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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 22, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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thousands of volunteers are helping to eliminate the consequences of floods in a number of regions, many thanks to the guys who came from everywhere to help, god bless them. what is the flooding situation at this moment? uragan rocket system crews struck enemy militant groups and equipment in the northern military district zone, and the liberated regions are gradually coming to their senses. they issue passports, pensions and even get jobs about how life is returning to avdeevka. omar magomedov. migrants staged mass
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pogroms, a rally against influx of tourists, and brands from the northern capital are actively coming to moscow stores. northern capital with support. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region has exceeded 10 m. the critical point for this section has already been passed, the ministry of emergency situations and volunteers are building and strengthening dams and making earthen embankments. the structures are monitored around the clock to quickly eliminate the break. due to river floods in
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the tyumen region, cut off from the main the land turned out to be several villages. residents who remain in their homes are being supplied with food, water and basic necessities by boat. according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations , more than 3,000 people have already been evacuated from settlements in the region that are at risk of flooding. in total, almost 100 residential buildings and almost a thousand dacha plots were flooded. in the neighboring kurgan region, the water level in the tabol river has risen. decrease, over the past 24 hours it has decreased by 16 cm and is now less than 10 m. about 5,000 houses remain flooded in the region, as well as several bridges and more dozens of roads. now water from kurgan is moving to the belozersky district, an urgent evacuation has been announced in three villages at once, in orenburg water is leaving residential buildings, flooding of new territories is not predicted, in areas where the flood is receding, gas workers and
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energy workers have begun to work. our correspondents olga zenkova and mikhail chernov will talk about the situation in the flooded regions. the village of malaya chincher is surrounded on all sides by water. the disaster came at night and in 3 hours cut off the settlement from the mainland. 168 people live here, the least fortunate are those whose houses are on the outskirts. the flood came suddenly, and overnight it flooded up to the windowsill. and the water rises every day, and every day it does not decrease, it arrives. people were not left in the lurch. the popular front volunteers immediately set off on their journey, it was not easy, the team spent 10 hours on the road, first they traveled by car, then by boat, but they brought everything the residents needed, water, food, essentials . unexpectedly, it’s nice that they don’t forget us, it gives, so to speak, strength to survive this isolation from the world. the most the situation is difficult in the kazan and ishim regions, water washes away greenhouses and light buildings from the foundations and enters houses. evacuation has been announced in the village of kashkaragay.
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himself in kurgan, here he continues to strengthen weak points along the tobol, even veterans of the northern military district have joined the work. ilya ponomarev recently recovered from injury, but is already working for the safety of his hometown. we fight water in the same way as we fight the enemy, because it came to our territory to destroy our property, fields, etc. we protect people we protect the land in order to continue to live here in peace. this dam protects three microdistricts from the onslaught of the elements. the airport is
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literally a few kilometers away, tons of soil have already been brought here, rescuers are monitoring around the clock to ensure there are no leaks, because the protective structure is constantly experiencing hydraulic loads, with the flooded snt behind it. motive and the water in the streets is rising. the latest official figures from the ministry of emergency situations in the flood zone in the kurgan region are almost 5,500 residential buildings, five low-water bridges and 14 sections of highways. in the center of kurgan, the water has stabilized; as the authorities say, it is too early to relax, but there is hope that the peak of the flood will soon be passed in all areas, as in orenburg. my colleague mikhail chernov works there now. mikhail, the water has already begun to drain away from your houses. yes, olga, in the vicinity of orenburg the water is leaving, but little by little people and pets. takes them out on boats, on trucks, on anything that can float or drive up. like this, overcoming water and off-road from the country house the dawn of the massif took out timofey, candy wrapper and bonya, full members of the family, all dogs are over 10 years old. they were on the sofas until the last minute, so they decided to take them away. if
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the patient refuses to evacuate, the rural fincher herself comes by water, measures the pressure and gives an injection. uncle sasha is 71 years old, he has a bad heart, a recent operation on the bladder, he sent his wife to land. i’m not in any way, i have this suit, i go feed the chickens, felcher osipova’s plot is not small, besides khutar stepanovsky there are five flooded dacha communities, where on foot, where on a rotational vehicle, in which he gets vaccinated against hepatitis, residents, volunteers line up, all the people go on their own, thank them very much for this, that no one needs to be persuaded, we don’t know what will happen after this water, because it is very important to inject yourself with this, because it is the carriers who receive water, drowned equipment in garages, lost furniture in houses, dirt and cheese. everywhere where water has been, the village of vesenny in the suburbs of orenburg has never been in a flood zone, when the water began to flow, they thought it would go at most ankle, just in case, they raised the furniture and appliances higher, everything flooded, they lifted it well, they didn’t save the doors, they removed it, the whole kitchen was also gone, they were given a plot of land as a wedding
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gift, it took almost 10 years to build, the husband is an architect, the wife is a designer, they did it beautifully for themselves, in the end, the author's renovation sank along with the author's furniture, compensation is also more likely to be... we fly by with this compensation, since the house belongs to the father, the father lives nearby, he has his own house, two houses sank, here are two of them standing, we have there is nothing, now the victims the villages have attracted visiting commissions, here is a prosecutor's landing, recording complaints from the population, when the commissions get to the villages, it is not clear, there is still water here, optimists definitely live in biktemirov, the wet nurses ' cow drowned, but they are smiling, we must move on with our lives, is she a feeding trough? water is pumped from the flooded areas from morning to evening, but there is not enough miracle technology for everyone, this is how orenburg and the surrounding area look from above, there is still a lot of water, it is in no hurry to leave.
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mikhail chernov, igor akimov, olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, tv component. on in the kupin direction of the northern military district, crews of uragan rocket systems struck groups of militants and technicians. the enemy, the fire, the combat vehicle was prepared in a few minutes, the elimination of targets was confirmed by aerial reconnaissance. crews of the d-20 gunship of the south group destroyed strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction. the strike was carried out from shelters at a distance of 17 km. the fire adjustments were carried out by drone operators, which made it possible to carry out the fire as quickly as possible. task, and near volnovakha, attack aircraft of the vostok group captured new positions. motorized rifles acted together against eight enemy soldiers. the group conducted reconnaissance in force and, after clearing the area, captured several militants. and in avdiivka, which
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is now under the control of our military, peaceful life is being revived. local residents and visiting volunteers are helping to restore the city. now there is no water or electricity in the dilapidated buildings. despite this, people who left avdiivka because of the fighting are returning home. omar magomedov spoke with the townspeople. is not. after fierce battles and sabotage by the ukrainian armed forces, the city lost communications. residents of avdeevka cook food over fires. for lunch, 64-year-old larisa nikolaevna has fried potatoes with breadcrumbs. the bench became a makeshift kitchen. if shelling or drone attacks begin, there is a chance to escape at the entrance. there were arrivals. our doors were also knocked out, and if a person was up there, then he was thrown back altogether, well, it was like a blast wave. an elderly woman was sheltered by relatives; her apartment building was completely destroyed, where the headquarters of ukrainian kamikaze drone operators was located. this is
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what almost all the houses in the city look like avdeevka, you can’t see people on the street; if they appear, it’s only to prepare food. were left without a central water supply, so all drinking water is delivered only in this way, and this is bottled water, which is distributed to all residents, these points have also become a meeting place. residents of avdeevka, many of them for the first time in the last six months of living in basements, saw their neighbors on the street, here we have a place for our people, as they say, to get together, talk, get humanitarian aid, communicate with people, and some, well, some communication, some news, getting a passport or applying for benefits can now be done right in avdeevka, twice a week, employees from the labor department, social protection of the population, pension fund and employment center come from the city of sinovato, reminding the reception...
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the most important task is this is so that the front will move a little, so that the builders can begin to restore this city, and so all the services here have already carried out an inspection, everyone already roughly understands the scope of work, without waiting for the builders to arrive, the residents have started cleaning adjacent territories, they did not forget about it about the good city tradition, they planted tulips and irises in the front gardens, the flowers became... unspoken symbols of revival, here they believe that avdeevka will rise from the ruins and become
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even more beautiful. amar magomedov, rabadan bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic, ovdeevka. the new us aid package of $61 billion will not radically change ukraine’s position on the front line, writes the financial times. the publication came to this conclusion after analysis. quote from the difficult situation in kiev in the conflict zone, where it is now. not enough personnel. ukrainian military leaders also believe that another aid package will not help them, and the supply of new weapons will not stop the russian army. it is expected that after biden signs the document on the long-awaited american support, weapons and ammunition will begin to be delivered as soon as possible. some cargo is already in warehouses in poland and other european countries. stoltenberg assures that washington has not yet...
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joe biden has lost support among muslims in the united states, they will not vote for him in
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upcoming elections. nbc tv channel reports this. according to him, many muslims were furious that america supported israel's actions in the gaza strip. and the last straw was the decision of congress to allocate another $26 billion to the netanyahu government to continue the military operation in the region. due to the discontent of american muslims, biden may lose.
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achieve the destruction of the hamas group. the fact that the operation in rafah will turn into massacres must be prevented, said neighboring jordan. they called on the international community to stop. the united states cannot yet decide on the need to attack rafah, but for the first time in washington they are thinking about sanctions against israel. the white house is about to impose restrictions on one of the radical idf battalions for atrocities against the palestinians. israel is stunned by this decision. the authorities of the jewish state fear that the states will
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begin to impose sanctions against other army units. and now about the incidents that have occurred in the world over the past 24 hours in in orekhovo-zoev near moscow , a large fire was put out that night. it started in an industrial building, the fire spread over 1,200 km, an employee of the enterprise was injured and was hospitalized with burns of varying severity. by this moment the open burning had been extinguished. 50 people and 17 pieces of equipment were involved in the extinguishing. in paris , migrants staged. pogroms, refugees were unhappy that the authorities were allegedly delaying the process of obtaining a residence permit, march participants threw themselves at passing cars and threw fires. meanwhile there are only 96 days left before the start of the olympics in the french capital. during a rally in sri lanka, a car flew into a crowd of spectators, killing seven people and
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injuring more than twenty. as local media write , the driver was to blame for the accident; he lost control. victim. hospitalized, some of them in critical condition, a mass rally was held in the canary islands, tens of thousands of people took to the streets, they called for a stop to the flow of tourists, according to protesters, due to the increase in the number of visitors, life on the islands has become too much expensive, residents complain about high rent, lack of water, low wages, and environmental pollution. clothes from st. petersburg were presented in the capital's stores. st. petersburg is a stylish city, previously you had to go to
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the northern capital for northern aesthetics, this time st. petersburg fashion itself came to moscow shopping centers in the form of spring... design would have remained a thing in itself, if not for the rapid political and economic changes in world, the intervention of city authorities helped, who decided to support light industry, at least on the scale of st. petersburg. the st. petersburg design project was initially created as an anti-crisis measure, that is, a response to the departure of major international brands, on the one hand, and we saw
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a certain anxiety in shopping centers, which were worried that they would remain empty; filling them with new fashion collections, as it turned out, were worrying in vain; aspiring designers , feeling supported by creative freedom, found production sites for sewing their clothes, and larger brands they quickly began to fill empty niches , conquering the city market and entering the federal open spaces. thanks to the st. petersburg design project, we are participating in an exhibition at the international exhibition at vdnkh, and we are also presenting ours to
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st. petersburg is addictive, apparently, just like st. petersburg design. a copy from the latest collection, a stylish trench coat for those who are not inclined to publicly demonstrate their love for st. petersburg. the outside is classic gray, the inside is brightly lined with st. petersburg prints. for three years existence of the st. petersburg design project showed very good results, so much so that the governor. yes, we are forming a large funnel, we give the opportunity to a wide range of entrepreneurs of different levels to develop. if only 100 designers participated in the first stage of the project, then this year there are already about
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300 of them. and the next stage in the development of st. petersburg design is the export of collections and the conquest of fashion sites even in those countries where they do not yet know that st. petersburg is a stylish city. ilya fedosov, sergey vorobyov, pavel zelenkov, ntv, st. petersburg, moscow. with this we say goodbye to the audience. central russia, see you, it happens that you dream of something wonderful, but what you get is not what you get, you expect one thing, you meet something completely different, and it happens that you are waiting for an ordinary banking application, but you get the best, alfabank -
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