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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  April 21, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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i can go straight ahead, of course, go ahead, open it , wait for us, there’s a storage place, there’s light , come on, zhenya, it’s cool, you can even sleep for someone , it’s a whole dressing room, and look at the other door, guys, we didn’t notice it at all , so that the guests too, once again we didn’t go into your bedroom into your personal space , so we made it hidden, let’s sit on the sofa, i really like the carpet, i like the color of the sofa, it’s so cool, yes. connect, you can pull them apart in the corners, that is, op, that is, you can even have some kind of competition to throw things at each other like that, i think, no competitions, everything bothers nothing, we just sit down and relax, and how does the fireplace work, the fireplace works using a remote control, wow, cool, it also works for heating, but in fact you have a new heated floor here. you have a new radiator that needs warmth
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and i like the tv, i like this pebble , it’s cool too, and the pebble is also cool, there are a lot of these natural shades here, the ceiling , and i like the ceiling and pebble the most, there are a lot of shelves, so much space now storage and underladder, and here we have hidden all the functions so that you can enjoy each other on this beautiful sofa, well, in general, it’s very beautiful. i’m generally impressed, i just want to look at every detail, the chandelier, every pebble there, that is, it’s generally super, we really like the mountain, it doesn’t overwhelm us, everything is done very cool, beautiful, cute, and you want to touch it, a non-standard approach, i want to say, yes a combination of wood, stone, something from the classics is present here, probably a cool modular sofa, i really liked the color, that is, i am for a dark color i’m very cautious, in this version here... it
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looks very beautiful, i can already imagine how i ’ll lie down and watch tv or just relax and sleep, i also really liked everything, but i’m a little confused by the color of the ceiling , i would like, well, for me, if it were light, maybe it would be somehow better, but young people like it, well, we live here, you will come to visit, repaint the ceiling, no, we don’t let's redo it, i like everything, dash, how do you like the new room, what did you notice, what chandelier, chandelier? this is actually a good one, i really like it, i’ll give it away, why? i already understood your hints, despite the fact that there is a big sofa, you can put a huge table here so that there is enough space for everyone, if there is a big one, for about three months it will be like a museum for us, we will bring people here , there will be excursions, sausage makers don’t want
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us to know about it, but it turns out that ham is easier to prepare than cutlets, it will cost half as much as store-bought, wrapped, stuffed, cooled, eaten, there are lines lining up for homemade ice cream makers, because the gadget produces the perfect plampir in minutes, let it be aromatic, delicious ice cream, in which factories orange juice is prepared from rotten waste and masked with enhancers, the product is made from... a mixture of various products of processing orange raw materials. inexpensive aluminum bicycles are stronger than steel and even fashionable carbon ones, which spoke patterns indicate reliable wheels. sellers refuse to remove dangerous counterfeits even after warnings from above, but goods from greedy defectors are now prohibited will ring at the checkout.
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if the engine of progress is laziness, then the engine of russian culinary progress is suspicion, because the most authoritative russian sociological agency in tseom found out that in russia three out of four do not trust the ingredients on the label, and i admit that i also had a hand in this, at the same time, the most surprising thing is that... some products are renae, purely store-bought ones, at least we were convinced of this by the manufacturer for a very long time, that they say in the kitchen, this cannot be prepared at home, for example, for the usual laboratory blacklists, witch, but it turned out that you can cook witch at home, which is not scary for children to serve for breakfast, with the help of a penny gadget, and some... it turns out that they really
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enjoy sprat in tomato, butter, which they whip themselves, and even ice cream. is it really possible that such homemade products turn out no worse, or even better, than store-bought ones, or maybe there is still a risk of poisoning, or maybe this is a transfer of products, so which of them taste better than homemade ones or store-bought ones? at elena zakharova has more than 100 roles in theater and cinema, she assures that artistry has been passed on and
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on the lid there is a blade that thoroughly mixes the mass so that the dessert turns out soft, there is a similar device in ice cream factories, milk appears white and homogeneous, although it is a mixture of water and proteins and fats, the drops of which are so microscopic that they do not
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stick to each other, do not settle, do not float up and evenly float throughout the thickness if you add milk fat in the form of plum to skim milk yourself. oils, for example then it will float up like a film and refuse to dissolve in water, even with a mixer, stir, even with a powerful blender, here in ice cream factories there is a device called a homogenizer, homo from greek is translated as single, in the unit, large drops of milk fat are crushed with metal pistons in several approaches smaller and smaller balls, then this whole mass is squeezed through under enormous pressure. some hole, after passing through which the fat is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, and the ice cream turns out homogeneous and does not delaminate. the last stage cannot be repeated in home ice cream makers, but
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the blades still cope with grinding fat into small particles. that is, here is a combined metal auger for homemade ice cream, there is just a plastic stirrer, that is, which will do all this without such intensity. and although the delicacy is a little inferior to the factory one. but elena insists on airiness, there is no long list of improvers in the composition, mm, how tasty, a little runny, but very tasty ice cream, i like it, almost the same freezer in the cult oldest roman jaloteria, that is, in the ice cream parlor, where they shared with me the recipe for the family, that is , family ice hit, come on!
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sour bananas, yes, yes, natural antioxidants are added here, which are contained in lemon and orange juice, they need to be added to our bananas, 2 kilos of sugar, a couple of liters of selected milk are dived into the container for the juice and that’s it, we’re done, many have already done this make, repeat this and other recipes that until recently could only be prepared... ice cream makers using professional equipment, experts confirm that sales statistics for the ice treat are hot. the year-on-year growth was 52%. what can i say, even in the operator company itself, where all the checks, delicacies, and handmade desserts are processed. yes, we
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make ice cream in the office; last year young people gave us ice cream to our entire female team. sales of another gadget, the party machine, are also heating up. was about 20%, the cost of which, by the way, is much more budgetary, several hundred rubles, and why it’s expensive here, shrugs, denis, it’s essentially a jar with springs, the task of which is to tightly... squeeze meat with spices, a very convenient thing, oh, everything is very easy and simple, we insert it, fasten it, and we already have the lower part ready. denis himself is actually not a cook, he’s a wedding operator, but they made me take a closer look at the gadget, he assures me that examinations are also eternal in our consumer supervision program. in 38% of the products studied, ingredients not declared in the labeling were identified, such as bones and cartilage. mechanically separated meats, pork rinds and soy products. it turned out that preparing
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homemade ham is no more difficult than making cutlets. what's next? and then don’t change the channel so as not to miss the most important thing. sausage makers don’t want us to know about it, but it turns out that vidchina is easier to prepare than cutlets, it will cost half as much, store-bought, wrapped, stuck, cooled, eaten. butter is easy. in which factories is orange juice prepared from rotten waste and masked with enhancers? the product is made from a mixture of various processed products orange raw materials. inexpensive aluminum bicycles are stronger than steel and even fashionable carbon ones, what kind of spoke patterns indicate reliable wheels? sellers refuse to remove dangerous counterfeit goods even after the afterbirth.
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month you can conveniently pay off shopping or get rid of credit card debts easily with holva get a benefit of up to 60% with a family digital service package from rostelecom rostelecom severity pain and swelling - these could be symptoms of varicose veins flibodia 600 course helps treat varicose veins 600 for...
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our life - a series of meetings over a cup aromatic coffee monarch, every meeting can become destiny. and the most familiar day with aramagia kofenarch can become a special day - the gift of wings. monarch coffee, aroma happens. look for a profitable subscription. we have unique offers for everyone. mix subscription, where you can choose content, video service, wink, music, online purchases and more. and if you need to go for groceries, they just mixed up an offer. from a popular retail chain. now mix subscribers receive cashback from 5 to 50% at pyaterochka and perekrestok.
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updated subscription mix from tv 2. the most it’s time to be zen and keep abreast of the latest trends. keep up to date with what's trending in the fashion world every day. enjoy every day and stay up to date with the latest sports events. zen every day. discover the world in a new way on the main page, where all the content is collected for you. be on topic, be zen. i help calm you down. the most raging stomach, i am phosphorusgel, i cope with heartburn, stomach pain and poisoning and is available on the yandex market, we take loans, it’s easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank, we take loans, and it’s good and fast, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, boldly look your expenses in the eye, your money won’t fly away in an iota, we return rubles for
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the remaining minutes and gigs. when a prolonged runny nose due to allergies has become part of life, try mamatrin. mamatrine not only reduces allergy symptoms, but also affects the mechanism of its development, helping to combat nasal congestion. momatrina acts on the cause of runny nose. these are the hands of dima belov, they think that in a month they can control a complex digital machine, and rightly so. professionalism, you are in good company, you you’ll have to come with us, your husband has taken hostages, where are you going, stand there, grenade,
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let’s do this, you let the woman go, and i’ll sit in her place. you will have problems, big ones, a hot spot, a new season, i didn’t shoot at anyone, you’ll have to prove this, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. denis convinces him that homemade ham is no more difficult to cook than cutlets; chill pork. the key to successful good homemade ham is cold meat, no more than 18°. remove the largest pieces of fat and divide the meat into two parts, half chop, grind half into minced meat, add spices. i add sweet smoked paprika, i use ginger because ginger goes very well with pork, ginger pork is just a masterpiece. but the most important ingredient is nitrite salt. it is important not only because it tints gray
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ham a delicious pink, but because it makes it safe, preventing the development of deadly bacteria. after all, ham is cooked at a temperature of 80°, and in order to destroy clastridium batulinum, which secretes deadly toxins and causes botulism, you need a hundred-degree heating, then knead the minced meat until such protein threads stretch along it like a cobweb, and you can bake. denis does this using a device called suvit. suvit consists of a regular fan boiler that circulates water inside it. in order for there to be a constant certain temperature in the container, now quickly run it under cold water so that it cools down quickly, the color looks like a store-bought one, bombyao, the taste
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here is dominated by the taste of meat, not like store-bought and elena prepares dietary chicken ham at home in a ham maker. tastes better than in the store. but it turns out, the chef guarantees, you can do without a purchased gadget. wrapped it, stuck it in, cooled it, ate it. how to make the perfect ham without special equipment, what secret ingredient is used in factories to make meat... juicier, store shelves are filled with moldy butter , so many people also cook it themselves, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it, and most importantly spring dish - these are, of course, barbecues, but when going out into nature, it is important to remember not to become a treat for hungry ticks,
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which are already attacking in the early warming, and it was necessary to get vaccinated against encephalitis. in advance, in general, it’s great that doctors have finally invented a pill against ticks. find out more in our roundup of the most important consumer news. forecasters predict that summer in russia will get hotter every year, and biologists predict that there will be more ticks. moreover, if five years ago the carriers a dangerous infection - encephalitis, disease, bariliosis could be picked up, for example, only in siberia, the urals or the far east, then... today dangerous bloodsuckers have moved to the central european part of russia, and until recently there was no protection against all three diseases , the same vaccination protects only the shade. lita, unlike the tablets that were invented by pharmacists from the usa. the drug has already been recognized as safe and tested on humans. 97% of ticks were unable
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to attach themselves, because the substance in the medicine blocked the nerve endings in the parasites, they died. the barbecue and grilling season is starting in russia. and in order for the weekend to pass without incident, it is important to choose quality products. here are kupaty from india. the turkey breast fillet and thighs included make them juicy and tender. a natural mixture of spicy peppers, aromatic herbs and dried vegetables emphasizes the rich taste. you can quickly fry it on the grill or bake it in the oven - this is a simple and excellent option for a spontaneous picnic. and you can order right now. indelite, hot grill season. and on sakhalin there was an invasion of other living creatures, herring, which swam to. the very shore, and no, it’s not the fish that have confused the shore, and this is not an environmental disaster, it’s just that the herring, to the delight of the local residents , has begun spawning, the breeding season, during
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which the fish crowd in schools near the shore, the sea of ​​okhotsk has turned white, but this is not foam , which the fish whipped with their tails, colored the water, whitish and milk, which the males throw out during spawning in order to fertilize... the eggs that the females throw, these days the sakhalin residents have a harvest festival, demon, come here, catch, catch, catch, catch, catch, oh, well done, caught, however, those who live far from the sea should not be too upset, this year the herring has already been caught 28% more than in the previous year and there will be more, so prices will have to sink, and most importantly...
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toxic, heavy metals , prohibited dyes, overdosing of preservatives, microbes or forgery, for example, instead of saury, sardine and vosi, then inspectors send letters to companies with instructions to remove the goods from the shelves, but those places have been paid for, so they do it slowly and reluctantly, or do not do it at all, but already at the end of the year, experts promise digital labeling, a system will be launched that will instantly block product defects or fakes in all stores. at the same time, what happened before, well, let’s say, some kind of, in some batch , some kind of defective product is revealed, a dangerous product, rospotrebnadzor had the opportunity to send out an information
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message there by mail, but to individual companies, whether or not to comply with the order rospotrebnadzor remained on the conscience of those companies, the permitting office is a project, when a batch was found to be defective, something dangerous and the control body blocks the possibility of selling the entire batch. these are indeed the names of brands that regularly end up on blacklists, for example, i already know them by heart, regular viewers do too, but at the same time i constantly receive messages on social networks from those who for some reason consider themselves lawyers for penal brands, they say, and you only checked a sample from one batch, looked at another, but in fact several factories produce products under this brand, which one did you check from? does it matter meaning, a brand that makes its owners billionaires is responsible for the quality of any of its products, from any
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supplier, but some find it difficult to admit that they believed defectors for years, others, out of the kindness of their hearts, again give another chance, others are simply too lazy to bother choosing something a new one to replace it, yes, in general, the fact that we will figure it out ourselves and stop... stealing scammers, this is what the supervisory authorities are now counting less on, and some departments in stores will now be like museums, you can look at them, but you can’t take them away, now o as orange juice, sales of which in russia have skyrocketed, only slightly inferior to apple juice, despite the fact that if apples grow here, the orange and concentrate float from very distant brazil, but are not born from aspen. birches, oranges, what can you do, however, they didn’t grow much in south america either, the crop was eaten by the orange blight and the drought burned, so the cost is... but
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at the gold price, of course, they won’t buy the popular drink, so from the manufacturers there is a motive to cut the cost, for example, having bought a cheaper concentrate, which was prepared from rotten substandard, unsuitable varieties, who does this, we will learn from the example of these brands, master. gardens of the don region, i viko, brought together, ashen, kral. some packages contain juice from orange waste, some contain real juice, but saturated with pesticides. sealed juice in such boxes
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or jars can be stored for up to a year. after all, it is pasteurized at the factory, destroying bacteria and yeast, and poured into sterile bags and jars, which, of course, must be tightly closed, how airtight it really is containers, drinks will definitely not become moldy, to find out this, in the laboratory they immersed all the packaging under water, it turned out that the barinov bottle was releasing air bubbles, that is , it was not closed tightly, either pulp got on the threads under the cap, or the equipment at the factory was acting up, or it was transported as firewood. fortunately, the microbes did not have time to fly into barinov’s jar, so far this juice is safe, the rest are also free of mold microbes. is there a lot of vitamin c in juices? after all, they were heated, and high temperatures destroy ascorbic acid? there is a lot of vitamin c in the garden packages, in a 200 ml glass for almost a day.
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dose, this is good, but only if you drink the juice in moderation, because doctors warn that an excess of ascorbic acid threatens stomach and kidney diseases, and the least amount of vitamin c in the master’s bottles was stolen, and he stole so little of it in the packaging that experts doubted whether it was from the bottle at all or cocktail of synthetic vitamins, sugar acids. so, now i’ll give you a hint that our team is responsible for our consumer supervision. i dug some more, then we’ll continue the commercial break for a couple of minutes, don’t switch, what brands of orange juice were squeezed from from pesticide fruits? what well-known citrus fruits did you cross to get an orange? nectar contains more fruit or reconstituted juice, how much money can you make if you know this? inexpensive aluminum bicycles are stronger than steel and even fashionable carbon ones, which spoke pattern
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indicates reliable wheels. regular butter is easy to prepare at home with the help of this marketplace hit, it feels like the right bicep seems larger than the left, which is what meat technologists recommend using so that the ham at home turns out tender and juicy, let's start twist it like candy, for pain in my legs i take a proven remedy, aescusan drops, aescusan is a good price, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand. so at the megamarket there are goods for children with cashback of up to 50%. acid attack. i can’t see, but i know that my eye doesn’t close. the court arrested a chemist who doused random passers-by with a reactive substance, causing them chemical burns to various parts of the body and face. how an ordinary engineer turned into a poisonous threat, how many victims are there? urban maniac. mom, are you just not in pain at all? i say, not much. she says: it looks like you have a chemical burn.
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why does he hate women so much? just a nervous breakdown, the guy was not himself, how can those who have lost their beauty and health live now? i would like to live with the face that was given to me at birth, spring attack in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, today at 16:20 on ntv. mask - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. it's time to be zen and keep abreast of the latest trends. zen every day follow relevant in the fashion world. enjoy every day and stay up to date with the latest sports events. zen every day and discover the world in a new way on the main page, where all the content is collected for you. stay on topic. be zen. so ready,
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the hostess is accepting work, our de... come in for dinner, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickled cucumbers, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh come on, you’ll say what ’s next, oh,
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swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage, tested by experts, choice of millions, you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles in rostix restaurants. in any situation, open the application and watch vk video. in a sofa situation or in a bathroom situation, in a situation where summer is coming, in a situation where i don’t want this porridge. situations without the internet and even at 3:00 in the morning do not fall asleep and download the application watch content for all occasions on any device vk video everything and for everyone the boy's word blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year tomorrow at 23:00
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the website angelhrani.rf hot spot, new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. pig again. do you want to listen to the record? no one will say this yet, you don’t owe you, you don’t owe us, we’re opening a business, you don’t have to follow me, i’d like them to think that i don’t know who i’m going with, what are you talking about, great guys, the salon has opened, it’s normal that guys come through, drive, everything will be fine, we’ll defeat everyone, older, who, i, come on, i'm sorry. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, premiere, tomorrow at 23:00 on ntv. the world of bcs investments is limitless; there are those who accurately calculate the trajectory, relying on
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the support of experts, and strive further to get more. plus 20% to profitability with bcs analytics. bcs - the world of investments. the least amount of vitamin c is in the juices of the masters and... and in the bottle they stole so little of it that experts doubted whether it was a dry drink or a cocktail, synthetic vitamins, sugar acids, so in the laboratory they calculated how much malic and citric acids they stole, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fructose, glucose, in general, all the substances that should be in orange juice. and it turned out that there was not much juice in this jar, and it was of poor quality. apparently they were squeezed out of substandard oranges and diluted with water and flavor enhancers. the product was most likely made not from concentrated orange juice, as required by technical regulations, but from a mixture of various processed
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orange raw materials. having learned about the results of the audit, which destroyed the reputation, the producers of the fake persuaded the experts to examine their drink again, lo and behold, a new check showed that the cans contained real orange juice, whether to trust such a brand or not, i personally have already made a decision. i don't like gambling. all other packages contain orange juice, however, these are juices. cochin was crushed from oranges with pesticide residues. in negligible quantities, pesticides are not dangerous to humans. in general, the quality of juices is completely different, but without hesitation you can refresh yourself with drinks from the gardens of the don region, i brought together. and the best thing is that our consumer supervision is not only important, up-to-date information that helps save the family budget and choose quality goods and services. those who apply this knowledge can earn extra money.
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hello, hello, my name is olek solntsev, i host my program on the ntv channel, it’s called our consumer supervision, in this store, we give the opportunity to those who have purchased well, all the money. return, yes, you agree, of course, i have five questions for you about orange juice, but what is the condition, you determine their cost of these questions, because you bet, one of the products from your basket, you must choose a product, the cost of which we will multiply, choose, well, like this, eggs, chicken eggs, okay, how much do they cost, 324, this is the jackpot
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of the first round. in a package with what inscription? more oranges? reconstituted juice or nectar? nectar. and reconstituted juice, you just don’t like the word reconstituted? but reconstituted is well, it is delivered dry or possibly thickened and diluted with water. that is, restoring it to volume, let’s say. so yes. and how does this contradict? no way, no way. no way, i think that for some reason nectar, nectar - it sounds sweeter, well, not sweeter, i guess that nectar is freshly squeezed, well, like squeezed juice, but squeezed is fresh, reconstituted is the same thing, that the regular juice was only diluted with water, but you answer in no way, right, no, but no, no, follow my lead, please, okay, reconstituted, persuaded, this is the correct answer, reconstituted juice, of course, your eggs, great, just too , choose a bet
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number two, let it be chicken, broiler chicken, fillet without skin, how much does it cost 284 rubles, 284 rubles multiplied by 10, it’s nice that it’s not citrus, two options, lychee or bergomot, well here’s the question, well here’s my question no more about... i'm more about bergamot, it 's not worthy of something, maybe it's citrus, it might have vitamin (c) that's the question in bergamot, but citrus is with vitamin c, well for some reason i think yes, no , this is a tree, then lychee is not a citrus, lychee is not a citrus, but you imagine bergamot well, that’s how you imagine imagine, such a bergomot,
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we multiplied 39 by 15 and finally 3,585 rubles. what citrus fruits were crossed to produce an orange? dad is a tangerine and mom is a pomelo or dad is a tangerine and mom is a grapefruit? let me answer, tangerine with grapefruit? is this a question? this is the answer, so it seems to you that this is not a broom? no idea, here it is. so he does this, look at him, everything, yes, this
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is wrong, yes, choose, you are still in the black for now, in the black, yes, you are still in the store, oh, 323 rubles, we multiply, what is it question, four, which ones do you know everything about? already, at 20, yes, the audience knows everything, yes, many vegetables and fruits are rich, and today you remembered it already in 100 g of sea buckthorn - 200 mg of ascorbic acid, in kiev 180, in parsley 150, in brussels. cabbage generally has 100, but orange has more than 100 or less, i missed it or didn’t reach it, let’s go more than 100, oranges only have 56 mg, by the way, there are a lot of tomatoes too, but we’ll survive, so this is
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your bet for the fifth round, cheese, cheese, how much does it cost 502 rubles 98 kopecks, 503 rubles. multiply by 25, that's the orange i'm talking about today i asked questions, tell me, now i’ll cut inside how many slices there will be 10 or nine, nine, in more than 90% of cases this is exactly the number of slices, you can organize pranks with friends, play for money, and like we are now with you and we do. 10 or more, let's get your consent, you remember, yes, i approximately yes, i approximately count, i just eat them every day, approximately i count an orange, i peel it with my hands, maybe this is love, it will pay off, so we open it, yes, this is for you, there will be the same amount, and this
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you, count how many there are, more children, 10, please, well done, thank you, there is a mandatory set of products that should be, well, in the refrigerator in our refrigerator, if somewhere we don’t know the brand, we take a small bag or a small a jar to try, if you don’t like it, it goes to waste, which brands prepare a quality product for us, of course you need to know, it was by the way, not just a boom, it’s a bicycle boom, it began in the world in russia after quarantine, everyone is so fed up sit houses, and cinemas and cafes were closed for a long time, so that even the most unsportsmanlike saddled
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two-wheeled horses, and couriers, of course, dispersed the demand, which accelerates approximately every year. by 50%. and the russian bicycle industry is not keeping up with this race, so russia is flooded with gray bicycle parts. and buying these, few people think about it, can be dangerous. therefore, in russia , sellers will soon be required to brand all bicycles and frames with qr codes of the honest sign system, just like butter, sausage. and so on, but i want to travel now, so i don’t will prevent you from figuring out how to buy an inexpensive, but strong, comfortable two-wheeled vehicle, what alarm
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bells seem to be possible to drive when purchasing, how manufacturers... put a spoke in our wheels, in order to figure it all out, the best way is to find out how it’s done, yes, everything begins as seriously as possible, but it would be nice to know that the body, that is, the frame of the bicycle , is made at the same factory where pipes for water, gas and... and even oil pipelines, and so for this they take such thin sheets , twisted into giant rolls weighing 10 tons and up to a kilometer long. and these gigantic steel rolls, they are also called bukta on such a huge
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machine, are first slowly unrolled, then cut into thin strips and thrown into waterfalls. and then they slowly twist it back into reels, the reel is hooked onto a mechanism similar to a film projector and it begins to slowly unwind, then the metal passes through 15 times directed floors, which... they twist the tape into a pipe, well, that's it, all that remains is to weld the edges. at with the help of this copper product, which is called an inductor,
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a high frequency current runs through it, induction and a magnetic field are created, it heats up the metal, first of all it heats the edges almost to the melting point, two wolves, which are located on the sides, they press the heated metal into each other. this pipe is made of steel, but in general this bike is also made of aluminum and carbon, just all sorts of subtleties. well, here’s a carbon bike, it’s very light, probably weighs about 10 kg, then there are aluminum bikes, they everything is also light. beautiful, multi-colored, but of course, they are heavier than carbon, but they are stronger, and the third thing is steel bicycles,
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there are probably the most of them, but they are heavier, but they are cheaper. these long metal tubes come to the factory, and here they are first chopped into small pieces. they drill, artistically cut, bend. and then all these parts are connected to make the base of the bicycle frame, oh, you can’t watch the debarking, by the way, here
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they do all this with the help of such a robot, it seemed i could do it manually, but a mechanical hand definitely won’t waver, so i do the same. beaters, well, no, that you, of course, are not like that, this word is called this spearhead that connects the steering wheel and the wheel, oh, it helps us turn, lord, watch out, why didn’t you let me leave the frame, as if i really left. they say, don’t reinvent the wheel, well, it seems like don’t make it more complicated, how much more complicated is it? after welding
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, all these forks and frames need to be somehow prepared for painting, to get rid of black spots, uneven seams, for this they are sent to such a big iron cabinet. and... this is the sound a strobe blasting machine makes, inside there are millions of small pellets that are accelerated by a motor and a storm occurs, the paint is applied like this using a gun, powder, this is the method that reduces the number of zeros on the final finish of the bicycle. and in order to apply life and ask that the manufacturer, first build the base of the structure, so as
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not to pollute the speech, and also a plant for diluting chemicals in place, as it is much easier, in the next workshop... they make the wheels, this is the last a very necessary pause, because at the end the most important, unexpected thing, in order to learn this, you need a break, warm up, think about it, i’ll tell you what after the advertisement, what pattern of bicycle spokes gives reliable wheels, butter is easy to prepare at home using this marketplace hit, the right biceps feel... larger than the left ones, what do meat technologists recommend using to make the ham at home tender and juicy? we start to twist it like candy. birds bcs
1:52 pm
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mobile operator number one in terms of coverage and speed. in the neighboring workshop they make wheels, by the way, for this they use only aluminum, the same thing. it will also be such a pleasure, hey, we wrote it down, guys, ay, guys, guys, it’s not funny, guys, aluminum slats are twisted into long spirals, and then cut into equal circles,
1:58 pm
in order to connect this circle, they use special fasteners, they they're called men, there must be some kind of poem coming out straight. well, do you know exactly how to put a spoke in your wheel? i i'm sure i'm not the first, i'm joking, because this is where the spokes of the wheels are inserted. by the way, unlike the rim, they are made only of steel, because they bear the main load. the rest is twice as thick as aluminum, and then all these
1:59 pm
knitting needles are somehow connected together, i ’m afraid to ask, but how do you do it? we just feed the knitting needles to the machine and twist them little by little, it looks just like some kind of cobweb, or some kind of ace design, the wheels go, if you assemble them without binding, they will be weak, as you can see these crosses, they will simply be replaced by one big one, confusion, by the way, you can’t tell right away, but on one side of the wheel the spoke is 2 mm longer, that’s all... because the local gearbox sticks out, it’s called shaking, for each press of the shifter key,
2:00 pm
the chain shifts by one sprocket, higher, lower, respectively, the speed of the bicycle increases or decreases. well , all that’s left to do is to put this tire on the bike, there’s a chamber inside, air is pumped into it, on top there’s a stocking with a beautiful pattern, a tread, for this bike, the frame was welded entirely from... made at our place enterprise, the wheels are manufactured entirely in our enterprise, so then it is hung with components that come from other...


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