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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the us senate supported the allocation of new military assistance to ukraine, the resumption of arms supplies will begin in the coming days. alexey veselovsky from the usa. methods the criminal becomes. an international meeting on security issues has opened in st. petersburg, who came and what issues are on the agenda, a decision was made to build a dump on both sides, reinforced with film. in the tyumen region, flooding is spreading to new settlements. in one of the villages the water rise is one and a half meters per day. salt, flour and some flies in skolkovo began to bake an innovative bread. with what? this is such a good product
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that refutes the saying that these ingredients are incompatible. hello, at ntv news, in the studio egor kalyvanov. so, the us senate approved a bill on military aid from ukraine, israel and taiwan, as well as on the confiscation of frozen russian assets. of the nearly 100 billion dollars in military aid, more than 60 are intended for ukraine, but some of them, as before, will go into pockets. joe biden will sign the documents, as expected today; according to american analysts, this will be the last supply of weapons to ukrainians before the presidential elections in america. the white house will have to take into account the growing discontent among ordinary americans that biden is spending money on an overseas conflict.
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neglects the needs of its population. alexey vasilovsky reports from the states. the bill on foreign aid from ukraine to israel and taiwan met virtually no opposition in the senate. several republicans tried to delay the adoption of the document by proposing a number of amendments, but the upper house of congress rejected them, not to mention consider, even discuss. as a result , by a majority vote - 79 for, 18 against, the package of more than 95 billion dollars in aid previously approved by the house of representatives was adopted.
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agreed to send assistance or not, and full agreement was never reached. conservatives still believe that allocating money to ukraine is a big mistake that will cost washington dearly, but even more expensively for kiev. adding even more money to the ukrainian treasury will only prolong the conflict and lead to the loss of even more lives. no one in the white house, the pentagon or the state department cannot explain what winning this battle looks like. they couldn't say this when we sent the first tranche of aid more than 2 years ago. we must work with ukraine. to ukraine, they sound louder in the west. why does our ukrainian policy make no sense to agree on how to end this madness, the voices that pouring more and more money into the conflict will not help? yes, because we do not have the industrial capabilities to support the war in europe. we are not only seriously limited in quantity dollars that we can send to ukraine, we are limited in the number of weapons. and they talk about this not only in the usa. while the senate was discussing assistance to kiev, an article was published in the british telegraph: colonel
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richard kemp under the heading ukraine has 6 months left. the new aid may help contain the russian offensive, but it will not help ukraine seize the initiative and go on the offensive itself. one reason for this is that russia has achieved air superiority while ukrainian air defense remains inadequate. the second reason - war-weary ukraine simply does not have enough soldiers, and after 2 years of heavy fighting, the country does not want to launch mass mobilization. which she needs. the american establishment so far refuses to even listen to such a point of view. republican senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, an outspoken supporter of ukraine aid, explained why he likes the conflict. it's important to remember that we are not fighting this war. our soldiers are not participating in it. we help defend independence and also cause great damage to the army of one of the our two biggest adversaries. what 's not to like? the president. biden
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promised to sign the bill as soon as it reaches his desk on wednesday so that arms supplies to kiev begin immediately; they say that the pentagon has already transferred part of the first package of military assistance . with the gun of the dnieper stabilization group of troops , armored vehicles covered fortified positions in the ssu on the right bank of the dnieper with fire, as a result , infantry squads, ammunition depots, and enemy boats were destroyed. in the southern donetsk direction, su-25 attack aircraft with at an extremely low altitude they struck a stronghold and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews
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carried out an attack with unguided aircraft missiles at given coordinates and, releasing heat traps, returned to the departure airfield. and in donetsk... the operator of a reconnaissance drone reports, the enemy has delivered reinforcements, everything that can be shot at the enemy is flying, it seems, a fire barrage of artillery forces the enemy landing force to dismount, and the driver to look for other escape routes, the vehicle is driven into the desired square, desperate attempt to hold ground ends in complete defeat, the armored vehicles
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fly into the air, the riflemen of the anti-tank platoon distinguished themselves, a fighter with the call sign malek , originally from avdeevka, left the city with his family in the fourteenth, when punitive operations began at
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the comics shutdown, he falls like a stone, a bang is heard, the second manages to leave, the crew of the artillery the installation continues to work as if nothing was happening, former factory mine workers are no strangers to hard work, now our soldiers have prepared their self-propelled gun for shooting, fire command may arrive at any minute. omar magomedov, rabadan magomedov, ntv television company, donetsk direction of the special military operation. the ministry of defense is preparing an exhibition of captured weapons. usa, great britain, germany, france, turkey, sweden, finland and other countries, the exhibition will last a month. one of the most serious
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threats of the 21st century remains international terrorism, which is backed not only by radical groups, but also by the intelligence services of a number of countries, vladimir spoke about this in the video.
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well, to the topic of floods, to a sharp deterioration the situation is being prepared in the obatsky district of the tyumen region, an emergency evacuation has been announced in all populated areas; about 20 thousand people are to be evacuated. the water level in the ishim river rises before the eyes of the village of obatskaya, for example, in a day plus almost one and a half meters. in these shots, the water cuts off the road between two villages. and this is already a section of the tyumen-omsk federal highway. the trucks contain materials to create an embankment along the road.
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control, it was created on the basis of a car , including from this mobile unit kamaz, so it can drive even on the most washed-out roads, there is a signalman, monitoring, forecasters, information collectors, and so on and so forth, that’s why there is such a large circle of people, they are...
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the situation will worsen again in the omsk region, the second wave of flood , the ministry of emergency situations does not rule out that river levels may rise again in may, but in the meantime , aid is arriving in the affected settlements from neighboring regions and from abroad, so in orsk the day before they met a convoy of... 10 heavy trucks delivered essential items and tools to eliminate the consequences of flooding. rospotrebnadzor in the regions affected by the flood must control the supply of clean water to the population, mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with the head of the department. anna popova reported that from the first days, in addition to stationary ones , three mobile laboratories operated in problem areas, which almost doubled the research capabilities.
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and denis talolaev, denis, well, this stuffy concept is so relative, are there any exact parameters, and most importantly, how will they choose those who will be imprisoned? yes, igor, it turned out that there are no temperature standards specifically for airplane cabins, but the aviation authorities looked in other documents and found +25. rosvyaats and rostrasnadzor demanded from the airline. immediately disembark people from the plane if the cabin is stuffy, the izvestia newspaper writes about this, citing departmental letters.
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aviation authorities point out that russian air legislation does not say anything about the maximum temperature in the aircraft cabin, so it is proposed to focus on the requirements for all transport, and then written from +20 to +25. if it is impossible to maintain acceptable values, then people must be immediately dropped off at the airport terminal. at the same time, the head of the federal air transport agency. instructed carriers not to fly in areas with a hot climate on planes where air conditioning is not working at full capacity. at the end of march, at bangkok airport , an aeroflot plane was unable to fly to krasnoyarsk due to engine failure, and as reported, almost 300 passengers spent 2 hours in the cabin, where it was above 30°. as a result, by the time of disembarkation three tourists became ill; one man, who, according to his wife, suffered from arrhythmia, lost consciousness, fell into a coma, and soon died in a thai hospital. the russian one is now trading in a slight minus, yesterday the indices lost percentage points,
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obviously investors will continue selling ahead of the may holidays. dollar. the rts index is now in the black, but it can be called technical, because the ruble continues to rise in price against the dollar, and against the euro too. the american today went below the level of 93. probably exporters are selling currency, already preparing to pay taxes at the end of the month. today, the ministry of finance announced that residents of the belgorod region, whose houses were declared uninhabitable due to shelling , will be able to receive a preferential mortgage at 2% for new secondary housing buildings. also , as the ministry of finance reported, a mortgage at 2% on secondary housing will be available to quote: participants, combat veterans who took part in, assisting in the implementation of tasks in a special military operation, as well as persons carrying out their activities in certain federal authorities in social sphere, healthcare, culture and sports in the territories of the donetsk people's republic, lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye and
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kherson regions. end of quote. the ministry of finance adds that preferential mortgages on the specified conditions are possible. will be taken until april 30 of the twenty-fifth year. scientists from skolkovo decided to refute the well-known maxim that flies should be separated from food . a skolkovo resident, the biolaboratory company, began baking bread containing the larvae of the tropical fly black soldier fly. the press service reported this innovation center. it is clarified that the biological laboratory even derived the proportion. to get the best results , you only need to add something per kilogram of flour. the founder of the company, gennady ivanov, assures that the larvae of the black soldier fly contain fat rich in natural antibiotics, which helps with cuts, burns, and also pain in joints and muscles. in october last year , the government officially recognized
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black soldier fly breeding as a special type of agricultural activity. now on the website of the biolaboratory company it is indicated that from larvae. much, black soldier fly, it produces feed additives for animals, as well as protein capsules and fat for humans. the biolaboratory admits that while public opinion perceives such innovations without enthusiasm, but when people see the healing effect, they will change their minds. egor abokanomi everything, well , here we must admit that the grain, while it turns into flour, there is not 4 grams per kilogram of tropical. i see so many flies of our relatives, it turns out all kinds of insects, that in my opinion it’s not scary. thank you, denis talolaev with some business and not so good news. the basmanny court arrested deputy defense minister timur ivanov for 2 months. he is accused of conspiracy and receiving bribes on an especially large scale while carrying out contract work for the needs of the defense
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department. sergei borodin, who, according to the investigation, was also taken into custody as an accomplice, was also taken into custody. defense for almost 8 years in the area of ​​his responsibility, organizing property management, purchasing goods under state defense orders, construction and major repairs of defense department facilities, he also supervised the construction of the vostochny cosmodrome, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that vladimir putin was informed about the detention of the minister, who was informed in advance.
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the moscow city court today can extend the measure suppression, the blogger is accused of tax evasion of almost a billion rubles. investigators are asking the court to keep her under arrest for another 3 months, in fact, that’s how long she’s already been in jail. recently, blinovskaya was allowed to talk with the children, this was the first conversation with one of the relatives since then. arrest, however, the main intrigue of today’s meeting is this: the husband of the marathon queen , alexei blinovsky, claims that he went to the north military district. if so, then their four children were left at home alone. it is possible that in this way blinovsky is trying to get the couple to soften the measure of restraint and place them under house arrest. pavel kuznetsov works in court, he communicates directly with us. pavel, we only know from him that alexey blinovsky went to the front, let’s assume that this is...
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because it’s not without reason that the information is that alexey blinovsky.


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