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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 22, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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fatal blow, after the murder he rushed to bega along with friends who were also at the crime scene, they were looking for abbasov all over the country, the biker community also took an active part in this, it must be said that there are many motorcyclists at the court today, but abasov was detained in the rostov region, by the way, it turned out that he was in russia illegally. pavel kuznetsov is now working in court, he joins us live. pavel, as far as i understand, a preventive measure. not only shahina abasova will be elected, who else maybe arrested, for what? murat, well , together with shahin abbasov, today we must take measures to visit five more of his alleged accomplices, these are his uncle, father, and his brother and two more relatives, according to investigators, all these people were directly involved in hiding shahin abas, they presented him with cars, some kind of temporary shelter, but while nothing started in the zamoskovari district court, they started to go to the building.
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numerous representatives of the motorcycle community come, for bikers this is a special tragedy, because the deceased kiriol kovalev was also a motorcyclist, and as soon as news of the murder became known, it was the bikers who were the first to come to the aid of the police officers, they began to patrol the streets of moscow and the moscow region and send out and send out orientations that were already publicly available to their colleagues in other regions of the country. we patrolled the streets looking for this villain. we have posted 30 thousand leaflets all over the country with his portrait, the parents are heartbroken, all we can do is show them our support. instead of killing backer kiril kovalev, all these days people, caring people have been bringing flowers, expressing pain to kiril kovalev’s relatives, his fiancee, motorcyclists have organized a kind of memorial at that very place, at that very entrance where. kirill kovalev was killed, everyone
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is asking the same question: how could this happen, because this can hardly be called some kind of conflict, kirill kovalev just made a remark to shakhin abbasov because he parked his car right at the entrance and he did it all the time actually drove into the entrance and blocked the sidewalk, once again one of the comments to one of the comments shahin abbasov reacted in such an aggressive way, he first called his many brothers, and then grabbed a knife and wounded kirill kovalev. kirill kovalev actually died in the arms of his bride, bleeding to death. we managed to talk with kirill’s fiancée anastasia in an exclusive interview with our channel. anastasia said that when the ambulance arrived, kirill was still alive, he experienced three clinical deaths, but he could not save the motorcyclist. managed. two weeks ago, kirill let it slip and told anastasia that he was going to propose to his beloved while on vacation in crimea.
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more and more often we began to discuss planning for children, how many we wanted, who we wanted, kiril wanted two, i wanted three, he wanted to name a girl alice, a boy. marcel, which is surprising, but according to some sources, shahin abasov did not go on the run immediately after the murder; together with his relatives , he first went to have dinner in a cafe, where they sat on the path only after they decided that need to run, they changed cars several times, the police, while shahin was hiding, detained abbasov’s father, his uncle and comrade, and carried out a search. they believe that
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it is unlikely that this money belonged specifically to the abas, but most likely was obtained through criminal means; it is possible that these funds are the so-called common fund. the moscow prosecutor's office coordinates the work of law enforcement agencies to establish all the circumstances of the crime committed, the causes and conditions that contributed to it.
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citizenship, despite the presence of russian citizenship, he received this citizenship fictitiously, it is possible, now the hole is being verified as fictitious. but he got married, now his beloved, his fictitious wife is also being sought and this version is being checked, during the first interrogation after the arrest, shahin abbasov pretended that he did not understand russian, introduce yourself, last name, first name, patronymic, but at the moment it is known, that one of abbasov’s brothers named elshan abbasov is still...
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and another high-profile crime in a hospital with a traumatic brain injury now evgeny nikolsky is located, who, out of jealousy, killed his wife in front of their child. nikolsky made scandals at home for a long time, then he began to beat his wife when ekaterina left home, found her and waylaid her in the park when she... was engaged in the reconstruction of historical battles, why after 13 years of a happy life
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a successful businessman committed murder, aleftina marchenko found out . in every photo , he warmly hugs her to him, looks into her eyes and holds her tenderly. holding hands, looking at these happy photos of a married couple, it’s difficult imagine that the life of the spouses was actually far from ideal, and that evgeniy nikolsky, a well-known businessman, a former candidate for deputy of the city duma, an outwardly respectable, decent person, would beat his wife and then stick a knife into her neck in front of the child, who at that moment i was nearby and saw everything. his confessions, made a little later, give a normal person goosebumps, and nikolsky is proud of what he did. yes, i did it. i'm going to deny it, i'll take the necessary punishment, with a proud expression head, because he did everything right, when a person to whom you have given your whole soul for years without a trace, gives it, this should not go unpunished, i don’t care what happens to me, but the lying creature got what she deserved, and let the same fate befall
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all those like her , i appeal to everyone with a single request: save your daughter, what was hidden behind the guise of a charismatic public figure was probably known by the relatives and the deceased catherine herself, after all , they lived together for 13 years and shortly before the tragedy , the woman ran away with her daughter, who is no longer alive year to his parents in the village of emelyanovo. this happened immediately after her husband beat her in a fit of jealousy. according to neighbors , a serious scandal broke out. nikolsky raged like never before. he kicked her out, she packed her things, went to her mother and daughter, left with her daughter, with the dog, packed all her things, her parents and relatives arrived in two cars and took her away. but a week later nikolsky lay in wait. in the park, when she was walking with her daughter, the woman began to scream, her brother hurried to her aid, grabbing the first thing that came to damkrad’s hand and hit his distraught husband with it several times. the wounded nikolsky was hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury, but ekaterina could not be saved. the husband seemed to know where and how
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to hit so as not to leave any chance. in the park of the village of emelyanovo, a resident of the city of tver , during a quarrel, inflicted at least one fatal blow to his wife with a knife in the neck area, executed. inspection of the crime scene, confiscated crime instruments, and other traces of objects relevant to the investigation of the criminal case. nikolsky is very scrupulous felt confident about his appearance, believed that his beard added brutality to him, his passion for historical reconstruction came in handy, in the costumes of medieval inhabitants he felt confident, like a man , he counted the days until his next performance, at first he was tolerant of his wife’s hobbit, catherine is also a creative person . loved to shine on stage, a couple of weeks before the incident , she presented a solo number as a mermaid. her choreography was always soulful and she was good at dancing and attracted many fans. why nikolsky fell into an insane rage, why
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did he consider that he had the right to cruelly take the life of another person, a question that he still has to answer and not only the investigators, when he comes to his senses in the hospital, but above all to explain in the future, the scandal with one of the moscow pet shelters, which we have already talked about, the number of victims is only increasing, animal owners complain that their pets are mistaken for strays, they are handed over to a shelter, but when they try to return them, they receive categorical refusal, the management of a private institution every time finds all sorts of reasons not to return the animals, the owners have already appealed to the courts and law enforcement agencies, but to no avail, all the details are in tamara simonova’s report. in an attempt to return her cat to snezhana, tatyana leitner came to
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the police department. this is not the first time she has written a statement here, back in the fall of last year. then her favorite accidentally ran out into the street, someone picked her up as a homeless person and sent her to one of the moscow shelters. when a woman came to pick up the cat, the management refused to give it back, finding dozens of reasons, and now the police also refused to initiate a criminal case, although the fact of illegal seizure of property by law is everyone’s responsibility. that to refuse to initiate a criminal case , i wrote a statement, i received the following answer, pet lawyers say clearly, on the basis that this is not the lack of corpus delicti, this is my thing, and i haven’t been able to take it for six months, sitting in a cage is generally wonderful , yes, to defend her case in court, tatyana says no money for a lawyer, so the resolution from the ministry of internal affairs went into a folder with dozens of other documents. here are general photographs with your beloved cat snezhanna, who was named november at the shelter, extracts from the operation and
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a medical passport. with him, tatyana tried to independently pick up the animal from the shelter, but this was not enough evidence. the veterinarian who monitored the health of tatyana’s cat refused to talk to us, so we showed the document to another specialist. it turned out that the vaccinations do not have a registration number, which is very it would help confirm tatyana's identity as the owner. unique number. vaccination, which is carried out in a veterinary clinic and from the log you can always determine the owner, the name of the animal, the age of the animal, the type of animal and the owner’s residential address. tatyana letner did not microchip her cat at one time, which she now regrets, the shelter does not agree to give the animal away, and such stories, as it turns out, are not new here, we found another woman, tatyana akhmeteva, who... 5 years i lost it the same way back her family member, the cat weiski, he ran out
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into the street and disappeared, they were found in the same shelter, but no matter how the woman knocked on the doorsteps, did not beg to return her pet, it was all in vain, the same alena konaeva, who was then still working as an administrator, together with the head of the shelter, according to the woman, suggested we meet only in court, we didn’t have a lawyer, well, well, i told the truth, i’m saying, well, i didn’t even think that such a fuss was because of the cat. what they wanted from me, i don’t know, the trial, i lost, they behaved so brazenly, but i went with hope, i think, the trial, well i was gardening, here i am, here is my cat, tatyana akhmeteva picked up a three-month-old cat vaska at the construction market, took her to her, cured and fed her, the code became a full member of the family, in the pet vaska was then called a bagel, now on the official website he is listed as having been adopted already in a new family, tatyana akhmetva was essentially left alone, her husband died long ago. her son passed away 2 years ago, in order to somehow drown out the pain, after the loss of her beloved cat, she rescued another from the street, named him
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vaska, and then the neighbors brought her some a cat-muska abandoned by someone, so the three of them now live, vasya on the stove, well, good, look, they will take your photo, you are our musya, a man, warming up, yes, how many more such sad stories of animals being separated from their owners? happened in this shelter, over the past almost 6 years one can only guess. the main question that torments all owners is why law enforcement agencies cannot discern the elements of a crime in the actions of management, which in turn are clearly visible to lawyers. if in if a criminal case is opened against the head of the shelter under the article of fraud, then there can be two formulations here: the first is the acquisition of the right to someone else’s property by deception, this is a term of up to 2 years. secondly, if you... prove that the former owner of the shelter and his employees are involved in illegal activities, then this is already fraud
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committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, the term under this point is up to 5 years in prison. tamara simonova, mikhail larin and nikita zabrodin, tv moscow television company. then, in middaylight, the killer shot businessman, as soon as he arrived at his store, how the criminal and his accomplice managed to leave the country, you will see footage of the assassination attempts immediately after the advertisement. grey-haired again, if you want a record, listen, i want it when i can talk to her here. until no one says, you don’t owe you, you don’t owe us, we’re opening a business, you don’t have to follow me, i’d like them to think that i don’t understand who i’m going with, that you’re rushing, great guys, the salon has opened, it’s fine what are you going through guys, drive, everything will be fine, we will defeat everyone, the eldest who, i, come on,
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i’m sorry, forgive me, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, premiere, today at 23:00 on ntv. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult, the innovative drug naapt can help with memory problems. it helps improve cerebral circulation, restore memory and attention. the choice must be balanced, time-tested. i sing to make my head work. there will be no money to reduce, sazon cards, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, as well as withdraw cash and receive cashback, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere, there are many routes,
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pensioners - free savings card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies. loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. upright vacuum cleaner kitforрд or aerogrill kitford with discounts up to 18%. hot spot. new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. he answers. for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from
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kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk. it's called azomoeptinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids, there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800, 100 exactly, 19.85. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. brain. is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy, containing contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy
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is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed. will serve you faithfully again, prolong the youth of your brain, 8800, 100 exactly, 19.85, 8.800, 100 exactly 1985, learn more about the japanese product brain therapy, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year, today in 23:00, you will have to travel with us, your husband has taken hostages, where is this going, let’s do this, you let the women go, and i’ll sit down instead of her. you will have problems. big, hot spot, new season, i didn’t shoot at anyone, you’ll have to prove this,
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today at 20:00 on ntv, there is another emergency on air and we continue our broadcast, the probable killers of businessman nazim akhmedov could have fled to turkey both... the killer was caught on surveillance camera; for some time he was waiting for the victim in a parking lot nearby, and then, when akhmedov arrived at work, he ran up to him point-blank and started shooting. inspections were carried out, two searches were made, seizures were made, a pistol, bullets were confiscated, shell casings, the victim’s belongings, as well as...
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busy times have arrived for the emergency situations ministry employees; seasonal grass floors, they usually occur at the end of spring-summer, pose a mortal threat. in seven districts of the chelyabinsk region , a special fire regime has already been introduced, which means that with picnics, barbecues, making fires, burning garbage on personal plots, this is now prohibited, while everything is calm in the region, so that this trend continues, firefighters are carrying out... preventive raids remind us that a lot depends on vigilance and discipline of the residents themselves. in the village , starting from april, life is in full swing,
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home owners come who live not all year round, but seasonally, spring-summer. the first to be met by the ministry of emergency situations employees, rescuers of the chelyabinsk region, went on preventive raids. we remind you that we have now introduced a special fire safety regime in the sosnovsky district. in this regime, we prohibit the lighting of open fires, working proactively is their main principle, as the chelyabinsk region burned in the spring of 2023 years, neither rescuers nor residents will forget, dozens of villages and thousands of hectares of forest were engulfed in flames, families were left homeless, heat and wind only made the situation worse, the region had to literally be reclaimed from the elements, go away, go away, lyokha, there are 700 forest fires here - the official figure for last year almost always there is a person behind powerful fires, the burning of dry grass among the people simply
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burned, this is usually where it all begins and leads to tragedy, but the memory of the violators is stated by rescuers and, alas, is short, you see check it out, tell your neighbors, friends, relatives about it, thank you very much, this is all in order to prevent the big consequences of a fire, many summer residents are used to it. burning garbage and dry branches in your garden is a risky undertaking, if you don’t follow the rules, an open fire can easily spread to neighboring buildings on your own, then you definitely won’t be able to handle it, i went to the store, there was a huge pile, i smelled it like gasoline or this is how it is acetone, like this, i also say it smells like that, that same evening on 13 it caught fire, well, it’s actually a nightmare, i say, it’s already scary, unauthorized. landfills are another source of fire hazard; at high temperatures, garbage begins to smolder; a harmless ignition of household waste in a matter of seconds can cause
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a major fire. overfilled containers must be photographed, and the exact coordinates will be transmitted to the relevant authorities. i’m recording a dump near a trash can in the village of klyuchi, it’s clear that a lot of garbage is accumulating, now it’s coming, apparently it's renovation season. works, construction season and musok are removed in a timely manner. olga lizhneva is an experienced summer resident, but today she was one of the first to receive a reprimand from inspectors for burning garbage in a metal barrel. the method is actually legal, but not now. in seven districts of the chelyabinsk region , a special fire regime has been in effect since yesterday. it’s very, very hot outside, there’s a very strong wind, so if something, some kind of ember , flies somewhere, a huge fire will start. a fire will start in the nearby territory, this is may threaten damage not only to your property, but also to the property of yours and your neighbors, we will ask you
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to put out what is currently burning. there’s water , i’ll put it out, they’re looking for arsonists and barbecue lovers not only from the ground, but from the air. drones have been in service with rescuers for several years now and have already proven their indispensability and effectiveness. the drone can capture a violator in detail, down to the license plate number of the car and face. there is also a built-in camera with a 200x zoom that can see right up to you.
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and we continue our release. a student of the faculty of international relations was sentenced in ufa. muhammad atiya came to bashkiria to study at the university, but everything went wrong. the young man decided to work as a taxi driver in his free time, and the first shift ended at the police department. muhammad and the passenger could not agree on the method of paying for the fare, how the court punished the foreigner, and whether he still wants to become a diplomat - ivan gubin found out. in ufa city. the judges will remember him by his trademark smile, which remained throughout the entire process. each meeting was like a holiday for an egyptian citizen, what can we say about the verdict? ati, how are you feeling? great.
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home today? yes yes. student mohamed atiyah began to think so positively only in the season; before that, his glass, as they say, was always half empty, like his wallet, from then i went to work in a taxi and for 2 whole days everything went well, right down to this passenger. he paid for the trip online, the money allegedly didn’t arrive for the driver, then atiya decided to ask for support, i don’t want it, i don’t want it either, go, i don’t want it, 519 rubles was the cost of the trip, then he reimbursed it using the phone he snatched from marat kadyrmetov, but it was not possible to hide, the partially blinded man overtook the kidnapper when he got behind the wheel, blocked the door with his body, the egyptian, in the hope of getting rid of the hated passenger, pressed the pedal. gas yes, he overdid it so much that he also caused an accident. we met again, the taxi driver and passenger were already in court. marat kadrmetov had cooled down by that time, did not
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insist on severe punishment for the offender, asked only for compensation for the treatment of a chemical burn to the eyes and payment for moral damage, and he did not agree to reconciliation, they say he would not receive either a lira, or a pound, or even an apology. well, how much can you give? atiya did not have anything to steal, and therefore the charge was softened and the article was changed. the actions of the defendant were qualified by the court under the second part of article 330 of the criminal code russian federation, namely as arbitrariness with the use of violence. he
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was sentenced to one year and 6 months of imprisonment in a penal colony. of course, it’s not a sunny egyptian resort, but another thought that warms mohammed is that the punishment will be short. the court took into account 8 months. ntv television company, republic of bashkartastan. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today. thank you for your attention. today in our program: the fall of the vampires is over, the american congress approved money for ukraine.


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