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tv   Voennaya politsiya  NTV  April 24, 2024 3:50am-4:55am MSK

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i need to cleanse myself, it’s so, you know, purely psychologically, give me the phone, i don’t know how long it will last, i’ll give you my number, if anything happens, call me in any situation, yeah, i wrote it down, thank you, but in general kostya, you’re great , mom is lucky to have you, take care of her , take care of yourself, for her, understand, right? well, let 's run, thank you, we are lucky, the potolanates are from the former military, we have 20 minutes until local operatives arrive, five is enough, no signs of a struggle were found, most likely it was suicide, but i found something interesting, you see, the tattoo is completely fresh, a skin reaction has just started, i think it was inked a couple of hours before death, at most... it’s very
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strange, a person gives himself a cool tattoo and then immediately commits suicide. i wonder if arnaud knows about this tattoo parlor? somehow one moron scored, and the rest of the idiots repeated after him. and there are many such idiots. two or three in the call, no more. i don't encourage this. i believe that a scout’s body should be clean so that the enemy does not have unnecessary questions. those who disagree go to the lip, and the greek would also get a ticket if i haven't hanged myself before. to you. it’s not a pity, you know, i don’t go to church, but i agree with them on one thing, i don’t tolerate suicides, i think that anyone who has surrendered to life is capable of any betrayal, sergeant, follow me up, uniform number one, doesn’t mean anything , just a tattoo. it would be better to have the blood type
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stamped, at least it’s useful, the blood type is on the sleeve, the baht is on the chest, okay, the greek was forced to stamp it, that it was forced, he wanted it, cool, whoever did it, i did it, and who is it for you, and he for me, that means you friends with the greek, yes guess why he hanged himself, am i a doctor or something, and we’re not friends, but it’s purely mutual assistance, if you die, help your comrade, the second rule of major arnauto and commander suvorov, okay, that’s it, sergeant, free, now... photo on memory, well, the only thing left is the everyday issue with our accommodation, everything is spartan with us, there is one barracks for everyone, the soldiers cook themselves, clean themselves, in general, everything is as before, for real, i approve, the grinding and deprivation on the front line not empty words, but there is a nuance there, a woman is with us. arnaud gives up his office to you,
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there’s a sleeping place for him, you’re not in the barracks with everyone, thank you for your concern, that’s all, what else do you want, to understand what ’s going on, you’ve been ignoring me all day because you caught me ubati, this doesn’t concern me, it concerns me, what did you come up with, you decided that i was bitching on his command, no, for this you don’t have to hold hands, oh that’s it, but let’s say you saw something with... i realized that, but you’re talking about me don't you want to ask this? ira, no need, i realized that this has nothing to do with work, so it doesn't concern me. roshchin, are you jealous? good night.
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yes, i'm listening, what happened? rosshin saw us, well, he saw us, and what nonsense? wake up and you will realize that this is not nonsense. i'm still at work. i should have told everything at once, i would n’t be in a stupid situation right now. believe me, it would be even worse, imagine what they would come up with about you. i say that i know, it sounded false, but it’s nice, well, if you want, i’ll talk to rossin, i’ll figure it out myself, i love you, but i don’t.
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oh, syoma, i don’t recommend using a smoker,
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you’ll be boiled all day, thank you for your concern, now i can be alone, why are you being rude to the elders, what happened, although i... i know, i quarreled with aliska again, i quarreled, it’s funny, she deleted me, deleted me from where , from friends, what have you done, well, tell me, show me, well, come on , come on, come on, well, she’s probably just bored with me, but no, semyon, you’re not boring, you ’re just a maniac, so what? is this, signed with someone else's name, some kind of cat in the photo? you send her photos of forest landscapes, just some kind of, you know, operation of a forest belt, damn it, of course, everyone will run away from this, and why should i show her, myself, semyon, myself only myself, and if you don’t do this, you
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are no longer my friend and not my comrade in arms, that’s it, freely, command, birthing, part of clothes number four, building on the fruit. “tell me now, i’ll bring back my youth, i’ll refuse, honestly, no, well, of course, there were a lot of sweets, but this urgent service, it’s somehow the very spoon that turns a ton of jam into pure
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tar, sorry, where did you blow yourself up?” , i’ll go and see what he lied to them again.” climb, come on, come on, come on, move, rattle, yes, a fight for dinner, a hair of obstacles for breakfast, i'm surprised that one greek has gone crazy. here to jump, press it lower, lower, i said, i went, i went, i found something, i found arnaut’s personal letters, borisov’s letters, there was no cow, there were three letters from the soldiers
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of his conscription, i read them, but they were all in milk, run , run, and... so the soldiers make one more circle, we express our gratitude to the ordinary halim, what are you up to, run, just a little more, forward, march, he has no place in the army, why is he here, then, that it is necessary, the day will come, god forbid, of course, but everyone must be ready, for what they are ready, that their own people will shoot at him, blanks, one more round, let's go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well. .. uniform number five, ready, it’s generally legal,
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show your hands, or... put this fucker out, it’s not fire that will destroy you, but panic, because panic turns off the brain, and a dead brain is a dead soldier, to the kitchen until the end study, run, khalimov, ready, ready.
4:01 am
well done, uniform number four, run, eat! arnautzhe is just completely sick, no we need to look for the reason for the greek’s suicide, you yourself saw everything with your own eyes, what we saw, ordinary training, arnaud just doesn’t want to lose face before the exercises, so he drives the fighters, chases, he burns them alive, boys, conscripts, their correspondence is controlled , they can’t even ask for help; during a combat operation behind enemy lines , no one will help them, they have to. with this thought, live or die, actually the commander is right, arnaud is not preparing noble maidens here, he
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is preparing maniacs, like our borisov, will go to trial for this, what maniacs, irina dmitrievna, what are you talking about, is it arnaut’s fault that the draft commission is sending attention to intelligence for a guy with an unstable psyche, don’t try to whitewash him, we must indicate in the rapport the possible reason for the greek’s suicide, and we will do this, ir, don’t get too excited. are you sure there weren't other reasons? i’m sure they’re waiting for him at home, there were no conflicts or hazing in the company, i asked for the personnel, listen, but this tattoo confused me, by the way, i lied to my fingers that he and the greek got tattoos from a friend friend, look, this is borisov’s tattoo, and this is the mountaineer’s and paletsky’s, i marked identical places. the greek and paletsky are filled with one hand, and with a confident hand, the hand of an artist, on the video surveillance monitor i found a drawing,
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i even took a photograph, look, mary poppins, usually soldiers dream of others, poppins, you think it was drawn by a piercer, why not, suspicious , that i didn’t point my fingers at him, okay, we’ll find him, but i don’t yet understand how this will help us get the blind man out, it’s unlikely that he came to the company to recruit... rather, on the contrary, after demobilization, borisov was looking for a place to apply his skills, so we will indicate in the rapport the truth, whatever it may be, yes, allow me, comrade major, i thought that you had already left, the problem was successfully solved, the dessert was found, i wouldn’t call it a success, we found a dead man, your teaching, of course, will now be canceled. well, why on earth? for many guys, this is not just a study, this is a graduation, no one will deprive them of this.
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the commander just called and said that the consideration of the case has been postponed. suddenly, you think it's my fault? i've been in trouble where you avoid answering because there is no answer yet. so you're not leaving. fine. i vacate the mayor's office with the eldership. well, semyon, now will you finally find out who you serve side by side with? i’m not just some anatomist, i’m a doctor, a doctor from god, why didn’t he immediately contact me? yeah, i think i'm fine. just think, i strained my back a little, well , yes, but what about daily fatigue, stiff joints, clogged muscles, and as
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a result, low efficiency, yes, what next, apathy , all-consuming depression, but from all this you can get rid of petrovich by getting one massage session, maybe you shouldn’t, you should, senya, you should, i, yes, are you afraid of me or something? you're just a lucky guy who was lucky enough to visit paradise for free. ir! “in general, why should we, like newbies, sleep in the barracks? we have personal time before we get up, we can spend it anywhere, i like this office, at least temporarily, but it’s only mine.
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i’m sick of chekovani already, misha, you haven’t seen anyone here, who? the one who threw this note to me now, don’t believe them, screaming, they killed him, i feel like a jellyfish, you’ll stand up like a cucumber, but for now, lie down, lie down, i learned it in medical school,
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sir, now you can learn everything on the internet, but shouldn’t you know? hello, kostik, kostya, i can’t hear you, hello, take the bananas out of your ears, you didn’t last long, but give your son the phone, i say, the phone, i gave it to my son, i gave it to you. you stinking pedophile,
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senya, where is mikhalchenko? get dressed, we 're talking. mish, wait, you find him, ask why i can’t get up. what do you mean you can't get up? i don't know, i can't move my legs they don't listen. are you serious? come on, pick it up. yes, i lift, i lift all the time. i can do it with my hands, but not with my legs. so don’t worry, i ’ll find mikhalchenko and bring everything. he’ll be fine, that’s what they usually say when pashkevich was paralyzed after a massage, mikhalchenko god knows where, it’s too much even for him that he broke the hay, uncle petya, uncle petya, ah...
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yes, uncle petya, he’ll die, who ? dad, damn it, kostya, quickly sharpen the screws, cotton wool, gauze, everything you have, oh, oh, they’ll hold it back, come on, come on, stop! there is something, come here, keep it here, under no circumstances let him go, we need to put him in prison, don’t let him go, kostya, under no circumstances, bents, damn it, hand here, here, like this, like this, like this, let go,
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let go, again for the call, don’t disconnect , he's going to die, don't pass out, damn, don't pass out, kostya, boy, where the hell are you going, faster, police, lie on the floor, put your hands behind your back, lie down, be quiet, call an ambulance, police, there's no time at all, he's dying, just like that, take it and let it go, yes, but at least you can scold the prisoner? i'm not kidding, why stick a knife in the neck and then save a life? but obviously well, it wasn’t mikhalchenko who did the first thing, but why? captain, we have many enemies, all means are available for them. okay, what was his purpose for going to marchuk in the first place, to buy some moonshine? pyotr petrovich is very worried about his son,
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he keeps an eye on him, the boy is living in hell, well, that’s the motive, he was worried about the boy, they came word for word, i hit your skull, yours grabbed the knife, and then he came to his senses and remembered the hippocratic oath, captain, let me interview him in front of you and you will understand that my doctor is not a murderer, let’s better wait. analysis of the fire from the knife and will present it to your doctor accusation. well, you throw innocent mountains and then you’ll live in peace? no, captain. and the one who drove the knife into marchuk is probably already looking for another neck. okay, interview him, but in my presence, so that they don’t think that i’m making jokes. bring it. tell me, but there’s nothing special to tell, i walked in,
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they immediately hit me in the head from behind, i passed out, woke up, there was a knife next to me, my hands were covered in blood and my body, mish, that’s it, hello, when you arrived, marchuk was already wounded, i don’t remember , sorry, mish, i don’t remember. was the boy there? yes, kostya was there, and when i i pulled dad out of the other world, he was helping me, and then you drove up, the guy apparently got scared, so he gave up, we didn’t see him, but i’m telling you honestly, the guy apparently heard that the car was approaching, he thought it was bandits they returned, misha, apparently he saw them, the child is an unreliable witness, wait, wait, wait, after all, this alcoholic marchuk, he is consciousness. i kept blinking my eyes. they apparently decided that he had moved his horse. so what? the blow is professional, nothing extra. they quickly chiselled the artery.
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you understand, if i wanted to kill him, i it wouldn't have poured like that. and i would have this plate of the ethmoid bone. sing, calm down. but it’s obvious that my man was framed. someone doesn't want us to complete the investigation. you have two witnesses. and the killers will do everything not to leave them alive.
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here marchuk where we all walked like this for 5 minutes faster faster. hurry up, not ours, some caucasian, stop, what are you doing here, who are you? where is it, what did you promise me, a small investigative experiment, listen, doctor, i help people just like you, don’t bother me,
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let's go, let's go, get them. did you manage to look at them from arnaud? no, these guys are older, more prepared. they're leaving, shoot at the wheels, come on, quickly, quickly, come on, let's get out of the way, yeah!
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why did you quit? i don’t know, maybe the gasoline was leaking.
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why are they shooting, we wouldn’t know where they are, which means they can’t run, timur! take care of your cartridges!
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you think they’ve gone, hidden, luring you into the swamps. separated, that one is mine!
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devil, we need to get out. still alive, still alive!
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shouter, am i dead? no no. rosshin, don't sleep, commander, again for my soul i’ve arrived, you need to come back, i’m your return ticket, i blew my return ticket, when i blew you, nothing, lost, you’ll find it, come on, everyone is already waiting for you there, no one is waiting for me, waiting for me is a thankless task, why is that? because you don’t love me, i love you, and how should i have guessed this, i can’t read minds, i
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can’t read lips, and you yourself can’t, i can, i’m worried about my girl. let's try again, commander, i knew that you would mass somewhere, commander, "quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you they released him in the morning on bail, kostya told the captain everything, a desperate guy, to be honest, very smart,
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it turns out he was at home when the big guy showed up to his father, but he didn’t wait until they got drunk and ran away, so, come on, yes, put away the flashlight, i’m fine, is it you who think i ’m fine?” swamp gas poisoning is no joke, my head doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, everyone’s alive, almost, pashkkevich’s lower back was affected, such a young guy, but can you imagine? this is what sedentary work can lead to, but thanks to manual therapy and my original performance, which works wonders, everything is already in order. pyotr petrovich, thanks to your skillful massage, semyon lay all night on the table in the smokehouse. i had to call an ambulance, he is now in the ward next door, and also, could you leave me and my comrade major alone, okay, okay, i’ll go and check on this, i’m a doctor, and before a doctor all patients
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are equal, thank god you’re alive , they were taken, no, “i want to explain, do you think magutin and i are lovers, you, irina dmitrievna, he dmitry lich, i call you baby, he is your father, when you realized this, gas whispered in the swamp." let me go, please, i behaved like a fool, so i’ll go and make sure that
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the pile-up doesn’t permanently cripple the canopy. petrovich, maybe it’s better to send it to the military medical academy, send it, what do you mean, syoma, a parcel post, or something, send it, he’ll get up and go on his own, don’t bother me, which means that i called a manual technician, a top-class specialist, i found out everything, so that ’s not for it i should be blamed, your sedentary computer lifestyle, petrovich in his repertoire from a diseased head to a healthy one, that means, the lumbar part of the spinal cord is called by doctors: the cauda equina and this tail is very vindictive, but if you pinch it, but you understand, yes, that means so, come on, come on, come on, now i'll turn you over, let's gently, gently, just like that, stretch your lower arm, up, up, up,
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up, up, don't be afraid, i know what i'm doing, you said the same thing in the dryer, quietly, that's it, come on , so, so, so, so, so, so, ready, get ready, no problem, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, here we turn over, so carefully, turn over, carefully, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, i can move my leg, you can, you can, muscles, impulses, formation, fighter , build, eh! i’ll just have to vilify a little bit, i would tell you that you’re a magician, petrovich, if it weren’t for you who started this mess, but tell me, tell me, because how to turn off all the specialists, only a real professional can turn them on, and that’s me, don’t thank me , don’t believe them, the greek was killed. i'm sure it's true, the tracks of the greek man under the tree were
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unusually deep, i did not immediately understand what this meant, and what it meant, the weight of the one who left these tracks was greater than the weight of the greek man, the weight of two, two people, do you think he was brought to forest, yes, he was killed in another place, it is possible that in the camp, another madness of arnaut, which did not go according to plan, which was recorded by cctv cameras, that is why they shot the computer, not just shot, i could not restore the disk, but found traces of formatting and sergeant oski could not to know who did it, maybe he did it himself, and they shot him to cover up, how did he end up there in the first place, well, he came to plow private khalimov, how by the way, suddenly it was khalimov who drew the girl on the monitor, then most likely he is a piercer , then the greek was beaten just before his death, this could have happened in front of khalimov, maybe it was he who planted the note, khalimov is the one that arnaut is killing, let’s check him, that according to the attacker, both with combat experience, they know the area very well how do they like you? the swamp was captured on video from cameras in the hospital there is one almost successful
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angle, a familiar face, i saw it in group photographs of demobilization in arnaut’s office, this is exactly them, i photographed all the pictures, i need a larger monitor, i can run a facial recognition program, i just need to get to the computer. let's say, in general, i wanted to apologize for this stupidity with an account under someone else's
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in a cybersecurity class, we were in the same group, we had to hack, it seems, well, by name, and what kind of game was that, i'm sorry, there were reasons for that, okay , let's go, what? you work, travel, this... i understand, but in order to travel people need to earn money somewhere, so i’m talking about this, where you work, in different places, again secrets, clearly, but where are you now in st. petersburg, yes , that is, no, not really, and where it’s not quite, i really can’t say, listen, you ’ve already got me with your secrets, you think i enjoy every word from you, like... squeezing out, you can’t say, no need, that’s it,
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forget this number, i never gave it to you at all, well, it worked out, arnald smelled something fried and wrote it out demobilization, deal with us, that’s not all, look who he served with. borisov, they were from the same draft, so it was a spoke in the wheels of our investigation, or revenge for borisov, or greetings from the blind. dad sent me photographs of those unidentified blind fighters whom we neutralized, yes, i also put them through the program, there are only four people, together with borisov it turns out to be six, so that’s something...
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that’s it, i’m freeing the apartments for the mayor of the old wall, yes, take your time, we came to talk, a lot. here i answer the students, someone needs help, someone needs practical advice, the fate of the guys is different, some are better, some are worse, and some are like borisov, which borisov? vanka borisov, you don’t know how he died, major,
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let’s not play cat and mouse, captain. nikova did not block the exit, he has a pistol under his jacket, you are also armed, do you suspect me of something? to start, we just need information about some of your students. about whom, give the last name. well, let's start with borisov. vanka borisov. this was the second year i took the company. at all called plush. his mother practically fed him a spoonful. why with your hands? do you have a potato peeler? for educational purposes. clear. do you also have a knife? there. do you have nimble fingers? do you play anything? i'm drawing. so you drew the girl on the monitor.
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it turned out great. don’t talk, commander, my lip is already waiting for me after the exercises. or is he not waiting? who knows how it will all turn out. maybe you will have a different commander? why? because arnaud is inadequate. we can stop him with your help. vladimir konstantinovich - good man. yes, yes, the third rule of major arnaut. don't complain about the commander. but you can trust me, and you know it, otherwise you wouldn’t have written the letter. i don't know what you're talking about. sorry, i have to go. yes, he got on my nerves, but he was the first to finish the issues. no, i’m lying, the first was kostya ryumin. by the way, they were friends; if vanka got into something, it was the merit of kostya ryumin. by the way, he encouraged me to get a tattoo; he himself had the same one. well, we hung around, or what? since then they
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have become fashionable. we did it together, together on the lip go. you will return home, live a little calmly, and after 10 days your husband will be discharged, and if you have somewhere to go, where will i go from my home, then he should leave, you should do this for the sake of your son, and you have kostya, a wonderful boy , i won’t hurt him, you can’t, believe me, in
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a week, in a month you will find yourself here again, and he will be left alone with this idiot, and this is not the worst thing, he can grow up the same way, no, then you have to, you must report your husband. okay, captain.
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i did a good job, my soul just rejoices, well, let's go get arnaut, khalimov didn't mean him in the note, well, it's not an argument, arnaut could...
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these are the arnaudskys, where are they going, it's okay, we'll catch up now.
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turned around, or what? sen, pick up the bird, i left it in the camp, turn it around, we won’t find them in the forest anyway, only time will come. we’ll lose, the unit knows the place for sure, comrade major, the company is on a combat mission, the deployment is top secret information, and the intelligence officer sacredly keeps military secrets, another rule of major arnaut, i know how to get him to talk.
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massage is a topic, what will we do next, how will it go? wow, you have hands, the hands of a real wizard, be quiet, listen, asshole, what have you done, i can’t get up, don’t twitch, it will get worse, you know what ascending paralysis is, first the legs are taken away. then it rises no less higher, you feel it tingling in your hands, yeah, take me to the hospital, then the face, then
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the lungs, the heart and the chest, in our country there are few specialists who can stop this, well, if you have time, of course, the camp is in the forest , 40 km from momulin, this is not enough, who killed a greek man, no one, he himself, you have a girlfriend, let me go, please, i - i don’t know anything, tell me about split, how do you know, we know everything, listen, this is not an interrogation, guy, we’re trying to save you , help us, these are fingers, the greek wanted a datukha, like ours, we had to explain to him what it means, and we stuffed him, and as they said, he boiled, refused to be an assassin, wanted to tell arnaut, fingers started him. ..
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come on, let's bring you back to life, stretch out your arms, like this, be afraid, fighter, like this, so, that's all, senya! what is a split? do you see? the bat seems to be divided into parts.
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split in english. remove the vowel and it becomes splt. for a long time. i only guessed there when i saw that oskin had the same tattoo. split, divide conquer. so this is true? yes, immediately recall khalimov, then pyatkov and prochilin. thus, they do not have a walkie-talkie with them, only a cruise, a reconnaissance and communications control kit. the fighters, having discovered the enemy camp, activate the device, report the gps coordinates and leave the facility, so as not to come under artillery fire. where is the enemy camp, we will find them ourselves. the object will be struck, approaching it is dangerous, seriously, you are firing at soldiers with live shells, burning peacoats are not enough for you, i’m telling you, everything is serious with us, with us too, the coordinates of the camp, why are you silent, halim, i’m actually with you i went into reconnaissance, which means i trust you, but i don’t hear confidence in
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your voice, and something is wrong, you tell me, it’s all right, if you have something to say, say it now, your soul will immediately feel lighter, you’ll recognize the strap, that’s how you comrade sergeant, you're wagging something, repin, i saw everything, it turns out, i didn't tell anyone, well done, that's right, a real intelligence officer doesn't wag his tongue, you know who 's wagging his tongue, he's a hanged man, but put it aside, what are you thinking, and the duelists are lousy ? tablet, run to the camp and quickly report this to major arnaut, run, eat, private, follow me, what’s the conflict, he called me repin, but i
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don’t really like repin, i’m worth a ruble more. do i like you in ruble? do you like fingers with oskin better? they are fools, but you are not, you have more character than in the city will you study? i want to draw, well that’s the same thing, but you know, you ’ve learned a lot here, and this skill can bring you very good dividends. i won’t give myself split injections if that’s what you’re asking, but that’s not necessary, why attract unnecessary attention to yourself, i’m not just talking about tattoos, i don’t want any of that anymore, i just want to draw, it’s up to you, come on, come on .
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i transmit the coordinates of the camp and the imaginary enemy to the commander’s tablet, well done!
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comrade sergeant, you are under arrest, have you gone crazy or what? guns on the ground, guns on ground, stand, hands, hands, i said, senya, let him go, dear, we are here, we are close, calm down. hands behind your head, hands behind your head, khalimov, where? it’s clear, we’ll find it ourselves, petrovich, senya,
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take him to the ronaut. let's go! your mother. yes, ensign, you have lost your knowledge, we have a small problem here, the original plan did not work, the object is leaving, what should i do with it? got it,
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pursue and transmit coordinates, yes. you asked why i don't learn portuguese anymore? it was an audio course recorded by my wife, anna. i see, why are you are you telling me about this? i don’t know, i should tell someone, but did you ask? this is probably not very healthy, we broke up, i continue to listen to the voice, so i gave up portuguese. ok.
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don’t stop, we have to save khalemov,
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he’s alive, yes, he almost got caught, there are footprints in the mud, two of them fled to the north, in general, they’ve probably already left the training ground, old man! “hello, please take me out of the forest, and you’ll get to the butter churn, and there’s a village not far away, you won’t get lost, are you a deserter or something, you couldn’t stand it for a year, i’m out with sixty-first 4 years in the navy and didn’t say a word, he was even proud, please come with me, they won’t touch me with you!” let’s go, let’s go, come on, come on, don’t be stupid, don’t be stupid, guy, come back yourself, repent, sit on lip, as much as it's supposed to, keep quiet, grandfather , keep quiet, come on, come on, go ahead,
4:51 am
well, well, come on, come on, okay, okay, go, guy, guy, that's it, sit down, sit down there, sit down, sit down quickly, khalimov, don't play the fool, let the old people go, let’s talk, do you think they’ll stop me from killing you, damn it, yeah you're an idiot! took civilians hostage, i won’t even have to kill you, no one will believe you, they’ll treat you like an animal, you won’t get out of here alive, machine gun on the ground,
4:52 am
machine gun on the ground, i said, quickly, well, alive, dead, yes, to hell with it, the main thing is that you are alive, khalimov, come out, fighter, the brochilin is dead, the skinny fingers are arrested, let me go, let me go, i’ll squeeze it, let me go, i’m hooked, dog, khalimov, you’re just a machine gun. they will throw sin
4:53 am
away, forgive me, please come out, khalimov, you think a quick bullet is faster, dear, what if i i wonder how you left alive, blind, such a failure?
4:54 am
we haven’t yet figured out how to justify it, there’s no way, there won’t be anything in the report about the blind split, it will reveal the true purpose of the department, they’ll make us extreme anyway,
4:55 am
i wonder what time it is, are you afraid that mom will swear? no, what, she hasn’t scolded me for a long time, she’ll grumble for the sake of order, or she’ll write an anonymous letter for a gentleman at her place of work, what are you talking about?


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