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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 23, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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they might have enough, come on, oh, yes, serge, we’ve been sitting too long, thank you, i’ll go, maybe you’ll call your husband to come, but i don’t even know when to call him, and he’s probably already waiting at home, with us the apartment is not far away, oh, look, be careful, you yourself know that this place is wild, who would touch me here, every dog ​​here knows me. thank you, all the best, all the best, goodbye, uh-huh, in a week, yes, where are all the lads, they were off to the city to party, i said, until i get back from here i can’t see you twitching, kostya, a rumpled order, you blinking, the bone is not the size. yes, everything
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will be fine, that gangrene, gangrene darkens, wants to crush himself right away, and i’ll talk, first give me a sweet topic, we’ll see, and then there’ll be a topic, i think so, then we’ll work, we’ll decide with gangrene, we’ll see , who has stronger codes, that’s for sure, i’m worried about something. as if something had happened to the guys, that we had been carried into this wilderness, there weren’t even women, just bashing women, and i haven’t kneaded a woman for 2 months, because everything is fucked up, noble skin, you have to take it, set your spirits, the pack, that’s not touch me, please, i’m pregnant, please, if you want to live, quietly, go under the roof,
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girl, are you okay, baby, new belly, let me, do you know them, no, i don’t know, the news name is gunya, gunya.
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well, two minutes, i'll fix everything. where's she? what's going on here? my wife is here, evgeniy pavliker, let me, well , stand, stand, i said, like this, your wife is alive, her life is not in danger. the child decided
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that it was not possible to save the child with my child, sorry. who is he?
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why did they take the girl to the gopstop, she’s in situation, who is evgenia, according to evgeniy pavlivker’s passport? your mother, an acquaintance, and more than that, hello, hello, where is this, who is the husband, he left, tell him that she needs a change of underwear according to the list, but how is she,
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she’s normal, here’s a child, sing.” listen, while i was making fun of those two, the third mazurik did his legs, in general i fell down, though one of those two, i still got hit, okay, don’t be executed, i did everything i could, that’s what she said, will be able to identify them, but the devil knows, the nickname of one i remember, gunya, like gunya, what, quickly sue, let's go? come on quickly!
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now we’ll grab genka kosveno, the second one is easier,
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sit down. so detain murin urgently, why detain me, you’ll find out there, on the way out, we need to drive them all away, damn mothers, hot spot, new season, maybe i should just kill you here completely? today at 20:00 on ntv. hear gone. but i never left. where did legamo come from? god knows, i was passing by. or maybe it wasn’t a cop, huh? and you
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ruined the whole mass for us? yes, i bet you, it was a cop, if only you could see it in his little eye i saw, they drill like that, they drill like that. in general, you should tell me thank you that i got up on time, otherwise they would have put both of you there. or are we him? you wanted to mash the bitch, she was with a belly, they were a waste, a hoof in the belly didn’t get stuck, but throw yourself in, no one, igor vidach, i found them there in the house, five of them led, let’s go, wait, of course i understand everything, but that however, let's everyone do what they know how to do, okay? it’s a very old man, i didn’t cut the spatula,
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there must be welds there, and the skin is noble, apparently the woman is a beaver man. on the floor, i asked you to hold the gartan, who is gunya, this is the lads, i have a chapel.
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well, what are you talking about, four zamurai are all thieves, but where are these? yes, they rushed so hard that now you can’t catch up, although you can ask, let’s fall asleep, after such a thing they will cut the clearing, and what kind of burbuhay is this? so this is kozura laiba, so let’s go kikut,
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we were late, wow, right in the snetsov after. more, you didn’t tell him anything about the ruckus, why didn’t you say anything, of course you did, he seems to be our curator, and even his wife, well, excuse me, i don’t understand anything, what are you talking about now, yes it’s true, gene, think out loud, okay, you do everything you need to do here, and i’ll leave, yur, maybe it’s not worth it, you saw the state, i’ll figure it out, you don’t want to explain anything to me, you they said later, there’s a telephone, well, yes, well
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, ring the bells, smack, i should have flogged you earlier, i said that they were running around the city, i said, i said that you could run into trouble, i said, let’s face it, your boys were lost while they were roaming around the city , what difference does it make now, we need to find out what happened to amir and orlik, if we drove by gref, we’ll find out if we drive him alive, you heard, and now you understand that you are standing on this earth without me, go away, arshin, take him, khaza is nailing, and you sit there like a mouse, let’s go, altai, and give him the skin, i understand,
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igor vitalievich, maybe it's not necessary, open it. sasha, go, go, go, what do you say, they should have been tried according to the law, no, no, and you yourself are no worse than me, you know that, you yourself had
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your beloved wife killed, they are the same bastards, why are you doing them then? i didn’t end up in court when i finished, in the same place... the investigative court, why? yes, because you understand that such creatures there is no place on earth, there is no place for them on earth, that’s why i won’t hand you over, but why did you come then? i already knew that you wouldn’t rat me out, but i wanted to ask you one question, just one question, go away. why are you such a bastard? which one of us is the angel? are you a trump card? you are not an angel, you are a cat, exactly, a cat, a white cat, on a black
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roof, yes, you sit like that, so happy, fat, like that, do you admire what you are like? so fluffy, you stubbornly don’t want to see that the roof is black, the goat is remf, all around is complete blackness, nothing will happen, and communism there will never be any, no matter how much you, cat, puff yourself up, it won’t become whiter, and you, of course, are a wolf, i’m a lion, i want to receive... from life, my lion’s share due to me, clearly, the lion’s share, listen, no stand in my way kozyrev, okay, don’t stand, do you at least know why you are still alive, why, yes , because zhenya begged me, i understand, but keep in mind, only until you get
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in my way , you remembered me, and thank you for... business, please, now, now, listen, kozyrev, do me a favor, please go away, go away, for god's sake. why are you stuck here, and if again the dumpling with your idiots, well , they don’t have time to leave you before they put new ones on you,
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i’ll figure it out myself, the third week you’ll figure it out, aren’t you tired of what you suggest? i ran from them, but at least tell my father, he will intimidate them properly, and not beat them up, and then they tease me that i hid behind my father’s back, we don’t give a damn, i see what a hero, what did i say to you, no, you i wanted to look, look, guys, where is your heel? not the police, otherwise we are completely lost, if you want, we’ll show you, his father works there, it’ll be great, come with us, i’m telling you, we’ve hit a wall, we need
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to work with the material that we have, with what material, we have n’t made a single step in 2 weeks have you made any progress? what we had then , we have now, not an ounce more, now, this is what we need to work with, what to work with, wait, wait, listen, just don’t shout, don’t shout, remember, the first time when we left lychikovsky office, i told her then, i said then, we need to look for someone who benefits, will sell it for nothing, that’s what i said, what difference does it make who said, well, who cares who said it, well, the main thing is that this is the only chance we have to get rid of this matter, but you explain the point, why do you explain, he offers to dump everything, but where are the two, i i don’t pretend at all, you want to say that i agree with him, to be honest, i don’t care, i’m on your side, whatever you decide, so
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it will be, what difference does it make to me, whether it’s whether to drag the torn ones, or to drag the tattered ones away, it’s all the same, well, make up your mind , kozyrev, make up your mind, do you hear, lychkov will get out anyway, well, he will get out, and we will get out of the situation without losing face, well, in the end, he is a brother, a matchmaker, a wife, and the material, i have all the material ready, you need to sign it like this, if i would sign it for you, snout, then you’ll run to complain, of course, i’ll run, that means we didn’t agree, you would about this i told dokukin during the conversation, but the goose won’t be humanized, then? from separation right now, or so,
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here is the fifth department, thank you guys, well , this is for your help, thank you, let's go, let's go, hello, hello, hello, dad, oh, youth, hello, where are you from here, hello, and we showed them the way, again, a new insignia, they are constantly updated, shut up, i said i’ll sort it out, okay, let’s drop you off at home, let’s go, yur! or maybe you’ll go alone, and while the young people and i go for a walk, we’ll cook dinner, yes, sit down? well, yes, okay, come on, tell me, knight, what kind of bandits you were hanging out with,
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i still don’t understand why you need my employee, everything is written there, comrade major, yes, i can read, well, what is it to deliver, what is it to detain , arrest, where is the warrant then? to deliver means to deliver, and if i send you away along with this pisuzhba, then i will be forced to call your management, you will be in big trouble, by the way, the management is aware, i scared the woman with the rocker, i need these troubles, you know how many damn things are going on in the city, one more, one less, i still don’t recommend it to you prevent me from carrying out my official duties, and there is no talk of arresting your employee yet, they just want to talk to him. well, why, i have to know, if he has a necessary report, he will tell everything later, with permission, comrade, senior sergeant belyashin, on your orders
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arrived, belyashin, a comrade from the mgb has arrived for you, wants to take me for a conversation, where, but for now only to moscow, sergeant, to the lubyanka, don’t mind them, comrade major, or should i still call your leadership, comrade major. maybe i’ll go, they’re not arresting them after all, well, you see, your employee understands everything perfectly well, well, let’s go, thank you, that is, the colonel yes... is worried, well, what ’s going on, the colonel is taking my employee away in the middle of the day, i don’t understand why, but i have every person worth gold,
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it means that he said that the murder of comrade karaev is beneficial to me. not exactly like that, but the meaning is very close, bastard, well, it’s freezing, i won’t leave it like that, i’ll grind it into powder, do something really stupid, maybe he’s just waiting for that and will present it as pressure as a consequence, can you imagine how it will look? together with his comments on this case, and then what to do, maybe? make a preemptive move not in markov’s direction, but in which direction? well, what do you think? i understand you,
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comrade kozyrev, i am in your unpaid debt, you can contact me at any time, goodbye, goodbye. the party control committee is the secretary of the petrovsky city committee of the lychkov party. uncle yuri, where did you fight? i don’t like to remember this, seryoga. if it were up to me, i would forget everything and start living from scratch. come on, let's not yell at me. have you been walking around with lanterns on your façade for a week now? it's already the third week.
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i asked you to keep quiet, i’ll figure it out myself. no one doubts, if you want, i’ll teach you how to do it faster and better, there are four of them, and i’m one, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is this self-confidence and a complete lack of pity for the enemy, what a pity, i don’t know what i would do with them, but they are stronger for me, it doesn’t matter either, everyone has a weak point, remember, in a battle it’s not the one who always wins the one who is stronger, the one who is more skillful, firstly, always attack first, swing, without words, as quickly and as painfully as possible, this is better, don’t hit with your fist, your blow is not delivered, you injure your hand, the fight will end, whereas , i’ll teach you, will you eat with us, no, i’m at home, my mother is waiting, well then say goodbye, gentleman, i’m around the corner, i’m waiting, it hurts, but no, it’s fine, okay, bye, bye, but how can i beat you? it was you who stole
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your grandfather's dirk at the age of 7. that's what the men from the yard told you, you're a fighter! you were the one who was never afraid of a fight. it's with you, she's calm everywhere. it's on you, friends can always rely on you. it's you who can't stay away. it's you, and here you are, among your own. great, for headaches there is askafenp, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re in a soviet bank. let's take
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of frost and there is a strong wind. in kamchatka on the islands it is sunny without precipitation, although it is also not too warm yet. but today summer will come to khabarovsk, it will be +20 there. there is a definite plus in yakutia, even at the cold pole, but it won’t work out. from light rains. and siberia is sinking deeper and deeper into the arctic cold. in the eastern half , precipitation in the form of wet snow is added to this, in krasnoyarsk -5, in novosibirsk in tomsk the real snow and not higher than 0.2 in the daytime. it is rapidly getting colder in the urals in yekaterinburg today - +7. tomorrow the temperature will drop to zero. the northern regions of the european territory have never seen winter weather, all because of the southern cyclones, which simply do not bring heat here. but there is heavy precipitation. are not quite capable, and today on the kola peninsula it will be snowy, windy and cold, in murmansk -1. in the north-west , although the weather will improve, it will still not be possible without some rain, with only +3 +8. in the west of the center of small rains, also cool, but to the east
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there is more sun, in vladimir the rains will not begin until thursday, and the temperature will remain above the climate norm. in the south there is no precipitation, in yalta and rostov it will be +18:20, in sochi and stavropol - 21. in st. petersburg today it is raining and + 5:7, in moscow 12:14 without precipitation. uncle yuri, can i ask? go ahead. i just can’t understand it. it seems that your profession is dangerous, they can even kill you. so for some reason you are not paid enough, why? and this has been the case since ancient times. feed the watchdog carefully so that you don’t die from hunger. it will be angrier. well, under the tsar , the police took bribes, there was an extra addition to the salary, so now you take, who to take, yes, i would take, but no one gives, i’m just kidding, this article requires a term of
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two to five, so this is the one lackey, she's the most... with a rasp they sniffed from all sides, a friend drops by here once or twice a week, sometimes more often, sometimes besides him, other laybees drop by, but the laybees are not simple, all with metropolitan license plates, as soon as the layba leaves the publyuker wants to come here, but they should poke their noses in they haven’t tried it inside, but not yet, what if they chop up a special object there like cabbage, without trial, well, yes, that’s also true, although on the other hand there is no external security in sight, and this doesn’t look like the kgb. tell you what, drop the topic about this bogadella gangrene, they say business muscovites have arranged a seizure here, and they are bringing in the wrong goods, i’ll watch from the side what will happen, yeah, then i’d better talk, he has contrarian sgangins, secondly, caudla is hungry, but
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thirdly near the mate, he won’t think for a long time, he’ll immediately rush to the right, okay, only don’t delay this matter, i ’ll take you right now and i’ll take care of it, you hold your eagles, otherwise they
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’ve already frolicked in the city once, what do we need on the porch now? arshin, these are your boys, why don’t they eat a piece of cash rather than take a bass for a gobstop, you can’t go wrong with such a cheap price, but you get the job done. and you’ll go wild, if i play the box earlier out of hunger, you shouldn’t be doing this to him, alty is a thief, authoritative, nothing, let him know, in the city he’s the owner, some of them are stealing,
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so we’re looking, he said, whoever finds it can keep it, then i don’t have any logic i see why ask look for a watch that you will eventually give away, but you are not looking for logic, comrade captain, better help me find it, but excuse me, gentlemen, i can’t do it on a full stomach, i’m afraid i’ll overstrain myself, and i ’ll burn off my fat after lunch, and you know, in spain, for example , after lunch you are supposed to take a nap for 2 hours, they call it eating, but you write, comrades? to the supreme council, since the proposals will be considered by the bedish and accepted,
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of course, they will be accepted, but if, by honor, the bourgeois knows a lot about both work and leisure, and how do you know, he’s been there or something, those who have been, they told me, and the goat, great, hello, i wish you, the beast is running towards the catcher, you’ll come with me to zonov, they’ll call you to the carpet on business, and the party members, so that they’ll kill you in the cinema, of course, they’ll go crazy, and you’re from the masatik at factory 45, there kind of like burglary, my friend, come on. one little man whispered, but i can’t
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answer for his words, it’s up to you to decide, you take it, no, if it seems empty, i’ll answer for the empty one when you show me, and what to pull, i’ll show you right now, then we’ll drop by for the guys, it’s not far from here, oh, what do you want to take at a swoop, maybe first i’ll sniff it, that’s where i’ll sniff it, if it turns out everything’s a herringbone, it works right away, you’re just trying to figure out what to pull, well, let’s see. thus, i can only say one thing: over the past 2 weeks we have not advanced a single step on this case, except for comrade markov’s version that comrade lychkov was involved in the murder? yes, he clearly went too far here. the most interesting thing is that lychkov somehow found out about this and created such a stir. in general, i got a call from the regional administration, this matter is being collected by our committee party control for verification. documents to moscow, well, thank you, god, they disowned,
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but don’t be too happy, after lychkov is washed off and markov is given an enema, this case will come back to us, no, of course, it will be handled by the prosecutor’s office, but we’ll have to sweat it ourselves do you understand who will have to, which is completely deaf? well, there are some developments, comrade colonel, but there are no concrete clues yet, but at least there is a plan of operational measures, what has been done, what is planned to be done, then markov is frightened to send all the documents to moscow. carried, we didn’t even have copies we managed to take them off the papers, well, i already remember everything, i can, if you want to jot it down, so sit down, sit down and write, write, to my boss tomorrow. write kozyrev to report on the operative, but at least we’ll clear up a little bit, otherwise in the devil’s territory, what’s going on, there are dozens of gopstops in the last week, there’s no one to work, that is, colonel, did you find out where our belyashin was taken, i’m sorry, how they were taken, who? mgb, i called, they said for a conversation, write
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to kuzarev, write, don’t be distracted, write! it was high time to put a fetus under the tail, yes, i almost forgot, here on an anonymous letter came for you, an anonymous letter for me, yes, for you, yuri sergeevich, they say, you are leading young girls astray from the true path, and so on , like that, you want to read it, but no, i
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know who wrote what you will do with it , gave it to you, besides criminal cases, i didn’t have enough murderous ones, but oh well. drop me off at the city hospital and you’re free, city hospital, and you thought it wasn’t all maslenitsa for you, well, yes, it’s quiet, that’s it, there are definitely no dogs, no cyriks to be seen, but if the cyriks are inside, maybe it’s not worth it, it’s your concern, we’ll do it everything is beautiful, wait go away, and then we decided everything ourselves, well, as you know, as you know.
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i am to blame for your puncture, but whatever, you got burned due to your stupidity. guys, it’s a pity, well then let the gang decide who is right and who is wrong, so i say that’s it, let’s get the wheel, otherwise, you never know, let’s get the car.
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he won’t make waves, that ’s for sure, what kind of hut is this, which is guarded only by one chained dog, but there’s a whole flock standing there, you really want to smell it from the inside, you already know, someone sniffed it, but if it’s quiet, do it in such a way that no one has time to choke. "on such a shapet, only a magician can do it, where is he now, yes, he took a good bear in ryazan, and now it’s been a month since he’s been hanging around a fly in the capital, let’s go get him, let the fly fly here, understand?” “okay,
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someone called me ? good evening, good! evening, no one called, someone called, i know, it’s clear, zhen, maybe that’s enough already, in fact, as much as possible, give me back my wine, turn on the music, no, if you decide to go crazy, then i can afford such luxury i can not. so do yourself a favor and torture yourself in my absence, okay? don't dare on me
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scream, zhenya, zhenya, zhenya, really, stop it, i beg you, stop it, honestly, but this is unbearable, well, we will have more children, they will... we will treat you a little , no, never, yes, who told you, the doctor told you, then, why then, why didn’t you tell me then, forgive me, regret it, what? i regretted that the phone, you’re listening,
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what an attack, what corpses, motherfucker, no, no, no, don’t call anyone, don’t tell anyone, stay where you are, don’t call, that’s it, i’ll be there soon, give me my wine, here what beloved, it can’t continue like this, clearly, if only, if only because you are still my wife, remember this, uh, remember, in grief, in joy, before god, before people,
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, please check. details of the emergency: let's overtake the car according to the rules in first gear. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of marad seddikov. a busy time has come for the employees of the ministry of emergency situations; seasonal fires, which usually occur at the end of spring and summer, pose a mortal threat. in seven districts the chelyabinsk region has already introduced a special fire safety regime. the chelyabinsk region burned in the spring of 2023, neither rescuers nor residents will forget, dozens of villages and thousands.


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