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tv   Voennaya politsiya  NTV  April 23, 2024 1:20am-2:10am MSK

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memory, yeah, that means you and i identified the location of the shooting correctly, islamists are involved here, otherwise who could it belong to? do you remember the elder mentioned a certain al-bahridi, such a decoration would suit him, or his son? did you find out anything? several years ago , an air raid was carried out on the al-bahridi camp, during which almost all members of his family, his wife, two sons and daughter-in-law were killed. there was only one son left, the youngest, his name is juma, at the time of the air raid he was studying medicine in st. petersburg. you want to say that albakhridi’s son now lives in st. petersburg? and he has a motive to take revenge on general ivanov for the death of his family. here he is, by the way. i hope we have enough gasoline to get to st. petersburg. shouldn't we tell rossin about this? who is he to you? brother matchmaker? he is a commander,
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for you a commander, but for me a newbie, what a bad time, but where did this general ivanov go, come on, sit down, take charge of the navigator, they are not far, here they are!
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you know less, you live longer, and now get out of here, we’ll pretend that we didn’t see you, that we don’t need help, no, get out, yourself with well
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what, are you spending a long time? come on, where are you going? the general went in that direction, and peter went in this direction, did you see what kind of security he has, we are superfluous here, who are you calling? roshchin, you got me with your roshchin, listen, pashkevich, let’s take the bakhrid, then we’ll call, the winners are not judged, detain murin urgently, why detain me?
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you’ll find out for yourself, on the way out, you need to kill them all, damn mothers, hot spot, new season, maybe i should kill you here, just end it, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, word from the boy, blood on the asphalt. my expected premiere years tomorrow at 23:00 the pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we will do without pain, in any situation, watch the vk video, in a situation where summer is coming, in a situation without the internet , and even in a situation of not sleeping at night. download the vk video app and watch it on any device. vk video - everything for everyone. works. you are in the office or at home, opportunities
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1:26 am
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of the latest trends, follow what is current in the fashion world, stay up to date with the latest sports events and discover the world in a new way on the main page, stay in the know! be zen. my new invention for keeping the toilet clean. but with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref is number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. there will be no money. sazon cards, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300.000 rub. for any purpose. spend them anywhere, as well as withdraw cash and... rubles for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere, what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore
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liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. how to find your calling? get a profession in skilllbox find it. open an account with tinkov investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank, you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if you don’t get it, you don’t need to compensate for losses. tinkov investment is just tinkov. since childhood, the woman dreamed of finding out who her father was, when her mother admitted who she gave birth to, she decided to meet him personally. i don’t need anything, just so that my children’s grandchildren know that they have a grandfather, but the alleged father said that he was not her mother’s only suitor, one says, no idea, not you the first, not you, as they say, this may be the last, my brother was from another village, he didn’t know anything about her, but she decided
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to make it clear that he was the father, another of his arguments was the inconsistency in the timing of pregnancy and childbirth , according to the period of 7 months, is it your biological one? the supposed daughter found her father, i want to put an end to it for myself, let him maybe be there for a while dad, how would you like oksana to be your daughter now, honestly yes, something just clicked for me, i’m opening envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv, i don’t understand what you want from us, yes. once again, there are signs of drunkenness in the kitchen, there’s some kind of chaos in the living room, things are scattered, the office seems to be crawling out, i wish there was a pencil lying around, but no, well, what do we have to do with it, yes, everything was according to the protocol, there was a doctor, a heart attack, an investigation, yes
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, the binge, whatever, we’ll double-check that, we have our own doctor, perhaps the empty office didn’t bother you at all, and we didn’t even look. why do we need it? okay, let's go, we're wasting time, the address of the morgue, give me where the body is, like that, soon ... your paw will stop hurting, tell me, my friend, did you know the man who lived in this house well, yes, uncle vitya, he was very kind, we were friends with him, and he told me this, he said that if something happens to him, hand it over to the police, you’re from the police, well , yes, of course, and you’re great, you’re brave, well, go ahead, run. yes, we had such a student from syria , juma bakhridi, but he was expelled six months ago
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for absenteeism, he simply stopped going to classes, and we, you know, have a medical institute, and i have no idea where to find him, he was also discharged from the hostel, all the best, uh-huh, good luck, we urgently need to look at the contents of the memory card, it won’t work urgently, comrade captain, the captain and i are checking now. well, finish it, we 're leaving, chekavan has completely given up, mish, come here, come on, i'll show you something, and what is it, a tattoo, exactly, i don't understand why i'm getting a tattoo of a license plate, region 10, which means local, karelia. do you think
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that if juma is in the photo near this cafe, he hangs out here every day, this cafe is a hangout for all syrians, in general, don’t bother.
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where is he? wait,
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pashkevich, do you see the bearded man? can you tell me where he is? what the hell are you doing, he's running fast, where did he run, that way?
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well, i can’t tell the truth, we need to look at the video from the street cameras, let’s go to the police, yes , let’s go, but it’s of little use if it’s an extremist, they had enough time for me to remotely connect to the video surveillance system, hack the server, it will be faster, they turned it off on shuvalovo, there we have
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cell 1370. further on to okshtansky alley, further along the ring road, yes, then out of town, remember what their name was, that’s it, there are no cameras further, find this place on the map, only the forest, turn on the satellite image, wait, this building... wasn’t on the map, and the image was edited, it looks like someone really doesn’t want us to look at it.
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don't panic, you stay in the car. just don’t think that it’s safe here, yes, at the slightest danger, leave and report everything to colonel magutin, uh-huh, stand still, calmly, just don’t shoot me , on top of everything else, timur, have you been released? yes,
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they let her go, told her to remove the weapon and unload it, so that she could see. here around the camera, who is she? are you, are you crazy? push me aside immediately, you will be in big trouble. it is you who have gone crazy, captain, interfering with the course of my operation. what other operation? the one you were pursuing is a double agent, you can’t imagine how much effort it took to recruit him, and now, thanks to you, he’s exposed to all the dog’s work ... this one with the beard and rosary? how do you think he should look when communicating with the diaspora? you are an amateur, you are minding your own business, believe me, you won’t get into trouble me, and you. gentlemen, i am not at all happy to see you, and i will be grateful if you
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stop getting under my feet in the future, i really hope for your understanding, you will find your way, irina. sent no car for the genalas, and nevertheless, we are not enemies, we could do the same thing, i’m sure you will succeed in your affairs when you stop interfering with mine, why didn’t you say anything, why didn’t you put it in its place,
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because checking, if we waste time and energy quarreling, we’ll fail the mission, that’s it... the boarding house will go to heaven in formation, come on general, but i have tropin with me, otherwise i’ll figure it out on the spot, okay, well, then you and i will start recording the video from the chief technologist’s flash card. on july 4, 2017 , a large batch of chemical warfare agents was stolen from our plant, i took part in this, i have all the evidence, here
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are the papers, it turns out that a chemical warfare agent was taken from the plant, there are four questions: what kind, how much, where are we going where , on what? talked about the tattoo on his hand. chief technologist, i don’t understand why you need to get a tattoo of a car number, license plate, do you think this is the number plate of the kidnappers' car? i don’t know the reasons why someone would want such a tattoo, only if he wanted to remember this number, it is important for him, he wrote it down on his hand, and then punched it so that it would not be erased, well, let’s go to petrozavodsk, let’s look for the owner car, well, yes, this is... the number of my car, don’t remember, on october 4 we were fulfilling some orders, in the seventeenth year, exactly,
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if you remember the date well, it means the flight was interesting, but how can i forget, i had then the truck was stolen, found quickly, abandoned near some industrial zone, they didn’t find anything unusual in the car, well, what doesn’t belong to you, no, it seems, but only with my truck... something bad happened, i even went to see my father later, that i shined a light on how was this bad thing expressed? the next morning i carried the cargo, loaded it, delivered it, unloaded it, by the evening i was just mowed down, they quickly took me away, the doctors didn’t drag anything, they said something about the liver, well, they hinted, they say, but i don’t drink at all, what was it, i don’t know, tell me, where was your car found then? i didn’t leave the door, open it, i don’t have a key, security, they'll kick me out of work, don't
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worry, they'll always hire you as a watchman, can you sit straight in a chair, so what do we have here, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, angina pectoris, nitroglycerin? where did you end up here, thank me later, comrade general, but for now let’s go to bed. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you just lie down, rest, quietly, and i ’ll call you soon, they’re falling behind soon, they’ve already let you go, you’re a doctor,
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and i’m a doctor, and you know what, i work as a pathologist, and i must admit, i don’t really like our profession, let's make sure that i didn't have to hide you. are you stunned, man? captain imilin, criminal investigation department, are you looking for naked people? for good leads, you know, i’m ready for anything, you have to work with your head, not your feet. oh, i told you, i’m a genius, well, i definitely can’t remove modesty, i would have fired him long ago if i didn’t have him, i’m stealing him, you’re dangerous, well, actually, i have a black belt, but she’s lying, i warned you. gas, hands on the railing, quickly, spread your legs, no more chickens will come into your garden, emelya, thank you, you are a very good person,
1:45 am
hemelian, taste and color, premiere, soon on ntv, hot spot, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help on abept, it helps. in a situation where summer is coming, in a situation without the internet and even in a situation of not being able to sleep at night, download the vk video app and watch it on any device, vk video is everything for everyone, there will be no money, a sazon card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend anywhere. and also withdraw cash and receive cashback. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay anywhere. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. azbre. there is
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pain. include overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles to your free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. it's time to be zen and keep abreast of the latest trends. keep up to date with what's trending in the fashion world. stay up to date with the latest sports events and discover the world in a new way on the main page. be on topic, be zen. dream job in
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the office or at home. career opportunities a reliable future, your place is already waiting for you among thousands of vacancies, join the team of one of the best employers in russia, tenki. a mother of many children stabbed her husband in the heart, i didn’t want to kill him, i loved this man, in front of my children, the girl was washed of blood, the boy is already talking well, he was found trembling in the corner, he says that mom stabbed dad, that is, he understands. what happened, he saw it, yes, the murdered man’s sister believes that the daughter-in-law grabbed the knife out of jealousy, the knife it was new, she bought it that day, stabbed him with the same knife, and the suspect’s sisters insist that the woman tried to protect the children from her tyrant husband, he beat her, beat the children, her fingers were broken, it’s more like what - it’s nonsense, what happened on that fateful night between husband and wife, i just wanted to scare him so that he
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wouldn’t come near my child, i... personally think that it was self-defense, and he would have simply strangled her , but i don’t believe her, it’s beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, takmurina detain urgently, why should i detain, you will find out there, on the way out, we need to drive them all away, damn mothers, huh? and the hot spot, the new season, maybe i should just kill you here and end the day, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, it’s really a full hour, i’m the only one for everything, here, find an agreement, i have thousands of them,
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audit, just a second, okay , the contracts indicate who rents the warehouse and for what purpose, what they plan to store, well, who specifies this, even the cops rent from us, what they bring there, when motors from boats arrive at night, winter tires, i don’t even i want to use my imagination. we can continue, otherwise, what date do you say we are looking for? october 4 of the seventeenth year, seventeenth year,
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so, so, here, so, so you, you are lucky that i... a former accountant, i love order, so i have everything in place, and you say audit, like that, october , fourth, row six, axle box 19, well, great, yes, found it, yes, stepan ananyevich korostylev. yes, yes, in '47, that's it, i understood, well, what's up, the man who rented this warehouse back in '15 died, of course, that's all we
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we found out about jumo from social networks, he is an avid bmx rider, this is the best skatepark in the city, sooner or later he will appear here, when the facial recognition program recognizes him, the frame will turn red. well, that means, i report, general ivanov, thank god he’s alive and well, well, like 60 percent, which at his age is quite, yeah, a civilian’s view, ask his subordinates, anonymously, of course, you’ll find out what he’s worth from hospitalization refused, just for a moment, he needs to go to the factory today with the commission, obviously, to pick him up, he wouldn’t want to now to lose a general, it will be done, okay, let's get down to business, the chemical weapons were definitely in a warehouse near petrozavodsk, then, apparently
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, they were taken out when we arrived there, it turns out that we scared them off, if this is so, then it turns out that someone is behind our actions it's not a fact, the weapon could have been taken to where they were going to use it, there is... they found albakhride's son, wait, who is this? what can you see here? they speak arabic. juma asks, maybe it’s because you’re a coward, which is what the second guy answers. juma says, you are not my decree, i have already not small, it’s unclear, this is the place again, maybe it’s goodbye, it’s unclear, let’s move on,
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who are we following, the guy. oh, a familiar car, damn it, old man, how did he know where to look for it, hey! she could have wiretapped her, can you find the bugs? i'll do it now.
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boy, get out of the way, let me pass, come here! hello, he’s not hanging up, this is important information for you, listen, this is not my phone, it’s now yours, i remember october 4, 2017, who are you? those whom you helped a lot on this day, we are grateful to you for the gift, but now this we need to return it to its place, return everything to the factory, are you crazy, how do you imagine this?
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in st. petersburg, but the elders know nothing about it and will not find out. from us, in any case,
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i agree, we won’t say anything to her, let’s go, take off our clothes, undress, come on, come on, hurry up, what are you looking at, come on. faster, faster, watch, water impenetrable, watch, please leave your hand, come on, don’t cry, freak. i wonder what you think about
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when you look at them, about the father who gave them to you, it’s his gift, where is yours? father, tell me, you will leave, i don’t need you, i don’t know, i swear to allah, you’re a lie, he finds me himself when he needs it, this is the truth, say, no, no, i’m dismissing you, no need, i ’m done said, don’t, i can’t stand it, no, you know this man, yes, yes, this is juma, i recruited him into a militant extremist cell, he’s lying, i... his second time in his life, that is, you admit, that you know the recruiter abdul sakhim,
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consider yourself already secured a sentence, it’s not my fault, i swear, i don’t want to fight, i want to be a doctor, i want to live, that’s what i told him, you’ll see him, let's go, we'll check him for printing, if he lied, you'll be free, but if you lied, put him on, yes, i understand, yes, she. she let him go, just like that, well, let’s stop him, but why did she let him go, he told her somewhere, i don’t think, then she would have held him so that he wouldn’t change his mind and tell his father about everything, most likely he has a transmitter on him, she hopes through him to get to albahriti, he hopes, here he is, but no, wait,
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these are fake fsb agents, i shot them through the ramp, you see, the spare tire is different, you were talking about not european appearance, well, yes, it’s unlikely that these are albakhridi people, most likely there is some third group operating, just what do they want, come after them, wait, wait, watch, come faster, forward! why did they throw them away? because there is an elder bug here, a good move, comrade major, but alas, you lost them and so did we, this is all funny, of course.
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you need an echocardiogram, for this you need to go to st. petersburg and undergo a full examination, i see that the suitcase has already been packed, that’s good, i packed the suitcase to another place, get ready for the factory, and then there is a professional clinic, but there is not a damn thing there, then i categorically do not recommend it to you, the first call has already been made, when will it be... the second one, who will help you? maybe you can help her, this is mikhalchenko, what do you have? yes, he drags me along with him, as if
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i were his pocket doctor. great idea. if you don’t want to be a pocket doctor, you’ll be a pocket bodyguard, don’t take your eyes off him, consider this an order. that’s it, i can’t talk, my boss is calling. yes, hello, explain it, listen, i have already
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explained to you, any attempts are reduced practically to zero, or to be more precise, then... well, if i understood correctly what you want, well, or rather, what you have in mind, then the only road through the main gate, so, from the moment it opens to close you will have exactly 22 seconds, and also, listen, we are gentlemen after all, regarding my name in this matter, don’t forget to get rid of the pipe.
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mikhalko simply worked under alagonatum until he started working with us. i didn't know you had a medical examiner working with you. what department is he from? civil? is it clear now. transfer all cases to the fsb and close the shop. that's an order? that's an order. i think i found the car that was taken from the chem arms warehouse. dad, i'll call you back. i checked almost 2.0 machines. according to the traffic police database, this truck already has two potential fines for speeding, the last 15 minutes ago, here, wait, they are on their way to side 118, they want to return the cargo to the factory. my conscience is on fire, an international commission is arriving there today, can you imagine what a resonance there will be if this cargo is undermined now, we must intercept the car, buckle up,
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look at me son, do you know why i need her? glasses, because i don’t want you to see my tears, i thought that these were tears of sadness, these were tears of pride and joy for you, i am not the chosen one today, but you, so you must be harder than stone, in the foundation of your house destroyed by the enemy , the shell that knocked out your sister and mother, do you hear me? unzip your jacket, look at this not as
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the end, but as the beginning, how i envy you, son. are you ready? when you arrive at the plant, wait for my call.
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your phones for temporary storage, what else give you, wedding ring, bank cards, we apologize, but personal means of communication are prohibited at a military facility.
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we need to call mikhalchenko, let him not let the bus from the commission go to the plant under any pretext. oh, this is mine, give it here, excuse me, the regulations, yes, what beer, and how much according to the navigator? 5 minutes, it’s easier, well, let’s push , weave along like a snail.


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