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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 24, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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the moscow city court may today extend the preventive measure; the blogger is accused of tax evasion of almost a billion rubles. investigators are asking the court to keep her under arrest for another 3 months, in fact, that’s how long she’s already been in jail. recently, blinovskaya was allowed to talk to the children, this was the first conversation with one of the relatives since the arrest. however, the main intrigue of today's meeting is this: the husband of the queen of marathons, alexey blinovsky, claims that he went to the northern military district. if it is true.
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hope will go under house arrest, for for her now this is her main marathon of desires, but blinovskaya, i must say, at first was not even sent to a pre-trial detention center, she spent the first six months after her arrest under house arrest in her luxurious mansion, but for some reason she decided to throw a loud and noisy party for the new year the party invited many guests there, including for some reason calling witnesses in her criminal case, and balinovskaya was tightened up to do this, sent into the season. today it is known that
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the blinovskys’ property has been seized, these are multimillion-dollar accounts, this is elite real estate, expensive cars, a collection of jewelry, the investigator believes that elena blinovskaya earned all this by selling her personal growth courses, but at the same time evaded paying taxes, so she owes the state 918 million rubles, in addition, investigators. that blinovskaya could be involved in money laundering, here we are talking about several tens of millions of rubles, but the scheme is simple without cunning, elena bolinovskaya fragmented her business empire into a couple of dozen smaller companies and, using a simplified taxation scheme, thus saved almost a billion, but this is a very serious charge, here, as you know, all means are good to avoid punishment, it is possible that this is why blinovskaya’s husband announced his desire: to go
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to the zone of a special military operation, although experts, it must be said, doubt that suddenly awakened patriotic feelings of blinovsky, declares that this is almost a planned production, because in recent months too many bloggers, who had questions about law enforcement agencies , immediately put on military uniforms. organizers are dmitry makarenkov and elman poshaev. this is an amazing place, everyone went to... to one point and dmitry portnyagin, which means the witch is there too, alena polyn is helping, blinovskaya’s husband is here, and blinovskaya’s husband is well-fed, well-groomed, which means he’s like at the front, in fact, in the rear, it means that they say that what he brought there is already being sold there on avito, in short, it’s all an imitation, according to some sources, this is the husband of the scandalous marathon queen. serves together with the notorious
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scandalous lawyer elman pashayev, the same one who defended him after the fatal drunken road accident actor mikhail efremov, blinovsky is said to be engaged in assembling drones, it seems he even bought his own money for us, apparently, the investigator did not really believe in blinovsky’s patriotic feelings, because the husband of the star blogger himself, literally the day before, recorded a video message in which ... to complain that investigators allegedly demand to terminate the contract of the ministry of defense with blinovsky, well, firstly, here you can understand that blinovskaya’s star husband kept silent about the criminal case, tax evasion, but secondly, the investigation is still goes, the testimony of alexey blinovsky may be required at any time, no one notified me about the ban on signing the contract, neither the court nor the investigator, and i never intended and do not intend to use the signed contract to evade the obligation. as part of a criminal
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case, a ban on certain actions was imposed on me in the form of a ban on communicating with witnesses in a criminal case, as well as a ban on using the telephone and the internet, this ban. i have never violated what the court will do, we will find out in in the near future, but hardly anything tells me that the court is unlikely to soften the punishment, because the children, in fact, blinovsky's children are not without supervision, they are now under the temporary guardianship of their grandparents . marrat, thank you, pavel, let me remind you that pavel kuznetsov was on the air. and the director of a private school, who tried to get rid of her lover’s wife, was sent to prison by the jury of the gogarin court in moscow, this happened the second time, the first panel of assessors saw guilt only in the actions of the direct perpetrator of the crime,
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teacher vasilisa maslova had been in a relationship with a municipal deputy for a long time, when he said that he would stay with his wife, maslovo persuaded his former students to deal with... the wife of the people's representative, which the school director asked the court to do before she heard the verdict, diana will tell kovando. all the notes of the director of a private moscow school, vasilisa maslova, are written down in a school notebook in a box, there, in an even teacher’s handwriting, letter by letter, curl by curl, the text of her last word. in close in the cage with her, pale, frightened, like schoolchildren on the carpet, her former students, nikolai frolov and irina pogarchenko, a girl with excellent student syndrome. responsible, efficient at school, in pre-trial detention center. the girl is very serious, self-possessed, i would say, persistent, not a single complaint was made from her, no statements about any violation of her rights, she didn’t even ask for the transfer, of course, her relatives organized everything, did everything,
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but her behavior extreme than, more than worthy. this detective story began 4 years ago ago, when maslova and her students were detained for attempting to murder the wife of the capital’s deputy mikheil khananashvili. the children also attended maslova’s school, and therefore the people’s representative saw the headmistress quite often, too often, mainly in an informal setting, a love relationship began, this was established by the investigation, in which, in maslova’s opinion, the official wife of the deputy was unnecessary, however, this version himself khananashvili persistently denied throughout the entire process. there are always gifts that are given, well then there are decent gifts, and there are those that are controversial. there were some controversial gifts that seemed to me to not quite correspond to the nature of the relationship; a year or two ago i had the feeling that the person was trying to move from friendship to something a little more. it’s ironic that only prakhananashvili and his
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persistence said the same thing to maslovo during an interview that our reporters recorded back in the summer of 2022, when, according to the jury’s verdict , not guilty, the successful teacher was released from pre-trial detention, as it turns out. then only for a while, this it’s obvious that he wanted a relationship with me, but i didn’t need this relationship, everything turns out he says the same thing about you, it’s everyone’s business, i know the truth, your wife believes you, of course, he’s been with me for 14 years, mikhail’s wife khonanashvili, svetlana, she and maslova are even somewhat similar, outwardly they lay in wait at the house and stabbed him more than ten times in the neck and chest, but she was lucky to survive, she described in detail the portrait of the attacker, nikolai frolov was the first to be detained, as he was told on... . the survey was given the main role, monitoring the victim. pogarchenko, instructions were given to them by maslovo. for these very young children, she was an authority, and even after graduation they did not want to part with her; they worked with her as tutors at the same school, and khananashvili’s children were accompanied home from lessons; the investigators proved the guilt of all three in
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full. these are recordings of street video surveillance cameras, information about telephone connections of accomplices, according to which the routes of rolova and maslova’s approaches to the place were established. crime, as well as the fact of surveillance of the victim from the metro station falcon. the victim identified frolovov and then maslova. and even despite this, the jury initially acquitted maslova and pogarchenko. frolov was left in pre-trial detention, and the defendant was released, but not for long, the verdict was annulled and the trials began anew. during this time, maslovo managed to become a mother. this time it became obvious that there would be no second chance, which the jury had given the defendants. the director of the private school, vasily sumaslova, was sent to court. a general regime colony for 9 years, her student irina pogarchenko for 4 and a half, nikolai fralov has a strict regime - 5 years, maslova has a one-year-old child left at large, her students have lost parents and destroyed plans for a promising future, which after the time spent behind bars they will have to
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reconsider, like it or not. diana kovandov, vladimir avdeev, mikhail tikhonov and erika ovagyan. and in bashkiria, the defendants in the case were arrested. electric shock beating of teenagers in the village of iglino, this is local businessman rauf gabdulin, his son vadim and their acquaintance slom nadyrov, they will spend the next 2 months in pre-trial detention, although they asked to send them... and you would not apologize they wanted to confront the young man, he is now in serious condition in the hospital, a decent meeting, currently three defendants have been charged with hooliganism committed with the use of violence by a group of people, in addition, the seventeen-year-old son of the suv driver has been detained, who, according to investigators, is also involved in the crime committed , investigative actions are being carried out with him, upon completion of which the issue of choosing a preventive measure will be decided.
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the day before, we spoke in detail about the version of the victims, according to the seventeen-year-old egor filippov and his girlfriends, they were walking along the road from their birthday party and were subjected to an unmotivated attack. rauf gabdulin and other suspects in court today voiced their diametrically opposite version. well , a full record of their statements. you can watch it now in our telegram channel, to find it you need to type chpnttv in the messenger search engine, you can also use the qr code that you see on your screen. let me remind you that you can leave your comments under publications on the cpntv telegram channel. and then, the killer the nizhny novgorod artist was sentenced to victoria kurman, her beloved body of the girl was dealt with, he kept it on the balcony, while leading a quiet life and even accepted.
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the two components of phosphaglyph not only help restore liver cells, but also fight
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the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who happen to difficult to please the first time. opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2%, more profitable with sber prime. ace delux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a burst of flavors. try your favorite ice delux and new flavors. papa mango, only at a tasty point. closing a loan is like a holiday; it is customary to give gifts on holidays. and tinkof gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan in tinkov. until the end of april make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the rate in cash, we approve your planners, in
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we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? is it possible to stop these harmful changes? can. our body has a main computer - brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep. and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain cells. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide restores the brain; they all belong to the class of phospholipeds; there are more than 100 of them names. this is how a product was created from
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highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend your youth. 8800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy, which contains... phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy produced in japan, brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 1985. 8800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product
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brain therapy. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. today at 23:00. were you with murin? no, i was not with murin. i came myself. valva here. hold on. there is a job for you. you have a day to complete it. new season today at 20:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air , we continue our broadcast. the killer of novgorod artist victoria kurman has been sentenced. victoria was dealt with by her
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lover, he explains, the motive for the murder is very strange, he says he was afraid that the bride would find out about his infidelities, that’s what. the murderer strikes the body of the victim, he kept it in the apartment for a long time, while living quietly, even receiving guests, tamara simonova will tell you how long he received. it took investigators almost a year to verify all the evidence in the criminal case of alexander golubev. after all, a man is accused of brutally murdering his girlfriend. twenty-three-year-old artist victoria kurman, as he himself admitted. he attacked his beloved when he realized that she could find out about his numerous infidelities, the fragile girl simply could not physically resist the man, golubev strangled her with a bag belt, stretching his arms in different directions, uh-huh, a sock was running nearby, which i grabbed with one he put a sling into his mouth with his hand to get rid of wheezing, golubev managed to hide
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the murders of victoria kurman for another month, hiding her body in a plastic barrel, a few days later he dragged her onto the balcony. surprisingly, neither relatives nor friends, who in turn knew that there were disagreements in the couple, were looking for the girl all this time, then the mother suspected something was wrong and went to the police, by that time golubev had already moved in with his new passion, but the employees opened the apartment and found the same barrel on the balcony. after committing the crime, he purchased it specifically for this purpose, buried the barrel with the victim’s body on the balcony, and helped place the barrel there for a friend of the defendant. told him that the barrel contained fertilizer for his mother. it is possible that after the murder of victoria kurman it was golubev who took out more loans in her name, which the girl’s mother later found out about. a criminal case has also been opened regarding fraud. stopped for fraud, now they are in the prosecutor's office. what's next, i don't know. and in cases of fraud, i’m not even
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a victim, i’m a witness. and we still have not identified the person. but i am guilty of murder. years in a maximum security colony, the civil claim of the victims was also partially satisfied the amount of 1.5 million rubles in compensation for moral damage. victoria kurman's mother is not yet planning to appeal the verdict, although she is not very happy with the decision, wanting a more severe punishment for her daughter's killer. tamara simenova, oksana gonchurenko, nikita
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zabrodin, ntv television company. a zlatoust policeman disrupted the plans of telephone scammers and was summoned to the bank. the employees noticed that the pensioner who came to the department was behaving somehow strangely, constantly talking to someone on the phone and trying to translate for the second time. a large sum on the other hand, who the old lady talked to, whom she tried to save, how much money she managed to send to the swindlers and how much more they demanded, aleftina marchenko will tell you about all this. what kind of persistence do you have to have so that after a suspicious transfer is blocked, you personally come to the bank to try again, maria ivanovna sat down in the chair of the reception department and demanded to withdraw almost all her savings from the savings account, 397 thousand rubles, for the second time, between among other things, in a short period of time, right there, without leaving cash register, transfer different amounts to the specified addresses, your son-in-law asked you to transfer
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money, yes, son-in-law, can you show me your phone number, please, no, why, everything, it went so far, no, that’s it, i ’m responsible for everything myself, voice-over , senior police sergeant, alexander pupyshev, his partners were called by the bank's security service, having sensed something wrong in this whole story, it was painful... it looked like the actions of scammers, but the pensioner herself, wearing a fashionable knitted ticket , stood firm, following the legend of the scammers , she repeated that money is needed for the business, they say relatives asked to borrow money, and only after a long conversation she admitted that her grandson was in trouble in an accident, he faces criminal penalties, he asked for help with money, so he called, please let me talk to them, yes, hello, senior, tell me what you wanted , mistakes are on you... on the phone don’t take it from anyone yet, okay, at the other end of the line they hurried to hang up, maria
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ivanovna’s face changed, she threw up her hands and was completely confused, she said that she already had some money, 360,000 rubles had time transfer a few days earlier, the policeman decided to immediately check, and they asked grandma for something today, of course not, why, it’s grandma’s money, she already has half of her money... already sent it to someone in grandpa’s village, what to scammers, to the village grandfathers to scammers, who is this for? i don’t know, we’re also trying to find out to whom the transfers were made, well, of course , find out, of course, which villages, which grandfathers, please tell me at home, unfortunately, i don’t have much time, i’m starting to have problems now, it became clear that this is not a grandson at all, and judging by his voice , he is far from a student, but a real swindler who, taking advantage of... an elderly man , set out to extract every penny from her, intonation, although he tried to act surprised by the questions, but the game turned out to be unconvincing: eighty-two-year-old the pensioner
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was upset that she had confused the voice of her loved one, of course, they didn’t abandon the woman, pupushev brought her to the police station, where he gave her tea and helped her write a statement about fraud, let’s go grandma, there’s our official car, let’s go, well i got hit again, what do you get into, it happens? everyone, just just don’t trust anyone, don’t trust anyone anymore, as the policeman later admitted, he himself has a grandmother, so it wasn’t difficult to find an approach, but a little bit of sincere attention and kindness was required, and i felt very sorry for her, i understand that it’s better to let she will get it more than anyone else, i tried to dissuade her, saying that this doesn’t happen in life, that grandchildren never ask for money like that, especially since she is an elderly woman, she needs that kind of money, from me...
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it’s impossible to prepare because of the complete unpredictability of the animal’s behavior; it seems like the dog is humbly waiting for the elevator to arrive, calmly letting the mother and stroller out of it, and then rushing at the woman from behind. when stafford went on the attack again, that is , there are already small claws that were jumping with their claws, this is right through, now it’s just slanted, and it’s also lucky that the fangs and claws did not reach the skin, although maria, in her opinion, could easily have divided according to him, in moments of aggression the dog
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simply loses control and becomes uncontrollable, no one can calm him down, that is, calm him down, she swore, she spoke in a harsh tone, nothing, nothing at all ... works on him, he just looks at me and rushes, and the hostess ran around and said, oh, well what, well, well, come here, well, well, what to do, well, he got off the leash, no one has ever heard an apology, much less a speech about compensation from the dog’s owner angela kalistratova, the woman apparently thinks this is the behavior of her pet acceptable, because stafford allegedly attacks only the evil people, this is exactly the explanation anna heard after the dog grabbed the sleeve of her jacket, in response the girl... advised her to do more work with the dog or at least buy a muzzle for it. she took measures, maybe for several days, put a rag muzzle on this dog, but for her the rag muzzle is nothing at all, she absolutely cannot hold him,
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because he tears her, he jumps after him , and well, if he rushes like this, she won’t even be able to hold him. on kolistratova repeatedly wrote complaints, statements, attached photographs, video evidence. employees of the police department of the pervorechensky district, the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the city of vladivostok are conducting an investigation into complaints from citizens living in house number 27 on anna shchetinina street about a neighbor and her aggressive dog. after this turn of events, angela kalistratova tries not to appear in the yard behind her stafford when someone else is there. valentin lyubimov and alexey labachov, ntv television company. primorsky krai. in at the capital's airport, customs officers discovered an unusual cargo, 19 rare parrots. the birds were brought from kyrgyzstan and brought to
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moskvich and zaolog. according to the documents, there were several species of parrots in the cages, but customs officials suggested that there might also be rare specimens among the birds. the parrots were seized and submitted for examination, customs officers suspected. after checking it was confirmed. the party included four pied razelas and 15 red-fronted jumping parrots. new zealand kakariki. these species are endangered. their removal is regulated by the sits convention, and to move across the eu customs border, a special permit from rosprirodnadzor is required. all the rare birds were eventually transferred to the father frost zasad in veliky ustyug, the remaining birds were returned to the sender in kyrgyzstan. against the customer, who, as it turned out, is already a defendant in a criminal case for smuggling of especially valuable wild animals, a case of administrative offense was also opened. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. for today it is
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all. thank you for your attention. today in our program. dangerous games. germany is rehearsing a future war with russia, and the balts are threatening attacks on our cities. is nato preparing for world war iii? time to go home! ukrainian consulates in europe have stopped issuing visas to their own. citizens need the necessary documents, will kiev be able to return them to the front, give documents to both ukraine and the devil’s birthday, why did millions of germans entrust their fate to this?


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