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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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says, and this is standarton fuhrer stirlitz, what kind of stirlitz? well, he, of course, is not stirlets, he is a russian intelligence officer isaev. maxim maksimovich. so detain him, he took secret documents. yes, it’s useless, he ’ll still prove that alebi will tell him that he brought you oranges. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv broadcast, goodbye. the us senate supported the allocation of new military assistance to ukraine, the resumption of arms supplies will begin in the coming days. alexey vasilovsky from usa. the criminal's methods are becoming more sophisticated and barbaric. meeting on security issues, who came and what issues are on the agenda. a carnation to anyone
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about how our self-propelled artillery works on the front line, omar magomedov, a decision was made to build a dump on both sides, reinforced with film. in the tyumen region , flooding is spreading to new settlements; in one village the water rise is one and a half meters per day. return ticket, i realized that it works in hollywood. russia those who spent years in exile are returning home, where we have been living for almost 2 years, why and what does not suit them in the west, nahid babaev tried to find out. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the amount of compensation for flood victims can be adjusted if necessary, vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting on eliminating the consequences of the disaster. the head of state called on the authorities of the affected regions to respond to ... to prevent speculation in
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the prices of essential goods. the president stated that in terms of flood prevention systemic problems remain. he considered it necessary to discuss in the near future the state of hydraulic structures, issues of renovation, maintenance of dumps and other protection facilities. of course, a separate, extremely important issue will need to be discussed in detail.
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is preparing for a sharp deterioration in the situation, an emergency evacuation has been announced in all populated areas, about 20,000 people have to be evacuated, the water level in the ishim river is rising in front of the village of obatskoye, for example, in a day plus almost one and a half meters. in these shots, water is cutting off the road between two villages, and this is already a section of the tyumen-omsk federal highway. truckloads of materials to create embankments along the road. it is extremely necessary to protect the route, since there are detours.
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there is none in the area, a decision has been made to build a dam on both sides, reinforced with film, our length is 12.5 km, whether the dam will withstand the impact of the elements will become known in the near future, the water is forecast to approach the road today or tomorrow, and the peak of the floods in the area waiting closer by the end of the week, they are expecting high water of about one and a half meters, they probably built a dam, the water is not visible yet,
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the decline has begun, the hydrometeorological center warned about the possibility of a second wave of flood, the ministry of emergency situations does not rule out that the situation will worsen again in the omsk region, river levels may rise again in may , in the meantime... 10 heavy trucks delivered essential supplies and tools to eliminate the consequences of the flood. rospotrebnadzor in the regions affected by the flood should control the supply of clean water to the population, mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with the head departments. anna popova reported that in problem areas from the first days, in addition to stationary ones, there were also three mobile ones.
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adopted a bill on military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan, as well as on the confiscation of frozen russian assets, of almost 100 billion dollars in military assistance, more than sixty are intended for ukraine, but some of them, as before, will go into the pocket of the american military-industrial complex, some at the insistence of congressmen, they will spend on studying how the funds previously allocated to kiev were used, and ukraine will receive the remaining amount no longer free of charge, on credit. joe biden will sign the document today; according to american analysts, this will be the last supply of weapons to ukrainians before the presidential elections in america. the white house will have to take into account the growing dissatisfaction among ordinary americans that biden , while spending money on an overseas conflict, is neglecting the needs of his own population.
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alexey vasilovsky reports from the states. the bill on foreign aid from ukraine to israel and taiwan met virtually no opposition in the senate. some they tried to drag the republicans in. with you, and we say to our opponents: don't mess with us. true, this story dragged on for so long that many nato allies, not to mention kiev, began to doubt the ability of the united states to keep its word. still, for more than six months, congress could not agree to send aid or not. and complete agreement
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was never achieved. conservatives still believe that allocating money to ukraine is a big mistake that will cost washington dearly, but even more expensively for kiev. adding even more money to the ukrainian treasury will only prolong the conflict and lead to the loss of even more lives. no one in the white house, the pentagon or the state department can explain what winning this battle looks like. they couldn't say this when we sent the first tranche of aid more than 2 years ago. we must work with ukraine and russia to agree on how to end this madness. voices that pouring more and more money into the conflict will not help ukraine are becoming louder in the west. 10 days ago agayo state senator j.d. vance published an article in the new york times home page.
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and they talk about this not only in the usa. while the senate was discussing assistance to kiev, the british telegraph published an article by colonel richard kemp under the headline, ukraine has 6 months left. camp generally comes to the same conclusion as us senator wentz. new aid packages may help kiev survive the summer, but then everything will be very difficult. the new aid may help contain the russian offensive, but it will not help ukraine seize the initiative and go on the offensive itself. one of the reasons.
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it is important to remember that we are not fighting this war, our soldiers are not participating in it, we are helping to defend independence, and we are also causing great damage to the army of one of our two largest ones. opponents, what 's not to like? and maconel unexpectedly accused journalist tucker carlson of the fact that some republicans do not want to help kiev, saying that he is the reason why they began to look askance at ukraine in america. he had a huge audience and convinced many republicans that aid to ukraine was a mistake. president biden promised to sign the bill as soon as it reaches his desk on wednesday, so that arms supplies to kiev begin immediately. they say that the pentagon has already transferred part of the first package of military assistance across the ocean to germany and poland for speedy
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transportation to the combat zone. obviously they need air defense capabilities, air defense missiles, they need artillery, 155mm guns because the russians keep coming. so far the composition of the supplies has not been disclosed, but there is already evidence that washington for the first time he is going to transfer it to kyiv. germany, france, turkey, sweden, finland and other countries, the exhibition will last a month. according to
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the ministry of defense, in the etsvo zone during the day , russian forces managed to repel 16 attacks in the sssu and occupy more advantageous positions. on the outskirts of the city of chasov yar, ivanovo paratroopers stormed a large enemy stronghold. the enemy fled, leaving behind the wounded and dead. some ukrainian soldiers laid down their arms and surrendered. as for the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces, they amounted to more than a thousand military personnel per day. on donetsk on...
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ends in complete defeat, armored vehicles. a desperate attempt to hold the position takes off into the air, the riflemen of the anti-tank platoon distinguished themselves. a fighter with the call sign malek, originally from avdeevka , left the city with his family in 1414, when ukrainian punitive operations began. here, that's all. after active shooting
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, drones were spotted in the sky, they say they haven’t flown so deep yet, perhaps we are waiting out the attack in an abandoned building. the air command came, two drones were spotted in the sky, one was a reconnaissance, the other was a kamikaze, it is not clear, whether it was ours or someone else’s, they asked us to hide indoors just in case. will wait. a frequency suppression device is turned on throughout the entire area. powerful equipment is turned off for the sake of electronic warfare.
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he is sure that foreign shareholders are preventing alfabank from working. the ministry of finance has launched a procedure for the forced relocation of alfabank, the largest domestic private bank and the alfastrakhovaya company. as a result, they can change their cypriot registration to russian. and formally it looks like this. today the ministry of finance announced. he submitted an application to arbitration court of the moscow region to suspend the corporate rights of two cypriot companies: abh financial limited and alfastrakhovaya holdings limited. accordingly, they are included in the according to the ministry of finance, under the conditions of anti-russian sanctions, these cypriot structures commit actions or inaction, which ultimately equally impedes the activities of alpha bank and alpha insurance. the ministry of finance's message does not provide specific examples of obstruction. in march last year it became known that alfabank was planning a change controlling shareholders. the bank's founders
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, mikhail fridman and pyotr avin, as reported, may sell their stakes in luxembourg-based abc holdings. at the beginning of march this year , the government included the structures that own alpha bank and alpha insurance in the list of so- called economically significant organizations. the government said that shareholders of such organizations, with the help of appeals to the court, would be able to transfer to russia shares of companies owned by foreign shareholders. the russian stock market is trading today at a small minus. yesterday the indices lost about a percentage point. everyone, obviously, before the may holidays, investors will continue to sell off, the rts dollar index is in the plus today, but the plus can be called purely technical, because the ruble continues to rise in price against the dollar, and against the euro, by the way, too, by the way, the american today is already less than 93, probably exporters they are now selling foreign currency because they are preparing to pay taxes. the government approved
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the sale of the russian business of hugo boss to stockman. kommersant newspaper. it with taking into account the fact that the russian authorities require foreigners leaving russia to sell their assets at a discount of at least 50% of the market value. she stopped online sales and the operation of her stores in russia back in march of twenty-two. at that time , the german company had 19 stores here, but wholesale supplies to russia, as the businessman notes. the company, according to its own estimates, has 26 stores in the country; previously, yakov panchenko had already bought the business of the online retailer lamoda from the international holding global fashion group. egor is all about economics. yes, thank you, denis. viewers of ntv in the capital are still waiting for the release today in moscow. and we will continue broadcasting
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for other regions of central russia. the idf carried out further strikes on areas of the gaza strip, from which missiles were launched towards israel the day before; according to the military department, all of them were intercepted; in response , israeli fighters were scrambled into the air and launched strikes at the places from which they were launched, and also for a number of other purposes. israel's actions once again once criticized by the president of turkey. erdogan said that the israeli prime minister, whom he has compared to hitler not for the first time, will not be able to leave. from punishment, we will continue to reveal the truth and talk about the murders of israel and the hitler of our time, netanyahu and his accomplices will not be able to escape responsibility,” erdogan said. the turkish president called israel's actions in the gas sector genocide. one of the most serious threats of the 21st century remains international terrorism, which is backed not only by
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radical groups, but also by a number of intelligence services countries vladimir putin spoke about this in a video message to the participants of the twelfth.
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where you can get acquainted with the capabilities of our national cybersecurity platform, a separate section of the exhibition is dedicated to the ammunition that the west supplies to kiev. the scale of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by kiev clearly demonstrates how dangerous is the ideology of nazism, which the collective west has purposefully cultivated in ukraine over the past few years.
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about 400 participants attended the event from more than 20 countries, the main goal is to develop joint measures to combat corruption, the use of cryptocurrency for criminal purposes and drug trafficking. difficult. in the current conditions, it is necessary to expand our capabilities for a proactive response to such threats, to concentrate common efforts on the development of modern tools, the analysis of cryptocurrency transactions, increasing the transparency of financial flows, straightening out legal regulation and strengthening international information exchange. nikolaevich, the forum will last until april 26; a meeting of the heads of the mit is planned on the topic in june. which gives a lot of effort. school physical education lessons, fresh air walks in kindergartens, when you can open the windows in
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an apartment in the city of sovetsk, kaliningrad region, all this depends on the direction of the wind. the garbage dump nearby dictates its terms. in sovetsk , the prosecutor’s office, rosprirodnadzor, scientists, and even the company operator of the landfill express full readiness to solve the stinking problem. to cooperation. after all, shutting it down is not a solution; after all, the garbage needs to go somewhere. alexey chabataryov looked into whether the soviet experience would be useful to other russian cities in the matter of proper storage of waste disposal. the soviet school stadium of lyceum number 10 is empty. despite the good weather, physical education teachers consider taking children outside not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. there’s just a foul smell, you go out into the street, well, there are a lot of children, some with allergies, some with asthma, and so on. in the garden nearby, teachers ventilate in groups only when the children are in other rooms, only at a time when there is no unpleasant smell outside, at this moment you can already close the window,
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because well, you can feel it a little, they began to choose a place for placing a solid waste landfill in this area more than 10 years ago, this territory belongs to the neman urban district, to its district center it is 11 km from here, while to sovetsk, and this is another municipality, only 2 km, the nearest streets of the city are in direct visibility, until last year, garbage was transported to the site only from the very city ​​and small neighboring municipalities, in 2023, after the closure of two of the four regional landfills , waste began to flow into borsukovka from the west of the region, and there kaliningrad, with a population of half a million, is all resort towns, at 5:00 in the morning it is impossible to open the window, instead of letting in fresh air, there the stench is incredible, the environmental prosecutor's office conducted an inspection, which attracted attention.
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specialists from the kaliningrad state technical university, commissioned by a regional waste operator, developed a kind of deodorant for the badger, the chemical composition specifically neutralizes
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the biological sources of stinks, promotes the death of the bacteria themselves, uh-huh, that produce this at the same time chemically neutralizes this gray hydrogen that is released. the arbitration in kaliningrad, rosprirodnadzor, appealed there with a demand to close the landfill, the department insists that the reserve in badsukovka has already been exhausted. however , while the arbitration process is in full swing, the governor of the kaliningrad region gave the waste management system a kind of the stress test ordered a two-week stop to accepting waste from the west of the region in order to understand whether the badger is exactly the source of the stench. the leadership of the unified waste management system is recognized, and it is possible to hold out in this regime for 14 days, but if the landfills... before it will not be possible to operate to the maximum or they will be closed altogether by a court decision, the entire region will suffocate from garbage. alekseevich bataryov, dmitry sitnikov, ntv, kaliningrad region.
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loud gender reveal and international scandal at the city zoo osaka. the male hippopotamus unexpectedly turned out to be a female. hippopotamus, originally from mexico, japanese ambush bought it about 7 years ago, in customs documents in certificates from the seller. hippopotamus was listed as a boy. he never looked rude, he has a smart face, i always thought he was cute. the health certificate was written in spanish.
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i realized that the people working in hollywood are just bastards. russians who spent years in exile are returning home. we’ve been living where we’ve been for almost 2 years now. makhit babaev tried to find out why and what does not suit them in the west. and red dust from the sahara desert, flying across the sea, covered the greek cities. about all this and, of course, the weather forecast in our latitudes, after the advertisement. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin, we can do without pain. dream job in the office or at home. opportunities for career growth and a secure future. your place is already waiting for you among thousands of vacancies. join the team of one of the best employers in russia,
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tenki. open a deposit on i consider it one of the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom. expanded social gasification program. now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant facilities and educational medical institutions. falmykelin.
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the early treatment of prostate adenoma. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. today at 23:00. we will continue on the air. in russia, on the eve of victory day , the traditional st. george's ribbon campaign started. symbol of memory and gratitude volunteers, young army soldiers and participants in patriotic and social movements will hand out gifts to the winners of the great patriotic war on city streets. in russian regions , the action begins with ceremonial events, and veterans also take part in them. so in voronezh, front-line tanker nikolai nikolaevich borisov became the guest of honor. he turned 99 years old. he said that often. they ask young people about their grandparents, who, like him, went through the great patriotic war, i don’t remember, many remember, but some don’t remember, we need to restore this is a matter because this is an eternal cause, 99 years old,
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the action is being held for the twentieth time, it has become an integral part of the celebration of victory day, millions of people in russia and abroad join it every year, for example, this year ribbons will be distributed. in thirty-five countries there are points where you can get a symbol of victory even beyond the arctic circle. new countries will join the international educational campaign dictation of victory this year, the participants will write it next friday, and today in moscow they discussed preparations. opening press conference, chairman of the russian historical society nikola sergei naryshkin noted the special significance that the victory dictation is acquiring now, when western states are trying to change history, including reducing the merits of the soviet peoples in the fight against... from the historical
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linguistic and cultural unity of the ancient russian state , to the decisive role of the red army, the soviet union, in the victory over hitler's germany. the campaign will traditionally start at the victory museum in moscow. register and select the nearest location you can conduct a dictation on the project website; online participation is also provided. this year 's topics will be the liberation of crimea and sevastopol, the beginning of operation bagration and the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad. problems with medicine, education for children, lack of the right to one’s opinion, cult of non-traditional values. we encountered this. those who once left the country to the west, these are the reasons they explain their decision to return, those who left russia not so long ago and those who emigrated back in the nineties are returning, sometimes these are entire families, how their
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destinies turned out in europe and america, what they say about the russia they returned to, a special report by nahid babaev about this. my name is sergey, i lived in america for 8 years and 3 weeks ago i returned to russia forever. sergei is a professional photographer, since childhood he dreamed of moving to hollywood, well , because i grew up watching all these films, for me the only option for life, when i first came to new york, i knew where to go, that is, i could even map don't watch it, i'm so into movies and games i imagined what new york was, that i just , yeah, there, there, there, that’s it, i knew all this, i saw myself in america, well, that i just had to live there, the dream came true in 2016, new york , los angeles, miami, oscar, grammy, matgala, everything is like in the song, lived in manhattan with the stars. like who you have to become, you can’t remain yourself if you want to become someone else, and i realized that the people working in hollywood are just bastards, there was such convenience and artificiality in everything, and
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sergei decided to return, like that cucumbers - this is a real rarity, that is, real small purple cucumbers are almost, well , impossible to find in large stores, the passion for photography has not gone away, the landmarks have changed, instead of the oscar. after 22 years of living in europe, in germany and france, we decided to move to russia, where we have been living for almost 2 years now, the children studied in different schools, in france, in germany and everywhere the prospects were too rosy, i observe this from year after year. for 3 years in a row
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the kids had lgbt day at school, the next year lgbt week, and the year after lgbt month. but this there were only part of the problems. the most difficult thing was that it was impossible to have an opinion that differed from the generally accepted one. you must remake your consciousness, shout glory to ukraine, then all the red carpets will be rolled out for you, or you will hope in this kind of underground in an eternally driven state. that you will not be officially harassed. hildebrand scientists in russia, they quickly found interesting and well-paid work. nowadays, a lot of requests are related to the need to become less dependent on foreign components, be they physical or software. and for this we need our own developments. medicine in russia was a pleasant surprise; in france there were problems with it. some kind of tragedy, while i found a new doctor, i called millions
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of pensions, it was some kind of disaster, to find a new doctor, it was, it was just offices, they say the same thing everywhere, we don’t take new patients, the opportunity is immediate the attending physician, my usual one, simply went to see a doctor, rather than wait in line for several months, and joe was delighted. we are a family, we lived in the usa. svetlana and joe met in 2013 at a church in san antonio, got married and settled in the united states. having already lived there for 3 years, i realized that i love russia very much, i really miss our people, our culture. i just started to miss russia very much, although we came over these 9 years, we came almost every 2 years, in the summer for a month, a month and a half. played its negative role. medical care systems in the usa, say, a family was advised
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to treat covid with water, but it was impossible to sign up for a cat, and this despite insurance in $1,500, but this is not the only, and not the main reason, the couple has five children. we also have older children, they should have already been studying at university by that time, and it is very expensive to pay such a large sum for three children so that they can all study. surprisingly, the idea of ​​moving to russia was first expressed out loud not by svetlana, but by joe. coming here, i realized how good it is here, especially in moscow. i've been to many cities in russia, but moscow is something. i lived in new york and i know what american is big city, the streets are unsafe, dirty everywhere. moscow is much, much cleaner and safer. children study, older ones at universities, younger ones at school. svetlana got a job. joe is learning russian and has a video blog where he talks about life in russia. it was very important for me that my children knew russian culture.
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the sahara turned city streets into a semblance of mars, apparently reduced to a few meters. due to unscheduled conditions , the airport in libyan benghazi was closed, and residents were given an unscheduled weekend until it improves. weather. the wind carried african dust even across the mediterranean sea. a red-orange haze has shrouded several regions of greece. according to meteorologists, this is the strongest sandstorm in the last 5 years. should the european part of russia count on the promised increase? we’ll find out the temperature from irina polyakova, irina, yes, it’s definitely there, it’s already
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getting warmer, and in general , a new portion of warm records, even hot ones, are planned on the russian plain, and this is after today’s night frosts in the west of the middle zone, from smolenskaya and tverskaya regions to the vladimir and moscow regions, while tomorrow in the south it will be eight degrees warmer than expected at the end of april, and the day after tomorrow almost such an anomaly will come to the capital region, what a surge, thirty-degree heat of course will not be enough, this is generally from... still a distant fantasy in the moscow region, the chances of an april record are 50x50, and to the south, the tula region, for example, will certainly join the leaders of the record race, but the north-west has no chance of this. but completely according to the residual principle: pskova plus 12, petrozavodsk +7 rainy weather in vologda with rain and +12. in the center of the chernozem region there will also be rain, and if in yaroslavl and vladimir +15-18 in the south of chernodim up to 26. in
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the volga region there is no precipitation, but the temperature is more modest, the south, without any modesty, is really hot, tomorrow a maximum of 30-35, it’s cooler in crimea and... and there is a very strong wind there, it and the heat are triggers for increasing the level of fire danger to the highest fifth class, and the capital. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be light rain and up to +8°, ​​in moscow it will warm up to 20-22. there will also be some rain, still gusty winds, on friday -20-22 and a thunderstorm, very summer-like. weather forecast from irina palyakova, well, these are the main news for this hour, thank you for being with us and see you. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country.
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