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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 22, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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violence, he was sentenced to one year and 6 months of imprisonment in a settlement colony. of course, not a sunny egyptian resort, but mahamed is warmed by another thought that the punishment will be short. the court took into account the 8 months he spent in pre-trial detention, calculating a day in two, leaving only a couple of weeks in total. ivan gubin, valentin lyubimov and alexander tutarinov, ntv television company, republic of bashkartastan. more news on our website in the telegram channel. npm. that's all for today. thank you for your attention. today in our program. vampire ball ended. the american congress approved money for ukraine. why
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don’t even those who voted for it believe in saving the kiev regime? this is a clown show, what was required to be proven? american senators are voting for the confiscation of our common savings, how moscow will respond to washington’s pirate actions. balancing on the brink of a direct military clash between nuclear powers? call the paramedics! has the government figured out how to deal with violent neighbors? what law will equalize alcohol? hello, this is the meeting point at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrei norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we will again start messages from the federal security service, and we will show you the footage that. would
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have spread it, they were filmed in liberated avdiivka, our security forces found there, the so -called caches, that is, these are shelters in which the enemy left various weapons, that’s when vysushniki fled, the azov people were mostly there, as far as i remember, but they fled from avdiivka , so they abandoned it all there, what did our representatives find? law enforcement agencies, let's see, it means that the hiding places themselves were equipped in abandoned buildings, there were several of them. before the retreat, the ukrainian military mined them, more than 10,000 small arms cartridges were found in the caches, more than 60 grenades and fragmentation ammunition of other types, fsb officers also seized more than 700 155mm artillery shells, let me remind you, 155 mm is a nato model, tank shells, here’s a knife, you see there, what is written, various nazi slogans, in the bunker. syringes with
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an unknown substance, all this has now been sent for examination, from ukrainian terrorism, let's move on to more global issues, polish president andrzej duda announced his readiness to place american nuclear weapons on the territory of his country. duda gave an interview to a local polish publication and confirmed that he had already discussed this topic in washington several times in closed negotiations from different sides. so far the americans do not approve of him, but in the case. if this happens, poland is immediately, immediately ready with all these american place missiles. the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, speaks about the catastrophic consequences that such steps will entail, saying that the west is persistently pulling the world towards a direct military clash of nuclear powers. of particular concern is the fact that it is the three western nuclear states that are among the key sponsors of the criminal kiev. regime of the main
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initiators of various provocative steps, we see in this serious strategic risks leading to an increase in the level of nuclear danger. general secretary en tried to break the tension stoltenberg, but he didn’t do it very well. he gave an interview to msnbc and said that the alliance does not seem to intend to send combat troops to ukraine, as stoltenberg says. at the same time, in the same interview , he admits that they are sitting in the embassies of nato countries in kiev. people in uniform who give the ukrainian authorities advice and so on, advice and so on - this is a direct quote, among these tips, as it came out again from stoltenberg’s speech, is inciting ukraine to strike deep into russian territory. the delay led to real consequences: russia has had much more ammunition for months; ukrainians have been short of artillery shells in a ratio of 1:5 and even 1:10 depending on the section of the front line.
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what amount to allocate to the ukrainians, on saturday, this decision was finally made, the festive atmosphere there was so interesting, well, i can hardly describe it myself, we’d better show you. the democrats turned the consideration of a $61 billion aid bill to ukraine into a real farce. they showed up at the vote with ukrainian flags, they were actively waving them, when republican opponents of the project spoke out. some members.
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both of these positions do not correspond to our national interests, both of these positions are not the best for the people of ukraine. on tuesday, the bill will be considered in the senate ; if approved, it will be signed by joe biden. 61 billion dollars is not gratuitous assistance to ukraine, it is a loan. at
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the same time, a third of the allocated money will remain in the united states. they will be spent on replenishing the pentagon's weapons stockpile. about 14 billion more us dollars will be used to purchase military equipment for the armed forces of ukraine. but again, the americans will buy it from themselves. 11 billion dollars in the document are written down as a line item for the current us military operations in the region, and only about 10 billion will go to the budget of ukraine. naur's news was received in europe. the german foreign ministry said that the hearts of kiev’s supporters are beating to the beat again. the main obstacle to american assistance to ukraine has been overcome. the hearts of our biggest supporters. ukraine is fighting like this again. the united states and europe stand together on the side of freedom. today is the day of confidence in the security of ukraine and europe. directly i want to cry after these words. there we flashed what is called an infographic, a figure of 101 members of the republican
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party, representatives of the republican party, a member of the house of representatives voted in favor. 112 are against, but 101 are still in favor. this is how you explain why you butted heads for so long, that is, apparently there was some kind of torque, you all always say that you got two approaches, which means one approach - this is anna lena berbuk, talk, live. slogans, slogans exclusively of today: rainy day for putin, our hearts are united again, so i propose to look at things globally, well, remember, six months ago in october, when this bill appeared, anyone could have thought that it would take six months to approve, before that everything was fast passed, you understand how, someone might have thought there 2 years ago, when it all began, that the two-party...
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i can already speak for him, they will give everything, in fact, no one doubted that they would give, everyone said that it would be too early or they'll give it late, they'll give me less than usual, i'm trying to understand why these 101 members of the republican party supported all this, it means that for six months they were somehow persuaded, persuaded, bribed, what could have happened, but if you listen carefully to the same speaker johnson, he is actually even more rabid deep down than. democrats, look what he says, for him not only putin is the axis of evil, he is going there
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too, that is, give free rein to these republicans, and they will actually destroy half the planet, they are worse than the democrats in some sense, the democrats are all cowardly -well, look, she is a brave old lady, she flew, it’s good that they are cowardly, the democrats still have the instinct of self-preservation, so now let’s see how biden and... trump opposed, trump had serious support in the republican, in
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part of the republican party among congressmen, he johnson, speaker johnson, he was still considered an ally of trump, a fairly close ally of trump. various things have been happening to trump in recent months that are not very good for him, this is a whole series of legal proceedings in which he participates, his image in the republican party and among republican party supporters in general.
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war and for this it is necessary for this war to continue, this is one moment, the second moment, in the same bill, in 45 days biden must present a strategy. through the middle and the month of june after that , well, a month and a half is the month of june , let’s say biden speaks and we don’t know what he will write there, but it will be some kind of victory strategy, that is, the money seems to have been allocated for good reason , suddenly at the same time
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the time is right, let’s say on the battlefield uh... you can’t blame trump for not giving help, so the defeat of ukraine is trump’s responsibility, this responsibility will now rest entirely with the biden team, so from the point of view trump’s decision is absolutely timely and pragmatic, trump is not pro-russian, trump is on his own, he acts exclusively. their political interests, that’s all, but i suggest, let’s look at the next story, and a little while discussing, after all, so that we took into account the factor of these new supplies, not only money, but also weapons, because it seems to me that this still needs to be commented on, in the story that we will show you now, we summarized the reaction of all kinds of western analysts, retired and
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not so, western press, this is what must now change in ukraine, first of all on the front line and later. i am sure that the armed forces of ukraine will receive weapons in less than a week after the necessary documents are approved by congress, and the pentagon has laid out the boxes of ammunition ahead of time, in order to act without delay, the american military is thinking about sending some military advisers to ukraine, as the policy writes, 60 people are sent to kiev for consultation and coordination, while department officials talk about... only a few americans, and even those will work at the embassy. the department of defense reviewed and adjusted our presence as security conditions changed. we are considering sending several additional advisors to strengthening the defense cooperation department at the embassy. another american publication
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, the wall street journal, writes about problems with the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. journalists believe that no amount of help will help change the situation now. on the battlefield due to a lack of soldiers, moreover, american supplies will only inflame the russian military, british television upsets ukrainian patriots. 60 billion dollars is frankly very small compared to the needs, they will get the money, but they will not have enough shells, air defense missiles and the like that people will be disappointed. putin wins then? ukraine has no rational path to victory. ukrainian propaganda about a turning point at the front, too, if we talk about it, then as a rather distant prospect. the terrorist budanov, who heads gur, told the western press that he was waiting for long-range missiles from aircraft to strike deep into russian territory. the goal is to show that president putin cannot protect the population from the penetration of war into russia. when you you sit, say, in st. petersburg and see the war
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only on tv, they will always support you. people will get nervous when there is an explosion near their house.
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yes, ukraine won’t have an extra 10-20 million shells, but to be precise, wait, you said that for budanov this is the same thing, about terror, they can use them for terrorist purposes, they won’t.
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that the word victory of ukraine is used in the ukrainian, western, european, american information field, here you need to understand that this is propaganda, in fact in fact, the americans, the americans understand perfectly well that ukraine, no matter what it does, will not return crimea, but this is obvious, it will not return donetsk, it will not return lugansk, they need, the americans need ukraine for as long as possible, for as long as possible, so that it could be used as a battering ram against russia, so that hostilities would last as long as possible and...
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with crocodiles and forget about its existence, it is unlikely to work. this means what the weakening of russia actually is in the real world. in general, they don’t really care, it will be here avocado in every family or not. the weakening of russia is the deprivation of its offensive potential. within the regional framework, in the ukrainian conflict.
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there probably exists, whether supported by russian dissidents, the ukrainian side, some analysts not very well known to me, there is a point of view that if missiles fly into the residential sector of moscow and st. petersburg, then some kind of protests are possible, who is it, who should not understand this at all, i have one remark about this, which is...
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these missiles, they will succeed, i don’t i really understand what this optimism is based on. bogdan anatovich, can you explain a few theses. the first thesis is generally about the crisis; i don’t think that the west has any goals at all: to win the war, to disintegrate russia, or to make the war protracted, like iran and iraq, in order to invest more money in its military-industrial complex. this conflict is like a funnel, it’s like a pipe in which the back part has been welded shut, you can only crawl forward, you can and should crawl forward, you can’t lose in ukraine, but...
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that’s why johnson really went to see trump, consulted, he arrived, suddenly this bill was shot, suddenly the republicans said that we would allocate some money there so that they could not be blamed for the fact that ukraine collapsed through their fault. the third point is: will this money help? no, they won't help. why you have already explained perfectly, in this summary, because this money is catastrophically small, because it is impossible to fight with money by itself. yes, but regarding your question on terrorism, terrorism is the easiest, simplest, most effective and cheapest way to fight, but most importantly, it is the most media, if two or three missiles are hit on the crimean bridge, even if it is repaired in 2 weeks, it will be just wild pathos for the ukrainian one, stamps will start producing postcards there again, i don’t know they will make a tv series, this will be shown to all western viewers, look how ukraine, it couldn’t,
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now... how, what damage was done, two spans collapsed again and so on, despite the fact that this will not affect the situation at the front in any way , it's cheap, cheerful, i i can tell you the last thing, until the end of the war , hitler's germany had. life i got to patriot park, well , i didn’t have the opportunity, here we practiced there the whole day, well, i was very impressed, because as i say, the temple and museum complex is everything, since there were children, naturally we then went to the museum site no. one, a tank museum, i’ve never even
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seen, i’ve never even heard about the german tanks that are presented there, many of which continued to be produced there, that is, until march of 1945. you, i him i can’t describe it, but it’s such a fool that it won’t fit into our studio, i walked around, i was just crushed by this scale, that ’s what they are, listen, there’s something there, there was some kind of nightmare, fighter jets, yak tiger, there ’s something else there, yes, this is it, i say, put the t-34 next to it, it looks like this against its background and what did it help them, no, it didn’t help, you go there, that’s right according to the advice, in the current conditions this is very important. and one more point, very briefly, one of the most, as far as i was able to verify with my own through the eyes of the popular exhibitions in patriot park, this is a separate pavilion with captured equipment, and there is, including what
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is supplied there, a wonderful armored personnel carrier with a ukrainian flag at the entrance, with a broken cabin, and there are just crowds of people there it’s coming, everyone is with each other, where are the captured equipment, well, this is about weapons, now about money in a few minutes. date again, if you want to listen to the record, i want when i can talk to her , no one will say until then, you don’t owe you, you don’t owe us, we’re a business let’s open, you don’t have to follow me, i ’d like them to think that i don’t know who i’m going with, what are you talking about, great guys, should you open a salon? it’s okay that you pass, boys, drive, everything will be fine, we’ll defeat everyone, who’s the eldest? i, come on, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt,
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rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro 3 in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax purchases with a plus. call by phone or order on our website dnk today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with the unprecedented discord in relations between israel and the united states, the reason was the intention of the us state department for the first time in history to impose sanctions against one of the units of the israeli army, this was reported by axius, a publication close to the white house. according to him, the netzach and iguda battalions will be included in the restrictive lists. this. israeli army special forces composed of ultra-orthodox jews,
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the unit is suspected of repeated human rights violations and violence against palestinian civilians. the investigation into the crimes of the battalion is being conducted by a special commission of the state department, and it has been going on for a long time, almost 2 years. one of the reasons was the high-profile murder of an eighty-year-old american of palestinian origin by battalion fighters. and as axius writes, the upcoming restrictions will prohibit the battalion from receiving its share. from american military aid to israel and receive training from instructors from the united states. according to the publication , secretary of state blinken will announce the introduction of sanctions in the near future. israel's reaction to such news was immediate. in his social network account, x-prime minister netanyahu called the introduction of these sanctions the height of absurdity and moral decline and promised to defend the good name of his military. i will fiercely defend the army. if anyone thinks they can
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sanction a unit of the israel defense forces, i will fight it with all my might. at the same time, the general staff of the defense army israel has approved further plans to continue hostilities in the gaza strip, the whole remains, the war until the complete elimination of the hamas movement, what exactly is included in these plans is not specified, but as the guardian writes, israel may soon begin an operation in the populated area rafah point. this is the last city in the gaza strip that the israeli army has not yet entered. in europe, they continue to organize rallies against support for israel’s aggressive actions. here in berlin is another rally of solidarity with palestine, by the way, quite large, two thousand people came out to it, it ended in direct clashes with the police, it is reported that dozens of activists were detained. obviously, the purpose of this
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demonstration is to stop arming israel, to stop supplying weapons, which means to stop killing children. so, from all this we can go back to congress, which is finally trying to take our assets, let’s talk about money, so a decision has been made, what was frozen is now confiscated, although they haven’t fully explained what it will be mechanism, but as if the decision had been made. the project to confiscate frozen russian assets in us banks was called pompously about achieving peace in the 20th century through force. force in the understanding of congressmen is the theft of 5 billion dollars. there may be retaliatory measures and we are looking at the risks associated with the use of these
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assets, evaluating different strategies that we could present to the leader of the g7. in europe , the americans were dissatisfied with the actions, as the washington post writes, brussels reacted very nervously to the chamber’s decisions representatives of the law, because he is afraid that washington will force the europeans to do the same. but european banks have frozen more than $5 billion worth of russian assets, an amount that could frighten foreign investors. european finance ministers fear that russian assets could be confiscated.
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ukraine should be able to borrow against the future income that these immobilized assets generate. so, georgievich, what consequences might this decision have? well, the consequences of this decision are negative, rather for europe. that is, the united states passes the law, knowing that it has a small amount of russian assets, in order to give a kick to europe, as they previously tried to give a kick, for example, with supplies, hearts beat to the beat, then... the only difference is that american law gives the president grounds to withdraw these assets, it is not a fact that biden will use this, but in order not to expose his financial system, but the europeans will be forced to do this, pass
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a law, and on this basis withdraw assets, which will entail a sharp outflow of capital from europe, where to the united states of america, not to mention.
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you see, now scholz is flying to china, he showed for the money changers in china that he needs chinese investments to the right people, right, scholz has already flown, i say, scholz, well, i mean that he is doing something with his businessmen flew there, he needs investments, he needs huge investments, well, tell me, against the backdrop of confiscation, what kind of investments can we talk about? well, of course not , i think this is an absolute provocation of the united states of america, which then politically they will try to crush the europeans so that they do the same, but for them it will be just suicide, well, it seems to me so, because in fact it’s possible for us to have 5 billion dollars in russia, well, we
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were not so active in the united states of america, we definitely have huge investments with europe. everything that was to the detriment of europe, the americans are rubbing their hands, the companies leaving russia are also european, the americans haven’t really lost anything there, moreover. those little pieces of collaboration that were beneficial americans and russia, they saved it as long as they need it, they buy from us, i won’t
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list what is there, it’s not much, but it’s important for them in one area or another, and they don’t report to anyone, and europe, in general, goes to slaughter, i can’t say that against my own will, because there in europe they are more militant than in the usa, that is, in europe there is already much more ideology, the americans have a healthy and... dismisses, of course, european businessmen would like to watch situation, just like the americans, cynically, pragmatically, nothing, not
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we lose, someone succeeds in raiffeisen bank there, while the french are there, but in europe there are these 27 states of the european union, there are always some kind of elections, you have to declare yourself with these hashtags, slogans and so on, so with them in the end, these komsomol members have such pressure, but enough is enough. what are you saying, today is leni’s birthday, stop being rude, by the way, look at my telegram channel, telegram channel, you probably weren’t accepted at the komsomol, who else is anna lena bebok, look at her, she’s sick, huh not a komsomol member, these are different things, we are in the next part, so in this case, european businessmen understand what you are talking about, grab their heads and quietly all...
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russians have suffered the same fate that is now being prepared for russian assets for
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the state did not become, therefore, and this does not matter much, you forget about the main thing, the soviet state refused to pay its debts to european countries and mainly france, and at this moment the assets of the soviet state in the past were the russian state. england indirectly wins with the usa in all respects after the first world war. world war ii: russia in alliance with england and the usa. russia does everything, takes berlin, wins, establishes the world order, the usa. together the ussr and the usa. well, the ussr and the usa establish the world order after the second world war. well, some time passed, and the united states remained at the head of the world order. in
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principle, victory in the second world war, both economically and spiritually, was politically on the side of the united states. well, think what you want to say that now the americans are winning again and everything is fine. in the end, everything will turn out in favor of the american country.
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izberbusiness card with cashback: clear, we continue, let me i'll remind you, that on may 25 i... invite you to the city of pyatigorsk, it’s not all the time to sit at home, yes, come there, we will meet you there at the sofia palace of culture, you can get to my concert program, in june on june 22 omsk
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concert hall, june 29 in st. petersburg, and the troitsky cultural center, july 22 in yalta, chekhov theater, august 24 in sochi in the winter theater. now let's move on to our difficult topic, because it concerns people like that, well , in general... i would call them inadequate in their behavior, these are people with problems, and these are drug addicts, these are alcoholics and these are people with mental disabilities, today we want to discuss a proposal that was formed in the ministry of health, which concerns changing the legislation that applies certain such measures to control such people. and we will conduct a survey, let's do this: first we will show you the plot, then, as always, i will name the topic of the survey, but first, we have this small information block, it turns out that we
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are just about these people, we want i'll tell you the latest news about the condition of the governor of the murban region, andrei chibis, on whom, if you remember, an assassination attempt was made some time ago, as far as i understand, van, there is a person who attacked andrei vladimovich, he is a little like that. thanks to the doctors of the patiskoirovo hospital, where he promptly arrived after storage. let me remind you that the attack on the head of the region occurred in early april, when he arrived in
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the city of apatity. chibes met with local residents there, and after this meeting, on the way out of the house of culture, the governor was stabbed in the stomach by one of the townspeople; they managed to rush the wounded official to the hospital, where he was operated on. the attacker was detained on the spot, the press claimed that at first the criminal explained that he made the attempt because of certain voices in his head, which actually asked him to attack chibesy, but later during interrogation he insisted that he attacked the governor because of personal trouble, although he did not know chibis, the suspect was prescribed psychiatric examination, for the attempt he could face up to 20 years in prison, well, yes, perhaps a new law, the one we are now discussing in detail. this means that the most important thing that needs to be highlighted is that this means control over such people, it is proposed that it be carried out not only by doctors, but by the police, because, well
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, in general, this was practically an extreme form of manifestation of inadequacy right now, i don’t know that there is a psychiatric examination, but a man attacked another man with a knife, there are more peaceful options, someone from there neighbors... these are the ones who make noise at night, don’t let you sleep there, someone else does something like that, but threatens with the same knife, you can’t influence such a person in any way, by the way, we’ll talk about this when - they said in our program, now we’ve reached the bill, let’s watch the plot and get ready to vote. the ministry of health proposes three innovations at once: firstly, it is proposed to change the procedure for compulsory observation of mentally ill people, now relatives of patients can actually p'.
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access to medical confidentiality of citizens with psychiatric diagnoses, alcoholism and drug addiction. this was done so that the police could control patients who are considered dangerous to society. now. the police should only assist psychiatrists in working with such patients. having information about a person who is potentially dangerous to others, knowing which entrance he lives in, the same district police officer will be able to plan preventive measures in accordance with this information. without the consent of relatives, now send even the most it is impossible to treat a violent person. complaints to the police, at best, end in a protocol for violating public order. as a rule, they suffer from the exit. neighbors who have nowhere
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to complain except to the management company or the press. here is a recent example from rostov: residents of a private house brought a selection of recordings from a cctv camera to one of the local editorial offices. the man in the video sets fire to neighbors' doors, shoots at windows, breaks into someone else's house with a sledgehammer and threatens with violence. he is registered with a narcologist, but get him involved they can only be charged with an article for petty hooliganism, and his wife, with whom he drinks together, does not see any problems in what is happening. to you, to your entire home. residents of an apartment building in yekaterinburg are complaining about a neighbor who is scaring everyone with a rifle. at night he listens to music and quarrels loudly with his wife, threatens violence in response to complaints, shoots at the doors of complainants and scares them with weapons. he covers up his violent husband, claims that he doesn’t have a weapon, all his antics are just stupid.
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for compulsory treatment you need your son’s consent, but he doesn’t give it, local residents more than once they contacted the police, but even there they can’t help them, the violent lady hasn’t committed a criminal offense yet, the cossacks will be like sotikhov, fed in the basement, knitted...
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because well, in general, it turns out that now a person can be identified for psychiatric treatment only after he will commit some kind of well, in general, a crime only by a court decision, in general, in short, we ask you, see, everything is as always there, there is a qr code , go to the telegram channel, vote your attitude to this idea, shouldn’t we return it to...
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delivery diagnostic capabilities , actually speaking, the establishment of this diagnosis, against the will of the patient himself, but with us what is now considered, if a person has not committed a crime, raising the question and diagnosing his mental psychiatry is possible only with his own consent, can you imagine, well, yes, or we now understand , why did all this happen, because the democrats in the nineties, eighties, they themselves were crazy, they... hated themselves, these articles were canceled, because the mental hospital had been crying for them for a long time, so let us think about it now, and let us accept deciding what is more valuable to us? the quiet life of ours, our children, our parents, or the right of a crazy grandmother, grandfather, no matter who, uncles, but to smear feces on the doors, and the same goes for cat people, this is a mental illness, psychiatry, which we have, is not a disease,
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and you can’t do this, you can’t deal with it in any way, so what’s your proposal anyway, but i think that in the presence of deviant behavior, who determines what the boundaries of deviance are? violation of the administrative code, at least if it connected, so to speak, with inappropriate behavior, in order to be able to direct , you still need to present something administratively to this person, then you can turn to psychiatrists, for example, such questions as cat people, and by and large they are even the administrative code do not violate, but at the same time these are people who are socially dangerous, why, because they themselves live, excuse me... in feces, there are dead cats sleeping on them, they sleep with these dead cats, an infection spreads, which spreads throughout everything home, at home they just can’t stand even the saints, people can’t, they beg to resolve the issue, but they live, this is their constitutional right, well, wait,
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vitalinovich, again, who will determine if there are no dead cats there, all the cats are alive and well, there are them not 500, well, i don’t know, six for example, well, wait, wait, well, here are six cats.
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hospitalized in psychiatric clinics those persons who, in the opinion of the police , behave violently, this happened 10 years ago, this was happening now, we regularly pulled out such a lady, whose nickname was an ax from psychiatric clinic, where she was lying, after the police took her there, but if the trial did not take place, this woman could be kept in the hospital for about two weeks, and then goodbye, and then goodbye, but the thing is that on a psychiatric she was registered in any case and... another thing is that without her permission they could not treat her, so give the doctors the opportunity to determine for themselves whether these measures proposed now are half-hearted measures or are they measures sufficient for the state
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to pay attention, kept under control, or again, the next step is needed; to be logical, we assume several steps, several stages of interaction. your power rights of this particular person to be examined, why not, what now, and what is now preventing the law from doing this, the law is preventing you, you are not preventing it, this is not true.
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involuntarily, based on statements from relatives, what, say, a police officer will sign, what
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neighbors will write in complaints, what the relevant social services will determine about this citizen, respectively, goes to within a certain time specified in the law on the provision of psychiatric care - a psychiatrist to the place of residence, if he sees that this patient needs to be taken to a dispensary or to a psychiatric clinic. service, which means that the law is further limited, because such a patient can be picked up from places, from public places or from his location at his registered address, from the street of such a patient. suppose we examine him on the street, question him, if he moves on the street, it is impossible, which means, accordingly,
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accordingly, there are certain nuances here that should just run down the street with a gun, here he is running, you can’t pick him up on the street, but as soon as he goes home, he can come in here, not psychiatry, which means the police, that means police officers , then they call themselves psychiatrists, as they can go, her private. in our country, unfortunately, in our country, unfortunately, hooliganism is not working yet, it, it seems to be starting to work, look, let’s take those republics of the former soviet union, which are working very effectively, recently i had a patient from kazakhstan, in kazakhstan it is quite active, now it is being sorted out, well , probably in order to heal a little from the floods, because many areas there were flooded, so in order to recover, the problem of one of the government ministers, who in some unknown...
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nothing like that, nothing like the law, which means it was poorly ratified, that is, any law needs to be brought to its implementation, if we are talking about the law, then there are some clauses that are socially dangerous for oneself, socially dangerous for others, that is, in other words, not just, but socially, then we are talking about something that has not yet happened, can lead to a worsening of his illness, while in
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the police, if he is not given help, and this leads to a worsening of the situation,
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he didn’t spoil himself there, i’ll worry about myself, i’m like an egoist, let’s, if we have time to decide, let’s slow down, yes, listen, please, let’s take turns, it’s very difficult to accept when you all start arguing together, short break, that's it
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we smile joyfully and meet the liberators. follow me, guys, come back, pastopovich, go to the station and work, but i want to fight, we need a strong underground organization there, and of course, if possible, a sabotage one. electromonitor, fourth category, okay, give me your mines, i’ll go, i’ll accomplish a feat, this hero won’t go anywhere, we need to end him, the fate of a saboteur, you don’t seem happy, hero, that he’s still alive, i thought they’d give me an order on his chest, not up to the order , parody premiere,
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it anywhere, and also withdraw cash, the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, receive an ozone card and pay anywhere. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, the poll in our telegram continues, i will remind you, the actual question on which we invite you to vote: is it necessary to return compulsory treatment for all kinds of alcoholics, drug addicts and people with mental disabilities , when they talk about compulsory treatment, by the way, while you are voting, and they often mention how in the soviet union, as it was in soviet times, here we go... in our next story and let's see how this happened in soviet times. in the soviet union , putting a person in a psychiatric hospital was practically a matter of one phone
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call. the diagnosis of the violent citizen was made by a doctor who arrived on a call from relatives or the police, after which a psychiatric ambulance arrived; both a real schizophrenic and a dissident who had come out to protest could be sent for compulsory treatment. people who publicly condemned the building of a bright future in the soviet union could be equated. sick, so the irreconcilable valeria novodvorskaya spent in the early seventies, 2 years in a mental hospital with a diagnosis of sluggish schizophrenia, when they did not have enough material for the trial, then they simply grabbed the dissident for some time and put him in an ordinary mental hospital, alcoholics and drug addicts in the ussr could also be sent for compulsory treatment to a labor dispensary, since the sixties, they have opened en masse throughout the country; addicted drunks ended up there at the request of relatives. or automatically after six trips to the sobering-up station. one and a half years of compulsory treatment in a closed institution, isolation from society. hard
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mode. the law helps them acquire this appearance. helps humanize people. by the end of the eighties , about a million drunkards and drug addicts passed through labor dispensaries, 10 million people were put on psychiatric treatment, of which almost 400,000 were in hospitals. first. during the construction, the world psychiatric association demanded that everyone attached to psychiatric hospitals under the ministry of internal affairs be deregistered; the patients there were considered victims of forced treatment. on january 5 , 1988, the authorities of the soviet union recognized the existence of punitive psychiatry, although the psychiatrists themselves said that they did not go beyond what was permitted. we, as we were doctors, we remain such doctors, no matter what ministry we were in, we will fulfill our main one.
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it is quite balanced, it allows solutions, now we have a law , well, a problem that does not have a very simple involuntary psychiatric examination, it allows involuntary hospitalization in...
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by the way, in relation to all those who blame the police for everything, go serve in the police and work there. so, uh, next, the moment that you are talking about is that relatives, yes, let’s say, are against, yes, accordingly, a forced decision, yes, after a court decision, when a person is declared incompetent, accordingly, there is practice, but what does the police have to do with it , the proposal that we just saw, let’s look at what will happen, then the doctor... the psychiatrist informs the local commissioner accordingly that a mentally ill person with manifestations of public danger, and what he can do, yes, he knows, he can come, ring the bell to find out whether he is at home or not, that is, i think that this proposal should be the starting one, and it is necessary to separate the bones from the fish there accordingly , yes , indeed, psychiatric diseases should be dealt with by the relevant ministries
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of the ministry of health and... the police with an expanded staff of psychiatrists, he can accordingly withdraw the certificate, accompany him, yes, accordingly for examination, further, on the basis court decisions, psychiatric reports, and so on, he can take any measures specified in the law to protect public order and prevent crimes, for example, but at the same time they correctly said that he cannot enter an apartment, we have a law that limits this, accordingly the constitution, the law, which
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says that he can penetrate. we have specialized regiments that can have a security function, please let the police be involved there, as far as i know, there is now an initiative to introduce return, and accordingly, let's call them, special detention centers for alcoholics and drug addicts, yes, a good initiative, but the police should not treat, the police should not determine, and so on, they should have legal ones.
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we have already often talked about the word signal, well , the first people who turn to the police
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are really the neighbors, and the neighbors accordingly turn to the police, and the district authorities come out, but it has a legal procedure, it has a methodology that was transferred by the ministry of health, on the basis what is he doing can assess the situation, right? accordingly, further, based on this methodology , a psychiatrist should really be involved, but when we have one district police officer for one district, one psychiatrist for one district, but it doesn’t work, this is actually key, because all the stories that we examined in the plot are the way the law enforcement agencies didn’t react, that’s it, that’s all, he smeared shit on his pen, of course, this is hooliganism, he threatened the life of a neighbor, i’ll show you there... the police now have the right to detain him for 15 days in
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within these 15 days, conduct an examination, but we don’t even know from the point of view of the protection of the rights of this person, even if he is a criminal, even if he is crazy, which means the psychiatrist and doctors must...
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you and valeria linichnaya knew each other, and i did , we need to take a commercial break, i think i’m with brodsky, no, well, excuse me, but you were, stop here, stop,
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. please continue vote, you still have a few minutes left. let us now show you the next story, the examples there are just different. here we are, everything that has been shown so far are people who were registered in one way or another, but it’s impossible to say about these people, they are not registered in any way. last sunday , andrei suleymanov, who was nicknamed an acid maniac on social networks, was tried in monino near moscow. he watched over women in deserted places in the evenings and poured acid on them; at least two victims are known, one of them a teenager. suleymanov was not registered as a psychiatrist, but he had long been writing suspicious posts on social networks, for example, about poisoned water that drives you crazy. now the acid maniac is in a pre-trial detention center, he has been assigned a psychiatric appointment. examination. during interrogation as an accused, the man gave
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a confession to the investigator, and a number of investigative actions were carried out, including identification. forensic medical examinations have been ordered, it is planned to prescribe chemical and... the so- called abakan ripper, thirty, was not registered with psychiatrists a three-year-old resident of tuva who carried out a terrible massacre of an acquaintance in the center of abakan. a man hit him in the head with an ax for 20 seconds because of a gambling debt in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. the ripper has been detained and is being tested for sanity. often problems with neighbors. delivered by elderly people whose mental abilities are deteriorating, so the residents of a high-rise building in ufa cannot cope with an eighty-year-old grandmother who has been smoking in the entrance for the last 5 years, breaking bottles, littering, and flooding the neighbors. the old woman performs her antics in wearing dark sunglasses, apparently
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hoping that she wouldn’t be recognized. last week, a video from the city of ozyorsk, chelyabinsk region, appeared on the internet; neighbors there cannot do it. find justice for a pensioner who has an unbearable smell, and in the whole house rodents have eaten all the internet cables, the old woman herself is sure that mongooses live in her apartment, what kind of animals are such wonderful, you have mice at home, not mice, here she chewed everything up, not only she alone, there are a ton of them here, there are many, many of them, there were ten, so alexander vladimirovich, is there any way to prevent these manifestations? is it possible or not? but in fact, i think that we need a classification of public danger and danger to ourselves, literally, and this is necessary precisely in order to separate the competencies of law enforcement agencies and social agencies, because now everything is lumped into one pile, you show by the stories
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show this, where there is hooliganism, it’s just a person behaving inappropriately and it’s not very clear, what’s next? i have three cats at home, now i need what you have a stink, you don’t stink like cat people, cat people are quite a definite type, let’s separate this one here, who went to monena, which means he walked, walked,
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completely normal, didn’t touch anyone, and then he took a can of acid and sent them all away water, practice shows that this doesn’t happen right away, it means that someone didn’t call before, someone didn’t come, someone didn’t finish something, well, that’s it, boom, well , of course, it happens , but this is very rare, but we have a huge number of cases that you show when the system does not respond, you see, or he even felt some problems in himself, but did not go to the psychiatrist, because he thought, i’ll go, they’ll put me in, that is, let’s feel sorry for him, i didn’t go to the psychiatrist, because i’ll feel sorry. i didn’t say anything about regrets, it’s not you, it’s me now, i was talking about an objective division of the degree of danger at the legal level, the degree of danger, but if, if we were with you now, well, it’s probably not very modestly from our point of view, alexandrovich, for a second, any television worker will tell you will tell a lot of stories, well, thank god that
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this is already the case in the relative past, because now, of course, the safety of our work has improved a little.
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regional cities, she just swore very loudly with her daughter, told her that she could kill her there, she also said something to her, they were charged with attempted murder, and not just a hooligan, but to her mother, and accordingly her mother, subsequently, when i conducted a secondary examination on her, i asked her to understand that this was psychopathic behavior against the background of, let’s say, affective pathology, not if not schizophrenia, but this woman...
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they didn’t mention this in your story, that these are drug addicts, all drug addicts should automatically be recognized as socially dangerous
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schizoids, i believe that the whole country should be tested for drugs, the whole country, everyone, without exception , not a single one can be turned on, everyone is a drug addict, tear up his passport, restrict his civil rights, because a drug addict is no longer a person, it is...
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residents of the village of verkhniy oselki in the leningrad region are ready to howl from the proximity to a pack of dogs, the stench is so bad sometimes it eats my eyes out and how many dogs there are now 96 96 i'm driving along the road i see animals yes. they are afraid to go outside again, because animals are walking in packs all over the village, i stopped walking there, they rush at people, at other dogs, but the dog owner assures that her pets are completely harmless, the problem is not the dogs, but the problem is... that people don’t want to solve the problem of dogs, how to return silence, peace and fresh air to the village, i want to listen to the birds, breathe fresh air, and not listen to these... that nightingales and smell their enclosures, a woman may be found guilty of abusing animals, this is beyond the bounds,
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the manufacturer's free line to order and get the knitting needles. most likely up to 34, that is, in general, almost unanimously, more than 800 voted, but if you go to the comments, you will understand why, because there are a huge number of stories, so our viewers reported, and their own personal ones, in general, their experience extremely
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negative, you will be more detailed. you can go and read all these comments, because there really is something to do with your son with a knife, in general, you might think, there’s something else too, here are a few of our viewers talking about how when you have to go through the court for guardianship of elderly relatives , those who are already in complete dementia there, yes, that the courts smolder there for several years, and this needs to happen there in seven circles, nine circles need to be completed, so
3:59 pm
we need something like this, that over time, minutes are good, something more life-affirming. it means that in a mental hospital in a mental hospital, the head of the office looks out the window and sees that he has, well, in the yard, the patio along the asphalt path, patients are crawling just like this one after another, he opens the door, he sees an orderly walking along the corridor, he says: please go and look in the yard to see what ’s going on there, after 15 minutes this orderly comes back, all dirty, his robe is all stained with something, the thug says, so what’s going on there, he says yes... 1.0 dollars is still money, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv. all the best to you, goodbye.
4:00 pm
forest fire season is upon us. many regions have already introduced a special regime and are starting to fine for...


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