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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  April 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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that's how long i knew her, that is, she never took it off. olga balashova met elena exemplary at one of the singer’s master classes. later they developed a strong female friendship, which essentially made olga the companion of the people's artist. olga was next to her until elena vasilievna’s last breath, and she got this ring mystically. it was very funny, it was before tolka’s birthday. i dreamed about it. mom, as always, we went for a walk with her somewhere, she said: listen, olka, birthday, i say, well, yes, she says that you are going to give it, i say, i don’t know, i’ll go look and look now, because my mother taught very interesting things, she says, don’t ever give a gift just like that, a gift should to please a specific person, if you, i don’t know, give a folding fishing rod to a ballitoman, there will be no joy, but if you give it to a fisherman... then
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there will be no limit to the joy, all the time i think to whom you are giving what, i say, i think, what to give olka, because she plays sports and laments, she is a singer, she the car drives great, she says: listen, give her the ring, please, i say, well , she tells me, well, here’s the aldevo ring, i want her to have it, she needs it, literally there in the next...
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no i’ve never been wrong, there are things that should find their owner, there are things that shouldn’t just lie there, or just stand in a museum, well, because it’s stupid and no one needs it, everything always finds its person, makes him happy, every square meter in this apartment is covered with a veil of mystery and enigma, no, but her spirit seems to live in these walls. i very often experience a state of longing for her, time does not heal. 9 years have passed, it would seem, perhaps, i managed to drown out something in myself, although the death of lelena vasilyevna was a very severe shock for me, for 3 years i could not come to my senses at all, i could neither sing, nor think, nor to say nothing, that is, it was very difficult, very difficult, because you start through music, through your voice.
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she helps in so many sentences, she just helps in life, i don’t feel like she’s gone, she’s gone, i don’t have that feeling, i’ll put some old sweater on her, especially at the dacha, which she loved madly, put on the sweater, wrap her up, as if she was hugging you.
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what kind of people, such stories? i'm sergey mayorov, see you on ntv, happy! there was a business from scratch, it became like us. we read that every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit based on real developments.
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hello, good afternoon, this is its own game, we continue our anniversary tournament, the 30 best players, each of whom personifies one. the first game developed, i rather thought about
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i didn’t really even think about how lucky it was to buy tickets back, that’s why i’ll find myself here again after 7 years, it’s not just again, it’s the twentieth time, the second gaming table. gleb aleksandrovich agapov, teacher from smolensk, personification of 2020. the racket string is stanislav lem. hidalgo. in my opinion, khakassia. no. minister of defense. st nicholas. right. gleb was remembered for his many outstanding games. not only an amazing emotional manner of playing, but a very unusual way of pressing the button. gleb, tell me, is this really faster? i think so. the third gaming table, vitaly vitalievich fedorov, entrepreneur of mytishchi. vitaly represents
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the year 2000 in our game. if the guest must come in tailcoats, then these two words must be indicated on the invitation. what do you mean there are no tuxedos for sale? no. vitaly vitalievich, in what year did you appear? in 1972. well, how can you say that, looking at this young man. well, vitaly gleb, alexander. i sincerely wish you success in today's game. now according to tradition we will get acquainted with all the topics of today's competition. here they are. as always, the most wonderful. topics for you, dear players and for you, dear tv viewers, we are starting the first round, the first round, here are its
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topics: presidents, fauna, peace and literature, glory, according to nina berberova in 1919 in his favorite parisian cafe they called him mr. president, although he never actually became president. this president can look
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down on his colleagues, at almost two meters tall, he is one of the tallest active heads of state. this is the president of serbia, aleksandar vucic. glory to the zochim 500. this architectural style reigned in england for almost the entire 16th century. a striking example of london, architects chambers and jones. let classicism. no, it's georgian style. remember georgian?
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further holidays are 500, this holiday was established in memory of the discovery of the holy cross, the exaltation, absolutely right, as... he was born on october 27, 1858 and not so long ago in the state of mississippi october 27 was declared teddy bear day.
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in this autonomous region within serbia lives almost a quarter of a million hungarians. vojvodina. that's right, vitaly. here we got not just one, but one. let's continue playing. let's fauna 100. according to a study by the max planck society, american minks that escaped from fur farms managed to catch up with their wild ancestors in terms of the volume of this. organ, brain, quite right, world and literature 500,
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the first book in this series was the 1983 novel , the color of magic, in my opinion this is a flat world, whose teri prachit, quite rightly, is the president of 200, her first president was count ivan shuvalov, and the first 10 students. studied under the guidance of the italian pietro rotari in the count's own house. academy of arts. right. world and literature 400. this terrible curse from the strugatskys’ book is presented as the world inside out. masaraksh. that's right, vitaly. masaraksh. during feeding migrations in the ocean, this. the process takes northern elephant seals less than 2 hours, on land after linking up to 11 hours a day, sleep
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is possible, right, vitaly, fauna 300, australian mosquitoes regularly suck the blood of tree frogs, and they choose this particular place, and the skin is thinner, and the amphibian will not see it and will not eat it, so... buoy owner of a home first aid kit vietnam vietnam, absolutely right, golden
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star balm was in almost every soviet first aid kit. let's make one for 100. in indian films, lost relatives often recognize each other by this special sign, to the delight of numerous parodists. birthmark , mole. true, if. 1300 auction 800 from alexander 1500 from vitaly 2.900 your bet is all-in we play on the granite obelisks of this moscow bridge you can read exactly tuchkov, raevsky, kutuzov, bogration, borodinsky, that’s right. 1,200. the fabulous kalinov bridge spans this river. currant.
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you're right? well, let's fauna for 500. last year a new record was recorded for these bottom fish. the individual was found at a depth of 5.887 m. these are non-anglers. you're right. attention to the screen: moscow, 1957, match for the chess crown, vasily smyslov plays with the current world champion, name him, in my opinion, mikhail tal, no, no, what are you, vitaly, who is this botvinnik, right, this is mikhail batvinnik , let's play further, world and literature 300, a 1925 film adaptation of this novel
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by arthur conandoyle. became the first film shown to passengers during the flight. gleb, the lost world, that's right. world and literature 200. in 2007, time magazine compiled a list of the 100 greatest books in history. this novel was in third place, behind anna karenina and madame bovary. war and peace. exactly. this year, for example, we celebrated this particular year, we need to stand out with something, we celebrated 2025, each time we celebrate the next year with a number one more, and
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the president is 100, the arch of neutrality, crowned gilded statue. three of his fables are used: the curious one, the cuckoo and the rooster, the donkey and the nightingale. krylov, are you right? on november 4, italy celebrates the day of national unity and the armed forces. 106 years ago, it was on november 4 that military operations on the italian front ended during this war. first world war. further.
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it was installed on the building of this moscow station, originally nikolaevsky. al plaque in honor of its architect konstantin ton. leningradsky. you're right, gleb. this was the last question of the first round, i'm summing it up result. 1,400 for alexander, 1,800 for vitaly, exactly 6,000 for gleb. the second round is ahead. the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth , warms hearts, and unites. this is a bank for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for business, ural sip bank, nothing extra, transfer debts from
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today at 20:20 on ntv. this is our own game, we are back in the studio and we are playing the second round. here are his topics. basil.
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in 1811, this russian officer, sailing across the pacific ocean on the sloop diana, was captured for two years by the japanese, about whom he left interesting notes, this is , in my opinion, golovanov’s surname, no, in my opinion, the surname is putyatin, no, his surname golovnin, golovnin, yes. guilty, vasily 800. this weightlifter set his last record in 1977, at the age of 35. alekseev,
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vasily alekseev, yes, let’s vasily 400. once at the market he scattered the baker’s kolaches, everyone saw what he was mixing in flour chalk and... lime, this is st. basil the blessed, vasily, vasily 200, on the monument in smolensk alexander tvordovsky talks with this hero of his, vasily terkin, right, i remind you, gleb from smolensk, cinema and book a thousand, you get a question from the national education project. in the film adaptation of kashtanka’s story, a representative of this profession was played by lev durov. the profession is not at all outdated and is in demand today. college students
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can. get it thanks to the professional program, carpenter, probably right, carpenter, let's movie book 200, for the first film adaptation of this novel, andrzej wajdo took only the biblical line, throwing out the moscow one, the result was the film pilate and others, master margarita, you're right, let's see who the questions are from today, come on, hello! olympic champion in synchronized swimming, i want to ask a few questions to the players of my game. questions from alla shishkina for 600. in 2014, the coach of the russian national team tatyana nikolaevna pokrovskaya was awarded this high title. honored trainer of the russian federation. she was awarded title of hero of labor of russia. countries of the world 800.
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auction 1600 from alexander 2600 from vitaly 5800 from gleb stavkabank what do you say vitaly to gleb bank i don’t mind vitaly a question for you : it’s the size of half of europe and only 35 million people live there.
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the chocolate factory has been filmed twice; in the recent film prequel, the role of the aspiring chocolatier velivonka was played by this actor. this is timothée chalamet. absolutely right, timothée chalamet. i'll sing you a thousand. this opera bass, born in ufa, was awarded the title of honored artist of the russian federation in 2021.
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federation. he had the opportunity to sing prince igor, and boris godunov and henry vi. and you won't tell me who it is? oops, no. i am amazed. this is ildar abdrazakov. i give you my 800. in 1844, this poet, not without pride, reported that he heard his romance nazareth and... be accompanied by an orchestra on a river boat in prussia. and again you surprise me. these poems were written by afanasy fet. fet. let's play. i 'll sing you 600. on the strange days album, he not only sang, but also read his poem overlaid with white noise. jim morrison. right. space 800, bag code 8600 for you,
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gleb, 5,200 from vitaly, 1,600 from alexander. vitaly. vitaly. the topic where we look at the question mark. bid. let's have a small one. 200. attention to the screen. a monument was erected on kirov street in chelyabinsk. coquette, where she looks in the mirror, that's right, a question from alla shishkina for 200, this beautiful pink bird gave the name to one of the synchronized swimming figures, vitaly flamingo, that's right, questions from alla shishkina for
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400. synchronized swimming first appeared at the olympic games in 1984 year in this city, what kind of city is it? los angeles, right. question from alla shishkina for 800. at the tokyo olympics in 2021, russian athletes won gold in both disciplines. and representatives of which country received silver medals in both cases? i think belarus. no. and the silver medals went to the chinese. well, let's look at questions from alla shishkina for a thousand. this athlete is my long-term teammate, she won gold medals at the world championships 21 times, at the moment this is a record, and she also has the nickname daisy, give her first and last name. svetlana ramashina. bravo. alexander, cosmos
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600. last year, this country launched the aditya l1 solar observatory into space. oditya. from the epithets of the sun god surya. india. i’ll sing you 400. this singer dedicated the song “baltic coast” to his native kaliningrad region. gazmanov. further. cosmos 400. in 2015, the new horizons station took a picture of a large bright area on pluto. having.
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don juan is absolutely right, also at the premiere of the opera don juan or the punished libertine. cosmos 200. american scientist kevin cannan put forward a hypothesis that they say the surface mercury consisted of graphite. and now, after incessant meteorite bombardments, it is covered with just that. diamond, diamond dust, that's right. 200 among the many bizarre sculptures in the shilin stone forest in southern china there is this one: it’s not difficult to guess what name they gave it, let it be an elephant, an elephant,
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that’s right, this was the last question of the second round, and i’ll sum it up: 3:200 for alexander , 6.600 for vitaly, 8.600 for gleb. the third round is ahead. it's a real pleasure to taste coffee. jardin colombia medalin, from selected arabica beans, revealing the aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. jardin columbia medalin. just like this, don’t, just like this, like this, like this. i see, i understand, that’s how it is at the megamarket. you will have to travel with us, your husband has taken hostages, where is it, there is a grenade there, let’s do this, you let the women go, and i will sit in her place, you will have
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we are ready to take ours, play-of of the khl championship, only the best remain in the game, our own game, third round, here are the topics of the round, nickname, nut topic, translations and translators, transport, but at the end and markets. alexander, the choice is yours, and the nickname is 1.200, the auction, your bet, well, let's say all in, all in, what do you say, vitaly, let's go, vabank, gleb, you'll take a risk, i'll let you in, vitaly, that's the question. in the 19th century, this city near moscow
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received the nickname “russian avian” for its many springs with the purest water. i don’t know , vitaly, you gave the absolutely correct answer, you are clever. having pricked herself with this object, the heroine of charles perot's fairy tale fell asleep at exactly 100 degrees. years old, veritino, that's right, nickname 900, code in the bag, who's vitaly, vitali? the theme is not only flowers, the rate is small 300, attention to
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the screen, claude monet depicted in his painting not only jerusalem artichoke flowers, on the table next to the vase they are laid out, tubers, tapinambura tubers, that’s right, here they are, nickname 300, last year brazilian... and there are fifteen hundred markets, the area of ​​the dantokpa market in the city of catanu, the economic capital of this country, exceeds 20 hectares, people come here from neighboring nigeria, cameroon, this is benin,
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next, transports. last year, on the fifth anniversary of the moscow cable car on vorobyovy gory, the fare was halved, and those who owned it could ride the mkd for free. maybe a student card? no, the owners of the initials mkd, and in any order. transport in 900.832, the austrian empire built the linz-czech budijovica railway line using this type of traction. about 20 years later the traction was replaced with steam. maybe on horseback? right.
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nut theme 600. this holiday is celebrated august 29 and is called not only nut, but also bread. and kholshchev, maybe there is such a nut saved, right, come on, but at the end of 600, on may 12, 1973 , this musical by the british composer michael lewis based on the play by edmond rustan premiered on broadway. a year later, the leading actor , christopher plumer, was awarded the title. theater award tonny, well, let's just say cyrano, cyrano, that's right, and the market is 1,200, the world's largest market for the sale of this semi-precious stone is located in mandalay, in myanmar, green, maybe jade,
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jade, that's right, markets 900. in 1603, one of the representatives of this dynasty of artists created the painting "great fish market". that's right, this is a painting by jan brueghel the elder. alexander, oryakha tyama 1500. this free adaptation of hoffmann's nutcracker starred irina ponorovskaya, maryapa and... this bank of the film is called the krokotuk nut and translations and translators 1200 you get a question from ural sip, we play it only with you,
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if the answer is correct the cost of the issue will be doubled, in case of an error, you will receive nothing lose, ural sip bank celebrates thirty.
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but at the end of 900 the cat is in the bag, vitaliy, vitaliy, the topic is similar, but not the same, the bet is small, 300, what you see is not an island at all, but this is an animal, who is it, this is not a turtle, this is a tortoise, shell, overgrown with algae, it happens. let's play further, let's, but at the end of 1.200, this venetian island is famous for its glassmakers since the 13th century, the art was passed down from father to son. murano: further, but at the end of 1500. in 1977
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in dublin, paul david hewson founded school friends in the utah group, and became famous under this pseudonym. bono. you're right? walnut theme 1200. these nuts are traditionally used to decorate scottish cakes. dundee, it's almonds. walnut theme 900. this expression appeared in the speech of cabinetmakers who knew how to pass off any wood as more expensive. so, well, cut it like a nut, finish it like cutting it like a nut, exactly like that. 6:200 for alexander, 300 for gleb,
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why? if in the official language for the vatican , then, probably, kvovadis in the original language kamo gryadishi, it’s not very clear what you had i mean by the original language, but it’s true, quo-vades or in church slavonic kamogredeši, a novel by henryk sienkiewicz. market 300. a visitor asked one resident of saratov: where is it hidden here? market, in fact , we meant a market with this name, covered, covered, absolutely right, let's play further,
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highway transport, such buses appeared in bombay in 1937, when india was a british colony, are preserved now, when the city began to be called mumbai, double-decker , right. nut theme 300, these nuts in russia were called volozhsk nuts for a long time, well let there be greek, greek, yes, absolutely right, and translations and translators shessad. the 13th century philosopher roger becan, having read the translations of aristotle, declared that this is absolutely necessary to do. translate, translate, translate normal language, no. that they need to be burned, since they greatly distort the original, and in translation from
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greek to latin. translations and translators 300. in soviet times , chesterton's christian essay, translated by natalia trauberg, was published, according to the translator herself, in an edition of four copies, because it was precisely in this manner. by typewriter. absolutely right, and the machine, as you know, has four copies, according to galich’s famous song, erica takes four copies. transport 300. since april of this year , entry into some territories of this new york island has become paid. manhattan. right. 600. this country's women's football team is nicknamed the orange lionesses. netherlands? exactly. market 600 damnaen soduak floating market in bangkok became the setting for one
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of the many films about this hero and now offers tours for fans film franchises. bond, james bond. absolutely right. the film the man with the golden gun was filmed here. this was the last question of the third round. let me sum it up. 6.800 from alexander. 16,500 for vitaly, 21,100 for gleb. the final round is ahead. it was all on its own, i could handle it. every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit based on real developments. the world of bcs investments is limitless. there are those who boldly strive further. to get more plus 53% yield on dividend strategies from bcs star experts. bcs. the world of investments.
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surface. call to order fixpro three in one from straps. black, white or transparent for only 999 rur. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website results of the week. today at 19:00 on ntv. its own game, final round of topics: theater, colonies, fleet, estates, songs, our writers and eureka, please, alexander, away with any of the topics, our writers, thank you, vitaly, estates, gleb, remove any topic, songs, alexander, evrikov, vitaly, theater,
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bread. colonies, the theme chosen is the fleet. dear players, please place your bets. the bets are in, here's the question: one version of the origin of the famous word is connected with the russian fleet. once upon a time , three sailors were assigned to serve as staff for a breech-loading cannon; one aimed and fired, the second carried and loaded the shells. the third, whose work was the easiest, collected the cartridges thrown out during the shot. it is with this simple device. time!
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time is glass, what kind of device is this? alexander's answer, net, is the correct answer. according to one of the versions, i emphasize, according to one of the versions.
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be careful, 139. gleb agapov, a teacher from smolensk, wins today's game. as a result, alexander, alas, you are no longer participating in this tournament. vitaly, you are absolutely guaranteed to advance to the next round from second place, and gleb, the winner, of course, also advances to the next round. dear friends, thank you very much for your attention. all the best, see you, bye,
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you. washington decided to allocate billions of dollars to ukraine, while part of the package will still end up in the united states. nikita semyonov is 11 years old, he wants to live a full life, but a serious illness prevents him, all together we can help him. 3, 2, 1, let's run, look at them. the traditional gagarin race took place at the start in star city. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the opposition of moldova today announced the creation of the political bloc "victory". an agreement on this was signed in moscow representatives immediately.


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