online with a photo showing the first lineup. council of people's commissars in 1917, the first soviet government, the photo shows those people's commissars who would later be shot under stalin. well, then the usual, stupid, excuse me, mockery begins. oh, where did lenin find so many enemies? people. oh, what happens that stalin shot the lenin guard? stalin probably would have shot lenin himself. so why is this? it was not lenin who collected it, it was collected by everyone, including stalin, including trotsky, including dzerzhinsky, they were all there in the same room, they all voted.
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stalin was definitely one of the five most influential bolsheviks at that time; attention, he himself voted for the entire composition of the people’s commissar’s council, he knew all these future people’s commissars. at that time they were all his comrades-in-arms with many years of experience as comrades, and stalin did not speak out against one of the named figures, so here we can say that he bore a little less responsibility for this guard than, strictly speaking, lenin, secondly, here is the composition of the government of 1938, look at the photo, stalin already has all the power in his hands , it is absolute, and this is the government. will soon be knocked out, and my goodness, whose guard is he now shooting, isn’t it his own guard , because lenin didn’t even know these people’s commissars of 1938, who would soon go under the knife, these are definitely not some kind of tratskyists unfinished, no, this is stalin’s personnel
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choice, this is his personal choice, you know, no, stop making faces as tight as you can, you yourself won’t get tired of it, you take huge complex, terrible russian historical processes, don’t reduce them to a stupid joke: oh, here’s lenin’s guard, oh, so stalin took and shot all the faithful leninists, yes, yes, he shot them, and then he shot the faithful stalinists, it’s not so funny anymore, but what’s not so funny, laugh until you drop. now, in essence, point one: lenin himself parted with his former party members comrades instantly if they went against the bolshevik cause. point two, no lenin. considering that lenin in fact transferred power to stalin, stalin is this very leninist guard and not only him. here is a photo from lenin's funeral. the coffin is carried by the
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closest people, how do you know who carries lenin’s coffin? lenin's coffin is carried by joseph stalin, lev kamenev, mikhail tomsky, mikhail kalinin. subsequently, another part of the bolsheviks was nailed down - kamenev, bukharin, zenoviev. but do you think that after the death, for example, of russian tsars or russian emperors, it was somehow otherwise? remember how the clans that remained after the death of the russian sovereign alexei mikhailovich romanov, the miloslavskys and the naryshkins, beat and destroyed each other. it’s terrible what happened then, but after the death of peter the great it was different, there again the clans in power crushed and strangled each other. before. we have the most elementary war of clans, while people within the clans could have the
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same beliefs, or approximately the same beliefs. what do you think, the miloslavskys were less patriots than the naryshkins, or those princes of rurikovich who strangled and crushed their brothers in the struggle for power were more patriotic, well, as a rule, no, as a rule, everyone was for everything good against everything bad, it’s just that some won and others lost, this is russian history, yes and not only. this is a struggle for power, everything is always complicated here, there is no need to make faces on this topic for the sake of your frivolous beliefs. now about the next argument, which is repeated just as often, here it is: for lenin, and especially for trotsky, the russian people were just brushwood in the cause of the world revolution, the russian people loved stalin and even raised a toast to him after the war. people will write or say this and look at you with glassy eyes, well, how did we get away with you? this phrase about
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brushwood, it sounds so scary, so pitiful, you can’t help but imagine the despot vladimir ilch, and trotsky, of course, dragging brushwood from the russian people somewhere out there. so, in short, my beloved, you know what a world revolution really is, this is the creation of a network of socialist formations, republics, states, communities of other forms that should... you know what would have happened if the communists had not lost then in germany, in italy, if they had not been strangled in the twenties and thirties of the last century in the finnish-hungarian concentration camps. that’s right, my dears, if lenin’s ideas had come true at least partly on european territory, we would not have had the second world war. it simply would not have happened, because there would be no fascism, but there would be
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communist countries friendly to us, or even controlled by us, communist regimes, but lenin’s dream was trampled in europe, the fascists strangled it, and britain and the usa were not against it. but lenin’s idea was able to survive and develop during the 20th century in china, north korea, and many countries in africa and latin america. as a result , these countries now form the basis, for example, brix, helping russia. more than anyone else in the world. once again, to consolidate, these countries arose from the very brushwood that all our ears have already been buzzing about. this leninist illness - the creation of a network of socialist countries saves to this day the day of life for our boys and girls at war is coming. oh, how hard it would be for us without this brushwood, without the help of china and north korea, without new contracts with africa, with latin america, with those leftist regimes that have survived there. since the 20th century, a separate comical aspect of the woeful song about brushwood is stalin’s position, that’s where
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lenin and trotsky had to burn brushwood in this smoke and dance their terrible revolutionary dances, and stalin sat in a dark corner and suffered. no, it wasn't like that. stalin was a loyal bolshevik-lenist, he himself was obsessed for some time with the idea of ​​world revolution, but abandoned the idea of ​​permanent revolution, just as lenin refused for the simple reason that both of them were rational. both of them saw that the capitalist world was overplaying its hand, soviet russia, young, could not cope with such a volume of tasks. but, by the way, as soon as stalin gained strength, he immediately, right there, created a bloc of socialist countries in europe, and not only in europe, so let us return lenin’s insight in this matter, he wanted this bloc of socialist countries in europe to create immediately after 1917. so why god bless us is there anything wrong with this? what's bad about it? our pmcs operate in africa almost all over the world. well, instead
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of talking about lenin’s horost, let’s curse the current government, as you curse lenin, because these are the same processes. well, shout, oh, such a power, they use russian people like brushwood for their own purposes. why do we need syria, why do we need africa, why do we need latin america? for what? why? then why does ilenin need to provide our the power of our nation. geopolitical security in order to provide us with markets, otherwise they’ve messed up brushwood, brushwood, brushwood, brushwood, brushwood, brushwood, ugh, how lazy are people to think about their own words, they’ll steal someone else’s little stuff and drag it back and forth, give up this rubbish, spit it out already, download the application, get a good luck bonus from the betting league, five yours, go to green, the special will be in time, the song will be finished, the excess will come off, you will find what you need, old jacket, and the financial quarter
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- in fact, he is not stalinist at all, namely, that he was originally leninist. i repeat once again, the term national bolshevism itself appeared in 1920. remember what grand duke alexander mikhailovich romanov said about the bolsheviks. quote. big. here's what the representative said. it occurred to me that, although i am not a bolshevik, i could not agree with my relatives and friends and recklessly condemn everything that is done by the soviets, just because it is done by the soviets. nobody argues, they killed three of my siblings, but they also saved russia from the fate of a vassal of the allies. i once hated them, and my hands were itching to get to lenin or trotsky, but then i began to learn about one or the other. constructive step of the moscow government and caught myself whispering, bravo, like all those christians who are neither cold nor hot, i knew no other way to recover from
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hatred except to drown it in another even more burning hatred. the last subject was offered to me by the poles. when, in the early spring of 1920, i saw the headlines in french newspapers, announcing the triumphal march of pelsudsky through the wheat fields of little russia, something inside me could not stand it. and i forgot that not even a year had passed since the execution of my brothers, all i could think about was: the poles are about to take kiev, the eternal enemies of russia are about to cut off the empire from its western borders. i did not dare to express myself openly, but listening to the nonsense chatter of refugees from soviet russia and looking into their faces, with all my soul i wished the red army victory. it didn’t matter that i was a grand duke, i was a russian officer. swore an oath to defend the fatherland from his enemies. i was the grandson of a man who threatened to plow up the streets of warsaw if the poles once again dared to violate the unity of the empire.
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suddenly, a phrase from the same ancestor of mine 72 years ago came to mind. emperor nicholas ii wrote directly to the report about the outrageous actions of the former russian artillery officer bakunin, who in saxony led crowds of german revolutionaries to storm the fortress. hurray for our artillerymen, that is, hurray for bakunin, the revolutionary. the similarity of my reaction to his amazed me. i felt the same way when the red commander budyonny defeated pelsudsky’s legions and drove him all the way to warsaw. no matter how ironic it may seem that the unity of the russian state has to be defended by the participants of the third international, the fact remains that from that very day the soviets are forced to pursue a purely national russian policy, which is what it is. nothing more than the centuries-old policy, begun by ivan the terrible, formalized by peter the great and reaching its peak under nicholas i, to defend
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the borders of the state at any cost and step by step push through to the natural borders in the west. end of quote: this is the assessment of lenin’s national bolshevism. it was lenin who publicly spoke out against leftism, against, as he himself called it, the childhood disease of leftism. this is lenin, attention. speaking about culture, he made a clear bet on a traditionalist orientation. it was not under stalin, but under lenin, that the school curricula of soviet schools were based on the texts of pushkin, lermontov, lev nikolaevich tolstoy and alexander blok. the same applied in lenin's views to both music and painting and all other types of art. lenin , after all, was a russian nobleman and while carrying out the revolution, he was guided by russian culture, seeing it only as the basis of a new society. and now i will say something that very, very many people will not like, but it will have to be said: in fact, the first person who turned away from the path of national bolshevism for about 10 years was
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stalin, turned and then returned to national bolshevism, but first turned. let's go through the main points that are endlessly flowing from empty to empty, if the conversation turns to stalin and lenin. point one: lenin's national policy. this is where they tell us that lenin created republics. cut down the russian empire, and stalin, they tell us, was against it. yes, yes, funny. in fact, in the first composition of the soviet union there were only four republics, four. moreover, armenia, georgia, azerbaijan, for example, were not even divided, but were united into one transcaucasian republic in 1922. the rest of the small nations, almost all of whom then lay claim to a republican status, lenin refused, leaving them all within the rsfsr. stalin subsequently sawed off all the other republics, after lenin’s death, stalin did not refuse them, so what did he speak out against then, but if in the long
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term... look with sober eyes, he really wasn’t against it, he is even further than lenin went, he went even further to the left on the national question. stalin spoke, i say this seriously, as a democrat. if peoples want to have some form of autonomy, we must meet them halfway; they will respond with gratitude, so stalin reasoned. to me now they will say: “well, yes, they responded with gratitude in 1991.” yes, they answered, in 1991, the peoples of the soviet union. voted against the dissolution of the soviet union, but their most important answer happened in 1941 and 45, they fought together with the russian people the most terrible world war and they fought for their homeland, for their common homeland, which they considered theirs, this is the result of the lenin-stalin national politicians. point two: nowadays such a phrase as lenin’s ukrainization circulates endlessly. this is rhetorical in itself
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an approach. funny, yes, indeed, under lenin a number of regulations were adopted regarding the indigenization of national borderlands in order to equalize the rights of small nations with the great russians. all these acts, of course, were not based on lenin’s desire, but on the demands of national soviet assets. it was difficult then to weigh the pros and cons in the situation of the civil war, which essentially lasted until 1922. however, ukrainization, precisely as a large-scale action, started only in 1927 , and this. stalin's brainchild. stalin was engaged in ukrainization for 10 years by 1937 i realized that i had gone too far and as a result, all the most zealous local ukrainizers were literally killed and exterminated. nevertheless, he shut down the project that he himself launched at one time, he himself, and not, for example, trotsky, on whom everything is blamed today. point three, which continues point two, endlessly talks about lenin’s
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anti-religious policy of change. stalin's religious policy came, when the patriarchate was restored, when seminaries began to open, and so on and so forth. yes, yes, indeed the patriarchate at first it was, of course, not stalin who restored it, but lenin. he was the first to restore it after peter the great abolished the patriarchate. moreover, until 1922, soviet russia experienced a flourishing of the church, indeed a flourishing, and figures of the russian church wrote a lot about this. not only were the churches not closed for the most part. but also new ones were built , churches damaged during the civil war were restored. soviet russia and the first years of its existence had an extremely rich religious life. we're leaving out the big one for now. the very sore subject of the death of priests during the civil war. but here we must immediately make a reservation that the overwhelming majority of deaths did not happen due to circulars sent from moscow, but due to the frenzied political and military confrontation in the places on which moscow was able to influence.
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unable due to the chaos that reigned then, the so-called godless five-year plan, a sharp tilt to the left on the religious issue, followed by an absolutely brutal anti-church campaign, it also began after lenin’s death in 1927, 3 years later after lenin’s death, only during the great patriotic war did stalin return to the rules of relations with the church that were, in one way or another, built under lenin. and finally,
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the company, the so-called rapovites, were rabid and this magazine was opposed by other leftists who hated voronsky, krasnaya nov, and yesenin and his peasant comrades. what was stalin's problem? stalin's problem was that voronsky was close to trotsky. moreover, trotsky, a well-read man with quite good literary taste, also made a bet then not the proletarian one. literature is not for leftists, but just for yesenin and even for the peasant poet nikolai klyuev. in general, trotsky placed literature on the right edge, and not on the left. and stalin, who had to defeat trotsky, had no choice but to bet on rap, to bet on the naked leftists. it should be clarified that literature was then at the center of soviet ideology. literature spelled out the most important things. literature comprehended and guided.
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and stalin, with the help of a slave, at first. problems for the poet pavel vasiliev, for the poet sergei klychkov, the poet ivan pribludny , and nikolai klyuev i mentioned. at the end of the post-senin school, the cruelest ends began; then they were all shot under stalin, not under lenin. under lenin, they all published book after book, one after another, and under stalin they were exterminated. and only after defeating trotsky and demarcating the red nova in its previous composition and sending a link to the editor of this magazine, voronsky, stalin began the defeat. rapp, who he no longer needed, because stalin was also a traditionalist in his cultural predilections, like lenin, but in order to defeat political opponents, he had to temporarily identify with the extreme left. and only after all
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this, in the second half, at the end of the thirties, stalin, who 10 years earlier had turned the steering wheel to the extreme left, began to turn this steering wheel sharply to the right, towards national values. by 1940 in soviet. union , a demonstrative return began, for example, of the poetry of anna akhmatova, which, by the way, on the initiative of mikhail sholokhov almost received stalin prize. marina tsvitaeva returned to russia. in russia , films and books about the great figures and military leaders of the romanov era and the rurikovich era began to be created and published one after another. as we remember, ukrainization was stopped, other nationalisms were suppressed, and so on. stalin turned the ship of state not from lenin's course. he turned the ship of the state around the course he himself set in 1927, he turned the ship back to lenin’s course. some here will ask the question: so, that means all stalinan's policy from 1927 to 1937
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was wrong, omitting the conversation about the bloody excesses and other horrors that happened then, we will immediately get to the point and answer: no, it was not wrong, this cannot be simplified, why we answer, why .. in order to return to the topic of russian patriotism, stalin had to educate at least one generation of soviet patriots, the same pioneers, the same komsomol members and communists on whom he relied during the great patriotic war. i have told more than once in our program how in in soviet institutes, as soon as any small war began, be it finnish or any other, queues of volunteers immediately formed, the kind we cannot even imagine in such institutes today. what kind of people were these? perhaps brought up on the poems of akhmatova or on films about kutuzov and svorov? no, these were precisely soviet teenagers who fanatically believed in the absolute correctness of the soviet project, which gave freedom to peoples, freed working peasants, and so on and so forth. turning the steering wheel in 1927
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radically to the left, stalin was preparing for himself a support base among those for whom history began in 1917, because these people were born around these years, only then, having created for himself... this support base from future pioneer heroes and komsomol members - heroes, from the future young guards, from those people who, going into battle, wrote: consider me communists, stalin began to reorient himself towards the huge masses who also demanded attention, the masses born before the revolution, raised in the pre -revolutionary years, who still believed in god and demanded respect for russian national history. this had its own stalinist logic, in some ways terrible, in some ways ruthless, in some ways... great in results, first to create a huge backlog of left-wing, young and active masses, then to unite this left-wing mass with the rest of the population, which , of course, there was no chance of re-educating so quickly. this is how it all was, if the history
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of the first decades of soviet power is taken seriously calmly, and not dogmatically, so i summarize, i ask adults, because among our viewers there are reasonable adults who don’t buy into this nonsense that even our respected pros talk about... we are for complex answers to complex questions.
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kitties, swearing, snorting, praying, oh my god, folding. fed with false hopes, watched over, in a lame bed, like water in a black ear, cats, don’t go to the litter box anymore, only on the carpet in the hallway of the house, to no one, the yard, to no one, to the yard, to whom, the cats have grown up,
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but the burgals, behind a snowdrift, tiny little ones will fly out the window, they ate bread skuksels, soon they will eat you, cats, wheezing and stealing strained, drinking valerian alcohol, who is behind... the door, we don’t need anyone, the hostess is sleeping, the hostess is sleeping, then no one, courtyard for anyone, courtyard, no one, that’s no one, who, no one
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, that’s no one, refining tower, well, welcome on the apartment, i want to say that during the time that we did not see each other. you have grown up, the first time
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we met you, you were a rather shy young group, now you are already 11 years old, again, bringing an orchestra is worth a lot, you have grown up, it is worth a lot , but you have truly grown up, and mishanya, tell me about the orchestra of national instruments, that is, i remember earlier, when we were talking about the style, they said that you hate... the name is a rock band, and you are just some kind of noir chanson, so the choice fell on the orchestra of national instruments, yes, it’s been a long time since we saw each other, yes, yes, i think it would be fair if sasha tells us a little about our wonderful orchestra, because sasha was involved in scores, this idea has been brewing for us for a very long time, but i think it would be more correct to convey him, no, but the fact that he has a button accordion, i understand. well, regarding the style, firstly, we
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don’t despise rock now, and if so, listen to our latest album, which is called a limited liability company, there we play music similar to rock, similar to what, sorry, this is a long conversation, listen, this needs to be sorted out as if, no, you know that in fact the simplest explanation is, last time you had a cojon instead of drums, now there’s a real drummer, cymbals, that means it’s rock, so what? well, as for this program, today we are playing songs from the album russian songs and russian songs afterwords, we had such a cycle, albums that came out in 15-16, in fact, how they came out, this idea arose, we immediately wanted to voice them in exactly this form with an orchestra and since in this in the program we also appeal to folklore, the choice of course is an orchestra of folk instruments,


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