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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 21, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
yes, i just arrived, and yet, your employees claim that salaries are usually given at the beginning of the month, how do you explain this? it was my initiative, 4 days ago i went to the bobultork, spent 2 days knocking around so that the employees received their salaries and bonuses before the holiday. how many people knew that they would give money before the holiday? i have no idea. after all, well, in the regional trade they definitely knew in the accounting department, the financial model of the management, in this case i ask you to write a detailed list of those who knew about the money in the regional trade, this is a joke of people, and i’m not in a hurry, then it’s in your own interests, write.
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well, here he’s charging him with sokhaty, and we’re crazy, i see he’s reaching into his pocket for a bagpipe, but i think we’ll have to put the cops on the feathers, okay, on time, arshin drove up in a labi, he says, the collective farm is dawn, well, we’ll quickly pig it.
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only the bear needs to be opened, the carapet will open any bear, and what share have you measured out for yourself? but there won’t be a share, because the tchotchkes are overexposed, we’ll hand over everything to the barigne, everything we get out is half mine, you don’t care a little, gangrene, so we’ll go to mochilova, and half for you? and why only you, there will be a person from me, over there, gorshin will take you there on a laib and take you back. stira, you
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wanted a job, you’ll go with them, they don’t trust you, but you would n’t trust them, tomorrow you’ll work, then tomorrow , new year, so congratulate the litterers on the new year, well, go ahead, eat, eat. well, what is there for the gourtorg? yes, i’m studying the list of possible defendants. come on, give it. so, the head of the city trade department, the head of the phenotyping department, the chief accountant. do you seriously think that the head of oobtorg or the chief accountant could you organize a raid? i think not, if only because they handle much larger sums. yes
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, it’s more expensive for you to get involved with criminals, all that remains is one option, an accidental leak, well, where else from where else, he really denies everything or doesn’t remember, but what about markov, and what about markov, in a week he sends material from his version to the prosecutor’s office, i know him version, by the way,
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a round-the-clock duty regime has been introduced for several days, tomorrow it’s our turn, but what if belyashin wasn’t bored, you will stay there with him, either you or they screwed you up, then you decide for yourself, until the morning, until the morning, so it’s a new year, well, i’m talking about the same thing, well, let’s go , i’ll give you your service pistol, you’ve been waiting for it, they loaded it nicely with all the guns, samson, as it came,
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get ready , igor vitalievich ordered you to be brought to one place, well, at least for half an hour, let me come to your senses, so they will bring you in, i’m waiting in the car. wow, we slept for more than a day, or what? almost 15 hours, as it happens, after severe stress of violent libations. to be honest, i got a little scared yesterday, and i thought that killing people was a common thing for you case. how? how can this be commonplace ? in general, lately i have been wondering whether what we are doing is right? woke up, spit, that's why, if she opens even one eye, i'll shoot myself, let's go, sasha is waiting,
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hello, good morning, where are you going? it’s not the light of day, it’s not dawn, i’ve already come, now i’ve finished my tea and i’m leaving back, where? yes, one thing at a time, it’s already 11 o’clock, what time, why didn’t you wake me up, you didn’t ask me, but what should i cook for the holiday table? peacock with pineapples, but peacock with pineapples is unlikely that's enough, i'm good for chicken with pickled apples. okay, i ran, otherwise the guys are waiting, breakfast is on the table. okay, bye, see you tonight, bye. great, sorry, i realized that it doesn’t open. i apologize, i overslept a little,
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so we might start waiting for us.
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stalin, comrades khrushchev, koganovich, bulganin and malenkov. hurray, comrades, and of course. i congratulate you all on the upcoming new year, i ask, comrades, listen, isn’t it you? you yourself heard from the party and the government,
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they have a serious alarm system, the latest modification is wall 2, well, they have the goods serious, why then a night post at the store, what other post, an ordinary pedestrian, two people, by the way, tonight is our turn, what does our turn mean, our department, number one is alexander belyashin, and the second name is for you and me we need to determine whether this is the will of comrade dakukin, okay? do you want to be a fool? no, i'm lucky in my life. let's throw a toss, you're clearly an eagle, but i don't care. don’t worry, good fellow, do you want me to relieve you after midnight? well, why are we going to spoil new year's eve? i can handle it alone, and you rest.
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and yet, sasha, where are we going? in one place, it’s something like a boarding house for men tired of everyday work. i can just guess what kind of place this is, well, good, rest, relax, it’s a new year after all. wait, wait, what a new year, an ordinary one, today is december 31st. a holiday, and what are we going to do there, after all, a holiday is a festive table, champagne, beautiful women, finally, well , everything is in order with beautiful women there, four minimum, i guarantee, are you serious, yes, but what about the table, no, it won’t work like that, beautiful women yes no gifts, sasha, please stop for a minute.
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oh, what kind of people without an escort peck your tongue. hello, dear, what is the fate of our misery? yes, i decided to buy gifts for the new year. have they already bought everything in moscow? yes, i got caught up in something, i completely forgot that i didn’t find the new year. i’ll definitely come in, let’s do it tomorrow, i didn’t pull your tongue. what kind of talk, genad, the swalya will be happy. what kind of fruit? and so familiar.
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and what? the law prohibits me from having acquaintances ? the soviet police, on the contrary, encourages it. yesterday, by the way, since the passing of five the mazuryks got off. it looks like the state trooper has been stabbed. i copied it and wrote it down in a journal. i’ll be moving, sew me something, and why are you rubbing around here? if i had such luck, they wouldn’t have found me with the lanterns, you’re right, it’s true that it’s me, okay, let’s go with the upcoming one, and you, give the cups, sled, let’s go with the upcoming one and you too, girl, this is it fried, show me, please,
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did something happen? no, it seemed. well , maybe that’s enough, but now i can’t leave the house, i can’t, what if they take you away again, what will you do then, they want to take you away, will they take it? right, yeah, so, wait, why aren’t you in the service? so it’s my day off, oh, it’s your day off, then take it, go and buy a tree, it’s his day off, a tree, where to buy this tree, where to buy it, right around the corner, so i’ll go buy it, go and buy it, i’ll go buy it, why are you following me then, well, i’m not following you, behind the tree, where, behind the tree, hello, young people,
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hello, where are you going, where are you going, but they wanted to buy a tree, below, hold it, come on , oh, and sit down, sit down, yeah, christmas trees, christmas trees, fresh christmas trees, who wants christmas trees, how much for christmas trees, 5 rubles any, two for eight, familiar medveta, i didn’t thank you like that, why? well, why? for the fact that you helped me out, it’s true, victor still can’t calm down, he’s following me tied up, so he chose 5 rubles, it’s good, you want me to choose that they sold a lot, yes, almost everything, we still need to bring it, now we’ll run away, hello young people, how much are the trees, 5 rubles each, two for eight, and three
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for 10, i’m notified from the forest, from the forest itself. and how do you know, uncle, intuition, i’ll take this one, here you go, hold it, 5 rubles. well, thank you, happy new year, let's go, young people, i’ll take you home, na. “what a strange guy, i was even scared at first, ” he thought from the police, well, i read your note, it’s beautiful,
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of course, only you didn’t take into account one nuance, the fight against criminality is dealt with by the ministry of internal affairs, as far as i remember, for some time now we they are practically the same office, well, it won’t be for long, they have already decided at the top, i think, in about two months we will again be allocated to a separate department, you know what it will be called, the state security committee under the council of ministers of the ussr, the kgb, just committee, uh-huh, i don’t know, the ministry sounded somehow more weighty, well, yes, after all, what do you say? well, of course, it’s beautiful to recruit potential candidates for law, even before the coronation. beautiful. not just before the coronation. a thief in law is usually formed in the first term, but if you take control of them at this stage, then in 10 years, at any gathering of thieves, we will have several pairs of our own eyes and ears. but you know, our leaders
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believe they promise that in 10 years we will have no crime at all. "you never know the leaders promise that until now the fight against crime has been carried out exclusively by force, but i propose a more comprehensive approach, namely, not to fight them at the grassroots level, at the level of punks, but to immediately take control of the top of the criminal world, that is, the lawyers, that’s when they we'll all be here, and then we'll be able to talk about the complete elimination of crime as a phenomenon, okay?" "
6:00 am
i'm not your enemy, igor, what do you want from me? i want you to present the project at the next board of the ministry, you can even to pass it off as your brainchild, i’m not honest, even so, okay, i’ll try, well, you’ve got it all. happy new year, comrade general, may i go? come on,
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come on in! she is so different, so unpredictable.
6:02 am
mask, anniversary fifth season. today at 20:20 on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. tomorrow at 23:00. a person with long-term anxiety and often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. affabazol retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day. and vobasol can and should treat anxiety. closing a loan is like a holiday; it is customary to give gifts on holidays. and tinkof gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan with tinkof before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. we approve of your flame. kenkov. how to find your calling? where to get it? necessary skills, how to earn more? find answers by learning a profession at skillbox, like 20 thousand graduates who found a new job after training. find yourself in skillbox.
6:03 am
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6:04 am
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any situation, the cent period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, that’s why the credit card is the best in the country, get a credit card and everything will be fine the way you want, the stars aligned today, right after musk’s show on ntv. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to finally meet you! it has come, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, why are you such a deadly earring,
6:07 am
dad? forgive me for today, i just wanted to earn money myself and surprise you. well, you succeeded. tell me, have you ever thought that not all money brings joy? but we didn’t steal these trees, we just went into the forest and cut them down. it’s not someone else’s forest, it’s shared. you are yourself today without knowing, they committed a crime. not serious, of course, but still a crime. what if you were caught? well, we didn't know. ignorance of the law is no excuse. responsibility, and since you are minors, your parents would have to answer, you must agree, this is not the best gift for the new year, i understand everything, dad, honestly, this will not happen again, i believe, okay, by the way, about gifts, here you go, wow, real pilots, great!
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everyone at school will burst with envy, thank you, and i also have a surprise for you, oh well, here you go, well, well, well, and what do we have here? this, wow, wow, i ’ve been dreaming about this for 100 years, well, thank you, where did it come from, if it’s not a secret? and at school i gave someone a test to copy in geometry algebra, yeah, something is wrong again, no, this act is not criminally punishable, so everything is in order, thank you, well, let's spend the old year, let him take away represents all the bad things that befell our lot, and so that this never happens again, i’d rather have a glass of champagne
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that’s bad for her, a purely symbolic sip will only benefit him, well, for the past year, and let it not be the best year of my life, but nevertheless i received from him what i had been waiting for so long, and why did you wait so long, you, you and him? for you, for her, and remember, he promised me to fulfill any of my wishes for the new year, any whim of the sir, except for the naturally changed homeland, there is no need to betray the homeland, you won’t be afraid, i will be afraid, you offend me, countess, i want us got married.
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in terms of? i don't mean, in the church in front of the altar? for what? such a whim? are you scared? i can't say i was that scared, but there is still some discomfort. “so i was scared after all, nothing, forget it , but it hurts me, i know, i want you to remember, my love, that if i promised you something, there is no force that would make me scared and change my promise, you understood me, remembered me, you mean?” “
6:11 am
i agree, i just wanted to say what i already said. samsonovich, say a toast, they say that in the caucasus you have this whole art, and they are right, beautiful, you’ve probably all heard that there are a lot of long-livers in the caucasus, this is all because days time spent with guests does not count, so i would like to drink to ensure that guests never bypass this house, to you, friends, to you, in which case we will live forever, don’t confuse guests with clients, be quiet. and now, according to the ancient caucasian custom , guests must thank the welcoming hosts for their hospitality, and well, you samsonovich , you already set such a table, are these gifts
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for you, what a delight, and can i personally present this to you? peas that i marvel at the beauty thank you and now, my dear comrades, since there is still almost half an hour until the new year, i suggest you have another drink and dance, oh and why is everything poured tol, say a toast, toast, no, the toast should be long, flowery, like samson hilarionich, well i’m unlikely to be able to make it as flowery as samson’s, that’s a long one, happy new year. now let’s dance,
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maybe samson ilarionovich, i wanted a white dance, alexey, may i invite you? you won’t mind, i can see in your eyes that no, san, well, where are you, come here, well, comrades, let’s drink to the past year, and so that the attacker will be incomparably better, that ’s for sure, i actually don’t drink, but what is someone forcing you to do, well, the youth have gone, soon the bubble will be somewhat crushed, that’s for sure, well, let’s go, okay, okay, let’s go pull his strap , otherwise he’ll look at you, guys, it’s 10 minutes until the new year, well, let’s clap for him,
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and fuck with god, the bosses don’t fight, now they’re also sitting at the table, but your bosses may be sitting, ours, let's go to. sanya, where do you study? i really like the legal ones, of course. well, we 'll be stuck here for a long time, almost midnight, so almost the same.
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the police tramps couldn’t stand it, well, let’s hurry up, while we’re beating the guards, the snouts will be here. is it ready, are the dead birds hatched?
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so how much do you have left? february, defense, diploma. will you get shoulder straps and will you drive us all away? yur, we haven’t gone far, we have a route back to the intersection. so this is what happens, the store is left without cover, but what will happen to it, everything is fine, let's fucking give it back, let's go, it seemed, yes, yes, exactly... they shot, the piano
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will fly off in the new year, we'll hear enough more , just leave, ah you're a bastard, brother, go away, but it seems like you've gotten a little caught up in everything. well, let's see, there's something
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to see there, they've turned around like lakhs on the panel, you'll have to come with us, your husband has taken hostages, where is it, stand there, grenade, let's do this, you let the women go, and i 'll sit in place her, you will have problems, big ones. hot spot, new season, i didn’t shoot at anyone, you’ll have to prove this, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous, you need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabal retard with gradual release
6:19 am
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pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers. rosleskhoz airborne fire fighters are a reliable shield of the russian forest. great! why isn’t new year’s eve earlier? celebrated? why weren't they celebrated? celebrated until the thirtieth year. then they canceled it as a relic of the bourgeois past, who is a relic, who is not a relic, tomorrow they will say that it’s a relic again, but they shouldn’t, let’s rise higher, come on, oh, hello, happy new year, you too, oh,
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be careful, i i'm sorry, why? “well, i behaved so ugly when, well, when you brought the books, the list of the cathedral code and alexandria, i didn’t even thank you, but that’s okay, i’m ashamed, but you want to thank me right now, yes, just how take a walk with us, this will be your gratitude, i would be happy to, but i have friends here." true, they were lost somewhere, but you and i found them, so, maria, are you with us or are you against us, i with you, then i ask, there will be fireworks only now, and so let’s watch the fireworks, yes, let
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’s knock it down, the cops came back and knocked down the booze, who knew that the cirik would come to his senses and the snouts of the sahata, i said, it’s a serious matter, now we’re on our way. we have to get out, the cops put everything on their ears, so that all our money has run away. there was an agreement, we’ll hand over the tchotchki and divide it into var, i don’t have time to wait, i have to tear it up, we’ll divide it as agreed, wash, wash, you’ll go with them to the haza, an arshin will take it, and we
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’ll sit there for a long time until the garbage calms down, and this is guys on... lyuga, in the new year, after all, when we returned from evacuation, it turned out that our house was bombed, for 2 years my mother and i wandered around the barracks until she was offered a job here instead of a library, and was given an apartment? that’s how we ended up here, it means you’re not local, now it’s clear why i haven’t met you before, do you know everyone here, well, i definitely wouldn’t miss such a girl. so that means you are a womanizer, but it seemed to me that you are calm, reasonable, even kind, this is
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a deceptive impression, in fact i am violent, frivolous, a terrible layer, no, you are funny, oh arthur, great, happy new year, happy new year, happened, happened, jewelry, that yesterday they opened, robbed, killed the guard, ours, ours? i ordered myself to pack it up, i came for you, they even gave me a car, let’s move now, excuse me, but this is the case, i understand everything, earring, go home, excuse me, goodbye, goodbye, see you goodbye, serge.
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are you crazy? i've been talking to you, only the most extreme ones are here? yes, i have a full kraynyak, here it’s sakhaty and his people who took the jewelry on a tip from gangrene, sakhaty? where did he come from? the day before yesterday he arrived, four people with him, they took a lot. for 300 pieces, the forces of gangreen, the third day of the cash register, now a jewelry store, who gives him such sweet tips, and you don’t know, it’s more likely one of the locals, i think, why didn’t gangry introduce you, don’t think, look, listen, rub in trust, so i ’ve ingratiated myself, at most, i’m in a jewelry store sakhatym walked around, they killed the guard there, and two of sakhatov’s guys, and also some garbage...
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now that’s it, come on, get out of here, get here, so as not to kick it anymore, move it, start that we’ll return it, or maybe we’ll walk in a whitewash, to a new one it’s still a year, huh? well, now central television is live, and today we will have crime stories that
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change the destinies of peoples, the laws of some countries , and even the course of history, and we are not just talking about the criminal trial of trump, the progress of which our reporters have been closely following all week. yes, this week turned out to be rich in real detective stories in which movie and show business stars were involved. what is there, some three hours' flight from moscow these days , in some incredible judicial mode? reality show is trying a famous politician and now former minister, who committed a murder right in front of television cameras. well , of course, we won’t forget about big politics either. well, right now we will not just talk about the main events of this week, but we will try to explain them. good evening, my name is vadim dakhminev. today is saturday, april 20, in most cities where we are now look, the exact time is 18:57. and we begin. iran and israel,


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