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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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the forest fire season is approaching; many regions have already introduced a special regime and are beginning to fine people for violating safety rules. thousands of houses are still flooded by floods, people and pets are being taken out on boats and trucks, it’s too early to relax, but there is hope that pikpa will soon. will be passed, where the water still continues to rise, and where it has already begun to decline? german construction materials manufacturer knau said it would transfer its russian business under local management. the four of them took a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, sowing panic among military opponents, while ours came out of the battle without losses, about the work of one of the assault detachments in the southern donetsk direction, report by sergei pikulin.
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permitted, kaliningrad widely celebrates the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of emmanuel kant alekseevich motarev about why a philosopher is much more than a philosopher for a city. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the ministry of defense reported today that in the dpr, units of the southern group of troops have completely liberated the settlement of novomikhailovka, there is promotion in other villages of the republic. 12 brigades in so suffered defeat in manpower and equipment. general. in the southern donetsk direction, attack aircraft captured the positions of the ukrainian armed forces and took several prisoners. russian troops acted with the support of tankers. about the results of coordinated work sergei pikulin. now, during the assault, our tankers work for themselves, paving the way for the infantry behind the artillery. the task is to suppress firing points. well, after that. controls the entire perimeter,
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determines where the enemy’s firing points are located and, in fact, it is he from the air will adjust the work of our attack aircraft. while our tanks were working, disassembling the positions of the armed forces of ukraine and distracting themselves , the assault troops went to the rear, at a safe distance, so as not to come under fire from our own tanks, waiting for the command. well, there was contact. there was contact, yes, they lay down, lay down, stretched out, encircled them, now they’ll throw us in, this is an assault detachment of the fifth army, they are working in the southern donetsk direction, here near the armed forces of ukraine, in each landing there is a support person, this forest belt is 60 m wide, length is more than 2 km, from and to one fortified area, 1, 2, 3, here we cleared these oporniki about four against five, four against six, we always
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try in small numbers, in the detachment there are many who came here as volunteers, a private sword on the fence, studied to be a film director, third year, passed all exams, closed the session, took an academician , when you are here, you experience all this for yourself, many things are not shown in the film, during this assault only four of our soldiers sowed panic among the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy, realizing that the opornik would most likely be lost.
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threw it away altogether, well, it’s like an explosive wave. an elderly woman was sheltered by relatives; her apartment building was completely destroyed, where the headquarters of ukrainian drone operators komikaze was located. this is what almost all the houses in the city of avdeevka look like, you can’t see people on the street, and if they appear, it’s only to prepare food. people flock to the noise of the engine; gasoline generators are now the only source of electricity.
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territories, they have not forgotten about it about the good thing they strive for, public baths, the former it was decided to re-equip the dental clinic to meet the needs of the townspeople, without waiting for the builders to arrive, the residents began cleaning up the city’s tradition, planted tulips and irises in the front gardens, flowers became unspoken symbols of revival, here they believe that the village will rise from the ruins and become even more beautiful. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic, ovdeevka. the new $61 billion us aid package will not fundamentally change ukraine's position on the battlefield. bloomberg and the financial times discussed this topic with experts and military personnel and came to similar conclusions. they note that ukraine has enough not only weapons, but also trained
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personnel, so the supply of new weapons is unlikely to stop the russian army. it is noted that after biden signs the bill appropriating the money, ammunition will begin to be delivered as soon as possible.
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will cause severe economic damage to us interests. the opposition of moldova has united into a new political bloc and plans to fight for rapprochement with russia. today in moscow at a press conference the results of the past were summed up congress of moldovan politicians. those who do not agree with the course of official chisinau came to russia. let me remind you that the moldovan authorities are setting goals for the country to join the eu. a national referendum on this issue is scheduled for october in the republic. the opposition is speaking out.
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receives azerbaijani president ilham aliyev in the kremlin. in his welcoming speech , the russian leader thanked his colleague for the contribution that his father made to the construction of bam. this year our country celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the highway, and heydar aliyev directly supervised this project in the ussr council of ministers. everyone knows well, everyone knows well that your father played a very significant role, he headed a government commission. went to the construction site; in fact, he was one of the organizers of this grandiose project, important for the entire soviet union. now we, you probably know about this, we are developing the so-called eastern training ground, and
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bamy, transip, everything connected with this, so all this is important for us, and very important today, for us, certainly. very nice, great honor to take part in the event, we will see you later today with those who also contributed to the implementation of this global project, which ones? regional security issues, there are many of them, they are sensitive, as vladimir putin emphasized, the head of the russian state also noted that our country’s investments in the azerbaijani economy amounted to $6 billion, and his colleague, in turn , expressed the opinion that the current meeting will give bilateral relations a new impetus. german manufacturer of building materials knauf announced that he is transferring his business in russia,
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well, to russian management, then business news and denis talolaev, denis, well, probably, any person who has encountered repairs in our country understands that this business is not small, yes, it is a well-known business, here according to the company’s own estimates, it has 20 enterprises in russia. german manufacturer of building materials. naov announced that he would transfer russian business to local management. the press release, as quoted by the german media, states that the company, in light of current events, decided to part with its russian assets after more than 30 years of work in this country. the knau website says that it has 20 of its own enterprises in russia. the company produces drywall, insulation, plaster, putty, glue, self-leveling flooring, primer, and profile fasteners. in early april, german media wrote that the product. they replied that since february 22 they have not supplied products from the eu to
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russia, and that they reach end consumers through many independent dealers. russian stock market now under pressure from oil falling in price per dollar, but the indices are kept from falling sharply by the fact that investors are still buying shares, expecting dividends from russian companies. ruble against falling oil prices. looks at the cheapest oil calmly, the dollar at these minutes is 93.31, the euro is 99.33. the family mortgage rate for those with children over 6 years old can be doubled, to 12%. the izvestia newspaper writes about this, citing sources close to the ministry of finance. for now, the rate on family mortgages is common for everyone - 6%, and it is valid until july 1 of this year. and last week , deputy finance minister ivan chebeskov reminded that there was an instruction. president, for families with children under 6 years of age, the conditions after july 1 should remain the same, but for families with
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children over 6 years of age, as ivan chebeskov said then, different options should be discussed. and on july 1 of this year, the massive preferential mortgage program should finally end, with a rate of 8%. and on this, unlike the family mortgage, the authorities seem to have already decided, as ivanichkov again said, there is a consensus, that this program will not be extended. yes, thank you, denis talalaev, with business news. norilsk nickel intends to transfer
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the production of copper concentrate to china, which is the largest consumer of russian copper. as stated by company president vladimir patanin, in addition to simplifying the supply chain under western sanctions, this will help in solving environmental problems. beijing is paying more and more attention to green technologies, and this is very worrying for the united states and the european union. they are searching. way to restrain the bride, why the west, it seems, aryan who advocates environmental protection, creates obstacles for china in this regard, alexander kanevich understood. every day from morning to night, more than 12 thousand super mirrors will follow the movement of the sun and direct its rays to the 260 m high molten salt tower, generating electricity. just 10 years ago, such a report from the gobi desert would probably have been something unusual, but today everything is china. does not use the so-called desert cluster for the development of alternative energy. in fact, it's just
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one of an astonishing 225 renewable energy bases being built in china's western and northern deserts. this is a gigantic project of absolutely incredible proportions. and in total, these new bases will produce a whopping 455 gw. once completed, 60% of the energy will come from solar energy and the remaining 40% from wind energy. it’s no secret that the chinese economy is heavily dependent on coal, but next year china wants to reduce its share in the energy sector to 51% by increasing production electricity by switching to nature. the united states and europe, positioning themselves as the main fighters for environmental protection, seem to have to support in every possible way such low-carbon and sustainable development of china, but the growth of green energy in china is causing increasing concern in the west and the reason is economics, not ecology. in the past, in industries such as
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steel and aluminum, chinese government support has led to overinvestment and excess capacity by chinese firms. world production today accounts for china, in order to reduce its influence, the white house , with the help of subsidies and tax breaks, is trying to stimulate its own development of green energy, threatens sanctions and introduces a ban on the import of certain equipment, while the americans called state support in china the main reason, in their words, for unfair competition from
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the chinese manufacturers, europe is not lagging behind, the old world is fighting china with old proven ones. bans, trade restrictions , politically motivated investigations. one of these is currently underway in relation to chinese manufacturers of solar panels are accused of receiving subsidies from the state. if this is proven, the european union may impose protective duties on suppliers from china. previously, european authorities launched similar investigations into chinese electric vehicles and biodiesel. in general, there are all the signs of another trade war. and the usa and europe are similar. ready to do anything to prevent china from dominating this ever-growing and very promising market, where western countries have been the role of catching up, which means that the primary task is not to stop climate change, the main thing is to stop china before it becomes a world factory in this area, although this seems to have already happened. alexander kaneevich, anastasia vishnyakova,
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ntv television company. the green summons stuck a natural knife into his back. materials for catering workers in hong kong, where, setting an example for the rest of china, they are taking tough measures in the fight against plastic, introducing a phased ban on all disposable tableware, forks, spoons, cups, drinking straws, will be used either from the cafes themselves or given to customers to take away; polystyrene boxes are also taboo; restaurant owners complain that the new rules will result in large expenses, because dishes made from environmentally friendly materials are many times more expensive than plastic. however, there is an option to avoid unnecessary expenses: customers are offered to come to the cafe with their own cutlery and containers, buy takeaway food or go to restaurants with their own dishes, i think it takes time to get used to this. people are called upon to endure the deprivation of radio from the environment not only
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they decided to leave restaurant clients and local hotel guests without shampoo and soap in plastic boxes. ntv viewers in the capital gave. the release is expected today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. in twenty-three russian regions, a special fire regime has already been introduced, the ministry of emergency situations reported this today, these are regions where dry weather has set in, residents are prohibited from visiting forests, burning grass and garbage, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the fire service are conducting door-to-door visits to... the first fines have already been discharged in north ossetia, since the beginning of the year, 210 cases of grass fires have been recorded there over an area of ​​almost 60 hectares. since
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the beginning of the year, natural fires have already occurred in 69 regions, dozens. and astrakhan region. well, about the floods. in some regions the situation is improving. the ural river, which flooded the orenburg region, is gradually returning to its channel. over the past 24 hours, water has left more than 700 houses, reporting stabilization of the situation in kurgan. but in the tyumen region there is no relief yet. city of ishim. the peak of the flood is expected today, the water level in the morning is above 10 s m, this is a new record, old dams in the region are being paid off, new embankments are being built, barriers have stretched to more than 10. our correspondents olga chernova, olga zenkova, excuse me, and mikhail chernov will talk about the situation in the flooded regions. the small village
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of chincher is surrounded on all sides by water; the disaster came at night and in 3 hours cut off the settlement from the mainland. people were not left in the lurch. the popular front volunteers immediately hit the road. it wasn't easy. the team spent 10 hours on the road. first we got there by car, then by boat, but they brought everything the residents needed: water, food, essentials. unexpectedly, it’s pleasant that they don’t forget us, it gives, so to speak, strength to survive this isolation from the world. the most difficult situation is in the kazan and ishim regions, water washes away greenhouses and light buildings from the foundations, enters houses, evacuation has been announced in the village of kashkaragay, and a section of the road near it has already been washed away. governor alexander maor now lives in vyshim and personally controls the situation. growing the level, no, slowly, but it is growing, don’t expect anything, always let them wash it, then say what will happen. thousands of volunteers are protecting residential buildings and neighborhoods from high water with sandbags. many thanks
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to the guys who came from everywhere to help, god bless them. this dam protects three microdistricts and the airport from the onslaught of the elements; it is located literally a few kilometers away; tons of soil have already been brought here ; rescuers are monitoring around the clock to ensure that there are no leaks, because the protective structure is constantly experiencing hydraulic loads. residential buildings, five low-water bridges and 14 sections of highways. in the center of kurgan, the water has stabilized; as the authorities say, it is too early to relax, but there is hope that the peak of the flood will soon be passed in all areas, as in orenburg. my colleague mikhail chernov works there now. mikhail, has the water already started to drain away from your houses? yes, olga, in orenburg and the surrounding area the water is leaving, but...
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ruined furniture, dirt and dampness wherever the water has been, well, that’s what’s needed. the village of vesenny in the suburbs of orenburg has never been in the zone flooding, when the water came, they thought it would go up to the ankles at most, just in
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case they raised the furniture and equipment higher, everything flooded. they lifted it well, but they didn’t save it, they removed the doors, and the whole kitchen was also gone. the plot of land was given to them as a wedding gift, it took almost 10 years to build, the husband is an architect, the wife is a designer, they did it beautifully for themselves, in the end the original renovation sank along with the original furniture. compensation, too, most likely they will not wait, we are flying through with this compensation, since the house is in my father’s name, my father lives nearby, he has his own house, two houses drowned, here they are standing, we have nothing, water is pumped from the flooded areas from morning to evening, but there is not enough miracle technology for everyone, this is how orenburg and the surrounding area look from above, the water is still in no hurry to leave. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, olga zenkova, artemy pefanov, tv component. the important role of roshydromet in the fight against floods, mikhail mishustin noted at a meeting of the board of the department, the head of government emphasized that roshydromet is
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one of the five best meteorological services in the world in terms of forecast accuracy, is the first to warn about dangerous natural phenomena; in this regard, even more coordinated work with regional authorities is needed. ensuring the safety of residents throughout russia requires even greater coherence in working with...
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stated that in 2030 russia will be among the top five world leaders in the development of neural networks, deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko spoke about this at the opening of the international kant congress in kaliningrad, he recalled that in our country has adopted a national development strategy.
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emmanuel kant, the founder of the german classical philosophy, this date is widely celebrated in kaliningrad, as alexey chabataryov will tell you exactly how. the kant museum in the cathedral is the world epicenter of immortalization.
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as a person who creates this pattern of thinking, a new language of philosophy, the development of modern science, cognitive sciences, it suddenly turns out that kant foresaw many things, and not only with regard to the humanities, physical geography was published from afar in 1802 , collecting the notes of kant himself and his notes students, and were never transferred to russian before this, a rare copy of the first edition ended up in the collections of the museum of the world ocean, a titanic work of translators and editors. several years, geographer reviewers are amazed. kant accurately described such phenomena as, for example, the current in gibraltar, although he never traveled further than 100 km from koniksberg. around here there really was a house in which the light of the future great philosopher emmanuel kant appeared in 1724, but now a sign about it is installed on this soviet building, the house in which kant was born burned down in a fire 1811, but this. in the building there is
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a supermarket in the name of which is the name of kant, a coffee shop god knows what else, i rode a scooter, he took a photo of this strange kant there on the right, it says, i’m calling for an action, this is an action of transcendental unity of perception or what, not interesting, a performative lecture, whatever this means, dedicated to kant at the kaliningrad regional drama theater, professional investigators and amateurs from philosophical circles. creatively convey to the viewer their understanding of kant, or, as in this case, of what is happening around his name. the idea is, yes, that a brand, in this sense, such a brand is needed so that ideas do not pass us by when we want or pass by them. but these days no one even thinks about passing by kant’s ideas. the program for celebrating the philosopher's tercentenary includes several hundred events for every taste, the vast majority, of course, in kaliningrad, from a street performance
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to a conference in... kaliningrad, see further after a short advertisement. st. petersburg brands in moscow stores ilya fedosov about how designers of the northern capital, with the support of city authorities, are reaching the federal level. this is moscow, this is moscow. you know what i love most is when your eyes light up with that special light. come, fall in love, be surprised, be inspired. your moscow. alfabank for business. include overdraft with
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a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles to your free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. let's do this again, and now brutishly, there are other ideas, of course, let's count the payment, yuri, without a code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, at bikfest you definitely choose, double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price , and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank at a delicious point for repairs. in the apartment and in the country, everything is on sale at ozone, now vasilisa’s bed linen is up to 80% off, a screwdriver for 8,999, it’s not
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easy to catch a bird fire, but to get a fire rate based on your contribution to anyone can get up to 16.5% per annum at gazprombank, open a deposit on, i’m already flying to you, i want, i’m flying, i want you pyaterochka cafe and pay inexpensively i want i want pyaterochka pyaterochka cafe fly at least pyaterochka helps out the deposit - the best interest in savings with clear terms - this is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum quick registration in the sberbank application online deposit - the best interest with prime more profitable everything tastes better when there are two coupons crazy wednesday, two tiriaki resbowls price of one, there will be no money, with a card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose,
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spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash, the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any goals, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. then suddenly her chest froze, had she really fallen in love, she didn’t know that an increased rhythm or a sinking heart at rest were signs of cardiovascular disease, just get a medical examination for free. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. millions of people choose phytolax, laxative chewable tablets based. fruit. try something new. phytolax marmalade berries. just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning. does not cause spasms and bloating. phytalax from eval. do you confirm the transfer? we will warn you about spam and block scammers
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. service my safety. connect for free to the beline app. it's good that you have the safest operator. beline is the safest operator. spark green belt - remedies for sixty types of insect pests. greenbelt - works. get it additional 15% discount for fashionable transformations, choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone, use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the existing discounts, everything for your looks at even more attractive prices with the promotional code spring. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars.
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23:00 we are back on the air, we will continue: st. petersburg, after many western fashion brands have left our country, is claiming the status of a northern fashion capital, like the russian milan. spring collections from the banks of the neva are already are presented in moscow, and this is only the beginning of plans on an international level, what stylistic solutions st. petersburg designers offer and how they convey theirs. models love for one of the most atmospheric russian cities, ilya fedosov found out. st. petersburg is a stylish city. previously , for northern aesthetics you had to go to the northern capital. this time, st. petersburg fashion itself came to moscow shopping centers
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in the form of spring collections by st. petersburg designers. of course, the eyes of the capital's residents are not yet accustomed to distinguishing several thousand shades of gray, but that's not necessary. the colors here are very different, but all collections are united by sophistication and interesting design solutions. muscovites have already appreciated the freshness of the st. petersburg fashion wave. i bought a wonderful bomber, and the st. petersburg project, it surprised me very much, and a wonderful brand, excellent quality at all. acts as a european brand. st. petersburg design would remain a thing in itself. if it were not for the rapid political and economic changes in the world. the intervention of city authorities helped, who decided to support light industry, at least on the scale of st. petersburg. the st. petersburg design project was initially created as an anti-crisis measure, that is, a response to the departure of major international brands, on the one hand, and we saw a certain restlessness in shopping centers. who were worried that they would remain empty without
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being filled with new fashion collections, as it turned out, they were worried in vain; aspiring designers, feeling the support of creative freedom, found production sites for sewing their clothes, and larger brands they quickly began to fill empty niches and, having conquered the city market, entered the federal open spaces. st. petersburg itself is a sea of ​​material for inspiration, from recognizable architectural lines to...
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st. petersburg is addictive, apparently, just like st. petersburg design. a copy from the latest collection, a stylish trench coat for those who are not inclined to publicly demonstrate their love for st. petersburg. the outside is classic gray, the inside is brightly lined with st. petersburg prints. the model is very popular. regarding brands very young, then here is a good example, typical.
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inner peace, and that's what they want. if only 100 designers participated in the first stage of the project, then this year there are already about 300 of them . and the next stage in the development of st. petersburg design is the export of collections and the conquest of fashion sites even in those countries where they do not yet know that st. petersburg is a stylish city. ilya fedosov, sergey vorobyov, pavel zelenkov, ntv. petersburg, moscow. a monument to elizabeth ii was unveiled in the english county of rutland. this is the first sculpture. created after the death of the queen. sculptor
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depicted the young queen in a ceremonial robe and was based on photographs from the middle of the last century of bronze corgis next to elizabeth. this breed was called the main royal passion. well, in addition to horses, of course, korgia accompanied the queen for more than 80 years, they posed next to the mistress, went on trips with her, held audiences together and in the end became a real symbol of the royal house, well, now it ’s weather forecast time with us evgenia neronskaya, what the weather will be like tomorrow, we’ll find out, zhenya, tomorrow’s another one a round of cooling, after a warm monday in may the temperature will return to april normal. on european territory, recently the weather has been determined by stormy southern cyclones, but now a short pause awaits us, new vortices are not yet visible on the synoptic map, and the old one will reach
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the arctic coast, it will bypass the northeast, kiev on ryanmar, still bright sun, strong frosts, nights down to -20, the kola peninsula will be covered with heavy precipitation, murmansk -1 snowfall. the northwestern region will be in the rear parts of this vortex, from pskov to veliky novgorod + 5-7 and heavy rains, against the background of gusty winds, in the center the atmospheric pressure is growing, no precipitation, light rains only in the west of the black earth region. in the west of the central district, rain is also possible ; it will get colder, in smolensk +9, but to the east there is more sun and the temperature is higher, in ryazan +14. in the volga region there is a warm wind from the south, summer thunderstorms in the background. hot weather in samara is +24, in kazan it is a little more modest +21. there is a lot of sun in the south, but the air is cool, in sochi and stavropol it’s also +21, but in crimea it’s even up to 20 falls short, only in the astrakhan region the temperature stays above +25. and about the weather in the capitals in st. petersburg +5-7, short-term
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rains, in moscow no precipitation during the day 12:14, but on wednesday night frosts are not excluded, in the region up to -2, and during the day it is already +15 and sunny. well, it's raining again since thursday. thank you, that's all, see you later. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business.
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