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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 23, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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today in our program. i have never been afraid to admit the mistakes of our intelligence. consumables. the nord stream bomber disappeared in ukraine. and the russian transfer pilot was ruined by a thirst for glory. why is kyiv leaking its agents? it turns out that he was deceived like cannon fodder. cyber ​​makhnovshchina. ukrainian call centers rip off russians, israelis, canadians and germans. how did ukraine become the world's nest of telephone scammers? now it's just been hacked, look. and a murky story. popua new guinea took offense at biden's bike about uncle eaten by cannibals. when will the west answer for the sins of the past?
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hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. me, andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. today we will begin, as , unfortunately, very often we have to do, the last months of messages from the belgorod region. this region, as you understand, is the most frequently shelled by the ukrainian armed forces, the day before the local authorities published statistics, the rionovosti agency cited them today, of course they are terrifying figures, 120 people in total, residents of belgorod and the region of various settlements were killed, but during all this time, as a result of ukrainian shelling, more than 600 were wounded, and tonight they were shelled again, thank god there were no casualties today, but... well... no less
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, there is some minor destruction there, so let us now show you the footage and report with the help of the ministry of defense that during the night four rockets fired from the alkha multiple launch rocket system were shot down over various populated areas. governor region, vyacheslav glodkov said that as a result of the strike, a residential building in the village of razumnoye was damaged, it was destroyed, well, the facade was damaged and the glass was broken. there are no casualties, as i already said. our troops struck back at the ukrainian armed forces militants, who , as we found out, were launching these missiles; they were located on ukrainian territory not far from the border. at the positions and observation post of the ukrainian military, which were discovered by reconnaissance, and fire was opened from howitzers, that’s exactly where you are now you see these shots, these shots that the ministry of defense distributed, the department’s statement says that the targets... were
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destroyed, but the western press, traditionally not noticing the shelling of belgorod, is now learning to pronounce and generally unlearning the name of another settlement , ocheretina, the village, considered a key position of the ukrainian armed forces, north-west of avdiivka, a village at a commanding height, now ukrainian social networks, followed by european publications, report that an entire ukrainian brigade fled from there under pressure the russian army, according to data...
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eliminating any nuances in terms of security, that is, these are explosions, various mines, because often the armed forces of ukraine leave their equipment, carry out some various mines and remote explosive devices stop. in kharkov, this morning they complained that the city had been unable to establish a tv signal for almost a day, which was lost after a strike on a local tv tower. let's take a look at these epic shots together. those who haven’t seen them shared them the day before eyewitnesses on social networks, the collapse is clearly visible on them, here you see in the upper part of the city tv tower, this is about a third of the tower, once 250 m high, as if it turned out to be cut off, the kharkov mayor’s office stated that russian forces carried out a targeted strike on the object and even named the type
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of rocket x-59. moscow did not officially comment on this information, unlike all kinds of our russian military correspondents and public pages, who wrote that... after installing a communication system for the ukrainian the ukrainian authorities have not yet given air defense or forecasts for the restoration of the tv tower. well , let’s also look at the footage from the federal security service, they were filmed in lugansk, where the third suspect in the case of the bombing in moscow of the car of a former sbu employee and quite a frequent guest of our program, vasily prozarov, was detained. it can be seen that we can also take a closer look at the personnel operatives...
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well, about the people working for the ukrainian state and how the ukrainian state treats them today, i kind of say a little i’m interpreting this topic of ours today, they don’t necessarily work, but they definitely believe in it or pretend to believe, look , there is such a common concept as the american
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dream, well, everyone understands everything, and as soon as there is some kind of career success, material success, that is, that’s where a person should. but this is a crowd, a crowd can be processed, but there are people, it seems, really, some are there because of ideas, some maybe really because of the promised big money, they are starting, as vanya said, to work for this is the ukrainian state, then they begin very interesting things are happening, well, besides
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the fact that they, naturally, these people also don’t get anything, we ’ll talk about it now, especially there’s such an indicative moment when we remember some of our former colleagues, journalists who... ideas and that’s it, you can be free, this is in the best case, in the worst case a person can die, a person can go missing, in general it’s kind of a confusing story, because in ukraine the head of intelligence is a very talkative person, he gave an interview just here, partly there sheds light
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for some such interesting stories, we will also remember him now, well, let’s look, the other day it became known about the sudden disappearance of the former colonel of the armed forces of ukraine roman. chervinsky, whom the western press called the coordinator of the explosions of the gas pipeline to nord stream in the baltic. before his disappearance , chervinsky was in the sbu detention center for treason and tried to recruit a russian pilot. as a result, he himself spilled the beans about the ukrainian airfield. after this, the airfield disappeared, and chervinsky was arrested. agent loser's detention period is permanent extended, the trial still did not begin. and now chervinsky’s lawyers, who are not allowed to see him, say that their client was kidnapped. at the same time, more and more criminal cases are being pinned on him, the latest being extortion of a bribe. as evidence, the investigation published this recording.
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the fate of the russian traitorous pilot maxim kuzminov, who in september last year hijacked a mi-8 military helicopter to the ukrainians and doomed the death of two of his partners, was also unenviable. in kiev they rejoiced from the heart, kuzminov was called honest and brave hero, the very hijacking of a helicopter of a successful special operation of ukrainian intelligence, even a film about it was quickly made. this is exclusive footage. military intelligence operations codenamed sinitsa, theft, the capture of a new russian mi-8 amtsh helicopter with an armored cabin, an armored cabin, carefully, fuel was flowing, they came out, ukrainian intelligence promised the traitorous pilot a large sum of money and guaranteed safety, but six months later kuzminov was killed in spain , a killer who disappeared without a trace, the valiant ukrainian intelligence is now throwing up its hands, and terrorist budanov. tuesday explained to western journalists that the traitor kuzminov was actually not very smart, and he himself was to blame for
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his death. this, unfortunately, is a classic psychological mistake of people, when people relax, they have money, they supposedly look after their safety, but at the same time, the desire for fame clouds everyone’s eyes, they begin to say: “you know who i am, you no one, just telling you." i have never been afraid to admit mistakes, and here too. some of their agents are ukrainian the special services manage to abandon him twice, the ukrainian armed forces marine vladimir oreol was abandoned during the retreat in the kherson region in 2022, he hid and lived under the guise of a local, and then recruited into the sbu as an agent in the russian rear. he leaked the information through an online card game, you fool. and it seemed that everything was in order, but at the moment of evacuation in a conditional place the agent was met not by their own, but... by the russian military, when i arrive at a certain place, conditioned, i should say,
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there is a leg under me, uh-huh, well, that’s when i came for that place, got to an unambiguous point, said this word, he said, it turns out that i was caught, well, they took me, i was captured by members of the armed forces, they grabbed me, it turns out, but they deceived me, that’s it. the story of the former commander-in-chief of the vzo valery zaluzhny, a year ago he was called a hero of ukraine, a genius, they painted graffiti with his face, and then there was a failed counter-offensive, an argument with the terrorist president zelensky and zaluzhny was dismissed, as a bonus, he was offered to go to the uk for diplomats, however, the other day on social networks they were worried, where was the zaluzhny, he never made it to london, from the public space.
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people who seemed to be for them, seem to be sincere, even from those people you showed, there is such a surname in ukraine, a surname, a surname, a deputy of the verkhovna rada, so she pressed, pressed, pressed zaluzhny, squeezed out, then she pressed this gomenyuk, i just read her, i ’ve been following her for a long time, so she squeezes out, well , it’s clear that a person cannot squeeze out on his own, but nevertheless... she writes post, she speaks, she is so public, and after her speech even zaluzhny
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was removed, naturally, and i say again that her words mean nothing, it means she is fulfilling someone’s order, the order, apparently, is fulfilling the current one, the customer is the current government, everyone in ukraine personally believes that the customer is mr. ermak, that is, he gives commands, you are clueless about how these people are bothering him, so...
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let’s put it this way, then let’s say that the main customer of all these troubles is state terrorist of the united states of america represented by president biden, because from there come the commands to explode the northern streams and from there came the commands for what is called a war on the territory of ukraine, then there is a little less evil, this is zelensky, whom you say is a terrorist, perhaps further after that automatically people who fall into one or another network, they, they fulfill their own. you just said very well about the devouring people, for some reason i began to remember all sorts of ancient myths, because they also devoured there, and you know, here alexander nikolaevich is usually a specialist in devouring, mentality lately, explain this phenomenon to me,
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the state has heroes for this state, making it black for us , but somehow beautiful for them. the political struggle is similar to the one that occurs after any revolution, but for them this process took a long time, but nevertheless, and accordingly, each stage of this political struggle is marked by the liquidation of the former, well, relatively speaking, elites, that is , those who were heroes yesterday , i do not agree,
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sorry to interrupt, he didn’t imprison poroshenko, although he promised, they are removing those... that means he cannot imprison poroshenko, they imprisoned saakashvili and no one can do anything, so this is part, sorry, alexander nikolovich, this is part of them revolutionary fervor and revolutionary mentality, which at some point must die out, or are these just features of modern ukraine, well, remember this nadezhda savchenko, right? even when it was, she had the same path, the heroine who entered kiev, and then we all we understand what happened to her, she, of course , was also one side, yes, of course, this is a feature of the political life of ukraine, plus this revolutionary spirit, the second point, and as a person of the nineties, i understand perfectly well that if you then he gave an order to do something
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or to eliminate someone, this is about the pilots. i didn’t see it, well, or there, but you don’t first make him a hero, a bearer of something so wonderful and beautiful, and then destroy him, here you have to choose, i’m not at all, the moor has done his job, the moor can leave, then it’s not necessary, then there’s no need to bring him out like this, well, wait, well, at first he ’s useful to you, you
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use his example to educate others in every possible way, and then later you show how such examples end, here i agree, if a person .
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this information, he was already really a man on a well-deserved rest, it was cheslavie who killed him, but all the other people, the chervinskys, the rest who were involved in some high-profile act, for example, the people who were involved in the death of the boeing over donbass, they everything is also mysterious disappeared, the dispatcher, the pilot, someone died there, someone disappeared somewhere, someone suddenly committed suicide there and so on, why because this one which yes, yes, yes, all there are controllers, pilots, all mysteriously for some reason , suddenly, well, that’s it. and let us show a few more examples, because ukraine, well , you can’t deny it, ukrainian propaganda has the ability
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to attract people from abroad with this kind of ukrainian idea, why do they come, well, this whole idea has some kind of charm , and how after that the ukrainian does the state treat these people who believed in ukraine, as it were? the british television company bbc spent several days in kiev in the fall with a certain russian named ilya. reporters present him this way: a russian citizen has been fighting on the side of ukraine since 2014, and a year and a half ago he even joined the ssu. nobody has given him a ukrainian passport yet. ilya complains that he constantly experiences fear and convinces himself that he made the right choice. there was an understanding that if you made this decision, you would hardly be able to go back. superficial romance got her so worked up, and well , like everyone else. ordinary people in the war, i don’t know, there, well, everyone feels fear, i think the post of a former russian who came to live in kharkov 5
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years ago is widely circulated on social networks, apparently, he was very inspired by the ideas of ukrainianness, he was also really looking forward to a ukrainian passport and this is a dream come true. 5 years of torment, how i moved from russia to kharkov, 5 years of certificates, queues, a year at the front as part of the armed forces of ukraine, i was wounded, i barely survived at last. done, i received, with whom i am no longer i can go nowhere except back to the front. thank you, what is it? disappointment comes not only to russians who decided to try their luck with the enemy. foreign mercenaries, the syrian abu muhamad, are surprised at ukrainian morals; he decided to make money and fought as part of the ukrainian armed forces for about 3 months, then returned to his hometown and tried to buy a motorcycle, only then he realized that they had paid him with counterfeit bills. look, they are different, here are the dollars they gave me, they are all fake, here are the real ones, here are the fake ones, guys, no there is no point in fighting for ukraine,
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the northwestern military district zone has turned into a big trap for foreigners from north and south america and australia, at their own expense they buy an air ticket and fly about 10,000 km to poland, buy everything they need there, then go to the front by train or bus. at the end of this path, many will be disappointed, the mercenaries see how... ukrainian commanders make money from the sale of western weapons, they are deceived with a fee, and the families of colombians who served in the armed forces of ukraine complain that they cannot return the bodies and this is especially disappointing excellent training of the russian army. they always delayed our salaries. our salaries were never right. we had to buy all our equipment ourselves. we never got the help we wanted.
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the boxes are different, and here it seems to me that i was surprised that this point was not made, that is, for ukraine, for example, mr. chervinsky, but then he was, was a hero, ms. savchenko was a hero, but from the point of view of ukraine, for example, here a defector and, well, literally a traitor kuzminov, he is nothing hero of ukraine, this is literally a dirty russian, which they used for their own purposes, the fact is that when the hostilities began, many of our compatriots had... the idea that one could turn into a so-called trans-ukrainian, yes, they did not approve what the russian government is doing, well, like a transgender, only a trans-ukrainian, the most appointed ukrainian, who said that this means i am on the side of
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ukraine in this conflict. you know, there is a good joke on the internet that the best pro-russian propaganda is to simply open ukrainian twitter, ordinary ordinary people , let him have all these posts in a row about pigs and dogs, about inferior russians, and so on, then how would people understand how ukraine truly treats them, a good example was with mrs. trepova, who, like we remember, generally dangerous terrorist. but in general, it’s as if our country is being bombed, it’s as if it has only repaid a small part of russia’s crimes, this is a big strategic mistake of ukraine, which could count on some kind of russian, i don’t know, some kind of underground activists who, for example, are for ukraine, for ukraine and for ukrainians. any
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russian is a criminal, an australian, to whom they promised money, but pay him with counterfeits, what is it all about - you know, ukraine has a huge credit for this trust of worldwide adoration, now it has worn out a little, but nevertheless it exists, well, yes , one was deceived, the syrian was paid counterfeit money, people will go anyway, ukraine very successfully, with the support of its western, well, sponsors and supporters, portrays this conflict as a battle literally civilization. with the unwashed barbarians, by the way, the nazis did the same thing, why, for example, the nazis wonderfully attracted representatives of western europe to the battalions of vaf, because very good propaganda went to western europe, for your sake we are fighting the hordes of asians who are coming from the soviet union , the same thought, nothing bad will happen to them from this, but the fact that they are screwing over the russians, more than anyone else, is the least pity for the russians, even those who love ukraine, even those who hate neither russia nor
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the russian... the only difference is that we what we get is that now it’s much worse than the hordes of asians, because the hordes of asians come there and so completely calmly, look at any picture now, recently in london, there they had an argument over a lamb right on the street, that’s the most important thing it seems to me that russians should understand that in this conflict it is impossible to become ukrainian and all ukrainians are one and the same , okay, that is, in fact, there is no such thing as ukrainian. the special idea that i spoke about, in general it doesn’t exist, let’s what do you mean by ukrainian idea, the ukrainian idea in the understanding that generally exists, was formulated at the level of stepan bandera, there was nothing else and never will be, and what we see now has nothing to do with the idea, you understand, that the ukrainian state, in the form in which it has existed for 30 years, this is a disposable state, it was not originally conceived for any other purpose other than confrontation with russia, nothing else was invented, it’s not here...
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today it was drawn, this is what it is a classic scam, you see, this is, excuse me, a political pyramid, today you stopped by, got something there, and tomorrow they threw you away, well, goodbye, it’s all already gone, you won’t find anyone and won’t ask anyone, most of those whoever ended up there, they are already lying in their graves, so that’s it, then, if this state is a political pyramid, aleksandrevich, at some point, excuse me, deceived investors will have to appear at the doors of this pyramid with the question, where, well because this can't go on devouring. eternal deception, i’m just returning to this - the eternal question of how long, but i really don’t understand until oh, you know, usually deceived speakers come already when a criminal case has been opened, when the investigative committee has handcuffed the organizers, and demands the release of their benefactors, and here too the same thing in ukraine, but we saw this video about a ukrainian passport, when he became a hostage, yes, this is a one-way ticket, zelensky signed a decree, making it easier for all foreign mercenaries to obtain citizenship,
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i came to fight, you’re thinking of leaving , you got your passport. someone is a serf, you will not leave ukraine until you are 60 years old, if you live to that age, and yes, of course, that is, i cannot say that the strange mercenaries are coming, well, for some kind of romance, for some idea, money. absolutely right, they are coming with one simple goal, they are mercenaries, they are going to kill for money, the fact that they are treated this way, and this is all elementary, the west treats the first one this way, but these are the steps of the pyramid, we said, yes that pyramid, on the first step there is zelensky's office, they are robbing, they are, yes, here comes, that is, the americans treat them badly, they rob, they are humiliated, killed, if they do something wrong, these are treated exactly the same as foreigners who they, they are at the very bottom of this pyramid, they don’t have any of them...
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the whole world knows this war as a russian-polish war, and ukraine is here, but over these 300 years , the population of ukraine, it has decreased so catastrophically, that’s why even in ukraine, the un population fund and published data, which have been in ukraine for 300 years, are considered ago, that is, the birth rate in 23 is the lowest in the last 300 years, that is, in 1719, the population in the territory that is modern ukraine was less than 6 million people, and there were 280 thousand children, last year 190 were born in ukraine , so that’s the population.
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we will continue, but where is emelin? emelin? yes, emelin! emelin is the best operator in management. i want him to investigate this case. what's the matter? what are you, a policeman? well, yes, it's cool. by the way, my name is. i'm ready to testify. listen, emel, here's how you're so lucky, huh? you talk to the woman for a minute, she is already yours. sense, and he’s cool, well done, imina, he split such a beast, it becomes obvious with chats, oleg gas, well, he broke off the horns, emelya, i took the pitchfork, if you’re not immortal, count to three, premiere from
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right now and two packs of cleaning paste will be yours for only 999 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website dnk. today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting point for ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with messages from the ukrainian foreign ministry. the department prohibited consulates abroad from providing any assistance in preparing documents for men of military age. this document came into the possession of the ukrainian publication zerkalo nedeli; it bears the signature of the first deputy head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, andrei sibiya. this order states that a restriction is being introduced. so that men from 18 to 60 cannot hide from
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mobilization, from today their way to the consulate is barred, now they cannot to issue a foreign passport, nor to request any necessary documents, the only reason for which they can make an exception is the preparation of documents for returning to their homeland, here the ukrainian consulate is always ready to help, the western allies bitterly support kiev’s decision, they are already promising potential recruits, well, you can so to speak , cover in the form of some kind of... western technology and support, so great britain announced the largest aid package in the history of the country, so you see the amount of more than 600 million dollars, british prime minister sunok announced such a generous gift for kiev, and during a visit to warsaw, he called such measures, quote: vital for the security of all of europe, the allocated funds are used for the accelerated dispatch of ammunition, as well as for the production of drones for the ukrainian front, however on british soil. in addition to money, the assistance package will include
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more than one and a half thousand missiles, including high-precision stormshadow, armored all-terrain vehicles, 60 boats and more than 4 million rounds of ammunition. the united states is not lagging behind either. the publication reports that the vote in the senate about this long-suffering aid package for ukraine will take place today, the day before president biden called the terrorist zelensky and promised that this new package will be impressive, here we go. we will see what, according to various sources , will be included in it, the political publication clarifies, and the new aid package will be significantly larger than the previous emergency tranche, it will include ammunition, air defense systems , armored vehicles, in particular we are talking about additional bradley combat vehicles, hamvi armored vehicles - they say that decommissioned m113 armored personnel carriers, also not the first freshness, it is assumed that such supplies will help ukraine, again i quote, satisfy urgent needs.
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everyone in general worked for the benefit of the ukrainian state with different presidents somehow getting along, zelensky appeared, that’s it, all this golden television russian ... guard was washed away from ukrainian screens like a wave and it’s unclear extremism on the agent evgeniy kiselyov headed the tv channel under the oligarch gusinsky ntv, fled to ukraine in 2009, there he was received cordially and immediately given a job. at first, the foreign agent worked on the popular inter channel, then he moved to
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the ukraine-24 channel, the mouthpiece of the kiev regime. there, kiselyov tried very hard to curry favor, but he did not get along with the regime of the terrorist zelensky.
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and dreamed of traveling around red square on an american abrams tank. now this desire has apparently disappeared, it turned out that the abrams are burning well, babchenko himself was asked from ukraine back in 2019, as soon as zelensky came to power, and the sbu opened a criminal case against babchenko. all these six months i was choked with saliva in the comments. babchenko, we chose zelensky, get out, as promised. well, the boy said it, the boy did it. this is without me, i ’ll stand behind the fence for now, well, the last character, in my opinion, is still not very good in the head, but with the first two everything seemed to be in order, i last spoke with evgeniy alekseevich in 2013 year, he
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called me, and he just got some very, very senior position there on the inter channel, so he called me to come to him.
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you showed a story about passports, according to regarding consulates and so on, this is a very important point, a person calls me who three months ago wrote that i was an enemy, well, in general...
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about the fact that all the citizens of russia who rushed to ukraine
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help, they still remain this russian, unnecessary, but under zelensky, apparently this is somehow crystallized, there are two reasons, one is ontological, the second is sort of a tactical, ontological reason is that ukraine was perceived as part russia, how part of russia, which became the west, well, we are all western people, those who considered ourselves westerners, supporters... went to ukraine, received a passport, i did not follow his movements, moreover, he was asked whose crimea was, he was very streamlined he answered that you know, you already
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know that many people have it too, there, you can also remember vitalik portnikov there, muzhdabaeva there, well, these people, well, there they are just some kind of clinic already happening, but these people were traveling to a country that doesn’t exist anywhere in the world, not that it doesn’t exist in ukraine, they don’t exist anywhere at all, there are people who left for the usa with the same ideas and also ended up in such a pure state. well, yes, perhaps, it happens that they didn’t help, they were going to ukraine, all these people, like the russian right-wing radicals themselves, who form various organizations there, were going because they themselves confirm the thesis that, in general, russia and ukraine - this is essentially the same thing, and they considered it exclusively as a springboard for personal revenge, it began then, just in different eras, as it were, it was believed that all of them from there wanted, like babchenko, to come on someone’s armor, on a white horse, or so on, to receive laurels. winners here, in fact, this is an old story, but it’s just that at some point, already in their calculations, they really, as was said, as is now customary
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to say, entered the wrong door, well, no, a huge number immediately arrived, another new one arrived a portion of these collaborators, ready to work and look for personal revenge, they are already outdated, they were removed, a new batch was installed, this is such a changeable story, then let’s also alexander nikolaevich, i also remember you once, you told how this forum was and something there while you were filming there. to fix russia and for this we need to help ukraine or there, i don’t know to fix russia, it’s not entirely correct, but they have it, they have it, so they think in categories.
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receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, i said that this is the topic of this hour, it will also concern ukraine, today we wanted to talk about these telephone scammers, with whom you are all certainly familiar, dear friends , because i think there is not a single person who has not received a call from the security service at least once sberbank or from some mobile operator or from the police department, all these calls, as a rule, come to us from dnepropetrovsk, well, from some other ukrainian cities, but first vanya has a whole series of news related to eaten by president biden's uncle, in general, somehow unexpectedly this topic began to get very
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popular, but you remember, he said that his uncle was eaten by cannibals in new guinea, in general, there now, now the scandal is absolutely starting, there is now an absolute international scandal, provoked by this very biden statement that his uncle... was eaten during the second world war, here is the prime minister of papua new guinea, you see, this man on the right was very indignant at this same biden story about local cannibals and biden’s uncle . i'll remind you how it all happened. last week, during a speech in pittsburgh, biden decided to talk about his uncle, a pilot named ambrose finnigan, who died during world war ii. according to the head of the white house, his the plane was shot down in new guinea, but the body was not found, and allegedly not found because many people live in that area. he was shot down in new
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guinea and his body was never found because there used to be a lot of real cannibals there. and the prime minister of new guinea, james marappe, reacted to all these family, kind of culinary stories. he said his state does not deserve to be labeled as such. erlykov and called on wyden to allocate money to deal with the post-war legacy, remains, fragments , and so on, and to get to the bottom of the historical the truth, in fact, and at the same time stop talking nonsense. in fact, biden’s version, which he spoke about at this election event, is very different from the pentagon’s information, because the pentagon says that no one shot down finnegon’s plane into the territory of new guinea ; it could not have flown because it disappeared over the sea back in 1944 year. after two of the plane's engines failed. the report clarifies that finnigan’s remains could not be found in hot pursuit after the war, not only later, when they were searching for them, and to this day he, along with two crew members,
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are listed as missing. regarding this whole story, they immediately called our beloved brownie kuzya, that is, the white house press secretary, karine jeanpierre, to answer, so that she could explain how it happened that the president’s story came out, came out... let’s have a big one let's see a piece, it's bigger than we usually show you, but it's worth it. why did biden say his uncle was eaten by cannibals? no need joke about it. what kind of jokes? was your uncle eaten by cannibals? this is a statement from us president biden. you just have to laugh, but for president biden everything is very serious. his uncle lost his life in the service of this country. you have a president who supports our american troops, our american veterans, who thinks about them every day. and we have a former president who spits on them and does not appreciate their feat. you didn’t
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catch the essence of what the president said at all, he exalts the feat of american veterans, paraphrasing vysotsky, why the abogens ate my uncle, they wanted to eat, they ate my uncle, i still don’t know whether this story has ended or not, do you think the uncle of the appearers, no, well, listen, if there is a continuation, we will naturally tell you, so let’s move on to the scammers, damn me ... i’ll try to save this story of mine until the end of the program, so let’s immediately start with the plot, which tells that not only we and the citizens of russia suffer from the activity of these enterprising ukrainian citizens. fresh victim of ukrainian telephone scams the israelis became after rocket attacks on iran, israeli numbers began to receive calls, allegedly from the idf, asking them to donate some shekels to buy air defense missiles. according to phone scammers, shelling. was so serious that
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israel ran out of missiles. frightened israelis transferred $2 million to ukrainian scammers. the soldiers, of course, didn’t see any money. last year, a forty-year-old ukrainian managed to organize a transnational call center and defrauded israeli citizens of more than $125,000, for canadian television published a whole investigation into where $200 million went from the pockets of canadian citizens. all roads lead to kiev, experts concluded. typically there are 150 people in one call center, of which about 100 are in sales, i mean people who process potential victims. we know who is behind this, we know where the office is. one of the call centers in kiev specializes only in canadians. due to ukrainian cyber scammers, berlin police have issued an official warning for germans, it is not recommended to use open wi-fi networks. law enforcement officials believe that ukrainian hackers are using free networks.
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they gain access to personal data from crypto wallets and steal money from there. as a result , the germans unknowingly sponsor the ukrainian armed forces. quite often, criminals are based abroad. the sad reality is that the number of unreported cases of cybercrime, at least in germany, reaches 91%. we are fed up with calls from ukrainian scammers and the ministry of internal affairs of kazakhstan. russian-speaking kazakhs, according to their data, were divorced for 6 billion tng. this is more than 13 million dollars, gullible citizens took out loans and transferred all the money to ukraine, the location in ukraine was established of one of the largest fraudulent call centers, the activities of which were aimed exclusively at kazakh citizens. of course, russians also suffer. last year , russian experts reported that almost all fraudulent calls to russians come from ukraine. at the beginning of april in russia, the fsb uncovered the organizers of a communication center, which they used. ukrainian telephone
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scammers, they managed to steal 7 billion rubles from russians and send the money to the ukrainian armed forces. i broke this pipe for a year, i understood, i sent her our wheezy agreement by mail. she’s about to dial it in, first, she’ll understand that we ’re scammers, second, she’ll restore her government services, third, cancel the loan applications that we ’ve already submitted, you’re a sheep, piece of shit, let’s talk, hello, i heard your whole conversation, goodbye, it’s believed, what all. security service of ukraine, and the money goes to finance the armed forces of ukraine. this explains confused answers from scammers to the questions whose is crimea or whose is donbass. allegedly, the conversation being recorded about the recognition of these regions as russian in ukraine is prosecuted by law. so, this international scope, somehow, well, yes, yes, lyapiovra, if i remember the name, i was still in school, when who is behind this? this is a very big business, and
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a technologically streamlined business. the ukrainian state, which also makes money from this, i would give the example of british privateers, when, let’s say, the british crown hired pirates, paid them money, partly legalizing their activities in exchange for a share of income and problems for the enemy in the person of spain. this is roughly the same way that the ukrainian special services oversee these fraudulent problems for the enemy in the person of spain, that is , i would understand if all this octopus, privateers, whatever you want to call them, worked against us, they are working.
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here is the meaning of this operation, firstly, no one can control it, that is, the sbu simply protect these organizations, they do not manage them themselves, they are managed by other people who, in this case, simply chose their place based in ukraine, if someone thinks that prisoners from prisons do this, then this is not so, this is not done by prisoners from prisons, this is done by specially trained people, staff of people who speak russian, have serious equipment, not only in russian, if they only call non-russian speakers, in this case in russian, and accordingly.
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as i understand it, i’m impressed, and i’m already impressed too, if everything is in such detail as you’re presenting now, it’s printed, that is, we can consider it some kind of state activities, no, not really, that means i wouldn’t
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know, they should know all about it too, of course they know, and of course, this is protection, i don’t think that of course, there is probably some kind of direct, so to speak instructions, but i think that... this is a purely criminal story that drags on for the sake of, excuse this legal term for the bullshit, actually this money, yes, which, which they are with this, because the story, i’ll tell you another one briefly, means kuum ermak, the president's office, tishchenko, he is their people's deputy there, which means they leaked telephone conversations where he is says that now a special unit is being organized within the country, and he will supervise the attack on these...
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we got stuck, then we asked for help, and then it turned out that they worked in approximately the same call center, only located in this gray area the control of the insurgency, not the stations, when this came to light, they suddenly decided not to have the help of the russian foreign ministry, they disappeared somewhere into space very quickly, so you see, it’s just that ukraine is forming here, just such a gray zone, convenient, really part of these call centers are closing, why? well , because when complaints come from canada, for example, you need to give some kind of bone there, well , they closed some center, two opened right away, because they are very profitable. business, in addition, in addition to the fact that this gives big income, these are also tools that can be used to destabilize the enemy, first of all, we are talking about russia, if you like. something like the practice of printing counterfeit money for the sake of foreign territory during the first world war, which
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regarding crime, not crime, i’ll just remind you that in 1743, the americans, while conducting an operation in sicily, simply in order to reduce the number of losses, worked closely with the sicilian mafia, what it later degenerated into, it grew over decades of the royal mafia in italy, the very in fact, well, in ukraine, to some extent , the same thing is happening, this is a kind of fusion of crime with modern government structures.
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not only can’t you just come and assemble your call center, your team, some of them work as a franchise, but there is when a brand becomes famous, recognizable, it can begin to work as a franchise, this is a study, this has long been clear, and if the call center acted only as a criminal structure, well, let's remember that one of the call centers was on one of streets in kiev next to the sbu office, and if it were only criminal... then yes, they would act only to take money from the population, but if we remember the elections,
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then how many different incidents happened, including us with our company found several registered in the netherlands domains, in new regions of people, the cic website was replaced for people so that they could remotely vote, so that they would enter data there, and so on.
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farm, yes, we will go to the resources that sell them, these sim farms, well now this is probably where they will show videos, in this sim farm there is a sim card inserted, on which you need to enter the number, of course, enter it for on the same resource where we buy a sim farm, you can find the opportunity to buy russian numbers, well, numbers of russian operators, here’s one resource - this is approximately 30,000 numbers you can buy russian, 117 rubles for one number - this is russian, if you buy a kazakh number, there are 28 rubles, well, something.
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this is what people are interested in working for among scammers, and there are a lot of them, like these fraudulent schemes, there are those who talk on the phone, and then there are some guys who sell a service, and relatively speaking, but there are those. those who turn this money into conditionally white money, these are droppers, yes - according to the statistics of the central bank, we already have a central bank there, well a unified database of telephone numbers participating in fraudulent transactions, it is maintained by the central bank, finzert, there is such a structure there, there are 535,000 records as of today, and there are more than 35,000 active droppers already there in this...
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well, artificial intelligence is already quite well developed. the next drop, the next transition, it is built according to several criteria and it is not known in advance, that is , we cannot come to a person to ask what number the drop is in english, in my opinion
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, yes, that is, it’s like, yes, that’s all and this chain maybe not endlessly well there. and what - this person, he received money on the card, transferred it to another, then he gets some kind of reward of 90, that is, he receives a small percentage, uh-huh, then this money that is gone, it is then impossible to find, because in cryptocurrency yes, they turn into cryptocurrency, they are impossible to find, what a delight?
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the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. we settled on the fact that those same ukrainian call centers have millions of amounts of all kinds of personal data, but here we are interested. first of all residents our country, and this looks somewhat suspicious, because if this personal data disappears, we probably need to tweak something somehow so that it disappears in a smaller format, but for now we are only seeing more and more personal data leaks of all kinds. in the first 2.5 months of this year, the data of 170 companies leaked onto the network, and this is almost half of all leaks last year, the total amount of leaked data is 450 million rows. unfortunately, millions and millions of our fellow citizens become victims of personal data leaks. huge the amount of personal data of our fellow citizens, unfortunately, can only be found in
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a closed segment of the internet, in the so-called dark net. in april, hackers announced that they had managed to hack into the servers of the moscow information technology department. the mayor's office did not comment on this story, and the cybercriminals boasted that they had stolen 40 tb of muscovites' data, and allegedly had passport data at their disposal. phone numbers, email addresses and even information about patients in capital clinics. it is still unclear whether this is true or not, experts they are thinking about how to use all this information wealth? an attacker can use this data not only to steal your money, but to apply for a loan or something similar . in fact, this information is still very widely used by attackers from the point of view of gaining trust, the so-called social engineering. fraudsters also gained access to data from a child monitoring application, with the help of which... thousands of parents monitor where their child is, and this is not only gps coordinates, but also photos, videos and even sound. the leak occurred due to an error by the creators of the application, and hackers now
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also know the data of the parents themselves registered in the system. transfer your child’s personal data to third parties, and this can be a lot of all kinds of data, maybe some personal data about health, for example, about his life, and this can be personal data about some relationships, about some conflicts, some kind of misconduct, that is , all this... roughly speaking, it will come out, come out somewhere in some database. alexey yuryevich, doesn’t it look suspicious that we have been arguing for several years now that there are leaks of personal data. ah-ah-ah, we need to do something about it, we seem to be doing it, but in the millions and millions that are only increasing every year, this personal data again ends up on the network, how is that possible? well, today this is certainly a problem, not even a problem, but an extremely important problem that law enforcement agencies are struggling with. you can give numbers, talk about how particularly serious crimes in the field of fraud are solved, i’ll give you this figure, well, for the year 42.7.
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i remember that a girl there was defrauded of 400 million, 200 million, recently 180 million, but here it is revealed, this is special, of course, there, i still have latent crime, the one that costs 3-4 thousand, for 800 thousand , they are not registered, so it is growing, growing by 20, 4.5%, compared to last year, this cybercrime, it...
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my mother’s license plate of my car with all the imprint data, even with a photograph, and what’s more, there yes, there is a photo, a photocopy of mine, not just a registration, yes to find a residence permit, probably a photocopy of my passport with this registration, i have a question, because it’s one thing just data, only state histories can have a photocopy, it’s at the hotel that they take a copy of your passport from you. and i didn’t go to russian hotels, no, i didn’t go to russian hotels with this registration, i just remember that they serocopy it when i receive my registration, or in some government institutions where i go, here i have a question , are there any traces of some saboteurs here who are choosing all this is not true, i’ll say right away, because everyone thinks so, they’re probably for sale, although in reality they’re selling and our personal data is being hacked and stolen, well, today that’s not
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the main thing, today we...
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traveled with this passport, we’re sweeping away hotels, although to what extent i understand that in general hotels do not have the right to take, make a photocopy of a passport, they, well, they always ask, but they must have something there, so i don’t know somewhere, you bought a car, let’s say, banks, traffic police, where else could i show my passport so that they take it away from me and copy it, yes where it could flow are large organizations
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usually. are more protected, but someone also performs work for them, this is called an attack on the supply chain, that is, some of the contractors may have access to these organizations, the regulatory requirements for contractors are much lower than for large organizations and there have been, there have been large there are quite a number of cases, starting from the beginning of a special military operation, when large companies were entered through contractors, but please explain, who are these contractors? this is the company that comes to maintain a server, this is a company that comes to service a computer if it is broken, these are these people, developers, it contractors, yeah, yes, this, by the way, is not necessary. that is, for example, some kind of new program is installed somewhere in the mfc, a person comes, inserts a flash drive with this program, some kind of bug starts up, which eats it all, i’m now, if you have - they scan some... then the documents, they do not remain directly in the mfc, there is a certain database, there are
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several databases, this is data exchange, mfc, data exchange there with the ministry of internal affairs, with whomever else, but leakage occurs, as a rule, due to some external - due to internal, well , both external and internal, it all depends on where did they come from, now wait, in the vast majority of cases , a leak is not a technical problem, but a problem of an employee who has access to this data, yeah, wait, explain, is he a group or is he being bribed, no, we’re talking all the time now about the fact that it’s all just money, people just stupidly buy it, that’s...
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protected here is some hacker who wants to hack the bank, steal it from there, well , make a substitution of some kind of payment document, this is practically impossible, well , almost unrealistic, but unfortunately, inside the bank there are a bunch of employees who have access to various things, for example, any specialist in the credit department has access to the credit files of everyone, well, all citizens who applied for a loan, maybe they weren’t even given it, but he has access, relatively speaking, to this directory. that's all, and an extra 100,000 will never hurt him, and this is stolen en masse, or, for example, a specific name is called, trushkin, norkin, mirzayan, bring it, it all depends on the customer, it all depends on whose data is needed,
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here is the cost of the program that shows that an employee of such and such a department today i took it from a flash drive there, let me tell you how the database appeared on this site.
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these are children, greed, there is a career, ambitions, it doesn’t matter to extract money from him, that ’s how it’s done, so naturally, let’s now add to georg’s story valevich, we have prepared some new facts here, well, progress does not stand
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still, including fraudulent progress, short break, we will continue, defendant, did you beat him? judged by a hero, this means you put one, how many germans? six, it seems, or eight and the legendary soviet saboteur, the train does not reach the destination station, the fate of the saboteur is complete forgiveness, of course. i can’t promise you, but extenuating circumstances will be taken into account. premiere friday at 20:00 on ntv. copies
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rub. leamax, purchases with a plus. call or order on our website hot spot. new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we we continue, which means the picture looks like this, it’s unlikely that anyone will argue now, with the last speech of georg valeevich, which flows from everywhere, then this most complete picture is being collected for each of you, this is social engineering, because it becomes clear to the scammer what exactly in your case you need to put pressure on, that is, the last one.
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then they will come to you, having all this protection - it’s still you, yeah, because information, knowledge about you, they will be on you put pressure, here they really come up with some new moves all the time. when i talk about new moves, they are not technological, they are just some psychological ones, here are a few of the latest new ways of fraudulently taking money. recently, scammers have come up with a new way to steal telegram accounts at capital airports; they install unofficial free wi-fi networks and wait for the victim to connect to them. telegram receives a one-time code for authorization on the network, and as soon as it is entered, the account goes to the attackers. also under the guise of... bank employees, scammers offer citizens to download a supposedly new version of a remote application, and then gain full access to the smartphone. friends, i’ve just been hacked, look, they even posted my video with me, look, then do all this quickly, do you hear, voice, the main
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victims of scammers are still elderly people, recently, attackers have begun to offer them to register lump sum payments for victory day, you need... to pay a small commission. fraudsters often pose as law enforcement officers. just the day before, they defrauded 81 one-year-old moskvich girls out of 35 million rubles. she was forced to sell her apartment because she was allegedly in danger. the methods used to deceive pensioners are the simplest, but they work. have you transferred money? translated, how much? 300 rubles? yes, or 3000? 3000, i call it. number, everything is there, passport data is all, young people are being deceived, they are scammers now , my passport, and well, that’s it, when i was born, they sell a reservation in the tax office for a beautiful date for wedding ceremony, send a link to a phishing site and ask for a code from an sms in order to supposedly reschedule the wedding date, in
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reality to steal personal data. twenty-three-year-old spartak football player leon klasson was recently cheated out of 900,000 rubles. he fell for a proven fraudulent scheme, when an unknown person creates a new account in the whatsapp messenger, introduces himself as a friend with a stolen photo on his avatar and asks to borrow money. klasson turned to the police, but as lawyers say, there is no chance of finding such scammers a little. we can write a statement to the internal affairs bodies, or to the police , stating that we have a suspicion that fraudulent activities are being committed from this phone number, yes, an audit will be carried out, but most likely, of course.
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with an offer to change the keys to the intercom and pay for the service via a qr code. the money, of course, goes into the pockets of the criminals. i scanned the qr code using my mobile phone. at that moment my phone froze for a few seconds, and later i received an sms saying that money had been debited from my bank facilities. andrei nikolaevich, well, let’s say, technologically it’s possible to build some kind of defense there, but now... psychology begins, you can scare an old man, deceive him, with someone there you can do it like with this football player, well, i don’t know, there to cry out for mercy, for responsiveness, how will you protect yourself from this? well, how do you protect from this, well , somehow you need to, well, well, there is no recipe here, unfortunately, that could be
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suggested, you know, there are situations when you receive a call, and you find yourself in exactly such a situation that you are distracted by something, of course, they couldn’t get through to me by phone, which is interesting, and i’ve encountered it more than once , it seems that at that moment the person turned out that she contacted my aunt through the internet, and my aunt called back and came out and said that everything was fine here , that is , how, why couldn’t she ring the second phone and get out, that is , something like that is also built there, but i
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say again, here in any case you need to exhale, no matter what happens, you need to exhale and take a break, do not forget that no action it’s better not to do it at all.
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wear it in big stores and buy something on credit, that’s because i didn’t understand this, the bank just sends me a notification in the app, take out a loan, you don’t even have three days left, i pressed it, i’m telling you, it doesn’t work in banks, yes now, because banks want to issue loans, but in order to prevent fraud it is necessary, you see, well, how not to take a loan when you are asked to take it, the worst thing a bank can ever do. then his relative is there
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will help him figure it out, they don’t talk to banks at all, another thing is the danger, when, for example, they call and pretend to be law enforcement officers , here, so to speak, there is a greater chance of getting caught, because you can’t figure it out right away, they will come up with very clever schemes , the last story is when, so to speak, money was transferred from your account. on on the armed forces of ukraine, and therefore now we are charging you, that means we are charging you with it - this seems to me such nonsense, listen, no, that’s it, and people are being fooled, we are now changing you according to time, alexey gennache, let's slow down, so there's a short pause, now we'll sum it up, a mother of many children stabbed her husband in the heart, i didn't want to kill him, i loved this man, in front of my children, the girl was washed of blood. oh, the boy is already talking well, he was found trembling in the corner, he says that his mother stabbed his father,
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that is, he understands what happened, he saw it, yes, the sister of the murdered man believes that the daughter-in-law grabbed the knife out of jealousy, the knife was new, she bought it that day, stabbed him with this wife, and the sisters the suspect is insisted that the woman tried to protect the children from her tyrant husband, he beat her, beat the children, her fingers were broken, this is more like some kind of... nonsense, what happened on that fateful night between husband and wife ? i just wanted to scare him so that he wouldn’t come near my child. i personally believe that it was self-defense, he would have simply strangled her, but i don’t believe her, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. boy's word: blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23:00, let's do it again. a now skoto, there’s another idea, of course, let’s pay the bills. yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything. so how
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structure to security as its own for the state, maximum information to the population and the extension of its jurisdiction to those places that need to be protected, the best way to prevent fraud is to overcome your laziness and call back those structures that call you, at the same time you will, as it were, receive new information, where is what and what phone numbers do they have? i use andrei nikolaevich’s advice, i send everyone,
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and my colleagues in the editorial office sometimes make me a note, because i’m sending... they’ll write, then i’ll answer there, i’m not because i’m lazy, well, it kind of saves time, so, but now, since i have a lot, i’ve entered such a responsible time in my life, repairs, these are all sorts of huge worries, i have to communicate a lot on the phone now and i accept i pick up they called, just the other day, that means a young man, and they called on
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whatsapp via video call, i also... they cursed the work of their predecessors, drive them in the neck, these are not real builders, these are some kind of scammers. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye.
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sergei shaigu named the total losses in the ssu since february '22. i went to the address korovinskoe highway and photographed the house and the cars that were parked nearby. the fsb detained another participant in lugansk. the dairy kitchen in the country wants to develop a unified standard for free baby food, which is what


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