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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 23, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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the heroes' award in the year of bam's fiftieth anniversary in the kremlin honors the builders of the highway. new data on losses in the ukrainian army, how russia will respond to the next ones. supplies of western weapons to the ssu. about the board of the ministry of defense. report by roman sobol. it’s like an invisible hand is taking the strike bird away from our scouts north of solidar. this is how electronic warfare systems, or in simple words jammers, work. ilya lyadvin about the unique developments of our folk kulibins in the special operation zone. how much is military neutrality worth in our time? sergey haloshevsky about how little serbia managed to create one of the most... strong armies
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in the balkans. crown of career, sending refugees to rwanda. about the main achievement in office, a descendant of migrants, elizaveta gerson. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the vladimir chernyshov studio. at the beginning of the special military operation, the losses of ukrainian military personnel amounted to almost half a million people, russian defense minister sergei shaigu announced this today at a meeting of the board of the ministry. he stressed that the russian military is constantly striking at the enemy, which does not allow the militants to hold their positions. the minister dwelled on the topic separately.
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financial assistance that the united states provides to kiev. shaigu made it clear that this money will not help the kiev regime. the russian military will increase the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage bases for western weapons. roman sobol, more details. the ukrainian army initially lost 5,000 people in special operations. these are the so-called irretrievable losses, killed and seriously wounded, unable to get back on track. such operational data was provided by today. at the board of the ministry of defense, if we take into account that now, after the adoption of an extremely strict mobilization law in the independent, they want to increase the number of troops to half a million fighters, it turns out that ukraine has already buried its first such army without a trace, words about a war for the interests of the west to the last ukrainian have long ceased to exist sarcastic joke, this is the reality into which the country has been plunged by the so -called allies. washington. to
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prevent the collapse of the ukrainian armed forces intends to allocate almost $61 billion to the kiev regime, most of the allocations will go to finance the military-industrial complex of the united states. the american authorities cynically declare that ukrainians will die for their interests in the fight against russia. any weapon is useless if there is no one to fight, perhaps new western tanks, fighters, missiles and missiles will slow down the retreat to the ssu, but... it will not be stopped either, the minister of defense is sure. as a result of active hostilities , russian military personnel liberated the settlements of pervomaiskaya, bogdanovka and novomikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. the control zone is being expanded at berdychi and georgievka. an enemy driven into a corner can become more dangerous. ukrainian strategies are snapping back, launching daily rocket attacks into the western regions of russia. it happened in 2 years. units of military aircraft, aircraft and
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helicopters of the armed forces of ukraine. the primary task of the russian army is to strengthen the air defense shield. this year, the troops will receive the first samples of the new generation s-500 anti-aircraft missile system in two modifications. anti-aircraft missiles long-range complexes and missile defense systems. unitary missile systems. s400, s300v4, beech m3, torus m2. new generation radar station. the share of the most modern weapons in the russian army is already 82% in the next 2 years and they plan to increase it to 85. according to sergei shaigu, our country will improve the structure of its armed forces in proportion to the threats posed by the united states by its satellites. today there is news about washington's next tranche. then basically
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they will replenish their reserves, depleted by ukraine through the production of weapons at the enterprises of its own non- european military-industrial complex, and that is, this is practically support for its military industry. 8 billion that they promise, they immediately know that they will be stolen, and then in the form of a loan, but what is a loan? the loan is being paid for with the blood of ukrainians. “yes, no one will ever repay this loan, they, they have been for a long time, the state is bankrupt in every sense of the word. the western masters of ukraine should take into account that the human resources of this country are far from limitless, once in the soviet the republic had 50 million inhabitants, during the years
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of independence it was severely depopulated, and after the coup d'etat , another 11 million people fled from the country in search of a better life, so there is no fighting, no paying." for dedication in the performance of his professional duty, vladimir putin awarded the journalist the order of courage posthumously the decree was published on the official internet portal of legal information. hundreds of people came to pay tribute to semyon, they laid wine on the coffin and shared memories of the deceased. the wife of a war correspondent asked. we will continue to do what he did. love, believe. by the way, fighting is not his word.
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and the warrior is not his either. he, he was different. he wasn't like that. like many of us, although probably not, he was just different, in general, not like everyone else, semyon eremin was 42 years old, in the special operation zone, he worked from the very beginning, from february twenty- second, as a journalist, he i tried to get to the hottest spots, mariupol, marenka, avdeevka, and always supported my colleagues. he i always felt responsible not only for my group, for myself, but for everyone around me, although we all seem to work on different channels, but he always somehow rooted for us, rooted for everyone, somehow worried, this is what all of this finally happened to him. during
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the last filming trip to a shelter village in the zaporozhye region, on april 19, ukrainian militants attacked a group of journalists with drones, the injuries that semyon eremin received turned out to be... fatal. the russian foreign ministry called the death of the military commander a targeted and cold-blooded murder. semyon eremin was buried at the tryekurovskoye cemetery in moscow. in the nwo zone. russian military aviation provides serious support to the assault troops. air strikes destroy fortified areas of militants, destroy equipment, and simply demoralize the enemy. the first roles here are played by the crew of s-25 attack aircraft and combat helicopters. alexey ivliev talked with the pilots. the wind is such that on the ground it literally knocks us off our feet, only these people know what it’s like to lift a winged aircraft into the air, work on ground targets and land a heavy su-25 on an airfield. guys, military pilots, the most favorite vehicle
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of the fighters of the assault troops, it is what they most often see on the front line, it is the rook that destroys the fortified areas of the ukrainian nationalists, characteristic. rooks, as the su-25 is also called, are recognized from afar, this sound means one thing: the fortification of the ukrainian nationalists’ district will be dealt another powerful blow, and the pilots, often risking their lives, clear the way for our assault units, they are the heroes, and we work, we we try our best to support, in addition to the fire impact, plus morale, we pass, so to speak, above their positions, they see that we are always with them, we always work, in any weather, wind, clouds, rain, we try to support our infantry. once at the airfield, you feel like you are in some kind of anthill. rooks two taxied to the parking lot, the pilot left the cockpit and signed
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the log, and specialists were already working with the attack aircraft. someone is carrying a landing parachute for the plane. fantastic speed and teamwork of technicians. literally an airplane. flew 2 minutes ago, and already has time to refuel it, re-arm it, and minutes in 15-20 the pilot will be ready to take on a new combat mission, no less intensively. they worked against enemy manpower in a mass gathering, maybe one sortie per combat shift, maybe two, three, or even more often,
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then the pilots change each other, and now a fighting pair of rooks is rising into the sky. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, south donetsk direction of the special military operation. the special operation showed that in modern conflicts. and unmanned aerial vehicles play a colossal role, they perform reconnaissance and combat functions. in russia, military drones began to be created several years ago, but after the start of the svo, this process reached a completely new level; along with drones, inventors are also developing weapons against drones, various detectors, guns, and jammers. about new technologies for military service. ilya lyadvin. as if struck by an invisible hand. the star jammer takes the bird away from our scouts. the unique development of our tula paratroopers during this raid north of
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solidar saved the lives of four soldiers. perhaps the main guarantee of the successful work of a star is such constant field refinement. as soon as the enemy changes the flight purity of his strike birds, the guys immediately react and adjust their suppression ranges. on average , this takes only a few hours. during this time, the chief designers with the call signs mickey and raven can travel around all of theirs. working devices on the front line, you just need to report the problem via radio. we have a set of measures by which we are able to find out at what frequencies the enemy is operating, in what in one band or another, the enemy is flown over and at what frequencies. the guys decided to keep all the characteristics of the installation secret, they say, let them be a surprise for the enemy. the level is high. the design is completely front-line , created from scratch, most of the components are supplied from our native tula, the total cost of installation is no more than 100.
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we are trying to make the equipment even better, well , it’s nice when you turn it on - the bird falls, now miki and voron are developing a portable version of the star for attack aircraft based on one backpack with a device per group, so that our guys in enemy landings feel more confident, from the vicinity of the solidars, the so -called damned forests southwest of kremennaya, the group’s fighters have been testing the people’s drone suppressor ogonyok for 2 months now. and up to the akhmat special forces, they mainly attach the device to the roof of a vehicle. yes, copters with drops can bypass the 150-meter
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dome of the light in height, but in this case the strike will be extremely inaccurate due to the wind, but only on the condition that some kind of light ammunition like a vog will be dropped. if we talk about kamikaze drones, then for them such a moving target may become completely unattainable. one of the last trips of this group turned into a meeting with a whole swarm. drones, but thanks to the device they left without losses, they carried things out from the line of contact, the birds all came up to the car, they were hanging, but they couldn’t get through to us, we were close to the car, we hugged it and we couldn’t move away, well, they left the same way, they didn’t come to us flew up. the commander of the sabotage group, langipas, said that the guys also used the light for foot exits, but for such tasks the device has several shortcomings when you run in dashes, crawl somewhere, jump somewhere, god forbid.
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over the past year, more than 100 such jammers have been operating in the svo zone. i was prompted to work by one single thought - to protect as many of our guys as possible from the threat from the sky. i saw one episode. in which the enemy hit one of our fighters with a reset, the enemy relished, perhaps this fact, it was precisely this moment that influenced the fact that i decided that it was necessary to do something that every fighter could have, but in order to protect himself from a drone or, as the military says, to suppress a bird, it must first be detected
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by a device that can do this; a week ago we brought a drone detector to the tula paratroopers for testing. yes, to bring the device, so to speak, into action, it takes less than a minute, first the detector scans the airwaves and remembers the signal strength at each frequency in the ranges that the manufacturer has already set, after which yurka will display any change in the radio environment on the screen. this device was tested by a reconnaissance officer with the call sign borya; in just one day , yurka detected more than 200 flights under the razdolovka own and other people's drones. first, about the advantages of installation. and it is possible to determine not only.
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consideration in parliament by the state supreme court is now in the duma, i ask you to also look into this, there are subtle issues related to the possibility of making non-judicial decisions, including on debt, but control by the courts, of course, should still be there, subtly headed the supreme court of russia on april 17 , the decision on her appointment
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was made unanimously by the federation council, in this position she replaced vyacheslav lebedev, who left life.
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in lugansk, a citizen of ukraine,
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the third participant in the high-profile attempt on the life of a former sbu officer, vasily prozarov, was detained; his car was blown up in moscow near a house on korovinskoye highway 2 weeks ago. the suspect fully confessed to organizing this crime. during interrogation, he said that he was following prozorov and carrying out assignments.
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he began to cooperate with russian intelligence services and ukraine since 2014 voluntarily , several years ago he moved to russia. at today's government meeting they spoke on support for the belgorod region. mikhail mishustin noted that, by order of the president , the expansion of the free economic zone regime on its territory will continue, but this is not the only measure. last year we allocated over 2 billion rubles to this russian entity. first of all, people who have lost their housing,
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employees of small medium-sized enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, industrial companies will also receive funds for reconstruction, modernization, and to expand their production, as well as for acquisition of new capacities, and what is very important for preserving jobs. begins. the thai government has reduced the visa-free regime for russians from 3 months to two. business news denis talolaev, denis, will this somehow affect the flow of tourists? well, they say that there is no way, because this measure is not directed against tourists, but against those who come on a tourist visa, but are delayed. and we are with gifts. where is it all higher in retirement, in vtb pensions the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum vtb all together it will work out. the thai authorities are preparing
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to tighten the visa regime for russians. local media write that from may 1, the procedure according to which russian tourists can stay in the country for a maximum of 60 days without a visa is returning. before this, the 90-day rule was in effect for six months from last november. the association of tour operators of russia, citing its sources, indicates that...
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as an attempt to reduce the number of illegal migrants. i do not find any discriminatory actions on the part of the south-eastern authorities in terms of the fact that huge efforts are being made for development tourism, for entry, here it is necessary to clearly separate measures of an unfriendly nature, when, for example, visa fees are introduced. when the visa-free rule is abolished altogether, when in other cases we see that they simply shorten the period, but at the same time leave enough opportunities for ordinary
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tourists to take advantage of it. those benefits without receiving additional difficulties. today , the ministry of economy announced that it expects more vigorous gdp growth, but a stronger fall in the ruble. the ministry updated the forecast for the twenty -fourth year, if in september it waited growth of the domestic economy by 2.3%, now by 2.8. the department explains this primarily by active domestic demand. in real terms and by 12.3% in nominal terms. the main factor in income growth is wages; we expect an increase of 6.5% in real terms, unemployment will remain at no higher than 3%. the inflation forecast has been worsened instead of the 4.5% expected in september for
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2020; now prices are expected to rise by 5.1%, that is, to return inflation to the target level of approximately 4% this year, according to the ministry of economics will not work, here it will be even more interesting to hear the forecast of the central bank, which will be published on friday, and in general an interesting commentary from the central bank, because the key rate depends on inflation, and the ministry of economics also expects a faster weakening of the ruble, the average dollar exchange rate for this year has been increased from the level at 90 rub. cop. up to 94 rub. 70 kop. in the twenty-sixth year , the ministry expects an average annual rate of 101 rubles. 20 kopecks as astro fm analysts note, the reasons for the weakening of the ruble are a combination of high demand, and therefore large imports, with capital outflow and the impossibility of full exports due to sanctions. but for now, the ruble takes forecasts of its weakening calmly. vedomosti newspaper
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today. reported that the authorities will extend until the end of the year the requirement for exporters to sell foreign currency earnings within the country, as a result, the exchange rate of the ruble today, we will probably see it now, and the dollar at the end of trading today is 93.13, the euro is 99.59. the russian stock market ended, as you just saw, today's trading in the red, shares from bera fell by 2%. yes, the bank's naps council recommended today to pay a record dividend of 750 rubles. but today the players decided to take profits, so the shares were sold, all this because sberbank shares were growing yesterday, only in anticipation of dividend news. supplies of machinery, mechanisms and equipment from china to russia fell for the first time in a year and a half. rbc got acquainted with the statistics of the general administration of customs of china. in march ,
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supplies of two groups of goods decreased by 15%, compared to last year. which include, for example, boilers, turbines, engines, washing machines, transformers, bearings. in addition, chinese exports of cars, trucks and tractors fell almost 20% in march compared to last year. senior researcher at ranhix, alexander feranchuk, says: the ruble exchange rate was quite stable in march, which means the decline in chinese imports is likely explained by the threat of sanctions. bluomberg economics economist alexander sakov adds, some chinese exporters.
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intimidate their political opponents by threatening criminal cases for connections with russia. the victory bloc opposes the pro-western moldova’s policy for restoring relations with moscow and hopes for the victory of a pro-russian candidate in the upcoming presidential elections in moldova in the fall. now there are short advertisements and further in our issue. how much is military neutrality worth in our time? about how little serbia managed to create
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one of the strongest. crown of career, sending refugees to rwanda, about the main achievement in office, a descendant of migrants, elizabeth gerson. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free savings card, profitable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. profitable again. every day is profitable on the price tag means low price chocolate korkunov 1999 pyaterochka helps out to clear up the money there will be no sazon card money will be now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose spend it
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today, we continue our release. at these moments , the kremlin is honoring a veteran of the construction of lake baikal with the amur mainline. opening the gala evening, vladimir putin noted that. bam still remains one of the main railway lines in russia, it is not has exhausted its potential and will still contribute to increasing the export capabilities of our country. builder bama, president. awarded state awards. the ceremony was timed to coincide with the date in russia. this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction of bam. nakhit babaev reports from the kremlin. 4,324 km of tracks, 280 stations and sidings, 63 cities and towns. but the baikal-amur mainline is not about rails and sleepers, but about the history of people, an entire generation of soviet citizens. just like now in the kremlin, 50 years ago...
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the enthusiasm of the young inspired almost the entire country at that time, and they composed poems, as you and i remember, they sang songs, you hear, time is humming, bam, these and other construction projects of popular songs at that time reflected the mood of hundreds of thousands of people, they left to build the legendary highway, choosing for the president also handed over the fate of the pioneers...
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in places, naturally, there will be an online version of the immortal regiment; abroad, the action is going to be held in more than 100 countries, also in different formats, somewhere on the territory of embassies, somewhere online, somewhere on the streets. russia's permanent representative to the un, vasily nebentse , called on the international community to prevent conflicts in the balkans from reaching a hot stage due to the provocative actions of the authorities of unrecognized kosovo and their western curators. our diplomat stated this at a meeting of the un security council. serbian president aleksandar vucic also took part in the meeting;
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he specially flew to new york to discuss the explosive situation around kosovo. vucic went overseas immediately after large-scale live-fire exercises, which were timed to coincide with on the day of the serbian army, the commander of nato forces in the unrecognized republic was called to the maneuvers that took place near the border of kosovo. and this, as the serbian authorities explained, was a kind of signal that belgrade was ready to defend its independence and territorial integrity. sergey khalashevsky with details. serbia is investing in its army. a small balkan state from all sides. surrounded by nato countries, it is trying with all its might to preserve its sovereignty. the largest exercise of the serbian army in recent years, whirlwind 2024, was held almost on border with kosovo, as if showing our western partners that if something happens we are ready to defend our serbs. the weapons of the serbian army are
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a hodgepodge. russian anti-tank systems fagot and karnet, mi-8, mi-17 and mi-35 helicopters, self-propelled. m-21 carnation, russian-made t-72m tanks already modernized by the serbs m-84. the serbs themselves produce good armored personnel carriers, milos and lazar-3. all air defense is russian-chinese, our kub and pantsir complexes and the chinese air defense battery fk-3. our armed forces are in an unusual situation for two reasons: the first is related to geopolitics, the second is related to the process of procurement diversification, one might say. that this is even a tradition, since the time of titus we have purchased soviet, then russian weapons, american, british and french equipment, we produce something ourselves, and now chinese air defense systems have been added to this. the serbs are closely monitoring the conflict in ukraine and analyzing the actions of the russian army. sep generals announce the abandonment of the brigade structure and the transition to the concept of
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more maneuverable battalion tactical groups. the serbian army is considered one of the strongest in the balkans. aleksandar vucic constantly states that they do not skimp on the purchase of the latest weapons and the country will maintain its military neutrality. another question is how much does this neutrality cost in our time? the main feature of the serbian army in these exercises is drones and kamikaze drones, we must pay tribute to the humor of the military. if in russia artillery systems are affectionately called carnations or tulips, then in serbia asa drones flew in the sky. vrabac and kamarac, that is, osa sparrow and mosquito. i i'm glad that drones from private companies did a good job. this means that we are on the right path to creating a drone industry that can meet the needs of the serbian armed forces. the basis of the fighter aviation of the serbian air force is now our mig-29. it was just a couple of moments that accompanied
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vladimir putin’s board during his visit to belgrade. but times are changing and it is no longer possible to renew the migov west serbia park. allowed vucic to go to paris to macron to negotiate the purchase of french rafales, serbia is expected to pay about $3 billion for 12 fighters. the serbian president said that it is insanely expensive, but the security of the country is more expensive. they promise to close the deal very soon. at the same time, the french tried to force the serbs to impose anti-russian sanctions, but they survived. by the way, macron would not be macron if he had not, out of habit, planted a pig. no sooner had vučić left the elysee palace than...
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the british government, after months of disputes with parliament, legalized the deportation of illegal immigrants to africa and the first flights to rwanda with prime minister sunok promises to launch expelled migrants in 2-3 months. the law is controversial and will probably cause a lot of lawsuits, but this does not stop the authorities of the united kingdom, they are ready to spend millions of pounds, at the same time even involve the army, just to get rid of the crowds of refugees. elizabeth gerson figured it out. the two houses of the british parliament of lords and commons played ping for several months, passing each other, with
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amendments, the pride and only brainchild of rishi sunak, a bill to send refugees from britain to rwanda. finally, rishi found the manager. votes for the bill, no more excuses, planes will fly to rwanda. the bill is dubious from the point of view of international law, can be challenged in the european court of human rights, and asks:
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i fled my country to be safe here, otherwise the taliban would kill me. do you think you might be sent to rwanda? this will be unfair, especially for a person who came from afghanistan. the first planes to rwanda are due to depart in july, while we are talking about the expulsion of a couple of hundred people, that is if they are found, because there are resources for the train. the department that deals with the deportation does not have migrants; unless the migrants challenge the decision in court, each of them has the right to
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a lawyer and each of them is promised to be supported by human rights activists. no airline, despite being offered a government contract worth millions of pounds, wants to transport illegal immigrants to africa, the blow to their reputation would be too severe. sunak can only rely on british military aviation, which will suffer a blow to its reputation. iraq, afghanistan, not scary. risha rwandan with with such a nickname, rishi sunok can go down in the history of the island by analogy with the ancient kings, ethelred the foolish, robert shortpants or john the landless. urisha has very little time left in power; he is unlikely to have time to start, much less finish, any project other than the rwandan one. he could also lay claim to the title of sunak of kiev or... lviv, but they are already occupied by his predecessor, the untimely derailment of boris johnson. refugee problems in europe
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arose as a result of the destruction of nato, statehood in several countries in africa and the middle east. these people are fleeing to europe because in their homeland, for example, in afghanistan, life has been destroyed by the americans and their allies. europe does not have enough strength of independence to admit this, to rebel against the new initiative of the united states, which... could finish them off, to support ukraine until its very end. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and natalya markevich, tv broadcaster, london. now there’s a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about after it. 105 years ago the first window came out satires of growth. svetlana gordeeva will tell you how soviet artists turned posters into mass media. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with
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the documents of the first years after the revolutionary years , svetlana gordeeva attended the opening. what now seems to us just posters, sometimes amusing and even funny, was then essentially a mass media or even propaganda, to explain to illiterate peasants what was happening in the country, the easiest way was with the help of bright drawings and simple but catchy slogans. among the famous authors of such propaganda posters are vladimir maykovsky, dmitry maur, mikhail cheremnykh, and
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the works of leonid pasternak, the father of the famous writer, have been preserved. even malevich had a hand in such activities. often the modern reader believes that the window of growth is just such a small separate poster. actually this is not true. for example, this growth window consists of twelve elements. we can say that this is a whole comic about the fight against the white guard in rangel. the main department for creating such posters was created at rosta, the russian telegraph agency. we can say that this is a leaky basin, which is why they were called windows of satirical growth. freelance employee mayakovsky, who.
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these are the hidden enemies of the young soviet republic, because the open ones are wrangel, the poles, the entente, and these are the hidden ones, which are not visible, but which cause no less harm, so the posters were also dedicated to these topics. there were no printers then, so the window drawn by the artist was sent to stencil makers, who then made copies of the poster. this is directly, the first poster was drawn by the artist himself, who gave it to the stencil maker, and the stencil maker. cut out stencils, nikolai dmitrievich was just doing this, he was a very talented stencil artist, that is , in a week he created up to 300 posters, up to 300 sets of one window, and these windows were quickly distributed beyond the borders of moscow, that is, to others cities, despite the fact that the artistic photographic department
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in rosta was headed by mikhail churemnykh, the central figure was still mayakovsky, without him... in the control of participation not a single poster was published. part of the exhibition is dedicated to him, here are his clothes, the jumper he wore in the famous photograph at his anniversary exhibition, ties, hats, coats and personal documents. for example, a statement with honorariums, where mayakovsky is the only one who did not sign, apparently did not consider it necessary to waste time on receiving 250 rubles. according to the recollections of his colleagues, for the purchase food for one evening, with the inflation that existed at that time, it took at least 7,000. svetlana gordeeva, vladislav dubovitsky, valery kiselev and andrey kuznetsov, ntv, moscow. now it's weather forecast time, in our video studio irina polyakova. spring weather is changeable, as usual, so every time you expect surprises, that tomorrow we have, for example, sun, rain, warming, cooling, the next night is still cold, but then the prospects are warmer, though rainy, all cyclones, and southern ones, they
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lined up for us, already the third one is approaching, and this situation is another confirmation of global climate change; zonal air flows, which are also familiar to us, when atmospheric processes pass through us from west to east, are increasingly being replaced on the meridians. in this case , cyclones creep one after another from south to north. so, the previous southern cyclone has already left for scandinavia after us, and the new one, i repeat, the third in a row is already ready to rush north. its trajectory will be to the west; it itself will not pass through our territory, but will touch with its warm front. rains first for the belgorod and kursk regions, then to smolensk and voronezh, warming will begin. in the north-west, rain will arrive on thursday night, and there will not be a significant increase in temperature there; in the south there will be some other precipitation. the cyclone will practically not affect you, only with hot air, tomorrow up to 26-27°, and the day after tomorrow up to 35 - these are kuban, stavropol and the capitals. st. petersburg is still a couple of degrees behind the spring norm, tomorrow night there will still
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be snow in places, light, +5-7 during the day. in moscow the night is also cold, with some potential for frost in the moscow region, but in the daytime it’s +15, on thursday 19, on friday 21 and it rains, now their function is very noble, to reduce the flower content. there are rings in the air, my family allergy sufferer is asking for it, well, as they say, they asked to receive it, yes, thank you, irina polikova, with the weather forecast, well , these are the main news for this hour, i, vladimir chernyshov, wish you all the best, goodbye. thank you, if in more, i will wake up healthy, if i fell again, touching my head high,
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all the strength of spirit that forward, carrying my gram of brains, i walk the road, believing that i am ready.


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