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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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wow, on our shift, first, first, we have a dead body, accepted, we send out a squad.
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hello, are you okay? yes, but what is it? i'll explain it later. listen, tell me what kind of silver secrets you have there, huh? i 'll call you back. tikhomirov, on your way out? oh!
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hurry up, come on, listen, and why me, let's go out, they'll tell you everything, hands behind your back, forward, comrade, allow me, start, let's go in, sailor, haven't seen each other for a long time, good health, so free, both, eat, sit down , tikhomirov, why did you detain me? check it out.
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signed by witnesses, you got me out of the house accepted, i remember where i was driving drunk, well , look, it says here, i was driving a vehicle in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication, strong, heard, heard, uh-huh, set me up. well, you set yourself up, you should have agreed when they offered it in a good way, but you went into the bottle, in every sense, what to agree to, you know, deprivation of rights and a fine, that’s it, seeds, you’ll resist, we’re with you let's find drugs, ammunition, i explained the prospect clearly, is this all because of my car, or what?
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it finally dawned on me why you need him, you’re right, no, but the car should drive, and not stand still, it’s all bad, okay, i’ll give you how much you give, you really didn’t smoke, you owe me this car, understand?
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general again, you’ll die with six anyway, what did you say, let’s go, see you again. hello, come in, you don't have to take off your shoes. is elina
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nikolaevna here? no, she's busy, she asked you to tell me everything. well, no, that won't do. come on, wait, this is a rib order. i will only talk to her. come on, stop! listen, great, mikhalych, i need to talk to you, right now drive up, murin will arrive now, i was there, go ahead.
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i found him, disappeared for good, he spent the nights in a rented house, they waited, he never showed up, what does the drug dealer say, but he doesn’t say anything anymore, he said that they don’t even know each other, they’re just neighbors, why did he bother then? to get the drugs out, if they’re just neighbors, well, that’s why he went in, his mother, like a neighbor, asked her son to find him, so shake the mother and let him tell him. what kind of hero, we have to wait, i ’ll start tugging at the cops, identifying the corpse, all that, why did you kill the drug gang, you have a joint on the joint, commander, but you couldn’t let him go, if the point is closed, i ’ll ask you, i need to go to the store, take him.
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if you do that, report to me right away, i understand, great, mikhailovich, great, well, this one left, is everything okay? he's leaving this evening, but he cost me such a pretty penny, i hope not for me, because of you too, what did he want? in general, my neighbor lives with her son,
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her husband died in 1995, in short, they need help, let’s get closer to the point, what exactly is needed? oh, how the floss is here, the cat is behind the door, the mice are dancing, okay, okay, consider that i’m not here, vasya, give me the key to the office, i forgot the razor, oh, thank you, well, we’ll see you then in the evening, don’t forget to bring your purse, i won’t forget. yes, murin, murin, i forgot to tell you, the letters were found, vasya, can you imagine, his friend wrote to the colony almost every day, saying that i love him, i’m waiting for all that, our fools took it and lost it, when
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they found it, he was already released, okay, be it , zhenya, stand! and you're crazy, just get off him, get off him, come on! get out, so that i don’t see you, the police need to be called, go to work, we’ll figure it out ourselves, he’s eaten his fill of food, and you had to bully him, it’s none of your business, you’ll still have to charge 50% for moral damages, look, the playoff final, championship fonbet kgl matches lokomotiv-metalg superstar will press your names will press your names
9:11 pm
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9:12 pm
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9:14 pm
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but to contribute to charitable causes, 10 rubles from each ticket will go to charity. on sunday, may 5, 8:20 on ntv, oh my, it’s him, you saw him once, but what the hell is his car, you’re his you know, well, you're his leip. sit here, where have you disappeared to? i was just about to look
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for you, i brought it for you to read, you report to me about murin, read it, she brought it to me, but i have nothing to report. he said that he would only talk to you, well , look, what am i supposed to do, the meeting with the city leadership should have been canceled because of him, well, you yourself made an appointment for him at nine, well, i forgot, well, well, it happens, so what? you put this here for me, bought it on the way, it’s a refutation of everything that you and i read yesterday. they give it back, but wow, it’s all police stuff the bosses came out, i just can’t, but look, by the way, pay attention, the author is still
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the same, kholmogorova, but she’s already turned her, they didn’t work well... i should find this kholmogorova to talk to her. yeah, okay, what about morin, how, how? i’ll call his excellency and apologize that i couldn’t come on time. give me a journalist, go look for her. fine.
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hello, are you going somewhere? no, i'm just getting myself ready. yes. please come in. this is anya, she will look after you instead. where is ravil? sick, work-related injury, please wait izotov is silent, silent, and to be honest,
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this bothers me, but what if he suspects me? “i ’ll leave now, if izot shows up, tell me right away, of course, where did they put the body of the grip, you didn’t see.” no, i left right away, of course, of course, well... i didn’t tell him because you don’t trust him, well, that’s right, that’s right, and not my family, and you’re so
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on the side, you know, such an accusation is not a joke, the problem is something else , there is no body, the grip is wanted, there is no one except you to confirm the fact of the murder. yes, but there were two more people there, they were, they were, but they floated away, you even i haven’t seen their faces, any investigator will tell you that you are slandering vernikov out of personal indignity, but what do you say, and i am grateful to you for helping me complete the picture, why did you help the picture, well , which i draw in my head that is happening here. but i still have to draw and draw, okay, don’t leave the city, you’ll be needed, zhenya, don’t
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get in anywhere else, well, take care of yourself, boy, goodbye.
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this is who you are, and i imagined you differently, but can i not poke you? you can, why not? but tell me, these are the bosses who you they forced you to write this crap, they are also new to you, come in, sit down. i need to go shopping, are you with me
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or what? with you, i love shopping, great, that means we’ll become friends, yeah, yes, of course, i understand, yes. i’ll do everything, palaganach, i’ll find out everything that you’re here for me, no, here, here, that means there’s a connection, yes, of course, yeah, yes, hello, where are you now? i just came out of the rib, and you’ve been sitting with him since this morning? vadik, let's get to the point, i'm uncomfortable right now, but i need to talk, i don't even know
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who needs this more, you or me? yes, i’ll call you back now, evgeniya, hello, hello, forgive me, please, can i call you? yes, of course, i saw you at the police station. everything is fine? yes, everything is fine. why are you here? they planted drugs on me, they wanted to set me up for an article, they forced me to write a refutation, i’ve just told rebrova about this. i don’t know what will happen, rebrova will leave, but i’ll live here. let's get in the car and tell me.
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the car that followed you yesterday belongs to ai kalyvanov, an investigator of the rvd. respect, they are a simple opera trampler they installed a whole investigator. nothing is clear at all. and for me, everything is very clear. no, it's not clear. you and i thought that the grip wanted. take the city into his hands, intimidate someone, give someone money, and order someone, but this is not so, no, this is not so, if murin is not lying, the hvat was killed before the governor, which means he is not the orderer , someone else, well, okay, and what if murin is lying, wow, i’m offended, and this is because he didn’t talk to you, i... i keep
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replaying this in my head, murin worked for grip, right? well, he told you this, but he might not have told you? he could, of course, he could, but you and i would still have found out about it, yes, and then you would have stopped trusting him. so why? yes to the fact that people change them. and murin is no exception. you immediately believed him when he said that the grip was no longer alive. what if he's alive? an excellent way out for a person. who is on the run, yes, you can order the murder of the governor, for example, no one will think about a dead man, go and take care of novikov, i’ll run through your thought, although it’s for me i really don't like it.
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come in, you don’t have to fall apart, your apartment, no, i’m renting, i read about toranov’s gang, is that true? unfortunately yes. yes, hello, in 20 minutes at the corner of kardashev and prikhanov, i can’t now, did you hear what i said? okay, okay, i'll be there soon.
9:29 pm
it seems to you that he needs somewhere, vernikov, he wants me to work for him, i mean, let’s go, no, wait, did you agree, zhen, i ’m on my way to palekhanovka now, drop me off somewhere, yes, yes , let's. get in the car, i'll be right there, hello, are you okay, valerera died, what are you saying, he came yesterday, took the money, left again, was found at night, before the dosage i...
9:30 pm
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9:31 pm
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were the one who searched the hut’s house, well, when i was running around here, well, i wasn’t the only one, naturally, there was an investigative team there, well, that’s understandable, but you were older, yes, tell me? it was clear, yes, that the grip was going to begata, excuse me, i i thought you were on the case of governor gubanov? i ’ll tell you later why i came, you answer the question, of course, i’m sorry, how can i say it, just tell me, well, when a person is about to run away, that he grabs documents, money, a change of clothes there, while he’s looking, he throws everything away, as luck would have it, it was, no, it wasn’t, it looked like he was getting ready in a hurry, everything was in order, all the documents were in place, and even for the grant passport.
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you know, there are more than one or two such swindlers for grant passports. tell me, you had this investigator here, panicheva, whom her husband betrayed killed with a hammer, yes, i was in charge of this case, and well, yes, yes, yes, here i am, i see your name everywhere here, yes, tell me, the last visitor to this killer’s detention center was vernikov, and after him this killer in i climbed the loop, so you think it was an accident.
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hello, hello, have a seat, thank you. in the apartment where murin lived, you shot citizen titov, from the case materials it is not very clear how you ended up there, were you following murin or titol? i didn't follow anyone. well, it wasn't by chance that you ended up there? no, not by chance. murin was on interrogation i wanted to clarify some details with him, he didn’t answer the phone, so i went to him. wait, what interrogation?
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a security guard at the terrier security company went missing, and a statement was made that more killed him. listen, this is generally a separate topic, if i start talking now, i ’ll get confused myself, it’s okay, it’s okay, i’ll figure it out, you continue. come out, go there, quickly, what good thing? i thought i was hooked on you, i don’t
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understand what you’re talking about, stop, turn around, what did you say, rib, i didn’t say anything, you’re lying, i really didn’t say anything, you’re lying, to anyone else he told about me and the grip, think for yourself, why should i say anything, i need a person like you. yes, what, i’ll call, maybe i’ll kill you here, it’s just that, just think about what you’ll tell your nephew, he knows that we ’re meeting today. i played it safe,
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why are you standing there, let's go, even if you told me, rebrov, no one would believe you anyway, maybe kvyat paid you to slander me, he's running himself, huh? how do you like this arrangement? well! there is something, but i'm afraid you won't like it. you go ahead and report, and i’ll do it myself. i'll decide what i like and what i don't like. so, let me first bring up all the cases where murin appears, and then i’ll punish you, don’t you agree? what are you talking about? do you want to bury murin or prove that he cannot be trusted? aren't they the same thing? no, not just one,
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you know, you can find something like this on me, if anyone wants to bury it, just hold on. however, you are for me. do you trust it or not? well, of course we trust, so what did you compare? what did i compare? i compared normally, you know , the only difference is that i’m in a uniform, and he’s on his own, so stop burying him, look into the matter, i’ll figure it out, i’ll figure it out, by the way, i talked to novikov about kalyvanov, who spied you yesterday , and what’s very similar? that the snare was organized by vernikov, why did you draw such conclusions? kalyvanov, through novikov , tried to find an approach to his uncle, he is building a career for himself, and now he communicates with vernikov directly, although this is not allowed by his rank,
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warmer, warmer, uh-huh, at least i heard something sensible from you, uh-huh. said when you return to work to the council, i already, when the check is over, then i’ll be back, yes, yes, yes, you’ll start chatting, i’m warning you, you have a friend, a colleague, who’s not as smart as you. so before you open your mouths, think about it, okay, i understand, yes , that’s just me, just in case, i’m free, put it here, i’ll figure it out myself later, thank you
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for your help, you’re free, i said: can you go freely? i have different instructions. i wonder if this is me, like a gift? don’t you know how the mravel is doing there? bori said he had a work injury? listen, you scum. we'll talk when you get thrown out of here. ravili, i won't forgive you. the fighter.
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it’s great what happened, but nothing, normal, i mean, nothing, let’s talk, in general, olya found a clinic where they can do it. operation, well, it’s cool, yes, cool, only expensive, from 150 pieces of green and above, no damn, where are these prices, over the hill, even if we sell everything, it won’t be enough, yeah,
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okay, sour it, we’ll come up with something, yeah, come up with it, only if you don’t marry the oligarch’s daughter, by the way, but ask for something, well, she already has money, well, she has it, what do you think, will she give it? well, you have to try it, well this everything happened because of her. you can also try? yes, let's do this, i'll call you tomorrow, what was i thinking? don't you want to live in chernodulye? what happened again? no, no, no, everything is fine, well, you just don’t have to climb stairs, everything is at hand, you
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know everyone, the air is clean, i won’t go, will i get drunk there or will i die of boredom, why should we go home? yes, let's go! call me, please come in, i wish you, captain,
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you are free, yes, dim, yes, i got confused, got confused, didn’t call back, yes, yes, have a seat, we have a special investigator important from moscow, yes, i know, i know, so what? well, today she panicked me for two hours about the case, asking a lot of questions about you, that’s all it is, nothing else? well, that ’s the only reason for now, but she said that the conversation is not over yet. pal ignatich, relax, dima, everything is clean there, well, if, of course, you didn’t shake anything unnecessary, no, well done, you want a drink, yes, now i’ll give you a glass, and i’m driving, eh?
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call the captain to me, i need to sign important documents here, captain, yes, do you remember the internal service regulations well? well, well, well so, why is your uniform not in accordance with the regulations?
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hello, i wanted to ask if you need any help? zhenya, he, he’s completely beaten up there. the conclusion was written by a transfer, but he’s beaten up, he’s completely beaten up, zhenya, i’m sorry, i can’t, what’s taking you so long to call back? yes, i was busy, my neighbor was killed here, did you call our people? yours wrote that it was an overdose, but this is not
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so, they killed him, i know who did it, i understand, well, tomorrow i can find out who is in charge of this case, come on, okay, connections, come on, stars, premiere on saturday at 21: 20 on... tv. pain may be different. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin. let's do without pain. closing a loan is like a holiday; it is customary to give gifts on holidays. and tinkof gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan with tenek before the end of april, make all payments on time, and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. we approve your plans. tinkov. be brave about your expenses. syota. your money. will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, every month, you can iota. now you
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9:56 pm
i brought it, uh-huh, come in, open it, don’t worry, no one will grab you, here you’ll count the massacre. i won’t, if it’s too hot, don’t complain later, close it, keep your ticket, the train is in 2 hours, if you need a car,
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tell me, i’ll drive you, no need, i’ll call a taxi. the rich have their own quirks. hello capitals. who is rebrova elena nikolaevna, good evening, let the hosts in, yes, hello, hello, hello, hello, danila, hello, well, we found out about your trouble, we decided to show up without a summons,
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let's talk, come on in, we won't wake up your baby, but he's at his mother-in-law's, huh? okay then, do you need me? sim, do you have any questions for danilov? not yet, well, go, if you need it, we’ll call you. well, danilov, there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. let's tell you everything from the beginning. what first? how khvat wanted to squeeze out your office.
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you think it’s not worth taking the carpet, it’s a rotten topic, the entrance is a ruble, and the exit is two, and then they will change their mind, not two, three, but then five, actually decide for yourself, now where, let’s unload the acetone into the tank, come on.
10:00 pm


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