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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 22, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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is that same neighbor’s property from you? well, this is approximately 25-30 m. do the dogs live on her property, not at home? dogs live on the property and at home. exact number of dogs do you even know women? dmitrikova herself stated that she has 100 dogs on her property. how long did it take for her to have so many animals? this pseudo-shelter was organized in 2015. what year did you buy the plot? i bought a plot. in 2012 , for individual housing construction, of course, i went around to the neighbors, looked at the situation, it was a good situation, it was a family woman with two children, it was like all villages, she had two, maybe three dogs there, i had already started construction to development in the seventeenth year, well , i began to live permanently in the eighteenth, and at this time, roughly speaking, the whole action began, the neighbors began to complain repeatedly, they repeatedly sent appeals.
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we all have wells, what is it like for 100 dogs to walk with the rains for a small need, with these now steely waters, all this will go into the ground. maria, but this is dangerous for both water and soil, not to mention people, well, yes, it is very dangerous, there is a disease that is excreted through the urinary system animals, get into the soil, get into the water, and a person can become infected with this disease, it’s leptospirosis, it’s a protozoa. a bacterium that is actually present in water. animals are born from water and then excrete it in urine. it is stable in the environment and is practically not introduced. sveta, how does the barking of so many dogs affect the neighbors, their mental health, perhaps , their health. of course, it influences and cannot help but influence. one dog is from 70 to 130 decib, well, calculate how many 100 dogs are, yes, like this. incredible noise, naturally,
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a colossal burden on the psyche, on health, this is a sleep disorder, maybe increased irritability, this has a detrimental effect on... health, this barking can be day and night at 3:00, that’s when this barking starts, yes i’m already very poorly, for example , falling asleep, this is probably any person , interrupted sleep is interrupted sleepy, and for disturbing the peace at night, you can call the police to the owner of the dogs and somehow bring her to justice? of course, you can call the police, you can call the local police officer, who will record this noise, but the most important thing is that when the police officer arrives, this noise should...
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shocked us with his stories, why do you need so many dogs? in general, i
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don’t need so many dogs, i don’t need them, but you have them, and how many dogs do you have now, now 96, 96, yes, how do you even manage to count them? a huge number, well, they didn’t all get to me right away, some get attached, some get there again, that is, you get attached and take new ones, i get new ones, but new ones definitely get to me, because i’m driving along the road, i i see animals that have been adopted, or they bring me cats, puppies in boxes, so i can’t go anywhere, i’m still getting new additions, you give all dogs crates, everyone, list your favorites, nyusha, knopa, mulya? bobbin, frog, murzik, conor, well, a lot. are your dogs purebred? no, mongrels from the street, all mongrels. maria, isn’t it dangerous to take such street dogs home, and in such numbers? dangerous,
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especially for animals. well, accordingly, puppies can bring dangerous for other animals. viral disease. boring keeping also leads to animals getting sick. vaccination does not protect against all viral diseases that animals suffer from, therefore we can get both anthroponotic diseases that are transmitted to humans and between animals, they are also even those that are transmitted to humans, some types of mycoplasma cause purulent sore throat in people and allergic osmatic reactions , and well, there are no vaccinations against them. natalya, before you take a dog from the street to your site, you take it to veterinarian, are you doing?
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they gave me a conclusion that they came for an inspection and found out that four dogs had died, the dogs died from parvavirus, do you know what parvavirus is? an infectious disease, vaccinations are given for this, the puppies were vaccinated three times, the vaccinations did not work, this is all confirmed by certificates, all this was laid out to the veterinary control, which came and it really could be, yes, this is a highly contagious disease, 80% of puppies die from this disease, respectively if there is a quarantine zone, then a person must enter quarantine with an animal in separate clothes with a desk, but if he enters in the clothes in which he comes into contact. with other animals, then the routes of infection are very simple, they are also excreted in feces, and accordingly, if the feces are removed and stored somewhere together, then this virus, well , it is viable in the environment for up to six months. natalya, how long ago did you place dogs on your property? i
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came to the site with one dog in 2006, and then the children went to school, to kindergarten, we began to accompany them, and we meet the children and they say, mom, look, the box is at the bus stop, how many children do you have? two, mom, well, let's take the puppies, what will they stay here, what will happen to them, well, of course, we'll take them, the children are coming from school, mom is there in the trash, three puppies are running around in leskalovo, mom, let's take them, save them, well, of course we'll take them , we will save and... i found some comrades who helped me with this in the device and so on, then these comrades begin to say to me: natasha, there are again six tiny puppies lying on the platform, well, how could it have happened that you didn’t try to argue, that but i already have a lot of dogs, i tried, i tried, they say, well, they ’ll die, so you sit for a day, you sit, you sit, you look, they settled in, someone took it them, they lie in the sun for a day and no one takes them, i come after that, well, of course i can’t pass by, i take them, so now at the moment... there are also puppies and more dogs, but there are no quarantine facilities to simply place them, so , for example, now again
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the dog gave birth in the barn, six puppies, they now they are three weeks old, but they call me and say: “natalya, take them, they will die.” why do they call you, how do they find you, do you have a full-fledged shelter? no, they find it, it’s just over the phone, and they say: “your puppies are shot, take mine, and you put them on the internet to give them into good hands, that’s right, you don’t sell them, you give them away, but at the same time...” you don’t have a shelter, no, i can’t register for shelters, why? well, because it’s impossible to register a shelter in my land. as far as i understand, the type of permitted use of your land - this is for individual housing construction, and land in settlements is a category. given such unique features of the land, it is impossible to open a shelter there. moreover, it is possible to obtain a conditionally permitted view, but a conditionally permitted view is obtained after public discussions, that is, these are public hearings, respectively, of neighbors, of course. and accordingly, no one will agree to this, no one will approve such a change in the type of permitted use
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of the land. the most important thing is that if it is already worth on the flow, and this is a system, of course, in this case it is necessary to acquire some kind of organizational and legal form, either an individual entrepreneur or an llc and so on with rights and responsibilities. of course, it is impossible to exist in this form, it is illegal, but i agree with my colleague that all this is subject to expert research, when an expert installs instruments that measure. noises that measure emissions of the same ammonia, animal waste products produce ammonia, which is very harmful to people, and an expert in in this case, compares them with the indicators of the maximum permissible concentration, the so -called, a powerful global study must be, of course, of course, only with such a study can you go to court, it is impossible to keep so many dogs on a plot, a private plot, that for this there is an administrative fine, but the composition of an administrative offense. does not consist in keeping 100 dogs, we have no restrictions on the number of animals
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we can, legally there are none, no, but we must not violate the rights and legitimate interests all neighbors, in fact, we should not harm the environment. natalya, your neighbor is complaining about an unpleasant smell, of course, it happens, because it happens or is always there, very important times, there is always no such smell, now after a snowy winter, it is covered with snow in the winter, and we cannot remove all vital activity from animals. so now, when it’s melting, we clean, clean, clean, we do it with all our might, but in the summer, for example, in the spring, the areas are simply licked clean, the enclosures are licked clean, my first question is where snow is removed from her site, onto the public territory, yes, where we still have a common fence, the second, where it can, again, i repeat, you can remove solid waste, where you can remove liquid waste, you just have to wash it off , wash it off somewhere, into the soil, after all, well, you live in nature, but you want to. listen to the birds in the silence, breathe in the fresh air, and not listen to these 100 nightingales
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and smell their cleaned enclosures, i don’t know what the territory is, his territory is actually all covered in tiles, well, where is it? leaving, it’s only in the soil. natalya, by the way, what is your plot area? 13 acres. maria, are these sufficient conditions for almost 100 dogs? no, if an examination is carried out, then the woman may be found guilty of ... she abuses animals, all possible norms are violated, she will not be given any permits to build a shelter, because waste should not end up in the soil, spread beyond the site, that is , class b waste must be collected and disposed of in a special trash bin, which must be located on the site and which must be passed by public services to clean up; accordingly, it is necessary to remove the carcasses of animals. cannot be buried, they only need to be cremated in special crematoria, and she must have all vaccinated
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animals, vaccinated annually, accordingly, all puppies must go through a quarantine zone, well, this is very difficult, well , there are many and many requirements, but by the way, dogs only live with you on the territory or in the house too, they spend the night in the house, go out onto the territory, and how many dogs can you have spend the night in a house, in winter you can spend 40 or 50 nights, the area of ​​the house is 80 square meters, right? let's see the footage taken at your home, well, by the way, i don't see a huge number of dogs now, maybe they are all now, they go to the toilet in these diapers,
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proper nutrition, proper vaccinations, the right everything, how can dogs be placed 80 km, and with this, so that they run freely, it feels like they should be in a jar like sprat, natalya, the important question is this, do you really have enough time to take care of everyone dogs, well, i don’t have 12 cats for a walk with everyone, what do you have time to do, well , first of all it’s cleaning, the second thing is...
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or what? of course, she generally has employees almost all the time. natalya, how much money does it cost to maintain these almost a hundred dogs and 12 cats? 1.200, 200, well, definitely 200 for sure. where do you work? well, i don’t have time to work at an official job. where do you get such amounts? volunteers help, they can now bring the same diapers, powder, there is some kind of food, if you need any, then social networks work. by about writing some posts for some fees, if your dogs are, for example, in the hospital, well, the bills are insane, and how many kilograms of food do a hundred dogs consume per month, well, 60 kg per day, 1800 kg per month only food, it’s an unrealistic amount of food to sit on the stern, well, it’s good that we live near st. petersburg and there are a lot
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of enterprises that are ready to give away, and you have never filmed any evidence that natalya incorrectly stores food for her we do pets, photography and video shooting all the time, let's look at these shots, march 22, so everything is stored, where to go, that's what he
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shot this picture, this is when they brought it, left it, in the evening... feeding, it's all brought in, removed, secondly, i don’t have anything washed into the ditch, i have a sewer system that is pumped out in the spring and autumn, these containers are what they are, food, yes, of course, they contain, for example, bones, they carry lamb and so on, the buckets are closed with lids tightly, no rats or anything can get in there, and these buckets are all they go into the territory, fold up, wash themselves on the territory, but now we see that they are standing outside your territory, how long can they stand like that... so that they do not deteriorate, this is recorded daily, they are constantly standing here, is natalya really provides hundreds of its pets with proper conditions, i’ll be honest, i ’m tired of this too, i also want a different life, for which the neighbors have already filed a lawsuit against the woman, three people filed a statement of claim, she was just flying to my alabayuv, i’m
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forty-five-year-old natalya dmitrikova from the village of verkhny oselka, leningrad region, keeps 96 dogs on her property. she saved all the pets from certain death, the woman assures. i decided to help dogs and cats because i just feel sorry for them that they are dying or perishing or freezing, that’s why. home, but the villagers are not at all happy about such a neighborhood; they have lost peace and forgotten about healthy sleep because of the incessant barking, says fifty-six-year-old vladislav galkin. nor can they enjoy fresh country air. the smell is such that it eats away your eyes. and on top of everything, this is snow, which is transported nearby to the territory, which is with the secret of snow, urine and all that, it can get into the soil, this is unpaved.
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has become a gathering of rats, so everything is stored, where to go? svetlana, is there any responsibility for the fact that natalya does not store food on her territory, there is food there? most likely, this is land from undemarcated state property, that is , municipal, your road, this is the first and surrounding area. secondly, for the inappropriate use of a land plot, that is, not in accordance with the type of permitted use of it. there is also liability, but what is the penalty? this is a fine, this is a warning, but if the municipal authority carries out all the pre-trial procedures correctly, and this is an appearance on the spot, an act, an order, a warning, repeated bringing to administrative responsibility, then the court will most likely side with, in this case the local government authorities, the land plot will be seized, your sewerage system is a cesspool, as i understand it, but a centralized sewerage system, septic tanks, septic tanks that
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process themselves. no, concrete, everything is completely concreted, it’s all in a closed space, it’s all stored, again, no one knows how this concrete is isolated from the ground, and whether all the substances contained inside penetrate into the ground, regarding the smell, i i wanted to say, my personal experience, i have 15 acres, two dogs, two alabai, they are constantly in the enclosure, once a week they go out into the territory, at the same time, the enclosure is washed in the morning and evening. but i can’t say that i smell of roses, you can imagine how i imagine it, if there are 100 of them, it’s terrible, it’s beyond the bounds, in fact it’s an army of dogs, it doesn’t even melt, someday this huge army will break out, what should the neighbors do, when we sleep there is a mosquito, and we get up without sleep, and we curse everything, we can’t do anything, you’re there all the time from
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3:00 a.m. or who’s there all night? barks at the spirits, this is how it is possible to live at all, to be honest, i’m tired of this too, me too i want a different life, they really howl, bark, well, they can howl and bark when provoked, despite the fact that when someone comes, provocations - for example, people pass with dogs, or start barking, i want to draw your attention to the fact that a person deals with animals, such people need to be helped, you know, we need to create the opportunity to take these dogs somewhere to kennels. it might actually be possible to give some kind of territory to a person so that she can deal with these dogs. dmitry, what do you think, does natalya or the neighbors need help? the situation is like this twofold, but i want to take natalia’s side, because i just imagined these dogs, well, she doesn’t raise them, she doesn’t, well, it’s not like she’s just picking them up, they would all die if they created such conditions on in her own area, absolutely does not care about people, about neighbors who suffer whenever
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a neighbor and neighbors come to her. “my friends, let’s solve everything together, i understand your problem, it wouldn’t have come to such a conflict. natalya, the dogs are very attached to you, so i’ll leave the house and let all the dogs out, they’ll all go after me. you know, i’m already very interested to see how you get along with your animals. let's see the plot. "be careful, guarded." the sign on the fence of forty-five-year-old natalia dmitrikova from the village of verkhniy osilki , leningrad region, says dogs. but it is not indicated that there are almost a hundred animals on this plot of 13 acres, almost a hundred. as soon as the owner enters the yard, the dogs immediately greet her the entire territory is divided into high enclosures, there are seven of them, they are made of 3d mesh,
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and hay is placed inside the booth. especially in winter, in order to keep it warm, it is closed with a lid, and in order to prevent the wind from blowing, snow does not fly in there. in order to keep her pets under surveillance, the owner installed eight cctv cameras. valera came, for example, there was a fight, who was it, what was the ringleader, but we can also look at the cameras to see who is and transplant to remove this conflict. natalya is watching. from the diet of four-legged animals. there is no buffet, says the woman. each dog has its own food. this is, for example, food for allergy sufferers, here's the fish. and this food is what we get for small puppies up to a year old. and these are our oldies, this is food 7 plus. therefore, different dogs eat different foods. after distributing the food, the hostess, armed with a dustpan and broom, begins cleaning. the area is always
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cleaned in the morning. in the evening you simply walk through the dirt, sweep it up, and it’s all put in containers, covered with lids and taken out to the trash. some pieces were demonstratively swept up, they showed us the territory, then they showed us part of the dogs, where everyone else were hidden, but even in this short period of time you could hear them barking, i can’t
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imagine how you feed all 100 dogs like this from your palm, that is, these will be bowls, one will eat from the other, this one moved, who -someone will be malnourished, someone will eat here co... which is not intended for puppies, for example, here, that is, this is all, this, now this was some kind of show-off story, for the video, how cute it all is. yana, how do you like the living conditions of the animals? i didn’t see any hellish violations, any terrible conditions, where these dogs are, they are clean, they are fed, they do not look exhausted, they do not look sick, that is , they are clinically healthy, a person simply cannot fully cope and reduce the number, i am ready for this. help, of course, they need to be reduced, not 100, at least by half, there by more , but these animals need to be housed. maria, how can you comment on these shots? animals, including dogs, do not eat bones in nature, and they do not need to be given bones,
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much less waste, which are collected and stored outside, these must be special refrigeration chambers, it must be a balanced diet, what she feeds them... both bones and food, it turns out that the food and the balance in the food that is present is completely disrupted, then there are animals that eat, roughly speaking, the same thing as from a garbage dump, and what was the point of taking them from there? i also live in the private sector, which means that some kind of dog is barking, barking, barking, the child is not sleeping, well, what’s with this in general, i’m alone here, but here for me as a public figure, this is so shocking information, i also want to take control of all this. and somehow it is necessary to change the legal status, take her out of the village, well, living surrounded by such neighbors is simply impossible, three people filed a statement of claim because they tried to reach her more than once, it all ended in
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screaming, yelling, proposal, i i’ll let them all out here now, and do with them what you want, of course, the village headman also can’t find a common language with natalya, in nadezhda zaitseva’s studio. hello, nadezhda! hello! do you suffer in any way from natalia's dogs? yes, we are suffering! how, tell me? in recent years, i have stopped going to the part of the village where natalya lives, because i am afraid for my dogs, i have stopped walking there, natalya constantly lets her dogs out for self-walking, they rush at people, at other dogs, the dogs marry her, right?
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the dog was hit, i was walking with my dog ​​with one on a leash, the little dog flew out from under its fence, they were walking there all the time, it flew out, it just flew, just run to my allabai, i just picked it up like that, and she was jumping like that, what am i i can do it if you have a dog, i say, take your dogs, you only walk your animals on a leash, only on a leash, i suggest watching one video, and then i will ask you to comment on it, so they walk them,
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some kind of responsibility for that, what will the owner do in this video? there is administrative liability for uncontrolled dog walking, a fine, a fine, it is small, perhaps at first.
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and the activities of dmitrikova ns on the mass keeping of dogs on the territory of the land plot. oblige dmitrikova to stop mass keeping of dogs on the territory of a land plot; removal of dogs from the territory of the specified land plot to another territory, specialized shelters, temporary detention centers for animals. natalya, why don’t you comply with the court’s requirements? well, where to take you, it doesn’t say where you weren’t offered to take you partially? no, no one suggested it. if you have passed all three levels, you need to execute. another question, i wanted to ask, did you
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submit it to the bailiff service for enforcement? i explain why: our last cassation took place in september or october, i don’t remember, twenty -third, that is, you can’t get a writ of execution yet, i’ll get it, what solution to the neighbor’s problem did the administration of the rural settlement propose? please organize shelter in separate specialized buildings with quarantines, you can’t get there, you can’t get there. in every room you have blacks playing miguel, understand, but this is the first thing that comes to mind,
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the second and third, to be honest, well, dumplings, now you’ll be stuffed with me rasslovie, you thought this was a club, at least a strong one, i didn’t learn it, let’s continue, brothers, let’s continue the frying, let’s burn it out until the morning, i can still do tricks, tricks for the finals, bro, stars, miguel and the ussr national team against nothing not understanding dzhikan and krasnoyarsk. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. everything will work out. hot spot, new. season today at 20:00 on ntv. just an asterisk.
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neighbor feels sorry for homeless animals; she sheltered 96 dogs on her property, but the people who live next to her are tired of the constant howling and barking. and a pungent smell, residents of the village of verkhniy oselki in the leningrad region are indignant, complaining about unsanitary conditions, an unpleasant smell, the fact that they throw feces right over the fence, but the owner of the pets, forty-five-year-old natalya dmitrikova she admits that she herself is tired of such a life, but she sincerely loves her animals, she picked them all up on the street and now she can’t just abandon them, i always had a feeling of pity for the animal, when i...
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a shelter, like 498 fz, says, in separate specialized buildings, our administration, we have a response from the administration to your requests, attention to the screen, the administration of the municipal formation iliskolovskoe rural settlement of the sevolozhsky municipal district of the leningrad region reports the following: in order to provide to support an autonomous and non-profit organization of assistance and support for pets who find themselves in difficult situations, the administration is ready to provide: for rent without bidding, a land plot with an area of ​​4,702 m2, category of land, land of settlements, permitted use veterinary care. why, natalya, didn’t you take advantage of this offer? i’ve been trying to use it for 3 years, but what do you mean i’m trying? well, you can’t get there from there, you can’t get there, there’s no road there, everything there is filled
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with squatters, there are garages, buildings, houses, sheds, and vegetable gardens, that is, i can’t demolish them... that is, this site is occupied by someone, it’s a forest, and the road to this site is occupied by people, that’s all, that is, you simply cannot drive there, no, let’s let's see what this site looks like, a luxurious site, we can't get there, but we decide everything, i go to the administration, you wrote an application, last year in the summer we met in vsevolozhsk with the architectural department, with veterinary control, we sent an application. the minutes of the meeting were asked to be provided to our administration the road to the site, and at what cost will the construction be paid, that is, they live on trees there.
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when they rent it and justify to the court that we do not have access, it legally exists, but in fact it is not legally used by other people, and the municipal authority acts with you either as a co-defendant or as a third party on your side, you will absolutely have positive result of the trial. svetlana, but this is the situation: there is a court decision that natalya must remove her dogs from her residential property. the administration, in fact, offers her an alternative where these dogs can be taken, natalia is not satisfied with this alternative, how
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events can develop further, can natalia face some kind of liability, maybe coercive measures, administrative, there is criminal liability, provided for non-execution of a court decision, but your loyalty and your softness in this situation just gives rise to this story, but the site is not suitable for us, we... cannot drive up to it if you get writ of execution and present it to the bailiff service, this does not mean at all that the bailiff will come to natasha and say: tomorrow no one should be here, the bailiff will initiate enforcement proceedings, a five-day period will be offered for the execution of the court decision, this again is not the end result . natalya, if she has a clear algorithm, a road map of how she is going to implement this decision, she will present it to the bailiff, and the bailiff will...
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i can hear the dogs very loudly when everyone is there the nursery of this shelter is on the rise, plus, after all, i will return to the fact that her dogs are running around the village, you know, we talked with the local residents, they believe that because of natalya’s dogs, the village has continuous problems. eighty-three-year-old valentina smirnova is indignant: being next to a pack of dogs will soon drive her crazy; for many years she has been suffering from round-the-clock barking. they got me out of the smell, they got me, i really want all the dogs to go somewhere, well, a good place, well,
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somewhere, they’ll make a good place for them, everything was fenced off, well, no, it’s not with the people nearby, not only the poisonous smell penetrates into the pensioner’s territory, but also the dogs themselves, so they ran into my garden and ran into my garden. the chickens all ran away, i don’t know where, i probably spent half an hour looking for them all, who were under these boards, who were in the barn, who ran where, the woman continues, she has a conflict with natalya not only because of the dogs, but also because for blocks for construction, she drove up to these blocks, they were lying there and took them, she ran up to me, grabbed me, there was a ditch there deeper than this...
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my house is located, these are the remaining blocks, they were lying on my territory, because of this the conflict began, i took them out, that is , the dogs have nothing to do with yours, there were no dogs there at all, it’s probably unpleasant for you , that your neighbors have such an opinion about you, that ’s why i came to the program, to solve the problem, to make peace, of course, but how does your family feel about breeding dogs, well, of course, the guys help me, definitely, they
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understand, well, children, nephews, mom is there, they help me, they natalie’s plot is divided into three owners, this is a daughter, she is a son. in the twentieth or twenty -first year, the daughter herself filed a statement of claim against natalya, saying that she was preventing her from using the plot of land, that it was impossible to live, and what’s most funny is that there were only 20 dogs and cats there. at the time when this happened, yes, then, and the daughter went to her dad, we were divorced from her father, and
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my husband wanted to get the land from me, therefore, since he knew that... in shares, when mine, we moved out of town, then my shares were separated into children, because they were minors, that he could have acted on the part of his daughter, asked her to file a lawsuit, she filed a lawsuit, but withdrew the statement, and now she is completely on my side, she wants to solve my problems, as well as her own problems, that is, she understands , that you can’t live without dogs, well, of course i love dogs, but not so many, but how many will be enough for you, well, for example, you can’t take dogs, our guest is yulia eliseenko, hello, hello, how did you meet natalya ? i met natalya 3 years ago, when 30 degree frost, i found a puppy, i know that
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there is a shelter in our village, i called natalya. natalya unconditionally took the puppy without any conditions, i later found hands that seemed kind to the puppy, but natalya’s act is just an example for me. do you know that natalia has a difficult relationship with her neighbors? i know that a difficult relationship, it’s some kind of heartlessness, some kind of selfishness, there’s nothing bad there, there’s no need to replace some concepts, that they attacked her, that they’re trying to get rid of her, absolutely not, guys, we have for...
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dogs very often do not help themselves, but some save themselves from some kind of stress, from some kind of grief, and these people are very grateful to me. will natalia face separation from her beloved dogs? the problem here is not even natalie, she is a completely adequate person, all the most interesting things are after a short advertisement, twin sisters grew up as...
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other people's twins, our biological mother began an affair with a man, marina, she is partly like me, like my mother, and irina looks like my brother, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. peace of mind is priceless. it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium, but magnelis b6 forta is available at an affordable price. magnelis b6 forta contains twice as much magnesium and is enhanced with vitamin b6. twice as many pills to take. magnelis b6 forta -
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dogs and takes them to live with her. now there are already 96 mongrels on her site. these dogs, for example, were just born there along the road and lived and disturbed people, and the puppies hit them with cars, they lay near the highways. here, for example, there is a frog and a moor. from barking during the day and terrible smell at night. we have an assumption that all dog love is good business. natalya doesn't work anywhere. what does she live on? natalya is a person with a big heart; thirty-year-old alina nikandrova stands up for the woman. not everyone can take care of so many dogs and at the same time keep them in decent conditions. a very positive person, very responsive, and she always has everything in order. in
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the house, was in her house, her house was clean, all the animals were well-groomed. 9 years ago alina adopted natalia’s dog busya into her family. it was the girl is very capricious, characterful, like all deddomovites, she defended her position, and continues to defend it to this day. she doesn't tolerate anyone but herself. svetlana, how can this be, some people are delighted with natalie, she is suing others, conflicting, it could easily be. i think the problem here is not even natalia, she is a completely adequate person and adequate neighbors who are forced to come to terms with this situation or not, and here it seems to me that it is necessary to raise a cry, including this program of yours will help to help natalie and informing this problem to be solved only in this way, even i am ready to participate financially, please, with pleasure, once a month to feed your dogs, svetlana, who are you in this situation?
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want to offer your help? i am ready to get involved with the development of a road map, support of all procedures for land registration, eviction if someone has used it illegally, and legal protection , including if necessary. thank you. and the interests of neighbors, how to make sure that they were you injured? well, in this situation , it is of course impossible to solve this in the moment, let’s say, in the near future, in a short period of time. these are certain procedures. which are provided , among other things, by land legislation and municipal legal acts, but at the same time, if some kind of initiative group is created from the same neighbors who will join this group, even under our patronage, so that this conflict situation does not arise , and we will discuss our algorithm of actions, we hope this option will suit you, if you have a little patience for this problem to be resolved, we will be very happy, lilia, for your part you can help natalie lay out this route, yes, of course. i will
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be happy to help her resolve this issue. irina, for your part, how can you contribute? i see a way out of introducing legislative initiatives, for example, to consider more than five dogs as a shelter, that is, you, for your part, are ready to take control of this issue, of course, of course, i am ready to take control. thank you to your program for calling us here, i really appreciate it i’m glad that all this happened, that’s why, if they help me... i would finally breathe out, so that the dogs feel good, and people feel good too, if the behavior of your neighbors is beyond what is permitted, call or write to our editorial office, we will continue tomorrow, new dna test right now. tomorrow in the program beyond, a mother of many children stabbed her husband to death during a quarrel right in front of her children. the girl was washed from the blood.


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