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tv   Utro  NTV  April 24, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we find out the details of the emergency, we are collecting kitties for a trip with the first transmission, on ntv, the emergency program in the studio. in kirov, a former paratrooper saved an eight-year-old girl. mikhail polikov drove past a five-story building and noticed a child on the ledge of the balcony. how long has she been standing there and how much longer can she hold out? we are not the questions of passers-by who noticed the little girl in red boots on the narrow cornice of the balcony while everyone was calling the emergency services. a man from the crowd realized that there was little time left. i went up to the fifth floor and knocked. no one could open the door, well
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, no one opened it, there was no one there, the same girl came out from the third floor and said that i had the keys to this apartment. the descent from the fifth floor to the fourth and the rescue operation itself took less than a minute. mikhail opened the balcony window, pushed the girl through it, and it seemed that the worst was over, the child was home again, only the apartment turned out to be someone else’s. she said i'm not in fourth place at all i live on the fifth floor. i say, how did you get down? she says mom and dad left, they divided it up. i went for a walk, that is , the girl got onto the cornice the same way as her savior, how she went down from the fifth floor to the fourth, was able to stand halfway on the cornice, and even in rubber boots, is a mystery, even if you take into account that she was eight years old the schoolgirl has been doing gymnastics for a long time, it’s still hard to believe that this is possible, the parents who arrived at the scene when the rescuers were already lowering their daughter to the ground the fire escape themselves were shocked, they promised to hold an educational conversation, but it was waiting for the adults themselves.
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law enforcement officers became interested in the incident. the investigative bodies of the investigative committee of russia for the kirov region are conducting a pre-investigation check on this fact, within the framework of which all the circumstances and reasons for what happened are established. the local administration wants to reward mikhail for his concern. he replies that he did not save for laurels. my own three-year-old daughter understands everything, but asks not to forget that this is just a matter of chance happens extremely rarely. there were bears on a bicycle, wolves on a mare, lions in cars, i can offer an excellent illustration of the lines from cockroach, a lion in a car, after 300 m, turn left.
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it turned out that the lion cub in this touching video also offended the villain, who dared? chikovsky, let me remind you, had a small cockroach that trolled the toothy predators. no zebra for you, no antelope, but even if you could sharpen a kid, you’ll die of hunger here. so, come on, i'm the breadwinner.
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cheetahs - his profile, ponakhov rented out predatory props, to whom to take a selfie, who will amuse the girl? the topic seems to be profitable; there are a lot of cute videos on social networks. the livestock breeder didn’t seem to care about the health of the toothy kittens, look at the rickets on their paws. for cruelty to the cub, ponakhov was fined 4,000. and i wonder where they disappeared to? grown animals. zeus, as this lion cub was named, was clearly lucky. the police seized the african kitty lion cub from safety. in the moscow region, zeus matured, got stronger and even called himself a girlfriend, but he has not yet gotten rid of rickets. well, you can see by the face,
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lucky zeus, i had my own zeus a few years ago. i picked up a thunderstorm on the side of the road and went out. participated in the caucasus, they took the cat with them, well, he got used to the car, but my domestic cats don’t like to ride in cars at all, well, i’m all ready, ready to go, yeah, i just need to load some coffee in the carrier, seat the cats in the cat boxes it’s not so bad, i laid out a diaper, loaded the animal, closed the door, all the fun begins, as soon as you close the front door, a hungry animal endures the road easier, unlike children, and if a cat
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feed, diarrhea or vomiting may begin, you will have to stop often, prepare for the trip in advance... a few hours before departure, limit the cat’s access to food. it is better to transport a cat in a carrier; the main thing is good ventilation and size; there should be enough space, even if the animal stretches out to its full height. like all passengers, the tabby has his own luggage. a bag with everything you need for an emergency. 100%, we take it with us, and with a reserve. wet wipes, absorbent diapers, disposable bags for... if your trip will last longer than 6 hours, then i would recommend taking a bottle of water, a bowl, some food and a harness with a leash. and don’t forget about the first aid kit: antiseptics, wound-healing powders, bandages, sterile gauze wipes, a spare collar against
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fleas, ticks or any other remedy for parasites, antihistamines and medicines for helminths, be sure to take scissors, tweezers, and if your... step, but very very nervous, calming, the simplest option is valyrian, just a couple of drops on the diaper and the animal will become calmer, the main thing is not more, because otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect, and in general there are three types of sedatives for cats: these are either drugs based on pheromones, or they are medications, tranquilizers, or antidepressants, sedatives, or this is a drug ..
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you must take with you, a mandatory complex, it is the same for all cats, that is, this is a set of viral infections, this is feline distemper, panlycopene, this is renotrochitis - this is ringworm, and mandatory vaccination against . rabies, an animal not vaccinated against rabies has no right to leave the confines of its apartment, vaccination must be carried out in advance, since after vaccination we have a quarantine of 21 days, unlike dogs, blood-sucking cats are not particularly scary, but it won’t hurt to treat them for ticks before the road . in the car you should be able to see and definitely hear your cat, you can place the carrier on the front seat and be sure to fasten it, look, the seat belt and those same ones have eyelets, it’s very convenient, since i have two cats, i’ll leave the second one in the back row, and you have an important task, to keep
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an eye on the beacon, yes, you can put it on the floor, only then with the door facing the central tunnel, but under no circumstances should you put it in... cats spend most of their lives sleeping, for them this is the norm, turn down the music, avoid sudden maneuvers so as not to disturb the cat, walks on the way are not necessary, this is not a dog, well, if you still want to warm up, choose a quiet secluded place, put an ear harness on the cat, take a leash and show your pet this amazing world. the best thing for today at 20:00 is the big premiere, the new season of the action-packed series hot spot, arseny robok is again for justice and against crime, i didn’t shoot anyone, look in today’s episodes, were you with murin, no, i wasn’t with
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murin, he came himself, get here, hold on. there is a job for you, you have a day to complete it. hot spot, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. hello. in the far east, cyclones take control of the weather. no wonder, their season has come. another day without rain on the islands in kamchatka, and tomorrow they will no longer be different from everyone else. it’s raining or snowing everywhere, just like in the north and there’s a cool breeze from there. frosts will return to the south of yakutia. then it will get colder near lake baikal. it's still warm at sea up to +20. the source of the cooling is in siberia, where the anticyclone
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clearly overdid it, released too much arctic air, so that the south went into a negative anomaly and above +10, the temperature there does not rise anywhere. but there is very little precipitation, here in the urals there are rains in ufa and a thunderstorm is not excluded and the temperature will also drop. meanwhile, european the territory, having taken a break from a series of new records, is preparing for new ones. as a coach, the southern cyclone, which, like all its brothers, is full of energy and surprises, fortunately, this time it will do without crushing precipitation, there will be a lot of heat, even too much, in the south it’s already about 25, but in thursday up to thirty above, rains only in the ozovo region, in the center they will begin tomorrow, with them new +20 will come, today rains only in places in the volga region in the chernozem region, the temperature is not at a very low start, about 15°. northwest heat you will get less, there is a very cold north nearby, where it is not higher than +5 and in some places there is snow in st. petersburg today. +6, in moscow +15 and no precipitation here and there, rain tomorrow, in moscow it’s already up to 22, in the northern capital only up to 10°.
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watch further, morning, the best, we monitor the main road with the help of a drone, we will try a poppy seed cake from sergei malozyomov, we will get acquainted with the world of show business, watch the sky, inspector. guys continue to launch drones, how to punish the violator from the air, they showed in the samara region. 100 m above the highway is the working height of the patrolman a drone, although it can rise 7 km upward, the higher it is, the more violations are visible, and there will be no more inspectors. cameras installed on the ethereal aircraft detect violations. associated with driving into oncoming traffic, violations of road markings, as
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well as road signs. one flight of the quadcopter lasts only 40 minutes, then changing the battery takes time again. drivers are not yet accustomed to such fixation. effective in total. you can't argue with the fact that dangerous language is used. everything is visible on the monitor; recordings are required. shown to drivers. so they stopped you, they made a mistake, and roughly speaking, the inspectors had a moment to stop this video, witnesses are not needed in this case, the courts willingly accept videos from authorized drones, of course, we agree that you work well, for an hour and a half inspection, about 10 reckless drivers carelessly driving towards me, i now admitted my guilt, and some, as if unscrupulous citizens, may not admit it, but a fact is a fact, it will be possible to record, very convenient technology, well, you need to use it, you saw a quadcopter on the highway and know that an inspector is waiting for you in three kilometers. you won’t be able to escape punishment; the vehicle’s license plate number has already been handed over by the crew. an unmanned aerial vehicle
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is not a means of automatically recording administrative offenses, cameras installed on it, but record the road situation and are evidence in a case of offenses. the information is transmitted along with the traffic police, which manually stops the vehicle and draws up an administrative material. a brutal man with a sign of a woman's shoe on the glass was stopped according to the same principle, violations were noticed, they turned on the online recording and took him to the inspectors, we confidently began overtaking, waiting for the overtaking sign, driving into oncoming traffic in a prohibited place will cost the violator 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 up to 6 months. for repeat offenders, the punishment is stricter; you will have to become a pedestrian for a year. with the onset of spring, traffic police quadcopters will take off in many regions of the country. it's better not to break the rules, it will be cheaper. poppy cupcake
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without flour, beat butter and honey in a bowl, separate the whites from the yolks, add the latter to the mixture with butter and honey and beat again, add poppy seeds, lemon and orange zest, mix, beat the whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, gently fold them in spoon into the dough, put the mixture in a baking dish and bake at 180° for 25 minutes. at this time, make the glaze. add powdered sugar to the egg white and beat with a mixer. pour in a little lemon juice and beat again, cool the cake, pour over the glaze and garnish with lemon zest. ready! not coincidentally, the combination of poppy seed and lemon is a pastry classic. it turns out to be a very tasty dessert. just don’t forget that there are, of course, a lot of calories in it. and we
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remind you of this in red according to our traffic light classification. it's better not to eat this often, but... on special occasions, bon appetit and health, we and catering technologist valeria ostakhova wish you. legally blonde will become a tv series. amazon is developing spins of the hit movie of the 2000s about a glamorous harvard law graduate, the leading actress will perform producer of the project. what else is known about him, how work is going on the blonde. horses 3 and how witharspoon became one of the most influential figures in hollywood, this is today's show business news. elle woods from the comedy legally blonde set the trend for pink and girl power 20 years earlier than barbie from the film greta gerwick. a girl, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, decided to enroll at
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harvard law school in order to win back the boyfriend who abandoned her, and in the end she turned out to be the best student with brilliant... lawyer's instincts. comedy, breaking stereotypes about blondes, it became a box office hit. it grossed $141 million on a budget of $18. the film received a sequel, and then became a musical on broadway. several years ago, work began on the third film. at first they promised that it would be released in 2020, then due to the pandemic, filming was postponed, and then they decided to completely rewrite the script. risuzarspoon, for whom the role of elle woods became a springboard to the top of hollywood. admitted that she really wanted to play this character after forty, to show how age affected her modern ideas, the actress is now 48, so it would be nice to hurry up with production, but work is already underway on a series based on the legally blonde, while little is known about the project, apparently it will be a spinoff, the action of which will
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take place in the world of the original films. in 2009, they already tried to do something similar, then you... the tv movie legally blonde, which was originally filmed as a pilot episode for a potential series. it was a story about cousins ​​elle woods, twins annie and easy, who prove classmates that you shouldn’t judge blondes by their clothes. reese wizards was named one of the producers of the film, but this did not help him achieve success. the ratings turned out to be extremely low and the project was closed. now, 15 years later, the gossip girl writing team has taken over. two spin-offs are being prepared, one has already been put into production, the other is still at the idea stage. the production company wizerspoon hello sunshiine is working with amazon on the spin-offs. it is still unknown whether the actress herself will appear in the series. my she opened the company 12 years ago, deciding that too few interesting women’s stories were being made in hollywood. one of her first projects
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was a wild film adaptation of a best-selling book about a woman who goes on a solo journey. to heal from mental trauma. for this role, witherspoon received her second oscar nomination. hello sunshiin has also participated in the production of popular tv series. big little lies, fires smoldering everywhere, morning show. rhys starred in all of them herself. her own helps her find interesting stories for film adaptation. book club. each month she selects and recommends a book that has a strong heroine at its center. absolutely any genres, from thriller yes... dramas, for example, in 2018 she chose a bestseller where crayfish sing a novel by biologist delly wowens, and girls in the swamps of north carolina are suspected of murdering a local playboy, and 4 years later hello sunshine released the eponymous a film that performed well at the box office. thanks to her keen production sense and enormous capacity for work,
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wizzarspon became one of the richest hollywood actresses entered the list of the 100 most influential self-mas. according to forbes. according to the publication, her fortune is estimated at $240 million. in fact, reasarspoon repeated the path of her heroine elle woods, proving to the world that a pretty blonde with a doll-like appearance is capable of becoming one of the key figures in the global film business, coping with complex tasks no worse than competitors in formal suits. this is the news of show business today. marina kazantseva was with you, see you. smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she was real. they'll find out, hmm loved, remembered, appreciated, truly. psb is
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proud of their paneer cheese, in fact there is nothing special about this cheese, we know it very well, for us it is adyghe cheese, it is prepared as simply as possible, very tasty, very gastronomic and healthy, apparently, this is why it is indians love it. today i propose to prepare fried adyghe cheese with spinach in indian style. first of all, let's prepare the spinach, first i remove the roots, then i pick off the tough stems, they are not needed, of course, the spinach needs to be thoroughly rinsed beforehand so that nothing crunches on the teeth later, now for convenience i will lightly run a knife over it and send it to the fire, pour a little into the frying pan melted
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butter. i add the spinach to the oil, while the spinach is frying, i will prepare the other ingredients that will be needed for to prepare this dish: i chop the garlic, ginger, and onion into small pieces, i transfer the onion, ginger and garlic, they will be needed soon, i transfer the fried spinach into a chopper. here i’ll put a little green hot pepper into the chopper and turn everything into a thick, homogeneous green puree, so that the spinach is better whipped, you can add a drop of water, chop the spinach, continue cooking, pour a frying pan...
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a little oil, send the spices you like here i want to use indian cumin, i add onions with garlic and ginger, fry for about 5 minutes until the onion is completely soft, when the onion has become soft, add a little water, add any greens, i took fenugreek leaves, its aroma... goes very well with the aroma of spinach, now here i add chopped spinach, add water, i stir the carcass for about 3-4 minutes, the final touch is a little salt, set aside the spinach for a while and fry the adyghe cheese, cut it into
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large pieces. what is the big advantage of adyghe cheese, it can be fried and it will not melt like regular cheese, well for example, russian cheese. i heat a small amount of oil and add the cheese to it. i fry the cheese until golden brown, while the cheese is fried, i prepare the tomatoes, i don’t do anything special with them, i just cut them, but... it will look much nicer, look how beautiful it is, very delicate, creamy aroma, the cheese is fried for flavor and its i’ll lightly sprinkle with indian cumin, now i could send the fried cheese to the spinach and warm it up there, but i prefer another serving option,
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i put the spinach in a bowl. fried cheese i put it on the spinach, the cheese is hot, tender, with a pleasant crust, elastic, i add some chopped tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, a little greenery, either parsley or cilantro will do, if you want to add something aromatic, sour, be sure to put a lemon next to it, the dish is ready , indians prefer to eat this cheese with rotti flatbreads, i serve it with regular pita bread, they are very... and if you want even more unique, but amazing dishes, be sure to go to the website kuchnia.rf, i’m sure you ’ll find it there for yourself a sea of ​​useful and interesting, and with this i say goodbye to you, my name is grigory mosin, see you, may the salt and pepper be with you. ruben
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markarian, lawyer! a question came: having been in business for 10 years, during this time the company has grown, there are many people, independent separate divisions, between people.
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created for the occasion, well, this is a working mechanism, but it still has a significant drawback, the lack of regulations, the lack of a list of arbitrators, the parties choose them themselves, the lack of enforceability of the decision and, most importantly , voluntariness, no one can be forced to be
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here is a participant in such a court. the second mechanism, similar to the third adhok court, is mediation, mediation, that is, a reconciliation procedure with the participation of an intermediary. the existing law of the tenth year was proclaimed. principles of mediation: voluntariness, confidentiality, cooperation and equality, impartiality, independence of the mediator, compliance with procedural norms, there is professional, non-professional mediation, well, in the nineteenth year novelties were added, the ability to resolve disputes arising from administrative and other public legal relations, the appointment of retired judges as mediators, which was previously unacceptable, as well as the fact that the mediation agreement reached by the parties during the mediation process was carried out... without submitting the dispute to a court or a third court; if notarized, it has the force of an executive document . the third option is internal regulations, a code, probably an effective mechanism, since it is initially mandatory for everyone in
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disciplinary proceedings, as for citizens, for example, your employees, you can create some kind of code, well, like lawyers, there is a code of professional ethics, for example, well, for this mechanism to work, you need to be a member, a member... of this very system, which regulates its activities by these internal regulations. as for legal entities, it is better to resolve disputes between them in this large, grown corporation in an arbitration court, unless, of course, you yourself, by a strong-willed decision of your boss, cannot resolve this dispute. hello, i'm oksana kozyreva, and this is a housing issue. we are today's heroes we are moving to an underground passage, and not just a simple one, but a legendary one. these can be found in rostov-nadon, where the walls are decorated
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with multi-colored mosaics; the authors of today’s project were inspired by them. the housing issue undertook to transform the nine-meter kitchen in stalinka. it is the mosaics that will separate one zone; at first we thought of making a ceiling. our interior. begins to be filled with all sorts of cool moody things, such outlandish things, this is a macrome chandelier, i generally think that every kitchen should have a wine line, absolutely true, even our gas pipes are gilded, yes, we decided to gild it, it’s time to take up the kitchen apron, construction expert yuri garbuzov is preparing for installation, yuri, we are bringing you, look, a fragment of our apron, appreciate it, it seems to me that it is very heavy , heavier than ordinary tiles. yes, well , this glue is just right for this size, yes, it is strong enough, it is also a fieldless glue, so after we mixed it, there is no cloud of dust in our already freshly renovated kitchen, yes very
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convenient, everything is ready, yes, let's yuri, drumming, oh, how flying in, and we were worried, we finish laying the slabs. their position can be adjusted within the first half hour. glue allows this. let's turn on the light. we build miniature led spots into the dining rooms. the inside of the cases shines. gold. the lamps above the work area are in the same color scheme, but overhead. in the walls on both sides of the pencil cases with appliances, sconces with faceted shades will shine. an expressive peony table grows in the center of the kitchen. the chairs came to us from saransk. above an openwork macromé lampshade hangs on the table. woven from cotton cord.
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we complement the window sashes with roman blinds with piping, they are sewn from linen. the baking dish is suitable for the oven and microwave. an intricate detail appears on the wall at the entrance. we press the dispenser for detergent into a set of kitchen utensils. we decorate the window sill. with lighting , the family set of our heroes will look great. serving will set the festive atmosphere in the kitchen. we use white plates, blue dishes, golden cutlery and red daylily.
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today we remodeled the kitchen for a family of candidates and it seems to me that we have created an environment worthy of the rich don cuisine. we assembled the interior like a mosaic from different colors, textures, even eras, vintage and hand-made objects, it’s time to meet the heroes, wow! wow, this is really really
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cool, wow, just amazing, a complete surprise, the chandelier is simply amazing, look at the sill, look at the window, look at the color, yes, wait, where is the refrigerator, you should probably look for it, elena, and you can open everything, it’s all yours, how interesting, here, wow, look, this is a microwave oven, right? forging, but what’s here? oleg? this is a dream, just look, we would never have thought of such a thing in our lives, it’s amazing, oleg, look how many shelves and cabinets we have, these are for plates, the plates here are so beautiful, my goodness, for under the pans, this is for for pots, for lids, for frying pans, such a separator, by the way, is very convenient, very convenient for molds, also for baking , i see, look at the mosaic. according to the stories, of course, i thought it would be a little different,
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this is a tile, yes mom, look what a dishwasher, god, this is a dream, even, even our children are happy, because we should all have dishes, come on, turn here, bed, look how lovely it is here, and here we can write something, i understand correctly, leave messages, is this a split or what, is this a heated floor, you have a heated floor here, yes, that is, it is possible. look at the combination of floors, absolutely awesome and all this with mosaic, how cool in general, the first thing that caught my eye was the door, i understood such a door, then that there would be something cool in this kitchen, as far as we have, yes, but it was also approximately zoned, yes, this old room, that is, here there is this sideboard, here is some kind of kitchen set, we thought that , that well , it will be deployed somewhat differently or played out somehow, well, it seems like they kept the same layout, but made a completely different room, and it seems to bring the round table closer together, it seems to me that these corners are not there. olek said correctly , you feel more comfortable, you can go there, there, here, closer
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towards each other, away from the radiator, uh-huh, yes, you are the work surface, the mosaic that we were talking about, well, as we assumed, yes, that it would be an apron, it’s wonderful, in combination with gold, well, i really liked everything, i also i liked the fact that you don’t have to go fetch water, here’s the screen, that’s it, yes, it’s really convenient, we’re now natural, so let’s take what we have as a basis and continue in the same spirit. friends, thank you very much for your participation, happy renovation, we will come to visit you, then we will film the story as you everything was done with pleasure. a... tika, we 'll break all your bones now. thank you, otherwise i didn’t know where to put them. in ancient times , the buryats had the following tradition: at the end of autumn, after slaughtering livestock, they gathered all their relatives, organized a feast for them and
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a bone-breaking competition. and now it is the official national sport of the republic of buryatia. amarmende, marmende. well, it turns out that this is the most delicious meat from the back, it turns out like an ir spinal bone, according to tradition, we should all try to clean
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this bone so as not to, well, not lose the meat so as not to it was considered among us that the person who starved the bone. naked, that person gives birth to children, beautiful ones, so you are tricking there, tricking continuously, you will have the most beautiful children, don’t worry, yes, yes, yes, can i just wait a second, i just wanted to show you, friends, how it should be and how i have here, apparently, my children will not stand out as beautiful, but... okay, well, you cleaned everything so carefully, not even fibers at all, not one was left, maybe i will hand over to you in my hands the fate of my children , you can, with pleasure, yes, yes, the champion is full
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and ready for business, ah, here are the ready-made bonfires.
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you also gave me a non-working sliver. girls beat, can we show, demonstrate? no, i don’t believe that girls beat me, carefully, please, then manicure. she didn’t even take special aim, boom, uh-huh, i didn’t even have time to shoot, what’s that hop, an instant happened, that’s it, oh my, even the girls managed it, after this i
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should at least break a sliver, oops, oops, but it worked out , smiled, it means you recognized it, you smiled, it means it’s real. they recognize, hmm, love, remember. truly appreciated. psb - bank for
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present. where is emelin? emelin? yes, emelin. emelin is the best envoy in management. i want him to investigate this case. what's the matter? what are you, a policeman? well, yes. cool. by the way, my name is imelya. i'm ready to testify. listen. how are you so lucky, and then you talk to the woman for a minute, she’s already yours, you know, and he’s cool, well done, emelya, he split such a beast, everything secretly becomes clear, oleg gaz, well, he broke off his horns, emelya, i took the pitchfork, if you're not immortal, count to three, premieres monday at 19:30 on ntv, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23: heartburn can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, but it can be stopped, one capsule of rabgeprazole,
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as simple as 1 2 3. what is missing for construction can be easily found on the avito sale, hurry up to buy construction goods with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito, take it on sale and build it. take care of your sleep. melatonin northern star. calm down, boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23:00, a pipe or radiator is leaking, a leak has damaged the roof, a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands for repairs, that's enough, save money and nerves, order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from leamax, sealant, rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface, elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of low temperatures, no high temperatures, safe
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for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call order xpro three in one from liamax black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fix pro 3 in one at a super price, 399. liamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website meeting point. today at 14:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. hello. in the far east, cyclones take control of the weather. no wonder, their season has come. another day without precipitation on the islands in kamchatka, and tomorrow they will no longer be different from everyone else everywhere. released too much arctic
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air, so the south went into a negative anomaly and above +10, the temperature there was nowhere is rising, but there is very little precipitation, there is rain in the urals, a thunderstorm is not excluded in ufa, and the temperature will also drop. meanwhile, the european territory, having taken a break from a series of new records, is preparing for new ones. as a coach, the southern cyclone, which, like all its brothers, is full of energy and surprises, fortunately, this time will do without crushing precipitation; there will be a lot of heat, even too much. it's already about 25, but on thursday it's up to thirty above, it rains only in priozovye. they will begin in the center tomorrow, and with them will come new +20. today it rains only in places in the volga region in the chernozem region, the temperature is not at a very low start, about 15°. the north-west will receive less heat, there is a very cold north nearby, where it is not higher than +5 and there is snow in places. in st. petersburg today it’s +6, in moscow +15, no precipitation here and there, rain tomorrow, in moscow it’s already
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up to 22, in the northern capital only up to 10°. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will identify the symptoms of the disease with your doctor, we will cook chicken with yulia vysotskaya, we will get acquainted with the miracle news with sergei molozyomov, we will listen to one day stories about famous people. good morning, the program your doctor is on air and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello, vera mitrafanovna, thank you very much for coming to our show. i would like to talk to you about myths about vitamins. everyone really likes words such as vitamin, immunity, laser, so if these words take
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part in treatment, then that’s it. there is a feeling that it will definitely be good, here are the vitamins, here is one of those, here are the things that, if there are vitamins there, then everything is fine, well, we know very well that vitamins are, well, probably not everything in this life, and sometimes their role - especially some vitamins can be exaggerated, these are the myths about vitamins, well, this is probably the most common myth, but let's stop first. there are 13 vitamins in total, sometimes even in advertising you can find 20 and almost 50, in reality there are only 13. the second myth that i have not been able to debunk for many years is that vitamins, their source, are fresh vegetables and fruits, as we have already said, fresh vegetables and fruits are primarily a source of vitamin c,
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green, vegetables are... phalates, that is, folic acid, and colored fruits are a source of beta-carotene, which is provitamin a, that is, it is in the body turns into a vitamin; as for other vitamins, b vitamins are found mainly in products of animal origin; all eight b vitamins are also found in meat. in significant quantities in milk, that is, in products of animal origin, as well as - in grain products, that is, bread, porridge , not vegetables and fruits at all, but enough of them are contained in bread, porridge, vitamin b, or so i’m just thinking about this now, but well, there are people who uh vegetarians, but not just vegetarians, but
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vegans, that is, which yes, this is such a big problem. it even deserves a separate discussion, well, in relation to vitamins, because they immediately disadvantage themselves because they always have a deficiency of vitamin b-12 - this is from group b, other vitamins of group b, they have a widespread deficiency vitamin d, because vitamin d - its source is fish, and sea fatty varieties, and also... here is a recent discovery - this is meat, because meat already contains such half-finished vitamin d, already in the animal’s body, it has become in hydroxyvitamin d, that is, exactly in the form that is determined in a person’s blood when the supply is assessed, and the most important thing is that this form is five times more active than the original one, for example,
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cholecalceferol, therefore depriving... excluding, or rather from the diet, these products, people immediately condemn themselves to a forced deficit, but they will be very good.
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in the corners of the mouth, yes, either there is suddenly dry skin, or the hair, like, well, you don’t like it, yes, of some kind, it is either dry or brittle, that is, if, if this is not the result of some serious illness, yes, but you can imagine this very well, yes, it could be a deficiency of simply vitamins, the most correct thing, apparently the most reliable, is to take a multivitamin, or as they say abroad,
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the need for vitamins has also developed evolutionarily, now it’s no secret that even obesity, many are overweight , that is, food is available, we eat it, but even in the diet of two to 2,500 kilocalories that a modern person eats, about 20% of the required amount of vitamins is missing, so we must supplement this . separately, thank you very much, thank you very much vera metrofanovna for a very wonderful, wonderful story, i would like to wish everyone wisdom, health and
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see you again, well, april seems to me, no, may is probably the most spring month, but april - well, that’s how we know it that spring is here, ice melted, my heart melts, in general, and you and i are preparing these wonderful chicken drumsticks, a little butter, i have suneli hops, such a wonderful spice that suits the bird just perfectly, it seems to me, now liquid honey, two teaspoons , a couple of tablespoons of vinegar, mustard, it is very tender, delicate, so i take two teaspoons, and of course we need salt, by the way, when there is mustard with salt , be careful, because mustard provides the necessary component of salt,
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a little freshly ground black pepper, i i’ll add a little chili pepper, just a little, but it’s not necessary, i just like it when there’s a little spiciness, and some other... aromatic herb, in my case it’s rosemary, but here again i have this, look how beautiful, oh so just rosemary leaves, we don’t do anything yet, we left it with our chicken at room temperature, we don’t put it in the refrigerator to marinate, why at company temperature, because in 15-20 minutes i ’ll put this drumstick in the oven . close the chicken, which has been marinated well foil, the chicken should spend a total of 25-30 minutes in the oven, but for the first 15 minutes we keep it under the foil so that it is tender and
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so juicy inside, so that the excess moisture does not evaporate, but stays and so that the chicken absorbs this moisture, then don’t forget to remove the foil after 15 minutes, then it will turn golden. wow, wow, look, cool, i myself am happy today not only with how simple it all is. at the same time, it seems to me that the recipes are really interesting, but how quickly everything turns out, you can also serve it just like that, i think it’s elegant, you can add a little fresh rosemary, so green, luxurious, yes, well, by the way, bon appetit, the shepherds in
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the caucasus mountains will now never run out of mobile phones, even if there is no socket nearby. innovators from makhachkala have created a burka covered with solar panels, by the way, made locally in dagestan. it is assumed that the shepherd will be able to herd sheep , charge his gadgets, or replenish the battery storage device; it will also allow him to light a small fire in the dark light bulb. for those who... are in the mountains for months, weeks for a long time, and he needs to be connected, so he has to look for a source of energy, we decided to try this on a burka, on the traditional clothing of a mountaineer, according to the creators, the first customers will soon receive the goods . in schools, it might be worth having dogs; when children play with them, they are more successful in correcting things.
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in britain, they created another, not the first, but interesting, device for easily growing mushrooms at home; you just need to load a removable unit into the machine with spores and select the desired biological species in the application, then it will itself maintain optimal humidity, illumination and temperature, after 7-10 days you can harvest the crop, all this will not be cheap, the planned price. more than 400 euros,
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plus about 10 euros for each block with spores, but the creators are counting on the fact that growing your own fresh food is now fashionable, there are already nine types of different edible mushrooms in the assortment, this is the news that i, sergey malozyomov, put in second place in our hit parade discoveries and inventions of this week. volcanoes may have contributed to the emergence of life on earth. scientists from. usa, they forced a mixture of simple organic molecules, nucleotides, which could well have been formed on an ancient planet, for example, from the action of lightning, to seep through volcanic glass; it turned out that long contact with the mineral leads to the spontaneous synthesis of rna, one of the molecules in which the hereditary information. scientists say that the mechanism turned out to be so effective that it was possible to observe even schoolchildren can follow his work.
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it is safe to remove ticks from the skin by freezing, suggest developers from zelenograd in moscow. they have created a kit that contains everything you need and most importantly a can of cooling spray that will prevent the tick from releasing potential pathogens into its victim. this process usually intensifies when attempting normal extraction. when you spray on a tick, it freezes and thereby dies. and at the same time he stops eating, that is, he stops, roughly speaking, drooling in your blood flow the new product, however, does not yet have permission for use on humans, so it is formally recommended for use only in animals, for example, dogs, which, by the way, suffer from ticks no less than people. these arthropods carry up to 30 diseases and not all of them are vaccinated.
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one morning on ntv, i'm sergei mayorov. hello! this season, the outstanding artist of our country, georgy burkov, could have turned 90 years old. in the soviet union he was an undisputed star, despite the fact that on the big screen, georgy ivanovich had supporting roles or even cameos. if you walk along the skoyma electrotheater. you can pass by stanislavsky, the small capital theater looks inconspicuous, but it has a great history, they worked here, 30 minutes before the start of the performance 4-48 psychosis. modern history is one of the few productions in the repertoire of the honored artist of russia, tatyana ukharova, the widow of georgy ivanovich. this
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will kill me, this, this, this will send me to stop this madness. formerly an electric theatre. stanislavsky was called moscow drama theater named after stanislavsky. the name has been changed, but the old walls still remember. actors tatyana ukharova and georgy burkov met in this theater. he and his friends allowed themselves a little, somehow it all didn’t go the way i wanted then, when i was still such a little girl, everything should be according to the rules, everything is like that, suddenly the groom falls, he almost kisses me in this, yes , well, i didn’t like it more. i didn’t like it, then at the table, when it all became somehow funny to everyone, well, i don’t know what worked for me, then i just grabbed the certificate that they gave us, so i threw it out the window and left, went to the circus to watch performances, that’s all, so that i could come to my senses a little, think about what it was,
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whether i got married right, well, then where to go, and then they told me, you married the same woman, you should go home then, i’m wondering how i’ll go now, i just ran away, very unexpectedly i called, opened the zhora and said: “oh, well, here’s mine my wife came, well, that ’s it, they somehow forgot, and at this time he, i come in, and he found this certificate, he i opened it with an iron, it is still preserved in this form. now actress tatyana ukharova spends most of her time at the dacha, growing parsley and dill, picking mushrooms and preparing material for the second book. about her dear zhora, she lives in memories, and you remember your first meeting, he was wearing glasses, he had such a wither on his head, he had some kind of funny jacket in a purple check, somehow everyone was smiling, and they began to tell me, well go, go, come, yours came to him, well, just a joke, i
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came up, he just happened to me completely unexpectedly, as if he had appeared from somewhere from another planet, he was completely different from such a muscovite, an artist. he was rather some kind of library, i don’t know who, but an accountant, some kind unknown person who didn’t speak quickly, he spoke measuredly some words, not entirely familiar to me, but very smart, then in 1964 ukharova was a young, sought-after actress with a capital residence permit and a bohemian social circle. burkov celebrated his thirty-third birthday on the day admission to the theater staff. this caused a shock among the whole group, they say they took an artist without education, and even with a ural dialect. only tatyana was happy, she really liked georgy already at the first meeting, which she immediately told her father about, so he was a bargainer, which means he was at work there, reading the newspaper, truth, exclusively, in
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this truth it was written that some kind of then there’s a maniac there, he’s so-and-so years old, 32, and he came from somewhere there, when i... he found out that i was dating a man, he’s so-and-so years old, and i then he was 18 there, and he, oh, he said that this was exactly that maniac, and in short, he did this to me with the poop rope that was hanging mine, so i jumped, hit me in the back like that, this does not happen, although for the first time in my life he hit me, but i left, i left very offended, and we did not communicate with him, my mother was not allowed to meet with me, she met with me secretly, she was not happy about the relationship that had developed, and georgy burkov’s mother, who came from perm to visit her son, my mother came , she already says, it seems like a wedding, but when she saw me on the platform, she then felt bad, simply because they loved their son so much, he came to moscow, they expected that
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he would get married, he would get married, but at least it would be some kind of artist like that, yes, come on, son. but at that time i looked, of course, i was very thin, these braids didn’t need to be braided, that’s how we met her, when she saw me, she just cried, said, zhora, no, if you’re on her you get married, dad and i won’t be able to stand it, what are you talking about, she won’t even give birth to anyone, how did you settle all this, but nevertheless mom left, took everything back with her, spoons, forks, all sorts of things, and we were left here... so alone with our problems, when we met, he lived somewhere in these, you know, on baumanskaya some collapsed, i don’t even know, some hut of some kind couldn’t be called a home when we...
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sold our homeland, with the growing popularity of burkov , how can they kick me out, i got behind the car and the number of rumors grew, most of them about the artist’s alcoholism and breakdowns. with this money you can buy 3.484 half liters, you still have 92 kopecks remain for a snack. for galya, how could he drink, look, every year he shot three films, if not more, yes, creative meetings every day, and this is nonsense, georgy burkov worked really hard, spent all the money he earned on building a dacha , he dreamed that in his old age, his whole family would gather here at the big table, he was incredibly happy when he found out that his tanya was pregnant.
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that we didn’t find out anything, just like that, we really wanted a boy, even when masha, i was pregnant masha, we called her vaneva all the time, what kind of people, such stories, i’m sergey mayorov, see you on ntv tomorrow morning, happily, the opening of the rescued exhibition took place in st. petersburg. masterpieces, russian museum taganrog. the exhibition was placed in the halls of the marble
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palace. every visitor will be able to see the works of the taganrog art museum restored after damage. then 22 works of outstanding masters, presented in the exhibition golden names of the silver age, were damaged by a missile strike. some of them were key works not only exhibitions, but also '. museum collection as a whole. the russian museum did not stand aside and offered its colleagues assistance in carrying out the restoration of priceless works. the large-scale rescue of masterpieces became possible thanks to the support of pao gazprom, a partner in restoration projects of the russian museum. we are happy that we are here today, we thank our restorers. today i want to say words of gratitude to them, this is also the pride of the russian museum, and now ideganrova too. we have become close, incredibly close, and i want, of course, to thank gazprom, our,
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our sponsor, general partner for restoration projects in the region, in the field of restoration of art objects, our, our amazing collection. specialists from the russian museum promptly went to taganrok, where in a few days they carried out a complete pre-restoration complex of conservation measures. works and prepared the damaged monuments for transportation to st. petersburg. upon the arrival of the works , restorers of the russian museum carefully examined the works and developed an individual method for restoring each of them, depending on the received damage loss. the taganrov art museum is often called the museum in pinsnes, for its intelligence and high level of museum culture. and this is no coincidence, because at the origins. one of the most
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important and significant events. as a result of the strike , three graphic works, one sculpture and 18 paintings were damaged. many works were torn apart by damaging elements. significant damage was caused to works including the terrace by konstantin korovin and the emerald scarf by viktor borisov musatov. sketch of the scenery of the yudiv copera valentina sirova, the blessing of rebekah, henri chapin, another painting by konstantin korovin on... well, i think we are about two months in total, because in the process of work some additional problems with her condition became clear, in the sky there was a late registration, which is
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an old restoration, which is about 30-40 years old, and it had to be removed, so... and how to bring the entire author’s layer, now it seems to shine with its bright layer, bright, bright colors from the cow, which this is precisely the merit of the team, and the team is not only mine fellow restorers in the department, these are also fellow restorers from different departments of our museum, because it was necessary to resolve a number of issues - to interact with other departments, this certainly... also applies to the team, my colleagues from the taganrov art museum, because they were the first to receive us or they, it was they who prepared the basis so that we could comfortably prepare paintings for sending, it is when you feel the language of your colleagues, when you and a professional speak the same language, this is of course very important. creators, sorcerers, wizards, and most importantly, true
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professionals, this is how restorers and specialists of the russian museum can be characterized. eliminated breaks in the canvases and defects in the paint layer, strengthened the soil,, if necessary, pulled damaged canvases onto new stretchers, removed abrasion stains, carried out a comprehensive restoration of the masterpieces, revealing their original appearance and the author's intention. behind this lies the very quiet, painstaking, very unnoticeable, as it seems, work of the greatest professionals, masters of their craft, and for us very important to do. this work and museum restoration in general, apparently, therefore we never limit ourselves only to restoration projects as such, but always accompany them with extensive educational programs, in which students from specialized universities, participants in one of the basic directions of the multifunctional social
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project of gazprom friends of st. petersburg, take part, and it seems this is interesting and important not only for... now it’s very nice to see them restored, the project is friends of st. petersburg allowed me to visit the restoration workshops of the russian museum, communicate with specialists, when i saw these workshops, how the work is carried out, talked with the restorers, that is, the project gave me a great opportunity to
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consolidate my impressions and my zeal plans into it. the exhibition of rescued masterpieces of the taganrok russian museum will be available to all visitors until may 13 in the marble palace, and after work they will go home to taganrok. the best for today is beyond. father of three children mowgle from the basement st. petersburg high-rise building decided to confront their mother in our studio. i couldn’t get through to her, i didn’t understand what was happening there with my children. you insist that we live in st. petersburg, and we chose another city to live, she spends money there on this guy of hers, it’s not true, it’s not true, they cry when you talk about him, the man assures that he gave all of himself to the children and that the conditions for them were not so bad, i settled in as best i could, installed the internet, i taught them programming, i he was engaged in them, the boys’ mother, according
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to him, was not interested in anything other than the organization of her personal life, dad, take us away from here, please, we are being beaten here, and i flew there, immediately took them, she said that i want to give up the children in your favor , but which one of them tells the truth, it’s the one i raised who gets a snake under his heart? this is beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv. it's a real pleasure to taste coffee. jardin colombia medelin. from selected arabica beans, which reveal their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. jarddin colombia medelin. were you with murin? no, i was not with murin. i came myself. hold on.
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appetite, daddy knives, daddy knives, only daddy will tame it, daddy, daddy, there is a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages, daddy can, if you get up more than twice... at night afalase at the first symptoms of the prostate afalase - a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible on avito premium. rabiprool is the northern star, pleasure from life without heartburn. smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she was real. recognizes, loves,
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remembers, appreciates, truly. psb - bank for present. about the weather for today. hello. tomorrow the rains will begin there, and today there will be precipitation in all other areas. there is snow in yakutia, and there is also a cold front. in yakutsk today. another +7, tomorrow -1, then it will get colder near lake baikal, until it reaches +12, khabarovsk and blagoveshchensk do not succumb to the cold machinations, they leave behind +15-20, in vladivostok no higher than +10, the air is cooled not only by rain, but also by sea wind, in siberia the anticyclone is responsible for the cooling, it saved almost everyone from precipitation, it was possible only in the very, very south, but it launched too much there is a lot of arctic air, frosts everywhere at night, and during the day above +7, the temperature does not
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rise, this is the irkutsk region, altai, tyva, in the urals, and its long-suffering south also expects rain, in some places with thunderstorms. on european territory, the next southern cyclone is playing tricks, it also goes strictly north, but takes it to the west, so we get more warm air and, most importantly, it will do without severe precipitation. in the south they are already ending, the heat is beginning, today it is about 25, tomorrow up to 30 and above. the center is approaching twenty, today it’s about 15° without precipitation, while in the north-west it is sunny and not higher than +12. noticeable warming will not be allowed there in the north, where the cold front lies, because of it the whole day will not be higher than +5 in some places with sleet. in st. petersburg today it is +6, moscow is +15, and there is no precipitation there either.
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co-25 attack aircraft eliminated militant positions in the southern donetsk direction , revealing indirectly how... our self-propelled artillery works on the front line omar magomedov. the british defense industry is being put on a war footing, with defense spending set to rise to 2.5% of gdp. we will provide ukraine with the largest ever package of british military equipment. what goals does the united kingdom pursue?


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