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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

10:00 pm
sergeant, look after him, i’m listening, dmitry ivanovich, i’m at the address of the suspect murin, he says that at the beginning of five he met with vernikov, with pal ignatich, yes. so what do you want from me? i need your permission to interview vernikov, it seems you worked with him? let's do this, don't bother, i'll talk to him tomorrow, hold murin, and then we'll see, why are you sitting here, let's go, let's go, that's it, let 's act, i'm busy, let's go, let's talk,
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let's go in. can? morin is not here. i know he's detained, that's why i'm here. detained? for what? his suspects the murder of the governor. how do you know? i'm a journalist. why exactly was he detained? on the square he threatened the governor,
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there are witnesses. olga, we need to do something. why are you so worried about him? because this is an obvious setup. i want to save him. so, let’s not get involved in this matter, we can handle it ourselves, okay, yes, shabalin from the prosecutor’s office is here, call me, come in, good afternoon, yes, hello, sit down, what do you have?
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"we detained a certain murin, he claims that you met with him last night, according to coincides with the assassination of the governor.
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“dima, you hold your investigator for now, what’s his name, ardashnikov, ardashnikov, yes, i need to talk to the mule, of course, no questions, hello, novikov is here, he called you, yeah. no, i need
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to talk to him urgently, what's your last name, danilova, yes, novikov, you're danilova, speak urgently, you know this one, yes, of course, okay, go up to the second floor, thank you very much, yes, hello, hello, ruslan sent me to find out how serious everything is with morin. , sit down, why not? are you aware that he was arrested? no, you give, you don’t know what’s happening under your nose, he was arrested for the murder of the governor, yes,
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this is novikov, now the second he was detained? probably in the evening, i don’t know, in the afternoon he received his salary and... was on his way home, look, last night they delivered evgeniy olegovich murin, now, oh, yes, there is someone who detained, now, wait, ardashnikov and lebedev, thank you, indeed, he is in the isolation ward, did you think i dropped everything and came to joke? okay, i'll figure it out, let's go. they'll knock me on the head, no they’ll knock, blame it all on me, open up, zhen,
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you’re completely crazy, what did you say to the governor, what do you mean? what is it? they say you threatened him, what nonsense? so, okay, where were you during the shooting? at the sawmill, what were you doing there? i met svernikov, open up, what kind of mess is this? sergeant major, why are there strangers here? vladim, come out, i ’ll come to you later, but it turns out you’re much more cunning than
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i thought? what do you know about coverage? that you killed him, so you decided the question of how to get me out of here before no one found out about it. you so arrogant because he was insuring himself? you bitch, they will carry you out, you understand that i will have time to talk with the prosecutors, senior,
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and... comrade interpreter, you seemed to want to come in, there was no time for business, wait, well, you understand that murin could not shoot, no, i don’t understand, okay, we’ve decided everything, i ’ll come to you later. it is a genuine pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardine colombia medellin, from selected arabica beans, which have revealed their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion,
10:10 pm
a pleasure to feel, genuine jardin columbia medalin. san, yes, i’m looking for dumplings in a scooter, you usually take some where there ’s a lot of meat and it’s tame. quality products from the scooter, which is what was required to order dates again, if you want to listen to the record, i want. when it will be possible to talk to them before no one says, you don’t owe you, you don’t owe us, we’re opening a business, you don’t have to follow me, i’d like them to think that i don’t understand who i’m walking with, that you're talking, great guys, the salon is open, it's normal that you guys come through, drive away, that's it it will be fine, we will defeat everyone, older, who, me, come on, i’m sorry, forgive me. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, premiere today at 23:00 on ntv. miguel vs dzhigan. stars on
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saturday at 21:20 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help at apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's make the head work. for breakfast in starodvorye and sochenka. i cook it, cut it, stuff it in the summer and it’s done. these are all our sochens. the old farm is truly delicious, the contribution is the best percentage in the savings account with clear conditions, this is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank application online, deposit, better interest, with prime it’s more profitable, a vertical vacuum cleaner or aerogrillforrd with discounts of up to 18%, with yota your money won’t fly away,
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10:15 pm
like this, like this, okay, i understand, like this, choose, buy with free delivery at the megamarket, carefully head, yes you not me, you go help him, yeah, thanks. we are leading, you register right away, yeah, and i’ll start tickling the local authorities here,
10:16 pm
what’s that? the act of write-off is written here, i see what is written, you work hard, you received sponsorship and under the knife, but what else can you do with the overdue, eat it yourself, you make me a fool turn it off, it won’t work with me, i had to return everything with a scandal, so that next time these sponsors wouldn’t be in the habit of giving rotten meat, you’re so smart with a scandal, next time it’s a big deal for us. not sponsors with oil, yes, i have no time to rest, you provide me with a car in an hour and the appearance of everyone who is working on the gubanov case, look, you only have, come on, who are you, and the city prosecutor, like you, has spread raspberries , take a rest from the road,
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the devil is under his nose, what’s going on, he won’t rest from the road, remember? and all ok, yes, yes, yes, we got there, we got there, we’re settling in, well, in an hour i’ll be building them all, yes, of course, if i get the news, that means there were no neighboring rooms, i live opposite, there you are, well, okay , thank you, i allowed everyone to be wooled regardless of merit, excellent, talk to me, i’ll come to you, yes, yes, they called ivanovich, vernikov’s last name
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should not be in the protocol, second, he met with his agent murin during the assassination attempt on the governor, and third, this information does not go beyond the threshold of my office, there are questions, everything is clear, dmitry ivanovich, i’m letting morino go, go to work.
10:19 pm
do you want my death? no way, but why are you writing this then? maybe kravchenko’s reckless act was provoked by those forces that are uncomfortable with governor gubanov in his post, you ’re reading with the wrong intonation, there’s a question mark at the end. who are you, my dear? crime reporter, your job is to inform, not ask questions, i understand correctly that you won’t put the material in the issue, i’ll put it in, only without your stupid questions, well , it’s good if it’s not a question, but statement, when you put the facts here for me, then it will be a statement,
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understandable, understandable, let’s go look for the facts. oh, your door is open, i thought maybe a stranger came in, hello, did they let you go? yeah, but they told me that witnesses are needed, i didn’t know what was coming to you, i’m sorry, it’s like that, well, everything’s fine,
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let me help you, no, thank you, thank you, no need, i myself, like your son, don’t came, i, i had a payday yesterday, valera would definitely have come with him, something happened. i called the hospital, he didn’t arrive, that’s what i’m most afraid of, i people say that someone dies every day from this rubbish, god, don’t be foolish, let me try to find out where he is, really, if i can.
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10:23 pm
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of new impressions, apply for a loan in zber and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable sber prime, hey guy, quiet, quiet, calm, don’t touch me, i’m looking for valery long, do you know where he is? i saw him yesterday, where? here, he wanted to take out a debt, they were taking him, who was the weight, local hucksters, to work off for a long time, where? i don’t know, i’ve never been there, okay, thanks, zdranes, you better quit.
10:25 pm
listen, do you think she needs permission? who the hell knows, probably okay, i’ll go and eat, i’ll take it, what do you want to take? yes, just take it for me, we agreed, and you better put the gun here, just in case, ok.
10:26 pm
hey, listen, who are you, don’t twitch. i ’m looking for my friend, they took him to work for a long time, to a farm, let’s go there, they’ll kill you there and me at the same time, start the car. good evening, i beg your pardon, we were a little late, this is katerina, artyom, what a wonderful perfume, stimulating, we can handle it ourselves, and i kept asking what kind of assistant you have, but now it’s clear why he...
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hid behind such a treasure i need an eye for an eye, well, i didn’t hide her, katerina doesn’t like noisy company here, i’m sorry, i need to call, hmm, but we won’t wait for him. well, acquaintance, you will eat until you feel like it, thank you for being so nervous, relax, everyone is here. excuse
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me, i'll just be a minute. excuse me, yes, but you haven’t seen the man i came with, boris kimych, he’s already left, thank you,
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i’m listening, where are you, what is this?
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well, what other versions? ardashnikov who? why was murin detained? murina threatened the governor, are there any witnesses? he decorated it and said there would be problems, how scary. released the threat, why? the moment of the assassination attempt on gubanov, citizen murin was in another place, in some other place, but for some reason i’m here i couldn’t find any other place, for me.
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received instructions, instructions, you received instructions, allow me, i will explain. murin met with his curator from the gvd. for obvious reasons, we did not display his name in the protocol. and for what obvious reasons? they are incomprehensible to me. bring me some floss and i’ll figure it out myself. it is a genuine pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardin colombia medalin, from selected arabica beans, which have revealed the aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion,
10:32 pm
a pleasure to feel, genuine, jardin columbia medeline. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23:00. you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, regularly replenish it, you will save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s twist yes, we’ll save up quickly, open a savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out, but i myself didn’t think that my friend called me, the schedule is free, there are orders, for the money it’s turning out pretty well, at first i thought that i wouldn’t be here for long, i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year, the passengers are thanking me,
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10:36 pm
over there, how many people are there, go see the security, you’ll find out, come on, let’s go back, stomp the car, so what next, open the trunk, why, open it, he said. get in, seriously,
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get in.
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nine reception, communications number nine, move to the break, back up oleg, accepted.
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10:41 pm
weiß okay. the hernia is dying, i’ll hear the fuss, i’ll drive you to the basement!
10:42 pm
and valerera, valerira, what is my wife’s name, i am from your mother, i mean from your mother, i am yours neighbor, she asked you to find what, look, the plan is this: i’ll go look around and get out of here, let me out!
10:43 pm
wait, wait, where are you hurrying? ask to stop at the pharmacy, please, don’t, i have everything, no, not everything, a woman has her own little secrets, please stop at the pharmacy.
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what's happened? mom, haven’t you seen your neighbor yet? domon? oh, hello, you took him away yesterday, why did you let him go then? the tray has washed away, let's go!
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hey, open up, open up, what do you need, open up to the elder, what do you need, go get some sleep, if you want to catch lead, quiet, quiet, quiet, there’s a stranger on your territory, come in and i’ll report. “valera, are you ready? no, i won’t go, they ’ll drink me, but no one will touch you, let’s put on your things, valera, listen, get out,
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rise up evil spirits, cheer up, cheer up, blew up, have any of you seen a stranger , didn’t you ducks hear the question, i’m asking, did any of you see a stranger doing drugs, or maybe you yourself are stoned, i don’t use this game, but answer, he came here, to search every inch here,
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let’s go . we'll see there look here.
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purely. so guys, listen, there is some kind of outsider on our territory now, so if you see someone, report it right away, okay, that’s it, let’s work, it’s some kind of mess, if only i knew that everything here is closed. “i ’d go to the store, okay, lenya nikolaevna, well, we can’t wait until the morning, we’ll wait, of course, you
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’ll keep your figure, but i, by the way, if i don’t eat, i can’t sleep, listen to what you think , murin really ran away, or is it ardashnikov’s fantasy, well, you know murin better than me, so you don’t dodge, speak directly, okay, why did he need to run away if he has such a gorgeous albie, and you?” “i think so too, another question, somehow he became an informer, and even for the head of the police, no, that doesn’t apply to him it looks like, yeah, i say, you know him better than me, it seems to me that there were cookies somewhere, so you’re standing there, bring them, let’s hurry, then i’ll run, i’ll run, that’s right. instantly,
10:50 pm
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saturday at 20.1:20 on ntv. no one, clean, everything in place, wait for the command, well, did you find it? no, as if through the earth, well , someone was here 100%, take this fool,
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i need to find a guest. of course, before we get in touch, go and write down what he looked like and what he was wearing.
10:56 pm
if you love the honey, love the cold, don’t be too sensitive. don’t be boring, if you’ll allow me, alexey kirilovich called,
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tell me, this is crap. you and i organized these press conferences, explained to the scribblers that kravchenko had delirium tremens, and now here it is written that he was cracking like glass. yes, this is not the first time bitch kholmogorova has spoiled us, but you’re used to it wipe yourself off, or what? yes, i, no, but what could i do, think with my head, solve the problem so that tomorrow there will be a refutation, that’s right, let me go, go. knock-knock-knock, here's the tea, as you asked, if you need anything else,
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my local phone number is 4:4, these are paid numbers, what's your name? stanislav, since you’re such a great guy, stanislav, hurry up ardashnikov, he promised me to find murin, silence. got it, i'll do it. “wait, tell me, stasik, have you been ordered to report everything we ’re talking about here, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, there’s no other way.” could, but how, everyone wants to cover their ass, okay, go, eat, well, why did you tell him about this?" " they will report anyway, but so that they know that we know about their reports?
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so i think he’ll be back soon, but i don’t know where he is, thank you, it’s very, very hard to wait all the time, it’s very, very,
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an investigator who was on arrest came to see you, the police are with him, okay, thank you , goodbye, thank you, so, we tensed up, listen carefully, who saw a stranger here last night, step forward, i repeat the question for the stupid people. who saw a stranger, did everyone go blind?


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