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tv   Kvartirnik NTV u Margulisa  NTV  April 21, 2024 12:40am-2:01am MSK

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firstly, we don’t despise rock now, and if so, listen to our latest album, which is called the society of co-border responsibility, there we play music similar to rock, similar to what, sorry, this is a long conversation, listen, this needs to be analyzed as no, you know that the simplest explanation is actually, last time you had a cojon instead of drums, now there’s a real drummer, cymbals, that means it’s rock, but it seems like drums define rock, of course, of course. and as for this program, today we are playing songs from album russian songs and russian songs afterwords, we had such a cycle, albums that came out in the fifteenth and sixteenth years, in fact, as they came out, this idea arose, we immediately wanted to voice them in exactly this form with an orchestra and since in this program we also appeal to folklore, the choice was, of course, an orchestra of folk instruments, i see that it is not folk, national, i specifically went...
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i asked, but in the sixteenth year we did not have such opportunities to carry out this idea, kpotek they didn’t give loans either, yes correctly noted, we grew up, of course, we grew up, firstly, we showed you in our program, you immediately became famous, in fairness to the radio, i’ll add that on russian songs we really had a huge number of invited musicians and...
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with this orchestra and with brass, we will probably have to play without spectators, it will all be musicians, so your program gives such a powerful impetus, i think our popularity will increase significantly, after that, welcome, athenash terema,
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what you see behind the branches is not me , it isnot mine oak forest, sleepy, this is not my melancholy, dog, let's play, let's hide with you, who you will be, i'll be a top, whoever you will be, i'll be a top. whoever you will be, i will be a big one, whoever you will be, i will be a drag, don’t lie down, don’t lie down on your side, boy, while running away, you lost your mittens, where can you now get some zest, hide two from me under the snow. lead, who you will be, i will be
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a spoon, who you will be, i will be yoursko, who you will be, i will be yoursko, who you will be, i will be your school, you are a hillock, you are bitterly sick, you ran to the field. like a magic wand, come on new count, who will you be, i will be the top, who will you be, i will be the top, cache, i will be the top. whoever you will be, i will be yours.
12:45 am
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sberbusiness, where did bari alibasov get a new relative who is old enough to be his son, you were little, i’m like... . growth in his hands, they will still compare why the star of the series maria berseneva hid her sister for 20 years, with age they still began to communicate better, both with masha and with. dad, i know that dad definitely loved her, how leonid agutin helped his relatives solve the housing problem, i have an option, you can, i can, each for himself, each for himself, if i were her, i would generally say, my son hears, is the mother of the factory girl sasha savelyeva happy with her son-in-law, we talked, talked, he came, by the way, with his daughter from his first marriage, wow, and how the simple russian woman tatyana morozova tamed her mother-in-law,
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download the application, get a good luck bonus from the betting league, five deuces, go to green, run, i don’t remember, i asked you a question, what prompted you to write music? inventing poems and so on and so forth, i i read somewhere that you were taught to play the guitar by a neighbor who was released from prison, and i understand what the repertoire was there and what she showed you, i swear, nothing but chords, only three chords, misha, do n’t you really have it in your memory? this is a finnish knife, dog skin. one of the first songs that they showed me was a song about tefir, yes,
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but of course we won’t play it, these are not russian songs, russian, but a little, yes, a little in a different flavor, this is real folklore, of course, one one of my favorites there were songs from my then, one might say, childhood, probably, childhood ended when i had this, why not, on the contrary, on the contrary, the most vivid memories i always say are those of childhood, these... our rehearsal point is nearby with a base where black guys sing gospel music, we have everything at our fingertips, okay, then do you remember?
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with a guitar, listen, yes, here is the bass guitar, yes, there are only three chords, more, more, i already played very cool at that time, i played about the same at the age of 12, that’s how it is now, the thing is that one of the songs, which was just recorded on a tape recorder when i was about 12 years old, is circulating on the internet, and the fact is that i forgot the words, because... it was sung there, it’s in the center of all cities, yes, yes, yes, even sasha knows, but i only
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know the name, listen, let's try, the chords, you know what they were there, what chords they actually play, d minor, e major, listen, i'll tell you now i’ll say harmony, f, major, c major, e, minor, a. let's go, i'm in the center of all cities, where the dawn shines like fire, the heights go to the roofs of houses, but i don’t see you among them, only the wind walks with me. along the roads, under the light of lights, the sky
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, illuminated by a star, will tremble under the weight of days, the light in your window, burns brighter, thousands of stars, the evening will build for you in the starry sky, a silver bridge, along it you... to me, among other people's dreams, we will be together, together, together in noah, in the center of all cities.
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well, actually, this song, it was written when i was probably 11 years old, and it seems to me that it should be included in the repertoire, of course, of course, listen, the first time people moved in, i was immediately hooked, this is what we have here, that’s it, let’s go back to...
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for having fun, salta, remember, come on, lord, i’m in front of you, bloody and trashy, they’ll kill me, don’t peek, but forgive me , i still won’t read it, don’t write, dear, forgive me, i still won’t read it, don’t write, lord, please, close your eyes and don’t breathe,
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may you never be sad, there was pain, there was no more song, there was despair, there was music.
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we didn’t communicate, so a couple of questions for you, for me afinazh is still a group, and neither kalinin nor the afinazh group, each a character in this band, a great speaker, a good musician, a good person. seryoga, how did i introduce you? i'm happy. afinash, that is, your first meeting story, began in vologda, then you moved to st. petersburg, peter, to st. petersburg, you had an acoustic duet, and then you started doing something together. you had some kind of group with a rather strange name, that is, as i understand it, from the first composition, from yours, only the two of you, yes, the whole point is that while misha and i were alone, it was not quite afinazh, it was an acoustic duet called me and moebius are going to champagne, we later called our first big album that way, so alexander
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sergeevich added a finality to us, the group afinazh, it appeared at the moment when sashka first visited he came to visit us, no, well , a warrior-philosopher, that’s understandable, a drinker, probably not, okay, and after that she started spinning, yes, they decided from the mob. make a team already, you see, at first we were an acoustic duo, then the afinash group, then noir chansonson, the afinash group, now 11 have passed years, we are now rock, the group afinash, sergey shelyaev, we play, thank you.
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they say the grass is greener, the grass is greener, the grass is greener, the grass is greener. if you take us with you, the road is shorter, and if not, it’s longer, you can’t see in the pilin, you can’t see in the pilin, you can’t see in the pilin, you can’t see in the pilin, either they are big, or they are big, or they are big, or
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little ones, who are you, who are you, who are you, asked me, asked me, asked me, asked me? i don’t know whether to lie or not, to take or not, brother or not, brother or not, my cart is standing. my cart, my cart, my cart, a gentle horse wheezes,
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a gentle horse, a gentle horse, a gentle horse, in the forest there is a bitch of turnip. a man on a belt, hanging on a belt, hanging on a belt, shaking like a sheet of shit, like a sheet of shit, and the moon gives light, the moon gives me, who are you, who are you, who did you give me? they gave it to me, they gave it to me, they gave it to me, i don’t know, brother or not, brother or
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not, take it or not, take it or not,
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now, looking at you, i thought that you have a set of instruments, here are street musicians, that’s exactly the acoustics, here’s the accordion, the trombone, you played acoustics for a long time, then introducing other instruments, well, in fact, we continue to play acoustic music, even though we have turned into a rock band, and we can even play metal in general, on
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acoustic... i have no problems, don’t scare me, but tell me, well, you ’ve outplayed some wild number of apartment dwellers, probably not, in fact, as the only, in my opinion, apartment dweller, and not, we had several apartment dwellers, one, this was one of our first concerts in moscow, it was our very first visit to moscow in 1913, we gathered a full apartment of spectators, and the spectators collected us in their hats for a return ticket, well, that’s understandable, right? we gathered all the residents. apartment so, where did you look for musicians for the team? at one of the apartment buildings we just met sasha, or rather, sasha and sasha had known each other for as many years as we knew seryozha, and sasha brought sasha, and so we became a quartet after the apartment buildings, yeah, that is, we have a lot in common with apartment dwellers, essentially was our composition formed thanks to
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this apartment building, somewhere now? do you live in an apartment? the question sounded a little subtle, but so you returned there, you know, we rehearsed for quite a long time at misha’s house, in the apartment, yes, these were just such apartment dwellers, they even came to us once, dissatisfied with our apartment dwellers, to sort things out, neighbors or the police, well neighbors, but can we even consider people who come dissatisfied with the music as neighbors, looking at what you played, we are just these russian songs... so if if you played those songs that you heard from your neighbor, no one would come, i think they would come even faster, and it would be the fans, sasha, tell me, how did you end up with bayan in rock and roll, but this it’s quite a strange phenomenon, listen, well, let’s say, for russian rock bayan the igordeon is quite a characteristic instrument, well, i’m not even talking about the group zero, let’s say alisa, the aquarium group there from the nineties is hard
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to imagine without... but i thought , where do i get your face from, the sound is familiar, you know, so, so this is quite a typical instrument for russian rock, yes, yes, long live russian rock, let's play. edu, questa un po'. smoke without fire, the sky
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is like a wolf, inside me, causeless sadness, i’m driving, i’m not crying, i’m almost waiting and i didn’t have time, how long i drove, how long you waited, well , you’re an old man, what have you done, not even though it’s morning i'm born and i'm going. gathered my courage,
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waited out the rain, again under the stars, i’m driving, i know that’s it, i know that it’s late, the road is good to me, good riddance, the earth is in your ear, you didn’t wait, i didn’t have time, how long i’ve been driving with... only you i was waiting, well, what are you old man, what are you wearing, let the morning be born, i’m coming, you’re going like a pillar,
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i’m going, stalbo, i’m going, you saldama, i’m going, i’m going!
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everything will be fine, we will defeat everyone, who is older? i, come on, i’m sorry, forgive me, boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, premiere on monday at 23:00 on ntv, sanyakimov, tell me, do you like this team, well, since i was the last one to get here, i haven’t figured it out yet , i’m still getting used to it, but wait, you ’ve been playing for 10 years already? that's for sure, if not more, well, actually just a little less than everyone else for six months, there there was such a story that the guys didn’t even know that i played the trombone, i came to play the guitar and then left, but i just studied
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there for a lot of years to play the trombone, i think why they took me to the guitar, i think, okay, i quit this whole thing, then i sat at home, did nothing, and the guys called and said, sasha told us that it turns out that you play the trombone, and they needed a trumpet for the video, well, that’s how i stayed. they allow you to play the guitar, i’ll even say more, it demands it, but misha doesn’t want to play the guitar, i have to, but by the way, today, you see, no one plays the guitar and everyone is fine, no, but listen, there is some kind of thrill in this, because the bear still gravitates towards the vocal-instrumental genre, no, i like to play the guitar, so that i will free misha more and more, that ’s what concerns the new program that we are playing, where sanya plays the guitar, in my opinion, more than the trombone. well, at times, how many songs? how many? everything, well, everything that is, play the trombone brother. alexandrokimova, today is a holiday for me, simply. today i did not carry a heavy backpack with with these some kind of pedals? i ’ll tell you that i’m also forced to play
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the guitar and i have to travel with it, and i don’t understand why sasha can’t play the guitar and the trombone at the same time. i would be simply happy. by the way, have you seen these guitar stands? it will be like, this is how these people from peru stand there on the streets of st. petersburg, they play peruvian music, there is a barrel behind him, there is a pedal here, there is a flute, here is a big hat, it’s like i’m a little bit in the wrong format, i have a whole a team that, not for me, is together with me, well, there’s another nuance that needs to be done at the same time, the trompon still requires the participation of the hand, well, acquaintances... who pull, but okay, i seemed to introduce everyone,
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i didn’t introduce the drummer, because i’m not very familiar , mish, tell me, our drummer’s name is timofey vakhrushev, handsome, professional, that’s all you need to know, well, in principle, not bad, let’s play. old jacket, i wear it like a cast one, i no longer blow on the well for water, hello, i'm your good old young, hello, i'm your good old, young green the pool of fresh water from the tears, salty from the tears that ran down my mother’s cheeks, how many years have passed lost, didn’t count, the stations were noisy, highlight the steamers, which ones? your years in the knitting needle in the knitting needles i was in no hurry who you are
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the jacket has been hemmed so carefully from that time until now in the forest i’m running down the mountain i’m climbing the mountain again in the distance my small house can be seen but i’m not in a hurry to get to the house i’ll have time i’ll have time i’ll have time i ’ll finish the song the excess will come off what i need will be found throat wants to cry, look laughs, will have time, will have time to finish the song , will have time, will have time, will finish the song, unnecessary
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it will clear up, you will find what you need, your throat wants to cry, your eyes will laugh, you will have time, you will have time, you will finish singing the song, it won’t come off, you need to find an old jacket.
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on two pillars, on academic music and
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folklore, and we try to mix these two elements and also quite often go to the stage, because our instruments are academic instruments, they are taught at the conservatory, but at the same time their roots are deep in russian culture, well and the stage is just close to me, i feel it, i hear it, so this is how it turns out, then eat without hatred, with great love, but tell me, do you just play? acoustic music, well, after all, afinazh at the moment is an acoustic band, and if you are possessed, when they take electric guitars and play the same program, go to them, it’s easy, of course, we use it. well, you see, mixing acoustics and electrics is some kind of feature, maybe of modernity, we can’t live without it, you’re probably also from leningrad, andrey debt.
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she repeats tirelessly, the rear didn’t stop,
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the situation didn’t stop, the gate creaks. the prayer begins, he returns home, well, pay attention.
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the birch tree hangs its branches and answers
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at the house. he will return, don’t be afraid, the battle will end, the gate will creak, i will return to somaya. and while i’m already suming up, may will be elusive, may will be elusive,
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ah buti. don't lose, and it will happen, don't lose.
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superfluous, i would like to ask you about collaborations, i saw you in several such amazing duets, right up to tanya bulanova, guys, this was tanya bulanovo’s best work, as they did, knowing that you were friends. 2517 i know that you recorded the film's soundtrack, i think, uh, no, but since 2517 we
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have several joint works, from the album 25-17 eva goes to babylon, there are already two of our, three, three of our compositions, or rather compositions with our participation, the guys also invited me to sing in the songs luna, and anton also sang in our beautiful song a passerby. yes, that turns out to be as many as five works, that is, it was not in vain that i saw him wandering around in the hall, i think, no, it was not by chance, we won’t lie, so we are now inviting our friend’s stage, we are inviting anton 25:17, hello everyone, it’s huge for me joy to be.
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and in a song in which i did not participate initially, why responsibility, because i consider misha’s voice and style to be one of the top ones, now on the existing stage, of course i will never achieve this, let’s just say, well, as i told you, i’m just a lazy ass, i don’t do anything vocals, so i will slowly purr in the background of misha and for me this is a great joy, thank you very much, we will never be like you, bear, and we deliberately, before inviting anton, chose the most difficult song, on purpose, there will be a setup , my lovely,
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of course, yes, this will be a setup for anton, i think, first of all, but anton was a little modest, he sings very cool, so we can handle it now, i think. i’m tired as i run, the clouds are gathering, i get up,
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whoever falls out there, come out and chat, if anything, look through the cloud, or something, i came to visit you, it’s so simple, then i get up, i jump, then i get up, i jump, then i know, yes, yes i know , i jump, i get it, then i jump, then i flock, then i jump, i get it, but i know the frenzy.
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you're sad and i'm a little sad, i came with nothing, i don't want to, there's nothing to ask for, no heavier and lighter, i’m just a reel of five, come and chat just like that, i don’t want to talk about anything. i just look out, i jump , i get it, then i jump, then i sing, then i jump, then i sing, i know heaven, then i jump, then i know, then
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i jump, i get it, then i jump,
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but tell me, did you take vocal lessons or something from did it happen that way? i studied a lot, in fact, there were good teachers of varying degrees of goodness, but i was lucky in general to have teachers, and i took private lessons, i was just interested in some aspect of the voice, i wanted something study there, i actually started studying before our first tour, consciously began
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to study the voice, before that i just... studied the issue on my own, but when i realized that we were about to go on tour, and i always liked to come up with difficult parts, i i thought that if i go unprepared, i’m afraid that this will be my last trip, that’s why i started studying, and i got sucked into it, so i’m still studying, well done, well done, i read that you were a child i wanted to be a tractor driver, the honest truth. i even drove a tractor, i mean, i worked on a tractor, well, maybe it wasn’t entirely legal, my dad worked on a tractor for some time, but he needed to do his own work, and i drove the tractor for him, everyone there knew how much you had it all covered, but i wasn’t an adult, i didn’t have a license, wait, but the music was after the tractor or all
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the time, the music was always there, you know, right, right? i just thought that it was either the music or the tractor, and the music won, but i was ready for the tractor, in general, but thank god the music won, the afinas group, i want to say that now we will be helped by people who definitely studied vocals, the male group of the russian baroque vocal ensemble, then we need to ask the question, did you want to be tractor drivers? i stole your earrings, i went to churches, and there people pray for you, shadows are stretching out their tails, i hate you, i hate you, fly around, my spreading oak tree, summer is withering away, i’m no longer your people, and
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if you open it, a snake will crawl out, drink up , drink me. half the bran, take the grains, take the hands, take the rings, take the hands, indignant blow the trumpet around the city, fly around, my spreading
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bast, i’ll stand up to my full height, i’ll fall again, my heart is drinking, it’s pounding so painfully, i got the city wrong.
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and today we are performing songs from the album of the duology “russian songs”, not so long ago the album “russian songs” turned 5 years old, we are
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an old school group, we record large concept albums, in particular we still publish them on physical media, and so in the twentieth year we released the album "russian songs", the circulation has long been sold out. but still, evgeny shulimych, one of our secret cellars, we obtained a unique copy of the first edition of the russian songs album. evgeniy shilimych margulits gets the most unique first edition, they whispered to us that you are not indifferent to vinyl culture, and we took this into account. it's a good group, i always say, let's play and sing!
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at the end of the concert, i can’t take it higher, i can’t take it higher, you hear the ligaments torn in the silence of the words you can’t catch, the words are already superfluous, zip up the sky with all the zippers of hundreds of princesses. close their eyes, this night, as prophesied, christ has risen, i am happy for him, very much for god’s sake, as
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wants, before it’s too late, to lubricate the runners, on a sleigh in the snow, to bethlehem in the stars, to scold the locals, since everything is serious, someone’s machinations, someone’s... for the nails in the head, thoughts are confused, but i wouldn’t forget the green stuff, pliers, i'll eat it on your neck, cross. the unfortunate person will see and understand that everything is not in vain, and uzi cognac, with cobra venom as a gift, everything seems to be packed, it’s the end of the week, mid-april, they’re flying in the snow, i don’t have time, i don’t have time.
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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came, spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring
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is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, i want to ask another very strange question, when a group reaches a certain popularity, the musicians begin to be torn apart. disagreements, a project website appears, and somehow you got together and immediately started a project website with seryoga, if my memory serves me right, called badlocycle, but it was only almost before the refining, and before the refining, and i was back then since i couldn’t promote you, but at least for something so that you show me what it is, let’s you invite us separately, we will come already, or rather, not we will come, but... two other people
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and will pretend to be what you want here, even doing a somersault, that is, this project still exists , how can it really be more popular than refining, not i think it’s more popular, but we were in more cities, seriously, yes, we were even in kamchatka, well, to mix the tune that you sing, then at least a small piece, if only i could still whistle, damn it, anton left, anton so cool, i know, but there’s a different text and different characters. actually really, did you really have pseudonyms, yes, we started, remember how it was with affectionate may, here is the character who rides for us, they pay different mothers, yes, but we have two , we have money just for allowing them to ride with ours material, tell me, she’s a fish for your faces, how can i say it? yes, they have
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different paintings, everything is different, but they have no documents, well, a normal story of a split personality, yes gods, but the final thing, ladies and gentlemen.
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afinach, youth orchestra of national instruments, artistic conductor andrey debts, andrey, come to us! as well as the male part of the vocal ensemble russian baroque, thank you! and we sometimes, we sometimes take liberties to film. artists right in the hall, we’ll seat our friends, guys, we will now play another number for you with great pleasure, if you let us in.
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my life, where you are, where i am, verst, verst, overlaps, but with melancholy, joy happens, and winds on. am i my life, forgive me, where are you in a hurry, where are you in a hurry, to live you,
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half the battle is only in you... i wish i could understand, accept, my life, rush, i pray, it’s hard for me to breathe in your dust, from black swearing, with a simple prayer, my life, i love you, my life, i love you.
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4 5 1 four windows, five doors, one staircase to the second floor, hello everyone, this is a dacha answer, i’m ilya zapadnets, today’s release is a real roaming game around the living room of our heroes, where before you make a move, you need to solve a tricky problem, for example, how to organize a dressing room at the entrance, or what to do with a nook under the stairs. how to let the sunshine in here, well the main thing is where to store almost 200 tables
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that our heroes treasure so much. so the game begins. the bukhlovs thoroughly understand the intricacies of the mechanics of all kinds of board games. a pyramid of boxes with bright cards, chips and tricky puzzles are swung from the apartment to the dacha and back after the gambling owners, because games are not toys for you. here the place ends right under the ceiling. first of all, of course, for kids it’s fine motor skills, it’s memory, it’s logic in the end, such widespread development, because children are now very interested in gadgets, well, i think it’s slowing down, there are simply games that provide some historical information, yes, and it even helps to learn, in the end biology, history, the younger ones learn to be cunning, you know , hiding, this is also a kind of, well, vital thing.
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loves to play the guitar. kira's seventh-grader
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studies acting in a theater studio and practices magic tricks on younger children at home. say a magic spell, any one. vova and marfa are 7 and 5 years old. with their appearance, olga put aside work for a while. she was the chief accountant in an audit company. in moments of silence he loves to tinker. now she is fascinated by panels from. pavel makes the preparations for his wife, he works in a construction company and he also built this house for his family himself, he developed the project and participated in all stages, his wife decorates my house, our house, with her presence, in general the bukhlovs are happy with their house, but there are nuances, and what nuances did we discover later during? but let’s not
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get ahead of ourselves, as they wrote in ancient novels, you have an interesting story, you we saw the design of the house, and then we thought it was... small, tell us, yes, i increased the design by a meter in each direction, and the height of the ceilings, and the height was adjusted, for the base it was 2 from to, we have 3 m here, well so you expanded everything and made a mistake, where you made a mistake with the windows, because we left the old windows in the project, we had to enlarge them too, but we didn’t stay, but they were small, well , here they are now beautifully curtained, a little cat, it looks like ba. at least somehow they just sewed it up and the children made their creativity here, and that’s where we stopped then there wasn’t enough imagination, well, you heat it, and sometimes the children play in the fireplace , that is, on a hike, they play, they put up
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a tent here, they light a fire, they fry a sausage on it, wow, how multifunctional too. we made this opening ourselves, because initially according to the design there was no passage here, we changed it like this, well, did you see any kind of partition here, or do you want it to be two connected spaces, we don’t see a kitchen and partitions here , otherwise you will constantly have to open, close, or it will always be open, because the movement goes from here to there, there is always frequent movement from there, and here you have a dressing room next to the skin, and an exit to the bathroom, the stairs to the second floor are sufficient.
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places for games, a large table, it would be desirable to have all sorts of folding things there, yes, very folding, it would be good enough if it was very light, otherwise we don’t like darkness, that we would like to leave except for 198 and 196 196 games, so that i wanted to leave it here, we have such a controversial situation here, for example, my mother, she doesn’t like this lumber at all, she says, sew everything up, seal everything up, she says, what is this, it’s wood, there’s wood everywhere, my husband just said, i really wanted it to be made of concrete...


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